our CSR document

Heart, Mind & Soul
Issue No. 1, August 2014
Our approach is rooted in family
values, respect in everything we do and
sustainable growth
RG Group captures the heart, mind and soul of the
construction industry, with our successful combination
of family values and treading lightly wherever we go
The RG Group board of directors and staff are fully committed to the highest level
of corporate governance and social responsibility throughout every aspect of
our business and towards those external stakeholders affected by our business
Corporate governance and social responsibility should not just be a set of words
in a policy, for us at RG Group they are our moral compass and our belief system
throughout the organisation and our supply chain.
That is why we have set about re-inventing ‘Corporate governance and social
responsibility’ in the Construction industry.
Our approach is rooted in family values, respect in everything we do and
sustainable growth.
Vision - Our aim is to be recognised as a
Our strategy is to engender a diverse,
responsible company that balances the
honest and accountable culture throughout
social, environmental and ethical issues
our business and market place. We have
created by our business activities without
identified the following as fundamental to
compromise to our continued ability to
our approach.
deliver projects with commercial success.
Business Ethics
We continually strive to capture the heart,
Community Relations
mind and soul of the construction industry,
with our successful combination of family
Supplier relations
values and treading lightly wherever we go.
Market Place
Working Conditions
Client Relations.
remains on managing the following key
social, ethical and environmental issues
in a fair and open manner through a
programme of continuous improvement.
Treat everyone and everything we come
into contact with Respectfully
Help everyone and everything we
interact with to positively Grow.
Strategy - To realise these goals our focus
Our approach is led by:
From these two tenets emerges our shared
understanding and shared commitment to
Respect and Grow our combined:
Heart • Mind • Soul
To achieve these goals our corporate
governance and social responsibility
priorities are encapsulated below:
Heart »
Our People »
Our Family
Mind »
Our Business »
Our Organisation
Soul »
Our Environment »
Our Community »
Our Future
Our approach is rooted in family
values, respect in everything we do and
sustainable growth
Our People and Our Family
Increase Donations and money raised in
support of Charitable causes.
2013: £95,000
2014 Target: £110,000
Target reduction of 10% year on year in
hours lost per employee due to ill health by
promoting healthy lifestyle and well being.
2013 Figures – 16 Hours lost per person
2014 Target - 14 Hours lost per person
Target 10% year on year increase in formal
training and professional development
activities. Staff Training / CPD Hours per
2013 Figures 18 hours Training / CPD
2014 Target 20 hours Training / CPD
Our people and our family
Everything that we do at RG Group has an impact on people.
This is why our corporate governance and social responsibility has a strong focus
on people and the world we all live in and is not just corporate rhetoric.
At the heart of our corporate governance and social responsibility activities are
our core values of Respect and Growth ...
Work Life Balance
RG Group recognises that the industry in
Supporting out of the
workplace activities
which we work can at times be particularly
Through the course of its work, the company
demanding and realises its responsibility
plays an active part in community initiatives
to ensure staff manage their time in a
and supports a number of charities and
sensible manner. To achieve this we offer a
causes. Staff are encouraged in their
number of initiatives aimed at achieving a
participation in such initiatives. In support
manageable balance between the demands
of this activity, the company allocates a sum
of paid work and personal life. These include
of money to distribute matching charitable
membership of an appropriate pension plan;
donations made by groups of staff.
maternity leave and parental pay; special
Efficient Working
Practices to reduce
leave; and time away from work to perform
public duties, jury service or voluntary
reserve training.
Flexible working
Most significantly we offer a flexible working
hours arrangement that is available to all
staff. This enables each member of staff to
choose their own working hours within the
framework of typical working day that suits
their own personal circumstances.
Site teams are encouraged, wherever
possible to operate rota shift patterns to
ensure workload is evenly shared and that
those with home and family commitments
are able to plan the working patterns
sensibly and in advance.
Our industry is renowned for inefficient
working when compared to factory or other
more controlled industrial environments.
At RG we actively encourage development
of smart working practices to reduce
time spent on repeat and lower value
adding tasks. Typically this can take the
form of embracing new technologies
for data gathering, audits and reports
or by encouraging the use of offsite
manufacturing to reducing workload in site
conditions. These types of activities can
significantly impact in a positive way on the
time pressure our staff face.
We will treat everyone and
everything we come into contact
with Respect
We will help everyone and everything
we interact with to positively Grow
“RG Group have
been extremely
accommodating in
helping me settle back
into work after a year’s
maternity. Without the
flexibility they have given
me to suit childcare I
would not have been
able to return so easily.”
Sacha Joseph
Go Karting event for
Teenage Cancer Trust
RG have been sponsoring this
event for the past five years. The
TCT is a charity that is close to our
heart and helps an often forgotten
demographic get through a
difficult period of their life. Each
year we raise more and more
money for the important work this
charity does, and have a great time
doing it!
