ChurCh at WorShip SANCTUARY 9:00 and 11:45 a.m Out of respect to worshipers around you, please silence all electronic devices All Hail This Joyful Day Prelude Call to Worship Greet the Dawning Sanctuary Choir Hymn of Praise To God Be the Glory J. S. Bach Jan Sanborn No. 341 Prayer Dustin Aho Prayer Response Pastoral Welcome Burt Clark Tithes and Offerings Offertory Church Budget Gonna Sing to the Lord Douglas Wagner Junior Choir Donna Thurber, conductor; Helen Chan Young, pianist Children’s Feature Shawna Campbell Baptism Hector Vega-Galindo Karen C. Jara Anthem God, Thou Art Love Sanctuary Choir Patrick Johnson1 Patrick Johnson3 Craig Courtney Meditation Responsive Reading Taken from Romans 13, Luke 17, and Ecclesiastes 12 Doug and Harrison Mace Randy Roberts Trust and Obey Hymn of Response Randy Roberts Fantasie on A Mighty Fortress Toccata Cheryl Smith, guest conductor, Sanctuary Choir David S. Penner and Kirk Campbell, producers 1 First Service WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS Tuesday, October 22 6:30 p.m. Experiencing God Bible Study, Romans, Part 2, Fellowship Hall East LomaLinda niversityChurch of Seventh-day Adventists Wednesday, October 23 6:00 p.m. The Open Prayer Circle, Room 103 7:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting, “Is the Latter Rain Falling on You?”, Paul Damazo, Room 111 October 19, 2013 Sabbath, October 26 9:00 & 11:45 a.m. A Boost of Willpower, Part 2 - True North, Roy Ice, Sanctuary 10:25 a.m. A God Who Wants Bad People in Heaven, Part 2 - God.Ø, Re:Live Worship, Roy Ice, Sanctuary 10:30 a.m. LLUC Sabbath School, “Lessons From the Sanctuary,” Manzoor Massey, Randall Amphitheater 5:00 p.m. Vespers, Riverside Raincross Chorale, Sanctuary Sunset Today - 6:10 p.m. Sunset Next Week - 6:02 p.m. Sermon Notes Even a casual observer of culture can tell you the simple truth: we live in a day and age when character has gone south. Countless headlines and innumerable broken lives recount that sad story. Politicians who lie; Hollywood celebrities who unravel before our eyes; ordinary people who “can’t see anything wrong with” acts that once were verboten… well, you get the point—character has gone south. In such a setting, which direction is north, true north? Which direction do we take to the land of true character? Another way to ask the question is, In a world such as this one, of what does real character consist? The purpose of the sermon series which begins today is to explore certain elements of genuine, deep, and lasting character. We do so in the hope that every single one of us—preacher and listener alike—will, by the grace of God, make it our life’s aim to grow in Christ and grow in character. Randy Roberts Senior Pastor No. 590 (verses 1 and 3) Benediction Postlude Monday, October 21 6:30 p.m. Women’s Bible Study, Fellowship Hall East I hope you will (prayerfully) join each week. A Question of Duty Part 1 - True North Sermon Calendar J. Knowles-Paine Gaston Bélier3 1 Kimo Smith, organist Angelica Prodan, first service postlude 3 Third Service Doug Mace is an associate pastor, Middle School ministries, LLUC Harrison Mace is a seventh grader, Loma Linda Academy Junior High LLUC services are aired live on the church website at and are also aired live and broadcast on Loma Linda Broadcasting Network (LLBN) via the Internet at, Time Warner Cable channel 17 in Loma Linda, Verizon FIOS Cable channel 31 in Loma Linda and Redlands, Roku (under BrightStarTV), and Glorystar satellite (which carries LLBN, 3ABN, Hope Channel, and other Christian networks). For more information, please visit, or call (866) 552-6881. Rebroadcast Schedule of University Church Programs on LLBN Sunday Monday (SS) Tuesday (SS) Wednesday (SS) Friday (SS) Friday Saturday (SS) Saturday 10:00 a.m., 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m., 7:30 p.m. 12:00 a.m. 8:30 p.m. Questions or Comments: • Online at: DVD copies of LLUC Services are available for purchase online at Church Office Hours: Mon.–Thur., 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.; Friday 8:00 a.m.–noon. Offices are closed for staff worship on Tuesdays from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. This is a weekly bulletin Cover photo by James Ponder 11125 Campus Street, Loma Linda, CA 92354 • (909) 558-4570 growing disciples Church at Study RANDALL AMPHITHEATER Congregational Singing Opening Hymn To God Be the Glory Prayer, Welcome, and Introductions 10:30 a.m. Special Feature A Missionary Heart Prayer for the Offering Offertory Lesson No. 341 Jondelle McGhee Kari Jobe Clayton Koh Jondelle McGhee Sabbath School Expense (place mission offering in envelope) My Jesus, I Love Thee arr. Alva Waworoendeng Jeff Hwang, violin; Alva Waworoendeng, keyboard Sacrifices Bernard Taylor Benediction Bernard Taylor Postlude Young Adult Ministry Fellowship, 10:00 a.m., Room 101 Sabbath service, 10:25 a.m., LLUC Sanctuary Gilda Roddy, Jondelle McGhee Musical Selection My Beloved Chelsea Hanson, vocal; Krista Ballew, vocal/keyboard Offering Re:Live Ministry Selected TODAY: October 26: November 2: November 9: _______ Roy Ice - A God Who Pays Ransoms, Part 1 - God.Ø Roy Ice - A God Who Wants Bad People in Heaven, Part 2 - God.Ø Randy Roberts, It All Begins With God, Part 3 - God.Ø Roy Ice - A God Who Never Forsakes, Part 4 - God.