WorldECR Huawei and 68 affiliates placed on Entity List EU: New sanctions for malicious external cyber-attacks 2 13 US announces new secondary sanctions on 15 Iran’s iron, steel, aluminium, and copper sectors Recent developments in Germany 19 Cuba policy in flux: Seven unanswered questions 20 ICPs: Industry as a responsible stakeholder in international trade 22 Global Magnitsky Sanctions: raising the human rights and anti-corruption bar 25 Strategic trade and the darknet markets 30 ISSUE 80. June 2019 News and alerts News and alerts President and BIS target Huawei for ‘activities that are contrary to US national security or foreign policy interest’ The dust has yet to settle after the US president and agencies announced that they were taking action to prevent certain actors, but particularly the Chinese telecoms company Huawei, privileges related to trade in the United States – a series of moves that has already had widespread repercussions within the global telecoms industry. The following charts the developments. 16 May 2019 On 16 May, the US Department of Commerce (‘Commerce’) announced1 that it was issuing a regulatory rule adding Huawei and 68 of its affiliates, located in 26 countries, to the Entity List. It published an advance rule2 which it stated to be effective as at that date. Commerce’s stated reason for its action was that ‘Huawei is engaged in activities that are contrary to US national security or foreign policy interest’, including alleged violations of US sanctions on Iran set out in an indictment released in January 2019. The action appeared to preempt a bipartisan bill introduced in Congress in January 2019 calling for the addition to the Entity List of any Chinese telecoms firm that violates US export controls or sanctions. Restrictions thus placed on Huawei were as follows: Links and notes 1 2 3 4 See: See: See: See: 2 WorldECR the date of the EO is subject to US jurisdiction and which involves property in which a non-US person has an interest can be prohibited, if Commerce has first issued a determination that: Designation of Huawei and its affiliates to the Entity List has already had widespread repercussions within the global telecoms industry. l As of 21 May, both US and non-US companies will be broadly prohibited from exporting or transferring to these 68 Huawei entities any product, software or technology that is of US origin, or that contains more than a de minimis level of US-origin content, without a prior licence (authorisation) from the US Bureau of Industry and Security (‘BIS’) in Commerce. Such products, software and ‘technology’ (as defined in the Export Administration Regulations, ‘EAR’) are referred to in the regulations as ‘items subject to the EAR’. Items that have already been shipped to Huawei and are en route are exempted from the prohibition, so long as they did not previously require a BIS licence. Also on 16 May, reportedly after several months of indecision, President Trump issued an Executive Order on ‘Securing the Information and Communications Technology and Services Supply Chain’ (‘the EO’).3 The EO does not mention China or Huawei but clearly was crafted in a manner to support restrictions on imports of Huawei products and services to the United States. Background to the EO The EO defines the term ‘Foreign Adversaries’ as any non-US person or government ‘engaged in a long-term pattern or serious instances of conduct significantly adverse to’ US national security or the safety of US persons. The EO finds that Foreign Adversaries are ‘creating and exploiting vulnerabilities in’ information and communications technology or services (‘ICTS’) to commit malicious cyberenabled actions, including industrial espionage, against the US and its people. Scope of the EO Accordingly, the EO gives Commerce the authority to make a determination that certain types of transactions involving ICTS and non-US entities will be prohibited. Any transaction that is initiated or completed after l any of the ICTS involved in the transaction was manufactured or supplied by a person subject to the jurisdiction of a Foreign Adversary, AND l the transaction poses an undue risk of ‘sabotage to or subversion of’ ICTS’ in the US, an ‘undue risk of catastrophic effects on the security’ of US infrastructure or the US digital economy or ‘otherwise poses an unacceptable risk to’ US national security or the safety of US persons. Temporary general licence On 20 May, BIS issued a temporary general licence (‘TGL’)4 authorising the following four types of transactions for a 90-day period through 19 August 2019: l Transactions necessary to maintain and support networks and equipment ‘currently fully operational’, pursuant to agreements in place with any of the 68 Huawei entities on or before 16 May 2019. l Transactions necessary for service or support, including software updates and patches, to ‘existing Huawei handsets’, which appears to mean existing models of Huawei devices that were already being News and alerts manufactured and sold to the public as of 16 May 2019. l Disclosure of information regarding security vulnerabilities in items owned or controlled by any of the 68 Huawei entities, as part of ‘ongoing security research critical to maintaining the integrity and reliability of’ fully operational networks and equipment, as well as handsets’. l Engagement with the 68 Huawei entities ‘necessary for the development of 5G standards as part of duly recognized international standards bodies’ such as the IEEE, ISO, ITU and GSMA.’ In a client briefing, lawyers at Jacobson, Burton, Kelley PLLC (‘JBK’) commented: ‘It should be noted that the authorization provided by the TGL only covers the restrictions imposed by the Entity List action. It does not lift any other restriction on a transaction imposed by other provisions of the regulations, including general BIS export licensing requirements applicable to the Huawei entities before they were added to the Entity List. ‘We recommend that companies relying upon the TGL review it closely and take appropriate care to ensure that any products, software or technology they provide to Huawei going forward either (i) fall outside the scope of the Entity List restrictions completely, or (ii) fall squarely within the terms of the TGL. ‘Being confident regarding the analysis of transactions covered by the TGL is particularly important because the TGL requires that a company complete and maintain in its own files a written 3 WorldECR News and alerts “certification statement” before engaging in a transaction with Huawei in reliance on the TGL. The statement must “specify” how the relevant export, reexport or transfer to export control measures while making “national security” a catch-all phrase. ‘We urge the US to stop its wrong practices, create conditions for Chinese and American companies to was reported to have reversed its decision. On 22 May, the BBC reported that UK company ARM (part of the Softbank Group) had instructed employees to halt ‘all active ‘We oppose the act of any country to impose unilateral sanctions on Chinese entities based on its domestic laws, and to abuse export control measures while making “national security” a catch-all phrase.’ China’s foreign ministry Huawei “meets the scope of” the TGL. ‘We also recommend being alert for changes in the TGL. It is likely that before the end of its 90 day period on August 19 the TGL will be modified (either broadened or cut back), and it could be extended or even terminated early.’ According to JBK, companies exporting US products or technologies to China should ‘take care to review their customers for any of the covered Huawei affiliates. Attempted and actual shipments to parties on the Entity List without a BIS license have accounted for a large number of BIS enforcement cases over the past few years.’ The fall-out China has responded tersely to the move. At a 16 May press conference, foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang said, ‘We ask our companies to follow the laws and regulations on export control and fulfill our due international obligations. We ask our companies to observe local laws and policies when doing business overseas. But at the same time, we oppose the act of any country to impose unilateral sanctions on Chinese entities based on its domestic laws, and to abuse carry out normal trade and cooperation, and avoid causing more damage to bilateral economic and trade ties. The Chinese side will take necessary measures to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of our companies.’ Huawei itself has called the restriction ‘unreasonable’ but said it was willing to work with the US government to arrive at ‘measures to ensure product security’. It added: ‘Restricting Huawei from doing business in the US will not make the US more secure or stronger; instead, this will only serve to limit the US to inferior yet more expensive alternatives, leaving the US lagging behind in 5G deployment, and eventually harming the interests of US companies and consumers .... In addition, unreasonable restrictions will infringe upon Huawei’s rights and raise other serious legal issues.’ One of the first of Huawei’s partners to announce a response to the Entity List designation was Google, which is responsible for the Android operating system used in Huawei handsets. The company said that it would be immediately cutting ties with Huawei. Following the publication of the TGL, however, Google contracts, support entitlements, and any pending engagements’ with Huawei. ARM licenses technology that lies at the heart of global mobile phone processors. Being denied access to such technology, it’s been reported, could cause significant problems for Huawei. Indeed, a slew of companies have announced that they’re terminating agreements with Huawei, or at least taking a ‘wait and see’ position. Mobile operator EE told WorldECR, ‘We’re currently holding back our launch of the new Huawei 5G smartphones coming to market. We’re working with Huawei and Google to make sure we can carry out the right level of testing and quality assurance so our customers have a great experience with any smartphones we range in the future. We’ll provide updates on any future smartphones in due course.’ Telecoms giant Ericsson says that it’s exploring the implications of the EO: ‘Ericsson is aware of the Executive Order signed by the President of the United States and that one of our competitors has been placed on the so-called Entity list. As a global company with business in 180 countries, we always analyse the potential News and alerts effects of new national legislation or administration orders targeting our industry. If required, we will take measures to comply with the Executive Order and the conditions which apply for companies on the Entity List.’ Wonks wildly speculating Beside the compliance implications, there are emerging discussions as to whether the designation is justified, or the latest instalment of the Trump administration’s muscular but over-enthusiastic use of the tools at its disposal with which to make a mark on the world stage. As one adviser told WorldECR: ‘The true motive behind the move remains unclear, leaving all us hacks and wonks wildly speculating…’ Helsinki-based consultant Aleksi Pursainen, former global head of trade compliance at Nokia News and alerts Corporation and chief sanctions counsel at the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, observed: ‘Some are saying that the move is clearly and purely politically motivated, intended as a show of strength towards China, one more piece of leverage employed by the “Artist of the Deal”. But these commentators overlook the fact that the charges that have been brought against Huawei indicate that there is reasonable cause to believe that it has engaged in behaviour that amounts to intentional, sustained, and systematic violations of several US export control and sanctions regulations. While the company and its executives have not been proven guilty of anything, and of course deserve the presumption of innocence under criminal law, smaller companies have ended up on the Entity List for much, much less.’ Pursainen suggested it would be ‘naive to say that this is just BIS business as usual’ given the timing of the measure, and the size of company targeted which were ‘eye-brow raising,’ as was the lack of moderation: ‘For instance, the US could have tailored the export restrictions to primarily target Huawei’s telecom infrastructure business, where the most egregious violations are alleged to have taken place. To do so, they could have exempted items such as mass-market software products used in mobile phones and even hardware components for such devices, and still prohibited sales of powerful high-tech components used in infrastructure. But instead they decided to cover all items subject to the EAR, which includes any old innocent consumer app as long as it is developed in the US, or even just downloaded from a US server – causing heavy damage to the strategically much less significant smartphone business. All this suggests that Commerce wanted to hit Huawei as hard and as indiscriminately as it possibly could.’ Pursainen noted the wry (tweeted) observation of a Finnish MP-turned commentator that, perhaps, Europeans ‘should also avoid dependence on US technology, given that the US can prohibit its use without notice whenever its economy’s competitiveness is threatened’. But he said this belies the truth that US allies will accept the United States’ vigorous use of trade controls up to the point that the US starts to exploit its export control and sanctions powers for domestic or trade policy purposes, at which point ‘the measures and their extraterritorial effects lose whatever legitimacy or grudging acceptance they have enjoyed.’ New cybersanctions regimes for European Union On 17 May 2019, the Council of the European Union established a framework which allows the EU to ‘impose targeted restrictive measures to deter and respond to cyberattacks which constitute an external threat to the EU or its Member States, including cyber-attacks against third States or international organisations where restricted measures are considered necessary to achieve the objectives of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP).’ The Council says that the kinds of attacks that fall within the scope of the regime are those which ‘have significant impact’ and l originate or are carried 4 WorldECR out from outside the EU, or l use infrastructure outside the EU, or l are carried out by persons or entities established or operating outside the EU, or l are carried out with the support of persons or entities operating outside the EU. The framework allows the EU to impose sanctions on ‘persons or entities that are responsible for cyber-attacks or attempted cyber-attacks, who provide financial, technical or material support for such attacks or who are involved in other ways. Sanctions may also be imposed on persons or entities associated with them.’ UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said: ‘Over the last two years, we have seen a significant increase in the scale and severity of malicious cyber activity globally. The UK has been clear that it will not tolerate malicious cyber activity of this nature.’ Persistent threat Export control/sanctions consultant Richard Tauwhare told WorldECR that the measures resulted ‘from a diplomatic push by Britain and the Netherlands after they reportedly found hard evidence of cyberattacks last year by Russia’s military intelligence service, the GRU, and by a Chinese state-linked group, Advanced Persistent Threat 10. These fit a broader pattern of sophisticated computer attacks against Western democracy, critical infrastructure and commercial interests, believed to originate primarily in Russia, China and North Korea.’ The measures, said Tauwhare, are designed to enable the EU to respond quickly to future attacks, rather than rely on the existing system based on country lists that are complex to negotiate. The timing, he pointed out, was not accidental: ‘It is no coincidence that the measures were adopted only days before the European Parliament elections to be held on May 23-26, to deter any attempts to undermine the vote, for example with disinformation campaigns,’ he said. News and alerts News and alerts US withdrawal from ATT ‘will make it harder to convince others to join’ In a speech delivered to the National Rifle Association (‘America’s longest-standing civil rights organisation’) and published 26 April, President Trump said that the United States would not ratify the ‘misguided’ Arms Trade Treaty, telling the US Senate on 29 April: ‘I have concluded that it is not in the interest of the United States to become a party to the Arms Trade Treaty. I have, therefore, decided to withdraw the aforementioned treaty from the Senate and accordingly request that it be returned to me.’ An accompanying ‘fact sheet’ published by the White House explained: ‘President Trump has pledged to defend America’s sovereignty and always put America first and this decision follows through on that pledge. The President has repeatedly acted to protect and preserve our sovereignty, including by taking strong action to head off possible investigation of United States military and intelligence personnel by the International Criminal Court. ‘There is a track record of the ATT being used by President Trump: ‘[I]t is not in the interest of the United States to become a party to the Arms Trade Treaty.’ groups to try and overturn sovereign national decisions on arms exports. For example, organizations sued the United Kingdom under the treaty to try and prevent a legal transfer of arms to Saudi Arabia. ‘By announcing the United States will not join the ATT, President Trump is ensuring this agreement will not become a platform to threaten Americans’ Second Amendment rights. ‘The United States export controls have long been considered the gold standard for engaging in responsible arms trading and we will continue to use them under our own laws. The ATT is simply not needed for the United States to engage in responsible arms trade.’ In a statement, the UK Foreign Office said it ‘regretted’ the US decision: ‘The ATT is the only legally binding treaty, regulating and promoting legitimate and responsible trade in conventional arms. It remains a unique and valuable instrument. ‘We will continue to work with the US, as responsible arms trade partners, on tackling illicit arms transfers and ensuring the right conditions for a responsible, legitimate arms trade. We continue to encourage other states to join the Treaty, this is important for the ATT to function effectively, and we continue to support and encourage implementation of the ATT by existing and new States Parties.’ Mark Bromley, Director Dual-Use and Arms Trade Control Programme at The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (‘SIPRI’), told WorldECR that there was a degree of irony in that ‘…a lot of effort was made to craft a treaty that the US could live with and abide by, and it seems like that was a bit of a waste of effort now. It’s nothing really about the content of the treaty, it’s just the idea of there being any kind of treaty that the US is party to that references military equipment that they seem to be objecting to.’ The decision, he said, would make it harder to convince other major powers like India, Russia, and China, to join the treaty. ‘Those types of states are often looking to see what the US is doing and are responding based on which way the US is leaning. The US clearly indicating that they’re withdrawing from the treaty now is probably going to make their signature and accession processes even more challenging.’ Jobs – not Iranian government – hardest hit by metals sanctions On 8 May, President Trump issued an executive order authorising secondary sanctions against non-US companies and financial institutions who engage in or facilitate ‘significant’ transactions related to the iron, steel, aluminium and copper sectors of Iran’s economy. Individuals and entities thus sanctionable were granted a nine-day grace period in which to wind down their dealings. The impact of the move on the Iran government is moot, say analysts. Writing for Bourse & Bazaar, Esfandyar Batmanghelidj (founder of the Europe-Iran 5 WorldECR Forum) notes that Iran’s finished metals industry accounts for the same share of exports as Iran’s vegetable industry: ‘The largest product group in metals exports, semi-finished iron (USD 503 million), earns Iran less than the largest product group in the food industry, nuts (USD 649 million).’ Moreover, he adds, Iran is already struggling to repatriate foreign exchange revenues because of the sanctions-related constraints on banking, and that, had cutting access to foreign exchange been an aim of the legislation, ‘a waiver system like that formerly in place for oil exports, in which Iran’s earnings would accrue in tightly controlled escrow accounts, would have sufficed.’ Batmanghelidj suggested that the underlying logic of the move is that it reaches more Iranian citizens: the metals and mining industry is one of the country’s most important providers of jobs, directly employing 600,000, while the automotive sector, the largest consumer of Iranian steel, employs a further 1 million workers – a combined total of just over 6% of the total workforce. News and alerts News and alerts Europe divergent on Saudi arms exports The High Court of England & Wales heard an appeal in April, brought by the Campaign Against Arms Trade (‘CAAT’), which seeks to overturn a 2017 High Court judgment allowing the UK government to continue to export arms to Saudi Arabia for use in Yemen. The appellants argued that the decision to grant export licences ‘was against UK arms export policy, which clearly states that the government must deny such licences if there is a “clear risk” that the arms “might” be used in ‘a serious violation of International Humanitarian Law’. On 7 April, the United Nations humanitarian coordinator for Yemen said there had been reports that ‘as many as eleven civilians, including five students, were killed and scores of civilians injured in Shu’aub District in Sana’a City,’ in an incident that Houthi rebels have attributed to a Saudi airstrike. On 24 April, UK foreign office minister Mark Field told parliament: ‘British officials have raised this incident with Saudi officials, who have denied publicly that an airstrike took place, and British officials are urgently seeking information from all credible sources. We…continue to existing joint projects with European partners will be exempt via general licences provided they meet strict conditions. These conditions include: Saudi Arabia’s airstrikes in Yemen have resulted in protests and the cancellation of defence exports in some European countries. call on all parties to the conflict in Yemen to exercise restraint, comply fully with international humanitarian law and implement the Stockholm Agreement without delay in order to improve the humanitarian situation in Yemen.’ It is known that EU Member States are taking different approaches to licencing exports to Saudi – interrupting some defence supply chains. In a client briefing published earlier this year, lawyers at Hogan Lovells noted that the arms embargo imposed by Germany following the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi ‘strained ties with allies such as France and the UK, because it stopped them selling military equipment to Saudi Arabia that was developed jointly, or shipping arms that contained German components.’ The briefing further noted: ‘On 28 March 2019, the German government extended its arms embargo against Saudi Arabia for a further six months, to 30 September 2019. During this time, no new export applications will be approved. However, following extensive discussions with France and the UK, the German government has now agreed that the ban will no longer apply to existing joint projects with European partners. ‘Under the compromise, the ban will be extended for another six months but Turkey ‘preparing’ for US sanctions Turkey's defence minister has told reporters that the country is ‘preparing for potential US sanctions over its purchase of Russian S-400 missile defence systems, even while he said there was some improvement in talks with the United States over buying F-35 fighter jets.’ The United States has warned Turkey that it may face secondary sanctions under the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (‘CAATSA’) if it presses on with the 6 WorldECR deal. Turkey has said it expected US President Donald Trump to protect it. Lebanon News reported Turkish Defence Minister Hulusi Akar as saying: ‘We are doing whatever normal bilateral agreements mandate. Though there are some issues from time to time, we are pleased that there has been no sharp turn until now... Turkey is also making preparations for the potential implementation of CAATSA sanctions.’ 1. no finished weapons systems may be shipped to Saudi Arabia or the UAE until the end of the year, and 2. jointly produced weapons delivered to Saudi Arabia or the UAE must not be used in the war in Yemen. ‘Internal debates of the German government on the export ban have been going on over the course of the past months and so far only shorter, preliminary extensions were agreed.’ Cruel rhetoric Andrew Smith of the UKbased Campaign Against the Arms Trade told WorldECR: ‘The war in Yemen would not have been possible without the political and military support of Western governments such as the US and UK. Some European governments have taken action to reduce the arms sales, but others, such as France and Italy have continued arming the Saudi regime.’ He added: ‘The rhetoric of a lot of European governments is significantly better than the reality. It wasn’t the humanitarian crisis in Yemen that forced the German government to withhold weapons, it was the murder of Jamal Khashoggi [which was] an appalling crime, but it should not have taken that to make European governments question if it is right or wrong to arm one of the most brutal and repressive dictatorships in the world.’ News and alerts News and alerts Canadian companies fear consequences of withdrawal of Title III waiver The US government’s decision to withdraw the Title III waiver of the Helms-Burton Act could have ‘massive’ consequences for Canadian companies doing business directly or indirectly with Cuba, Toronto-based trade lawyer John Boscariol has told WorldECR. Title III of the HelmsBurton Act authorises US nationals with claims to confiscated property in Cuba to file suit against persons that may be ‘trafficking’ in that property but has been waived by every US president since the Act came into force in 1996. As reported in last month’s issue, in April, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the waiver would be ending with immediate effect. Boscariol told WorldECR that three factors in particular combine to potentially hit Canadian companies hard: l ‘extraterritorial reach — it can apply to companies who have no operations in the US, whose activities occur entirely outside the US, who have no US ownership, who don’t employ any US citizens/residents and who don’t handle any US-origin goods or technology; is very l trafficking broadly defined to include not only direct dealings in confiscated property, but also the conduct of business with the owners of such property – for example, indirect activities, such as purchasing from or selling to traffickers, could be considered to be either “engaging in a commercial activity ... otherwise benefiting 7 WorldECR Canada has a blocking regulation which prohibits Canadian companies from complying with the US trade embargo of Cuba. from confiscated property” or “profiting from trafficking”; l the availability of treble damages that can be awarded to Title III plaintiffs suing Canadian companies.’ While Boscariol said that ‘Some complacency had set in around potential exposure of the Canadian business community to these measures,’ he pointed out that in 1997 Canada implemented a number of counter-measures, still in force today, which provide that: Helms-Burton Title III judgments shall not be recognised or enforced in Canadian courts; Canadian companies who have had damages awarded against them in the United States may claim an equivalent amount of damages from the US Title III plaintiff in Canada (i.e., a ‘clawback’); and that Canadian Title III defendants may recover their costs from US plaintiffs even before a judgment has been issued in the US. Boscariol suggested also that Canadian companies subject to Helms-Burton remedies may ‘think about challenging such action under NAFTA Chapter 11 – at least while NAFTA remains in force (as USMCA [the United States-MexicoCanada Agreement], its proposed replacement, eliminates the investor-state dispute settlement mechanism as between Canada and the United States).’ Boscariol suggested also that Canadian companies need to be mindful of Canada’s blocking order (under the Foreign Extraterritorial Measures Act) which prohibits Canadian companies from complying with the US trade embargo of Cuba and requires ‘any directions received by the Canadian company in respect of the embargo to be notified immediately to Canada’s Attorney General’. Canada has issued a joint statement with the EU declaring that Canada and the EU are ‘determined to work together to protect the interests of our companies in the context of the WTO’, but, said Boscariol, ‘A WTO challenge will likely be met with an attempt by the US to rely on the GATT Article XXI national security exception – an exception that has recently been clarified (and narrowly interpreted I would argue) in the WTO panel decision in Russia — Measures Concerning Traffic in Transit.’ For the latter case, see: Nord Stream 2 sanctions ‘on their way’ The US government will shortly be imposing sanctions on companies involved in the Nord Stream 2 gas project, Reuters reports US energy secretary Rick Perry as having told journalists during his trip to Ukraine for the inauguration ceremony of comedian-turned-president Volodymyr Zelensky. Critics of Nord Stream 2 argue that it will make the European Union reliant on Russian gas to meet its energy demands. According to Reuters, Perry said: ‘The opposition to Nord Stream 2 is still very much alive and well in the United States. The United States Senate is going to pass a bill, the House is going to approve it, and it’s going to go to the President and he’s going to sign it, that is going to put sanctions on Nord Stream 2.’ The news agency also reported a spokeswoman for the German Economy Ministry as saying that it had ‘taken note of the threat of U.S. sanctions being placed on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project [but that] that Berlin rejected sanctions that have extraterritorial effect.’ Nord Stream 2 AG describes itself as a ‘project company established for planning, construction and subsequent operation of the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline. The company is based in Zug, Switzerland and owned by Public Joint Stock Company (PJSC) Gazprom. PJSC Gazprom is the largest supplier of natural gas in the world, accounting for approximately 15 percent of world gas production.’ News and alerts News and alerts ‘Integrate compliance into M&A’ – OFAC ‘Compliance functions should also be integrated into the merger, acquisition, and integration process. Whether in an advisory capacity or as a participant, the organization engages in appropriate due diligence to ensure that sanctionsrelated issues are identified, escalated to the relevant senior levels, addressed prior to the conclusion of any transaction, and incorporated into the organization’s risk assessment process.’ So says a recent document published by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (‘OFAC’), the purpose of which, says OFAC, is to ‘provide organizations subject to U.S. jurisdiction, as well as foreign entities that conduct business in or with the United States or U.S. persons, or that use U.S.origin goods or services, with a framework on the essential components of a sanctions compliance program.’ Risk-based approach The document, ‘A Framework for OFAC Compliance Commitments’, says that OFAC ‘strongly encourages’ entities subject to its jurisdiction ‘to employ a risk-based approach to sanctions compliance by developing, implementing, and routinely updating a sanctions compliance program (SCP)… ‘While each risk-based SCP will vary depending on a variety of factors – including the company’s size and sophistication, products and services, customers and counterparties, and geographic locations – each program should be predicated on and incorporate at least five essential components of compliance: (1) management commitment; (2) risk assessment; (3) internal controls; (4) testing and auditing; and (5) training.’ Further guidance includes: ‘If after conducting an investigation and determining that a civil monetary penalty (CMP) is the appropriate administrative action in response to an apparent violation, the Office of Compliance and Enforcement (OCE) will determine which of the following or other elements should be incorporated into the subject person’s SCP as part of any accompanying settlement agreement, as appropriate…When applying the Guidelines to a given factual situation, OFAC will consider favorably subject persons that had effective SCPs at the time of an apparent violation.’ UK exporter fined for unlicensed brokering The United Kingdom’s Export Control Joint Unit has announced that Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (‘HMRC’) ‘has recently issued a compound penalty of £10,234.26 to a UK exporter/trader.’ The penalty, it says, was in relation to unlicensed trading of body armour, and while the goods were not exported from the UK, ‘the transaction involved a UK national.’ UK government guidance states that it regards ‘brokering services’ as constituting ‘the selling or buying of dual-use items or the deal, negotiation or transaction for purchasing or supplying dual-use items from a third country to any other third country. ‘In practice, brokering could include the following activities – this list is not exhaustive: l arranging supply from overseas factories/ warehouses; l arranging intra-company transfers; The CFIUS Book l drop shipping; l acting as a “project manager” for a project in one third country who sources supplies for that project in other third countries. ‘Brokering, under the regulation, does not include ancillary services (defined as “transportation, financial services, insurance or reinsurance or general advertising or promotion”).’ CFIUS䩛ⱃ A guide on how to navigate an investment or acquisition in sensitive industries or companies in the United States. English and Chinese language versions available 8 WorldECR 綘鳓罏Reid Whitten 〄䋒罏WorldECR News feature: Japan News feature: Japan Eastern approaches Japan’s export control system is shaped by its war and post-war experiences – but shifts to the geopolitical landscape augur subtle change, as WorldECR discovers. I t is for good reason that the USChina trade war – escalated in early May by President Trump’s announcement of a 25% tariff on thousands of Chinese goods – is being closely monitored by Japan. Trade with China and the United States accounted for 19.5% and 19% respectively of Japan’s total exports in 2018, compared to 7.1% from its third-largest trading partner, South Korea. Interdependence cuts across industries: electronics manufacturers use factories in China to assemble components, whilst China is the largest supplier of the mineral mica to Japanese cosmetic companies. Japan also uses US-origin components in its cars, electronic goods and other technologies. ‘Currently what is happening with China is perhaps getting more attention than export controls or sanctions on North Korea,’ says Crystal Pryor, programme director and research fellow focused on USJapan relations and strategic trade controls at research institute Pacific Forum. Pacific origins Japan has exercised strict export controls for more than 70 years, under the precepts of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act 1949, the equivalents of the US Export Administration Act (‘EAA’) and Arms Export Control Act (‘AECA’), respectively. Emerging as a pacifist society in the aftermath of World War II, Japan eschewed military exports, but allowed a substantial defence industry to flourish, producing sophisticated arms and equipment for the domestic SelfDefense Forces (‘SDF’). It also built up a considerable trade in dual-use goods. In 2014 the principles upon which exports were based were revised to allow defence equipment and technologies to be exported under strict conditions: as a contribution to peace, and in Japan’s national interest. These rules, the ‘Three Principles on Defense Equipment Transfers’, were designed to enable the Japanese 9 WorldECR defence industry to enter global markets. In the same vein a new defence procurement agency was formed, The Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency (‘ATLA’), to assist with defence exports. According to figures from Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and In 2014 the principles upon which exports were based were revised to allow defence equipment and technologies to be exported under strict conditions. Industry (‘METI’), there were 15 exports under the new principles in 2015, rising to 25 in 2017, which included the transfer to the United States of software and parts related to the Aegis Combat System, and the transfer of Patriot PAC-2 parts – seeker gyro, warning and control radars. But the sealing of multi-billiondollar defence deals has remained generally elusive: in 2016 Japan lost out to France in a lucrative deal to supply a fleet of submarines to Australia despite being tipped as the frontrunner. To date, no major defence deals have been secured. ‘Despite the new guidelines, the detailed rules and procedures on exporting defence equipment and technology were not clear to Japanese companies,’ says Kazuho Nakajima, from Tokyo-based law firm Nishimura & Asahi. ‘For instance, it was not clear to what extent Japanese companies could disclose technical information to potential customers.’ This ambiguity has made Japanese suppliers less competitive than their global rivals. ‘These issues have gradually been resolved, but the number of exports by Japanese companies is limited,’ he says. News feature: Japan More use of external counsel? Exporters with business in Japan will notice the limited role that external counsel plays in the export control process. Contrary to common practice in the US and Europe, where in-house counsel draw on the expertise of law firms or consultancies on tricky issues, the influence of external counsel and other advisers is marginal. This is due to the proactive stance on interpreting export control policy taken by two influential Japanese institutions: METI and the Center for Information on Security Trade Control (‘CISTEC’). CISTEC and METI co-operate closely (CISTEC was initially established by METI, becoming a private organisation after 2010) but the two are not interlinked. ‘Many corporations here have export control divisions, sometimes within their legal departments or outside their legal departments, depending on the corporation,’ says Go Hashimoto, partner at Atsumi & Sakai. ‘Professionals trained on the job in these divisions and departments draw on the vast resources made available by METI, functioning without external assistance or advice.’ That said, Hashimoto reports a gradual shift towards the use of external counsel as trade issues become more politicised, ‘which is beyond the expertise possessed by traditional Japanese in-house export control professionals,’ he says. Japanese companies are wary of entangling themselves with US national security concerns and referrals to private practice are on the rise as a result. CISTEC is a unique concept in the export control world. It was founded in 1989 after ‘the Toshiba incident’ – when the electronics manufacturer was found to have exported state-of-the-art machinery tools to Cold War Russia – a revelation that prompted a shake-up of the existing Japanese export control system. With membership of around 500 companies and research institutes, CISTEC aims to serve as a ‘linkage channel’ between industry, government and exporters on trade controls, providing seminars, training and consultation services explaining Japan’s complex export control laws and ordinances. Its guidance is necessary. Although Japan seeks to incorporate the multilateral export control regimes, such as the Wassenaar 10 WorldECR News feature: Japan Recent strategic trade developments in Japan l The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (‘METI’) announced on 9 April 2019 that the Japanese Cabinet had approved a revision to Appended Table 3-2 of the Export Trade Control Order (Cabinet Order No.378 of 1949; the ‘Export Order’) and added South Sudan to the list of the areas subject to strict export control (areas against which arms and other embargoes have been imposed by the UN Security Council) in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2428. If an export destination is a target area specified in Appended Table 3-2 of the Export Order, exports are more strictly controlled than those for other areas (Article 4 (1) (iii)-(iv) under the Export Trade Control Order). Enforcement of the Revised Export Order took effect 12 April 2019 l In April, Japan updated the Foreign Users List (equivalent to the United States SDN list), adding five entities. l METI has extended the ban on all exports destined for North Korea, and all imports originating in or shipped from North Korea, in line with the ‘Measures against North Korea Pursuant to the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act’ (decided by the Cabinet on April 9, 2019). The law holds that: ‘ 1. The ban on all exports of goods destined for North Korea will be extended by imposing the requirement that exporters obtain export approval from the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry (related article: Article 48, Paragraph 3 of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act; hereinafter referred to as the ‘Act’). 2. The ban on all imports of goods originating in or shipped from North Korea will be extended by imposing the requirement that importers obtain import approval from the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry (related article: Article 52 of the Act). 3. To ensure the enforcement of these restrictions, the following transactions shall be banned: i. Transactions involving buying/selling, loaning/borrowing, or giving of goods that involve the movement of the goods between North Korea and third countries (intermediate trade) (related article: Article 25, Paragraph 6 of the Act); and ii. Payments of import bills for goods originating in or shipped from North Korea which are imported without import approval (related article: Article 16, Paragraph 5 of the Act). 4. Goods exported for humanitarian purposes are exempt from the above restrictions.’ These restrictions entered into effect on 14 April 2019 and end on 13 April 2021. Arrangement, there is still uncertainty for exporters arising from inconsistencies with export practice in the US and EU. CISTEC provides copies of up-todate regulations and tools such as parameter sheets and item-by-item comparison tables. To bridge the gap between the EU classification numbering system and that of Japan – currently being harmonised – CISTEC maintains a detailed correlation table of Japan’s classification numbers and their EU counterparts. ‘CISTEC is very good at dealing with issues at the customs level, but companies are increasingly looking to private practice to help them interpret international trade policy,’ says one Japanese export control professional. News feature: Japan Looking west Japanese businesses are outwardfacing and conscious of the need to keep up to date with changes to external export control regimes. ‘Companies are very much interested in non-Japanese export control developments, both in the US and in the EU,’ says Junko Suetomi at Baker McKenzie’s Tokyo affiliate, Gaikokuho Joint Enterprise. ‘We regularly provide EU export control seminars to certain clients for example, as many international companies have activities in the EU and are concerned with EU regulations.’ Rapidly evolving US export control requirements are also closely scrutinised, especially the re-export regulations, as many Japanese businesses export goods, services or technologies that incorporate USorigin components. The extraterritorial nature of US sanctions is a fundamental concern: ‘Almost all Japanese companies were forced to terminate or suspend business with or in Iran as a result of the re-imposition of sanctions by the US,’ says Nakajima. The US’s punitive stance towards ZTE and Huawei has also posed a dilemma for Japanese businesses trading with these technology companies. Japan’s status as an Asian supply-chain superpower means its industries are closely entwined with China: ‘Although Japanese companies do not directly trade with North Korea, they sometimes find that their Chinese trading partners may have a connection with North Korea, such as exporting goods to North Korea, or employing labourers from there,’ says Nakajima. ‘In these cases, Japanese companies suspend business with such Chinese companies until they are able to verify that they have no connection with North Korea.’ Like other major exporting countries, Japan is closely following the progress of the US Bureau of Industry and Security (‘BIS’) review on imposing new export controls on emerging technologies. In March, Japan’s Minister for Industry expressed concern in the Japanese national press that the inclusion of artificial intelligence (‘AI’) and biotechnology in the definition of advanced technology that will be subject to export controls will have a negative impact on Japanese industry – as Japanese companies export products to China that use technology 11 WorldECR News feature: Japan developed in the US, such as cars equipped with AI driver aids. ‘The US seems to target armsembargoed countries mainly, but with the new export controls, we have concerns over potential problematic cases such as re-export regulations from Japan to China, deemed export regulations within US companies, and deemed export regulations within ‘The government and private sectors are becoming more attuned to US and European export control compliance and regulations.’ Japanese companies, e.g., how to work with Chinese employees,’ says Moe Kato, assistant senior researcher in the exporter services department at CISTEC. If the US goes ahead with greater control on emerging tech, it is likely that Japan will follow: ‘METI’s official in charge of export control has indicated the possibility of expanding the scope of technologies subject to export control in response to the US Export Control Reform Act (‘ECRA’), while noting that the government should not excessively hinder crossborder activities that would advance future innovations,’ says Nakajima. The Japanese government has demonstrated that it is prepared to address regulatory gaps that put Japan at a competitive disadvantage. In March it responded to concerns that Japanese universities could fall foul of increased US and Chinese regulation of projects involving controlled technology by announcing the formation of new guidelines, in line with its Comprehensive Strategy on Science, Technology and Innovation, released by the Cabinet in June 2018. The move aims to extend the culture of export control compliance found in government bodies and companies to universities focused on joint study projects with foreign enterprises. Looking east CISTEC has expressed reservations about China’s proposed new export control law, which includes provisions for deemed export and re-export regulation. CISTEC’s response to the proposed legislation, published in January 2018, notes that the concept of ‘re-export controls as a whole’ is ‘questionable from the perspective of international law’. If a licence is required to re-export products containing goods imported from China, ‘using Chinese products will become a risk and it will create a strong incentive in industrial sectors in foreign countries to avoid using them.’ CISTEC also has concerns over the wide definition of a ‘foreign country’ in China’s proposed deemed export regulation. ‘We are watching the coming new law closely to see if it will include deemed export regulation and re-export regulation because they will affect business response significantly,’ says Kato. That said, private practitioners report that clients are currently more concerned with the wider ramifications of US-China relations than the niceties of specific export control regimes. The future Following the 2014 reform of export control policy, it is possible that the established focus on dual-use goods will widen to encourage the export of defence equipment and technological information, albeit under the strictures of the revised Three Principles. This is despite developments in Japan moving at ‘a glacial speed’, according to one market commentator. ‘It is fair to say that the relaxation of the Three Principles regarding defence equipment exportation, coupled with the shift in the country’s defence policy per se, is affecting the sentiment here resulting in public statements reflecting these changes,’ says Hashimoto. ‘The government and private sectors are becoming more attuned to US and European export control compliance and regulations. New standards are still in the making and change is in the air, it feels,’ he says. News and alerts News and alerts Tank Talk News and research from the export control, non-proliferation and policy world Tit for tat terror designation ‘not good for Centcom’ Writing for the Royal United Services Institute (‘RUSI’), fellow Christopher Galvin writes that the decision of the US government to designate Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (‘IRGC’) as a terrorist organisation, and Iran’s corresponding threat of retaliation in kind towards the United States Central Command (‘CENTCOM’) and its affiliate and allied troops, could have profound consequences for the latter in the event of a US-Iran war. Galvin writes that the ‘exchange’ of designations ‘could have an impact on the proper application jus in bello, the cumulative body of laws which govern the conduct of combatants in warfare’: ‘While a potential retaliatory move was envisioned by Pentagon officials, the Iranian Supreme National Security Council’s decision to designate CENTCOM as a terrorist organisation … effectively means that in the event of armed conflict, Tehran has provided itself with room for a legal justification to deny appropriate protection to combatants as required under international humanitarian law, and that could have a severe impact on the potential treatment of CENTCOM personnel which may fall into Iranian captivity. ‘Such an Iranian manoeuvre would clearly be disregarding of the fact that CENTCOM – as an established military command of a regular armed force or an established state – is evidently not a terrorist organisation.’ Arms Control: What went wrong? Depending on their extent, the introduction of export control restrictions on emerging technologies by US lawmakers could deeply impact US exports, find Stephen Ezell and Caleb Foote, in a report written for the Washington DC-based Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (‘ITIF’). The report, which includes a state-by-state evaluation of the potential economic harm of new controls argues: ‘Although the U.S. government is right to act to 12 WorldECR prevent defense-related technologies from being adopted by potential adversaries, BIS should be cautious in its application of export controls to emerging technologies. Moreover, the export control regime should be established in order to protect U.S. national security interests without placing U.S. competitiveness in emerging technologies at risk. ‘Broad export controls would reduce the revenues domestic firms rely on to invest in the technologies that allow them to stay competitive in the long term while providing employment, thereby threatening jobs across the United States. Instead, restrictions should be constructed to target specific military technologies as narrowly as possible while BIS evaluates the potential of coordinated international action, which is necessary for any export control regime to be effective.’ Response needed fast to threat posed by hypersonic weapons In December 2018, writes Torben Schütz of Berlin’s DGAP thinktank, Russia tested a new weapon system, ‘a nuclear-capable hypersonic glide vehicle named Avangard, which President Putin described as a “wonderful, perfect New Year’s gift for the country”.’ The test, he said, ‘was only the latest step in a dynamic [that possesses the] serious characteristics of an arms race; a situation where two or more actors are developing specific weapons with reference to developments of the other.’ When operational, says Schütz, hypersonic weapon systems will alter the global strategic landscape. ‘They will compress reaction times, increase ambiguity of military actions, and may lead to the weaponization of space. With no effective defenses against such systems in sight, all actors will face less stability – regardless of whether or not they field hypersonic weapon systems themselves. Germany and Europe should explore options to mitigate these risks through arms control, export controls, and confidence-building measures.’ The real conundrum posed by such weapons, he argues, is that they ‘could be used to conduct decapitation strikes or first-strikes on strategic [targets] that would endanger the delicate equilibrium between the nuclear powers that evolved with the conception of second-strike capabilities and doctrines such as Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD).’ Widespread interest in the technology – currently being developed by Russia, the United States and China, but with others such as France and Japan looking at civilian applications – makes proliferation ‘likely’. But how best should it be controlled? ‘Arms control instruments, non-proliferation treaties, confidence and security-building measures (CSBMs) and the build-up of advanced defense systems are the primary options for Germany and Europe to react to the emerging hypersonic weapon systems, [but most] existing structures in these categories are insufficient for hypersonic weapon systems and require adaptation or the introduction of new structures.’ This, he says, is especially true when it comes to the actors: China, for example, ‘is not part of any of the major regimes capable of reining in hypersonic weapon systems and their proliferation.’ Bulletins Bulletins CANADA Canada appoints Ombudsperson For Responsible Enterprise By Cyndee Todgham Cherniak, LexSage On 8 April 2019, Canada’s International Trade Diversification Minister finally announced the appointment of Ms. Sheri Meyerhoffer as Canada’s first Ombudsman for Responsible Enterprise (‘CORE’). On 17 January 2018, the government of Canada announced that it would create an Office of the CORE. This is one of Canada’s progressive Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives to export Canada’s values abroad. What is the mandate of Canada’s CORE? The Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise has the mandate to review alleged human rights abuses arising from a Canadian company’s operations abroad, make recommendations, monitor those recommendations, recommend trade measures for companies that do not co-operate in good faith, and report publicly throughout the process. The CORE’s scope will focus on the mining, oil and gas and garment sectors. There is an expectation that the scope will expand to other business sectors. This means that other business sectors should also get ready. The CORE is one of Canada’s two voluntary dispute resolution mechanisms, complementing Canada’s National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (‘NCP’). The Ombudsperson is charged with investigating Canadian companies operating in foreign markets rather than investigating the activities of Canadian government officials. The Canadian Ombudsman for Responsible Enterprise will receive complaints about Canadian companies from Canadians, competitors, foreign governments, foreign citizens, not-forprofit organisations, activists and others. These complaints will be investigated. Submitting a complaint When the CORE office is officially fully operational, a web portal will accept public submissions. There will also be an option to make submissions by mail for those who do not have access to a computer or the internet. If there is an issue that needs to be addressed now it can be made through Canada’s current dispute resolution mechanism. Notification can be submitted directly to NCP, depending on the grounds for the complaint. Consequences? Should parties ignore requests for information from CORE or refuse to cooperate or act in good faith, CORE will have the power to impose trade sanctions, such as recommending the withdrawal of consular services or cutting access to Export Development Canada trade financing or insurance products and services. The Corporate Responsibility Ombudsman may also make non-binding recommendations concerning payment of compensation, which cannot be ordered by Canadian courts under Canada’s export controls, economic sanctions, anti-bribery and other international laws. EU New sanctions for malicious external cyber-attacks By James Killick, Genevra Forwood, Jacquelyn MacLennan, Sara Nordin, Fabienne Vermeeren and Charlotte Van Haute, White & Case On 17 May 2019, the EU put in place a new legal framework for sanctions targeting malicious cyber activities from outside the EU that threaten the Union or its Member States.1 The aim is 13 WorldECR to enhance the EU’s cyber resilience and address cyber-attacks that undermine the ‘EU’s integrity, security and economic competitiveness, including increasing acts of cyber- enabled theft of intellectual property’.2 This is the first time that EU sanctions have targeted those responsible for actual or attempted cyber-attacks. Similar to the recent EU Bulletins Bulletins sanctions targeting chemical weapons,3 these sanctions are country neutral, and do not mention any specific third country. It is reported that these sanctions were advocated by the UK and the Netherlands after an investigation uncovered cyber-attacks reportedly originating from the GRU, the Russia military intelligence service, targeting the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in The Hague. These new sanctions target actual and attempted cyber-attacks having a (potentially) ‘significant effect’, in light of the scope and scale of disruption, the number of persons affected, the number of Member States concerned, the extent of economic loss or economic gain to the perpetrator, the extent of any data breaches and the loss of commercially sensitive data.4 In addition, such cyber-attacks must represent an ‘external threat’ to the Union and its Members, meaning they must have originated outside the EU, used infrastructure outside the Union, or the persons instrumental to the cyber-attack’s operations are established abroad.5 Importantly, these sanctions also cover malicious cyber activities towards third States and international organisations.6 The new EU sanctions would impose an ‘asset freeze’ on (i) natural or legal persons, entities or bodies who are responsible for cyber-attacks or attempted cyber-attacks; (ii) natural persons or legal persons, entities or bodies that provide financial, technical or material support for or are otherwise involved in cyber-attacks or attempted cyber-attacks; (iii) natural or legal persons, entities or bodies associated with the natural or legal persons, entities or bodies described above.7 So far, no-one has yet been listed, and the This is the first time that EU sanctions have targeted those responsible for actual or attempted cyber-attacks. Council would require unanimity to designate individuals and entities. As a result of the asset freeze, all funds and economic resources belonging to, or controlled by, the listed persons and that fall under EU jurisdiction (e.g., held by EU banks) will be frozen. Furthermore, no funds or economic resources may be made available – directly or indirectly – to or for the benefit of the listed persons by parties falling under EU jurisdiction. The asset freeze sanctions apply to the EU territory (including its airspace), to nationals of EU Member States (including those located outside the EU), and on board vessels and aircraft under Member State jurisdiction. Sanctions also apply to companies incorporated or registered under the law of an EU Member State and to other non-EU companies in respect of business done in whole or in part in the EU. This means that non-EU companies may also be affected by the measures once specific parties are listed, depending on the particular circumstances in which business activities are performed in the EU. In addition, EU Member States will impose a travel ban on the persons listed under these sanctions.8 In order to maximise the impact of these EU sanctions, the EU will also encourage third States to adopt similar restrictive measures.9 Links and notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 See Council Decision 2019/797 of 17 May 2019 concerning restrictive measures against cyberattacks threatening the Union or its Member States, and Council Regulation 2019/796 of 17 May 2019 concerning restrictive measures against cyberattacks threatening the Union or its Member States. For the Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on respect for the rules-based order in cyberspace, 12 April 2019, see esentative-on-behalf-of-the-eu-on-respect-for-therules-based-order-in-cyberspace/. See: alert/eu-lays-ground-sanctions-against-use-andproliferation-chemical-weapons?s=sanctions and d-proliferation-chemical?s=eu%20sanctions% 20chemical%20weapons. See Article 2 of Council Regulation 2019/796 and Article 3 of Council Decision 2019/797. See Article 1 of Council Regulation 2019/796 and Council Decision 2019/797. Ibid. See Article 3 of Council Regulation 2019/796. See Article 4 Council Decision 2019/797. See Article 9 Council Decision 2019/797. INDIA Recent changes to India’s SCOMET list By Sanjay Notani, Economic Laws Partnership As per notifications issued on 24 April 2019, a number of amendments have been introduced in the list of SCOMET items (Appendix 3 to Schedule 2 of ITC(HS)), export of which is generally permitted only under a specific authorisation issued by the Director General of Foreign Trade (‘DGFT’). 14 WorldECR SCOMET updates to align with 2018 updates of WA and NSG lists effective from 23 July 20191 The amendments have been introduced in the Commodity Identification Notes, definitions, SCOMET entries, etc. of the SCOMET list to incorporate 2018 updates of the Wassenaar Arrangement (‘WA’) and Nuclear Supply Group (‘NSG’) control lists. Apart from amendments to definitions, a number of Entry or Category specific amendments have been introduced in respect of SCOMET Categories 1 (Toxic chemical agents and other chemicals), 4 (Nuclear related Bulletins Bulletins other equipment, etc.), 6 (Munitions list), 8 (Special materials, Electronics, Computers, Telecommunications, etc.). Under Category 8, various amendments have been introduced in the Category 8A502 covering cryptographic controls, the key ones being: l The scope of covered encryption Links and notes 1 2 See: Noti%203%20dt%2024.04.2019_0.pdf See: Noti%2002%20dt.%2024.04.2019%20Eng._0.pdf algorithms has been widened to include post-quantum/quantumsafe/quantum-resistant asymmetric algorithms; l A new exclusion has been introduced for specified end-point devices or associated networking equipment with limited information security functionality for securing non-arbitrary data such as temperature, pressure, voltage, etc.; l The scope and coverage for cryptographic activation tokens as well as associated software and technologies has been widened and restructured. The above amendments would come into effect from 23 July 2019 (i.e., 90 days after the date of issuance of the Notification). Addition of Entry 1E under Category 1 to amend export policy for specified chemicals – effective from 24 April 20192 Exports of specified chemicals (Chloropicrin: Trichloronitro Methane and Methyldiethanolamine) are now permitted to be made to States Parties to the Chemicals Weapons Convention (‘CWC’) without an export authorisation, but subject to post-facto reporting in the manner prescribed. USA US announces new secondary sanctions on Iran’s iron, steel, aluminium, and copper sectors By Miller & Chevalier On 8 May 2019, President Trump issued a new executive order ‘Imposing Sanctions with Respect to the Iron, Steel, Aluminum, and Copper Sectors of Iran’. The ‘Iran Metals EO’ is the first round of new sanctions imposed on Iran since the full re-imposition of sanctions in November 2018 and the first Iran sanctions targeting a new sector of the Iranian economy since before the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (‘JCPOA’, aka the Iran Nuclear Deal). The new sanctions apply not only to Iranian persons operating in the iron, steel, aluminium, and copper sectors of Iran (the ‘covered metals sectors’) but potentially to any person – either Iranian or non-Iranian – who (i) knowingly engages in a ‘significant transaction’ for the sale, supply, or transfer of significant goods or services used in connection with the covered metals sectors; (ii) knowingly engages in a ‘significant transaction’ for the purchase, acquisition, sale, transport, or marketing of the covered metals of Iran or products made from them; or (iii) materially assists, sponsors, or provides financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services in support of, persons 15 WorldECR sanctioned under the Iran Metals EO. The Iran Metals EO also targets foreign financial institutions (‘FFIs’) that