Avid MediaCentral Platform Services ® ReadMe Version 2.2 Important Information Avid® recommends that you read all the information in this ReadMe file thoroughly before installing or using any new software release. Important: Search the Avid Knowledge Base at www.avid.com/support for the most up-to-date ReadMe file, which contains the latest information that might have become available after the documentation was published. Revision History Date Revised Changes Made April 30, 2015 • Added qualification for MCDS v3.2.1 • Added support for System Director v4.7.4 • Added support for MediaCentral UX Mobile v2.1 on MCS server v2.2. March 26, 2015 First publication About MediaCentral Platform Services Version 2.2 Contents About MediaCentral Platform Services Version 2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Compatibility Notes and Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Installing MediaCentral Platform Services Version 2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Security Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 New Features in MediaCentral | UX Version 2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Fixed in Version 2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Additional Documentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Limitations and Defects Found in Version 2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Limitations and Defects Found in Earlier Versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Legal Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 About MediaCentral Platform Services Version 2.2 MediaCentral Platform v2.2 provides new features and bug fixes. For more information, see the following topics: n • “New Features in MediaCentral | UX Version 2.2” on page 22 • “Fixed in Version 2.2” on page 29 MediaCentral Platform Services v2.2.1 is now available. For more information, see the MediaCentral Platform Services V2.2.1 ReadMe. Documentation For the latest information on MediaCentral, see the documentation available from the MediaCentral documentation page of the Avid Knowledge Base: http://avid.force.com/pkb/articles/en_US/readme/Avid-MediaCentral-Version-2-2-x-Documenta tion 2 Compatibility Notes and Issues Localized User Interface and Documentation The MediaCentral UX user interface and Help are available in the following languages: • English • French • German • Italian • Japanese • Korean • Simplified Chinese • Spanish The user selects the language for the user interface in the MediaCentral UX User Settings. Translated documentation is located here: http://avid.force.com/pkb/articles/en_US/readme/Avid-MediaCentral-Version-2-2-Documentati on-Translated Compatibility Notes and Issues This section contains compatibility information for MediaCentral Platform Services and its related products. MediaCentral Platform Services Version Numbers Use the following procedure to determine the version and build numbers of the installed MediaCentral Platform Services. The following procedure lists the build numbers for version 2.2. To determine the version and build numbers: 1. Connect to the MediaCentral Platform server console as the root user. 2. Type the following command: ics_version 3. Press Enter. 3 Compatibility Notes and Issues Version and build numbers are returned as follows: UMS Version: ICPS Version: ICPS manager Version: 2.2.22-1.noarch ACS Version: 2.2.0-20150313.1709.x86_64 System ID: xxxxxxxxxxx ICS installer: 2.2(Build 84) n The System ID is an 11-digit number used in support calls, entered during system configuration. iNEWS Client Version MediaCentral includes an iNEWS client module with a version number that needs to be entered in the iNEWS SYSTEM.CLIENT.VERSIONS story. This version number is for MediaCentral v2.2. For more information, see “Editing SYSTEM.CLIENT.VERSIONS” in the MediaCentral Platform V2.2 Installation and Configuration Guide. Compatibility: MediaCentral Platform This section contains compatibility information related to MediaCentral Platform v2.2. For information about previous releases, see the “Compatibility Matrix: Interplay Production and MediaCentral” on the Avid Knowledge Base: http://avid.force.com/pkb/articles/en_US/compatibility/Avid-Video-Compatibility-Charts Qualified Products MediaCentral Platform v2.2 is qualified with the following products. Product Version MediaCentral UX v2.2 Media Distribute v2.2 Media Composer Cloud Latest plug-in for Interplay MAM • Media Composer v6.5.x, 7.0.x, 8.0.1, 8.1, 8.2.x (includes NewsCutter option) • NewsCutter v10.5.x, 11.0.x v5.0, v5.1 4 Compatibility Notes and Issues Operating Systems for Servers The following table lists minimum supported versions for MediaCentral Platform servers. Server Version MediaCentral Platform Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.5 (64-bit) plus approved security patches. See “Security Updates” on page 20. Platform requires that you set the c MediaCentral language for RHEL to English. English is set automatically by the MediaCentral Platform installation scripts. Do not change the input language afterwards. GlusterFS 3.4.0 (Required if file caching is used and you set up a cluster). See “Obtaining Gluster” on page 18. MediaCentral Distribution Service Microsoft Windows 7 Systems and Storage The following table lists minimum supported versions for Interplay and ISIS components. Product Version Interplay Production Engine • V2.5 and later • V2.6 and later for • - DNxHD 85/100 - Sphere 2 Mbps proxy - Multi-ISIS V3.1 and later for - MediaCentral Distribution Service • Media Index V3.2, V3.2.1 V3.2 and V3.2.1are qualified with the following components: 5 • Interplay Central v2.2.1 • Interplay Engine v3.2 • Production Services Engine v3.2 • Interplay Transcode v3.2 • Interplay STP Encode v3.2 Compatibility Notes and Issues Product Version Interplay Transcode • V2.7.0 plus V2.7.0.1 patch and later • V2.7.5 and later Supported by Interplay Engine v2.5 and later. Interplay STP Encode • V2.7.0 plus V2.7.0.1 patch and later • V2.7.5 and later Supported by Interplay Engine v2.5 and later. Interplay Production Services Automation • V3.2 and later. Supported by Interplay Engine v2.5 and later. Interplay Consolidate • V3.2 and later. Supported by Interplay Engine v2.5 and later. Avid iNEWS • V3.4.3 and later ISIS client (Linux version) • V4.7.4 • V4.0.3, V4.0.4 System Director • V4.5 System Director • V4.6 System Director • V4.7, V4.7.3, V4.7.4 System Director • Mirrored workspace supported for all media formats • RAID6 workspace supported for media formats up to 50 Mbps • ISS 1000 (Gen 1 HW) GigE support only • ISS 2000 (Gen 2 HW) GigE and 10GigE support ISIS client is automatically installed c The with the MCS software. Do not update the ISIS client on the MediaCentral Platform server unless otherwise documented and approved by Avid. ISIS | 7500, ISIS | 7000 6 Compatibility Notes and Issues Product Version ISIS | 5500, ISIS | 5000 • V4.0.3 System Director • V4.5 System Director • V4.6, V4.6.1 System Director • V4.7, V4.7.3, V4.7.4 System Director • GigE and 10GigE support • V4.1 System Director • V4.2 System Director • V4.5 System Director • V4.6, V4.6.1 System Director • V4.7, V4.7.3, V4.7.4 System Director • GigE and 10GigE support • Only supports real-time playback of proxy material that is 3Mb/s or less. ISIS | 2500, ISIS | 2000 For playback of group clips, a 10 GigE connection between the MediaCentral Platform server and the ISIS shared-storage system is required. For additional information on calculating bandwidth requirements, see the Avid MediaCentral Hardware Guide and the appropriate ISIS Performance Guide. 7 Compatibility Notes and Issues Browsers for MediaCentral | UX MediaCentral Platform provides an Adobe® Flash® swf file, which delivers video player functionality that MediaCentral UX and Interplay MAM embed dynamically in their respective web-based interfaces. Adobe Flash must be installed on the client machine. The following table lists the supported browsers for MediaCentral UX. This table also lists the tested versions of the browsers. Other versions might work but have not been tested. Browsers for MediaCentral UX Browser Operating System Tested Version Google Chrome Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8.1 41.0.2272.76 m Safari 6.0.3 and later versions of Safari 6 Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion), Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) Safari 7 Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) Safari 8 Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) 8.0.3 (10600.3.18) Internet Explorer 9 Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8.1 32-bit with Chrome Frame plug-in The minimum size for a browser window is 1024 x 768 pixels. If the browser window is smaller, some UI elements might not be displayed. 8 Compatibility Notes and Issues Tablets for MediaCentral | UX The MediaCentral UX tablet app is available for the following tablets and operating systems. Device Version iPad® iOS 7, iOS 8 Android tablets Android 4.4 through 4.4.4; 4.4W through 4.4W2; 5.0 through 5.1 Phones for MediaCentral | UX The MediaCentral UX mobile app is available for the following phones and operating systems. Phone Version iPhone® iOS 7, iOS 8 Android smart phones Android 4.4 through 4.4.4; 4.4W through 4.4W2; 5.0 through 5.1 You can install the MediaCentral UX mobile app on Android devices with the qualified operating system versions listed in this section. Note that Avid has tested and supports the MediaCentral UX mobile app only on the following smart phones: • Nexus 5 • Samsung Galaxy S4 mini To log in to your MediaCentral server from a remote location, you might need to use a virtual private network (VPN) app on your iOS or Android device. Avid tested the MediaCentral UX mobile apps using Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client. 