Rockefeller United Methodist Church A Piece of the Rock Special points of interest December 2012 DEADLINE FOR JANUARY ISSUE IS DECEMBER 26th. Advent Advent is the period preceding the Christmas season. It begins on the Sunday nearest November 30, the feast day of St. Andrew the Apostle, and covers four Sundays. Because the day it begins changes from year to year, so does the length of each Advent season. In 2012, Advent begins on December 2. The word advent, from Latin, means “the coming.” For centuries, Advent has been a time of spiritual reflection as well as cheer and anticipation. Even as the Christmas season has become more secular-with advertisers urging holiday gift-givers to buy and buy some more-Advent still brings joy and the observance of ancient customs. Christian families find quiet moments lighting candles in the Advent wreath, and children use Advent calendars to count the days until Christmas. The History of Advent Advent has probably been observed since the fourth century. Originally, it was a time when converts to Christianity readied themselves for baptism. During the Middle Ages, Advent became associated with preparation for the Second Coming. In early days Advent lasted from November 11, the feast of St. Martin, until Christmas Day. Advent was considered a pre-Christmas season of Lent when Christians devoted themselves to prayer and fasting. The Orthodox Eastern Church observes a similar Lenten season, from November 15 until Christmas, rather than Advent. Inside this issue: Calendar of Events 6 Crystal Closet 3 Head Mouse 5 Kid’s Puzzle 4 Music Notes 3 Prayer List 5 Sunday School 2 Many Christians still view Advent as a season to prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus. In the last fifty years, however, it has also come to be thought of as a time of anticipating the Nativity, on Christmas Day. Advent Wreaths United Meth- 3 odist Men Advent wreaths have their origins in the folk traditions of northern Europe, where in the deep of winter people lit candles on wheel-shaped bundles of evergreen. Both the evergreen and the circular shape symbolized ongoing life. The candlelight gave comfort at this darkest time of the year, as people looked forward to the longer days of spring. Later, Eastern European Christians adopted this practice. By the sixteenth century, they were making Advent wreaths much as we know them today. An advent wreath traditionally contains four candles-three purple and one rose. Purple dyes were one so rare and costly that they were associated with royalty; the Roman Catholic Church has long used this color around Christmas and Easter to honor Jesus. The three purple candles in the Advent wreath symbolize hope, peace, and love. These candles are lit on the first, second, and fourth Sundays of Advent. The rose candle, which symbolizes joy, is usually lit on the third Sunday. Sometimes a fifth candle is placed inside the Advent wreath. This candle is lit on Christmas Day. It is white, the color associated with angels and the birth of Jesus. Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( 2 The Pastor’s Corner Sermon TitlesSeason Worship at Rockefeller Christmas November 1st December 16: Sunday School Christmas Pageant at 10:30 am followed by luncheon, hanging of8th the- greens, carols, and a visit by Santa. November November 15th December 23: -Worship at 10:30 am. Sermon title: “Beneath Life’s Crushing Load” based on Luke November 22nd. 2:1-20. - December November 29th 24: -“Children in the Manger” at 6:30 pm. (John’s grand finale with the children.) December 24: Traditional candlelight worship at 7:30 pm. Sermon title is: “The Lamplighter”. December 30: Worship at 10:30 am. Sermon title: “We See What We Are Prepared to See” based on Matthew 2:1-12. Reverend Fulton’s Retirement John will retire from fulltime ministry on June 30, 2013, as mandated by our United Methodist Book of Of Special Interest Discipline. Our Staff/Parish Relations Committee, chaired by Charlie Beach, is already in consultation with our district Superintendent as to a new pastoral appointment, effective July 1, 2013. In turn, Charlie will be providing any appropriate updates to the congregation in forthcoming weeks. Sunday School News by Karin Backus Our Christmas pageant is on December 16th. Please come and join us for what always proves to be a wonderful performance by our youth! Enjoy the November City Book Sale 2008 by Carol LeMon It’s “ENJOY THE CITY” coupon Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu book sale time!! And what a perfect Christmas gift. We could3use your help5 in pur-6 2 4 chasing and selling! Fri Sat 2012Christmas Projects by Susan Fulton and the Ministry & Mission Team. Food Baskets Crystal Closet by Gene Clark As is our tradition , we will be helping Grace Episcopal Church fill Christmas food baskets. Your donation of boxed potatoes, canned vegetables, bread mixes and cash to assist with the purchase of hams. Elmcrest Children’s Center We are again partnering with Elmcrest to provide books for their resource center. As you know, Elmcrest provides a temporary home for children who can no longer stay at home because of family difficulties. Susan Cobb has again agreed to be our book purchaser. She can do marvelous things with your cash gifts! Music Notes by Lori Mann Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School 1 7 8 10 12 13 14 15 If 9you helped sell11last year, PLEASE sell this year also. Those who purchased books will be looking for them 16 18 19 20 21 22 from you 17again this year. If 23 you did24not sell last year, please help28 us this year. 25 26 27 29 The books sell themselves. All you have to do is offer. If 30 you purchased a book/s, please plan to again, and remember to buy extra for gifts. Please contact Carol LeMon at 446-6540 for information and to help. Thanks!!! Our continuing effort to assist the children in the City of Syracuse school district. We are looking for small items to help stock the “recognition closet” at school. Pencils (especially holiday ones), pens, small notebooks or journals, mittens, individual snack packs of crackers, fruit rollups, raisins, or pretzels. Nail polish, hair clips/bands for girls. Small balls or games, small stuffed animals. Combs and brushes. The kids can use their “points” to purchase gifts or items for themselves. For many in our community it has been a difficult year. My hope is that we can make Christmas just a bit brighter for some. Thank you for your continuing generosity! Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( 3 United Methodist Men Coffee Hour Hosts by Craig and Kevin Cobb Sermon Titles Thank you to all who purchased pies for our Annual November 1st November Pie Sale. We received $140.00 profit. November 8th - Place your order for subs on December 2nd and 9th November 15th following church. Choices are ham, turkey, or roast beef at a cost of $5 each. Subs will be available on November 22nd. Sunday December 16th for your dining pleasure. The Coffee Hour Host schedule for the next three months is as follows: December— Sunday School January— Nominating/Membership February—Open—Please sign up. November 29th - May you all have a very happy holiday season! Thank you for supporting Rockefeller United Methodist Men’s Group in 2012. Kitchen Update by Loraine Ridall If you haven’t stopped by the kitchen at Rockefeller yet, be sure to do so to check out how nice the new paint looks. Our own wonderful youth have been Of Special Interest working to beautify the kitchen space. Painters include: Laura, Peter and Ryan Wildredge, Stuart Harley, Claude T., Mopati Kuswani, Motse Kuswani, Cady Ridall, Russell Nash and two of his friends. We are very fortunate as a congregation to have such wonderful young people donating their time and energy to better our shared environment. Thanks, students! Music Notes by Lori Mann “It is in the process of being worNovember 2008 shiped that God communicates His presence” (C.S. Lewis) Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 We continue to express thanks for all those who participate in our music ministry. Thanks to our choir, 2 3 4 the Harleys, 5 6 Cady Ridall 7 8 Jennifer Coppola, and Charles Mann for singing and playing in November. We look forward to celebrating the birth of our Sav9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ior during December. Our choir and a few others will be singing on Christmas Eve. We are thankful 17 18 19 20 22 for16 His many gifts—especially the gift 21 of Jesus. 23 24 25 26 27 Purchase your Pecans 28 29 30 University Church is selling pecans to help support its food pantry. Please help hungry families in Syracuse. Order your fresh, extra large pecans now! You can purchase your pecans in UUMC church office weekdays from 9 am to noon. Crystal Closet Clips by Gene Clark Greetings from the Gems! Have you seen our new sign? The little triangular “Open” signs have been replaced by large oblong signs with two metal supports so they stand proudly in the wind, or rain, or snow and loudly proclaim the “The Crystal Closet is open” while arrows point toward the doors on Cumberland. They are an anonymous gift from a talented generous Gem and we Crystal Closet by Genethem. Clark Thank gratefully acknowledge and appreciate you, thank you, dear Gem; you are indeed a GEM! Thank you, too, to the many members of our congregation and neighborhood who so faithfully support us with your donations, contributions, and patronage. Just last Sunday we were able to sell a number of our “new” teddy bears, and that income, of course, goes directly to our own needy church budget, rather than being sent to our Shared Ministries, since those gifts from MaMa Bear were given to Rockefeller. Thanks to those customers, and the rest of you. Don’t forget: we have many teddies which we are unable to display. Please see Gene or call Music Notes by 471-9739 Lori Mannif you’d like to see some. There is no obligation; it’s fun to show them. Just let us know. Why not make your Christmas really merry for yourself or someone else with a new teddy bear. It adds warmth like nothing else we know! Merry Christmas to all!! Continued from page 5 Think on that for a while...when you’re shopping and wrapping, and sending cards, and baking, and decorating. It all started with a baby. Oh, but such a special, precious Baby. No wonder that wonderful mouse (he was my ancestor, you know_ wasn’t stirring on “The Night Before Christmas.” He was a pretty smart mouse and really knew what a very special night that was. Just think: God’s son came to earth just for us! Wow. No wonder we celebrate with gifts, and music, and carols. See you in church. Merry Christmas and a world of love. Wish it could be peace for all!! Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( 4 Kid’s Puzzle The Angel's Announcement Luke 2 (NIV) About 2000 years ago there was a very special baby born in the town of Bethlehem. This baby had been promised to a woman named Mary by the angel Gabriel. You can read about this in Luke 1:26-36. On the same night that he was born, an angel appeared to the shepherds in a nearby field who were watching their flocks. After this announcement a great company of angels sang a song. You can read about it and the shepherd’s reaction after they heard this in Luke 2: 8-20. Copyright 1999 Sharon Whitaker Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( 5 Rockefeller United Methodist Church 350 Nottingham Road Syracuse, NY 13210 Phone: 472-8130 E-mail: Web site: Sunday Services At 10:30 AM Sunday School During Services Everyone is Welcome Church Staff Rev. Dr. John Fulton, Pastor Office Manager - Diana Wolpert Organist/Choir - Lori Mann Christian Ed. - Joseph & Karin Backus Custodian - Rob Curtis Treasurer - Greg Sohrweide Prayer List Head Mouse at Rockefeller Please pray for John, the church leadership and their families, for those serving in the military, for peace in the world, and these shut-ins, friends, and loved ones: “A Ha!”...or should I say…”Ho Ho!”...I mean, it’s that time of “Ho Ho! I see the kids did the kitchen!...and a good job they did, too. If you haven’t seen it, peek in. Looking good, there, Mrs. Ridall and crew! Thanks. I just love my new digs...don’t suppose I should say that when I live in a church. Whatever, it surely looks great and so does the sanctuary, that, of course, having been done by professional painters, but, you know what? Bet you wouldn’t know that the kitchen hadn’t been done by them either if I didn’t tell you. Ed & Betty Barnard—Victor, NY Barbara Biedinger—Home June Demarest—Home Phil Giblin—Sunnyside Anna Goeller—Summerfield Margaret Hedges—Menorah Park Gette Higbee-Kimball— Nottingham Lloyd Osgood—Home Mary Shepard— Loretto Betsey Warner—Home Dot Wiley—Pennsylvania Jane Winters—Brighton Towers Well, the snow has come and Christmas is well on its way. If you haven’t been to church lately, I expect you will be soon. I mean if it wasn’t for Christ’s birthday, we wouldn’t even have a Christmas Eve or Santa Clause, or presents, or anything. Continued on page 3 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( 6 December 2012 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 8:30 Aerobics Crystal Closet 2 3 4 11:00—1:00 5 9:30 Roundtable 4:15 Aerobics 5:30 Aerobics 5:40 Aerobics 10:30 Worship/SS 9 Crystal Closet 11:00—1:00 6 Crystal Closet 5:00—7:00 5:30 Aerobics 7:00 Trustees 10 Closet 11 Crystal 12 Crystal Closet 11:00—1:00 16 Hanging of the Greens 8:30 Aerobics 13 Crystal Closet 14 5:00—7:00 5:30 Aerobics 17 5:40 Aerobics 18 Crystal Closet 19 Crystal Closet 11:00—1:00 11:00—1:00 4:15 Aerobics 15 Crystal Closet 9:00—12:00 4:15 Aerobics 10:30 Worship/SS 8 4:30 Dance 11:00—1:00 9:30 Roundtable 7 5:30 Aerobics 4:30 Dance 8:30 Aerobics 20 21 22 Crystal Closet 5:00—7:00 4:30 Dance 8:30 Aerobics Christmas Pageant 5:30 Aerobics 6:30 Gardner’s Club 10:30 Worship 23 9:30 Roundtable 24 6:30Children 25 5:40 Aerobics 7:00 Admin. Bd. 5:30 Aerobics 26 27 Crystal Closet 28 Crystal Closet 11:00—1:00 in the Manger 10:30 Worship/SS 7:30 Traditional Service 30 31 10:30 Worship New Year’s Eve 29 5:00—7:00 Merry Christmas 4:30 Dance 5:40 Aerobics 5:30 Aerobics Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( 8:30 Aerobics
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