Client Golf Day in support for Macmillan
“Since joining RG
as a graduate, my
confidence within
my role has soared
thanks to the support
I’ve received from the
company. Without
the encouragement of
RG I would never have
achieved such great
career progression in
such a short amount of
time.” Zac Decambre – Graduate
and previous year out Student
Well Being
We have an Occupational Health, Safety
• Online CBT
Measures within the appraisal system
All services are free to use for staff
allow staff to gauge how they are doing.
We believe that top performers should
and Environmental Calendar, providing all
staff with information on a range of topics
from healthy eating to safe driving, cancer
awareness to stress management. Every
topic is covered not just from a health point
of view but from a safety and environmental
aspect too. Information is sent out
fortnightly to all RG Staff, and displayed on
site for all to see. Helpful contacts are listed,
along with advice on carrying out activities
Celebrating Successes
be recognised for their hard work. It is
important for employees to know they will
RG encourage recognition of success and
be well compensated when they meet or
use a variety of media to communicate this
exceed goals.
externally and internally. Regular news
bulletins highlighting successful project
completions, tender awards and project
awards are broadcast on our website,
Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
We aim to promote the belief that when
individual and group goals are aligned with
the company’s objectives, productivity can
be greatly enhanced. We recognise that
employees want to work for an organisation
such as composting or avoiding food waste
All project and client awards are equally
that values their efforts. To achieve this,
at home.
celebrated and displayed clearly in our
we strive to ensure that employees always
reception areas and our offices.
know what is expected of them, standards
The company are fully engaged and operate
The Employee Assistance Programme. This
Many out of work charity and fundraising
programme is in place for all RG Group staff
events that are undertaken by staff both
to use. The EAP is in place to offer a place
within the work environment as well as
to turn to for support. It has numerous
outside of work are also celebrated.
• Telephone counselling
• Management consultation line
• Trauma support and advice line
• Telephone support for dispute resolution
• Specialist Telephone services – financial
• Specialist telephone services – legal
• Specialist telephone service – debt
communicated, and regular reviews
conducted via the PDP process.
A RG we also strive to foster an upbeat,
enjoyable work environment that strikes
benefits, including:
• Telephone general information /
of performance are be established and
Rewarding Workplace
Our managers recognise each employee’s
a balance between productivity and fun.
Promoting a healthy work life balance and
publically celebrating success also make for
efforts, whether by working independently
a rewarding workplace.
or as part of a team, and how these efforts
Retaining top talent is essential to a
directly impact the company’s operations.
At RG we believe it is important that
everyone knows his or her contributions
matter. We ensure that staff establish career
paths by providing them with opportunities
for promotion or cross-training to help keep
them challenged.
• Formal telephone counselling
RG operate a bonus scheme as a means of
• Face to face counselling
rewarding employees for a job well done.
company’s success. By establishing a
rewards and recognition program, RG Group
help maintain employee motivation and
foster an atmosphere of conciliation where
everyone is an important contributor to the
company’s success.
• Medical helpline
“Coming out of university and into a placement year with the RG Group was a life
affirming move for me. It confirmed that the degree that I had chosen and the career
path that I decided to take was correct.” Anthony Marks
The RG football team play weekly,
with matches against sub-contractors
and other main contractors. We have
participated in many tournaments
including the Sainsbury’s Cup which
runs yearly and raises money for
RG Group, along with other contractors building the Morrisons superstore
in Eastbourne joined forces with the council to help refursbish Hampden
Park Community Centre as part of a community partnership scheme.
RG Group led the construction of the store on Lottbridge Drove, and
contacted Eastbourne Borough Council to offer assistance with a local
community project.
Popular community venue Hampden Park Community Centre was
identified as a suitable project and work began to refurbish the basement,
which is now equipped with a suite of computers to host IT courses and a
local internet hub.
Not only is the football great fun and
helps keep us fit, but it is also an
opportunity to bond with colleagues
and build on relationships with our
sub-contractors and clients. RG have
been fully supportive of the football
by covering pitch costs, costs to
participate in the tournaments and by
being flexible with those taking part.
To actively encourage local labour, RG Group spoke to local decorating
and building maitenance firm Martin & Bowles, who confirmed they could
undertake the work which included:
decoration of kitchen and repair to walls,
new doors and frames,
new carpets and vinyl,
lighting and fire alarm rewiring,
decoration of entrance lobby,
New matting throughout.
In total, RG Group, Morrisons and several other sub-contractors invested
£5,000 in the scheme.
“ The last year has been
a brilliant one. I have
learnt so much and
embraced the whole
experience with the full
support of RG.”
