Rice Hospice 301 Becker Avenue SW Willmar, MN 56201 FIRST CLASS RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED 32nd Annual Bowl for Hospice, February 21 Event Draws 260 Bowlers to 8 Bowling Alley in 1 Day! We would like to share the results of the Bowl for Rice Hospice with you! What follows in a list of the communities hosting a “Bowl for Rice Hospice” event, the number of bowlers who participated in each of these communities, and the dollar amounts each of the satellites were able to raise in just a 3-hour window of time! Thanks to everyone who made this event possible! Special thanks to our event organizers, Rice Hospice staff Caryl Antil and Carol Palmquist. Stay tuned for more Kodak moments on our Rice Hospice Facebook page! Benson—10 bowlers donating $512 Dawson—24 bowlers donating $4,377 Graceville—23 bowlers donating $1,267 Granite Falls—22 bowlers donating $1,520 Montevideo—55 bowlers donating $1,920 New London—52 bowlers donating $1,624 Ortonville—3 bowlers donating $1,271 Willmar—71 bowlers donating $4,080 At left, Deb Ulstad enjoying Bowl for Hospice with many of her grandchildren in our Dawson Satellite. Hospice Happenings March/April 2015 Rice Hospice provides end-of-life care, comfort, and compassion, affirming the sacred value and dignity of life for those we ser ve. Memorial Service Bowl for Rice Hospice a “Striking” Success! Our Spring Memorial Service will be held on Tuesday, April 30 at 4pm. This service recognizes and remembers the Rice Hospice patients who were served by Rice Hospice during the past six months. The 32nd Annual Bowl for Rice Hospice was another striking success as over 260 bowlers threw their bowling balls lane after lane to collectively raise funds & awareness for Rice Hospice patient care. We are pleased to announce that over $16,571 was collected for Rice Hospice in just three fun-filled hours! Volunteers, staff and family are encouraged to participate. You are also welcome to invite any of the loved ones you have worked with, if appropriate, who otherwise might not be able to attend this service. The services will be held in two locations: Bethel Lutheran Church, Willmar, and the United Methodist Church, Montevideo. Rice Hospice Director Mary Beth Potter notes, “For 32 years, Rice Hospice has been supported by the communities we serve through the Bowl for Hospice event. We are so very appreciative of the monies raised, and honored to be able to bring expert hospice care to the residents who make these communities their home.” This year’s Bowl for Hospice Traveling Trophy went to Thompson Auto Glass from Dawson (& Joy Thompson) for raising over $4,370 in cash donations in the Dawson community. Joy has a sincere belief in the care given by Rice Hospice and explains that people in her community just need to be asked to contribute. Since the 2000 “bowl” event, Joy has raised a grand total of more than $84,350 for patient care! More often than not, Joy has won the traveling trophy for their family business. Karen Twedt and her children Levi & Mindi take part in this year’s Bowl for Rice Hospice in Willmar. Karen is an RN at Rice Memorial Hospital working with Adult Health. 301 Becker Ave. SW, Willmar, MN 56201 320.231.4450 www.ricehospice.com Hospice Happenings Page 2 March/April 2015 We Honor Veterans Earns Level 3 Status Rice Hospice is pleased to announce that we have received our Level 3 status as a national partner with We Honor Veterans (WHV). WHV is a campaign developed between the National Hospice Organization and the Department of Veteran Affairs in 2010 with the goal of focusing more attention on the needs of veterans at the end of life. The program is divided into 4 levels of involvement including: Level 1—Informing staff and volunteer with the WHV program; tifying veterans we are serving and a contact person at the VA iden- Level 2—ongoing staff and volunteer education; integrating veteranspecific content into our staff/volunteer orientation; conducting veteran specific outreach presentations; the development of relationships with veteran programs Level 3—ongoing education; development and implementation of a veteran to veteran volunteer program; community education; implementation of a Military History Checklist process; procedures for assisting veterans and families to access veteran benefits; participation in local, regional, and state Hospice-Veteran partnerships. We would like to thank volunteer Deb Gillis for her leadership on this endeavor, as it is our goal to achieve the 4th and final level as well of the WHV program. It is our desire to offer the best service possible to our veteran patients. They deserve our respect and all the benefits available to them. Level 4 will involve more educational and organizational resources, as well as the establishment of continued partnerships. In the photo below Katie Bonde displays a beautiful quilt she created to pay tribute to this