conduct or facilitate ‘significant financial transactions’ in connection with such activities. Like previous secondary sanctions targeting the Iranian oil, natural gas, petrochemicals, shipping, shipbuilding, and automotive sectors, the Iran Metals EO authorises the Office of Foreign Assets Control (‘OFAC’) to impose ‘blocking’ sanctions that target individuals and companies, as well as correspondent/payable-through account sanctions that apply only to FFIs. Both blocking sanctions and correspondent/payable-through account sanctions serve to cut off nonUS individuals, companies, and FFIs from the US economy and financial system. Guidance issued by OFAC establishes a 90-day wind-down period that will allow non-US persons to avoid sanctions exposure by winding down potentially covered transactions by 6 August 2019. Importantly, the guidance makes clear that any new business entered into during this 90-day window that would be sanctionable under the Iran Metals EO will not be considered wind-down activity and could be sanctionable, including during the wind-down period itself. The Iran Metals EO represents another attempt by the US to stifle an important source of revenue for the government of Iran and marks an expansion of sanctions that could have a tremendous impact on remaining non-US business in or connected to Iran. The US government has previously targeted precious metals and raw or semi-finished metals, including aluminium and steel. The Iran Metals EO expands upon those prior sanctions by targeting iron and copper, as well. From this point forward, any non-US business in or connected to the covered metals sectors has a significantly increased sanctions risk profile. The relevant provisions of the EO and our analysis of noteworthy points follows. Blocking sanctions targeting non-US companies in connection with covered metals sectors Section 1 of the Iran Metals EO sets forth the ‘blocking’ sanctions that target both Iranian individuals and entities operating in the covered metals sectors, but also non-US, non-Iranian entities that do business in those sectors. Bulletins Bulletins Specifically, section 1 authorises OFAC to impose blocking sanctions on any person who: 1. Operates in the iron, steel, aluminium, and copper sectors in Iran, as well as anyone that owns, controls, or operates an entity that is part of the covered metals sectors; 2. Knowingly engages in a ‘significant transaction’ for the ‘sale, supply, or transfer’ to Iran of significant goods or services used in connection with the covered metals sectors; 3. Knowingly engages in a ‘significant transaction’ for the ‘purchase, acquisition, sale, transport, or marketing’ of covered metals or products made from such metals from Iran; 4. Materially ‘assists, sponsors or provides financial, material, or technological support’ for, or goods or services in support of, any person blocked under section 1 of the Iran Metals EO; 5. That is owned or controlled by, or acting or purporting to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, any person blocked under section 1 of the Iran Metals EO. These provisions are substantially similar to past sanctions targeting the Iranian oil, natural gas, and petrochemicals sectors, notably the provisions targeting significant transactions for the ‘purchase, acquisition, sale, transport, or marketing’ of covered metals and provisions targeting material assistance, sponsorship, financial/material/technical support, or goods and services to or in support of sanctioned persons. However, the new metals sanctions cover a slightly broader set of actors than prior sector-specific blocking sanctions – i.e., persons that own, control, or operate an entity in one of the targeted sectors. That language suggests that foreign investment firms, for example, with ownership interests in companies operating in any of the covered metals sectors may now be at risk of being sanctioned themselves. Correspondent and payablethrough sanctions targeting FFIs in connection with the covered metals sectors Section 2 of the Iran Metals EO sets forth correspondent or payablethrough account sanctions that target FFIs that knowingly conduct or facilitate a ‘significant financial transaction’ in connection with the covered metals sectors. Specifically, section 2 authorises OFAC to impose such sanctions on any FFI that conducts or facilitates a significant financial transaction: 1. For the sale, supply, or transfer to Iran of significant goods or services used in connection with the iron, steel, aluminium, or copper sectors of Iran; 2. For the purchase acquisition, sale, transport, or marketing of these metals or products of these metals from Iran; or 3. For or on behalf of any person blocked under the EO. Again, these sanctions on significant transactions conducted or facilitated by FFIs are substantially similar to several prior sanctions targeting, for example, Iranian SDNs, the Iranian state-owned oil company, National Iranian Oil Company (‘NIOC’), and its Switzerlandbased trading company Naftiran Intertrade Company Sàrl (‘NICO’), or the purchase, acquisition, sale, ³86([SRUW&RQWUROVRQ1RQ867UDQVDFWLRQV´ SPEAKER PANEL NEW EAR & ITAR Definitions and all Reform Changes EAR, ITAR & OFAC COMPLIANCE FOR NON-US COMPANIES Greg Creeser ITC Strategies LONDON WASHINGTON DC SINGAPORE AMSTERDAM APRIL 2019 MAY 2019 MAY 2019 OCTOBER 2019 Scott Gearity BSG Consulting Persons and Items Subject to US Jurisdiction (ITAR, OFAC & EAR) United States De Minimis Content Calculation Trump Administration Regulation and Enforcement Priorities Technical Data Considerations Enforcement Issues, Practical Advice...and MUCH MORE Visit or call +1 540 433 3977 (USA) for details or registration 16 WorldECR Melissa Proctor Miller Proctor Law John Black BSG Consulting Bulletins Bulletins transport, or marketing of petroleum, petroleum products, or petrochemicals from Iran. Noteworthy aspects The Iran Metals EO is noteworthy in several respects: Connection between targeted sectors and financing for malign activity The Iran Metals EO continues a pattern of targeting sectors of Iran’s economy that are export-focused and generate significant revenue for the government of Iran. The best examples of such targeted sectors are petroleum, natural gas, and petrochemicals, which have traditionally provided a sizable portion of the government of Iran’s revenue and thus, in the eyes of the US government, the funding for malign activity such as weapons of mass destruction or international terrorism. However, as the United States has focused intensely on the aforementioned sectors of the Iranian economy, the government of Iran appears to be seeking to generate revenue from alternate sources, such as iron, steel, aluminium, and copper. Sanctions on additional export-focused, high-revenue sectors may be on the horizon in the near future. Clock is ticking for safe wind-down As noted above, the issuance of the Iran Metals EO started the clock on the 90day wind-down period, after which companies, individuals, and FFIs could face sanctions for certain business dealings in the covered metals sectors. This 90-day wind-down period ends on 6 August 2019. Even well-planned wind-downs can go awry in connection with Iran, as multiple non-Iranian partners may be seeking to wrap up transactions within a compressed time period, creating serious logistical, operational, and financial challenges. Non-U.S. companies and FFIs seeking to minimise sanctions risk in winding down business potentially covered by the new EO should consider doing so as expeditiously as possible and factor in likely delays. No designations as of yet Finally, OFAC did not take the step of adding any entities or individuals to the SDN List in connection with the Iran Metals EO. Notably, OFAC has not yet designated any Iranian entities for ‘operating’ in the iron, steel, aluminium, and copper sectors in Iran. As such, it is not possible, at least for now, to either (i) materially assist, sponsor, or provide financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services in support of any person blocked under section 1 of the Iran Metals EO or (ii) be owned or controlled by, or act or purport to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, such a person. Foreign companies operating in this space should monitor the SDN List closely in the coming months, as an initial wave of designations seems likely at or near the end of the wind-down period. INDIA The end of the oil waiver: consequences for India By Ameeta V. Duggal, DGS Associates The world’s third-biggest oil consumer, India meets more than 80% of its oil needs through imports. Iran is its thirdlargest supplier after Iraq and Saudi Arabia and meets about 10% of its total needs. With the end of the waivers of the application of its sanctions, India has had to halt all oil imports from Iran effective 2 May. The Ministry of External Affairs has announced that India is ‘adequately prepared to deal with the impact of this decision…. Government will continue to work with partner nations, including with the US, to find all possible ways to protect India’s legitimate energy and economic security interests.’ The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas has made the following statement: ‘The Government of India has put in place a robust plan to ensure that there is adequate supply of crude 17 WorldECR oil to Indian oil refineries from May 2019 onwards. There will be additional supplies from other major oil producing countries from different parts of the world. The Indian refineries are fully prepared without any problem to meet the national demand for petrol, diesel and other petroleum products in the country.’ India has been working on a barter system with Iran. India already has a bilateral agreement with the National Iranian Oil Company to settle oil trades in the Indian currency (which is not freely traded on international markets) through an Indian government-owned bank. India has also exempted these rupee payments from taxes. The rupee payments will be used by Iran to pay for imports from India, invest in Indian businesses, pay for Iranian missions and students in India and so on. European nations looking to bypass US sanctions on Iran oil purchases are working on a non-dollar, barter payment channel – INSTEX or the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges – to continue trade with Iran. Iran has suggested that India join INSTEX, however, India is yet to take a decision in this regard. India’s position will be clearer once the new government is formed in the coming days. Links and notes ulletin%20FTS%20January%202019%20Final.pdf esponse_to_queries_on_Indias__to_the_announce ment_by_US_to_discontinue_the_Significant_Reduc tion_Exemption_to_all_purchasers_o =20 Editorial Editorial Once upon a time in the West I n a sense, I’m off the hook from opining on the giddying, and in some respects terrifying, developments of recent weeks: save to say that in answer to the question, ‘War! What is war good for?’ It’s a cold person that doesn’t agree with Edwin Starr’s conclusion: ‘Absolutely nothing!’ There are, of course, many whose analysis is vastly more calculated and strategic. (But look where that got us last time…) Of course, the Huawei designation can’t go unmentioned: the day after the Chinese telecoms company was placed on the Entity List markets around the world were dented, with one fund that tracks semiconductors losing 4% of its value, and global electronics companies in their droves announcing a severing of ties with Huawei. Further proof of the extra-territorial jurisdiction of the United States is scarcely needed. Larger questions linger: Do these developments confirm the political unipolarity of the planet? And what might be the kickback? Further proof of the extra-territorial jurisdiction of the United States is scarcely needed. But – as I say – I’m relieved of my editorial duty to ponder these things for the reason that it is my duty to announce that the programmes for the WorldECR Forums in London and DC are now live – and I invite you to take a look. The programmes for both the London and DC events can be downloaded at conference-2019/ As ever, we have a stellar round-up of speakers from all corners of compliance, law and policy, and a lineup of presentations that includes: the US-China trade relationship and its repercussions for industry, responding to wind-down notices, managing investigations, intangible technology transfers, ICPs, detecting proliferation finance… Can I suggest (modestly) that whichever event you choose to attend will provide invaluable opportunities for exchange of ideas and best practice, learning and sharing knowledge, and even disagreement (which can be fruitful and stimulating, so long as noone loses their life). Tom Blass, May 2019 The WorldeCr ForUm 2019 london 3-4 oCToBer WaShIngTon, dC: 15-16 oCToBer download the programmes today at official sponsors 18 WorldECR Germany Germany Bulletin from Berlin: recent developments in Germany New export control guidelines for research organisations have been published by BAFA, writes Fabian Jahn. R ecent measures taken by the German export control and sanctions regulator, BAFA, include the following: Publication of guidelines relating to research organisations A new section of the BAFA website specifically pertains to academic institutions and their responsibilities – and features two recent sets of guidelines which can be found at: usfuhrkontrolle/Academia/academia_node.h tml The guidelines are currently only available in German but are scheduled for translation this year. They were compiled with input from research organisations including HelmholtzZentrum für Material und Energie GmbH, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, TU Berlin (University of Technology, Berlin), and Robert-Koch-Institut (authority for bacteriology science and security). Key points of the guidelines are: l While the German constitution guarantees ‘freedom of research’, that’s not to say that export controls do not apply to academic institutions or that there’s a general exemption. (While there are a small number of narrow exemptions, the application of their scope is unclear.) l Research organisations are obliged (by law) to take measures to prevent violation of German/EU export controls. l There are no defences for negligence in the field of export control compliance. l It is important for research organisations to monitor dual-use research, sponsorship by third parties, research partners and scientific staff. 