9 Compatibility Notes and Issues Avid Central and MediaCentral | UX Device Compatibility The following table lists which devices (tablets and phones) and operating systems are compatible with which versions of the MediaCentral UX app. Gen A refers to devices that cannot install iOS 7 (iPad 1, iPod 4, iPhone 3GS). Device Avid Central 1.8 MediaCentral UX 2.0 MediaCentral UX 2.1 MediaCentral UX 2.2 Gen A, iOS 6 Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Gen B, iOS 6 Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Gen B, IOS 7 Supported Supported Supported Supported Gen B, IOS 8 Supported Supported Supported Supported Android OS Supported Supported Supported Supported The following table lists which MediaCentral servers are compatible with which versions of the MediaCentral UX app. Server Avid Central 1.8 MediaCentral UX 2.0 MediaCentral UX 2.1 MediaCentral UX 2.2 ICS v1.3 Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported ICS v1.4 Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported ICS v1.5 Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported ICS v1.6 Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported ICS v1.7 Supported Supported Supported Supported ICS v1.8 Supported Supported Supported Supported MCS v2.0 Not Supported Supported Supported Supported MCS v2.1 Not Supported Not Supported Supported Supported MCS v2.2 Not Supported Not Supported Supported Supported 10 Compatibility Notes and Issues Compatibility: Interplay | MAM and MAM Connector The following table presents Interplay | MAM compatibility with MCS. Interplay | MAM Version MCS Version Interplay MAM 5.1/5.0 MediaCentral Services 2.2 Interplay MAM 5.0.1 MediaCentral Services 2.1.1/2.1.3 Interplay MAM 5.0 MediaCentral Services 2.1 Interplay MAM 4.3.6 Interplay Central Services Interplay MAM 4.3.5 Interplay Central Services 1.8.0 Interplay MAM 4.3.4 Interplay Central Services 1.7.1 Interplay MAM 4.3.3 Interplay Central Services 1.7 Interplay MAM 4.3.2 Interplay Central Services 1.6 Interplay MAM 4.3.1 Interplay Central Services 1.4.1/1.5.0 Interplay MAM 4.3 Interplay Central Services 1.4.1 Interplay MAM 4.2.2 Interplay Central Services 1.4 n ICS 1.3, MCS 2.0 and MCS 2.0.1 are not supported by any version of Interplay | MAM. The MAM connector enables all Interplay | MAM workflows in MediaCentral UX. The following installed components are necessary for the current version of the MAM connector: • MCS v2.2 • Interplay MAM v5.1/v5.0 • ISIS client (Linux version) v4.7.4 driver • RHEL v6.5 11 Compatibility Notes and Issues Avid Interplay Production Data Model Object Types The following table lists which Interplay Production data model object types are supported for playback. All rendered and checked-in effects are supported for playback. Object Type Status Master clips Supported Subclips Supported Freeze-frame clips Supported Sequences (no effects) Supported Sequences (dissolves only) Supported Sequences (precomputes present for unsupported effects) Supported Sequences (without precomputes for unsupported effects) Unsupported Nested timelines Unsupported Stereo tracks Unsupported Group clips Supported† Matte clips Unsupported Motion effects Unsupported Stereoscopic clips Unsupported Multi-channel audio clips Unsupported †Subclips created from group clips, group clips composed of subclips, and multigroup clips are currently not supported. 12 Compatibility Notes and Issues Media Formats Supported for Playback The following table lists which media formats are supported for playback through the MediaCentral Playback Service for the following products: • MediaCentral UX • Media Composer Cloud 23.97 fps and 24 fps frame rates are supported in 1080i and 1080p formats. They are unsupported in 720p and standard definition (SD) formats. If a format is described as “Media Composer Cloud Only,” MediaCentral can read and play back this video only at very low stream counts and might drop frames during playback. Media Format Support for Playback 1:1 8-bit, 10-bit All frame rates Media Composer Cloud only Apple ProRes Unsupported AVC-Intra 50 1080i All frame rates AVC-Intra 50 720p 50, 59.94 only AVC-Intra 100 1080i All frame rates AVC-Intra 100 720p 50, 59.94 only Avid JFIF 2:1, 3:1, 10:1, 20:1 25, 29.97 only DNxHD 1080 36-40-45 All frame rates DNxHD 1080 85 90 100 All frame rates DNxHD 1080 115-120-145 All frame rates DNxHD 1080 175-185-220 All frame rates DNxHD 1080 175X-185X-220X All frame rates Media Composer Cloud only DNxHD 720 75-145 50, 59.94 only DNxHD 720 110-220 50, 59.94 only 220 Media Composer Cloud only 13 Compatibility Notes and Issues Media Format Support for Playback DNxHD 720 110X-220X 50, 59.94 only 220X Media Composer Cloud only DV 25 411 25, 29.97 only DV 25 420 25 only DV 50 25, 29.97 only DV100 HD 1080i (DVCPro HD) All frame rates DV100 HD 720p (DVCPro HD) 50, 59.94 only H.263 (MPEG-1 Layer 2 proxy) 25, 29.97 only H.264 (MPEG-1 Layer 2 proxy) 800 Kbps, 2 Mbps, 3 Mbps 25, 29.97 only HDV 1080i All frame rates HDV 720p 50, 59.94 only JPEG 2000 No support MPEG (IMX) 30 25, 29.97 only MPEG (IMX) 40 25, 29.97 only MPEG (IMX) 50 25, 29.97 only MPEG-2 Long GOP 25, 29.97 only RGB No support XDCAM-HD 17.5/35/50 Mbps 1080i All frame rates XDCAM-HD 50 Mbps 1080p All frame rates XDCAM-HD 17.5/35/50 Mbps 720p 50, 59.94 only XDCAM-EX 35 Mbps 1080i All frame rates XDCAM-EX 35 Mbps 720p 50, 59.94 only 14 Compatibility Notes and Issues Media Formats Supported for MediaCentral STP The following table lists media formats supported for send to playback (STP) operations for MediaCentral. Media Format Frame Rate AVC-Intra 50 1080i 50, 59.94 AVC-Intra 50 720p 50, 59.94 AVC-Intra 100 1080i 50, 59.94 AVC-Intra 100 720p 50, 59.94 DNxHD 1080 115-120-145 23.976, 24, 29.97, 50, 59.94 DNxHD 1080 175-185-220 23.976, 24, 29.97, 50, 59.94 DNxHD 1080 175X-185X-220X 23.976, 24, 29.97, 50, 59.94 DNxHD 720 60-75-145 23.976, 50, 59.94 DNxHD 720 90-110-220 23.976, 50, 59.94 DNxHD 720 90X-110X-220X 23.976, 50, 59.94 DV 25 411 25, 29.97 DV 25 420 25 DV 50 25, 29.97 DV100 HD 1080i (DVCPro HD) 50, 59.94 Added in ICDS V3.0 DV100 HD 720p (DVCPro HD) 50, 59.94 Added in ICDS V3.0 MPEG 30 (IMX) 25, 29.97 MPEG 40 (IMX) 25, 29.97 MPEG 50 (IMX) 25, 29.97 XDCAM-HD 35 Mbps 1080i 50, 59.94 Requires STP Encode XDCAM-HD 50 Mbps 1080i 50, 59.94 Requires STP Encode XDCAM-HD 50 Mbps 720p 50, 59.94 Requires STP Encode XDCAM-EX 35 Mbps 1080i 50, 59.94 Requires STP Encode XDCAM-EX 35 Mbps 720p 50, 59.94 Requires STP Encode 15 Notes Compatibility Notes and Issues Bandwidth Requirements The following table presents single-user bandwidth requirements for MediaCentral Platform playback. The table is provided for guidance, and is not an indication of performance guarantees. Proxy Setting (16:9, 30 fps) Bandwidth Needs Width 348 px 400 px 480 px 560 px 640 px 720 px 960 px Quality Value Peak Valley Typical Good 40 5.400Mbps 2.520Mbps 3.440Mbps Better 60 6.600Mbps 2.840Mbps 4.380Mbps Best 80 9.000Mbps 3.480Mbps 5.690Mbps Good 40 6.400Mbps 2.840Mbps 4.690Mbps Better 60 8.200Mbps 3.320Mbps 5.000Mbps Best 80 11.650Mbps 4.200Mbps 6.780Mbps Good 40 8.400Mbps 3.320Mbps 4.985Mbps Better 60 11.400Mbps 3.880Mbps 6.300Mbps Best 80 15.400Mbps 5.080Mbps 9.480Mbps Good 40 11.295Mbps 4.179Mbps 6.529Mbps Better 60 14.868Mbps 5.023Mbps 8.547Mbps Best 80 21.009Mbps 6.694Mbps 12.284Mbps Good 40 14.324Mbps 5.029Mbps 8.098Mbps Better 60 18.991Mbps 6.131Mbps 10.735Mbps Best 80 27.011Mbps 8.315Mbps 15.616Mbps Good 40 17.757Mbps 5.993Mbps 9.878Mbps Better 60 23.664Mbps 7.338Mbps 13.215Mbps Best 80 33.814Mbps 10.152Mbps 19.392Mbps Good 40 30.480Mbps 9.566Mbps 16.472Mbps Better 60 40.980Mbps 12.046Mbps 22.405Mbps Best 80 59.028Mbps 16.959Mbps 33.385Mbps 16 Installing MediaCentral Platform Services Version 2.2 The next table explains the contents in detail. Item Description Width 348 pixels is the minimum player width; 960 pixels is the max. Height depends on the aspect ratio. The table assumes an aspect ratio of 16:9. Quality Refers to the quality setting in the Player set via the UI. Value Each quality setting has a numeric value. In JPEG compression literature, these are often thought of as percentages of original image (e.g. 100% is equivalent to uncompressed; 1% represents a severely degraded image). Peak Video with high color variation (e.g. wide shot of a crowd) Valley Video with low color variation (e.g. half of frame consists of a clear blue sky) Typical A wide range of footage (e.g. interiors, exteriors, interviews). The typical shot tends closer to valley values than peak values. Audio All bandwidth figures include audio consisting of 44.1 kHz sample rate x 16-bit/sample x 2 tracks = 1.4 Mbps Installing MediaCentral Platform Services Version 2.2 The MediaCentral Platform Services installation package is available as a full installation package, for upgrading or new installations. n • For systems running Interplay Central Services 2.1.x (or earlier), see the MediaCentral Platform Services 2.2 Upgrading Guide. • For new systems, see the MediaCentral Platform Services 2.2 Installation and Configuration Guide. The MediaCentral Platform Services 2.2 Installation and Configuration Guide provides instructions for installing MCS on the HP Proliant DL360p Gen8 server. For the Gen9 version and other supported hardware, please contact your Avid representative. Be sure to download the latest version of these documents from the MediaCentral page on the Avid Knowledge Base: http://avid.force.com/pkb/articles/en_US/readme/Avid-MediaCentral-Version-2-2-x-Documenta tion 17 Installing MediaCentral Platform Services Version 2.2 For information about setting up multi-zone configurations see the MediaCentral Platform Services 2.2 Installation and Configuration Guide. For information about setting up Media Index, see the Media Index Configuration Guide, available internally. n (RE-894) A problem with configuration of the mongo database that affected new MCS v2.1 installations has been fixed for MCS v2.2. Installation Package Names MediaCentral Platform Services V2.2 installation package: • MediaCentral_Services_2.2_Linux.zip MAM Connector installation package: • MediaCentral_MAM_Connector_1.1.0_Linux.zip Obtaining Gluster If you are installing Gluster, note that as of MediaCentral Platform Services v2.0 a new version of Gluster is required, including additional Gluster packages. Navigate to the download directory at gluster.org containing