#3 November 20, 2013 The season of Advent begins on December 1, 2013. Thursday 11-21-13 Liturgy at 8:15 (2G) Preschool & Pre-K Conferences Tuesday 11-26-13 Gr 5 to Paine Wednesday 11-27-13 No School Thursday 11-28-13 Happy Thanksgiving Friday 11-29-13 No School Sunday 12-1-13 First Week of Advent Monday 12-2-13 School Resumes Advent Prayer Service 8:10 Tuesday 12-3-13 Feast day of Diocesan Patron, St. Francis Xavier Thursday 12-5-13 Liturgy at 8:15 (2G) K-5 Concert Dress Rehearsal 1:00 K-5 Concert 6:30 at Fine Arts Education Center Friday 12-6-13 Sweetness of Christmas Sunday 12-8-13 Second Week of Advent According to various Catholic scholars, the focus of the season of Advent is two-fold: to prepare for the remembrance of the Incarnation celebrated during the Christmas season, and to look forward to the Second Coming of Christ at the end of time. Advent should end with all of us greeting Christmas with a joyful spirit, but that is sometimes difficult to achieve. During this busy time of year, we have to look a little harder to find opportunities for peace and togetherness for our families. The most meaningful and memorable Advent family activities need not require driving, crowded malls, or money. Below is a list of Advent activities (from a publication by Mary Beth Jambor) that can bring joy to our families during this season. 1. Celebrate Advent by attending Mass together each of the four Sundays (or Saturday evenings) of the season. Listen carefully to the Advent readings – they speak about the priorities of life and they offer a calming perspective. 2. Spend the Advent season making homemade gifts. Family members could cook, sew, paint, write, or sing a gift. Be creative together. 3. As a family, make a Christmas gift for someone who would not expect one. 4. Use an Advent wreath for family mealtime prayer during the four weeks of Advent. Children in particular enjoy watching the increasing number of candles that are lighted as the weeks pass. 5. Celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas on December 6. At bedtime on the evening of December 5, allow children to put shoes out for St. Nicholas to fill with treats during the night. These need not have a cost. A coupon for a night free from dinner dishes might be much appreciated. Share with the family that St. Nick is remembered for being good to children, but he didn’t like to be noticed for the good things he did. He tried to help people without them knowing it. Challenge your children to perform a good deed without being noticed. I’m sure you can add your families’ special Advent traditions to the list. Ask your child what special Advent preparations are going on in the classrooms at school, and I’m sure you’ll hear many wonderful lessons. The important thing to remember is to eliminate the stress and to look for love, peace, and joy! 2014-2015 Registration Now Open! Early enrollment incentives are now available through Tuesday, November 26. There will be no extensions for these incentives. Students entering kindergarten, 6th or 9th grade will receive a reduction in tuition of: $100 – Kindergarten $150 – 6th Grade $200 – 9th Grade Any family that is new to TCCES, grades 1-5, will receive a reduction in their family tuition of $500. A $50 per student ($150 family max) registration fee must be paid in order to take advantage of these incentives. Registration fees will increase to $100 ($300 family max) for students registering after January 31, 2014. Please see the attached letter or go to the TCCES web site www.tcces.org for more information. Advent When we return to school after Thanksgiving we will be in the Advent season. We plan to have a series of Advent prayer services to light the candle(s) on our wreath. Please feel welcome to join us at 8:10 in the hallways by the school office on the following days. Monday, December 2 – 1 candle Monday, December 9 – 2 candles Monday, December 16 – 3 candles Friday, December 20 – 4 candles Advent Outreach Our three TCCES elementary schools are collaborating on a joint outreach project. This year we are focusing on parables found in the Bible. The parable of the Ten Virgins reminds us to be prepared for the bridegroom. During Advent we prepare for the coming of Jesus. We will be participating in “Mercy Ships” by collecting flashlights, batteries, and monetary donations which are used in third world countries for screening tests and operations. Please see the attached flyer for more information. St. Gabriel Christmas Concert We are a few weeks away from several Christmas Concerts and the students have been practicing to prepare for their big day! Preschool Concert (in cafeteria) Wednesday, December 11 at 10:15 Thursday, December 12 at 10:15 