low Yelpages Girl Scout programs offer girls the opportunity to share and experience educational and fun moments with other girls across the Council. SPECIAL SUMM ER CAMP SECTIO N! Visit the Council’s Program Calendar for more information on all of our Girl Scout programs: www.gscnc.org/Program_ Events_Calendar.html Spring 2015 Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital 4301 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington DC 20008 202.237.1670 | 800.523.7898 | www.gscnc.org LIFE LESSONS Make a difference on the shore, by the Bay, in a national park forest, marsh or waterway with hands-on field experiences and uncommon access offered exclusively for groups. Choose from more than 20 ultimate Virginia Beach adventures at VisitVirginiaBeach.com/GroupTour. Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital • gscnc.org Made with Code & Maker Day Girl Scouts is connecting girls to careers in computer technology. We have partnered with Google to offer girls an exciting new initiative, Made with Code, to change how girls think about coding— and inspire them to explore careers in computer science. Play coding games, meet mentors and makers, learn about events, and find resources through the Made with Code link on our website: www.gscnc.org/madewithcode.html. I can’t wait to... be a Maker What is a Girl Scout Maker? Girl Scout Makers like making things they’re excited about—whether it’s a craft, a piece of furniture, a robot, or a computer program. Makers like to tinker, take things apart, and try and put them back together again in new ways. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t. It doesn’t matter! Help your girls become Girl Scout Makers • Register your troop to participate in the first Nation’s Capital Maker Day in April at the Annual Meeting • Go to www.gscnc.org/GSMaker.html for updates on Maker resources and ways to be involved • Join the Maker Steering Committee and help make Maker happen • Follow us on Facebook.com/GSCNC to get updates on our Maker event For m o re inf Sara T ormation: y Style r@gsc ler nc.org Spring 2015 • Program Partner Yellow Pages and Event Forecast 3 Congressional Aide Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital invites Seniors and Ambassadors to apply for the 2015 Congressional Aide Program. In this unique opportunity, Girl Scouts are placed in a week-long job shadow experience on Capitol Hill where they get a behind the scenes look at our country’s legislative process. The deadline is Monday, March 2, 2015 at 5pm. The application can be found on our website at www.gscnc.org/congressional_aide_ girls.html Silver Award Online Approval Tool The updated Silver Award Online Approval Tool is now available on our website to assist troop leaders in approving their Girl Scouts’ Silver Award Projects and ensuring that the projects meet Girl Scouts of the USA’s Silver Award Guidelines. For more information on how to use the tool, check out the Silver Award Online Approval Tool Questions Guide. The Tool and Questions Guide can be found at www. gscnc.org/teen_silver.html. If the project meets Girl Scouts of the USA’s Silver Award Guidelines, an approval confirmation will be generated. The Girl Scout should print the approval, as she will need to submit the approval with her Silver Award Final Report to a Council Shop in order to purchase the Silver Award Pin. This will be a requirement beginning March 17, 2015. Teen Awards 2015 Teen Awards Deadline Mark your calendars! The 2015 Teen Awards Deadline is 5pm on Monday, March 16, 2015. This is the last day that Gold Award Final Reports can be received in order to be included in the 2015 In Your Honor Ceremony on May 9, 2015 and in the 2015 Awards Yearbook. It is also the last day that Silver Award and Silver Trefoil Award final reports can be received in order to be included in the 2015 Awards Yearbook. March 16 is also the last day to submit President’s Award applications and Gold Award Scholarship applications. Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital • gscnc.org Make the Connection, Jr! Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital and Booz Allen Hamilton join together for the ninth year to offer a mentoring program that gives Girl Scouts a head start in planning for their futures! On Sunday, March 1, 2015 from 1pm – 4pm in Arlington, Virginia, Girl Scout Juniors will take part in handson STEM activities as well as work with professional women in STEM fields. Registration for this program will open on January 5. Make the Connection: Teambuilding! Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital and Booz Allen Hamilton join together for the ninth year to offer a mentoring program that gives Girl Scouts a head start in planning for their futures! On Saturday, April 18, 2015 from 10am – 4pm at Camp Crowell, girls and Booz Allen Hamilton mentors will participate in fun outdoor activities like the Log of Death and Rushing River that teach girls how to achieve success through trust, communication, and strategy. As they conquer this challenging rope course they experience firsthand how to achieve success as part of a team. Registration for this program will open on February 18. Spring 2015 • Program Partner Yellow Pages and Event Forecast 5 Program News Spotlight Capital One Financial Fitness Challenge The Capital One Financial Fitness Challenge is back this year to challenge all 164 Service Units to become financially literate using Girl Scouts’ new national financial literacy curriculum and Capital One-branded supplemental educational materials, resources, and events. Once girls have earned a Cookie Business or Financial Literacy Badge, let us know and earn an additional patch from Capital One! See our Financial Fitness Challenge webpage at www.gscnc.org/capitalone.html for the link to enter your information and mailing address to receive your free patch. Financial Literacy Badges Include: Girl Scout Daisy – Money Counts & Making Choices Girl Scout Brownie – Money Manager & Philanthropist Girl Scout Junior – Business Owner & Savvy Shopper Girl Scout Cadette – Budgeting, Comparison Shopping, and Financing My Dreams Girl Scout Senior – Financing my Future and Buying Power Girl Scout Ambassador – On My Own & Good Credit CareFirst Healthy Living Fair and Programs Once again, CareFirst is supporting Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital in delivering high quality healthy living programs. This year, CareFirst will support a Healthy Living fair at the DC Step Showcase on Saturday, March 7, 2015 as well as long-awaited rewrites to the Grow Strong troop kits and patch program. Look for new kits and patches in August 2015. The Healthy Living Fair at the DC Step Showcase will highlight Girl Scout healthy living program partners, as well as providing health care screening and information tables. This will take place from 10:30am to 12pm before the DC Step Show begins. Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital • gscnc.org Program News Spotlight GEICO Art of Independence GSCNC’s and GEICO’s Art of Independence program will empower Girl Scouts to discover skills that will prepare them for a positive, healthy, and independent future by earning a life-skills badge. You have two ways to participate: Earn a practical life-skills badge at your level with your troop. Then let us know which badge you earned between October 2014 and July 2015 by filling out a survey at www.surveymonkey.com/s/HC3Q3FZ and we will send you a FREE GEICO patch while patch supplies last! Or Attend one of the Art of Independence events hosted by Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital. There will be five events offered throughout the Council. They will be advertised on the GSCNC website and our publications as they are scheduled. For more information, go to www.gscnc.org/artofindependence.html. The Life-Skills Badges are: My Great Day - The My Great Day badge teaches Girl Scout Brownies (grades 2-3) that life is more fun when it’s running smoothly and encourages them to be organized—so there’s more time to play! Independence - The Independence badge encourages Girl Scout Juniors (grades 4-5) to start taking care of themselves, learn their capabilities, and show their families they are learning how to be responsible. Topics include: transportation smarts, breaking bad habits, taking care of clothes, and helping around the house. Babysitter - The Babysitter badge teaches