Andy Kay – Year Out student
Equality &
RG Group is an equal
opportunities employer and is
fully committed to ensure that
no employee or applicant receive
A number of RG
staff take part in the
annual London 10k
Road Race
Board Director is responsible for
managing the implementation
of this policy, which includes
providing any necessary
information, instruction, training
and supervision.
less favourable treatment or is
It is company policy that all new
discriminated against in terms
construction staff are required to
of race, gender, marital status,
attend a 4 day IOSH health and
colour, ethnic origin, religion,
safety course on commencement.
sexuality, disability or without
Existing staff are also regularly
arbitrary restriction in terms of
updated with the latest
regulations and legislation. This
Our recruitment policy is to
employ personnel whose
capability, experience and
qualifications are appropriate
to the positions available and to
the duties and responsibilities
expected of them.
Health & Safety
The directors of RG Group regard
safety as a priority area for the
company and are committed
to achieving and maintaining
standards of occupational health
update serves as an opportunity
to reinforce their duty to take
reasonable care for their safety
and for the safety of other people
who may be affected by their
The company also actively
promotes and encourages all staff
to attend first aid courses, and
keep this qualification regularly
Training &
and safety – for all employees and
Attracting, retaining and
contractors and also for members
developing high calibre staff at
of the public who may be affected
all levels in the organisation is
by our activities.
essential and it is RG Group policy
All our operations and activities
The RG Dragon Boat
Racing Team
Health and Safety Policy. A
are undertaken in accordance
with current health and safety
to plan and implement a number
of training and development
legislation, relevant codes of
On joining, staff start with an
practice and our own company
induction programme, this is
The Race of his Life ...
On turning 40 Neil Haire decided to embark on the
adventure of a lifetime. He responded to an advert
for the ‘Clipper Round the World Race’ which took
him sailing thousands of miles of ocean, and finished
in his birth town of Hull.
“It was a fantastic trip, the new friendships made,
the experiences shared, the highs and lows. It is the
best thing I have done ... so far!”
aimed at ensuring that all staff
A large proportion of the works
are equipped with the skills and
we carry out are in occupied
knowledge to perform their
premises and building our
primary duties effectively.
relationship with the existing
Once inducted the staff then
join the company Personal
Development Plan (PDP).
occupiers and in many cases their
customers is paramount. We
therefore place great emphasis
on engaging all these parties at a
The PDP is the individuals training
very early stage in the project to
and development plan owned by
ensure that all the works and the
the individual that not only drive
effects are clearly understood.
the individual’s development and
progression but also supports
the business strategy and is
indicative of the company’s
belief that the development of
all employees is critical to the
success of the business.
To achieve this we utilise our
liaison managers to interface
with the end user at the planning
stage, agree the entire strategy
and to guide them through
every step of project. Project
storyboards and detailed phasing
Professional training and
and communication boards are
membership of appropriate
also produced and regularly
professional bodies is encouraged
updated throughout the life of the
at all levels. RG Group is
recognised by the RICS as having
an approved, structured training
Client & End User
We endeavour to make our site
welcoming, well presented
and respectful to all project
stakeholders. Being mindful of
parking conditions, noise and
dust. Our staff and tradesmen
We recognise that in many ways
we employ are require to polite,
we are only passing through a
respectful at all times, dressed
community whilst a project is
appropriately and operate fully
ongoing. Once the project is
in line with our expectations
complete the client, customer
as Associate Members of the
or end user has to live with the
Considerate Constructors
changes that have been affected
by our presence.
Constructing the Future
Three members of RG staff went back into the
classroom to speak to students about careers in
Steve Bennett, Chris Twyman and Dave Edwards
visited the Thamesview School in Gravesend
as part of their degree course, and RG Group’s
commitment to the local area, to talk to the
students about the construction industry. The
presentation focussed on breaking down the
stereotypes of the industry including the range
of careers available, the qualifications needed
and the idea that the jobs are gender specific.
Nerys Sandy, Business and Enterprise
Coordinator at Thamesview School, “Thank you
very much for this morning. The students really
enjoyed the session and got involved. There
was certainly a high level of engagement in the
Code of
seek to improve
the image of the
by striving to
promote and
achieve best
practice under
this Code.
Care about Appearance
Constructors should ensure sites appear
professional and well managed.
Informing, respecting and showing
courtesy to those affected by the work.
Ensuring that the external appearance
of sites enhances the image of
the industry.
Minimising the impact of deliveries,
parking and work on the public highway.
Contributing to and supporting the local
community and economy.
Being organised, clean and tidy.
Enhancing the appearance of facilities,
stored materials, vehicles and plant.
Working to create a positive and
enduring impression, and promoting
the Code.
Raising the image of
Respect the Community
Constructors should give utmost
consideration to their impact on
neighbours and the public
Protect the Environment
Constructors should protect and enhance
the environment
Identifying, managing and promoting
environmental issues.
Seeking sustainable solutions, and
minimising waste, the carbon footprint
and resources.
RG are committed to the
Considerate Constructors
Scheme and have been
Associate Members since
January 2011. We have won
a total to 53 Gold, Silver and
Bronze awards.
Minimising the impact of vibration, and
air, light and noise pollution.
Protecting the ecology, the landscape,
wildlife, vegetation and water courses.
