Church V o i c e South Church

C h u rch V o i c e
South Church
Phone 860 223 3691
90 Main Street New Britain CT 06051
Fax 860 827 8681
“In the heart of the city—for the heart of the city”
An Open and Affirming Church and
a Member of the Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists
A Stephen Ministry Congregation
Volume 125
December 2011
Three Steps to a Joy-Filled Christmas
at South Church!
Step 1:
Wake up Christmas morning, turn on some Christmas
music, eat breakfast and open the gifts under the tree!
Step 2:
Come to South Church to welcome the arrival of the
Christ child at a special Christmas Day worship
service. Experience all the Hope, Peace, Joy and
Love of this day as we offer God our thanks and
praise for being born to us as Emmanuel, God with
us. Worship begins at 10:25 a.m.
Step 3:
Pass it on! Filled by the Spirit, share all this Hope,
Peace, Joy and Love with our neighbors by heading
down to South Church’s Cooper Hall to help out with
our Christmas Community Dinner. Dinner begins at
\:00 p.m.; volunteers are welcome all morning.
Number 12
A Pa s t o r a l G r e e t i n g
I am going to totally misappropriate some lyrics from a 1960’s protest song,
For What It’s Worth, by the band Buffalo Springfield:
There’s somethin’ happenin’ here
What it is ain’t exactly clear…
I think it’s time we stop, children what’s that sound?
Everybody look what’s goin’ down.
I say I am misappropriating the lyrics because I have conveniently left out
words about a man with a gun and paranoia, and instead of using the song to
protest something I am using it to celebrate something. These words
prophetically and poetically call us to pay attention! Have you seen what’s
goin’ down?
Anyone who has worshiped at South Church recently has noticed the
children; they are multiplying! Instead of our usual eight to ten children in
church on Sunday, we now welcome fifteen to twenty or more each week!
We sometimes have four or five infants among us! In addition to their
increased numbers our kids are much more involved in the service itself.
Thanks to Pastor Jane’s leadership, the children now return to worship after
their Grace Place lessons, coming forward with the ushers for The
Presentation of Gifts and Offerings. On Thanksgiving Sunday our children
and youth led the Service of Installation for our church leaders and prayed
the Prayer of Dedication, and on the First Sunday of Advent the children
followed the gospel into the chancel before exiting the sanctuary for Grace
Place. There’s something happening here!
This is the season of Advent, the time of year we are told “Pay attention!
Something important is happening.” Advent is also a time of preparation.
Integrating children in worship doesn’t just happen; it takes a lot of
preparation. Each week Jane and Rick and I meet to carefully prepare
worship giving special attention to the ways that children will participate.
Maintaining the meaning, integrity and flow of the overall worship experience
is essential.
Continues on next page
December 2011
Church Voice
A Pa s t o r a l G r e e t i n g , c o n t i n u e d
More fully including our children in worship not only teaches them valuable lessons,
it makes the worship experience more meaningful for us all. I got teary eyed the first
time I saw the children come down the aisle with their offering. In a world that is too
often consumed with guns and paranoia, Advent invites us to sing a different song, to
stop, look and listen to the sound of children, to listen for the cry of an infant.
There’s something happening here. Another prophet and poet put it this way:
The wolf shall live with the lamb,
the leopard shall lie down with the kid,
the calf and the lion and the fattling together,
and a little child shall lead them. (Isaiah 11:6)
This Advent and Christmas, pay attention, prepare, and follow the children to a lifechanging experience of Christ.
In Christ, Pastor George
S e a s o n o f A dv e n t
Advent (from the Latin word adventus meaning “coming”) is a time of expectant
waiting and preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus, Emmanuel, God
with us. We observe Advent on the four Sundays before Christmas:
11/27/11 First Sunday of Advent, 12/04/11 Second Sunday of Advent
12/11/11 Third Sunday of Advent, 12/18/11 Fourth Sunday of Advent
Advent is always a meaningful season at South Church. The Advent wreath candles
are lit, one each week, by a family of the congregation. During the Advent Gospel
Procession, we all turn to face the Gospel reader and remain standing for the reading and
the conclusion of the hymn—done to symbolize the hope that the Christ-to-come will
bring peace and joy to the four corners of the earth. O come, O come, Emmanuel!
