3rd May, 2015 BUILDING A REDEMPTIVE BRIDGE: A HOPE ROMANS 5:15:1-11 “Therefore, since we have been justified through elevated and honoured Jesus. They faith, we have peace with God through our Lord never pretended to be innocent. They Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now were marketing addiction and death. stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of They also, within reason, accepted God. Not only so, but we also glory in our punishment and then pressed into the sufferings, because we know that suffering heartland of faith and what it means to pr oduces per sever ance; per sever ance, char act er ; and char act er , hope. And hope does walk the walk of transformation. I want to emphasise that this has not been just not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the any faith or any religion or any inspiring Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” Romans 5:1-5 There is probably not a church in Australia today that won’t have some prayer, silence, preaching or reflection on the lives of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran. Here is no exception. I know that we have been so swamped by opinion, images, details, politics, postulating, reactions and such a sweeping polarity of views that it might all seem too much. But in that surging ocean of opinion I just want to grab hold of a few things that have floated by and get some solid anchoring in the Cross of Christ. I am grateful to Andrew and Myuran because in their living they have ‘belief’ but the actively proclaimed reality of the grace-filled, redemptive, Holy spirit anointed, indwelling friendship, forgiveness, strength and mercy of the Son of God who takes away the sins of the world. It is a walk that is in contrast with the rhythms of the world and in deep relief to many other beliefs, faiths and religions. I have been impacted greatly by the words used by the faithful and also the secular that have found currency in the call for MERCY and the proclamation of REDEMPTION. The very heart of these words undergirds so much of our national orientation, but it is too often invisible. What is most significant is that this understanding flows directly from the life, death, resurrection and spiritual imprint of Jesus. The woman caught in the act of adultery (John 8)… Jesus’ words to the crucified man beside him and the parable of the Lost Son all witness to a p.t.o. Welcome to Ringwood. We are not a perfect church…. But we do love the Lord and seek to take his life, call, ministry and hope seriously. We seek to THRIVE in his favour through an attentiveness to the Word, joining in community, seeking to recognize and exercise our gifts and connection with the wider neighborhood. WORSHIP THIS MORNING Worship Leading: John Sharpe Song Leading: Annora Hummerston Speaker: John Sharpe NIGHT CHURCH - 6.00pm ‘What Now - Scattered Penny Martin will be speaking 6pm Services: 12th April – 3rd May WHAT NOW takes a look at the aftermath of Jesus’ resurrection and ascension and what this small faith community of disciples chose to do from there. This series will follow their journey from witnessing the power of the Gospel to being empowered by the Holy Spirit, and finally being scattered amongst all nations. mercy beyond reason and a redemptive vision of humanity beyond all its fallen complexity. They testify to another way to walk beyond the ‘eye for an eye’ mantra of legalism. Jesus always holds a mirror to the world. “ But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate wi l l not come t o you; but i f I go, I wi l l send hi m t o you. When he comes, he wi l l pr ove t he wor l d t o be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment: about sin, because people do not bel i eve i n me; about r i ght eousness, because I am goi ng t o t he Fat her , wher e you can see me no l onger ; and about j udgment , because t he pr i nce of t hi s world now stands condemned.” John 16:1-11 And so here in this brutal state sectioned punishment we are forced back to the Way of Christ and the attitudes, orientations and behaviours that that Way offers as life to us.. So I pray for Indonesia … I pray for those employed in the firing squads, I pray for their President, I pray for grieving families and I pray for our nation with its own complexities and injustices. I look for the redemptive bridges and heartbeat from the Cross that forever echo the failure of law and self-righteousness and speaks forgiveness over the brutal, ignorant and proud. John Sharpe Prayer Action: · Pray for Nepal and the significant need for humanitarian support. Uphold