19 WorldECR l Violations of export controls have negative consequences. l Research findings can be subject to export controls. l Researchers have a responsibility to comply with export controls; to meet interests of national/EU security interests (including protecting human rights). Sanctions compliance ‘not a boycott statement’ Germany has altered article 7 of its foreign trade regulation to clarify that: The issuing of a declaration in foreign trade and payments transactions whereby a resident participates in a boycott against another country (boycott declaration) shall be prohibited. Sentence 1 shall not apply to a declaration that is made in order to Research organisations are obliged (by law) to take measures to prevent violation of German/EU export controls. fulfil the requirements of an economic sanction by one state against another state against which 1. the Security Council of the United Nations in accordance with Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, 2. the Council of the European Union in the context of Chapter 2 of the Treaty on European Union or 3. the Federal Republic of Germany has also imposed economic sanctions. For further information, see: p0059 BAFA appoints new vicepresident BAFA has announced that it has appointed Dr Andrea Vater to the post of Vice-President. It said that Dr Vater succeeds Mr Bernd Enders, who retired at the end of last year. Dr Vater, it said, ‘has been a member of the BAFA since 1992 and has been involved in various areas of responsibility of the BAFA, such as export control and energy. In 2014, Dr Vater took over as head of the central division of the BAFA.’ It says that one of the tasks awaiting her in her new role ‘is the strategic management and stabilization of the Office’s IT infrastructure in the context of IT consolidation and the progressive digitization of the federal government.’ Alterations to export licences BAFA has amended a number of general export licences: l In the case of Eritrea, to clarify that despite the lifting of the arms embargo against Eritrea by the United Nations and the European Union, general licences should NOT be used for exports to Eritrea. See (in German only): Ausfuhrkontrolle/Antragsarten/Allgemeine_ Genehmigungen/allgemeine_genehmigunge n_node.html) l In the case of the United Kingdom, to the effect that, in the case of the UK’s departure from the European Union, the UK will have the same export control status as the US. See a new, dedicated section of the BAFA website at: Ausfuhrkontrolle/Brexit/brexit_node.html) Fabian A. Jahn is a Munichbased Rechtsanswalt specialising in customs and foreign trade/ export control law. Cuba Cuba Cuba policy in flux: Seven unanswered questions Unresolved issues remain regarding the Trump administration’s announcement not to continue the 22 years of waivers on Title III of Helms-Burton Act. By Ronald A Oleynik, Andres Fernandez, Jonathan M Epstein, Aymee D Valdivia Granda and Barbara Efraim. U S Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has announced that, effective on 2 May 2019, the Trump administration will not continue the waiver against lawsuits under Title III of the Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996 (‘the Act’), also known as the Helms-Burton Act. Title III provides a cause of action in which US nationals may sue any person who ‘traffics in confiscated property’. That is, US nationals, including individual citizens and corporations, with title to a claim on Cuban confiscated property may bring claims in US federal court against persons (individuals or entities) that traffic – derive any economic benefit from – property that has been expropriated by the Cuban government since 1959. Regarding the Trump administration’s decision, Pompeo stated on 17 April 2019, that ‘the right to bring an action under Title III of the Act will be implemented in full’. A State Department official clarified that ‘the Secretary has made very clear that this is a decision not to waive, that has no exceptions’. On the same day, National Security Advisor John Bolton spoke in Miami at a gathering of the Bay of Pigs veterans. Bolton stated that, ‘We have decided to end the Helms-Burton Title 20 WorldECR III Waivers, once and for all,’ and ‘We are enforcing all sanctions transparently, aggressively, and effectively.’ These statements leave a The end of the Title III waiver will allow claimants to bring claims against anyone trafficking in confiscated property. number of questions unanswered as to how such lawsuits might work. A few of the most pressing questions include the following: 1) Will lawsuits be allowed against US companies doing authorised business in Cuba? The end of the Title III waiver will allow claimants to bring claims against anyone trafficking in confiscated property. The US government has not yet provided any clarifications as to whether this includes US companies currently doing business in Cuba authorised by the US government under general licences under the Cuban Asset Control Regulations, 31 C.F.R. Part 515, or under specific licences issued by the US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (‘OFAC’). Both as a matter of legislative interpretation and foreign policy, it is counterintuitive that the US government would allow suits against US companies for activities in Cuba that were authorised by the US government to undertake. On the other hand, allowing Title III lawsuits only against non-US companies may amount to unfair treatment toward foreign investors and could violate bilateral or multilateral treaties to which the United States is signatory. 2) What are the parameters of the travel and telecommunications exceptions enumerated in the law? The LIBERTAD Act excludes certain activities related to travel and telecommunications from the definition of ‘trafficking’. Thus, providing international telecommunication signals to Cuba and the use of confiscated property that is incident and necessary to lawful travel to Cuba are exceptions under the Act and cannot be raised in a Title III claim. Even going back to the 1990s when the Act was enacted, certain travel, trade, carrier services and telecom- Cuba munications were authorised. Leaving to the courts the job of defining the bounds of these exceptions, without at least providing the executive branch’s interpretation, may create unnecessary litigation and chill activities that are in US foreign policy interests. 3) Will there be an exception for US companies providing agricultural goods to Cuba under the humanitarian policies set out in the Cuba Sanctions Regulations? The US government has had a policy of permitting US companies to export agricultural goods and equipment to Cuba. Whether the courts will construe an exception for these companies to continue providing agricultural goods to Cuba remains to be determined. Unlike the travel and telecommunications exceptions listed in the Act, there is no such exception for agricultural goods or humanitarian projects. Even if a US agriculture exporter isn’t sued directly for having its agricultural produce pass through or be unloaded on or by Cuban confiscated property, the possibility that wire transfers made through the US financial system may be subject to a garnishment proceeding may be enough to stifle these humanitarianbased transactions. 4) Will the Canadian and EU blocking statutes have any real bite? The European Union and Canada have blocking statutes that they have stated they intend to invoke in response to the lifting of the Title III waiver. These blocking statutes prohibit Canadian and EU companies from complying with US sanctions, ban the enforcement of US judgments against Canadian and EU persons, and allow damages counterclaims to be filed in Canada or the EU courts against the US Title III plaintiffs. Blocking statutes have historically served as rhetorical tools and have rarely been enforced, so their success is unclear. Additionally, the EU and Canada have signaled they are willing to initiate a World Trade Organization (‘WTO’) action to defend the interests of their nations’ companies in Cuba. The EU had initiated WTO proceedings in 1996, following the enactment of the Act, but the case was withdrawn when the US and the EU reached a series of agreements, including the waiver of 21 WorldECR Cuba Title III. Although a WTO action would undoubtedly put pressure on the US, it would be long and costly, and proving Lifting the waiver of Title III would appear to open the floodgates of litigation in courts across the country. that Title III is in violation of specific provisions of the WTO agreements might prove challenging. 5) Will there be an executive order, interim regulations or a set of frequently asked questions (FAQs) issued by the State Department, the National Security Council or OFAC to provide guidance? Without providing parameters or requirements, lifting the waiver of Title III would appear to open the floodgates of litigation in courts across the country. While the US judicial system will eventually work out the inconsistencies in judicial approaches to this issue, it will take years and millions of dollars in legal fees before the US Supreme Court can provide guidance. In the meantime, all parties to Title III lawsuits will be left with legal bills and substantial uncertainty as the executive branch cedes its foreign policy mandate to the judicial branch. 6) When and how will Title IV of the Act be enforced? Bolton also announced on 17 April that the US government ‘will be taking actions to implement Title IV of Helms-Burton’. Title IV mandates the denial of visas to – and the exclusion from the United States of – foreign individuals who (as determined by the Secretary of State) traffic in confiscated property, including officers or controlling shareholders of an entity that traffics in such confiscated property, as well as spouses, minor children, and agents of the foregoing persons. Although Title IV has never been suspended, it has been rarely applied. According to the Act, no final decision of a court on the ‘trafficking’ activities seems to be required for Title IV to be enforced; therefore, the mere filing of a Title III claim could prompt the Secretary of State to determine that the defendant individual and his family or an officer of the defendant corporation should be excluded from the US territory. 