Pre-bid queries for Project Management, Acceptance Testing and Consulting services for RajSWAN Sr. Clause No. related to 1 Invitation for Bids Pre-Bid replies of Request for Proposal (RFP) for hiring Agency for Project Management, Acceptance Testing and consultancy services for RajSWAN RFP Para Clause Details Clarification Sought Draft Response No. 1 RISL invites electronic bid (eBid) proposals from reputed, competent and professional Information Technology (IT) Firms, who meet the minimum eligibility criteria as specified in this bidding document for hiring Agency for Project Management, Acceptance Testing and consultancy services for RajSWAN project as detailed in the section titled "scope of work" of this RFP document Request to kindly modify the clause as: Refer Amended RFP 2 Eligibility Criteria 2 Annual Turnover of the bidder during each of last three financial years, i.e., from 1st April 2008 to 31st March 2011 (as per the last published audited balance sheets), should be at least Rs.20 crores Suppporting documents asked are "CA Certificate with CA’s Registration Number/ Seal" Request to kindly modify the required documents as “Statutory Auditor Certificate / CA Certificate with CA’s Registration Number/ Seal” As per RFP 3 Eligibility Criteria 3 The net worth of the bidder in the last financial year should be Positive Suppporting documents asked are CA Certificate with CA’s Registration Number/ Seal Request to kindly modify the required documents as “Statutory Auditor Certificate / CA Certificate with CA’s Registration Number/ Seal” As per RFP “RISL invites electronic bid (eBid) proposals from reputed, competent and professional Consulting / Information Technology (IT) Firms, who meet the minimum eligibility criteria as specified in this bidding document for hiring Agency for Project Management, Acceptance Testing and consultancy services for RajSWAN project as detailed in the section titled "scope of work" of this RFP document” 1/12 Pre-bid queries for Project Management, Acceptance Testing and Consulting services for RajSWAN 4 Eligibility Criteria 4 The bidder should have provided Project management, acceptance testing and consultancy services to at-least 1 State Wide Area Network project in India. OR The bidder should be empanelled for doing third party audit to State Wide Area Network (SWAN) projects in India by GoI. Request to kindly change the clause as: The bidder should be empanelled with RajCOMP Info Services Private Limited (RISL) for providing e-Gov consultancy/IT services. OR The bidder should have provided Project Management, Consultancy Services for eGovernance Projects in India. As per RFP 5 Eligibility Criteria 5 The bidder should have cleared his dues to the State Government of Rajasthan We would request you to kindly delete the Refer Amended RFP clause as it would not be possible to furnish the required clearance certificate from the circle officer in the given timeframe. 6 Eligibility Criteria 9 The bidder should have minimum of 10 no. of We would request you to kindly modify the Refer Amended RFP network engineers with 3 or more years on clause as: experience on their payroll “The bidder should have minimum of 10 Nos. of network engineers / Consultant with experience in similar domain with 1 or more years of experience on their payroll” OR Since there is a cyclic attrition rate in the IT industry and resources are mobile within the domain, the bidder should not be held accountable for trying to deploy the best suited resources. Keeping the overall interest of the project, this clause should be modified. 2/12 Pre-bid queries for Project Management, Acceptance Testing and Consulting services for RajSWAN 7 Scope of Work 8 Scope of Work Chapter 3 Scope of Work, para C (i) b,c,d,e, f,g,h,& k Chapter 3 Scope of Work, para D1 • Validate and verify the inventory of equipments at sites and match the populated Configuration Management Database (CMDB) in service desk tool with the actual inventory • Validating and verifying the functioning of webcams installed at various PoPs for their monitoring directly from the SHQ as specified in the RFP for RajSWAN operator • Validating and verifying the latitude and longitude of sites as given in the RFP /contract signed with RajSWAN operator. • Validating and verifying the availability of all the services (voice/ data/video etc) including /features/functionalities as given in the RFP and provided by the SWAN operator • Validating and verifying latency and other measurable network performance parameters for different service (Data/ Voice and Video) and for the links as given in the RFP for slection of RajSWAN operator • Validating and verifying the implementation of approved policies i.e. security policies, routing policy, firewall policy etc • Validating and verifying the functioning of HDMS, NMS tools installed as per the scope and terms of contract signed with RajSWAN Operator • Validating the formats for PoP level Manual as per industry standard and monitoring their preparation by RajSWAN operator givenfor in To conduct Partial Acceptance Testas(PAT) vertical and horizontal segment The bidders has to conduct Partial Acceptance Test (PAT) for vertical as well as horizontal segment separately (if required as per the conditions given in the RFP/contract signed with RajSWAN operator with RISL) to verify and validate that integration of all services, networks, equipments, policies etc deployed under RajSWAN Project has been done in accordance with the terms of RFP by RajSWAN Operator. Request you to please reword the clauses As per RFP 'Validating and Verifying’ to 'Assessing and Verifying’ as the Project Consultant shall not be responsible to validate the components / functioning of the equipments procured and commissioned by the RajSWAN operator. Request you to please reword the clauses The bidders has to facilitate the Partial Acceptance Test (PAT) for vertical as well as horizontal segment separately (if required as per the conditions given in the RFP/contract signed with RajSWAN operator with RISL) to verify and assess that integration of all services, networks, equipments, policies etc deployed under RajSWAN Project has been done in accordance with the terms of RFP by RajSWAN Operator. As per RFP 3/12 Pre-bid queries for Project Management, Acceptance Testing and Consulting services for RajSWAN 9 Scope of Work Chapter 3 Scope of Work, para E1 The bidders has to conduct Final Acceptance Test (PAT) for vertical as well as horizontal segment separately to verify and validate that integration of all services, networks, equipments, policies etc deployed under RajSWAN Project has been done in accordance with the terms of RFP by RajSWAN Operator. Request you to please reword the clauses As per RFP 10 Scope of Work Chapter 3 Scope of Work, para H2 Roles & Responsibility Request to kindly provide the details of the 3rd RISL party auditor/ third party monitoring agency and • To Verify & Approve payments for RajSWAN auditors for RajSWAN project. Operator, Consultancy agency and 3rd party auditors • Ensure overall coordination among various agencies (implementing agency, bandwidth provider and 3rd party consultants, third party monitoring agency and auditors 3rd Party Auditor / 3rd Party Monitoring Agency for RajSWAN will be selected through tender process as per the guidelines by GoI. Refer amended RFP 11 Bidding Process Chapter 5 para 5 b Fee Details Scanned copy of Fee receipt for tender fee and RISL processing fee DD for Tender Fees, RISL Processing Fees ,EMD should be submitted physicaly at the office of Tendering Authority as prescribed in NIT and scanned copy of same should also be uploaded along with the technical bid/ cover. Tender Fee and processing fee can also be submitted in cash against the NIT number at RISL office and scanned copy of the receipt may be attached. Refer Invitation for bid of the RFP. The bidders has to facilitate Final Acceptance Test (PAT) for vertical as well as horizontal segment separately to verify and assess that integration of all services, networks, equipments, policies etc deployed under RajSWAN Project has been done in accordance with the terms of RFP by RajSWAN Operator. Request you to share details of the competent authority and mode of payment for various bid related deposit/fees 4/12 Pre-bid queries for Project Management, Acceptance Testing and Consulting services for RajSWAN 12 Annexure 1 Technica Evaluation CheckList Annexure 1 Annual Turnover of the bidder kindly consider modifying the required As per RFP para 3 during each of last three financial documents as “Statutory Auditor Certificate / CA years, i.e., from 1st April 2008 to Certificate with CA’s Registration Number/ Seal” 31st March 2011 (as per the last published audited balance sheets), should be at least Rs.20 crores Supporting Document CA Certificate with CA’s Registration Number/ Seal 13 Annexure 1 Technica Evaluation CheckList Annexure 1 The net worth of the bidder in the para 4 last financial year should be Positive. kindly consider modifying the required As per RFP documents as “Statutory Auditor Certificate / CA Certificate with CA’s Registration Number/ Seal” 14 Annexure 1 Technica Evaluation CheckList Annexure 1 The bidder should have cleared para 5 his VAT dues to the State Government of Rajasthan We would request you to kindly delete the Refer Amended RFP clause as it would not be possible to furnish the required clearance certificate from the circle officer in the given timeframe. 