Value their Workforce
Constructors should provide a supportive
and caring working environment
Providing a workplace where everyone
is respected, treated fairly, encouraged
and supported.
Constructors should attain the highest
levels of safety performance
Identifying personal development
needs and promoting training.
Having systems that care for the safety
of the public, visitors and the workforce.
Caring for the health and wellbeing of
the workforce.
Minimising security risks to neighbours.
Having initiatives for continuous safety
Providing and maintaining high
standards of welfare.
Embedding attitudes and behaviours
that enhance safety performance.
Securing everyone’s Safety
As Members of
the Considerate
Constructor Scheme
uk), we require all
eligible construction
sites to sign up to
CCS. This means
our projects will
be independently
assessed against the
Code of Considerate
Practice and we
will – Care about
Appearance, Respect
the Community,
Protect the
Environment, Secure
Everyone’s Safety and
Value our Workforce.
Everything that we do has an impact on
the organisations we do business with
as well as our own business
Our Business and Our Organisation
Increase RG Investment in Community
Schemes + Target additional donations
matched by Supply Chain
2014 - Target RG Investment
Increase of 17% to £20,000
Target matching Supply Chain donations of
additional £20,000
Target a 10% Increase in total RG man hours
worked on community schemes
2013 Figures 600 Hours`
2014 Target 700 hours
Target Average 43 Considerate Constructor
score and target over 50 % of registered RG
sites to win awards CCS awards
Our corporate governance and social responsibility focus
proactively supports the organisations we engage with and
our own business
Habus ori prorium accissedet, terriam popubli castris ex me int. Nostorit. Odi cul
vil unterfectum sperum s. Ast facci ponscivignos bonem sentilne depere.
Tohuro Our ShareholdersHabus ori
ac renterivere quitatum se coenate
prorium accissedet, nuntissat. Eque
nonicae cupios verferede converi
ta, pari terriam popubli castris ex me
sterfecrum ilne consimmoent
int. Nostorit. Odi cul vil unterfectum
potam. Caticibut numus, mor
sperum sentu catiam.
la sulegitro, deat, Cature o iam
Core to all our business
operations and activities
are our core values of
Respect and Growth:
Ocapert escissendam mac re
nes cone nis nonsula adhus eres
consuam furio, utquam terfecitum
Rompliam dio, quo hem te es!
et in de conficonduc is, crum
Tohuro Our ShareholdersHabus ori
nonirmactuinenatque adem
prorium accissedet, nuntissat. Eque
mensimis et publicerfin vis elicae
ta, pari terriam popubli castris ex me
estu straedo, perni igitis hortalabis
int. Nostorit. Odi cul vil unterfectum
pors elius rem cavessest? Ihil
sperum sentu catiam. Cature o iam
vestreores bonvocaur, quam ortea
consuam furio, utquam terfecitum
niam.Etrem am. Oc, adees efac
Rompliam dio, quo hem te es! Rit
mena, nox senarec essulvi lneres
L. Itam est vlisquerum o coen trae
Every business we
engage with we will treat
with Respect.
Wherever we can we will
help other businesses
and organisations to
Grow as part of our day to
day operations.
Loremabus ori prorium accissedetCaes? Otimpl. Ne or que portique autemus
faciena, citatus ete cero noniquisqua tabefectus viribus, consid
Loremabus ori prorium accissedetCaes? Otimpl.
Loremabus ori prorium accissede e or que portique autemus faciena, citatus.
Supply Chain Management &
Labour Standards
We recognise that we are only as good as our supply chain of
consultants, subcontractors and specialist suppliers. As such
we look to develop long term relationships based on trust,
openness and the ability to deliver.
Testament to this approach it that RG Group have a proven
supply chain developed over a number of years. These
relationships form the foundations for successful project
delivery, however we recognise the needs to measure and
challenge performance in order to avoid complacency. As such
the supply chain is regularly market tested and developed.
Performance of all suppliers is critical to successful completion
of our projects. We therefore measure each supplier’s
performance for feedback and also for sharing within RG.
Where new suppliers are introduced they are initially approved
via our pre-qualification questionnaire. This is followed up with
meetings with the companies themselves in order to confirm
their suitability. Once on board, suppliers are inducted into
RG’s way of working. As part of this pre-qualification process all
suppliers are assessed for their labour sourcing policy.
Professional Business Practices and Legal Standards
RG look to adopt the highest
possible business standards and
trading ethics. We endeavour to
treat others as we wish to be
treated ourselves, fairly, honestly
and with integrity.
RG Staff
At RG we work together with all staff to fulfill our potential in
We always place the highest priority on quality and safety to
ensure the confidence of our clients. Moreover, we comply with
our own stringent internal standards in addition to external
We produce ethical, creative and honest literature that wins the
support of clients and helps them in selecting RG Group for their
projects. We sincerely strive to enhance satisfaction and trust at
all points of client contact. We handle complaints sincerely and
promptly. We take consumer feedback seriously, and use it to
improve and develop.