The former tradition of caroling to church members will be reclaimed with new energy
this year, thanks to the musical leadership of Richard Coffey. Together, children, youth
and adults will bring the Christmas spirit a little closer to some of our members who live
alone or have limited mobility. Carolers able to arrive early will gather at South Church
at 5:30 p.m. for a snack, rehearsal and organizing. At 6:00 p.m. we’ll head out in a
caravan to selected homes, and arrive back at the Erwin Home by 8:00 p.m. for
refreshments. Share in the beauty and joy of familiar Christmas music!
December 2011
Church Voice
S e a s o n o f A dv e n t
Ever prepare and serve a meal for 500? This year, our Community Christmas Day
dinner falls on Sunday! Volunteers are needed for every aspect of the day—set up,
serving, delivery, and clean-up (especially clean up!). Dinner is served at 1:00 p.m.
this year. Please see the sign-ups in the parlor and help support this endeavor.
Warming our guests figuratively as well as physically has become an important part of
the Community Christmas Dinner. We invite everyone to bring a donation of socks
(white crew or knee socks) or gently used winter clothing (sweaters, coats, hats,
scarves) to be given to our guests at the Christmas Dinner.
We also need many pies to serve as dessert to our guests! If you have a baking
specialty, or would like to donate a purchased pie, please sign up in the parlor.
If you have any questions check in with Jim Bryers, Steve Varga, or Pastor Ben
It is hard to believe that it is that time of year again! If you wish to order a
poinsettia in honor or in memory of someone or a special occasion, please fill
out an order form (available in the parlor) and submit it to the office no later
than Monday, December 12. The poinsettia list will appear in the bulletin on
Christmas Day, December 25 and in the January 2012 VOICE. Plants are
again offered at a low cost of $15 apiece. Why not let that someone special
know what you think….say it with a poinsettia. You may also call in your
order to Stacey in the office at 860-223-3691.
Poinsettias will adorn our sanctuary for the December 18 worship service and
afternoon Lessons and Carols. Pick-up your Care Callee’s Poinsettia in
the sanctuary starting December 19 through 23. (The office is closed on
Monday, December 26) A list of all Care Callee’s and their respective caller’s will
be out for you to check off. Please let me know if you can or can not schedule a
Poinsettia delivery to your callee. Other South Church members are invited to
volunteer for a Poinsettia delivery. Please contact me, Suzan D. Condren, Care
Caller Coordinator, at 860-224-6790 (OK to leave messages), or
December 2011
Church Voice
Wo r s h i p, M u s i c a n d t h e A rt s
Our Church has been beautifully decorated for the Christmas holidays.
Many, many thanks to all who helped to trim the trees, hang the garlands
and wreaths and assemble all our displays. When the season is over we
will need willing and gentle hands to “de-green” the church on Saturday,
January 14 from 10 a.m.—2 p.m. Please plan to attend if you can. We
will have coffee and donuts – and fun!
Our Board is thrilled that Christmas is on a Sunday this year. This happens only every few years or so. This will be a very special service, including the singing of a number of beloved carols, and we hope that all will be
present in the Sanctuary to take part in the experience, starting at 10:25
Joanne Majewski, for the Board of Worship, Music and the Arts
December 2011
Church Voice
C l e a n & S o b e r M ov i e N i g h t
The featured movie for December is “Georgia” with Jennifer Jason Leigh
and Mare Winningham. The cover of this DVD says, “The toughest act to
follow was their dreams.” Sadie is desperately looking up to her older sister
Georgia who is a famous Country Western artist. Sadie wants to be a famous artist like her sister, but is always doing everything wrong. Her desperate need to be accepted by her sister is constantly complicated by her drug
and alcohol problems. Georgia lives a very ordered life with husband, house
and children, and Sadie does everything to get her attention.
While Mare Winningham was nominated for best supporting actress without winning, both Jennifer Jason Leigh and Mare Winningham won multiple best actress and best supporting awards for their roles in this film. These
include Independent Spirits Award, Montreal World Film Festival and New
York Film Critics Circle Award.
Everybody is invited however this movie is rated R for substance abuse, language and a sex scene. Unfortunately we are not able to offer child care at
this time.
The showing will be on Saturday, December 17th @ 6:00 p.m. in Hart Hall.
Whether you are a film buff, in a 12 step program or looking for an evening
out and some company you are invited to come out to Clean & Sober
Movie Night @ South Church.
We have made a permanent schedule change for the
Clean & Sober Movie Night to the third (3rd) Saturday
of every month.
December 2011
Church Voice
R e c ov e ry C o r n e r
All of us at Celebrate Recovery @ 90 Main would like to wish everybody a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy (mind, body & soul) New Year!
