RESEARCH PRIMARY SCHOOL 1570 Main Road Research 3095 Tel 9437 1917 Fax 9437 1058 SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Tuesday 5 May 2015 Friday 8 May Tuesday 12 May Wednesday 13 May Thursday 21 May Tuesday 2 June Friday 5 June Wednesday 29 July Wednesday 9 September Newsletter No. 13 Interschool Sport RPS vs Eltham East, away game 7pm Parent Cyber Bully Information night, BER building Wild Action Incursion – Preps and Grade 1s RPS Open Day School Photos Curriculum Day Hooptime Grades 5 & 6 at Maroondah Hooptime Grades 3 & 4 at Maroondah EDUCATION WEEK OPEN DAY Parents, Friends and Grandparents are invited to our Open Day, celebrating Education Week. Our Open Day, as well as tours for new parents, will take place on the afternoon of Thursday 21st May then join us for a cuppa at 3pm in the gym (thank you to our Parents Group) FABULOUS FETE What a great day we had last Saturday for our school fete in our 126th year. The weather turned out to be a lovely autumnal Melbourne day, the new layout worked well, and our school families, teachers, neighbours and many ex students and their families came along to support us on what was a marvellous day. Our hard working, creative and determined fete committee are to be wonderfully commended and thanked profusely for the fabulous job they did. Our fete coordinators Michelle Walker, Carolyn Sternberg & Elizabeth Shewan did a great job and were well supported by our fantastic stall coordinators and our hard working volunteers, many of whom also put in long hours on their stall on the day and before the fete. Thankyou to everyone who worked, donated, spent, coordinated… it is a long list of supportive people who made the day work so well. School Council treasurer, Carolyn Sternberg, announced to the fabulous team of workers who had just finished about 7pm on Saturday evening, the outstanding result of a net profit of very close to $30,000. Thank you everyone. PUPIL FREE DAY The school will be closed on Friday 5 June for a Curriculum Day. No child will be required at school on that day. With 2015 our quadrennial School Review year, the staff will be working on the Review and the new 2016-2019 School Strategic Plan. PREPS 2015 An information evening for 2016 Prep families will be held at 7pm on Thursday 21st May, in the BER Building. NAPLAN A parent information flyer regarding NAPLAN has been sent home today with all grade 3 and grade 5 students. Children may be withdrawn from NAPLAN on parent request, so if you do not want your child to sit some or all of NAPLAN please write me a note withdrawing them. SCHOOL UNIFORM As the weather is changing, could I remind all families to please ensure children are in school uniform. A reminder about our school uniform: The School Uniform is red polo shirt (navy or white are also acceptable – plain). No t-shirts. Navy pants (plain, short or long, no logos, stripes or panels). No jeans (or clothing that ‘looks like’ jeans). Uniform Shop windcheaters or bomber jackets, or plain red or navy tops, windcheaters or jackets (jackets or tops must be red or blue). Skivvies or shirts under girls’ winter tunics can be red, navy or white. Leggings may be worn as part of the school uniform, but they must be worn underneath either a Summer dress or Winter tunic; leggings are not to be worn as a standalone item and only navy blue leggings are acceptable (no jeggings, patterns, diamantes etc). School winter tunics and school summer dresses are also available. Own choice of sensible, school appropriate shoes. Please do not have children in coloured windcheaters, jackets, sports teams tops etc, please stick to red or blue. JACKIE Jackie has had a couple of setbacks and her return to work has been delayed a little. We are all sending her get well soon vibes. INFORMATION FOR KINDERS If there are a couple of parents who could drop our 2015 brochures and information packs to the local kinders and childcare centres in the next couple of days, please let the office know. Geoff Whyte, Principal VALUES AWARDS Congratulations to our Values Awards winners, our new awards which reflect our RPS Values of Respect, Excellence, Sense of Fun, Equality, Achievement, Responsibility, Co-operation and Honesty. Hana W & Jess H Amy T 4/5S Mckenzie F Japanese Mitchell G 2/3K Ben L 5A Jack N Art Siana L 3/4W Alice M 6M SPORT AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION INTERSCHOOL SPORT GRADES 4 - 6 Interschool sport this Friday is an away game at Eltham East. Netball, Korfball and Bat Tennis will be played at Eltham East Primary School. Football will be played at Eltham Central Oval and Soccer will be played at Eltham north top oval. Last Friday the soccer team played an amazing game against Eltham College. Unfortunately the scores were 6-1 their way. The Sports Award went to Noah Willis for playing an outstanding game, saving lots of goals and getting our only goal. Thank you Ms Watts for