the GlusterFS version supported by MediaCentral Platform Services v2.2: http://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/3.4/3.4.0/RHEL/epel-6Server/x86_64 Download the following six packages: • glusterfs-3.4.0-8.el6.x86_64.rpm • glusterfs-cli-3.4.0-8.el6.x86_64.rpm • glusterfs-fuse-3.4.0-8.el6.x86_64.rpm • glusterfs-geo-replication-3.4.0-8.el6.x86_64.rpm • glusterfs-libs-3.4.0-8.el6.x86_64.rpm • glusterfs-server-3.4.0-8.el6.x86_64.rpm 18 Installing MediaCentral Platform Services Version 2.2 Migrating User Settings from UMS to USS During an Upgrade Backing up and restoring system settings and the MCS database is a regular part of some upgrading paths. To recap, for upgrades involving an OS change (e.g. from RHEL 6.3 to RHEL 6.5), you back up the system settings and database, upgrade the system, then restore the settings and data using the system-backup script (located on the MCS Installation USB key). During an upgrade from an MCS system compatible with RHEL 6.3 to MCS 2.2 (requires RHEL 6.5), an additional step is required. Once you have restored the MCS database, and before logging in via the MediaCentral | UX user interface, you must migrate user settings from the UMS database to the USS database (new in MCS 2.0). This is done using the avid-uss-import script, which must be run once only on the master node. Instructions are provided in the MediaCentral Platform Services 2.2 Upgrading Guide. Resetting Layouts After Upgrading from v2.0 or Earlier Three panes used in MediaCentral UX v2.0 are not used in MediaCentral UX v2.2: • Markers pane: redesigned as Logging pane. • Layouts pane in Users Layout: replaced by drag-and-drop functionality. • Search pane in Users Layout: replaced by Filter field. After Media Central UX is upgraded to v2.2, users who had signed out with these panes open will see them when they sign in again, with the message: “No View implementation found for type undefined” in the pane. Users need to reset the panes. This problem does not occur when upgrading from MCS v2.1.x to MCS v2.2. To reset the outdated panes, do one of the following: t Close the outdated panes. t Reset the layout by selecting Reset Layout from the Layout selector. Resetting Layouts After Upgrading from ICS V1.6 or Earlier After upgrading from Interplay Central Services V1.6 or earlier, users who had previously signed in will see the Assets pane and Search panes from their most recent session. However, the Assets tabs and Search panes are not usable. This problem does not occur when upgrading from ICS V1.7 to MediaCentral Platform V2.2. 19 Security Updates To reset the Assets pane and Search panes, do one of the following: t Close all open Assets tabs and Search panes and reopen them. t Reset the layout by selecting Reset Layout from the Layout selector. Installing Media Services If you install any of the following Media Services providers, you must also install Interplay Access on the same system: • Interplay Transcode • STP Encode • Interplay Consolidate (MediaCentral workflows only) If you do not install Interplay Access, a job will fail with the error message “Fail to check out moniker.” Installing SSL Certificates For instructions on eliminating the “your connection is not private” (Chrome) or “Safari can’t identify the website” security warnings, see the following article in the Avid KB: http://avid.force.com/pkb/articles/en_US/how_to/SSL-Certificates-for-server-to-browser-connec tions Security Updates Three security updates for RHEL 6.5 have been tested and approved by Avid: • Security update to address an OpenSSL vulnerability • Security update to address a Bash code injection vulnerability • Security update to address the glibc vulnerability (“GHOST in the machine”) Open SSL Security Update Red Hat has issued a security advisory addressing the OpenSSL vulnerability known as the “Heartbleed” bug, which affects RHEL v6.5. A complete description of the security vulnerability and solution is available at the Red Hat web site: https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2015-0715.html RHEL v6.5 is required for MediaCentral v1.8.1, MediaCentral v2.0.x, MediaCentral v2.1.x, and MediaCentral v2.2. 20 Security Updates For information on installing this patch, see the following Knowledge Base article: http://avid.force.com/pkb/articles/en_US/how_to/Patching-the-OpenSSL-vulnerability-known-a s-Heartbleed If necessary, you can also install the patch after the MediaCentral installation is complete. In this case, you need to schedule downtime to install the update. Make sure you shut down and reboot the system properly. Bash Code Security Update Red Hat has issued a security update for the Bash code injection vulnerability known as “Shellshock.” This Red Hat vulnerability might affect both Interplay Central / MediaCentral and iNEWS servers running Red Hat Enterprise Linux. For information on installing this update, see the following Knowledge Base article: http://avid.force.com/pkb/articles/en_US/faq/Bash-Code-Injection-Vulnerability-CVE-2014-716 9 If possible, install this patch after installing RHEL but before installing MediaCentral. glibc Security Update Red Hat has released a security update for the glibc vulnerability, known as “GHOST in the machine” (CVE-2015-0235). For information about installing this update, see the following Knowledge Base article: http://avid.force.com/pkb/articles/en_US/faq/CVE2015-0235-glibc-security-update-for-Avid-pr oducts 21 New Features in MediaCentral | UX Version 2.2 New Features in MediaCentral | UX Version 2.2 This topic provides an overview of the major new features in MediaCentral UX v2.2. Stories and Sequences For complete information on these features, see the MediaCentral | UX User’s Guide or the MediaCentral | UX Help. Feature Description Associate a sequence with a story You can associate a sequence created in Media Composer or MediaCentral UX with a story. You can also set some asset metadata fields to update with information from the story or sequence. Story grouping You can create a story group from contiguous stories in a queue. This allows you to reorder grouped stories without having to reorder each story separately. You can also float all stories as a group. Editing For complete information on these features, see the MediaCentral | UX User’s Guide or the MediaCentral | UX Help. Feature Description Controlling zoom level with the mouse wheel Position the mouse pointer below the Media viewer and rotate the mouse wheel forward one click to zoom in by 50 percent, or back one click to zoom out by 50 percent. Using keyboard shortcut S to create a subclip After setting In and Out points, and with focus in the Media pane, you can press the S key to open the Select Folder for Subclip dialog box. You can continue to use keyboard shortcuts to create the subclip: 1. Select the location. 2. Press Tab. 3. Type the subclip name. 4. Press Tab twice, so that the focus is on the Create Subclip button. 5. Press Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh) 22 New Features in MediaCentral | UX Version 2.2 Feature Description Creating a text-only story segment For some news stories, you might need to create a story segment that is not associated with video in the story. For example, a story might include presenter text before the video starts. MediaCentral UX lets you create a story segment that does not display a corresponding timing block in the sequence. Detecting black gaps in video sent to playback A user might unintentionally include gaps in the video track that result in black gaps in the video output. This could cause a problem when the sequence is sent to playback. An administrator can create an option to check a sequence for black gaps when the sequence is sent to playback. If the system detects black gaps, one of the following occurs, depending on how this option is configured: • NONE: No message is displayed and the sequence is sent to the playback device. • WARNING: A warning message is displayed and the user can either continue the operation or cancel it. • ERROR: An error message is displayed and the process is canceled. For more information, see the MediaCentral | UX Administration Guide. Keyboard shortcut to delete segment You can now use the Delete key for Windows, in addition to the Delete key for Macintosh and the Backspace key for Windows. Interplay MAM For complete information on these features, see the MediaCentral | UX User’s Guide or the MediaCentral | UX Help. Feature Description Viewing thumbnails The Thumbnails pane lets you display a series of small images of an asset. Viewing and double-clicking thumbnails can help you navigate through video assets more quickly. 23 New Features in MediaCentral | UX Version 2.2 Feature Description Locking metadata If you are editing an Interplay MAM asset in the Metadata pane, metadata is locked to prevent other users from editing the metadata at the same time. The lock is automatically set when you begin editing a metadata field or can be manually applied by clicking the Lock button. The Lock is released when you end editing or click the Lock button again. Using Actions sub-menus during process You can create processes from the Assets, Search, and Media creation panes by using the Actions menu. If the process is configured in Interplay MAM accordingly, the Actions menu can provide sub-menu items that let you select additional options; for example, you can select an export target for a MAM Export process. Search For complete information on these features, see the MediaCentral | UX User’s Guide or the MediaCentral | UX Help. Feature Description Display markers in the search results for an indexed search Search results can display any markers and time-based metadata included in the assets listed in the search pane. Markers include a link that opens the asset in the Media Pane and takes the user to the marker location. Limit the number of active languages in an index You can specify which languages you want to use in an indexed search. You can limit the number of languages per zone so that all indexes in that zone search the same languages. Limiting the number of languages searched can improve the performance of indexed searches. Check the status of a re-index operation. You can use the Media Index Cluster State pane to monitor the status and progress of systems when you perform a re-index operation. 