Our weekly meeting is on Wednesday night in Hart Hall here at South Church. We meet
for dinner at 5:30 p.m., Big Group at 6:30 p.m., Small Groups at 7:30 p.m. and 90 Main
Café at 8:30 p.m. If you have ever wondered if CR is for you, it just might be exactly what
is missing in your life. We have a full refund policy of your “hurts, habits & hang-ups” if
CR isn’t for you. Celebrate Recovery is a Christ centered program; it is not just a program
for people with addictions. Celebrate Recovery uses the AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) 12
step model, these steps and their biblical comparisons along with the Celebrate Recovery 8
principles can be applied to many areas of our lives where we are struggling with life’s
“hurts, habits or hang-ups.” Celebrate Recovery also has a version of the 12 steps for those
of us that have been physically, emotionally or sexually abused.
Each week at the Celebrate Recovery Big Group meeting we have either a lesson or a testimony on alternating weeks. The lessons come from the 25 lesson CR curriculum which is
based on the 8 Celebrate Recovery Principles for Recovery (Based on the Beatitudes) and
12 Steps and their Biblical Comparisons.
Here is Principle 2 and Step(s) 2–
Principle 2: Earnestly believe that God exists, that I matter to Him, and that He has the
power to help me recover.
Happy are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Matthew 5:4
Step 2: We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
For it is God who is at work in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.
Philippians 2:13
From the CR Physical/Emotional and Sexual Abuse 12 Steps:
Step 2: Believe God can restore us to wholeness, and realize this power can always be
trusted to bring healing and wholeness in our lives.
Please visit our website at If you have any
questions please contact David Ratz, CR Ministry Leader at 860-223-3691 ext. 109 or
Celebrate Recovery is an Anonymous and Confidential program.
December 2011
Church Voice
M u s i c M i n i s t ry
Ah, the thrill of December! Its breathless energy and duties make January my favorite month of the
year! Nothing surpasses Advent and Christmas in terms of excitement, cherished memories,
embracing old traditions and creating new ones. I think the message of Christmas is the one which
inspires composers of music to do their very best, and year by year at South Church, we tap into that
rich heritage of music that serves as a moving medium for words of scripture, poetry, and more.
Among the opportunities to revel in such thrilling music:
· The Hartford Chorale’s series of performances of the brilliant Christmas cantata Hodie (“This
Day”) by Ralph Vaughan Williams. These take place with the Hartford Symphony Orchestra and
in the Bushnell, Hartford, December 1, 2, 3, & 4. Several Chancel Choir members will be on
stage and singing with gusto! Info: 860-246-8742.
· The choirs of the Music Department of CCSU present their annual Christmas concert at the
church on Friday, December 2, at 7:30 p.m.
· The Main Street Singers, under their new leaders, present their “home concert” at the church on
Saturday, December 10 at 4:00 p.m. This will be an amazing event! Info: 860-223-3691, ext. 123
· Our “Instant Christmas Pageant” takes place during morning worship on December 11, with
special music provided by our Grace Place Singers
· CONCORA presents “Christmas through the Ages,” an array of marvelous carols, motets, hymns,
anthems, and pop tunes that celebrate the season. Sunday, December 11, 4:00 p.m. at Center
Church Hartford; Friday, December 16 at 8:00 p.m. at the Hampton Congregational Church;
and Thursday, December 22 at 8:00 p.m. at Infinity Hall, Norfolk. Info: 860-293-0567
· Sunday, December 18, our beloved and ever-popular Candlelight Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
takes place at 4:00 p.m. This is a colorful revisiting of the Christmas story through scripture,
choral and organ music, and hymns and carols. It is suitable for ages six and up, with child and
infant care provided in the nursery for the younger among us. A fine reception takes place
afterwards in Cooper Hall.
· A beloved tradition returns! Christmas caroling in our community – Tuesday, December 20,
beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the church. We will visit a number of our members and friends and
then arrive at the Erwin Home by 8:00 p.m. for refreshments. If you can participate, please sign
up in the parlor or leave a message with Nancy Eaton at 860-223-3691, ext. 154.
· Finally, Christmas Day on a Sunday! What a blessing and a delight. Our Chancel Choir and
Grace Place Singers will be providing musical moments, and an array of beloved carols will be
sung by all at the 10:25 a.m. worship service. Bring the whole family for a memorable climax to
the season of Advent.
Richard Coffey, Minister of Music
December 2011
Church Voice
Main Street Singers
Main Street Singers “groupies” can continue to thrill to the sound of these children’s
voices at several holiday events!
