17th May, 2015 BUILDING A REDEMPTIVE BRIDGE: A FUTURE ROMANS 8:18:1-17 I think today about the stunning men and women of faith I have had the privilege to meet over the years. I’ve met people who, despite personal injury, loss, fire, flood, property destruction, abandonment, bankruptcy, addiction and accident have anchored themselves to the cross and found power in daily bread and living water. It is as if the Kingdom of God reaches out and through faith and healthy work a new future is won, strengthened and celebrated. Our faith is active and alive and at its core it sees beyond hopelessness, injustice and emptiness to walk by a different path and an alternative rhythm from the old sound of sin and death. It is beautifully, powerfully, energetically subversive and countercultural. emanate from the witness of Jesus? We have a future because God has not told us to stop yet. The Lord hasn’t called us home today or decided to neglect the world and leave it to its own diversions and devices. We are called to be the redemptive bridge builders magnifying, honouring, and celebrating the hope found in the resurrected Lord . The one who offers the Way to live in connection with the Kingdom of God through active promise, covenant love and the pouring out of the Holy Spirit in the complexity of every passing season. Why are we tempted to give more to data plans, sports memberships, gyms, bucket lists or personal dreams than to shine as witnesses to grace and transformation. What a privilege it is to be called to eternal horizons? It is a Celebration Sunday is coming and I beautiful thing to exist to grow disciples wonder, always wonder if enough of us of the Glorified Lord and encourage and really grasp how important the nature of Christian Community and witness actually exhort people who can grow in their ability to see, hear and feel the hope of is. Do we understand how much of our God and press into it daily with generosity national life and values, even in a and joy. secularized state, John Sharpe Welcome to Ringwood. We are not a perfect church…. But we do love the Lord and seek to take his life, call, ministry and hope seriously. We seek to THRIVE in his favour through an attentiveness to the Word, joining in community, seeking to recognize and exercise our gifts and connection with the wider neighborhood. WORSHIP THIS MORNING NIGHT CHURCH - 6.00pm Worship Leading: Matthew Moore Song Leading: Penny Martin Speaker: John Sharpe ‘Voices of Change: Jonah Drew will be speaking 6.00pm Services GATHERED PRAYER: Thank you to the many people who left their warm homes and the ‘Budget’ to gather to uphold the worship, community connection, disciple formation and future building of the witness of Ringwood. Notes from the Prayer gathering last Tuesday evening are available as a hard copy from the Information table in the foyer or as a soft copy from the office ‘Building A Redemptive Bridge’: A Study designed for individual and Life Group use following the current 10am morning theme. This is available from the Ringwood Church of Christ Web site and Facebook page. Hard copies are available from the foyer. The series focuses on the proactive Way we can learn from God for ‘Building Redemptive Bridges’ when there have been bridge disasters ‘trespasses’ in relationship. COMING LATER in the YEAR: ‘Fruitfulness on the Frontline’ (Mark Greene) Prayer Action: · Pray for Nepal as it has been rocked by a second earthquake. Pray for the ongoing work of those humanitarian agencies already on the ground. · Pray for the witness of faith in Christ in a world that is manifestly in turmoil. Despite its beauty and the millions of kind people there is a sickness that continues to sweep through so many countries with injustice, brutality, corruption and genocide. · Pray for the strengthening of the Body of Christ to be robust in the transformative power of the Gospel and to find the dynamic life of Christ in the streets, workplaces and schools. · Pray for Chaplains: There are a number of chaplains that worship here at Ringwood who serve in a range of capacities and places. Pray for Paul Worsnop , Marg Kittelty, Karen Kepert, Noel Morley, Steve Marek …. · Pray for Libby and Kevin Murray as they enjoy some long service leave. · Pray for those recovering from surgery. Pray particularly for Gerry Herft as he recovers from knee surgery. · Pray for those caring for ageing parents. Pray particularly for those who are actively engaged in transitions in care and accommodation. · Pray for the White family. Gary has been home after some time in hospital. · Give thanks for the journey of prayer last Tuesday night. Pray for the ongoing momentum of change as God unfolds his call and future around us. · Give thanks for the recent Vic/Tas ‘Adventure’ conference and AGM … Pray for the unfolding of God’s ongoing call to grow communities of hope and compassion and to discover new ways as to how churches are equipped, resourced, released and empowered. · Pray for the community of Luther College as they grieve in the tragic deaths of 2 students. Uphold the networks of students, staff and families . Baptism TONIGHT 6pm: Celebrating the witness of faith, hope and transformation as Mathew Wright is Baptised… keep him in you prayers as his calling unfolds. PENTECOST CELEBRATION : Maroondah Fellowship of Churches MAY 24th Heathmont Uniting Church. 