24 New Features in MediaCentral | UX Version 2.2 Assets Feature Description Create duplicates of Interplay Production Duplicating an asset in the Interplay Production database assets creates a new asset, with new metadata (MobID). You can duplicate master clips, subclips, audio-only clips, and sequences. Right-click the asset you want to duplicate and select Duplicate. A new asset is created in the same folder as the original asset, with the extension .duplicate. The name is highlighted in edit mode so that you can easily rename it. Layouts Feature Description Visual indication of which pane has focus The pane that has focus (selected for keyboard or mouse (active pane) input) is outlined in orange. This feature helps you to know which keyboard shortcuts are available, because some shortcuts are available only if a pane has focus. Markers For complete information on these features, see the MediaCentral | UX User’s Guide or the MediaCentral | UX Help. Feature Description Filter markers by color and user Click the Filter Criteria list and select your criteria in one of two groups: Colors and Users. 25 New Features in MediaCentral | UX Version 2.2 Feature Description Create a marker by pressing Ctrl +number Set the icon color as follows: (top-row or numeric keypad) • Ctrl+0: Last color picked. If no previous color was selected in a session, the color is white. • Ctrl+1: White • Ctrl+2: Black • Ctrl+3: Red • Ctrl+4: Green • Ctrl+5: Blue • Ctrl+6: Cyan • Ctrl+7: Magenta • Ctrl+8: Yellow If you use the numeric keypad, the NumLock state must be enabled to use these commands. Messaging For complete information on these features, see the MediaCentral | UX User’s Guide or the MediaCentral | UX Help. Feature Description Support for including links to MAM assets In addition to providing links to Interplay Production assets in the Message pane. in the text of a message, you can now include links to Interplay MAM assets. Mobile Applications For complete information on these features, see the MediaCentral | UX User’s Guide or the MediaCentral | UX Help. Feature Description New story editing features for the Android You can cut, copy and paste text and production cues in the mobile app iNEWS story text. Support for the latest Android OS version This release adds the ability to run the MediaCentral mobile app for Android devices on the latest release of Android OS (Android 5.0 “Lollipop”) 26 New Features in MediaCentral | UX Version 2.2 System Settings For complete information on these features, see the MediaCentral | UX Administration Guide or the MediaCentral | UX Help. Feature Description General In an organization with multi-zone setups and remote users, timezone and locale can vary from one site to another. To properly display date values to the user, especially when data is coming from different places, an administrator can set default values. Individual users can then override these defaults in the User Settings. • Time Zone • Date Format These settings are used by the indexed search in MediaCentral UX to display dates and other formatted data correctly. • Time Zone: The default time zone for users signed in to the MediaCentral UX server. Click the down arrow for a list of time zones and select the most appropriate one. • Date Format: The default date and time format for users signed in to the MediaCentral server. Click the down arrow key for a list of formats and select the most appropriate one. iNEWS Two new options allow you to specify how metadata from associated sequences update story form fields for iNEWS stories. Interplay MAM The MediaCentral administrator must specify Interplay MAM configuration information before you can use MediaCentral UX with Interplay MAM. The layout of the Settings pane for Interplay MAM was redesigned and aligned to other settings groups in the Settings pane. 27 New Features in MediaCentral | UX Version 2.2 User Settings For complete information on user settings, see the MediaCentral | UX User’s Guide or the MediaCentral | UX Help. Feature Description General An administrator sets the default values for both time zone and date format in the System Settings. Individual users can override the defaults in these user settings. • Time Zone • Date Format These settings are used by the indexed search in MediaCentral UX to display dates and other formatted data correctly. Administration For complete information on password settings, see the MediaCentral | UX Administration Guide or the MediaCentral UX Help. Feature Description Insecure (weak) password settings Starting with MediaCentral UX v2.2, an administrator has the option of turning off the password complexity requirement in UMS. This is primarily for facilities that use Interplay Production, iNEWS, or Interplay MAM for user authentication, and users have passwords that do not conform to the MediaCentral UX v2.1 password strength requirement. In the Users layout, select the top level folder (Users). In the right-hand column of the Details pane, select Allow Weak Passwords, then click Apply. this option allows insecure passwords that c Enabling will put system security at risk. 28 Fixed in Version 2.2 Fixed in Version 2.2 The following bugs are fixed in version 2.2. Audio (OS-2435) If both a clip and a sequence are loaded, and you change the master volume in Output mode, the slider changes but the master volume does not change. (OS-2438) If custom audio panning is set, performing an undo after editing a sequence causes the default panning to be applied. Editing (OS-2303) If you open a sequence after a crash, click the Recovered button, then click the Last Saved button, any markers in the sequence are removed. (OS-2273) If you are editing with a group clip in which one of the angles includes padding, you can replace a segment in the sequence with padding. If you then move the position indicator into the replaced segment, the “Media Offline” slide is displayed. (PLAD-104) If you attempt to create subclips from an in-progress (EWC or chained ingest) clip created in a remote Interplay workgroup, and copied to a local workgroup, an error message might be displayed. This message states that subclipping is available only after timecode 00:01:00. This message might be displayed even if one minute of media has been ingested. To fix this bug, install Interplay Copy v3.2 or Interplay Copy patch v3.0.6 on the remote Copy provider. These versions of Interplay Copy include the DMSCopyMedia.vmoptions file, which is configured for check-ins at three-minute intervals. You can edit this interval. For details, see the Interplay Production v3.2 ReadMe. Also note that there is a delay of 6 to 15 minutes before you can create subclips from an EWC clip. See “Edit While Capture” on page 44. (OS-2232) If you add text to a story segment, press tab, and continue to add text (creating more than one timing block in the associated sequence), the operation cannot be properly undone. (OS-2250) If you close the Media pane without saving the sequence, a message is displayed asking if you want to save the sequence. There is no Cancel button to cancel the operation and keep the Media pane open. (OS-2263) For advanced sequences, playback might not reflect some changes in audio until an edit is made to the sequence that triggers the player to reload the sequence. (OS-2265) In some MAM sequences, the Match Frame feature displays the wrong frame. 29 Fixed in Version 2.2 (OS-2267) In some cases, the Sequence pane does not retain focus when you click on a clip in a different timing block in a story sequence. (OS-2304) If you open a story sequence, load another story but do not load the sequence, click in Asset mode in the Media pane, then change to Output mode, a frame from a previously loaded sequence is displayed. (OS-2306) If In and Out points are set to a padded area of a group clip, when you overwrite the clip into an advanced sequence, a single-frame clip is added to the sequence. (OS-2315) If you open a sequence in recovery mode, the headframe is shown as a waveform graphic. (OS-2319) After browser crash, the Auto-Recovered Assets menu item is disabled. (OS-2478) If your session is automatically timed out, unsaved changes in a sequence are lost. Markers (SPEC-119) Markers created in MediaCentral UX are not saved with track information (V1) in Interplay Production. Marker metadata cannot be exported to Interplay MAM. Playback (MA-2271, OS-2361) For file-based playback, the master volume slider is unresponsive. (MPLAY-1686) Changing the master volume level in a clip with both Natural Sound (NAT) and Sound on Tape (SOT) channels, then muting, unmuting, and replaying the clips can produce exaggerated volume changes. In addition, volume levels for soloed NAT tracks do not accurately reflect changes made to master volume. Server (RE-893) On a system with more than two nodes, a failover puts the cluster in an unusable state. Media | Distribute (MPD-1090) If you included a Summary Text with standard HTML tags in a standalone video package with a WorldNow CMS account, you received an error if you selected the Use Summary Text as SEO Description. This has been fixed. (MPD-1091) You were unable to use more than 200 characters in a Summary Text for a standalone video with a WorldNow CMS account if you selected the Use Summary Text as SEO Description. This has been fixed so that the maximum number of characters you can use in a Summary Text is now 500. 