New Britain’s Central Park and the New Britain Public Library on Tuesday,
November 29 at 5:30 p.m.
Come and sing with The Main Street Singers around the Guida Family Holiday Tree
at Central Park in downtown New Britain where the festivities begin at 5:00 and
later Santa Claus arrives on a fire truck! Then follow us to the New Britain Public
Library at 20 High Street for a half-hour concert in the Children’s Department at
6:15 p.m. Both events are sponsored by the New Britain Downtown District.
Winter Concert at South Church on Saturday, December 10, at 4:00 p.m.
The Main Street Singers will give their Winter Concert on Saturday, December 10,
at 4:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. The program, “Celebrations!” includes a range a
festive music from J. S. Bach to spirituals, a calypso song, and one from the Torres
Straight Islands which are located near Australia. The Singers will reprise the song
“What Is Christmas Made Of?” by Francisco Núñez and Jim Papoulis which they
premiered in their appearance at Lord & Taylor at WestFarms Mall on November
14. Also, the concert will feature the debut of The Main Street Singers Band
accompanying several pieces. A freewill offering to benefit the MSS Scholarship
Fund will be received.
New Britain Museum of American Art, Sunday, December 11th, 2 & 3 p.m.
The Singers will perform holiday favorites at 2:00 p.m. and again at 3:00 p.m. as part
of the Sunday Music Series in the lovely Stanley Works Center at the Museum.
The Main Street Singers on the Web
Be sure to keep up with MSS at our website, Also, you
can see the Singers on the global recording of “What Is Christmas Made Of?” which
was filmed on November 14 and is being broadcast on Lord & Taylor’s special
holiday YouTube channel ( ).
Founded in 2003 by South Church, The Main Street Singers performs for many
local and regional and national events. These singers in grades one through eight
come from New Britain, Plainville, Southington, and Farmington. For additional
information, please call Nancy Eaton, MSS Administrative Director, in The Main
Street Singers’ office at 860-223-3691, extension 123.
Nancy Eaton, Main Street Singers Administrative Director
December 2011
Church Voice
The Music Series
On November 13, the Music Series opened its 39th season with a concert
featuring the wonderful a cappella quartet, Anonymous 4. Their fascinating
program, “Sisters in Spirit,” encompassed two periods, the first with music
from the 13th century (including Latin conductus, laments and virtuoso
polyphony for the daily Mass) and the second with early American music of
Gloryland. The four singers, Marsha Genesky, Ruth Cunningham, Susan
Hellauer, and Jacqueline Horner-Kwiatek, all sang beautifully and captivated
the audience from beginning to end with their elegant singing.
Next on the schedule is the ever- popular Candlelight Festival of Nine Lessons
and Carols on Sunday, December 18 at 4:00 p.m. (with a snow date of
Monday, December 19 at 7:30 p.m..) You’re encouraged to share news of this
beautiful service with your neighbors, friends, co-workers… everyone! The
candlelit church, the beautiful readings, the choir anthems, the spirited
congregational singing – all of these combine to make a memorable holiday
service, full of the true meaning of Christmas. The choir will be joined by guest
organist Jeffrey Wood. As always, a generous portion of the free-will offering
received at the festival will benefit the South Church Survival Fund.
A reception follows in Cooper Hall, and as always, volunteer donations of
finger foods and helping hands are needed. Helpers are also needed for preservice hours (noon to four), during the service, during the reception, and
post-reception clean-up help is especially needed. Sign-up sheets will be posted
in the small parlor after Thanksgiving. We are already grateful for the many
responses we know we’ll see there!
December 2011
Church Voice
The Music Series
The February 26 performance by the Colorado String Quartet and pianist
David Westfall will mark the 10 th anniversary season of the South
Church Chamber Music Society, founded by David Westfall in 2002.
The Chamber Music Society has brought us many memorable
performances, beginning with Brahms’ G minor Piano Quartet, Ravel’s
Piano Trio in A Minor and the haunting Messiaen Quartet for the End of
Time. May Day in 2005 featured works of Brahms, Franck, and Debussy
with David Westfall and the fabulous violinist Peter Winograd, and over
the years we’ve enjoyed many amazing string quartet performances by the
superb Jupiter String Quartet, the American String Quartet, and the
Chiara String Quartet. There are still raves circulating for last season’s
Sonata for two pianos and percussion by Bartók. To finance our commitment to
presenting fine chamber music, years ago the Music Series established our
“Chamber Music Champions Fund” to support this outreach. In
November, we began a 10th anniversary Chamber Champion fund drive,
and we invite everyone to consider make a donation and become a
“Chamber Champion.” Your donations will help to ensure the Chamber
Society’s future – and celebrate their illustrious first ten years. Please
contact the Music Series at 860-223-7555 for more details.