honorary veterans program. We are proud to display this work of art in our administrative office. If you stop in, please take note of this beautiful patriotic quilt designed and created by Katie! Thanks again to Deb Gillis for her leadership, organizational skills, and dedication to our We Honor Veterans program! We’re looking forward to celebrating the completion of Level 4 with all of you! Hospice Happenings Page 7 Welcome Amanda! A warm Rice Hospice welcome to Amanda Pauling! Amanda joined the Rice Hospice team in January as a part-time social worker in the Willmar office. She attended Minnesota State University in Moorhead where she received her BSW degree. For the past three years, Amanda has worked in the area of child protection for Yellow Medicine County Family Services. Amanda and Aaron make their home in Clara City and are the proud parents of a 5-month-old son Rhett! We can’t wait to meet him! Amanda will work as a social worker on Team A, and plans to work on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings. She enjoys reading, camping and being a new mom! March/April 2015 Pet Therapy Teams Visit Willmar Regional Cancer Center Introduce Integrative Therapies to Patient Care The pet therapy teams for Rice Hospice have been asked to partner with Willmar Regional Cancer Center in a one-of-a-kind integrative therapy concept. Our pet handlers will be making visits to the patients taking treatment either through radiation or chemotherapy. It has been scientifically proved that the companionship of a dog will put patients more at ease and assist the patient in making their cancer treatments a less threating experience. We will begin our weekly visits in March and hope to share our pet therapy mission of bringing comfort care for the journey to the patients being served by the Willmar Regional Cancer Center. We are excited to announce that Roger Power will also be coordinating the visitation efforts of this program following his retirement this spring. Deb’s Doodles HolidayisCheer! So many of you just bless my socks off and Rita Christianson no exception! The Granite Falls office needed a Volunteer Coordinator aboutdogs a year and (above) a half Pet therapy Molly ago and Rita was so very qualified to fill the role. and While it has(below) been a good expeMaggie visiting rience, Rita misses the patient contact and has decided step down from her Rice to Hospital in December. leadership position and focus on visiting the patients we serve in the Granite Falls community! Special thanks to this extraordinary woman—who is caring, willing to share, and very comforting—just like she describes Rice Hospice to be on her display card! Thank you Rita! You are a gift to Rice Hospice and the Granite Falls satellite! Some fun photos from our Red Hot Happy Hour on February 5 at the Willmar Conference Center. Darlene Bratberg (on left in both photos) and Pat Power gave complimentary hand massages during this fun, annual event. Hospice Happenings Page 6 March/April 2015 March Education with Deb Van Buren March Education Dates Celebrating Friendship & the Rice Hospice Family! Appleton—March 3, 11am Apple Ridge Estates Library I love spending time with our volunteers and sharing this journey through life together! Here Barb Raetzman and I take time to enjoy just having fun at the volunteer banquet in our photo booth. I have the opportunity to see Barb each Monday morning as she works in the office sending out bereavement mailing pieces to individuals following the loss of a loved one. But I don’t have the opportunity to spend this time with each and every one of our 273 volunteers every week, so our March education will focus on building friendship and sharing life with you! We introduced this format last year and it was a huge success! So come prepared to share, learn and grow together as we enjoy coffee, conversation, and stories of compassion and commit to “comfort care for the journey” as Rice Hospice volunteers! I look forward to coming to each of the satellites in March to facilitate this time with you and grow in our community friendships as volunteers for Rice Hospice! I think Deb Deitz (O/G volunteer) sized this up well in her definition of Hospice—”Hospice is having FUN and LISTENING to others stories!” This time, the stories are yours and I can’t wait to see you all during my travels. Please note all the education times to the right and remember to mark them on your calendar! Dawson—March 10, 2pm Johnson Memorial Nursing Home Board Room Granite Falls —March 17, 10am Granite Falls Manor Family Room Montevideo—March 24, 1pm CC/M Hospital Montevideo Room Ortonville/Graceville—March 3 2pm in Dialysis Center Lower Level Paynesville—March 17, 2pm Alldon Park Association Club House Willmar—March 24, 10am Rice Memorial Hospital Rice Auditorium H ealing Hearts Support Groups will begin meeting this spring. Dates for the Willmar office will begin