Editor: Kevin Cheng Tel: (852) 2277 6626 Email: foreignstock@phillip.com.hk THAILAND EQUITY RESEARCH Ichitan Group Earnings downgrade on delayed launches of Bailey in Thailand and greentea drink in Indonesia THAILAND | SET | FOOD | TRADE FLASH 01 April 2015 BLOOMBERG ICHI TB l REUTERS ICHI.BK FY14 net profit sees notable growth despite sluggish sales An economy of scale and lower expense played an important role driving the bottom line in 2014, while economic sluggishness, which had damped consumer spending, take a bite out of the company’s top line. Neutral (Maintain) Closing Price(Bt) Target Price(Bt) 21.10 22.30 (+5.69%) COMPANY DATA O/S Shares (mn) : 1,300 In the same period, sales fell 4.7% to Bt6,179mn but net profit jumped as much as 22.1% Bt1,078.80mn. Three major contributors to the notable growth were: 1. Stronger profitability: ICHI increased two production lines for greentea beverage, adding 400mn bottles to a total of 1,000mn bottles per year. The increased production led to an economy of scale, meaning lower production cost and stronger profit as evidenced by wider gross margin, rising to 34.2% vs. the prior-year 31.8%. 2. Decreased marketing expense: ICHI scaled down its marketing campaigns in the midst of weak spending but the greentea producer set a Bt121.5mn asset impairment allowance for the right to use trademark of Bailey. As a result, selling expense decreased by only 16.9% to Bt774.20mn. 3. Lower financial cost: With the proceeds from IPO, ICHI paid down its debt and that pushed financial cost down by 38.5%. Market Cap. (Btmn) : ICHI announced to pay an annual dividend of Bt1 for FY14 performance. The company already paid a Bt0.50 dividend for the first half and it will pay the remaining Bt0.50 for the second half performance. The stock will trade ex-dividend on 7 May and payment on 25 May. PRICE VS SET INDEX 27,430 Market Cap. (USDmn) : 843 52-WK Hi/Lo (Bt) : 29.75/13 3M Average Daily T/O (mn) : Par Value (Bt) : 5.71 1.00 MAJOR SHAREHOLDERS (%) 13 March 2015 1. Tan Passakornnatee 13.9 2. Eng Passakornnatee 3. Supaporn Charoensopa 9.2 6.2 PRICE PERFORMANCE (%) ABS REL TO SET INDEX 1MTH 3MTH 1YR -9% -4% 6% 5% na na 40 30 20 10 FY15 outlook downgraded on delayed launches of Bailey in Thailand and greentea drink in Indonesia We cut our FY15 net profit forecast to Bt1,174mn to reflect the delayed launches of Bailey (from 4QFY14 to late 1QFY15) in Thailand and greentea drink (from early year to July) in Indonesia. ICHI has lowered its sales target for Bailey to Bt600mn while the company expects its Indonesian unit to face operating loss in the first three years of operation in light of high operating cost. In the circumstances, greentea sales appear to be the major contributor to the top-line growth. According to guidance, ICHI has planned to export greentea drink to Indonesia for the first operating year and would have OEM for a certain number later on. ICHI plans to build a manufacturing plant if Indonesian market will be able to move the needle in sales. Despite the downgrade, we see a moderate growth of 8.9% but the pace of increase would be lower compared to that of a year ago. Three reasons behind the moderate growth are (1) lower OEM ratio—OEM production would decline further to 2% of total output after it dropped to 9% in 2014; (2) higher marketing expense—ICHI recently launched the Episode 4 of the bottle-cap contest that will award Mercedes Benz to the 50 lucky winners in order to stimulate sales during the peak-demand in the summer season; and (3) a potential increase in financial cost of 24.8%—ICHI tapped financial institutions for one more production line, which is scheduled to begin production in April. 