Girl Scout Cadettes (grades 6-8) how to be well-prepared, responsible and effective babysitters. Girls learn about how kids develop, how to focus on play, how to find employers, and what to do when challeges arise. Car Care - By fulfilling the requirements for the Car Care badge, Girl Scout Seniors (grades 9-10) learn basic car care maintenance, vehicle safety, safe driving practices, what to do in an emergency, and how to drive for a greener world. Spring 2015 • Program Partner Yellow Pages and Event Forecast 7 Program Resources Program Kits are available to borrow at no cost to leaders and can be delivered to any of our offices for pickup. Kits are fun, age-appropriate resources and are available for varied subjects such as the environment, teamwork, and healthy living. Some kits are related to badges, patches, and recognitions,which girls can earn as they expand their knowledge. Kits are adaptable and can be used once or over a series of meetings or camp days, providing enriching activities for Girl Scouts in a variety of settings. For more information on our kits visit our webpage at www.gscnc.org/kits.html. Premier Program Partners Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital is excited to announce our Premier Program Partner distinction. Look out in our next Yellow Pages edition for our inaugural group of Premier Partners! These partners have shown their dedication to providing high quality programs for girls in our Council over the years. The Council will review the curriculum of each partner and make sure that their goals and methods align with the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Each Premier Program Partner will have received training on safety, Girl Scout basics, awards, and badges. Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital • gscnc.org Religious Recognitions for Girls of All Ages! Girls of all grade levels can earn the My Promise, My Faith pin. This pin can be earned once a year and allows girls to strengthen the connection between their faith and the Girl Scout Promise. This national pin is a great way to connect with your community, get inspired, and reinforce what you’ve learned through the Girl Scout Promise. Find out how to earn My Promise, My Faith online or in your Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting book. The second way to engage with your faith is through Religious Recognitions. Earn Religious Recognitions that help you grow stronger in and learn more specifically about your faith. Each religious organization develops and administers its own program. These recognitions can be worn on the front of your Girl Scouts uniform. Search for your faith’s recognition requirements at www.praypub.org/recognitions/ selectFaith.asp Program News Spotlight National Air & Space Museum On Saturday, March 14, the annual Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum’s Women in History event will take place in Chantilly, VA. The Council will not be handling registration for this event. Instead, it will be open attendance. All Girl Scouts in uniform will be able to pick up their free patch at the Girl Scout table! Interested in volunteering at the event or staffing the Girl Scout Maker table? Email rtaniguchi@gscnc.org. Girl Scout Day at the Newseum Get the scoop with Girl Scouts during a funfilled day at the Newseum. This year, Girl Scout Day at the Newseum is on Saturday, February 14, 2015. • Show what you know about Girl Scouts, women’s history, and current events in the Newseum’s popular NewsMania game show • Race across a giant game board and compete for prizes in Front Page Frenzy • Learn how women’s suffrage activists used their First Amendment rights to bring attention to their cause • Participate in a gallery talk on women in journalism • Design a T-shirt, button or bumper sticker celebrating your right to free expression • Sniff out all the great information about women in the news on the News Hound Scavenger Hunt To book your tickets, please call the Newseum Education Department at 202-292-6650. Tickets are $11 per person; girls under 6 are free. You must register by January 9th to receive a patch. Spring 2015 • Program Partner Yellow Pages and Event Forecast 9 Girl Scout DC Step Showcase Calling all Girl Scout steppers! Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital step teams of all ages are invited to perform in the 9th annual Step Showcase on Saturday, March 7, 2015! Before you get started, brush up on what stepping looks like. Visit www.gscnc.org/step_ showcase.html to see videos of previous year’s routines to give you ideas for your own performance. You will also find performance guidelines and registration information. Participants receive fun goodie bags for their efforts, and many teams have been invited to perform at other events throughout the year. Want to support the step teams by cheering them on? This wonderful community celebration is free to all, so gather your friends and family for a festive day of fun and dance. The DC Step Showcase will take place at Trinity Washington University in Washington, DC. The show begins at 12pm, but come early to enjoy crafts, games, and more during the Healthy Living activity fair at 11am. Please note there is no registration for spectators. Entry will be first come, first served until capacity is reached. Step is a form of dance in which the performers-usually as a group-use their entire bodies as an instrument to produce complex rhythms and sounds through a mixture of footsteps, spoken word and hand claps. Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital • gscnc.org Program Event Forecast All-All programs levels C- Cadette D- Daisy S- Senior B- Brownie A- Ambassador J-Junior T- All teen levels January 2015 10 (J) Get Moving! Journey. Dumbarton House, Washington, DC. Register by emailing Stephanie Boyle at Education@dumbartonhouse.org 11 (C, S, A) Make the Connection: Career Exploration, McLean, VA. Register online at gscnc.org 18 (C) Good Sportsmanship Badge. 24/7 Dance Studio, Frederick, MD. Register with Susan DesRoches at 301-846-4247 or email susandesroches.247@gmail.com 19 (C, S) Junior Curator Workshop: Take Hold of History. Tudor Place, Washington, DC. Register at www.tudorplace.org 19 (B, J) The Skin You Live In. Chesapeake Children’s Museum, Annapolis, MD. Register by calling 410-990-1993 22 (B, J) Girl Scout Spy School 101, Washington, DC. Register by calling Lucy Stirn at 202-654-0933 or email lstirn@spymuseum.org 23 (C) Don’t Worry, Be Happy: The Science of Happiness Through Yoga, Vienna, VA. Register online at www.mobiyogi.biz or call 703-362-5074 23-24 (J) Draw It! Overnight Adventure. Dumbarton House, Washington, DC. Register by emailing EducationAssistant@DumbartonHouse.org 24 (B) Paint It! Girl Scout Day. Dumbarton House, Washington, DC. Register by emailing Educationassistant@dumbartonhouse.org 30 (All) Spy Fest: Tradecraft Try-Its, Washington, DC. Register online at http://www.spymuseum.org/calendar/detail/spy-fest/2015-01-30/ 30 (B) My Beautiful Self. Mobi Yogi, Vienna, VA. Register online at www.mobiyogi.biz or call 703-362-5074 31 (D, B, J) Preparing for a Ball. Gadsby’s Tavern Museum, Alexandria, VA. Register online at http://shop.alexandriava.gov February 2015 1 (B, J, C, S) Wonders of Science. Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum, Alexandria, VA. Register online at http://shop.alexandriava.gov 1 (D) Respect Myself & Others. 24/7 Dance Studio, Frederick, MD. Register with Susan DesRoches at 301-846-4247 or email susandesroches.247@gmail.com 1 (All) NCAA Women’s Gymnastics. George Washington University, Washington, DC. Register with Anjuwon Spence at aspence@gwu.edu or by calling (202) 994-0428 6-7 (J) Tavern Overnight: Agent of Change. Gadsby’s Tavern Museum, Alexandria, VA. Register online at http://shop.alexandriava.gov 6-7 (C) Tavern Overnight: Media. Gadsby’s Tavern Museum and the Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum, Alexandria, VA. Register online at http://shop.alexandriava.gov 7 (B) Healthy Me Brownie Day. Chesapeake Children’s Museum, Annapolis, MD. Register by calling 410-990-1993 8 (B) Dancer. 