those in deep grief and for the reestablishment of community infrastructure. · Remember to uphold Vanuatu as they continue to recover from the recent cyclone. · Pray for those severely affected by powerful storms in New South Wales recently. · Pray for the families of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran. Remember the parents, brothers, sisters nieces and nephews … all of those who will walk with deep grief and trauma and who will be so exposed to public intrusion and the future articles, books and mini-series dramatizations that the media will inevitably want to rush to. Pray for restraint in the world to leave them alone. · Pray for our relationship with Indonesia. For bridges to be rebuilt and for protection over the various complexities of what it means to be ‘good’ neighbours who share a lot together. · Uphold those in various forms of life transition. · Uphold those who are struggling with significant health issues. · Pray for the White family. Gary has had some significant changes manifesting this week and has had the need for hospitalization. Give thanks for those who care for him ... pray for strength and peace over the family. · Pray for Steve Hoysted who has been part of Ringwood and Rahab’s Room over the last 10 years. He is battling cancer and has recently been hospitalized. Please pray for his sense of peace, comfort and well-being. · Pray for Anne Darbyshire experiencing chronic health issues. · Give thanks for the various ministry areas of Ringwood. Pray for the vitality of our pastoral connections in the community …. Pray for two homeless men ‘Shane and Paul’ that we were able to provide with weatherproof sleeping swags this week . · Give thanks for Libby Murray and the celebration of her giftings in Ordination. · Give thanks for the expansion of playgroup and pray for more families to join the new session. · Give thanks for the birth of little Zahra Nuttman …. and pray for Sonia and Tim as they grow into the parents God has blessed them to be. · Pray for the upcoming Celebration Sunday. · Pray for the next stages of development to our property for Children’s and youth ministry through some strategic transitional changes. · Pray for Emily Campbell who is currently nursing in Ethiopia. Pray for that nation as she continues to walk through the recent murder of Christian refugees in transit on the Mediterranean sea. WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY - 12.30-2pm (parents room) Celebration of Ordination: Today we are honoured to celebrate the ordination of Libby Murray. It is a wonderful thing to discover that through a process of formation, discernment and affirmation that the gifts that we have been privileged to see unfolding here at Ringwood through Libby’s ministry have also been recognized in the wider Body of Churches of Christ. We welcome visiting representatives of Churches of Christ and Libby’s extended family and friends to this important milestone in the honouring of God’s call in Libby’s life. CONGRATULATIONS: We were thrilled to hear this week of the safe arrival of Zahra Nuttman J Loads of love to Sonia and Tim !!! SPECIAL COMMUNION SERVICE There will be a Special Communion Service TOMORROW Monday, 4th May at 11.00am. This is a service specifically designed for people who cannot make regular Sunday worship, and particularly those who may be frail aged, or find crowds difficult. The service goes for approximately 45 minutes and is followed by a light luncheon. WALKING GROUP The Walking Group will meet at the netball courts, H.E. Parker Reserve at 1.30 next Thursday, 7 May. We will walk to Wantirna Rd and back. Anyone welcome to join us. For further information contact Merilyn Sprott on 9729-4336. New 2015 Church Directories are ready now. - Please take yours today. If you indicated that you would like a hardcopy of the directory this will be in your mailbox in the foyer by the Bedford Road Entrance to the Chapel. A box will be provided on the same table for a suggested $2 donation which will go towards the production costs. If you indicated that you would like an electronic version, an email will be sent to you with your access details and some basic instructions on how to use it. If you did not indicate either way your preference for the Directory and there is not one in the mailbox with your name on it but you would like one, please see Gina or Anne or send an email to the office letting us know what you would prefer. CELEBRATION SUNDAY …. Coming May 31st Entertainment Books For Sale Last year, over 300,000 Entertainment™ Members discovered more than $20,000 worth of