Science of Happiness Badge Workshop 2015

Science of Happiness Badge
Workshop for Middle School Girls
Presented by Mercer University pharmacy students and Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta, this
workshop will focus on healthy strategies for being happy. Girls will be taught the skills and techniques to figure
out what makes them truly happy. They will be shown ways to realize that they have control over their feelings
and actions. They will also be taught the warning signs of addictive behavior and strategies to help deal with
potential problems. This workshop is being held in celebration of National Drug Fact Week, sponsored by the
National Institute of Drug Abuse.
Workshop details:
Cost per girl:
Saturday, March 21st, 2015
$5 - (includes badge)
Liberty Hill Church, 141 Railroad Street, Canton, GA 30114 Suite 106B
To Register:
 Girl Scouts R6-8th Grade- Complete the form below and make check payable to:
GS Troop 7843.
Non-Girl Scouts - Complete form on back of this flyer and make check payable to: GSGATL.
 Mail form with payment to: GS Troop 7843, 962 Cochran Ridge Rd Hiram, GA 30141-2423
 Registration Deadline: March 14th, 2015 (event will close when full at no greater than 75 girls)
Questions? Call Kirby Lewis-Hobba at 770-702-9169 or email
Troop or School (individual girls can attend) :
Contact Name: ____________Contact phone (day of event):
Name of girl(s) attending:
5601 North Allen Road
Mableton, GA 30126
770-702-9100 *
Email: ___________________
Membership Registration Form
(complete only if you are not already a Girl Scout)
Membership is $15 (make payable to GSGATL)
Check One:
I am interested in volunteer opportunities. My daughter wants to be a Girl Scout.
Reregistering GSUSA ID # (if known)
New Registration (first time registering)
Girl’s name:
Parent/Guardian name:
Date of Birth:
Phone: (
Emergency Contact:
Phone #:
She is under the custodial care of: (check one)
□ both parents □ mother/guardian only
□ father/guardian only □ other (specify_
Registrant’s racial background: (check as many as apply)
□ American Indian/Alaskan Native
□ White
□ Black/African-American
□ Asian
□ Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
□ Other (specify
Registrant’s ethnic background: (please check one)
□ Hispanic or Latina
□ Not Hispanic or Latina
United Way and other funders require information on the incomes of the families we serve. We hope you can help by
providing this information. In what category does your annual household income fall?
□ Under $22,000
□ $22,000-$44,000 □ $44,001-$75,000
□ $Over $75,000
Number in household?
Membership dues are $15 for the membership year October 1–September 30. The annual dues ensure your membership to the local and national organization and supplemental Girl Scout activity insurance; however payment does not
guarantee troop placement. The registrant has your permission to join Girl Scouts.
Need Financial Assistance?
Do you have AMERIGROUP INSURANCE? Amerigroup Insurance pays the annual Girl Scout membership fee for girls grades K
through 8. To receive this benefit, provide your daughters member ID number: #_________________
Financial barriers should not prevent girls from participating in Girl Scouting. Limited funding is available to cover all or part of the
fee. Please assist me in the amount of $
Parent/Guardian Initials:
The registrant has permission to join Girl Scouts. We understand that when participating in Girl Scout activities the registrant
may be photographed for print, video, or electronic imaging.
Parent/Guardian Signature:
Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta, Inc.
5601 North Allen Road · Mableton, GA 30126
* 770-702-9100 or 800-771-4046 *