24/7 Dance Studio, Frederick, MD. Register with Susan DesRoches at 301-846-4247 or email susandesroches.247@gmail.com 11 (D, B, J) Lighthouses of Maryland. Chesapeake Children’s Museum, Annapolis, MD. Register by calling 410-990-1993 continued... Spring 2015 • Program Partner Yellow Pages and Event Forecast 11 14 (D, B) Be My Valentine: Card Workshop for Children. Tudor Place Historic House and Gardens, Washington, DC. Register online at www.tudorplace.org 15 (J) Staying Fit. 24/7 Dance Studio, Frederick, MD. Register with Susan DesRoches at 301-846-4247 or email susandesroches.247@gmail.com 16 (All) Celebrate George. Tudor Place, Washington, DC. Register online at www.tudorplace.org 20-21 (D, B) Girl Scout Lock-In Venture. Terrapin Adventures, Savage, MD. Register by calling 301-725-1313 or visit online at http://www.terrapinadventures.com/book-your-adventure/?2014-11-07 20-21 (B, J) Playing the Past Girl Scout Overnight Adventure. Dumbarton House, Washington, DC. Register by emailing Educationassistant@dumbartonhouse.org 21 21 (B, J, C, S, A) The Magic of Spying: Tradecraft Trickery. International Spy Museum, Washington, DC. Register online at http://www.spymuseum.org/calendar/detail/the-magic-of-spying/2015-02-21/ 21 (B, J, C) Engineering Girl Scout Day. The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, PA. Register by calling 215-448-1200 (Option 5) (B, J) Wiley and the Hairy Man Music Patch. Imagination Stage, Bethesda, MD. Register by calling 301-280-1664 21 (B, J) Playing the Past Girl Scout Day. Dumbarton House, Washington, DC. Register by emailing Educationassistant@dumbartonhouse.org 21, 22 (B, J, C) Tea with Martha Washington. Gadsby’s Tavern Museum, Alexandria, VA. Register online at http://shop.alexandriava.gov 22 (B, J) Animal Party. Chesapeake Children’s Museum, Annapolis, MD. Register by calling 410-990-1993 27 (J) Get Your Yoga On! Mobi Yogi, Vienna, VA. Register online at www.mobiyogi.biz or call 703-362-5074 27-28 (J) Tavern Overnight: Agent of Change. Gadsby’s Tavern Museum, Alexandria, VA. Register online at http://shop.alexandriava.gov 27-28 (C) Tavern Overnight: Media. Gadsby’s Tavern Museum and the Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum, Alexandria, VA. Register online at http://shop.alexandriava.gov March 2015 1 (J) Make the Connection Jr STEM, Arlington, VA. Register online at www.gscnc.org 6-7 (J, C) Girl Scout Lock-In Venture. Terrapin Adventures, Savage, MD. Register by calling 301-725-1313 or visit online at http://www.terrapinadventures.com/book-your-adventure/?2014-11-07 6-8 (All) Boy Scout & Girl Scout and Family Ski Weekends. Roundtop Mountain Resort, Lewisberry, PA. Register by calling 717-432-9631 x3723 or by filling out the form at www.roundtopmountainresort.com/scoutweekend 7 (All) DC Step Showcase, Washington, DC. Register at www.gscnc.org 7 (B, J) Wiley and the Hairy Man Music Patch. Imagination Stage, Bethesda, MD. Register by calling 301-280-1664 7 (S) Be Healthy; Be Yoga! Mobi Yogi. Vienna, VA. Register online at www.mobiyogi.biz or call 703-362-5074 7 (B) Artsy Brownie Evening. Chesapeake Children’s Museum, Annapolis, MD. Register by calling 410-990-1993 9 (All) Harlem Globetrotters at Bobcat Arena, Frostburg, MD. Register by calling Carl Pavlock at 800-641-4667 ext 120 or email pavlock@harlemglobetrotters.com 13-14 (B) American Symbols and Stories Overnight Adventure. Dumbarton House, Washington, DC. Register by emailing Educationassistant@dumbartonhouse.org 14 (B) Paint It! Girl Scout Day. Dumbarton House, Washington, DC. Register by emailing Educationassistant@dumbartonhouse.org 20-21 (D, B) Girl Scout Lock-In Venture. Terrapin Adventures, Savage, MD. Register by calling 301-725-1313 or visit http://www.terrapinadventures.com/book-your-adventure/?2014-11-07 Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital • gscnc.org 20-21 (J) Tavern Overnight: Agent of Change. Gadsby’s Tavern Museum, Alexandria, VA. Register online at http://shop.alexandriava.gov 20-21 (C) Tavern Overnight: Media. Gadsby’s Tavern Museum and the Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum, Alexandria, VA. Register online at http://shop.alexandriava.gov 20-22 (All) Maryland Day Weekend with Chesapeake Critters. Chesapeake Children’s Museum, Annapolis, MD. Register by calling 410-990-1993 21 (J, C) Operation Secret Slumber. International Spy Museum, Washington, DC. Register by emailing Lucy Stirn at lstirn@spymuseum.org or call 202-654-0933 22 (B, J, C, S) Wonders of Science. Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum, Alexandria, VA. Register online at http://shop.alexandriava.gov 28 (D, B) 9th Annual Eggstravaganza. Tudor Place Historic House and Gardens, Washington, DC. Register online at www.tudorplace.org April 2015 3, 4 10-11 (D, B) 9th Annual Eggstravaganza. Tudor Place Historic House and Gardens, Washington, DC. Register online at www.tudorplace.org (J) Tavern Overnight: Agent of Change. Gadsby’s Tavern Museum, Alexandria, VA. Register online at http://shop.alexandriava.gov 10-11 (C) Tavern Overnight: Media. Gadsby’s Tavern Museum and the Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum, Alexandria, VA. Register online at http://shop.alexandriava.gov 11 (B, J) Girl Scout Brownie & Junior Event Day: Choice of Brownie Fossil Fun Patch or Junior Geology Rocks Patch. Lincoln Caverns, Huntingdon, PA. Register online at www.lincolncaverns.com or call 814-643-0268 11 (B, J) Animal Party. Chesapeake Children’s Museum, Annapolis, MD. Register by calling 410-990-1993 12 (B, J) Mad Science. Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum, Alexandria, VA. Register online at http://shop.alexandriava.gov 18 (C, S, A) Make the Connection ‘Me to We’ Teambuilding Skills, Camp Crowell. Register online at www.gscnc.org 18 (D, B, J, C) Girl Scout Day at Hillwood. Registration begins in January; call 202-243-3935 18 (B, J) Sinbad: The Untold Tale Theatre Patch. Imagination Stage, Bethesda, MD. Register by calling 301-280-1664 18 (B,J) Garden Faeries. Chesapeake Children’s Museum, Annapolis, MD. Register by calling 410-990-1993 18 (D) Daisy Days. Chesapeake Children’s Museum, Annapolis, MD. Register by calling 410-990-1993 18-19 (J, C, S) Crime Museum Camp In, Washington, DC. Register by calling 202-621-5553 or email sales@crimemuseum.org 24-25 (J) Tavern Overnight: Agent of Change. Gadsby’s Tavern Museum, Alexandria, VA. Register online at http://shop.alexandriava.gov 24-25 (C) Tavern Overnight: Media. Gadsby’s Tavern Museum and the Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum, Alexandria, VA. Register: Purchase tickets online at http://shop.alexandriava.gov 25 (All) 2nd Annual Tree Fest. Tudor Place Historic House and Gardens, Washington, DC. Register online at www.tudorplace.org 25 (B) Spring Brownie Day. Chesapeake Children’s Museum, Annapolis, MD. Register by calling 410-990-1993 May 2014 1-2 (J) Tavern Overnight: Agent of Change. Gadsby’s Tavern Museum, Alexandria, VA. Register online at http://shop.alexandriava.gov Spring 2015 • Program Partner Yellow Pages and Event Forecast continued... 13 1-2 (C) Tavern Overnight: Media. Gadsby’s Tavern Museum and the Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum, Alexandria, VA. Register online at http://shop.alexandriava.gov 3 (D, B, J) Behind the Scenes Girl Scouts Patch Program. BalletNova, Arlington, VA. Register by emailing info@balletnova.org or call 703-778-3005 9 (C, S, A) In Your Honor, Washington, DC. This is an invitation only event. 9 (B, J) Girl Scout Brownie & Junior Event Day: Letterboxer Badge or Geocacher Badge. Lincoln Caverns, Huntingdon, PA. Register online at www.lincolncaverns.com or call 814-643-0268 9 (B, J, C) Earth Science Girl Scout Day. The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, PA. Register by calling 215-448-1200 (Option 5) 16 (B, J) Sinbad: The Untold Tale Theatre Patch. Imagination Stage, Bethesda, MD. Register by calling 301-280-1664 16 (B, J) Girl Scout Day at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington, DC. Register online at www.vvmf.org or email education@vvmf.org 16 (All) Girl Scout and Boy Scout Appreciation Days. Medieval Times, Hanover, MD. Register by calling 1-443-755-0011 extension 2819 or email Maryland@MedievalTimes.com 16-17 (B, J, C, S, A) Girl Scout Raftoree. Whitewater Challengers, Weatherly, PA. Register by calling 800-443-8554 and ask for GSCNC special 16-17 (B, J, C) Game On! Chesapeake Children’s Museum, Annapolis, MD. Register by calling 410-990-1993 17 (B, J, C) Tea with Martha Washington. Gadsby’s Tavern Museum, Alexandria, VA. Register online at http://shop.alexandriava.gov 29-30 (J) Tavern Overnight: Agent of Change. Gadsby’s Tavern Museum, Alexandria, VA. Register online at http://shop.alexandriava.gov 29-30 (C) Tavern