Pre-Kindergarten Concert (in Church) Wednesday, December 18 at 10:00 K-5 Concert Thursday, December 5 1:00 dress rehearsal in church 6:30 at Jane Bergstrom Fine Arts Education Center (located at St. Mary Central High School) *K-4 students need to dress their best for evening concert, but school uniform during dress rehearsal. Grade 5 will be in costume for the dress rehearsal and evening concert. Scrip If you haven’t been using scrip and would like to know how to start, please contact us in the school office or click here. We would be happy to help you get started. It’s easy and you can use 80% of the rebates to pay off your tuition. Families that use the scrip program can earn hundreds of dollars towards tuition. With holiday shopping gearing up, this is the perfect time to get started! Page 2 Scrip Schedule Orders placed between now and Dec. 2 will not be available for pick up until December 5. However, SCRIPNOW! and reloads paid with PrestoPay will be processed as usual throughout that time with the exception of Thanksgiving Day. The Christmas schedule for Scrip will be: Orders placed by 11AM on Monday, December 16 will be processed on December 19. No school December 23-January 1 Online orders only placed by 11AM Monday, December 30 will be filled Thursday, January 2. (Note: Great Lakes Scrip is processing orders on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. If everything goes right we should be able to get the online orders filled that week) Regular schedule January 6. begins again on Confucius Classroom Grand Opening Have you ever seen a picture of the large dragon-like dancers in a Chinese parade? Have you ever enjoyed listening to an authentic Chinese instrument or heard an explanation of Chinese tea ceremony or calligraphy? You can experience all of this and more at the grand opening of the Confucius Classroom at the Jane Bergstrom Fine Arts Education Center on Friday, November 22 at 6:30 p.m. Contact Molly Griffin for more information or to RSVP. All are welcome! Weekly School Prayers This week we are praying for the following families at St. Gabriel School; Huss, Jackels, and Jacobson. Market Day Bonus Market Day orders are due to the school office on Tuesday, November 26 or they can be placed online by 11:00PM December 2. Our pick up day is December 5. This month there are special bonuses, please see the attached flyer for more information. Box Tops Collection Contest Have you noticed a display of grocery items in the school hallway? A Box Tops collection contest will run through November 25th. The classroom that clips the most Box Tops will win an extra recess. A collection sheet is attached with this newsletter. Turn in completed sheets to your teacher. Results will be posted after November 25. Many thanks to all of our Box Top label clippers and counters. If you would like to help clip and count please contact Kris Schoeni kschoeni@sbcglobal.net Milk Moola Thank you for saving your Milk Moola caps from Kwik Trip. We recently received a check for $108.15. New Walkway Our new walkway has been poured and it is curing. Students should be able to walk on it soon! A big thank you goes to our PTO for providing the funds. Typhoon Haiyan We are all aware of the devastating typhoon that hit the Philippines. According to Catholic Relief Services, 11.8 million people have been affected by this typhoon, and the death toll is over 3,600 people. Our music teacher, Mr. Rhex Arboleda is from the Philippines. He and his wife have several Page 3 family members living in the Philippines. Their immediate families are safe, but they have not been able to contact other family members. Please keep Mr. Arboleda, his family, and all of those affected by Typhoon Haiyan in your prayers. (A special prayer is attached with this newsletter) For those that would like to donate to the relief efforts you can send donations to: Catholic Relief Services PO Box 17090 Baltimore, MD 21297-0303 Online donations www.crs.org. can be sent through Page 4 ADVENT Mission Project Dec. 2nd – Dec. 20th Mercy Ships, “Hospital of Hope” LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! During Advent, we are focusing on preparing for Jesus’ coming. We are reminded in the parable of the Ten Virgins that Five Wise Virgins were prepared prepared for the Bride Groom. Groom. In underdeveloped underdeveloped third world countries many people suffer suffer from preventable diseases; diseases; conditions that are rarely seen in first world countries. The goal of Mercy Ships is to “bring hope and healing to the the forgotten poor.” The ships transport medications and doctors across the globe, globe, delivering high quality health care to needy needy individuals. individuals. During Advent, our