We continually strive to increase the value of all our clients’
brands. We manage intellectual property to prevent
infringement. We also respect the intellectual property rights
of others.
Business Partners / Suppliers
RG select business partners and suppliers properly, and engage
in fair, transparent and free competition and appropriate
business transactions. We choose our clients, suppliers,
outsourcing vendors and other business partners on the basis
of their efforts to respect human rights, comply with laws,
protect the environment and address social issues, as well as
considerations such as quality and price.
We do not engage in unfair price fixing, collusion, dumping
or any other actions that hinder free competition. We do
not provide or accept gifts or entertainment that may cause
suspicion regarding our fairness. We do not give or accept
money or gifts in the course of our work with our business
partners. Exceptions are seasonal and courtesy gifts given as
a matter of custom, provided that such gifts are within socially
acceptable limits.
We respect all of our business partners who share our aims, and
work together with them toward sustained growth. We maintain
equitable relationships with our business partners, and do
not apply coercive pressure. We share our stance regarding
fulfilment of social responsibility, including respect for human
rights compliance with laws and protection of the environment,
with our business partners and encourage them to take their
own voluntary initiatives.
We respect the character and individuality of everyone at RG,
in all their diversity, and strive to develop and grow together.
We never engage in or tolerate discrimination on any basis
including, but not limited to, race, color, gender, age, language,
property, nationality or national origin, religion, ethnic or
social origin, political or other opinion, disability, health status
and sexual orientation, nor do we engage in or tolerate moral
harassment, including sexual harassment and abuse of power.
our jobs. We strive to maintain a dialogue with staff, and are
committed to their growth as well as our own.
RG work conscientiously and maintain a clear distinction
between professional and private matters. We properly manage
confidential and personal information to prevent it from being
leaked or lost, and do not use such information improperly.
We do not engage in businesses that compete with RG Group
products or services, or in any other actions that could
negatively affect the Group’s business operations. We do not
use our authority or position to obtain personal entertainment
or goods, and do not solicit cooperation in personal activities or
provide favours to third parties.
At RG we create a safe, healthy work environment and enhance
employees comfort and sense of fulfilment. We ensure our work
environments are safe, clean and healthy and we maintain and
manage our physical and mental health, and encourage an
appropriate work/life balance.
Society and the Planet
We abide by the laws of each region in which we operate, and
maintain sound ethical behaviour as well as respect human
rights. We abide by the laws and respect the history, culture,
customs and other aspects of each region in which we operate.
We do not have relationships with individuals or organizations
that engage in illegal activities such as threatening public order
or safety. We also do not respond to any requests for money or
services from such individuals or organizations.
We strictly maintain fairness and a high level of transparency in
our relationships with national and local government entities
and officials, political parties and politicians.
We promote environmental initiatives in line with our own
stringent standards, and consider biodiversity as we aim for a
sustainable society in which humanity and the Earth coexist
We strive to mitigate climate change through efforts such as
reducing emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. We also
manage chemical substances properly to prevent air, water and
soil pollution.
We strive to minimize waste in our business processes and in
use by consumers, with emphasis on the 3Rs: reduce, reuse and
We promote environmental
initiatives in line with our
own stringent standards, and
consider biodiversity as we
aim for a sustainable society in
which humanity and the Earth
coexist harmoniously
Let in de coori lorem ipsum prorium
ssedet, terriam int. Equid ut eiur accaes etum viti dolorit mo test quuntis, coreratur? Redo,
nons nos.Dac re, con audeat, egit con dercerum ius nihintrae am senihillatus mei .
RG approached Portfield Primary Academy
with the offer of a Bug Hotel for their
gardening club, and they were thrilled. The
materials were all collected from site and
then delivered to the school, upon which the
pupils collected the leaves, twigs and other
items to fill the Hotel with to encourage the
wildlife to move in. RG Group Environmental
Officer Linzi Cross gave a talk to the class
about all the insects they could expect to
move in, such as slow worms, and how to
look after the Bug Hotel once we were gone.
It was a huge success and as far as we know,
still going strong.
First and
Our construction activities have a direct
impact on both the end users and the
wider community. RG engage with the
local community on our projects and
make a positive contribution through
school and college education initiatives
and charity work including donation of
materials and refurbishment of charity
RG have ...
Held open days and public forums to meet the neighbours of the project and
talk to them about what the project involves.
Attended fairs/openings etc. with Ivor Goodsite from the Considerate
Constructors Scheme (www.ivorgoodsite.org.uk), and supplied Construction
The Chichester project team also helped
Chichester Harbour Conservancy. The team,
made up of staff from RG Group and John
Lewis Partnership, offered the Conservancy
their help and resurfaced part of a coastal
footpath in Itchneor, providing the 10 tonnes
of shingle and the labour required.
vehicles for displays.