30 Fixed in Version 2.2 (MPD-1092) You can publish video files greater than 2 GB using the Web Story pane. Previously, you might have received an error when publishing large video files. (MPD-1093) When you click Load iNEWS Story in the Web Story pane, the Story Headline field respects the account setting for either transforming iNEWS stories to lowercase or keeping the case of the story and the slug text the same as the story in iNEWS. (MPD-1096) When you attach an image in the Web Story pane, the Description field is automatically filled with the asset name or the file name by default. The Image Caption fields now are optional. (MPD-1098, MPD-1099) If you removed a Summary graphic or an Abstract graphic, you could not attach another graphic without removing all attached graphics from your Web Story. Intermittently, you also could also attach more than one Summary or Abstract graphic with a WorldNow account, even though WorldNow allows only one of each. These issues have been fixed. (MPD-1100) If you cleared all graphics from the Attached Images list, and then added new Story Body graphics, the Story Body graphic in the Attached Images list could list a negative number. If you used a WorldNow account, this could allow you to add more than the maximum five allowed graphics. This has been fixed. (MPD-1105) If you create a standalone video package using a WorldNow account, you can now select both summary text options: Use Summary Text as Abridged Text and Use Summary Text as SEO Description. Media | Index (TSL-1872) Permissions for indexed searches were not being applied correctly in some multi-zone configurations. This has been fixed, and now indexed searches find assets from systems with permissions set within multi-zone environments. 31 Additional Documentation Additional Documentation This section includes information that is incorrect or not included in the v2.1 documentation. Overriding the Default Panning for Advanced Sequences The default audio panning for advanced sequences is odd tracks=left, even tracks=right. To override this panning, you can edit the application.properties file. This override is global and applies to all Interplay folders. To set the panning for advanced sequences: 1. Log in as the root user on the MediaCentral Platform server. 2. Use the vi text editor to open the following file for editing: /opt/avid/etc/avid/avid-interplay-central/config/application.properties 3. Add the following line with the panning you want. For example: system.advancedSequenceTrackPanning=A1:R;A2:C;A5:Right; Use the following syntax: - Key=value pairs separated by a semicolon. For example, A1:R;A2:C. - Keys need to be in this set: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5. Not all need to be added, only keys for the tracks that you want to override. Advanced sequences have a maximum of five tracks. - Values can be R, r, Right, right, L, l, left, Left, C, c, Center, center 4. Save and close the file. You can use this procedure to set panning for STP stereo mixdown as it was in MediaCentral v2.0. In v2.0, single-channel tracks were mixed down to a single centered mono track. In v2.1, they are mixed left or right by default. To preserve the v2.0 behavior, edit the application.properties file with this key: system.advancedSequenceTrackPanning=A1:C;A2:C;A3:C;A4:C;A5:C; 32 Additional Documentation Information Not Included in Translated Documentation Media | Index and Indexed Search Indexed search maps Interplay Production properties to Media Index criterion fields. The following table describes how Media Index categorizes some common Interplay Production properties: Interplay Production Property Media Index Field Name Name GlobalAssetID MobID Created By Creator Creation Date Created Modified Date Modified Changed By Modifier Start Start End End Duration Duration Comments Description Mime Type Asset type The Search Results List The topics covering the indexed search and the search results list have been revised. Included in the updated topics are the following: • You can search for time-based metadata, such as text within markers. • You can view your results in Card view or in Grid view. Card view provides a summary of the metadata information in your search results, and Grid view displays your results in a grid with columns for each selected metadata category. For more information, see the English version of the User's Guide or Help. 33 Limitations and Defects Found in Version 2.2 Date and Time Formats The Language user setting also affects the date and time format that is displayed in most components of MediaCentral UX: • English: month/date/year hours:minutes:seconds AM/PM • French and Spanish: date/month/year hours:minutes:seconds • German: date.month.year hours:minutes:seconds • Chinese: year-month-date hours:minutes:seconds • Japanese: year/month/date hours:minutes:seconds • Korean: year. month. date AM/PM hours:minutes:seconds The Time Zone and Date settings affect how dates and times are displayed in indexed search results Limitations and Defects Found in Version 2.2 The following sections list limitations and defects for MediaCentral UX and MediaCentral Platform, except for the following: • For the latest information and possible limitations for Media Index configuration, see the Media | Index Configuration Guide. This document is currently for Avid internal use only. • For the latest information and possible limitations for Interplay MAM, see the Interplay MAM Release Notes. Delivery ➤ Bug Number: JP-1955. Intermittently, the status of a Delivery or Deliver to Me job is not shown in the Progress pane. The status is shown in the Media Services and Transfer Status Tool. 34 Limitations and Defects Found in Version 2.2 Editing ➤ Bug Number: OS-2481, MA-2561. Rarely, closing the Story pane after creating a sequence causes MediaCentral UX to become less responsive. Workaround: Refresh the MediaCentral UX browser page. ➤ Bug Number: OS-2500. (Windows 8 only) For advanced sequences that include both NAT and SOT tracks, playback does not reflect changes in audio mapping until an edit is made to the sequence that triggers the player to reload the sequence, such as trimming a clip. Audio mapping changes are saved when you save the sequences. ➤ Bug Number: OS-2501. If loading of a remote asset is interrupted, for example, by switching from Asset mode to Output mode, the Asset mode timeline fails to display completely. Tick marks, and any In and Out marks, are not shown. Workaround: Switch to Output mode, then switch back to Asset mode. ➤ Bug Number: OS-2510. If you create a restriction, every time you change text for the restriction, the red color of the restriction in the Media timeline changes. Playback ➤ Bug Number: MPLAY-1794. In file-based playback the beginning of a clip is skipped if you move the cursor to the start then release the mouse button outside of the scrubbing area. ➤ Bug Number: MPLAY-1708. In file-based playback you cannot mute a clip containing MP4 mono audio tracks. Search ➤ Bug Number: IPAM-1171. Marker positions on subclips are not displayed correctly in the indexed search results. Clicking on a marker does not open the subclip at the correct location in the Media Pane ➤ Bug Number: JP-1936. You cannot change the number of assets that display in the results list for a federated search using the General group in the System Settings. The default maximum number of results displayed at one time is 1000. Changing this setting has no effect on the number of results displayed in the Search pane for federated searches. ➤ Bug Number: TSL-1930. Indexed searches return a maximum of five markers for each asset in the search results list. 35 Limitations and Defects Found in Earlier Versions Send to Playback ➤ Bug Number: SPEC-443. A sequence that includes clips with partial online status might be incorrectly evaluated, so that the STP button in the Media pane is enabled even though media is not available in the target resolution. The STP process fails with the following error message: “Remote STP process failed: Media is offline or not compatible with playback server (in "preprocess" phase).” Workaround: Select the correct STP profile and use the MultiRez button to play the sequence in STP review mode. “Media Offline” should be displayed for the problem clip or clips. Do one of the following: • Transcode the problem clip or clips to the target resolution. • Consolidate the sequence to the target resolution. Then try the STP job again. Limitations and Defects Found in Earlier Versions Limitations and defects in are organized in the following sections: • “Limitations and Defects Found in Version 2.1” on page 36 • “Limitations and Defects Found in Version 2.0” on page 39 • “Limitations and Defects Found in Version 1.8” on page 40 • “Limitations and Defects Found in Version 1.7” on page 41 • “Limitations and Defects Found in Version 1.6” on page 42 • “Limitations and Defects Found in Version 1.5” on page 42 • “Limitations and Defects Found in Version 1.4” on page 44 • “Limitations and Defects Found in Version 1.3” on page 44 Limitations and Defects Found in Version 2.1 Delivery ➤ Bug Number: EA-2640. If you create a Delivery profile in Interplay that includes subjobs, and use that profile for the Deliver to Me feature, Media Central displays the following error message: “Batched IDs list has different size than delivered assets number.” Subjobs are not supported for MediaCentral Delivery. 36 Limitations and Defects Found in Earlier Versions Editing ➤ Bug Number: MPLAY-. If you add two in-progress (EWC or chained ingest) clips to a sequence, you might not be able to add a dissolve. An error message is displayed. Workaround: Wait until 10 minutes of the clips has been recorded. ➤ Bug Number: OS-2262. Under some circumstances, if you load a new sequence before the original sequence was able to obtain a lock, the two sequences could become combined, leading to unexpected behavior. ➤ Bug Number: JP-1569. If you open an Assets pane on one system, using Chrome, and log out, your layout is saved. If you then log on to the same MediaCentral server, using Safari on Mac OS X, the Asset pane might be empty. Workaround: Close the Assets pane and open it again, or reset the layout. ➤ Bug Number: OS-2364. If you add two in-progress (EWC or chained ingest) clips to a sequence, you might not be able to add a dissolve. An error message is displayed. Workaround: Wait until 10 minutes of the clips has been recorded. ➤ Bug Number: PLAD-87. Metadata Pane: Custom metadata fields that are not selected as available in the Interplay Administrator (Property Layout > Custom Metadata tab) are still visible to users signed in to MediaCentral UX. Workaround: In the Interplay Administrator, deselect the Inspector Default column before you deselect the Available column. iNEWS ➤ Bug Number: MA-2089. You can copy multiple stories from one pane to a queue or rundown in another pane by selecting the stories and then pressing Ctrl while you drag them from one pane to the other. However, pressing Ctrl also deselects the story you position the mouse pointer over as you start to drag your stories. This results in one story not being copied during the operation. Workaround: After you copy your stories from one pane to another, select the story that was not copied with the rest, press Ctrl, and drag it to the new pane. Playback ➤ Bug Number: OS-2269. Repeated use of the J and L keys in Safari on a Mac OS X system can cause the player to crash with the error message “Plug-in Failure.” 