mission project is supporting supporting Mercy Ships. Ships. We will be collecting flashlights, flashlights, batteries and monetary donations, which are utilized in vital screening tests and operations. The collection will start Monday, December 2nd and go through Friday, December, 20th . Your Your child may bring their donations into their classroom and put in the basket. If you choose to bring in a monetary donation, please put it in an envelope marked Mercy Ships. The types of flashlights that the Mercy Mercy Ships can use are G10 LED ($10) and A5 LED ($30) ($30) along with AAA batteries. These flashlights can be found at Home Depot and Menards. If you would like to learn learn more about Mercy Ships, click http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50141230n Thank you, The Advent Committee TWIN CITY CATHOLIC EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM Registration Incentive TCCES is now accepting registration for the 2014-15 school year and offering several incentives through November 26! • New-to-TCCES families with students grades 1-5 will receive a $500 reduction in family tuition. • Any students entering: Kindergarten - $100 tuition reduction 6th Grade - $150 tuition reduction 9th Grade - $200 tuition reduction Don’t delay! Go to tcces.org to register online today! St. Gabriel Elementary School 900 Geiger Street, Neenah 725-4161 St. Margaret Mary Elementary School 610 Division Street, Neenah 729-4565 St. Mary Elementary School 540 Second Street, Menasha 725-5351 Seton Catholic Middle School 312 Nicolet Blvd., Menasha 727-0279 St. Mary Central High School 1050 Zephyr Drive, Neenah 722-7796 Happy Thanksgiving! SCRIP Schedule Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat 17 18 SCRIP order processed 25 No SCRIP orders 19 20 22 23 26 27 No School 21 Regular SCRIP pickup 28 No School Thanksgiving 29 No School 30 6 7 24 Thank-SCRIP-ing Dec 1 2 SCRIP order processed 3 4 5 Regular SCRIP pickup Orders placed between noon, Nov. 18 and Dec. 2 will not be available for pickup until Dec. 5. However, SCRIPNOW! and Reloads paid with PrestoPay will be processed as usual throughout that time, with exception to Thanksgiving Day. THANK-SCRIP-ING Sale: Starting at 12:01am Thanksgiving morning and running all day, you can shop special SCRIPNOW! rebates, the HIGHEST REBATES of the year! TCCES SCRIP - Valuable Information! 1. Holiday Stocking Stuffer Ideas; $5 or $10 gifts: Amazon 3% Arby’s 8% Barnes & Noble 9% Bath & Body Works 13% Buffalo Wild Wings 8% Chipotle Mexican Grill 10% Chuck E. Cheese 8% Cinder’s 10% * Claire’s 9% Cold Stone Creamery 8% Cousins Subs 9% Culver’s 10% * Dairy Queen 10% * Denny’s 7% Domino’s Pizza 8% Dunkin’ Donuts 7% Family Video 12% Four Seasons, Neenah 10% * Great Harvest Bread 6% Hardee’s 5% Jimmy John’s 10% * KFC 8% Kitz & Pfeil True Value 5% * Krueger True Value 5% * Manderfield’s Bakery 5% * McDonald’s 5% * Nauts Landing 5% * Noodles & Company 8% Panera Bread 9% Papa John’s Pizza 8% Papa Murphy’s Pizza 8% Pappa’s Café, Neenah 10% * Pizza Hut 8% Quiznos 10% QVC 5% Scanlan Studios 10% * Solea Mexican Grill 10% * Starbucks 7% Stevi B’s Pizza 10% * Subway 3% Taco Bell 5% Target 2.5% The Designer’s Chair Salon 10% * Tom’s Drive In 5% * Under the Dome Bar/Grill 5% * Walmart/Sam’s Club 2.5% Waverly Beach 10% * Weather Vane 15% * *Notates possible in stock item for holiday orders. Call the TCCES Business Office for availability. 2. Kohls is now available as SCRIPNOW! Kohl's Fundraising gift cards and eCards (SCRIPNOW!) can be used at all locations to shop, make a payment in stores on a Kohl's Charge account, or place orders online at kohls.com. 3. Recently added TCCES locals: Perkins-20%; Haen’s Meats-5%; Tom’s Drive In-5% 4. Other Shopping Items on Shopwithscrip.com Cascading Card File; a plastic “wallet” for holding gift cards: $3.00; 25% rebate Gift Card Holiday Wrapper-10 pack: $2.00; 10% rebate 5. Don’t forget those pets this holiday season: Petsmart-4%; Petco-5% 6. Tips and Hints: ~ Use SCRIP for home projects, carpeting/flooring, appliances and auto repairs (Home Depot, Menards, Sears, Laydwell Carpet, Fleet Farm, Auto Zone) ~ Use SCRIP for vacations (hotels, resorts, spas, waterparks, cruise lines, car rentals, Disney) ~ Use SCRIP for prescriptions, health & beauty (CVS Pharmacy, Walgreens, Shopko, Sephora, Bath & Body Works, and many hair salons and department stores offer SCRIP) ~ If you haven’t already changed gas stations to take advantage of SCRIP, do it now! Both KWIK TRIP and EXPRESS GAS offer 10% rebates, but make sure you purchase from their local retailers that offer 10%, not the national retailers that only offer 9%. Call the TCCES Business Office anytime with questions or to learn more about SCRIP! TCCES passes on 80% of the listed SCRIP rebates to our families’ tuition accounts. Dear Parents and Teachers: The second graders will be opening St. Gabriel Post Office for the nineteenth year on December 2, 2013. We will deliver mail to anyone within the school. We have one mailbox located in the front hallway. We will be selling stamps and postcards every day from 7:45 a.m.