Refurbished rooms in libraries, schools and community centres and for
organisations such as The Salvation Army, Blacon Community Trust and Age
Donated a ‘Handyman for a Day’ to community play-schemes to help carry out
odd jobs.
“We are very grateful to RG Group and John Lewis for taking the time to undertake these much needed footpath improvements. This
work will greatly improve a section of coastal path that is heavily used and much enjoyed by local people and visitors alike. With
over 90km of footpaths to manage, we rely on the support of volunteers to complement our ranger team; without this support, we
could not achieve what we do.” Siún Cranny, Director of Chichester Harbour Conservancy
Business Tools
RG Site in a Box
Construction companies struggle to get communications connected
into temporary locations quickly because it is not possible to get
broadband and other lines ordered until cabins / site offices are
static. There is often a delay of weeks before a suitable connection is
are available to the remote users. What’s more, all users on site are
capable of setting up this equipment and it can be shipped to site by
standard methods in a specially made flight case.
This process means rapid deployment of multiple sites is possible
while the network administrator retains complete control and tight
RG have in place systems to ensure everything we touch is carried out
in an appropriate manner.
ISO 9001 – QMS
The RG Site in a Box solution dispenses with these issues by using
a leading edge hub and spoke VPN solution that provides fast and
instant communications the moment the power goes on in any
location. The connections are made to Head Office and all systems
Donated and built items such as sheds to schools and
playgroups (to house sports equipment etc.)
ISO 14001 – Environmental
Carried out talks/presentations in classrooms to a variety of
age groups, discussing the project, Health and Safety and
a variety of topics (talks are tailored to cover any Construction
topic). We’ve also written newsletters for students to follow
the progress of projects.
Carried out career talks on the types of jobs available in the
construction industry.
Invited schools onto sites for a visit to see the projects. During
these visits we have also buried time capsules, carried out H&S
ISO 18001 – Health and Safety
talks and met Ivor Goodsite, invited the British Red Cross to
site to carry out First Aid training with the children, and
learnt about recycling by visiting the waste plants that handle
our construction waste.
Donated goods and materials, for example a TV to the RNLI in
Wallasey (Birkenhead) to help with their training; supplied
and painted a new kitchen to The Salvation Army training
centre in Talbot Heath; decorated a day room for Sanford
House Day Care centre in Hythe, donated stone to help create
a sensory garden at Willoughby School in Bourne, and donated
In order to maintain these accreditations, ongoing development and
a shed to The Castle School in Newbury to house their sports
continuous improvement is carried out on a regular basis. As part of
this improvement areas are highlighted, targeted and where necessary
We have provided sponsorship to local schools, charities and
clubs, including sponsoring a bed at a local homeless
shelter for the duration of our Birkenhead project. We have
also held collections and charity car washes on site for
numerous other charities.
Held poster competitions with local schools with prizes for the
winners. The winning posters are also displayed on site in
training is carried out.
In addition to these systems RG have the RG Net (Internal Intranet)
and Gemini (cost reporting system) available to all employees. These
platforms provides all the necessary resources for everyone to
implement all the requirement of their various roles. All systems are
available on line and available 24/7.
public view.
Allowed schools to design art to go on the front of our
Our Environment, Our Community
and Our Future
Target waste reduction of 22% - 3.2 tonne
per 100m2 to 2.5 tonnes per 100m2
2% Year on Year Carbon Reduction
Target 50% increase in Bio Diversity projects
in next 12 months with target progression to
20 projects per annum by 2019
Everyone in the construction industry, no
matter who they are, makes an impact on the
environment, the communities they work within
and our collective futures. It is up to both the
individuals and the construction organisations to
ensure that the impact is always minimal and that
we strive to make a positive impact on our world.
This is why at the soul of our corporate
governance and social responsibility is
our commitment to tread lightly in all
that we do.
Core to all our business operations and
activities are our core values of Respect
and Growth:
sessions raise awareness of best practice
At RG Group environmental building is an
all our projects RG aim to use resources
integral part of our business philosophy.
as efficiently as possible. We monitor
Our aim is to balance a successful,
and report on consumption of energy,
responsible and sustainable operation
fuel, transport and water which allows
that makes a positive contribution to the
us to identify ways in which to reduce our
communities in which we work.