37 Limitations and Defects Found in Earlier Versions ➤ Bug Number: MPLAY-1670. In file-based playback, a problem may arise if more than one user is playing the same clip. If the first user to play the asset ends the playback session, playback will stop for the second user, near the point where the session was ended. Playback beyond that point will not be possible, though partial scrubbing may work. Workaround: Click the Pane Menu button, then click Update Media Status, twice. The clip will play as expected. ➤ Bug Number: OS-2276. In file-based playback, if you start playback from part-way along the Media Timeline then jump to the beginning of the clip, the beginning of a clip may not play. The asset continues to load from the initial position indicator only. Workaround: Click a few times in the Media Timeline close to the first frame. The asset will load correctly. ➤ Bug Number: MPLAY-1678. For file-based playback, the audio meter does not display an audio level. Media | Distribute ➤ Bug Number: MPD-1059. If you attach both a video and an image to a Facebook post in the Social Message pane, a message appears: “Video profile ‘[profile_name]’ configured but not associated with any story. Are you sure you want to post this message?” This is as designed and occurs because Facebook postings allow text and either a video or an image. If your media bundle includes both a video and an image, the image prevents the video from being posted to Facebook. Workaround: Click No to dismiss the error message, remove either the video or the image from the Social Message pane, and then publish your bundle to Facebook. ➤ Bug Number: MPD-1057. If you load a video clip in the Media pane while the Web Story pane is not active, then click the Web Story pane, the Load from Player button might be disabled and you cannot add a video clip to your story. Workaround: Open the Web Story pane, and then load the video clip in the Media pane. Mobile Apps ➤ Bug Number: LIZ-1407. Playing back a clip or sequence with a duration that exceeds 30 minutes results in the playback stopping unexpectedly. This occurs on both iOS and Android devices. ➤ Bug Number: LIZ-1317. Avid MediaCentral UX for Android devices does not support moving or deleting production cues while in Edit mode. 38 Limitations and Defects Found in Earlier Versions Search ➤ Bug Number: TSL-1645. If you conduct an indexed search using Advanced Search syntax, some special characters — “.” (period) and “-” (dash) — are not recognized if your search term also includes wildcards. For example, if you search for “C0001.new.??” the two periods in the search term prevent the search from returning an asset named “C0001.new.02.” Workaround: Search for the asset name without using a period or a dash. You can substitute a space for the special character — for example, “C0001 new ??” returns the asset named “C0001.new.02.” ➤ Bug Number: MA-588. Asset searches that make use of a timestamp (e.g. Modified Date) fail to return all the results expected. For example, an asset with a specific, known modified date might be missed. Workaround: For reliable time-based search results, ensure the iNEWS, Interplay Production and MediaCentral servers have the same time. Limitations and Defects Found in Version 2.0 Delivery ➤ Bug Number: ICI-312. If a user tries to deliver an asset using Mark In to Mark Out, and a Consolidate profile does not exist in the requested resolution, the user must be a member of the Administrators group in Interplay Production. If the user is not, the job fails with the error “java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Service:com.avid.dms.consolidateservice does not contain a profile named:default_for_delivery_resolution.” Workaround: Create a Consolidate profile for the requested resolution. iNEWS Community ➤ Bug Number: MA-1574. If you search for Stories, relevant results from Search Queues on remote community servers are not displayed. MediaCentral Help ➤ Bug Number: JP-1208. The AdBlock extension in the Chrome browser can prevent Help system buttons (Contents, Index, Search, Previous Topic, and Next Topic) from displaying. Chrome extensions are not supported in MediaCentral UX. Workaround: Disable AdBlock for the page or the domain. 39 Limitations and Defects Found in Earlier Versions Media Composer ➤ Bug Number: ICI-300. In an Avid editing application, if you open a sequence created in MediaCentral that uses center pan, you cannot adjust the audio panning. ➤ Bug Number: No number. If you use the MediaCentral Messages window in Media Composer to send an attachment, you might receive an error message stating that the asset you want to attach is not checked in to Interplay Production even if it is checked in, or that you do not have the necessary permission to view the asset even if you do have the proper permissions set. Workaround: Log in to MediaCentral UX to set your Interplay Production user credentials, and then open the MediaCentral Messages window in Media Composer and attach the asset to your message. To sign in to MediaCentral UX: 1. Open a supported browser and type the URL of your MediaCentral server. The URL is the computer name of the server. 2. At the sign-in screen, type your user name and password. 3. Click Sign In, or press Enter or Return (Macintosh). To add an asset to a message in the MediaCentral Messages window in Media Composer: t Click a clip in a bin and drag it to the asset area of the message: Player ➤ Bug Number: MPLAY-1453. Sequences containing dissolves created and rendered in Media Composer result in a vertical shift at the transition points during playback in MediaCentral. The defect is visible in low-res sequences only. ➤ Bug Number: MPLAY-1319. Saving a frame from a sequence with a particular aspect ratio (e.g. 16:9) can result in an image with a different aspect ratio (e.g. 4:3) being saved to disk. The Save as Image feature saves in the aspect ratio of the underlying image, not in the current aspect ratio of the Player. Restrictions ➤ Bug Number: EA-2130. If a sequence includes a restriction, and you mix down the sequence, you cannot delete the restriction on the mixed-down sequence. Limitations and Defects Found in Version 1.8 All limitations and defects published in previous versions of the ReadMe have been fixed. 40 Limitations and Defects Found in Earlier Versions Limitations and Defects Found in Version 1.7 Assets Pane ➤ Bug Number: CORE-3991. When you sign out and sign back in to MediaCentral UX, the Assets tab does not retain its history. For example, if you open a folder from the root of the Interplay asset tree, you cannot use the back arrow to navigate back to the root. Workaround: Open an new Asset tab from the Launch pane Playback ➤ Bug Number: MPLAY-1171. Loading a Master Clip or sequence created using the Media Composer Avid Media Access (AMA) workflow and FrameFlex tool results in an “Asset not supported” message appearing in the MediaCentral UX media pane. Workaround: In Media Composer, transcode the Master Clip or sequence with the “Apply reformatting option (compatibility mode)” and “Apply color transformation (compatibility mode)” options selected and check in the transcoded sequence. The transcoded sequence loads as expected in MediaCentral UX. Alternately, to retain FrameFlex information in the Master Clip, render the sequence for use in MediaCentral UX. You cannot render a Master Clip itself. Sequences ➤ Bug Number: None. If the Audio - Storyline audio patching settings in the Interplay Administrator are not correctly set, you cannot save an advanced sequence. The following error message is displayed: “net.nxn.JXDK.CommandFailedException: XML returned from getMetadata is empty.” Make sure that these settings are correct. Each track must only be used once. For example, do not set both the NAT track and the VO track to A1. n ➤ In the Audio - Source audio patching settings, the same track can be used multiple times. Bug Number: MPLAY-1171. If you edit a clip that contains markers into a sequence, but you do not have the proper permissions set in the Interplay Administrator, the operation fails with an error message: “net.nxn.JXDK.ServerCommandFailedException: Error message from the server: “Insufficient permissions.” (0x89990301).” Workaround: The administrator needs to grant the user the permission “Can create locators.” It is not necessary to grant the permission “Can modify locators.” In this way you can allow a user to edit clips and sequences that contain markers but not modify or delete them. These settings are in the Instinct/Assist User Settings view of the Interplay Administrator. 