Ushers Nursery Month of March 3/29– 8:30 John Lenn & Stephanie Wade 8:30 AM— Vic Parker, Jerry Sims SS-Ashley Hanner & Mike Garrett 11:00 Kim Stone & Misty Fields Wed. 4/1-Amy Sims & Amanda Everhart 11:00 AM—Michael Dewberry, Mark Green, Cliff Boothe, Scottie Sims, & Jesse Tavers SS-Daphne Garrett & Tiffany Boothe 11:00 –Lisa Kirk, Debbie Whitfield & Rachel Corn Pastor Jason & Amanda Allums welcome you! @pjasonvrc 4/5-8:30 Krystal Mims & Brandy Tucker MA RCH GREETERS 8:30 - Main Door – Kim Gates New Foyer - Ronnie Gates 11:00- Main Foyer-Nancy Brasher New Foyer – Shelby Brasher Prayer Requests: Ruth Garrett, Allen Wright, Cathy Roberson, JR Carmichael, Curtis Abbott, Gad Brooks, Renee Garcia, Al Chatham, Phillip Hamrick, Bill Raia, Darlene Stedham, Joyce Mims, Doug Wesson, Teresa Wesson, Janet Gill, Jerry Smith, James Lynn , Doris Linley, Cathy Kirkland, Phil Weldon, Charlie Cook, & Lynn Jones THINGS TO COME SIGN UP TODAY Journey 101 Class Starts 4/12 If you ‘ve been attending the Revival Center for a while and would like to learn more about what we believe. Journey 101 is the class for you. _____ Sign me up Name ___________________ Address _________________ _______________________ Phone # _________________ Relay for Life May 8 VRC is purchasing luminaria bags in honor or in memory of those who have or have had cancer. If you know someone @ VRC who fits this criteria please email Amanda Allums 4/24 - 5/1Mission Trip to Ecuador 1/10 12/14 -Men’s Budgeting Breakfast Class 6-7PM 7:30AM 5/3–Christmas Fine Arts Showcase with 12/14–Women’s WM (MeetMeeting VRC @Dinner 4:30P 1/11 Ministry 5PM@ 5PM 5/9 –Cook-Off Mother’s (Enter Day Brunch10AM (Tracy Strawberry) 12/14- Chili $2 fee Sign Up) Donations 2015 Ecuador Trip 5/10 – Darryl Strawberry Guest Speaker 5/31—6/3 Kid’sofCamp (Taylor Griggs ) 12/19 Outing (Voices Christmas) Pell City 6/22-26Light - Youth Camp8:30 (Cody Griggs) (SS & Nursery will be availa12/21- Candle Service & 10:45AM ble) Jason Allums Senior Pastor (205) 276-9733 Matt Everhart/Assoc. Pastor (205) 335-9147 Cody Griggs /Student Pastor (334) 494-3804 Mike Hall/College & Career (334) 494-3823 David Wood/Media Director (205) 370-2083) Taylor Griggs/Children’s Church Dir. (205) 919-8309 Aimee Foster/Co-Children’s Dir. (205) 478-8904 Phillip Davis/ Co-Worship Leader (205) 365-5129 Bart Hanner/ Interim Co -Worship Leader (205) Sue Garrett/Outreach Dir. (205) 447-1188 Amanda Allums/Assimilation & Events (205) 567-7632 Julie Smith/Administrative Assistant (205) 936-4420 PO Box 270 / 6121 Hwy 85 Vincent, AL 35178 (205) 672-7488 March 29, 2015 Revival | Center Experience God...Celebrate Life… Love People... March 29, 2015 Thank you for coming! If you are a guest with us today, please fill out the guest information in your bulletin and place it in the offering. Thank you for choosing to worship with us today. Schedule of Services: SS @ 10:00 Celebration Service 8:30 & 11:00AM Sponsored by Women’s Ministry Begonias, Petunias, Geraniums, Ferns & Mixed Pots (Easter Sunday is last day to place order and pay) Pick Up Date April 11 Guest Response Please take a moment to fill out and drop in offering bag this morning Mr. ___ Mrs.___ Ms. ____ Name ___________________ Address __________________ (See Amanda Allums) Prayer Tues 10 -11am - Mid-Week Services : Wednesday @ 7pm Adult Bible Study - __________________________ Youth Service - Friends Club & Boys Class __________________________ Aaron Lane Speaking in Youth Wed. April 1 @ 7PM COME EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED Zip Code _________________ Phone ( ) _______________ Email ____________________ Are you on Face Book? _____ Age Group _______ 0-6 yrs. _______ 7-12 yrs. _______ Junior High _______ Senior High _______ 19-25 yrs. _______ 26-35 yrs. _______ 36 -50 yrs. _______ 51-64 yrs. Which Service are you attending today? 8:30AM_____ 10:30AM ____ _______ 65+yrs all r, de ea M H ike L Tues. April 21 Men John Lenn would like to invite you to join him as he goes to Kingwood Church. Leaving from VRC together. (This will be the meeting for April) Are you here due to an outreach? Which one?_________________ Please check what ministry you would like more info on _____ Women’s Ministry _____ Men’s Ministry _____ Sunday School _____ Children’s Church _____ Student Ministry _____ Boys Ministry _____ Girls Ministry _____ Nursery _____ Outreach Ministry _____ Music/Media
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