10th May, 2015 BUILDING A REDEMPTIVE BRIDGE: A RECOGNITION ROMANS 5:125:12-21 which we must contemplate the meaning and purpose for our life and our Here it is in a nutshell: Just as one relationships. We must begin to go inside. person did it wrong and got us in all this trouble with sin and death, Sometimes when we do this inner hurts another person did it right and got us begin to emerge. Sometimes they may be out of it. But more than just getting us conversations, sometimes they may be out of trouble, he got us into life! One on-going relationships, they may even be man said no to God and put many relationships that have ceased. Either peopl e i n t he wr ong; one man sai d yes way, we must reflect upon what we have to God and put many in the right. lost, and what we have gained. 20-21 All that passing laws against sin did was produce more lawbreakers. In Romans 5:18-21 we see salvation But sin didn’t, and doesn’t, have a explained, as a progression from chance in competition with the separation to restoration. This means aggressive forgiveness we call grace. that although Adam’s sin was powerful, When it’s sin versus grace, grace wins salvation is even more powerful and hands down. All sin can do is threaten covers all people. However, restored as us with death, and that’s the end of it. we may be, we must still reflect upon Grace, because God is putting ourselves in order to move forward ….. to everything together again through the take a giant leap of faith. Messiah, invites us into life - a life that goes on and on and on, world without Sometimes when we do this we can see end. that some relationships do not mend the way we would like them too. Some hurts As we prepare for winter, with cold winds can be too deep. However by reflecting and cold evenings, we begin a seasonal on our past, we learn deeply about migration to reflect inwardly, to analyze ourselves, how we function and about who we are, to re-imagine who we could how God values us. By recognizing our be. We begin to past, respecting ourselves, honoring move others with our words, and seeking towards a forgiveness, we can move forward. time in Drew Nicholls Romans 5:18 - 21 18-19 Welcome to Ringwood. We are not a perfect church…. But we do love the Lord and seek to take his life, call, ministry and hope seriously. We seek to THRIVE in his favour through an attentiveness to the Word, joining in community, seeking to recognize and exercise our gifts and connection with the wider neighborhood. WORSHIP THIS MORNING Worship Leading: Dave Moody Song Leading: Chris Sharpe Speaker: Drew Nicholls NIGHT CHURCH - 6.00pm ‘Voices of Change: Amos’ John Sharpe will be speaking 6.00pm Services CAN YOU HELP? SYG (State Youth Games) is coming up again soon over the Queen’s Birthday Weekend at Warragul, and we have some contacts through our Youth Group who are wanting to register and are finding the cost of $185 prohibitive, and we wondered if there was anyone who might like to assist in some way. If this is something you might like to do, can you please contact the Church Office. 9870 8169 or email: office@ringwoodchurch.org.au ‘Building A Redemptive Bridge’: A Study designed for individual and Life Group use following the current 10am morning theme. This is available from the Ringwood Church of Christ Web site and Facebook page. Hard copies are available from the foyer. The series focuses on the proactive Way we can learn from God for ‘Building Redemptive Bridges’ when there have been bridge disasters ‘trespasses’ in relationship. COMING LATER in the YEAR: ‘Fruitfulness on the Frontline’ (Mark Greene) Prayer Action: · Give thanks for the incredible UNIFY gathering here recently as Youth from 8 churches in the area gathered together in praise and worship. Give thanks for the gifted leadership that drew the night together and particularly for Rachel Broadbent … continue to pray for her as she continues to explore and grow in the Lord’s gifts. · Give thanks for the productivity of the Working Bee last weekend. ‘Loving the House’ is an important part of our witness, welcome and hospitality to the wider community. · Pray for the unfolding of the ‘what next’ in the renewal process unfolding in regard to our property. Pray for the groups D9- looking purposefully at strategic long term development and the FARM as they plan for and oversee changes to the Pitt St property and transitional buildings to provided for Playgroups, Youth, Young Adults and our Chin-Burmese friends. (More soon:) · Give thanks for the way that God has provided opportunities to purchase property and add facilities over many years and for the way in which every square cm is pressed into service as the week unfolds. Give thanks for the community connections, purposeful life groups, community agencies, Asylum Seeker support and creativity that is encouraged through the what God has given us. · Pray toward Celebration Sunday and particularly for dedicated consistency in our worship through tithes and offerings. · Give thanks for the celebration of