41 Limitations and Defects Found in Earlier Versions Chrome Browser ➤ Bug Number: CORE-3856, JP-6. Pressing the Alt key plus another key in the Chrome Browser causes a beep. See https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=105500 Limitations and Defects Found in Version 1.6 All limitations and defects published in Interplay Central Services V1.6 ReadMe have been fixed. Limitations and Defects Found in Version 1.5 Playback Flash Plug-in Regression: A Flash plug-in release introduced playback regressions. Subsequent versions of the Flash plug-in have addressed the issue. If you are experiencing one or more of the following: • Long time to load asset • Audio/video synchronization drift Check the Flash plug-in version (right-click to view the version number in the context menu). If the version is, upgrade to the latest version of the plug-in. ➤ Bug Number: MPLAY-1571. (MediaCentral) Some AAF timelines do not relink EVS XT media properly in MediaCentral and cannot be loaded. Workaround: None. ➤ Bug Number: MPLAY-904, EA-1956. (MediaCentral UX) Clips with created in Media Composer with a horizontal effect fail to load. Workaround: None. ➤ Bug Number: MPLAY-718. (MediaCentral UX) Repeatedly clicking the “refresh” button in the Ingest Folder during EWS results in “media offline.” Workaround: Clear the cache by opening a shell on the MediaCentral Platform server and perform a “service avid-all reconfigure” at the command line. ➤ Bug Number: MPLAY-686. (MediaCentral UX) EWC playback clip length might be incorrect, resulting in black frames at the end of the clip. Workaround: Wait for EWC to complete and trigger an update media status. ➤ Bug Number: MPLAY-572. (Interplay MAM) In some cases, audio drift on playback can occur (approx. 1 second over 3 minutes). Workaround: None. 42 Limitations and Defects Found in Earlier Versions ➤ Bug Number: MPLAY-571. In some cases, poor playback of partially loaded clips can occur, when seeking. Workaround: None. Audio ➤ Bug Number: OS-372. MediaCentral UX can load clips with up to 24 tracks, but you can monitor only the first 16 audio tracks of a clip. Workaround: Disable Dynamic Relink in the Playback Service group of the MediaCentral UX System Settings layout. Note that this affects all Dynamic Relink operations in MediaCentral UX, such as send to playback (STP). Group Clips ➤ Bug Number: ICI-9. Playback of a 23.976p group clip in multi-angle view might stutter or stop the first time you load the clip. Workaround: While in multi-angle view, park at the beginning of the clip and wait for a few seconds before playing back. If you encounter a stuttering during playback, pause and wait for approximately 20s before playing back again. ➤ Bug Number: SPEC-121. A Media Composer user can add markers to a group clip, but these markers do not persist in the master clips. If you open a group clip with markers checked in from a Media Composer system, MediaCentral UX adds the markers to the underlying master clips. If the group clip is then checked back in, markers are removed from the group clip and copied to the master clips. Sequences ➤ c Bug Number: EA-490. If you drag an MediaCentral UX advanced sequence from the Interplay Window to a bin, the bin displayed a custom field named “sequencejson.” This column does not include useful information. Do not edit this field or the sequence could be corrupted. Searching ➤ Bug Number: EA-698. An MediaCentral UX administrator can specify the maximum number of items displayed in the Search pane at a time (System Settings, General). When the user performs a search and the search results to be displayed are more than the number specified and the user sorts the results, then the sorting might not show all assets found by the server. Especially folders might not be shown. 43 Limitations and Defects Found in Earlier Versions Restrictions ➤ Bug Number: EA-2829. If a sequence contains restricted material and the restricted segments are removed by trimming, the DRM column and the State column continue to show the restricted icon. Chrome Browser ➤ Bug Number: MPLAY-917. (Chrome browser) In the Media viewer, if you right-click to open the Flash context menu and leave it open for approximately 15 seconds, a message box is displayed that the page has become unresponsive. Workaround: Close the context menu. The warning is hidden and the player remains stable. Limitations and Defects Found in Version 1.4 All limitations and defects published in previous versions of the ReadMe have been fixed. Limitations and Defects Found in Version 1.3 Edit While Capture ➤ Bug Number: ICI-592, ICML-2236. When editing a clip while it is still being captured, you cannot create a subclip that includes material close to the ingest limit. Generally, there is a delay of 6 to 12 minutes within which this is not possible. The amount of delay depends on the ingest device and the media resolution. Workaround: If you attempt to make a subclip that is too close to the ingest limit, a message appears indicating the timecode limit at which subclip creation should be possible. The timecode in the message is Absolute; that is, it is given as the time offset from the first frame in the asset or sequence. You have two choices. You can wait a few minutes until more media has been ingested and try again. Or, you can create a subclip shorter than the timecode presented in the message. To simplify subclip creation, use the timecode display menu button in the Media pane to set the timecode presentation to Absolute. Playback ➤ Bug Number: MPLAY-1669. (MediaCentral UX) Sometimes when you capture clips and monitor them while capture is occurring, the final clip after recording is complete has a few extra black frames added. Workaround: Choose Update Media Status from the player drop-down options menu. 44 Limitations and Defects Found in Earlier Versions ➤ Bug Number: MPLAY-1571. (MediaCentral UX) Media captured to Interplay by an EVS device cannot be opened by MediaCentral UX. Workaround: Open the captured asset using Media Composer and check it in again. ➤ Bug Number: MPLAY-1581. (All) The operating system reports memory usage for all Flash activity, and based on this value, the ICPS Flash player manages assets in its local cache. If you have other instances of Flash open (for example a You Tube player), ICPS asset caching will be less efficient. Workaround: Close all other instances of Flash. ➤ Bug Number: MPLAY-1313 . (MediaCentral UX) Panning audio full right in Mono mode reduces the volume of the audio. Workaround: None. Sequences and Sequence Pane ➤ Bug Number: ICML-1934. If you open a script sequence created in Interplay Central V1.2 directly from the Asset list, the sequence opens as a read-only sequence and you cannot edit it. If you open the script sequence through an iNEWS story, you can edit the sequence. Subclips ➤ Bug Number: ICML-1845. If you add a subclip to the sequence timeline, you cannot trim the subclip outside the borders of the subclip. Workaround: Load the original master clip (optionally, using Match Frame) and create a new subclip that includes the material that you want. Send to Playback ➤ Bug Number: ICTD-316, UDevC00176883. If a sequence includes a title effect, and you attempt to send it to a playback device, the job fails with an error message “Remote STP process failed.” ➤ Bug Number: WANW-2768. Send to playback of a Long GOP sequence fails if the send to playback profile specifies Direct Out and the sequence contains an odd number of audio tracks. Workaround: Use a profile with Audio Target Mixdown Mode set to Stereo. If you want to use Direct Out as the Mixdown mode, add an extra track by configuring NAT or SOT as two channels in the Interplay Administrator Application Database settings. 45 Limitations and Defects Found in Earlier Versions Assets Pane ➤ Bug Number: IPC-1936. If a sequence contains a video dissolve created in Interplay Central v1.3, the State column in the Assets pane does not show the supported for playback icon (green arrow). These sequences are supported for playback. If a dissolve was created by Media Composer and has not been rendered, the icon is correctly displayed. Apps for iPad and iPhone ➤ Bug Number: ICMOB-1108. If a user account is created with the option “User must change password on next sign-in,” the user cannot sign-in to the MediaCentral UX Mobile or Tablet app. No message is displayed. Chrome Frame and Interplay Explorer 9 ➤ Bug Number: CORE-1643. If you are using Chrome Frame with Interplay Explorer 9, you cannot use an iNEWS link (deep link) more than once. The first time you open the link in the browser, the MediaCentral UX panes update correctly. If you try to open the link a second time, the MediaCentral UX panes do not update. Workaround: Close the browser and open it again. ➤ Bug Number: ICAJ-2422. If you are using Chrome Frame with Interplay Explorer 9, and you click the microphone (Annotation) button in the Queue/Story pane to enable speech-to-text, Chrome Frame crashes and Internet Explorer displays a blank page. Updating a Sequence after Delivery When you create a sequence with clips that have been delivered from another workgroup through Interplay Delivery, the media status of the sequence is not automatically updated in the Interplay Production database. • If a sequence consists completely of clips delivered from another workgroup, the status is displayed as offline. In MediaCentral UX, the sequence is shown in gray in the Asset pane. • If a sequence consists of both delivered clips and non-delivered clips, the status is displayed as nearline. Workaround: Load the delivered clips in Media Composer, use the Relink command, and check the clips in to Interplay Production again. Then either update the Media status in Interplay Access (Update Status from Media Indexer command) or check the sequence in from Media Composer again. n The command “Update Status from Media Indexer” updates the online media status until the next checkin. 