valuable offers and now it's your turn to join them! Order your 2015/16 Entertainment™ Membership from us and enjoy the benefits of new places to dine, new activities to try and new places to stay all at a reduced price when using your Entertainment Book Voucher!! Nicole is no longer selling these for Rahabs Room so we thought we might sell them this year to benefit the church funds. They are still selling for $65 each and you can either buy a book or a digital membership that you can use on your phone. Please sell them to your friends, neighbours, work mates and family. Out of every book sold we earn $13.00, not a lot but every bit helps!! Please see Anne or ring on 0418 565 931 or the office to buy your copy. You can also order them from the Ringwood Church of Christ Facebook page—just follow the link. Ringwood Men’s Shed update There have been some significant developments recently at the Parkwood site. At a meeting with other Parkwood tenants we were given the final plans for the site. Below is a summary: · · · · · · Council expects all works will be finished by the end of June 2015. Permission has now been given to install the roller door and set up a 40 foot container for storage. The members have prepared the lounge area and foyer for painting. Several new and old machines have been donated and the members have enjoyed the challenge of refurbishing them for use. The final hurdle for the DHS grant has been passed and 85% of the $30,900 should be in the bank account soon. With no real promotion and just by word of mouth our membership has steadily increased to 35. Prayer points: · · · Things are starting to ramp up and the committee is looking for some admin assistance - possibly two people. Pray for the workshop coordinators as they plan and work with the members on a variety of projects. Pray for the council and the work of coordinating the various tradesman to enable the completion date to be met. If you need any information about the group please see any of the committee – Belinda & Brian Tanfield, Max Moody, Bill Burnett, John Newnham or Laurie Bird. Men’s Shed day at the Melbourne Traction Engine Club The Victorian Men’s Shed Association has organised a Men's Shed Day at the Melbourne Steam Traction Engine Club at their Scoresby site. Date: Thursday May 7th Time: 9.00 am – 3.30 pm Cost: $5.00 Address: 1200 Ferntree Gully Road, Scoresby Access is great, as it is on the Southwest corner of EASTLINK and Ferntree Gully Road. Easy parking for buses and cars, with good access for those who have difficulty in walking. Entry is only $5.00 which covers Morning Tea and the Stamford Park Men's Shed has organised a BBQ to feed the visitors at very reasonable prices. Come as a guest of the Ringwood Men’s shed. They need to manage catering and numbers so please RSVP your attendance to Max Moody asap. Celebration Sunday - MAY 31st A day to offer an overflow of praise, gratitude, hope and commitment to God’s future in the life of Ringwood Church of Christ and the unique ministry and mission it is called to. This year we encourage: 1. 2. 3. 4. The renewal of tithes and regular offerings for those who have never considered this as part of active worship and devotion. Generous financial giving in celebration of MINISTRY. Generosity towards the ongoing unfolding of the future mission shaping of our buildings. (Last year’s Celebration offerings to ‘Loving the house’ are still rolling out change with more to come.) As in other years gifts of time, art, music, letters, practical support and help etc are welcome and honoured. We have had a complex pattern of giving since approximately August last year and have found that irregularity in giving has affected what was a very balanced achievable and future focused budget. We have set aside a gifted, adaptive and interactive Ministry team through discernment and prayer over a number of years in faithfulness to the multigenerational DNA and community mission interface of this church’s call. The short fall in budget will eventually have an impact on ministry and mission unless we can encourage a faithful, worshipful and generous attitude to giving not just amongst a few , but in the loaves and fishes that we all hold. We are the reflection of God who blesses and uses the generosity , devotion and gratitude of His body in Christ to be hands and feet, hearts and minds, wisdom and Word in a world that is heading down destructive pathways. The Kingdom of God and its call and claim for hope, reconciliation and salvation is much more important than anything else we find our money drifting towards. It is a powerful thing