15 Annexure 1 Technica Evaluation CheckList Annexure 1 The bidder should have provided para 6 Project management, acceptance testing and consultancy services for RajSWAN to at-least 1 State Wide Area Network project in India. OR The bidder empanelled for doing third party audit to State Wide Area Network (SWAN) projects in India by GoI We would request you to kindly change the clause as: The bidder should be empanelled with RajCOMP Info Services Private Limited (RISL) for providing e-Gov consultancy/IT services. OR The bidder should have provided Project Management, Consultancy Services for eGovernance Projects in India. As per RFP 5/12 Pre-bid queries for Project Management, Acceptance Testing and Consulting services for RajSWAN 16 Annexure 1 Technica Evaluation CheckList Annexure 1 The bidder should have 10 no. of para 8 network engineers with 5 or more years on experience on their payroll, at-least 3 of which should be CCNA certified or equivalent The bidder should have 10 no. of network engineers with 5 or more years on experience on their payroll, at-least 3 of which should be CCNA certified or equivalent 17 Scope of Work C Query: As per our understanding, we have to Refer Amended RFP physically visit to a minimum of 10% of the sites for acceptance testing on sample basis at the discretion of RISL and acceptance testing of rest of the sites will be completed by NMS. But by NMS, we cannot certify the condition of site preparation, DG set etc. So, kindly clarify the same. The bidder is required to carry out acceptance tests for all the sites (all 273 vertical PoP’s and around 3550 Horizontal Offices/links) to verify and validate that the RajSWAN operator has completed all work related to installation of vertical PoP/ horizontal links as per the work order/subsequent orders issued by RISL to RajSWAN Operator. This will include physical visit to a minimum of 10% of the sites (ie. 1 SHQ level PoP,4 District Level PoP,24 Block Level PoP and 355 Horizontal level Offices) on sample basis at the discretion of RISL Refer Amended RFP For point no. (ii), it requires to visit physically at all sites to get the required data which contradicts with claim of 10% site visit. (ii) Validating and verifying the latitude and longitude of sites as given in the RFP /contract signed with RajSWAN operator. 18 Scope of Work G Total time 12 months for supervision, installation and Acceptance Testing The clarification may please be given on the following: If the project extends beyond the stipulated timeline of 12 months without any direct fault of consultant, how the consultant would be compensated for the same for the extended duration. As per RFP 19 Scope of Work A, (i) Prepare the security policy document Pl. clarify what will constiture security policy Security policy of SWAN. document. Is it going to be SWAN security policy Refer amended RFP or state security policy 20 Scope of Work D To conduct Partial Acceptance Test (PAT) for Is consultant is expected to physically visit each No. Refer para D of the vertical and horizontal segment vertical and horizontal site while conducting PAT scope of work of the RFP. 6/12 Pre-bid queries for Project Management, Acceptance Testing and Consulting services for RajSWAN 21 Scope of Work E To conduct FAT for vertical and horizontal segment Is consultant expected to physically visit each No. Refer para E of the vertical and horizontal site while conducting scope of work of the FAT. Approximately how many times consultant RFP. is expected to visit each site during the tenure of the service 22 Scope of Work H Roles & Responsibility Please provide the role and responsibility to be carried out by TPA since some of the activites asked in SOW are similar to TPA roles and responsibility General Will the Consultant appointed by RSWAN No. Refer Inviation for through this RFP be allowed to bid the RSWAN bids of the Ammended TPA RFP. RFP. Will the Security Policy document be prepared It shall be prepared on the basis of any particular guidelines? Please based on the guidelines provide details. provided by GoI on security (as applicable) and the best practices in the area of network security.Refer Scope of work in the Amended RFP 23 General 24 Scope of Work A, (i) Prepare the security policy document 25 Scope of Work B, (i) Supervision, monitoring, facilitation of Is the bandwidth service provider (BSNL) installation, testing of RajSWAN project equipment also included in scope? implemented by RajSWAN Operator and also to provide Consultancy services to RISL Refer Amended RFP Yes. Refer scope of work in the Ammended RFP. 7/12 Pre-bid queries for Project Management, Acceptance Testing and Consulting services for RajSWAN 26 Scope of Work C (i) The bidder is required to carry out acceptance Can the Validation and verification be done tests for all the sites (all 273 vertical PoP’s using the tools and software? If yes, which tools and around 3550 Horizontal Offices/links) to and softwares can be used? verify and validate that the RajSWAN operator has completed all work related to installation of vertical PoP/ horizontal links as per the work order/subsequent orders issued by RISL to RajSWAN Operator Bidders to bring tools and softwares as required for conducting PIT, HLT, PAT, FAT as per the special tems and conditions of the amended RFP. 27 Scope of Work c (i) (d) Validating and verifying the latitude and longitude of sites as given in the RFP /contract signed with RajSWAN operator. Which devices can be used for validating and verifying the latitude and longitude of sites? Please provide details. 28 Scope of Work c (ii) Prepare and submit the test reports for each site separatly for PIT/HLT Please clarify if the Validation and verification procedures and format templates will be provided by RISL? Bidders to bring devices for validating and verifying the latitude and longitude of sites as per the special tems and conditions of the amended RFP. Validation and verification procedures, format and templates will be provided by RajSWAN operaor, however the bidder has to review and finalize the test plans, procedure, relevant checklist/template for Acceptance testing (PIT/HLT) submitted by RajSWAN Operator as given in the RFP. As per scope of work in the RFP 29 Scope of Work Chapter - 3, To conduct Partial Acceptance Test (PAT) for As part of PAT, is the Consultancy Agency No. Refer para D of the Clause D vertical and horizontal segment expected to physially visit the sites? If yes, what scope of work of the is the sampling size? RFP. 30 Scope of Work Chapter - 3, To conduct Final Acceptance Test (FAT) for Clause E vertical and horizontal segment As part of FAT, is the Consultancy Agency No. Refer para E of the expected to physially visit the sites? If yes, what scope of work of the is the sampling size? RFP. 8/12 Pre-bid queries for Project Management, Acceptance Testing and Consulting services for RajSWAN 31 Scope of Work 32 Scope of Work Chapter - 3, Out of the 11 resources (One project lead cum Clause F(2) network expert, 1 security expert and 2 network engineers) shall be deployed at SHQ (at Jaipur). Remaining 7 resources can be deployed at any division office/ district office/ Block office based on the requirement of the RajSWAN project. Chapter - 3, Project Deliverables, Milestones & Time Clause G Schedule Will RajCOMP provide seating space and Yes. Refer para F of the furniture to the resources deployed at respective scope of work of the locations? Please clarify. RFP. Is there any penalty, if the milestones are not met? Please clarify. Liquidated Damages (LD) clauses shall be applicable. Refer Amended RFP 33 Special Terms and Conditions C -3 In case any shortcomming is observed by TPA Will every activity be audited by the TPA? on any report submitted by the bidder, penalty Please clarify details on the scope coverage. shall be levied subject to a maximum of 10% of the value quoted for each site depending on the seviority of shortcommings. The decision on penalty would be aken by RISL and shall be binding on both the parties. 34 Annexure 1 Technical Evaluation Checklist Annexure 1 Technical Evaluation Checklist, S. No.8 The bidder should have 10 no. of network engineers with 5 or more years on experience on their payroll, at-least 3 of which should be CCNA certified or equivalent Please clarify if the Network Engineers need to have total 5 years of experience (with any firm) or should they have been on the Payroll of the firm for 5 years? 35 General General Conflict of Interest of TPA Please clarify if the selected consultant for the No. Refer Amended RFP current assignment will be allowed to participate in the process for selection of TPA or will it be treated as a Conflict of Interest? Refer Amended RFP 9/12 Pre-bid queries for Project Management, Acceptance Testing and Consulting services for RajSWAN 36 Eligibility Criteria Technical Capability The bidder should have provided Project management, acceptance testing and Consultancy services to at-least 1 State Wide Area Network project in India. OR The bidder should be empanelled for doing third party audit to State Wide Area Network (SWAN) projects in India by GoI. We Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Pvt Ltd. are As per RFP empanelled with DIT, GoI for conducting third party audit of State Data Center and also empanelled with CERT-In for conducting IT security audits. Since the RFP has been issued with a scope of work for Project Management, Acceptance Testing and consultancy services for RajSWAN and not for conducting third party audit, we request RISL to remove the requirement of being empanelled for doing third party audit to SWANs projects or alternatively change it to “The bidder should be empanelled for doing third party audit to State Wide Area Network (SWAN) \ State Data Center (SDC) projects in India by GoI”. We have already been selected as SDC TPA for 5 states including 3 A category (Big) states and 2 small states. We have also worked on many projects with the similar scope of work in PSU sector. We humbly request RISL to remove or modify the technical capability clause accordingly. 