0 Mar-12 Mar-13 Mar-14 ICHI TB EQUITY SETI (rebased) Source: Bloomberg, PSR KEY FINANCIALS FYE Dec FY13 FY14 FY15E FY16E 6,484 6,179 7,412 8,547 Net Profit(Btmn) 884 1,079 1,174 1,424 EPS (Bt) 0.88 0.83 0.90 1.10 P/E (X) 23.9 25.4 23.4 19.3 BVPS (Bt) 1.97 4.77 4.94 5.54 P/B (X) 10.7 4.4 4.3 3.8 DPS (Bt) 0.50 1.00 0.45 0.55 Sales(Btmn) Dividend Yield (%) ROE (%) Debt/Equity (X) 2.4 4.7 2.1 2.6 58.10 2.32 26.43 0.45 18.61 0.50 20.91 0.42 Source: Company, PSR Est. **Multiples and yields are based on latest closing price VALUATION METHOD P/E'15(24.7X) Vichuda Siriployprakray ‘NEUTRAL’ rating with FY15 price target of Bt22.30 With earnings downgrade and its forward P/E of 24.7x, based on the 3-year historical P/E in the beverage producers (OISHI, TIPCO, MALEE, CBG, and SAPPE), our price target arrives at Bt22.30. At current share price, we rate ICHI a ‘NEUTRAL’ stance. Page | 1 | PHILLIP SECURITIES (THAILAND) MCI (P) 019/11/2014 Ref. No.: TH2015_0104 Mar-15 Securities Investment Analyst # 55956 Tel: 66 2 635 1700 # 525 ICHITAN GROUP TRADE FLASH Industry Group Name Agro & Food Industry[AGRO] Consumer Products[CONSUMP] Financials [FINCIAL] Industrials [INDUS] Property & Construction[PROPCON] Resources [RESOURC] Services [SERVICE] Technology [TECH] Sector Name Agribusiness Food & Beverage Fashion Home & Office Products Personal Products & Pharmaceuticals Banking Finance & Securities Insurance Automotive Industrial Materials & Machinery Packaging Paper & Printing Materials Petrochemicals & Chemicals Steel Construction Materials Construction Services Property Development Property Fund & REITs Energy & Utilities Mining Commerce Media & Publishing Health Care Services Tourism & Leisure Professional Services Transportation & Logistics Electronic Components Information & Communication Technology Sector Index AGRI FOOD FASHION HOME PERSON BANK FIN INSUR AUTO IMM PKG PAPER PETRO STEEL CONMAT CONS PROP PF&REIT ENERG MINE COMM MEDIA HELTH TOURISM PROF TRANS ETRON ICT PSR Rating System Capital Gain > +10% 0% to + 10% < 0% Recommendation Buy Neutral Sell Remarks We do not base our recommendations entirely on the above quantitative return bands. We consider qualitative factors like (but not limited to) a stock's risk reward profile, market sentiment, recent rate of share price appreciation, presence or absence of stock price catalysts, and speculative undertones surrounding the stock, before making our final recommendation Page | 2 | PHILLIP SECURITIES (THAILAND) 5641029Hong Kong Representatives Contact Information Research Louis Wong Director (852) 22776892 louiswong@phillip.com.hk Kay Ng Research Analyst Software (852) 22776751 kayng@phillip.com.hk Zhang Jing Research Analyst Transportation and Automobiles (86) 21 51699400-103 zhangjing@phillip.com.cn Chen Xingyu Director, Research Department, Shanghai Mainland Financial (86) 21 51699400-105 chenxingyu@phillip.com.cn Fan Guohe Research Analyst TMT (86) 21 51699400-110 fanguohe@phillip.com.cn Chen Geng Research Analyst Mainland Property (86) 21 51699400-107 chengeng@phillip.com.cn Sales Aric Au Manager, Corporate & Institutional Sales (852) 22776783 corporatesales@phillip.com.hk Matthew Wong Manager, International Sales (852) 22776678 foreignstock@phillip.com.hk Yoshikazu Shikita Manager, International Sales (Japan Team) (852) 22776624 yshikita@phillip.com.hk PHILLIP RESEARCH STOCK SELECTION SYSTEMS Total Return >+20% +5% to +20% -5% to +5% -5% to -20% <-20% Recommendation Buy Accumulate Neutral Reduce Sell Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Remarks >20% upside from the current price +5% to +20%upside from the current price Trade within ± 5% from the current price -5% to -20% downside from the current price >20%downside from the current price We do not base our recommendations entirely on the above quantitative return bands. We consider qualitative factors like (but not limited to) a stock's risk reward profile, market sentiment, recent rate of share price appreciation, presence or absence of stock price catalysts, and speculative undertones surrounding the stock, before making our final recommendation GENERAL DISCLAIMER This publication is distributed in Hong Kong by Phillip Securities (Hong Kong) Limited (“PSHK”), which is licensed in Hong Kong by the Securities and Futures Commission for regulated activities, including Type 4 regulated activity (advising on securities). This publication was originally prepared by analysts from our overseas affiliates. The information contained herein is based on sources that PSHK and its affiliates believe to be accurate and any analysis, forecasts, projections, expectations and opinions contained in this publication are based on such information and are expressions of belief only. 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