on April 13, meeting for six consecutive Mondays through May 18. See you in March! “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” - Helen Keller Hospice Happenings Benson—March 10, 9am (Note time change from 10 to 9am) Swift County/Benson Hospital ACMC—New Conf. Room Page 3 For support groups meeting in other satellite locations, please contact the respective satellite social worker for more information. March/April 2015 2015 Volunteer Banquet, April 28th “Volunteers Plant Seeds of Kindness” I am excited to announce the theme of our 2015 Volunteer Banquet that will take place this spring on Tuesday, April 28. ! Volunteers offer and do so much for our patients, but I think “planting seeds of kindness” is especially true! I am excited to THINK SPRING with all of you as we have the opportunity to thank each of you for the significant role you play at Rice Hospice! Bereavement Team & Education Dates Appleton—March 3, 10:15am (Before Volunteer Education) Apple Ridge Estates Library Benson—March 10, 8:30am (Note time change from 9:15 to 8:30am) Swift County/Benson Hospital ACMC—New Conf. Room Willmar—March 11, 9am Bereavement Education Rice Hospice Office I’m also excited to invite a very familiar face to join us and share some “master gardener” input with all of us. Les Erickson has not only been the Director for Rice Hospice, she is also a current office volunteer and has been a Master Gardner with the University of Minnesota Extension since 2009! It will be fun to hear from Les as we will be eager to plant our flowers and gardens at this time of year! Watch for your invitation to this special event. We do ask that you RSVP for this event as we will be including an evening meal. Table Hosts—This year I am also looking to have table hosts/ hostesses for each table, and if you’d be interested in serving in that capacity, let me know! We will need several as this event is very well attended by our volunteers, and we set up a lot of tables! Table Hosts could be volunteers, staff or advisory committee members. It’s an exciting new role as we strive to get to know each other in new and fresh ways! Stay tuned as the details of this year’s event evolve. Thanks Sue Broberg! Broberg Retires after 34 Years at Rice/Rice Hospice We would like to say thank you and good-bye to our friend and co -worker, Sue Broberg, who retired from Rice/Rice Hospice on January 29 after 34 years of service. For the past 22 years Sue has worked at Rice Hospice as the Performance Improvement Coordinator and QAPI “queen.” We had fun celebrating Sue during her last week at Rice Hospice and we wish her joy and success as she enters this new chapter of her life! Sue plans to spend more time with her grandchildren and her dog Jada! Congratulations and best wishes Sue! You will be missed! Hospice Happenings Page 4 March/April 2015 Remembering Bunny Iverson SAVE THE DATE! June 9, 1931 — December 30, 2014 Our Spring Volunteer Training dates will be held on May 11 and 13. We encourage you to share this opportunity with a friend or neighbor! The Power of Healing Touch What a beautiful difference one life can make. “What a difference one life can make.” These were the words printed on the program at Bunny Iverson’s celebration of life on January 3 of this year—and how appropriate those words are. Bunny had been an active office volunteer for years, working in the office at least two times a week as an in-patient volunteer, bereavement volunteer, or just popping in to say hi and crack a few jokes. Bunny loved life, having fun, and being a part of the Rice Hospice family. I talked to her just a day or two before Christmas, before her unfortunate fall a day or two after Christmas. Bunny was a volunteer for Rice Hospice along with her husband Al since 1995. As a couple, the two received the Minnesota Volunteer of the Year award in 2006. I share with you the photo above as a testimony to her charisma and spark—Bunny (on the left) is being embraced by another special volunteer, Joyce Johnson, who retired a few months ago after 26 volunteer years at Rice Hospice. These two volunteers were two peas in a pod and I will miss them both so much! Rest in peace Bunny Iverson—you are loved and missed! And Joyce, don’t be a stranger—please stop in when you are ever in the area— we’ll put you to work! Hospice Happenings Page 5 Have you considered learning more about Healing Touch? Rice Hospice volunteers are invited to be a part of the Healing Touch Certificate Program on March 14 and 15 in Paynesville with Dana Spates for half price! Healing Touch is a relaxing, nurturing energy therapy that is used on patients who choose to receive the complementary therapy. If you are interested in attending the class, contact Dana Spates by calling 320-266-5476. “ We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. -Winston Churchill March/April 2015
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