to give ( direct debit etc) even when we are away… and plan in advance for our honouring tithes and approach each season with a generosity of prayer, joy, resolve and dedication to the advance of God’s witness. God calls us to grow in trust, rest in reliance on him and stand on an uncertain planet as generous Kingdom focused people in all seasons. Ringwood Church of Christ Superhero Family Night! Saturday 16th May 5pm - 7.30pm Come dressed as your favourite 13 Bedford Rd Ringwood Dinner provided help e m o C Fun n i a t Cap the beat t his RSVP by a n i villa ! game 13th May for n w o catering purposes. Ph 9870 8169 OR Email: office@ringwoodchurch.org.au The next CAP Money course is running on Monday 11th, 18th and 2 5t h Ma y a t 7. 30pm i n Under g r ound S t aon What is CAP Money? CAP Money i s a r ev ol u ona r y money ma na g ement c our s e t ha t t eac hes peopl e budg e ng s k i l l s a nd a s i mpl e, c a s h-based system that really works. This course will help anyone to get more in control of their ?nances, so they can save, give and prevent debt. CAP Money is a course devised by the award winning debt counseling c ha r i t y , Chr i sa ns Ag a i ns t Pov e r t y . Enrol online at h ps : / / www. c a pmoney . or g / en_ AU/ finda c our s e? postcode=Ringwood&Go=Go Places are limited, so get in early. Women of Purpose: Destiny Rescue. As an outcome of generous giving at our recent DVD events, coupled with money raised at previous ladies' evenings, we were able to make a donation of $350 to Destiny Rescue Mission. This will be put towards a specific project, namely the purchase of two motorbikes for use by rescue staff in Laos. ‘Thanksgiving Dinner’ An Opportunity: Last year we had an inaugural ‘Thanksgiving Dinner’ to honour the lives of those who serve Maroondah through the local council, banking and several schools. This was a fantastic evening and a powerful expression of our missional intention to be active and encouraging in building bridges of blessing in the various spheres of our neighbourhood. We are planning another Thanksgiving Dinner on Monday June 27th. We have booked a function room for 80-100 and would love to invite YOU to attend … but not on your own. We encourage you to pay for 2 and actively invite someone that you might know who has influence in the wider community and market place: Someone you know who might be a business leader, a small business person, a CEO of an organization, head of police, fire brigade, Hospital, school, bank or other key organization. Our goal is to fulfil our role in the region as encouragers for the Kingdom of God. Invitations will be available shortly. Please pray and imagine who you might like to invite. If you have any questions speak with Noel, Dave or John CAN YOU HELP? SYG (State Youth Games) is coming up again soon over the Queen’s Birthday Weekend at Warragul, and we have some contacts through our Youth Group who are wanting to register and are finding the cost of $185 prohibitive, and we wondered if there was anyone who might like to assist in some way. If this is something you might like to do, can you please contact the Church Office. 9870 8169 or email: office@ringwoodchurch.org.au ‘Building A Redemptive Bridge’: A Study designed for individual and Life Group use following the current 10am morning theme. This is available from the Ringwood Church of Christ Web site and Facebook page. Hard copies are available from the foyer. The series focuses on the proactive Way we can learn from God for ‘Building Redemptive Bridges’ when there have been bridge disasters ‘trespasses’ in relationship. Drum Kit for Sale $150: Our ‘Pearl’ drum kit has been superseded by the gracious gifting of a church family (thank you) - the old Kit has served us well and is in good condition. It is the basic kit comprising base drum and toms but no high hats. Talk to Luke Broadbent, Drew Nicholls or John Sharpe to check it out. DEATH CAFÉ Tuesday May 26th @ 1.00pm (During Palliative Care Week) Eastern Palliative Care Training Room - EPC Mitcham 630 Mitcham Road - Mitcham What it is: A safe place to come and discuss any aspect of death. Society is not good at encouraging us to speak about death - so this is a time to feel safe to say and listen. What it is not: It is not a bereavement support or grief counselling. It is not information giving - no written information is distributed. It is not research or consultation. Format: There will be small groups (up to 10) - who will share discussion and food some yummy cake! And a cuppa. A natural environment providing a place to normalise a discussion on death. Discussions