RG Group operate an Environmental
Management System which is certified
as ISO 14001:2004 compliant. As part of
this all RG projects and offices have an
environmental risk assessment carried out
on them and a specific Environmental Plan
which is vital to help reach our targets. On
RG Group has been awarded FSC® (Forest
Stewardship Council) Chain of Custody
Certification. This means RG are now able
to pass onto its clients wood and wood
is produced.
products with a full FSC unbroken chain of
RG environmental inductions and training
Group projects is responsibly sourced.
custody that ensures the wood used on RG
On becoming
a certified
FSC company
RG helped
to promote
the FSC label
by joining in
on FSC Friday. Sites, offices
and departments entered
as teams and “prizes” were
awarded for the winners of the
quiz and photo competition
(either dressed in green or FSC
related attire). The entries were
Environmental Policy
RG Group is committed to protecting the
environment and acknowledges that the
pursuit of economic growth and respect
for the environment must be closely
linked, with sustainable development
being an integral part of our business
We work on the basis that compliance
with environmental legislation,
and other requirements, is the very
minimum that will apply to our
business and we are committed to
continual environmental performance
improvement and the prevention of
pollution and these objectives will be
achieved by adopting the following
An Environmental Management
System (EMS), certified as compliant
with BS.EN.ISO14001:2004, has
been put in place and responsibilities
assigned and targets set.
An Environmental Risk Assessment
is carried out on every project
to identify the issues and to set any
project specific objectives and
Carbon emission and energy and
water use reduction.
Minimising waste and maximising
recycling and diversion of waste from
Responsible sourcing, increase
of recycled content, life cycle
consideration of products/services
and sustainable materials.
Minimising disruption and nuisance
to the local communities, we are
Associate Members of the
Considerate Constructors Scheme.
Working closely with our clients
and encouraging and educating
our employees and supply chain to
recognise their responsibilities
regarding protecting the environment
and achieving our environmental
objectives and targets and
communicating and consulting with
all stakeholders as appropriate.
This policy is periodically reviewed to
ensure its continuing suitability and
has been communicated to all RG staff
and is endorsed by the Company’s
Directors and Management Team who
take responsibility for the delivery of its
Carbon Management
It is our policy to manage and reduce the emissions from our operations, RG
commit to a 2% year on year reduction of carbon emissions. We are a certified
PAS2060 carbon neutral company, we offset our residual emissions through
projects verified against the International Verfified Carbon Standard (VCS), Gold
Standard or Certified Emissions Reductions (CERs).
RG offset its entire operational
carbon emissions for 2011 by
planting over 800 trees in the
grounds of the Bishop of Rochester
Academy in Kent.
Working with Carbon Footprint and Tree Appeal, staff from RG Group were
joined by pupils and staff from the school to plant the much needed new
hedgerows. The tress are all native British species such as Hawthorn,
Blackthorn, Field Maple, Guelder Rose, Spindle and Crab Apple, all grown
in England and collected from seed.
Mr Colin Boxall, Principal of the Bishop of Rochester Academy said, ‘We
are very grateful for the generous donation of these plants by RG Group,
and the support of Tree Appeal in planting them. It was brilliant to see
students not only from our own school but also from two of our major
feeder primaries playing their part in preparing the site for next Spring”.
Mick Mullarkey, RG Group’s Director for Sustainability said. “It is amazing
that a journey to offset the carbon emissions of a construction company
could lead us to watching the children of Kent plant trees in a local school.
We would like to thank Tree Appeal and the Bishop of Rochester Academy
for making it a very rewarding journey.”
Energy saving measures
We have installed video conferencing at our
main offices. Telephone and web conferencing
is available to all employees allowing them
to carry out meetings online and save CO2
emissions and time.
Year on year reduction
of carbon emissions
Car sharing schemes are set up on a project by
project basis by the site teams themselves. This
is where the contractors are encouraged to car
share amongst themselves where possible to
reduce vehicles on site. This may be from their
hotels to site or from further afield. Car sharing
helps reduce the carbon footprint, challenge travel
behaviour and alleviate parking problems within
our organisation.
RG run a cycle to work scheme via http://
www.salary-exchange.co.uk/bikeshome. It is a
Government backed initiative which allows us to
give our employees the opportunity to acquire a
new cycle of their choice in a cost effective way.
As a full salary sacrifice, employees can expect
to save tax and National Insurance through the
initiative - 32% for standard rate tax payers and
42% for higher rate tax payers.
RG understand that construction needs for land and the use of land can
have direct impacts in terms of destruction of habitats and more subtle
effects on biodiversity such as disturbance and ragmentation. Noise and
light generated during construction processes may not directly harm
individual animals but it can affect feeding and breeding behaviours
which could have negative impacts on long term population levels. The
use of land may also divide up land and separate habitats which were
previously adjacent.
It is essential to acknowledge its importance to our lives along with the
range of benefits that it provides:
Supply of ecosystem services– water, nutrients, climate change
mitigation, pollination
RG Team
day at RSPB
RSPB Broadwater Warren is set in the High
Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
near to Royal Tunbridge Wells. The RSPB
brought the large conifer plantation in 2007
with an ambitious plan to restore the area
to its original habitat of heathland and
native woodland. Despite the association
Improved health and well being
Life resources – food, energy and raw materials
Educational and recreational resources
Landscape diversity
RG Commitments
Where appropriate appoint a Biodiversity Champion on projects
Ensure Champions have support and training in the protection of
existing biodiversity
Ensure programming of works includes biodiversity considerations
Ensure adequate resources and expertise are assigned to manage
biodiversity issues/enhancements on projects we deliver
Identify and implement specialist protective measures for vulnerable
Increase interest and awareness of biodiversity issues using
information panels at strategic points on projects
Identify opportunities to conserve and create new biodiversity
habitats on all our main projects
were densely planted as a commercial crop
Water Conservation
and are of little value to wildlife.
