Content: Program information sheet: Hump Day Concert Application

2015 Hump Day Concert Series
Due: March 27th, 2015 by 4 p.m.
Outdoor concerts are held lakeside at the
Voice of America MetroPark, with entertainers
performing on the gazebo, just outside the
Ronald Reagan Lodge in West Chester, Ohio.
Concerts are held every Wednesday (7-9 PM)
beginning May 27th through July 22nd, with an
informal “jam session” on July 8th.
Performer/Group/Band Name:
All performers are responsible for providing their
own instruments, sound systems, set up & tear
down. As performances are outdoors, inclement
weather conditions may dictate cancellation of the
concert. Concerts will not be rescheduled.
Daytime Phone:
Cell Phone:
Interested performers should complete this
application and return it with a recorded music
sample. Completed submissions will be reviewed
by a panel of volunteers who will make the final
selection of artists for the concert series.
Availability: Please place an “X” by the dates you are NOT available.
All music genres are welcome but performances
must be family friendly and appeal to audiences
of all ages.
References (Two other communities/events/venues played within the past year):
Contact Name:
Submit your application before 4 p.m. on March
27th, 2015 to be considered. For more
information call 513-867-5835 or email
Daytime Phone:
Contact Name:
Daytime Phone:
Music Genre:
Number of Band Members:
Fee (Required):
Notes/Special Circumstances:
Contact Name:
Email (Required):
__May 27 __June 3
__June 10
__June 17
__June 24
__July 1
__July 15
__July 22
Note: July 8th will be an informal/unpaid jam session at the base of Chill Hill. Are you interested in participating? Yes / No
Enclosures: ___Recorded Music Sample ___ Cover Letter
abw 1/21/15
Application Checklist
Cover Letter
Completed Form
Contact Information for 2 References
Recorded Music Sample
Call for Musicians
Mail or drop off materials to:
MetroParks of Butler County
2051 Timberman Road
Hamilton, OH 45013
ATTN: Cris Carter-Trammell
Please Note:
All materials become the
property of MetroParks
All applicants must send a
complete package
Incomplete applications will
not be considered
Upon selection, all
applicants will be
Live Performances at
Voice of America MetroPark
Every Wednesday: May 27th - July 22nd
Deadline to Apply: March 27, 2015
2051 Timberman Rd. Hamilton, OH 45013
O: 513-8675835 F: 513-867-5954