Libby Murray’s Ordination last Sunday and for the reminder of the broader body that we share faith and life with. Give thanks for the work of Stirling Theological College in the formation of a variety of leaders for many forms of ministry and mission. Uphold Andrew Menzies and the Faculty as they seek to serve the Lord and his church. · Pray for our Indonesian brothers and sisters. Give thanks for the strong and vital relationships that GMP (Global Mission Partners). Vic/Tas Conference (CCVT) and Stirling Theological College have been committed to encourage. Give thanks for those in Bandung and Salatiga who pray for us and look forward to deeper relationships of mutuality in service of the Lord. · Pray for Craig Brown an he draws' together a mission team from here to visit Salatiga from the 7-13th October. Give thanks for the enthusiasm that is already emerging. WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY - 12.30-2pm (parents room) SENIORS OUTING AUSTRALIAN TAPESTRY WORKSHOP AND SHRINE OF REMEMBRANCE FRIDAY, 15TH MAY 9.30AM - 3.30PM $20 BYO LUNCH. PLEASE SIGN UP ON THE NOTICEBOARD SUNDAY ROAST The next Sunday Roast will be on Sunday, 24th May, immediately following the morning service. This is for any of our seniors who may live alone and rarely cook a roast dinner for themselves. The cost is $10.00 $10.00.. Please put your name on the Response Sheet on the noticeboard. Shakhara Worship 2015 …. ….bowing down before the Lord and worshipping him through dance. You are warmly invited to join with others who love to worship the Lord through creative movement and dance. No experience is necessary and there is no cost. When: Where: Time: Saturday, 16th May, 2015 Chapel 10.15am – 11.30am For more information can you please contact Linda Barry: 0412 058 885. CELEBRATION SUNDAY …. Coming May 31st Entertainment Books For SaleLast year, over 300,000 Entertainment™ Members discovered more than $20,000 worth of valuable offers and now it's your turn to join them! Order your 2015/16 Entertainment™ Membership from us and enjoy the benefits of new places to dine, new activities to try and new places to stay all at a reduced price when using your Entertainment Book Voucher!! Nicole is no longer selling these for Rahabs Room so we thought we might sell them this year to benefit the church funds. They are still selling for $65 each and you can either buy a book or a digital membership that you can use on your phone. Please sell them to your friends, neighbours, work mates and family. Out of every book sold we earn $13.00, not a lot but every bit helps!! Please see Anne or ring on 0418 565 931 or the office to buy your copy. You can also order them from the Ringwood Church of Christ Facebook page—just follow the link. Celebration Sunday - MAY 31st A day to offer an overflow of praise, gratitude, hope and commitment to God’s future in the life of Ringwood Church of Christ and the unique ministry and mission it is called to. This year we encourage: 1. 2. 3. 4. The renewal of tithes and regular offerings for those who have never considered this as part of active worship and devotion. Generous financial giving in celebration of MINISTRY. Generosity towards the ongoing unfolding of the future mission shaping of our buildings. (Last year’s Celebration offerings to ‘Loving the house’ are still rolling out change with more to come.) As in other years gifts of time, art, music, letters, practical support and help etc are welcome and honoured. We have had a complex pattern of giving since approximately August last year and have found that irregularity in giving has affected what was a very balanced achievable and future focused budget. We have set aside a gifted, adaptive and interactive Ministry team through discernment and prayer over a number of years in faithfulness to the multigenerational DNA and community mission interface of this church’s call. The short fall in budget will eventually have an impact on ministry and mission unless we can encourage a faithful, worshipful and generous attitude to giving not just amongst a few , but in the loaves and fishes that we all hold. We are the reflection of God who blesses and uses the generosity , devotion and gratitude of His body in Christ to be hands and feet, hearts and minds, wisdom and Word in a world that is heading down destructive pathways. The Kingdom of God and its call and claim for hope, reconciliation and salvation is much more important than anything else we find our money drifting towards. It is a powerful thing to give ( direct debit etc) even when we are away… and plan in advance for our honouring tithes and approach each season with a generosity of prayer, joy, resolve and dedication to the advance of God’s witness. God calls us to grow in trust, rest in reliance on him and stand on an uncertain planet as generous Kingdom focused people in all seasons. Position Vacant An opportunity to be part of a growing community ministry at East Ringwood Football Club. We need a bright person for 2-3 hours once or twice a