Overnight: Media. Gadsby’s Tavern Museum and the Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum, Alexandria, VA. Register online at http://shop.alexandriava.gov June 2015 6 (All) Girl Scout and Boy Scout Appreciation Days. Medieval Times, Hanover, MD. Register by calling 1-443-755-0011 extension 2819 or email Maryland@MedievalTimes.com July 2015 1 (All) Independence Day Ice Cream Social. Tudor Place Historic House and Garden, Washington, DC. Register online at www.tudorplace.org This is a tentative calendar of GSCNC and vendor-registered programs. Please be aware that programs may be changed or cancelled. All-All programs levels C- Cadette D- DaisyS- Senior B- BrownieA- Ambassador J-JuniorT- All teen levels Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital • gscnc.org Program Partner Yellow Pages This publication contains display advertisements from vendors providing beyond-the-troop programs. This is not a complete list of vendors or programs since both vendors and programs change frequently. For a comprehensive list of program partners, including detailed descriptions and contact information, visit www.gscnc.org/program_partners.html. Important Reminders: • Troop/group leader must ensure that Volunteer Essentials guidelines and safety checkpoints are followed. • Programs involving high adventure activities, overnights, chartered transportation and those taking place outside of the Council’s boundaries require Council approval. • Adults should use discretion in choosing activities appropriate to the age level and experience of program choices with girls and families before booking. • Most programs require pre-registration and non-refundable deposits, so be sure to discuss program choices with girls and families before booking. • Please check with vendors before bringing siblings and tagalongs to events. SHOWS & • To register or schedule program partner events, WORKSHOPS! contact that provider directly. Attend a show and a workshop Arts to earn an Imagination Stage Patch! Music Patch Theatre Patch Wiley and the Hairy Man Feb. 21 & Mar. 7 Sinbad: The Untold Tale Apr. 18 & May 16 Disclaimer: The Program Partners listed in the Yellow Pages and online are for your convenience in planning program extensions to your troop activities. While these vendors agree to follow Council and GSUSA guidelines, Girl Scouts Council of the Nation’s Capital has not inspected these vendors or their facilities. Information published in the Yellow Pages and online does not constitute endorsement of an organization or group. Council staff are not present at these events. 301-280-1664 | imaginationstage.org groupsales@imaginationstage.org Spring 2015 • Program Partner Yellow Pages and Event Forecast 15 Presents Cinderella Act I Children’s Series Performances One-hour Performances for Shorter Attention Spans Limited Narration in English and Spanish Pictures with Characters after the Show Experience the Enchantment! Saturday, April 25th at 1:00 pm and 3:30 pm Sunday, April 26th at 1:00 pm and 3:30 pm CBT Studios, 320 Victory Dr., Herndon, VA Visit www.cbtnva.org or phone (703) 4710750. Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital • gscnc.org Group Discount To Any Show! 20% Off! Wiley and the Hairy Man Feb. 4 – March 8 Sinbad: The Untold Tale April 8 – May 31 Double Trouble June 24–Aug. 9 groupsales@imaginationstage.org 301-280-1664 | imaginationstage.org Spring 2015 • Program Partner Yellow Pages and Event Forecast 17 Outdoor & High Adventure VisitVirginiaBeach.com/GroupTour Fairfax Fencers is a place where you can meet new friends while learning the art and discipline of fencing, year round! FairfaxFencers.com 703-352-2642 We offer Summer Sessions, Lessons and even Parties! Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital • gscnc.org Science Spring 2015 • Program Partner Yellow Pages and Event Forecast 19 Entertainment & Historic/Museums Step Back in Time at Dumbar ton House Girl Scout Day Programs & Overnight Adventures at Georgetown Federal Historic House Museum Brownies earn Badges in: Celebrating Community, Making Games, & Painting Juniors earn Badges in: Drawing, Playing the Past, & Get Moving Journey For dates & more information visit www.dumbartonhouse.org. E-mail educationassistant@dumbartonhouse.org or Call 202-337-2288 x225 to register your troop. Free on-site parking for registered groups. Step Back in Time at Dumbar ton House Girl Scout Day Programs & Overnight Adventures at Georgetown Federal Historic House Museum Brownies earn Badges in: Celebrating Community, Making Games, & Painting Juniors earn Badges in: Drawing, Playing the Past, & Get Moving Journey For dates & more information visit www.dumbartonhouse.org. E-mail educationassistant@dumbartonhouse.org or Call 202-337-2288 x225 to register your troop. Free on-site parking for registered groups. Step Back in Time at Dumbar ton House Girl Scout Day Programs & Overnight Adventures at Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital • gscnc.org Georgetown Federal Historic House Museum Preparing for a Ball Jan. 31 Tea with Martha Feb. 21, 22 and May 17 Her Story: Women in Action March 14 Wonders of Science Feb. 1 and March 22 Mad Science! April 12 Outreach kits available to rent! Register online at shop.alexandriava.gov Questions? Call Michele at 703.746.4739 Gadsby’s Tavern Museum The Lyceum Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum Entertainment & Historic/Museums Carlyle House Historic Park Travel back in time to a Colonial Mansion in Old Town Alexandria! Earn badges year round! Juniors: Scribe, Playing the Past Get a Carlyle House patch with every program! For more information or to register your troop call 703.549.2997 or email vherndon@nvrpa.org. Visit us on the web at www.carlylehouse.org Spring 2015 • Program Partner Yellow Pages and Event Forecast 21 Entertainment & Historic/Museums Step Back in Time… at DUMBARTON HOUSE Learn about life in historic Georgetown Overnight badge adventures for Girl Scout Brownies and Juniors, including Draw It! Paint It! & Playing the Past. NEW — Get Moving Journey series for Juniors! Additional programs available. For more information or to register, 202-337-2288 education@dumbartonhouse.org Free on-site parking Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital • gscnc.org Spring 2015 • Program Partner Yellow Pages and Event Forecast 23 Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital • gscnc.org SCOUT SHOW FEATURES A 20-MINUTE EDUCATIONAL PRESENTATION THAT BEGINS PROMPTLY AT 12:00 PM. SCOUTS & LEADERS 30.95 * (PLUS TAX $ AND GRATUITY) ALL SCOUTS RECEIVE THE PARTICIPATION PATCH FOR MEDIEVAL TIMES FREE! DOORS OPEN AT 11:00AM SHOW STARTS AT 12:00 PM 7000 ARUNDEL MILLS CIRCLE HANOVER, MD 21073 MAKE RESERVATIONS TODAY! 1-888-WE-JOUST (935-6878) MARYLAND@MEDIEVALTIMES.COM * No minimum number required. Full payment due 2 weeks prior. Additional family/guests $36.95 plus tax and gratuity. Age 3 and under are free (No meal/Seat). Spring 2015 • Program Partner Yellow Pages and Event Forecast 25 Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital • gscnc.org Join us for a fun-filled evening of workshops and activities! • Funandengagingprogramsalignedtobadgerequirements • FreeexplorationoftheMuseum’sinteractiveexhibits- Miss Perception’s Mystery House, Wonders of Water,KidWorks, andLEGO Castle Adventure • Eveningsnackandbreakfast • OvernightAdventuresPatch PLUS 10% discount forallServiceUnitsof125scoutsormore! Overnight Adventures are available for Daisy, Brownie, and Junior Level Girl Scouts! For more information, visit portdiscovery.org or email overnights@portdiscovery.org. Sa depial the C Anna rting hesap polis from eake , Ma ryla nd Sail Away... 2-hour, Interactive Girl Scout Cruises on a 74-foot, wooden Schooner GIRL SCOUT BROWNIES through TEENS “All Hands on Deck” Nautical Terms Hoist the Sails Proper Lookout Steer the Schooner Boating Safety 410-263-1981 Schooner Woodwind Historic Annapolis Have fun with our interactive, sailing, GEOCACHE TRAIL. Spring 2015 • Program Partner Yellow Pages and Event Forecast 27 join the conversation on social media 8107 4 7 8 3 0 The Program Partner Yellow Pages and Event Forecast is a print resource of vendor programs and upcoming registered events. This resource guide is distributed one per troop and is published twice a year, in August and January. It is available online at www.gscnc.org
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