P&Z MEETING MINUTES MAY 7, 2015 Jim Winters called the meting to order at 6:06pm. Present: Jim Winters, Corina Chavez, Art Sais, Scott Adair, Darren Halterman, Bob Skerry (City Manager), Rick Henderson (Code Enforcer), Chris Romero (Rio Grande Estates Fire Dept.) Art made a motion to accept the April 2 and 16 minutes. Seconded by Scott. All were in favor. Jim distributed a check list for tonight’s meeting (copy on file). Item 1: Passed on, residents not present. Item 2: YCC Plan Chris Romero from the Rio Grande Estates Fire Department explained the YCC Plan (Youth Conservation Corps) Program is for 6 months of summer work. Items covered: Involves kids from 6-10 youths, 16-25 years old 90% of the funds are for labor Program can be renewed yearly Chris has applied for a grant Projects include: building trails, plant trees, remove dead trees, building fences, restoring natural areas, assist the Firehouse in emergency operations, beautify, restore, clean up, beautify and restore vacant lots and yards, and improve urban areas Clean the elderly resident’s yards Projects at La Merced School (check with Larry Lindberg) Work with Whitfield A discussion was held and the Commission felt a majority of the kids should be from Rio Communities. Bob suggested Chris meet with the P&Z and work on a long term plan. Item 5: Vehicles parked on side of road Discussed a complaint (copy on file). Jim asked Chris about fire regulations. Chris said some covered areas limit access to the backyard and adjoining houses in case of a fire. A discussion followed including: Grandfathering in existing covered areas Allow RV storage Consideration of an RV parking lot; can the City do it? Liability Consider the RV a special use vehicle and when owner moves, structure has to be removed Use the Fire code for reference Special use form (creates an exception to the rules); owner assumes liability in case of a fire Get neighbor’s input Item 3 and 5: Discuss at next meeting. P&Z May 7, 2015 Page 1 of 2 Item 4: Real Estate Tracking Fee A discussion followed. Items discussed included: After the sale of a house, City isn’t getting the GRT from the agents, because they (agents) aren’t using the City’s GRT number. How does the City track sales and how to correct this? Should agents be required to get a business license Decision- present at next City Council workshop and let the Council decide. Item 6: Overweight/Oversized vehicles Discussion included: Write as an amendment, and, instead of a new ordinance Parking vehicles on side street Routinely parking 18’ vehicle on street Post signs on all streets- include truck length, width, height, weight, etc. Avoid garbage truck issue Will discuss at next meeting Item 7: Comprehensive Plan update (done on overhead) Need pictures for presentation Almost done- needs charts Include P&Z survey Amendment 2014-20 (on file) - needs wording changes and pages formatted. Amendment 2014-29 (on file) - changed wording “fast track” to “alternate summary procedure”. Scott will look at Article 20 and make necessary corrections. Darren motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Corrine. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:09pm. Next meeting: May 21 2015. Submitted by: Liz Sagrestano Approved by: Jim Winters, Chairman Date: P&Z May 7, 2015 Page 2 of 2
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