are very fluid and the Café usually lasts for about an hour to an hour and a half. Please RSVP by 20th May. Email: cpedley@epc.asn.au or phone 1300 130 813. Worshipful, faithful and regular giving to God’s work … consider I authorise Ringwood Church of Christ, 13 Bedford Road, Ringwood 3134. to charge my credit card for $_____________ being my offering for today. Or My regular offering amount of $____________ to be debited from my credit card each week/month. (Please circle the appropriate option) Visa Direct Debit or Internet Banking Ringwood Church of Christ Inc. Mastercard NAB BSB: 083 343 Account No: 89 395 1419 Card No: Name on card: ______________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________________ Card Expiry Date: __/__ Contact No: _________________________ Birthday Greetings - May Tuesday Wednesday Friday 5th 6th 8th Karen Trease Leroy Vanderspek Dave Moody Next Week - 10th May BUILDING A REDEMPTIVE BRIDGE: A RECOGNITION ROMANS 5:12 5:12--21 Speaker: Worship/Communion: Song Leader: Bible Reading: Communion Helpers: Drew Nicholls Dave Moody Chris Sharpe Marion Evans Joe Kutka, Helen & David Stanhope, Fran & Graeme Collings, Maureen Spencer, Belinda Carter Band: Chris Sharpe, Aidan Salmon, Felicity Graham-Prowse, Andrew Whitby, Darren Evans Singers: Janet Woodlock, Julie Waterhouse, John Newnham Audio: Neal Glover Projection: Tony Twining Morning Tea: Sue Green (M), Gail Pratley Communion Preparation: Arlene Caubo Flowers: Welcome : David Brown, Sue Rosel, Graeme Addicott, Doug Goddard Offering Counters: Arleen Caubo, Russell Cheal NIGHT CHURCH: ‘Voices of Change - Amos’ Speaker: John Sharpe Leaders: Virginia & Craig Broadbent Op Shop: Wednesday/Thursday (10.00am - 3.00pm) NOTICEBOARD: SUNDAY SERVICE TIMES 8.30am Communion/Study 10.00am Worship 6.00pm Evening Service Oasis Meals: - Thursday (12.00pm) For Direct Debit or Internet Banking Church of Christ Ringwood Inc NAB BSB: 083-343 Acct: 89-395-1419 For Cheques For Credit Card Transactions (Please circle the appropriate options and fill in the details below) I / We wish to commence a Regular Tithe or Offering. Please commence the debit of my / our credit card with the amount of $........................ each week / fortnight / month [please select one] until I / we notify you in writing. I / We wish to increase our Regular Tithe or Offering by $.................. Please increase the debit of my / our credit card by the amount of $........................ each week / fortnight / month [please select one] until I / we notify you in writing. I/we wish to make a one off donation to Ministry. Please debit my / our credit card with the amount of $........................ as a one off donation. I/we wish to make a one off donation to Building the Future. Please debit my / our credit card with the amount of $........................ as a one off donation. Card Number _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ Expiry Date: _ _ / _ _ Address: ……………………………………………Suburb: ………………....... Name on Card: ………………………………… Signed: ……………………………...... Confidentiality Note: Information is only available to the Bookkeeper. Please make out to For further information please speak with Anne Morley on 9870 8169 or email: “Ringwood Church of Christ” anne@ringwoodchurch.org.au. [Do NOT put your credit card details in an email!] The DNA of Call and Ministry Purpose: Ringwood has a long history of service to the wider community and has maintained an open posture of hospitality, grace and generosity to the world around us. The Ministry Team is not only for ‘the church’ but for the community. As I write this today (April 29) I think about the two homeless men in my office this morning and their delight in receiving not only prayer, a warm drink and assistance with referrals, but also some practical support for purchasing a hot meal and the gift of two sleeping swags designed for easy use and warm, dry nights. I reflect on our shape of ministry often. Why do we have the type of team we have ? ¨ There is a deep discernment about cooperative and holistic ministry across the age groups and attention to an intergenerational sense of belonging. ¨ We have placed a very high priority on children’s and family ministry with an increasing sense of what it means to create connections with the wider community. ¨ Over recent years we have focused on a significant discernment around adaptive changes in youth and young adult ministries and have been thrilled to see the fruit from not only the current team, but those who have sown seeds of discipleship in the past. ¨ We have focused not only on leadership