2.30pm ! Celebration Sunday - MAY 31st A day to offer an overflow of praise, gratitude, hope and commitment to God’s future in the life of Ringwood Church of Christ and the unique ministry and mission it is called to. This year we encourage: 1. 2. 3. 4. The renewal of tithes and regular offerings for those who have never considered this as part of active worship and devotion. Generous financial giving in celebration of MINISTRY. Generosity towards the ongoing unfolding of the future mission shaping of our buildings. (Last year’s Celebration offerings to ‘Loving the house’ are still rolling out change with more to come.) As in other years gifts of time, art, music, letters, practical support and help etc are welcome and honoured. We have had a complex pattern of giving since approximately August last year and have found that irregularity in giving has affected what was a very balanced achievable and future focused budget. We have set aside a gifted, adaptive and interactive Ministry team through discernment and prayer over a number of years in faithfulness to the multigenerational DNA and community mission interface of this church’s call. The short fall in budget will eventually have an impact on ministry and mission unless we can encourage a faithful, worshipful and generous attitude to giving not just amongst a few , but in the loaves and fishes that we all hold. We are the reflection of God who blesses and uses the generosity , devotion and gratitude of His body in Christ to be hands and feet, hearts and minds, wisdom and Word in a world that is heading down destructive pathways. The Kingdom of our money drifting towards. It is a powerful thing to give ( direct debit etc) even when we are away… and plan in advance for our honouring tithes and approach each season with a generosity of prayer, joy, resolve and dedication to the advance of God’s witness. God calls us to grow in trust, rest in reliance on him and stand on an uncertain planet as generous Kingdom focused people in all seasons. Position Vacant An opportunity to be part of a growing community ministry at East Ringwood Football Club. We need a bright person for 2-3 hours once or twice a month to help at the canteen on a voluntary basis. No age limit! Join with me in mixing with great people and building bridges into our wonderful community. See Noel for more details. Walking Group will meet in Highland Boulevard, just off Kalinda Rd Croydon (Mel. 50 C3) next Thursday 21 May for a walk along the Mullum Mullum Creek Trail. Anyone welcome to join us. Any queries to Merilyn Sprott: 9729 4336 A wonderful opportunity to gather in prayer for OM (Operation Mobilisation), one of the Mission Groups Ringwood Church of Christ supports financially and through prayer. Trish and John Sonsie, along with Natalie Palmer serve in various capacities at OM. “There is nothing more important in the world than to stand in the presence of God and commit our lives and the journey of others to Him. We are passionate about prayer! OM Australia has experienced God's ultimate blessings within our local and global community because of our reliance on Him through prayer. We consider it a privilege to be able to join with friends, and hear from some of our missionaries who have served abroad with OM, and how we can be praying for some of the least reached countries of the world. You are invited to an open house at our Dandenong show room! This is an opportunity to see all current stock of our Upcycled Wares and RoyRak jewellery range. By buying these unique products created by women from one of the largest slums in Bangkok, you will be supporting these women in receiving fair wages and employment opportunities. Where: 2/6-12 Airlie Ave, Dandenong When: Wednesday May 20th from 10am2pm and 7-9pm If you need more details or information please contact Eva MacCartney on 0423 575 506 or email me at handicrafts@unoh.org Please join us on Thursday 4th June for our Prayer for the Nations evening. Invite your small group or bible study group along. All are welcome! Location: Ringwood Church of Christ in the Chapel, 13 Bedford Road, Ringwood. Time: 7:30pm - 8:30pm. See you there!” To order copies of the sermon on CD, please find an order form in the attendance register. Leave in the register and these will be processed and available, usually within one week. If you would like to offer a donation to this ministry, please place this in the offering bowl. BOOKKEEPER WANTED Steve Marek would love to hear from anyone who is interested in two days a week work bookkeeping. Please contact Steve on 0413155899. ‘Thanksgiving Dinner’ An Opportunity: Last year we had an inaugural ‘Thanksgiving Dinner’ to honour the lives of those who serve Maroondah through the local council, banking and several schools. This was a fantastic evening and a powerful expression of our missional intention to be active and encouraging in building bridges of blessing in the various spheres of our neighbourhood. We are planning another Thanksgiving Dinner on Monday June 27th. We have booked a function room for 80-100 and would love to invite