coaching. Amity and Hayden Last Friday the footy team played a scratch match because Eltham College does not have a football team. We didn’t record scores but everyone played a great game. The Sports Award went to Ella because she found the ball in her hands a lot and disposed of it well. Thank you Mr Foley for umpiring and for giving helpful hints to improve our footy skills. Cooper and Ben Last Friday the korfball team played against Eltham College. Eltham College did not have a team so we played against each other. We did not record scores in the game, but we still had a great game. The Sports Award for the A team went to Alice for playing a great game. The Sports Award for the B team went to Ryan for doing some great passes. Thank you Ms Ampfea for coaching. Holly and May Last Friday we played Eltham College. It was a great game, except for the wasps! The score was 40-19 our way. The Sports Award went to Tim for an amazing game. Thank you Michelle and Miss LaTerra for coaching. Libby and Zara, Bat Tennis Captains CROSS COUNTRY The EDPSSA cross country was held this afternoon at Lower Eltham Park in the afternoon. Congratulations to all of the students that braved the weather and ran. Excellent effort! Jocelyn Watts LIBRARY PREMIERS READING CHALLENGE Finishing the challenge this week is Franchi from Prep B. Well done! FETE BOOK STALL Thank you to everyone who helped shift books on Thursday and Friday before the Fete, and helped pack up after. Joy Pagon PARENTS GROUP MOTHER’S DAY STALL On Friday 8 May we will be holding our Mother’s Day Stall, where the children can buy a special present for Mum. Children can bring up to $10 to spend and should bring a plastic/reusable bag. We will need volunteers to help set up and staff the stall in the morning from 8.30 – 11.05am. If you can assist or have any further queries, please contact Jacqui Kratofill on 0402 522 860. Jacqui Kratofill and Nicollee Dent ENTERTAINMENT BOOK Parents Group will once again be offering the Entertainment Book at the very good value of $65 each. The Entertainment Book is full of discount vouchers for local restaurants, as well as venues and activities around Melbourne and Victoria and valid until June 2016. Payments are processed online and can be ordered via this link Aristea Porfiri PARENTS GROUP MEETINGS 2015 Our next Parents Group meeting is on Monday 1 June at 9.10am, in the school staffroom. All welcome. Our future dates are 13 July, 3 August, 7 September, 5 October and 9 November with the 7 December being our break up lunch. Many thanks Rachel Brown, Parents Group President RESEARCH PRIMARY SCHOOL FETE FETE 2015 THANK YOU’S Wow, thank you to everyone involved in our wonderful fete! We would like to thank all our individual coordinators and their assistants for your huge amount of work over the last few months, we could not have run the fete without you all so successfully filling your positions, so thank you! Thank you to the amazing staff at RPS for fitting in around the fete especially in the last few days and giving up your personal time on fete day to look after the Devonshire Tea stall, which was a great success! Thank you to Carol (and Jackie prior to her leave) in the office for always being ever so helpful with any of our requests and demands. Thank you to Carol, Justine G and Carolyn Sternberg for giving up their entire Saturday to work in the office on Fete day. Thank you to ex- families that came back to show your support in many ways. Thank you to everyone who volunteered on the day, including parents and grandparents, and in the week leading up to the fete to help out with any of the many tasks that needed to be taken care of, many with young children in tow. We appreciate you all fitting in time to help out for our fete amongst what normally is a very busy Saturday with sport and work commitments. Thank you to all the school children who helped out during the week leading up to the fete and on the day as well. A big thank you goes to Greg Pearce and Luca’s grandfather for lending us their trucks and time to move the white elephant stock. With the trucks and the help of many grade 5 and 6 children, it was done very efficiently. Also thank you to all our families for donating all of our many requests ie wine, mystery jars, chocolate, items for the hamper etc. Our fete would not have raised the money which it did if these donations had not come in. Our appreciation also goes out to all the families from our school and from the community that came along for the day to enjoy themselves and of course spend their money. All in all a job well done by everyone. We feel very proud to have been involved with the organisation of the 2015 Community Fete so until 2017 thank you and start saving and start soaking those mystery jars. Michelle Walker, Carolyn Sternberg & Elizabeth Shewan, Fete 2015 Co-ordinators RAFFLE Congratulations to our winners in the Fete raffle, drawn and presented