Ø Superintendent: Jondelle McGhee Keyboard: Aileen Veglahn Vespers __________ SANCTUARY 5:00 p.m. Adventist Story, Part 1 Call to Worship Marching to Zion Robert Lowry, 1867 Andrews University Alumni, Students, and Faculty Choir Lorie Purdey, conductor Welcome and Invocation Opening Hymn Jesus Is Coming Again No. 213 Andrews University Alumni, Students, Faculty Choir, and Congregation Rhodes Rigsby Mayor of Loma Linda Offering Dan Matthews Offertory O Lord Most Holy Andrews Marimba Ensemble Philip Binkley, conductor J. N. Andrews First SDA Foreign Missionary Andrews University First SDA College arr. Art Jollit Jeanne Andrews-Willumson Great-granddaughter of J. N. Andrews Benediction Baptisms We welcome Hector Vega-Galindo into the LLUC family at his baptism today. He is a certified nurse assistant at Country Villa in San Bernardino. Niels-Erik Andreasen President Closing Hymn We Have This Hope No. 214 Andrews University Alumni, Students, Faculty Choir, and Congregation Dan Matthews Church Life There is no hospitality dinner today. Offering Today: Church Budget. Next Week: Calexico Mission School. All loose and undesignated offerings are applied to church budget. You may give online by visiting Center floral arrangement is given in loving memory of Julia Albrecht who would have turned 69 on October 23. Her children and grandchildren loved her and miss her, and are looking forward to the resurrection morning. Seminar: A Literature-based Approach to Education, a seminar presented by Carole Joy Seid, will be held in Fellowship Hall East, October 20, 12:30–7:30 p.m. Register online at or for more information, contact Ayme Frykman at (909) 794-8667 or aymekern@ Senior Fellowship Lunch will be October 26 following second service. Thank you for preparing a dish for 10. Come meet and greet other faithful seniors. For more information, call 951217-0732. Quilters meet on October 27 and 28, 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall West. Join in making items for SACHS Clinic and NICU. Share in a potluck both days. LLA students can get community service hours for participation. For information, call Jody Rogers at (909) 799-6941. Community Life Dan Matthews Pastoral Host Greetings _ Karen C. Jara is a business administrator, a certified make-up artist, and film/media/TV student at Riverside City College. We welcome her as a member of the LLUC family. Academy Band Festival Concert is today at 4:00 p.m., La Sierra University Church. This concert caps a three-day festival, featuring students from several academies. The guest clinician and conductor is Andrew Boysen, Jr., of University of New Hampshire. Admission is free. For information, call 951-785-2036. Loma Linda Community Parade and Fair is October 20 beginning at 10:00 a.m. Bring the family for a fun day with games, food, petting zoo, and much more! To reserve a booth, contact Lisa Corrales at Parking fee at LLA benefits the class of 2014. No dogs allowed. LLU Center for Christian Bioethics presents free screenings of “Something the Lord Made,” October 23 and 24, 6:00 p.m. in Room 3113, Centennial Complex. This film tells the true story of an interracial partnership between Dr. Alfred Blalock and Vivien Thomas who together launched a medical revolution. A brief discussion will follow. Children’s Ministry has an urgent need for pianists or guitarists. If you are willing to volunteer to play for a children’s Sabbath School, please contact Shawna Campbell at 909-558-4570, ext. 81536. UReach: Calling expert gardeners, horticulturists, ecologists, and landscapers. Help families grow easymaintenance gardens at home. If you have experience with native Southern California plants, low-water, or urban gardening, we would love to talk with you. Contact UReach via e-mail at davidhutabarat@ or call (909) 796-8357. UReach: Welcome Home Team! UReach is working on forming teams to welcome previously-homeless families to their new homes and build community with them. We are currently looking for someone who is passionate about people to lead this effort. For information, e-mail or call (909) 796-8357. UReach Gratitude Project: If you have any gently used mason jars and/or small cacti or succulents (1–3 inches tall), please call the Ureach office this week at (909) 796-8357. A will is part of the estate planning process, but you will need other documents as well to fully address your estate planning needs. For more information, contact Betsy Matthews at (909) 5584570, ext. 47091. LLU School of Religion’s Humanities Program presents Freud’s Last Session, an adult-themed play centered on Sigmund Freud and C.S. Lewis’ conversations on love, life, the existence of God, and the meaning of life. Performances will be October 25 (7:30 p.m.), 26 (3:00 p.m., 7:30 p.m.), 27 (3:00 p.m.) in Wong Kerlee Peterson Auditorium. Kenneth Wright and Brady Greer Huffman star in this play. Admission is free. German Club will meet October 26, 6:00 p.m. at the home of Mark and Anita Schultz. For information, call (909) 7935479. The North American Division Music Committee for the next General Conference session (July 2–11, 2015), is now accepting applications from musicians/groups desiring to perform. Application forms can be downloaded at Click the “Music Application Packet” tab and follow all directions. Applications will be processed through December 31, 2013.
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