RG appoint a water monitoring champion on all projects. We also
between cutting down trees and a negative
impact on the environment, the conifers
The RSBP are giving nature a home by
creating open and sunny heathland habitat
and native woodland, for the benefit of the
woodpecker, the sand lizard and the silverstudded blue butterfly, as well as the local
As part of RG Groups commitment to
monitor and record water, energy and transport usage on all projects
and have had several project run with online live energy solution
technology whereby all energy consumption is electronically measure
and available on a portal for anybody to look and see consumption in
real time. This helps to identify any potential problems or wastage on
species that has spread across the
woodland, suppressing wildflowers and
RG Group makes every effort to interact with the local community on
shrubs, and the birds and butterflies that
projects throughout the country. This can range from establishing
rely upon them. A team of 8 employees
links with local groups and schools as well as utilising local suppliers,
across all business areas of the company
subcontractors and labour whenever possible. This approach fully
donated their time for this worthy cause.
supports our commitment to the Considerate Constructor Scheme.
enhancing biodiversity one of our Team
Challenge days in 2013 was spent cutting
back rhododendron, an invasive plant
TARGET – 100%
2013: 99.8%
(target 98%) = 0.4% increase
2013: Audit Score – 91.97%
(target 90%) = 1.03% increase
2013: Waste per 100m2 – 2.2 tonnes
(target <3.2) = 55.83% reduction
Our Neighbours
We recognise that construction activity will disturb and disrupt the local
our health and safety commitments and confirms the determination
community at some stage of every project. RG Group takes a proactive
and commitment of all parties to minimise any disruption to the
stance in ensuring that its work causes minimum disruption to the local
local community. It also outlines the procedure for any complaints or
environment and community. It aims to make a positive contribution
by becoming involved with local initiatives and schemes, and by careful
management of our own and our clients’ reputations.
Residents meeting
RG Group has an active community relations policy across all of its
sites. This is aimed at establishing effective relationships with the local
In circumstances where the site is especially sensitive to neighbouring
community to facilitate mutual understanding. Our policy remains
areas or where particular issues have been identified in the planning
flexible to enable us to deal with the many different types of project that
stage, it may be appropriate to organise a residents meeting
we develop and the many varying locations in which we operate.
Representatives of the client, our management, the council and other
Typically some or all of the following will be used at some stage in every
relevant parties are available to answer questions about the project. On
certain projects these meetings can become a monthly meeting through
the life of the project.
Newsletter or letter drop
Telephone hotline
A newsletter or letter drop is produced and issued to neighbouring
residents and businesses, introducing the project manager and team.
On certain project where appropriate we have utilised a telephone
This letter will explain the work and timescales involved, demonstrate
hotline as a means of fielding calls and queries from local residents and
“100 trees planted by 60
children in less than 2
hours - amazing! Thank
you to the very generous
sponsors, RG group, for a
wonderful morning.” Mrs
Sheerin, Head Teacher at White Laith
RG teamed up with Carbon Footprint as part of their carbon
management programme and with Tree Appeal, planting
native broadleaf trees in schools. We sponsored the planting
of more than 100 trees at White Laith Primary School,
demonstrating our commitment to environmental education
and our aim for a greener world and a better life for all.
Sustainability of Supplies and
Our commitment to social and environmental
responsibility is reflected in our careful specification of
materials. We make every effort to source materials that
environmental damage of our works by the selection
of working methods and materials that assess the use
of natural resources and their potential environmental
impact. We endeavour only to use environmentally friendly
building and finishing materials and to ensure that any
timber products are procured from sustainable forests.
have the least detriment to the environment and wherever
RG Group has a responsible and proactive attitude to
possible are from renewable sources. This practice is based
environmental issues and we are totally committed to
on our determination to maintain productive relationships
minimising the potentially harmful effects of our activities
with our suppliers that are fair and effective in delivering
by balancing our business aims with the environmental
buildings of the highest quality and value.
considerations involved in construction and refurbishment.
Environmental protection forms an integral part of
planning and procurement of our construction projects.
On a continual basis we endeavour to minimise the
This includes making the most efficient use of energy
and resources, reducing waste, recycling materials, using
renewable materials wherever possible and by keeping
pollution, noise and dust to a minimum.
“You can never have
an impact on society
if you have not
changed yourself”
Nelson Mandela
4 Abbey Wood Road, Kings Hill, West Mallling, Kent ME19 4AB
Tel. 01732 526 850, Fax. 01732 526 851
E-mail. info@rg-group.co.uk • www.rg-group.co.uk