at yesterday’s assembly: 1st Ian England 2nd Brendan M (Prep B) 3rd Miranda Evans th th 4 Hamit Family 5 Cheryl 6th Julie Rock Thank you for your support and thank you to family and friends who bought tickets. GUESSING JARS Jar Snakes Mixed lollies Large lollies (Variety Street) Lego Winner Ayva H Prep B Jessie H 2K Ben G 6M Peter Roberts Amount 187 234 372 1096 2K won the Mystery Jar Class Prize – Well done! CANTEEN Hot Milo Mondays! Now the colder weather is here we’ll be stopping slushies next week and starting up $1 hot milo on Mondays and Wednesdays. So bring along $1 with your lunch order on Monday or just for a warm treat on Wednesday. Starting Monday 11 May. Penny Love Please note that the canteen will not open after school on Tuesday or Thursday this term due to the cooler weather. Instead we will open Wednesday lunchtimes for counter sales, in addition to the Monday and Friday lunch order/counter sale days. We would like to put another call out for helpers for the Monday, Wednesday and Friday shifts; there are still many shifts to be filled. Please contact the office, add your name to the notice board near the gym or contact Jacqui Robinson (0414 362 275) if you can contribute a small amount of your time. Thank you. Jacqui Robinson CANTEEN ROSTER Wednesday 6 May Lunchtime Counter Sales 12.30 – 1.50 ********** Monday 11 May 9-11.30 Rebecca McDermott 11.30-1.50 *************** Monday 18 May 9-11.30 Rebecca McDermott 11.30-1.50 *************** Wednesday 13 May Lunchtime Counter Sales 12.30 – 1.50 ********** Wednesday 20 May Lunchtime Counter Sales 12.30 – 1.50 ********** Friday 8 May 9-11:30 Cath Sloley 9-11.30 Jacqui Robinson 11.30-1.50 Carmie Isaacs 11.30-1.50 Carolyn Sternberg Friday 15 May 9-11:30 Penny Love 11:30-1:50 Jacqui Robinson 11:30-1:50 Carmie Isaacs Friday 22 May 9-11:30 *************** 9-11:30 *************** 11:30-1:50 ************** 11:30-1:50 *************** SCHOOL BANKING We are still looking for a banking coordinator for next year – no banking experience necessary! Please speak to me for more information. Our school banking day is Thursday. Justine 0417 844 493 All yellow wallets need to be placed into your child’s classroom bank bag first thing in the morning to ensure their deposit is processed. All money should be secured in the Velcro pocket. If your child would like to join the program and open their very own bank account please go online to: OSHClub BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE AT RPS Below are some of the many reasons why Oshclub is the place to be, so if you haven’t joined us yet come on in and join the fun. RAFFY : “Creativity, good food, understanding staff and fun games.” DAMIEN: “Outside activities, fun games, good food, good friends.” TED : “I like that we can make stuff, play outside and talk to people.” MATHIAS: “I like cooking because we get to eat what we make and I like playing outside with my friends.” SOPHIA & SIENNA : “We like the kind staff at Oshclub.” LEILA: “My number 1 favourite thing about Oshclub is the activities and toys, because they are really fun.” AMELIE: “I like bowling and knocking the pins over.” SCARLET: “Playing games, drawing, the food, talking to friends.” Kind regards, Jenni Monday Before Care Activities After Care Activities Ghost Mask Haunted House Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Balloon Marshmallow Snake Dodgeball Monsters Ghosts and Ghoouls Pineapple Masquerade Greedy Monsters Coconut Cake Dracula Party Friday Fling Ball Activities Ghost Role Play Parent Information OSHC program phone: 0427793936 Coordinator: Jenni Tzivakis Assistant: Carly Mills OSHClub Head Office: 03 85649000 All families must be enrolled to attend the program, remember this is free!! Please create an account online at all bookings and cancellations can also be managed via your online account. For on the day bookings please contact the Coordinator direct at the program. CFA VISIT Our Preps and Grade 1s had lots of fun and learnt lots when the CFA came to visit last week! CHESS On the last Thursday of Term 1, four intrepid grade 3 & 4 students from RPS made their way to Kangaroo Ground Primary School to compete in the Chess Victoria Primary Zonal Tournament. Brodie, Caleb, Luke and Zen played 7 games of chess throughout the day and everyone played really well. (It was Zen's first tournament too). There were 103 students participating from 14 schools. The combined efforts of our chess team members ranked us 10th overall with a 10.5 point tally. Wowee! Many thanks to the wonderful support of the parents who stayed on and off for the day - Ann Perrett, Aristea Porfiri, Sean Bloomer and Shawn Thatcher. (Aristea also provided hot chocolates for the kiddies, champion!). The next tournament is at Kangaroo Ground PS is on 25 June from 9.30 am – 2.30pm, and is $20 per student. Contact Pearl on 0407 072 250 or So get playing chess-ies! Mary-Lynn Griffith GAMES CLUB Great News fans and friends of The Games Club! Starting next week on Tuesday 12 May, Games Club will run once again. A parent helper on rotation alongside a grade sixer, will be running the Research Primary School Games Club! 12.40 - 1.30pm each Tuesday lunchtime in the music room. Starting next week. Thanks to Jacqui and Emel for helping run it. More parent volunteers welcome. Mary-Lynn Griffith 0423 812 305 COMMUNITY NEWS RESEARCH PRESCHOOL We are now taking enrolments for Three Year Old Kinder 2016. Please contact the kinder for an enrolment form, to arrange a tour or to find out more details. 