37 Scope of Work Scope of Work F (5) Assignment involves extensive travelling and Please clarify if the travel will be a part of all the resources (including the project lead PAT\FAT activity or it would be in addition to and security expert at SHQ) will have to travel PAT\FAT activity. to various PoP/ Horizontal offices in Rajasthan (based on project requirement) and it is expected that all the resources will travel for about 20 days a month except the project lead and security expert. 38 Scope of Work Scope of Work G Note- Timelines for the above activities may vary depending on the implementation plan of RajSWAN operator. Travelling will be required for PIT/ HLT as per para C of scope of work of RFP and during Supervision, monitoring, facilitation of installation, testing of RajSWAN project implemented by RajSWAN Operator as per para B and para F of the scope of work of the RFP What if PAT\FAT activity is delayed due to delay As per RFP in implementation by RajSWAN Operator? Would that delay be attributable to bidder also? 10/12 Pre-bid queries for Project Management, Acceptance Testing and Consulting services for RajSWAN 39 Bidding Process Section 8, d Rates quoted must include all incidental charges except Service Tax, which should be shown separately in the Financial/ Commercial bid format only. In case of local supplies the rates should include all taxes, etc., and RISL will not pay any cartage or transportation charges This clause should be removed since it is As per RFP expected that travel volume would be high. It will be difficult to anticipate the cost impact of the same and include in the commercials. 40 Bidding Process Section 9, a Bids shall remain valid for the period of days, as specified in NIT, after the bid submission deadline date prescribed by the tendering authority. A bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the tendering authority as nonresponsive bid. Section 7 Unless otherwise stipulated in the Contract, the scope of service shall include all related services not specifically mentioned in the Contract but that can be reasonably inferred from the Contract as being required for providing the services which are mentioned in the scope. Para 1 The bidder has to bring all necessary tools/software/hardware required for undertaking the PIT/HLT/PAT/FAT at no extra cost Please mention the bid validity period(in Days) Kindly specify the list of tools/ software/ hardware which RISL expects the consultant to bring Bidders to bring tools and softwares as required for conducting PIT, HLT, PAT, FAT as per the special tems and conditions of the amended RFP. Para 2 Related to our query no. 1 for clarification please. As per RFP 44 General Please specify the technical evaluation criteria Refer Amended RFP 45 General Please specify the minimum score for a As per RFP consultant to be considered for financial bid opening Pls. share the Implementation Plan of RajSWAN Shall be provided to the Operator successful bidder 41 General Terms and Conditions 42 Special Terms and Conditions 43 General Terms and Conditions 46 Scope of Work Timelines No seprate /extra payments shall be made towards cost of travel, lodging and other incidental expenses to visit actual site during entire contract period Validating and verifying the latitude and longitude of sites as given in the RFP /contract signed with RajSWAN operator. As given in the NIT of the bidding document This clause adds a fair degree of ambiguity in As per RFP the scope and expectations from the consultant. It is advised that the scope may be restricted or a governance structure be established to examine such activities which fall outside the RFP's purview and take decision accordingly 11/12 Pre-bid queries for Project Management, Acceptance Testing and Consulting services for RajSWAN 47 Special Terms and Conditions Para 1 The bidder has to bring all necessary Pls. share the details of NMS/ HDMS to be tools/software/hardware required for deployed by RajSWAN Operator undertaking the PIT/HLT/PAT/FAT at no extra cost NMS - CA Spectrum Infra Manager9.2, Ca eHealth Performance manager 6.2 HDMS - CA Service desk R.12. Refer Annexure 13 for tentative BoM at different Locations. 12/12
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