YOU to attend … but not on your own. We encourage you to pay for 2 and actively invite someone that you might know who has influence in the wider community and market place: Someone you know who might be a business leader, a small business person, a CEO of an organization, head of police, fire brigade, Hospital, school, bank or other key organization. Our goal is to fulfil our role in the region as encouragers for the Kingdom of God. Invitations will be available shortly. Please pray and imagine who you might like to invite. If you have any questions speak with Noel, Dave or John Worshipful, faithful and regular giving to God’s work … consider I authorise Ringwood Church of Christ, 13 Bedford Road, Ringwood 3134. to charge my credit card for $_____________ being my offering for today. Or My regular offering amount of $____________ to be debited from my credit card each week/month. (Please circle the appropriate option) Visa Direct Debit or Internet Banking Ringwood Church of Christ Inc. Mastercard NAB BSB: 083 343 Account No: 89 395 1419 Card No: Name on card: ______________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________________ Card Expiry Date: __/__ Contact No: _________________________ Birthday Greetings - May Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Sunday 18th 19th 20th 22nd 24th Gaylene Hawkins Laurie Bird Peter Mickelson Lachlan Salmon, Doug Goddard Jessie Lewis Next Week - 24th May BUILDING A REDEMPTIVE BRIDGE: PENTECOST ROMANS 8:18 8:18--39 Speaker: Worship/Communion: Song Leader: Bible Reading: Communion Helpers: John Sharpe Ric Cutler Ben Graham-Nellor Beth Joyce Andrew Archibald, Belinda & Brian Tanfield, Carolyn & Leah Burnett, Julie & John Lanaway Band: Darren Evans, Daniel Wright, John Sharpe, Lachlan Salmon, Sandra Punithan, Cameron Palmer Singers: Julie Waterhouse, Dale Stevens, Christine Prentice Audio: Stewart Drummond Projection: Allan Swan Morning Tea: Dorothy & Graeme Wigney Communion Preparation: Sue Kay Flowers: Welcome : Suji & Santosh Plakkat, Anne & Noel Morley Offering Counters: Colin Pritchard, Russell Cheal NIGHT CHURCH: ‘Voices of Change - Hosea’ Speaker: John Sharpe Leaders: Jordan Ludgater & Holly Tregenza Op Shop: Wednesday/Thursday (10.00am - 3.00pm) NOTICEBOARD: SUNDAY SERVICE TIMES 8.30am Communion/Study 10.00am Worship 6.00pm Evening Service Oasis Meals: - Thursday (12.00pm) Entertainment Books For SaleLast year, over 300,000 Entertainment™ Members discovered more than $20,000 worth of valuable offers and now it's your turn to join them! Order your 2015/16 Entertainment™ Membership from us and enjoy the benefits of new places to dine, new activities to try and new places to stay all at a reduced price when using your Entertainment Book Voucher!! Nicole is no longer selling these for Rahabs Room so we thought we might sell them this year to benefit the church funds. They are still selling for $65 each and you can either buy a book or a digital membership that you can use on your phone. Please sell them to your friends, neighbours, work mates and family. Out of every book sold we earn $13.00, not a lot but every bit helps!! Please see Anne or ring on 0418 565 931 or the office to buy your copy. You can also order them from the Ringwood Church of Christ Facebook page—just follow the link. WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY - 12.30-2pm (parents room) SUNDAY ROAST The next Sunday Roast will be on Sunday, 24th May, immediately following the morning service. This is for any of our seniors who may live alone and rarely cook a roast dinner for themselves. The cost is $10.00 $10.00.. Please put your name on the Response Sheet on the noticeboard. CAN YOU HELP? SYG (State Youth Games) is coming up again soon over the Queen’s Birthday Weekend at Warragul, and we have some contacts through our Youth Group who are wanting to register and are finding the cost of $185 prohibitive, and we wondered if there was anyone who might like to assist in some way. If this is something you might like to do, can you please contact the Church Office. 9870 8169 or email: office@ringwoodchurch.org.au STATE YOUTH GAMES …. Coming up on the Queens Birthday Weekend – 5TH to 8th June. If you haven’t registered, tomorrow, Monday 18th is your absolute last opportunity so jump online at http://stateyouthgames.com/vic/ and register and don’t forget your payment to be forwarded to Ringwood Church of Christ. As always to make an event like this “happen” there is a need for heaps of volunteers. We would be grateful to hear from anyone if you can help: · · · With transport to games, and transporting teams to the sporting venues at the games – contact Simon Trease 0427 509 809 With food preparation/cooking – contact Kellie Lewis Ph: 0425 789 878 In loaning full gas bottles, and even an old couch could you please contact Simon Trease on 0427 509 809 (There will also be sign up sheets on the noticeboard this morning if you are happy to help out JJ) A special invitation is open to all to cheer along our youth as they compete and especially to the current Grade 6 kids to come and see what goes on in preparation for next year. CELEBRATION SUNDAY …. Coming May 31st
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