9437 1834. Celebrating 50 years of Early Learning and Community. DOGGY TALES AT ELTHAM LIBRARY Come along to the library and read to Jasper the Reading Dog, our gentle golden retriever. Jasper provides a safe, non-judgmental audience for children to practice their reading skills. This is a great program for the reluctant reader or “just for fun.” Runs Fridays during school terms 3.30 – 4.30pm. Please call us to book a 15 mins time slot. Phone Eltham Library on 9439 9266. NILLUMBIK NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEK CELEBRATION – GIVE HAPPY, LIVE HAPPY Join Nillumbik to celebrate your contribution to the community and meet other inspiring volunteers as part of National Volunteer Week. Wednesday 13 May, 7.00 – 9.30pm at Nillumbik Shire Council, Civic Drive Greensborough. Refreshments provided. RSVP on Wednesday 6 May to or 9433 3766. GIRL GUIDE BISCUIT SALES It's our Annual biscuit sales time again. We would love you to help support our local community group. Eltham Girl Guides. Each Box/ Packet is $3. Choose from Choc Mini's, Chocolate or Original, all funds raised goes directly to the Eltham Girl Guides. Please place your order with Kym Wilkins - Fundraising Officer. Contact email: 0433 651 612. BLUE LIGHT DISCO Friday 8 May 7-10 pm at Community Bank Stadium, Main Hurstbridge Road Diamond Creek. Ages 8 to 13 only. Contact Senior Sergeant Wayne Spence on 9438 8300 or visit AUTUMN ART PLAY AT MONSALVAT Monsalvat invites you and your child to a special family activity. Join artist Jeminah Reidy & performer Rebecca Paige in creative activities. Be led on a journey through the grounds at Monsalvat. Discover and create giant nests and weavings, build cubby huts and design and make costumes. Participate in games and learn new circus skills. For ages 6 – 10. All children to be accompanied by an adult. Cost: $30 (includes 1 adult & 1 child).For bookings phone 9439 7712. 7 Hillcrest Ave, Eltham. LOST CAMERA CHARGER Ben Davies misplaced his Nikon camera charger on Grade 5/6 Camp. It was inside a Mimco black mesh bag. Please bring to the office if you have it by accident. BUNNINGS ELTHAM MOTHERS DAY FAMILY NIGHT TH Thursday 7 May - 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM Make a Gift for Mum Workshop Mums Only Craft Kids DIY Pamper Mum Station Glitter Tattoos Jumping Castle Refreshments Provided BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL: (03) 9430 0100 or via our website @ 2015 Mothers Day Stall When: Friday 8th May Where: Research Primary Gym Time: 9am – 11.05 Please bring up to $10 to spend on your Mum’s gift. Remember to bring a bag to take your gift home SPONSORS A big thank you to our major Fete sponsors PLATINUM ELTHAM SWIM SCHOOL 1441 Main Road, Eltham 3095 9439 8271, BRONZE BENDIGO BANK 1036 Main Road, Eltham 3095 9439 0188 BUCKINGHAM REAL ESTATE 1004 Main Road, Eltham 3095 9439 4022 DEPOT TYRES P/L MAKI SUSHI Shop 11, Eltham Mall, 10-18 Arthur Street, Eltham 3095 9439 1777 ELTHAM CARPET ONE 290 Bolton Street, Eltham 3095 9431 5780 LIVING ENERGY PILATES & REHAB Suite 7 & 8, Level 1, 83-87 Main Street, Greensborough 3088 9432 1871 SPECIALIST TERMITE CONTROL 4/1635 Main Road, Research 3095 9437 2700 / 1300 69 59 49 CYBERSAFETY INFORMATION EVENING Tuesday 12th May @ RPS 7.00pm What’s happening behind the screens? If you would like to know exactly what IS happening behind the screens you are invited to attend our Cybersafety evening next Tuesday night, 12th May 7.00pm @ RPS. We have organized a guest speaker Greg Gebhart from Cybersmart, to address parents. Greg will also be taking a session in the afternoon for Grade 4-6 students, and an after school session with staff. There is no cost for this service. Learn how to help your children use the internet and their personal devices safely. More information is available at: Please fill out the reply slip below and return to the school office to secure your place. Julie Minarelli eSmart Co-ordinator CyberSafety Session Reply: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would like to attend the parent session on CYBERSAFETY on Tuesday 12th May at 7.00pm in the BER. Name_____________________________________________________________________________ Child’s Name______________________________________________ Grade __________________
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