Call for Speakers CPI Conference 2015: Reducing restraint through

Call for Speakers
CPI Conference 2015: Reducing restraint through policy and practice
Thursday 12 – Friday 13 November 2015
Conference Aston, Birmingham
We are calling for speakers to address the Crisis Prevention Institute’s (CPI) second European
Restraint Reduction NetworkTM (RRN) Conference on the real-world application of restraint reduction
With hundreds of attendees from across the policy, health and social care and education sectors this is
an excellent opportunity to present your work to key leaders in behaviour management. To state your
interest in showcasing your work and achievements on the practical techniques of restraint reduction
please fill out the form below and send it to
There will be several opportunities to undertake key note presentations, which will be around 20-30
minutes long to the full delegation with options for a Q&A, as well as a number of workshop slots which
will be a 45 - 60 minute session to a selection of conference attendees.
This year we are particularly looking for individuals or organisations whom are able to speak on any of
the following six core strategies for restraint reduction:
Performance Measurement
Learning and Development
Providing Personalised Support
Communication and Customer Focus
Continuous Improvement
The Conference is hosted by CPI, who have trained over eight million people worldwide since 1980 and
is committed to continuing its research, support, and development of the highest quality behaviour
management training and resources and to serving as an essential provider in helping professionals and
the individuals in their care. For more information please visit
Launched at the inaugural CPI Conference last year, the Restraint Reduction NetworkTM aims to bring
together people and organisations who share a commitment to improving outcomes for people who are
subjected to coercive or restrictive practices. For more information please visit
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Ben O’Keeffe on 020 7234 3347.
The deadline for applications is Monday 1 June.
Speaker application
Job Title:
Format: Key-note speech ☐
Workshop ☐
Dates available: Thursday ☐ Friday ☐
Further requirements:
Title of workshop/speech:
Please give a brief description of what your session would focus on (200 words max):
Please send a completed application form to
The deadline for applications is Monday 1 June 2015.
All applicants will be informed whether they have had their presentations accepted shortly after the
closing date for submissions.
If you would like any further information please contact Ben O’Keeffe on 020 7234 3347.