- 8:00 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. in the main hall. Stamps and cards are only 10 cents each. If you would like a package delivered, please bring it to Room 5, the cost is still only 10 cents per package regardless of size. Hours: School days and hours Delivery: 12:20 every school day To Send A Letter: Write the person’s first and last name & grade on the front of the postcard or envelope. Then drop it in the school mailbox. Last delivery date: Friday, December 20, 2013 Please contact Mrs. Goffard kgoffard@tcces.org or Mrs.Hoernke shoernke@tcces.org with any questions. Thank you, Mrs. Goffard & Mrs. Hoernke Use St. Gabriel Post Office for: * BUDDIES * CHRISTMAS CARDS * NOTES OF ENCOURAGEMENT * THANK YOU NOTES (All proceeds support the St. Gabriel School student letter to our St. Gabriel Parish Senior Buddies throughout the school year) 52nd Annual St. Nick Social This event is sponsored and organized by ALL families and friends of St. Gabriel Parish & School! Sunday, December 1st 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Lunch in Stingle Hall Lunch will be served after the 10:00 am Mass until 1:30 p.m. Lunch = $3.00 Extra Entrees = $1.00 Lunch plate includes: Sloppy Joe or Hot Dog, cornbread, fruit, beans or carrots, potato salad or chips and lemonade or water. Dessert = 25₵ Soda = 50₵ Activities in Allen Center Children of all ages are invited! Game Tickets = 25₵ Cake Walk = 25₵ Come and have your photo taken with St. Nick We are looking for middle or high school students to help run the games and parents to help with the games and sell tickets (great way to earn service hours). Shifts are either 10:45 -12:00 pm OR 12:00 - 1 :30 pm. We also need help setting up on Saturday, November 30th starting at 9 am and taking down after the event on Sunday. Please call Amy Asenbrener at 722-4296 if you are able to volunteer. Your response by November 22nd will be greatly appreciated. Also needed are cakes for the Cake Walk. There will be carts between the kitchen and gym prior to the Saturday Mass (11/30) and both Sunday masses (12/1) for you to set your donated desserts . Thank you in advance for your generosity! Let's make this event extra special for our children of the parish! COMING TO ST. MARY CENTRAL HS Sun: Jan. 26; Feb. 2, 16, 23; Mar. 2, 9 Advance registration required. See web site for deadline. U.S. Baseball Academy’s Spring Training 2014 is a unique concept that provides young players with advanced hitting, pitching, fielding/baserunning, catching training programs and instruction by some of the area’s best coaches. Sessions for grades 1 through 12 include six weeks of instruction for as low as $99. A national baseball training program operated locally by Phil Janssen, Head Coach, St. Mary Cent. HS . .With a player-coach ratio of 6 to 1, each player gets plenty of individual attention in a smallgroup atmosphere. In addition to unbeatable instruction by the area’s best coaches, players get a preseason tune-up that helps them enter team practice in mid-season form. With numerous age-specific sessions, instruction is specially tailored for each ability level. Register now, pay later. What better way to get a jump on the upcoming season than a sixweek Spring Training experience, featuring instruction from some of the area’s best coaches? For a complete description of the program and registration forms, visit www.USBaseballAcademy.com You can also call our office at 866-622-4487 to register by phone. Register Now Pay Later Save 15% th Camp? Already? Yes! Registration for the 2014 summer camp season opens on November 15 . We know, it's not even Thanksgiving, so how can we be thinking about summer? Here are a couple of reasons: Best. Christmas. Present. EVER! If you register now and need to switch weeks later, no problem. st There is a 15% discount if you register by December 31 . You don't have to pay now, you just need to register! Cabins are filling up quicker and this guarantees you a spot! It's going to be cold for a long time, so why not think about something warm? Register today at www.camptekakwitha.org. st We know plans can change. If you are registered by December 31 , and you need to switch weeks later on for any reason, just give us a call at 715-526-2316 and we will take care of it!
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