skills, but the rhythms of worship, disciple building, prayer, character and Godliness that promote witness, mentoring and a faith positive encouragement upfront and behind the scenes. ¨ We have a team that lead, equip and release others in the exercise of their gifts, calling and Christ-like ‘presence’ in the world. John Sharpe Celebration Sunday May 31st 2015 unity to An opport istry and in m e t a r b e cel financial e h t o t in s pres ing of our underpinn ose in the p r u p d n a call region. “ Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:18 An opportunity… Giving to Ringwood Church of Christ Celebration Sunday is an opportunity to highlight our privileged call to ministry and mission. It is a time to renew and encourage the faithful and regular habits of financial giving to the work of the church it ‘s witness and work. Our mission together is not just a one day a week or a Sunday thing…. Everything we do is mission. We live in a nation that is progressively moving away from its Christian heritage and local churches like Ringwood have to see their calling of proclamation, evangelism and witness in an holistic way. We are called to be a missionary people- from Bedford Road to Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Thailand, Fiji, PNG, Vietnam…. Working with the friends of Jesus in many nations. Our ministry Team reflects a diversity of giftings identified as purposefully significant in the equipping of the church for the release of evangelism,, pastoral support and a posture of Christ honouring presence in the wider community. Weekly Offerings 1. Giving electronically 4. Ministry and Building the Future Offering Ministry We have had a complex pattern of giving since approximately August last year and have found that irregularity in giving has affected what was a very balanced achievable and future focused budget. We have set aside a gifted, adaptive and interactive Ministry team through discernment and prayer over a number of years in faithfulness to the multigenerational DNA and community mission interface of this church’s call. The short fall in budget will eventually have an impact on ministry and mission unless we can encourage a faithful, worshipful and generous attitude to giving not just amongst a few, but in the loaves and fishes that we all hold. Building the Future We have honoured the ‘Loving the House’ Celebration offerings from last year and anticipate using the remaining money for key transitional work toward future shaping of Children's/Youth Ministry buildings with changes to the Pitt St house and property. Other ways of contributing to the life of the church MY CELEBRATION SUNDAY COMMITMENT Please tick and enter details on this slip and place in the offering for Celebration Sunday, May 31st, 2015 Name/s: ______________________________ I /we will commence my/our Regular Tithe / Offering: $ _________Electronic (see overleaf) OR $ _________Cash/Cheque OR $ _________Dated Envelopes I /we will increase my/our Regular Tithe / Offering from $________ to $_________ $ _________Electronic (see overleaf) OR * Internet Transfer—set up regular transactions via your on-line banking facility. Bank details overleaf. * Credit Cards—regular transactions from your credit card on or about the 15th of each month—authorisation form overleaf. (Don’t forget to update expiry dates) * Direct Debit—the church banks with NAB —watch out for bank fees if you use another bank. 2. Giving by cash or cheque Wills and Bequests: Many people enjoy a long and supportive relationship with the church throughout their lifetime. They contribute much to the life and vitality of the church through their gifts of time, talent and treasure. By making a bequest to the church as a provision in their will they continue to support and encourage the church long after they are called home.. Ringwood Church of Christ has a Bequest Fund set up specifically for this purpose. Talk to Anne Morley about this. * Cheques—made payable to Ringwood Church of Christ * Cash—via the weekly offering bowl. 3. Dated Envelopes * Envelopes—dated to help you schedule your regular offerings via the offering bowls. (Please supply your name for ease of distribution) “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: Love each other. “ Jesus—John 15:16-17 $ _________Cash/Cheque OR $ _________Dated Envelopes I/we will make a one off donation to Ministry $ _________ Cash/Cheque OR Electronic (see overleaf) I/we will make a one off donation to Building the Future $ _________ Cash/Cheque OR Electronic (see overleaf)
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