Application Form - Trade - Department of State Development

Application Form - Trade
Qualifying businesses are invited to participate in a business matching program in
Jinan and Qingdao, which aims to facilitate introductions and build connections with
possible trading partners in Shandong.
To qualify to participate, your company must be export ready and have:
• a product or service which has clear potential to meet or create market demand in China;
• strength in the domestic market;
• a sound business reason and strong commitment for pursuing exports to China;
• an export marketing plan based on a reasonable level of research, including an appreciation of your competition;
• supply capability or capacity to lift supply;
• a reasonable level of export knowledge and skills (such as logistics, a pricing model, risk management, export
documentation, and the regulatory environment particular to your product);
• the authority to represent the commercial interests of the business abroad;
• available resources – financial and human to undertake follow ups with potential partners;
• marketing materials for the China market.
To register your interest in participating in the business matching program, please complete the below form and
submit to the Department of State Development with a copy of your export plan.
Once completed registrations are received the Department of State Development will assess the Expressions of Interest
and make contact by mid-April to advise next steps.
Terms and conditions for mission participation should also be read and acknowledged.
Information required
Company/organisation name
Member of any industry associations
or chambers? Please specify:
TradeStart client?
Key contact person/position
Street address
Continued on following page
Information required
Year of establishment
Number of employees
Last financial year turnover
$AUD million
Main products/services and their
selling features
Domestic market position/share/
Supply capacity per month
(state current or potential or both)
Origin of product(s)
Main port(s) of departure
Current main export destinations
and volume
Additional information
e.g. brand story/other selling features/
potential assessed internally
I have read and agree the terms and
conditions of participating in this mission
Please attach a copy of your export plan and return your application to by COB Friday, 27 March 2015.
For enquiries, please email your questions and telephone contact details to