month to help at the canteen on a voluntary basis. No age limit! Join with me in mixing with great people and building bridges into our wonderful community. See Noel for more details. BLESSED FEET Just a reminder that Blessed Feet will not be held this coming Tuesday evening, 12th May, as we will be gathering for Prayer evening at 7.30pm in the chapel. A wonderful opportunity to gather in prayer for OM (Operation Mobilisation), one of the Mission Groups Ringwood Church of Christ supports financially and through prayer. Trish and John Sonsie, along with Natalie Palmer serve in various capacities at OM. “There is nothing more important in the world than to stand in the presence of God and commit our lives and the journey of others to Him. We are passionate about prayer! OM Australia has experienced God's ultimate blessings within our local and global community because of our reliance on Him through prayer. We consider it a privilege to be able to join with friends, and hear from some of our missionaries who have served abroad with OM, and how we can be praying for some of the least reached countries of the world. Please join us on Thursday 4th June for our Prayer for the Nations evening. Invite your small group or bible study group along. All are welcome! Location: Ringwood Church of Christ in the Chapel, 13 Bedford Road, Ringwood. Time: 7:30pm - 8:30pm. See you there!” UPDATES TO THE CHURCH DIRECTORY: Marg and Gil Robinson have a new address: Unit 42/100 Harold Street Wantirna 3152 Phone: 9800-4538 Celia Barnett’s email address is: yworry@pacific.net.au The Murray’s landline is 9761-8672 To order copies of the sermon on CD, please find an order form in the attendance register. Leave in the register and these will be processed and available, usually within one week. If you would like to offer a donation to this ministry, please place this in the offering bowl. Drum Kit for Sale $150: Our ‘Pearl’ drum kit has been superseded by the gracious gifting of a church family (thank you) - the old Kit has served us well and is in good condition. It is the basic kit comprising base drum and toms but no high hats. Talk to Luke Broadbent, Drew Nicholls or John Sharpe to check it out. DEATH CAFÉ Tuesday May 26th @ 1.00pm (During Palliative Care Week) Eastern Palliative Care Training Room - EPC Mitcham 630 Mitcham Road - Mitcham What it is: A safe place to come and discuss any aspect of death. Society is not good at encouraging us to speak about death - so this is a time to feel safe to say and listen. What it is not: It is not a bereavement support or grief counselling. It is not information giving - no written information is distributed. It is not research or consultation. Format: There will be small groups (up to 10) - who will share discussion and food some yummy cake! And a cuppa. A natural environment providing a place to normalise a discussion on death. Discussions are very fluid and the Café usually lasts for about an hour to an hour and a half. Please RSVP by 20th May. Email: cpedley@epc.asn.au or phone 1300 130 813. Worshipful, faithful and regular giving to God’s work … consider I authorise Ringwood Church of Christ, 13 Bedford Road, Ringwood 3134. to charge my credit card for $_____________ being my offering for today. Or My regular offering amount of $____________ to be debited from my credit card each week/month. (Please circle the appropriate option) Visa Direct Debit or Internet Banking Ringwood Church of Christ Inc. Mastercard NAB BSB: 083 343 Account No: 89 395 1419 Card No: Name on card: ______________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________________ Card Expiry Date: __/__ Contact No: _________________________ Birthday Greetings - May Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 11th 13th 14th 15th 16th Karen Travill Gael Martin, Jonathan Higbed Dave Watts Cameron Moss Rhonda Aspinall, John O’Neill Next Week - 17th May BUILDING A REDEMPTIVE BRIDGE: A FUTURE ROMANS 8:1 8:1--17 Speaker: Worship/Communion: Song Leader: Bible Reading: Communion Helpers: John Sharpe Matthew Moore Penny Martin Ben Hummerston David Brown, Michelle & Rodney Kemp, Dorothy & Graeme Wigney Suji & Santosh Plakkat Band: Dave Wilkins, Dan Graham-Prowse, BRASS, Sue Green, Tim Allred, Ian Hughes Singers: Leah Nicholls, Andrea Salmon, Jon Fraser Audio: Mark Nettelbeck Projection: Greg Carroll Morning Tea: Jay & Gray Starkey Communion Preparation: Coralie Hughes Flowers: Gina Herft Welcome : Wendy Twining, Ashton Devenish, Christine & Laurie Prentice Offering Counters: Ian Hughes, Greg Carroll NIGHT CHURCH: ‘Voices of Change - Hosea’ Speaker: Linda Mill Leaders: Luke Broadbent, Mathew Wright Op Shop: Wednesday/Thursday (10.00am - 3.00pm) NOTICEBOARD: SUNDAY SERVICE TIMES 8.30am Communion/Study 10.00am Worship 6.00pm Evening Service Oasis Meals: - Thursday (12.00pm) The next CAP Money course is running on Monday 11th, 18th and 25th May at 7.30pm in Underground Station What is CAP Money? CAP Money is a revolutionary money management course that teaches people