Holiday Shopping opportunity: Remember, almost all of your Christmas
shopping can be completed with the Music Series! Tickets to the Canticles
for Choir concert on Sunday, April 29, 2012, priced very reasonably at
$20 Premium, $15 general and $10 Senior/Student, are a perfect
Christmas gift and can be ordered directly from the Music Series. Other
gift possibilities include a Music Series donation in someone’s name –
supporting the arts is a wonderful gift. CD recordings of the Chancel
Choir are available for $15 each, 2 for $25, and can be gift wrapped as
desired. Contact the Music Series office at 860-223-7555 to place your
Christine Laird, Music Series Managing Director
December 2011
Church Voice
Fa i t h F o r m at i o n
For me, NOVEMBER has been all about PENNIES! Piles and piles of pennies have
been donated by church members, friends, and people in the community. We may not
reach our lofty goal of a mile of pennies, but we do have a mountain of them! Our
total count as of November 18 is 31,871 or $318.71 or over 1/3 of a mile. The final
tally will be completed after our final penny Sunday, November 20, and reported next
At the Homecoming Dinner we had fun counting pennies, sparring with one another
about the unfair distribution of wealth in the room, and making an effort to share
more equitably, as Jesus calls us to do. The visual depiction of pennies on the wall was
inspiring to see, and has only grown since then. Take a look!
Perhaps most inspiring of the whole experience was a note I received along with a container of pennies from a member of the community in memory of her father. George
shared this with the congregation in his sermon November 20. This woman wrote:
“We want to make this contribution because my dad had a quirky habit of picking up
change, especially pennies, on the street. He’d collect them for the year and on New Year’s
Eve, he’d have his grandchildren count them up. His lesson—pennies, that are seemingly of
little value, add up to something that can make a huge difference. My dad lived his life this
way—he was a hardworking and dedicated father and grandfather who understood that every
action he took mattered to those he loved; as a husband, a father, a grandpa and a friend.”
Little things make a big difference. That’s the lesson of the pennies!
Some wonderful multi-generational opportunities lie ahead during ADVENT:
Advent Wreath Workshop, November 27 – On the first Sunday of Advent, people of
all ages will gather at noon to enjoy a soup and bread lunch, make a lovely Advent
wreath, and receive a devotional booklet to celebrate the season at home. A story and
some carol singing will add to the experience. If you are reading this before Nov. 27
and would like to take part, stop in Cooper Hall that day to see if we can fit you in!
“Instant” Christmas Pageant, December 11 – Our worship service on the third Sunday of Advent will involve the whole congregation in portraying the story of Jesus’ birth.
“What Does God Want for Christmas?” the narrator asks. Come to worship that day
prepared to ponder what gift God wants from you. You will be invited to consider
which character you relate to, put on a costume and join the story. No speaking parts!
No rehearsal! But even if you want to forego the costume, there will be a role for you in
the pew as you sing the carols that help to tell the story. Children will not go to Grace
Place that day--this is a service for young and old together.
Grace and peace, Jane Rowe
December 2011
Church Voice
C h r i s t i a n S o c i a l Ac t i o n
The Angel Tree is a tradition that shares the holiday spirit with children in
need in our community. Our gifts from the Angel Tree will help support the
Northend Elementary School, which has been hit hard this year with a reduced
budget and staff cuts. Our gifts will brighten the classrooms and raise teachers’
and students’ spirits, who, despite their situation continue to be excited and
grateful for the love and caring of South Church. Please consider taking a
card (or two)! Please return all gifts to the church unwrapped and with the
card attached by December 20. Please see Cindy Parsons with any questions or
for more information.
Each advent, we celebrate an Alternative Giving Fair (this year on Sunday,
December 4 at 11:30 a.m.), where we are invited to purchase items that “give
back” to the community. You can buy a chicken from Heifer International,
CD’s from the Music Series, note cards from Pathways/Senderos, birdseed from
the Friendship Center (because homelessness is “for the birds”), and items from
Northend School. Our alternative giving fair reminds us that each of our gifts
can give twice. All proceeds will support the sponsoring agency. Questions?