46 Legal Notices OMF Support ➤ OMF workflows are no longer supported in MediaCentral UX. OMF-wrapped media has to be converted to MXF prior to using it in MediaCentral UX. This limitation applies to video playback and to the sequence timeline. Legal Notices Product specifications are subject to change without notice and do not represent a commitment on the part of Avid Technology, Inc. This product is subject to the terms and conditions of a software license agreement provided with the software. The product may only be used in accordance with the license agreement. This product may be protected by one or more U.S. and non-U.S patents. Details are available at www.avid.com/patents. This document is protected under copyright law. An authorized licensee of MediaCentral may reproduce this publication for the licensee’s own use in learning how to use the software. This document may not be reproduced or distributed, in whole or in part, for commercial purposes, such as selling copies of this document or providing support or educational services to others. This document is supplied as a guide for MediaCentral Reasonable care has been taken in preparing the information it contains. However, this document may contain omissions, technical inaccuracies, or typographical errors. Avid Technology, Inc. does not accept responsibility of any kind for customers’ losses due to the use of this document. Product specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright © 2015 Avid Technology, Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved. The following disclaimer is required by Apple Computer, Inc.: APPLE COMPUTER, INC. MAKES NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THIS PRODUCT, INCLUDING WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO ITS MERCHANTABILITY OR ITS FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES IS NOT PERMITTED BY SOME STATES. THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY PROVIDES YOU WITH SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. THERE MAY BE OTHER RIGHTS THAT YOU MAY HAVE WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. The following disclaimer is required by Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics, Inc. for the use of their TIFF library: Copyright © 1988–1997 Sam Leffler Copyright © 1991–1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software [i.e., the TIFF library] and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS-IS” AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. The following disclaimer is required by the Independent JPEG Group: This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. This Software may contain components licensed under the following conditions: Copyright (c) 1989 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. 47 Legal Notices Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, advertising materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed by the University of California, Berkeley. The name of the University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. Copyright 1995, Trinity College Computing Center. Written by David Chappell. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. Copyright 1996 Daniel Dardailler. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Daniel Dardailler not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. Daniel Dardailler makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. Modifications Copyright 1999 Matt Koss, under the same license as above. Copyright (c) 1991 by AT&T. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice is included in all copies of any software which is or includes a copy or modification of this software and in all copies of the supporting documentation for such software. THIS SOFTWARE IS BEING PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY. IN PARTICULAR, NEITHER THE AUTHOR NOR AT&T MAKES ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND CONCERNING THE MERCHANTABILITY OF THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. The following disclaimer is required by Paradigm Matrix: Portions of this software licensed from Paradigm Matrix. The following disclaimer is required by Ray Sauers Associates, Inc.: “Install-It” is licensed from Ray Sauers Associates, Inc. End-User is prohibited from taking any action to derive a source code equivalent of “Install-It,” including by reverse assembly or reverse compilation, Ray Sauers Associates, Inc. shall in no event be liable for any damages resulting from reseller’s failure to perform reseller’s obligation; or any damages arising from use or operation of reseller’s products or the software; or any other damages, including but not limited to, incidental, direct, indirect, special or consequential Damages including lost profits, or damages resulting from loss of use or inability to use reseller’s products or the software for any reason including copyright or patent infringement, or lost data, even if Ray Sauers Associates has been advised, knew or should have known of the possibility of such damages. The following disclaimer is required by Videomedia, Inc.: “Videomedia, Inc. makes no warranties whatsoever, either express or implied, regarding this product, including warranties with respect to its merchantability or its fitness for any particular purpose.” “This software contains V-LAN ver. 3.0 Command Protocols which communicate with V-LAN ver. 3.0 products developed by Videomedia, Inc. and V-LAN ver. 3.0 compatible products developed by third parties under license from Videomedia, Inc. Use of this software will allow “frame accurate” editing control of applicable videotape recorder decks, videodisc recorders/players and the like.” The following disclaimer is required by Altura Software, Inc. for the use of its Mac2Win software and Sample Source Code: ©1993–1998 Altura Software, Inc. The following disclaimer is required by 3Prong.com Inc.: Certain waveform and vector monitoring capabilities are provided under a license from 3Prong.com Inc. 48 Legal Notices The following disclaimer is required by Interplay Entertainment Corp.: The “Interplay” name is used with the permission of Interplay Entertainment Corp., which bears no responsibility for Avid products. This product includes portions of the Alloy Look & Feel software from Incors GmbH. This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/). © DevelopMentor This product may include the JCifs library, for which the following notice applies: JCifs © Copyright 2004, The JCIFS Project, is licensed under LGPL (http://jcifs.samba.org/). See the LGPL.txt file in the Third Party Software directory on the installation CD. Avid Interplay contains components licensed from LavanTech. These components may only be used as part of and in connection with Avid Interplay. This product includes FFmpeg, which is covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License. This product includes software that is based in part of the work of the FreeType Team. This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. This product includes libjpeg-turbo, which is covered by the wxWindows Library License, Version 3.1. Portions copyright 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Funded under Grant P41-RR02188 by the National Institutes of Health. Portions copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Boutell.Com, Inc. Portions relating to GD2 format copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Philip Warner. Portions relating to PNG copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Greg Roelofs. Portions relating to gdttf.c copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 John Ellson (ellson@lucent.com). Portions relating to gdft.c copyright 2001, 2002 John Ellson (ellson@lucent.com). Portions relating to JPEG and to color quantization copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, Doug Becker and copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, Thomas G. Lane. This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. See the file README-JPEG.TXT for more information. Portions relating to WBMP copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 Maurice Szmurlo and Johan Van den Brande. Permission has been granted to copy, distribute and modify gd in any context without fee, including a commercial application, provided that this notice is present in user-accessible supporting documentation. This does not affect your ownership of the derived work itself, and the intent is to assure proper credit for the authors of gd, not to interfere with your productive use of gd. If you have questions, ask. "Derived works" includes all programs that utilize the library. Credit must be given in user-accessible documentation. This software is provided "AS IS." The copyright holders disclaim all warranties, either express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to this code and accompanying documentation. Although their code does not appear in gd, the authors wish to thank David Koblas, David Rowley, and Hutchison Avenue Software Corporation for their prior contributions. This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/) MediaCentral may use OpenLDAP. Copyright 1999-2003 The OpenLDAP Foundation, Redwood City, California, USA. All Rights Reserved. OpenLDAP is a registered trademark of the OpenLDAP Foundation. Media | Distribute enables its users to access certain YouTube functionality, as a result of Avid's licensed use of YouTube's API. The charges levied by Avid for use of Media | Distribute are imposed by Avid, not YouTube. YouTube does not charge users for accessing YouTube site functionality through the YouTube APIs. Media | Distribute uses the bitly API, but is neither developed nor endorsed by bitly. Android is a trademark of Google Inc. 49 Legal Notices Attn. Government User(s). Restricted Rights Legend U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. This Software and its documentation are “commercial computer software” or “commercial computer software documentation.” In the event that such Software or documentation is acquired by or on behalf of a unit or agency of the U.S. Government, all rights with respect to this Software and documentation are subject to the terms of the License Agreement, pursuant to FAR §12.212(a) and/or DFARS §227.7202-1(a), as applicable. 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Adobe and Photoshop are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Apple and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Windows is either a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners. Avid MediaCentral Platform Services v2.2 ReadMe • March 2015 • Updated 4/30/15 • This document is distributed by Avid in online (electronic) form only, and is not available for purchase in printed form. 50
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