budgeting skills and a simple, cash-based system that really works. This course will help anyone to get more in control of their finances, so they can save, give and prevent debt. CAP Money is a course devised by the award winning debt counseling charity, Christians Against Poverty. Enrol online at https://www.capmoney.org/en_AU/findacourse? postcode=Ringwood&Go=Go Places are limited, so get in early. Ringwood Church of Christ Superhero Family Night! Saturday 16th May 5pm - 7.30pm Come dressed as your favourite 13 Bedford Rd Ringwood Dinner provided help e m o C Fun n i a t Cap the beat t his RSVP by a n i villa ! game 13th May for n w o catering purposes. Ph 9870 8169 OR Email: office@ringwoodchurch.org.au CHURCHES OF CHRIST VIC-TAS CHURCHES OF CHRIST VIC-TAS Adventures: 2015 Summit and AGM Adventures: 2015 Summit and AGM May 15-16, 2015 Wallan Gateway church – 7 Commercial Drive, Wallan May 15-16, 2015 Wallan Gateway church – 7 Commercial Drive, Wallan Wi k i pedi a defines a n a dv e nt ur e a s “ a n ex c ing or unus ua l ex per i e nc e. I t ma y a l s o be a bold, usually risky undertaking, with an uncertain outcome”. That sounds like the life of f a i t h, c h ur c h de v e l o pme n t , a nd Chr i sa n l e a de r s hi p; i t s ou nds a l ot l i k e t he s t or i e s of c hur c he s a nd mi n i s t e r s , Commun ie s o f Hop e a nd C ompa s s i o n a n d t he L e a d e r s t ha t l e a d them. Wi k i pedi a defines a n a dv e nt ur e a s “ a n ex c ing or unus ua l ex per i e nc e. I t ma y a l s o be a bold, usually risky undertaking, with an uncertain outcome”. That sounds like the life of f a i t h, c h ur c h de v e l o pme n t , a nd Chr i sa n l e a de r s hi p; i t s ou nds a l ot l i k e t he s t or i e s of c hur c he s a nd mi n i s t e r s , Commun ie s o f Hop e a nd C ompa s s i o n a n d t he L e a d e r s t ha t l e a d them. You will hear a broad range of Adventure stories at the 2015 Summit. You will hear a broad range of Adventure stories at the 2015 Summit. Adv ent ur es : L oc a on Adv ent ur es : L oc a on We look forward to the hospitality of one of Wallan Gateway c h ur c h i n i t s r e l av e l y n e w a nd s pa c i ous bu i l d i n g s . Wa l l a n i s a c o unt r y / c i t y de snao n o n t he ma r g i ns o f metropolitan Melbourne. This makes the 2015 Summit easier to access for the furthest Victorian regions, and it also has good freeway access for city-dwellers and from the airport. We look forward to the hospitality of one of Wallan Gateway c h ur c h i n i t s r e l av e l y n e w a nd s pa c i ous bu i l d i n g s . Wa l l a n i s a c o unt r y / c i t y de snao n o n t he ma r g i ns o f metropolitan Melbourne. This makes the 2015 Summit easier to access for the furthest Victorian regions, and it also has good freeway access for city-dwellers and from the airport. Adventures: Summit Rough Map Adventures: Summit Rough Map This year we will be keeping it as ‘internal’ as possible; we will be sharing and hearing our stories, updates and current learnings via short and sharp reports, interviews, video clips etc. New churches will be welcomed and new Ministers will be commissioned. We’ll hear a bout c h ur c he s b e i ng r e ne we d, a bou t Re n e wa l Cha l l e ng e c o nv e r s aons , mi s s i on a nd community engagement projects, internships and more. This year we will be keeping it as ‘internal’ as possible; we will be sharing and hearing our stories, updates and current learnings via short and sharp reports, interviews, video clips etc. New churches will be welcomed and new Ministers will be commissioned. We’ll hear a bout c h ur c he s b e i ng r e ne we d, a bou t Re n e wa l Cha l l e ng e c o nv e r s aons , mi s s i on a nd community engagement projects, internships and more. Saturday—11am-12.30pm—Cel ebr aon a nd Commi s s i oni ng Ev ent , Mi ni s t er s wi l l be commissioned and the newly a? liated church celebrated. CCVT EO Paul Cameron will be speaking, with music will be provided by the Roxburgh Park team. An o?ering will be received during the event.; 1.30-5pm—CCVT AGM, including stories, reports and the next Renewal Challenge steps. Lunch per person $10 Saturday—11am-12.30pm—Cel ebr aon a nd Commi s s i oni ng Ev ent , Mi ni s t er s wi l l be commissioned and the newly a? liated church celebrated. CCVT EO Paul Cameron will be speaking, with music will be provided by the Roxburgh Park team. An o?ering will be received during the event.; 1.30-5pm—CCVT AGM, including stories, reports and the next Renewal Challenge steps. Lunch per person $10 You will need to register for catering purposes: (this can be done online at h ps : / / docs.google.com/forms/d/1JZsWePcDhx5tkKa9kFJ1t2FmW8zyN-j2Wv7nu3UM-Iw/ viewform) or you can phone Conference on 9488 8800. You will need to register for catering purposes: (this can be done online at h ps : / / docs.google.com/forms/d/1JZsWePcDhx5tkKa9kFJ1t2FmW8zyN-j2Wv7nu3UM-Iw/ viewform) or you can phone Conference on 9488 8800.
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