See Andre Duncan or Pastor Ben.
All are invited to celebrate advent at our annual neighborhood cookie bake.
Come and make, bake and decorate; every ingredient is supplied! All are
welcome – bakers and nibblers alike. Bring your kids, your grandkids, or just
yourself. Questions? See Sara McHugh or Pastor Ben
December 2011
Church Voice
Other Goings On
The Women of South Church will meet next on Thursday, December 8 at
10:30 a.m. in Hart Hall. Beginning at 11:00 a.m., we will thrill to the sound
of our own voices, as we are lead in a Carol Sing by our own Richard Coffey.
At 12 noon we will be treated to a delicious lunch prepared by Betty Aglio and
Florence Gillette. If you plan to attend, you must RSVP to Paulette Kellerstedt
at 860-223-0146 to be sure that enough food will be provided. Don’t miss
what is sure to be a great time! All women of South Church are welcome;
young, old or in-between, member or friend.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets the second Saturday of each and every
month. Join us in the library from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Whether you are a
knitter, or want to learn how! Warm fellowship, and laughs can be expected!
December 2011
Church Voice
Book of Life
D e c e m b e r B i r t h d ay s
Donna McAllister
Mike Kristopik
Doug Martin
4 Alice Lechowicz
6 Robert Jacob
8 Mike McAllister
9 Deborah Wojas
11 Jen Mason
12 Yvette Ghannam
Rodney Harvey
Linda Nowak
Chris Clark
Maria Botelho
Marcy Carlone
Christine Gagliardi
Thom Lavoie
Pam McAfee
John Gerardi
Anita Morgen
Jacqueline Recor
Maria Rodriguez
Richard Thureson
Lydia Dyson
Maxine Cunningham
Lois Penney
Laurie Miner
Tony DeDominicis
Abigail Harris
Jessica Martin
D e c e m b e r A n n i ve r s a r i e s
11 Kelly Cashman & David Ratz
28 Linda & Wilfred Pelotte
Jordann Jane Rosado was Baptized on Sunday, October 30.
She is the daughter of South Church friends Jessica Valentine and Nicholas Rosado
and sister of Tatiana Gomez.
Carol Sargis, South Church friend, passed away October 27.
The funeral was held at South Church on November 2.
South Church extends its deepest sympathy to the family.
December 2011
Church Voice
Periodicals, 90 Main Street, New Britain, CT 06051
Worship at 10:25 a.m., Sanctuary
Production volunteers: Betty Aglio, Marie Bachand, Norm Campbell,
John Eshia, Evelyn Hollis, Wayne Jodoin, Myrna Johnson (Volunteer
Liaison), Bob Pratt, Al Scapellati; Church Voice Editor and
Printer: Stacey Albert (
Book of Life ........................................15
Celebrate Recovery................................ 7
Christian Social Action ...........................13
Faith Formation................................... 12
Main Street Singers.................................9
Music Ministry .....................................8
Music Series ................................... 10-11
Other Goings On .................................14
Pastoral Greeting .................................2-3
Recovery Corner.................................6-7
Worship, Music and the Arts .................... 5
December 2011
South Church Staff
Staff Phone Directory
860 -223-3691
Lead Pastor…………………………………………………….George Harris, x117
Minister of Social Action and Outreach……….Benjamin Doolittle
Transitional Minister for Faith Formation……….Jane Rowe, x 103
Seminary Intern………………………………………………...Emily Goodnow
Licensed Minister…………………………………..Michelle Madsen-Bibeau
Minister of Music……………..………………………...Richard Coffey, x106
Organist/Associate Choirmaster………………….David Westfall, x116
Office Administrator……………………………………...Stacey Albert, x101
Financial Administrator………………………..Johanna Furgalack, x107
Bookkeeper……………………………………………………...Al Kennedy, x107
Main Street Singers Administrator. ………...Nancy H. Eaton, x123
Music Series Managing Director ……………….Christine Laird, x111
Music Ministry Administrator………………...Nancy H. Eaton, x154
Building Superintendent………………………………...David Ratz, x 109
Housekeeper……………………………………………………….Rosita Calderon
Office Assistant…………………………………………………….Krystal Tenner
Sunday Sexton…………………………………………………….Rosita Calderon
Grace Place Singers Director…………………...Anthony DeDominicis
Kitchen Coordinator…………………………………………….Cindy Parsons
Pas t o rs E me re t i . . . . . . . C . Bu rt i s C ro o k s , H u gh B. Pe n n e y
Church Voice