7) When will other Cuba sanctions changes mentioned by Bolton take effect? During his speech on 17 April, Bolton announced that the Department of the Treasury will implement further regulatory changes – e.g., amendments to the Cuban Assets Control Regulations (‘CACR’) – in order to a) restrict non-family travel to Cuba (e.g., 11 out of the 12 authorised travel categories may be impacted); b) limit money remittances to Cuba (which are currently unrestricted) to $1,000 per person per quarter; and c) end the use of ‘U-turn transactions’. (The CACR's general licence identified as ‘U-turn transactions’ authorises US financial institutions to process, as intermediary banks, Cuba-related transactions – even if such transactions are not authorised under the CACR – provided that the transaction originates and ends outside of the US and that neither the originator nor the beneficiary are US persons.) Many in Washington, DC, suggest that these changes may be months away, which would not be inconsistent with the implementation of the changes that President Trump announced in June 2018 (i.e., the elimination of the individual people-topeople travel category), which did not get implemented until October of that year. Bolton also announced that new entities would be added to the Cuba Restricted List, published by the Department of State. This list identifies Cuban entities under the structure or control of the Cuban military, intelligence, and security services and personnel, with which direct financial transactions are prohibited. The updated Cuba Restricted List was published in the Federal Register on 24 April 2019. Ronald A Oleynik, Andres Fernandez, Jonathan M Epstein and Aymee D Valdivia Granda are partners at Holland & Knight, where Barbara Efraim is an associate. ICPs ICPs Internal compliance programmes: Industry as a responsible stakeholder in international trade Though the use of ICPs is well established in the United States, in Europe debate continues as to whether they should be compulsory for exporters of dual-use products. But, writes Rosa Rosanelli, a strong but flexible ICP can help both business – and government regulatory authorities – meet their aims. W ithout active and consistent implementation from companies in the private sector, export control measures cannot succeed. Where they do so, companies can – through diligent screening, understanding of end-users, and the application of risk-mitigation strategies as part of their internal compliance programmes (‘ICPs’) – provide such value as to constitute, in effect, a ‘first line of defence’ against proliferation and diversion. In the era of transparency and confidence-building, ICPs have become a standard tool by which companies trading sensitive items can signal their willingness to conduct their affairs ethically and responsibly. But while there has been an increase in the number of guidelines and best practice recommendations related to establishing ICPs, there is still some confusion as to whether ICPs are really a requirement, and what criteria should be used when it comes to putting them into practice. This article looks at current trends around ICPs, and highlight principles that should be taken into account when setting up internal controls – corresponding to different levels of risk, size and the complexity of the company involved. society, including non-governmental organisations, and industry, can play in raising awareness of the object and Clearly, industry is in a prime position to gather information about endusers and identify ‘red flags’ and other risk indicators. purpose of this Treaty, and in supporting its implementation.’ As ASD (the Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe) highlighted in its press release on that occasion, ‘Industry’s expertise can play [an important role] in developing awareness on the need to implement effective export control processes and internal compliance programmes. Industry is also uniquely able to reach out to its business partners and customers in other countries.’1 Clearly, industry is in a prime position to gather information about end-users and identify ‘red flags’ and other risk indicators, given its understanding of technical matters and markets. And it is well placed to encourage the broad adoption of common standards (including the use of ICPs) through business-to-business dialogue and general sharing of best practice and experience. Many companies have, of course, been gradually incorporating export compliance risk-management strategies into their overall riskmanagement processes – recognising that this particular type of risk is heightened by the threat of legal or administrative sanctions presented by enforcement actions, potential criminal, civil and contractual liabilities, the risk of denial of export licences and supply chain disruption, Industry as a responsible stakeholder in international trade The Arms Trade Treaty (‘ATT’), adopted by the UN General Assembly on April 2013 and which entered into force in December 2014, is the first legally binding international agreement to regulate international arms trade. In its preamble, the ATT recognises ‘the voluntary and active role that civil 22 WorldECR ICPs but also, financial losses or reputation deterioration for failing to comply with laws, regulations and legislation.2 In fact, ethical concerns and fear of reputational damage are often strong arguments in favour of investing in the export compliance function. The trend: transparency and confidence-building In an era of transparency and confidence-building, ICPs have become a badge of ethical conduct and corporate responsibility within the controlled goods sector, especially for those companies threatened by the reputational fall-out that equipment diversion might bring. In the United States, ICPs have long been part regarded as part of the culture of compliance, and actively recommended by regulators including the Bureau of Industry and Security and the Office of Foreign Assets Control in their guidelines. Only more recently has there been significant take-up within the EU business community.3 But since 2011 and the publication of the Green Paper, ‘The dual-use export control system of the European Union: ensuring security and competitiveness in a changing world’, the European Commission has been urging companies to make better use of the potential benefits conferred by Authorised Economic Operator (‘AEO’) – a clear indication of the regard with which it holds the status of ‘certified companies’ and ‘trusted traders’ and their audited internal compliance programmes. In 2013, the report from the Commission to the Council and the parliament on the implementation of the Dual-Use Regulation called for ‘more transparency and dialogue with the private sector and academia in Links and notes 1 ‘ASD Supports the Role of Industry in the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty Process’, 12 September 2017. 2 The draft recast EU Dual-Use Regulation proposes to formally introduce standardised operational ICPs as part of the assessment destined to decide on the granting of global and general export authorisations. 3 The draft EU recast Dual-Use Regulation also states: ‘[T]he requirement for companies to implement an effective Internal Compliance Program (ICP) – a set of formal measures and procedures ensuring compliance with export controls – mainly applies in relation to global licences, while small companies that cannot afford to develop a formal ICP can export under most general authorisations and/or individual licences.’ 23 WorldECR ICPs order to enhance both legal certainty and the effectiveness of controls – e.g., through the recognition of Internal Compliance Programmes (ICPs) and the provision of guidelines.’ While the EU Dual-Use Regulation 428/2009 does not explicitly require companies to establish an ICP, it does encourage Member States to consider whether a company employs proportionate and adequate means and procedures to ensure compliance; and identifies, manages and complies with the regulations in force (at national and European level). And while the ‘seven building blocks of an effective ICP’ to which it refers do not extend beyond what has already been published in the United States (for example on the websites of key export control regulators including BIS and the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls) it does clarify some important principles; namely EU national competent authorities have increasingly been using ICPs as tools by which to measure and assess compliance. l that industry plays a key active role in the establishment of effective controls; l that ICPs must be ‘flexible’, i.e., effective, appropriate and proportionate; l that a company’s ICP should reflect its own characteristics, and that before applying an ICP, companies should undertake a risk assessment that includes in its scope its size, nature and complexity of activities, products, customers and potential end-users (and that this should be periodically undertaken to reflect internal, regulatory, and other change); l that the person entrusted with overall responsibility for compliance must be free from conflicts of interest, should have the power to stop transactions where necessary, and their duties should be clearly distinct from, for example, sales-related functions; l that training is an indispensable aspect of awareness-raising and needs to go beyond being a mere ‘paper exercise’. Where possible it should be tailored to function, and utilise company ‘lessons learnt’ from within the company; and l that recordkeeping is an essential element of compliance and should include all documents ‘that it may be in the company’s best interest to maintain’. as a result, some Member States do require companies to implement ICPs if they are to benefit from simplified export procedures. At the same time, the EU national competent authorities have increasingly been using ICPs as tools by which to measure and assess compliance. Some require companies to have ICPs in place before authorising exports, while others use them in enforcement investigations as an indicator of the robustness of a company’s compliance processes. Meanwhile, outreach activities have largely been focused on improving understanding of the elements of an ICP and establishing ‘private sector partnerships’. Criteria for a robust internal compliance programme European Commission Guidelines Key Takeaways In September 2018, the European Commission issued non-binding guidance on ICPs for public consultation prior to the official publication of a review by an expert technical committee. While the guidelines are part of the effort to modernise the EU dual-use export control regime, they also provide a useful reference for companies’ military export control and sanctions compliance functions. The draft guidelines focus on the core elements that European companies should take into account when establishing an ICP, which While these elements are all of themselves important, it is regrettable that – unlike otherwise similar documents published by US regulators – the guidelines lack greater clarification regarding intangible technology transfers (‘ITT’), which raises questions as to the importance with which EU authorities actually regard ITT. The guidelines do, however, emphasise the benefits of leveraging AEO status, which highlights the trend ICPs noted above – i.e., that of steering enforcement actions towards companies that present a higher level of risk such as those that have not won ‘trusted trader’ or ‘certified company’ status. Because AEO requires an assessment of a company’s regulatory compliance, an approach that finds synergy with the AEO programme but takes both customs and export controls into account is seen as contributing strongly toward improved overall security and facilitating the detection of potentially ‘bad’ transactions. Conclusion In recent years there has been a growing focus on outreach and confidence-building by the export control and non-proliferation authorities, alongside emphasis on establishing ‘private sector partnerships’, as shown by the growing use of ICPs for measuring the compliance capabilities of ‘trusted traders’ and ‘certified companies’. This is an indication of the extent to which higher-risk companies are being targeted for enforcement, but also ICPs private sector concern with reputation risk and corporate social responsibility. Public interest in export control issues – particularly in the defence Public interest in export control issues – particularly in the defence space – and in compliance in general, has also contributed to a trend towards greater transparency. space – and in compliance in general, has also contributed to a trend towards greater transparency. Corporate social responsibility strategies and explicitly ethical decision-making that demands that companies go beyond mere legal compliance, are now part of a company’s value proposition, especially in sectors particularly sensitive to reputational damage. But while the question remains unanswered as to whether ICPs are indispensable (or should be regarded as optional) and how best they should be structured, it is clear that having in place clearly understood standard operating procedures (‘SOPs’) is certainly positive, and may help establish that appropriate efforts have been deployed to attempt to prevent violations, thus reducing potential liabilities. And while it may not suit smaller companies with limited available resources to invest in comprehensive compliance strategies, some measure of investment may pay dividends not only in terms of meeting compliance and reputational goals, but also in providing better protection against negative audit and investigation findings and enhance non-proliferation objectives. Rosa Rosanelli is the Chief Export Compliance Officer and General Counsel at Belgium Engine Center. Embargos and Sanctions „Leading foreign trade law practice in Germany“ (JUVE Handbook 2015/2016) Graf von Westphalen Attorneys-at-law and Tax Advisors Berlin Düsseldorf Frankfurt Hamburg Munich Brussels Istanbul Shanghai Contact: Dr Lothar Harings, Marian Niestedt, M.E.S., 24 WorldECR GloMag GloMag Global Magnitsky Sanctions: raising the human rights and anti-corruption bar With its focus on global human rights and anti-corruption standards, Global Magnitsky Sanctions create the need for businesses to shift to a proactive corporate risk and due diligence strategy so as to avoid the risk of future entanglements or violations, writes Samantha Sultoon. T he murder of Jamal Khashoggi thrust an otherwise little-known sanctions programme into the spotlight, and cast overdue attention on this important authority – the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act (or ‘GloMag’ in sanctions parlance).1 The Trump administration’s 15 November decision to use the GloMag authority to designate 17 Saudi nationals in response to Khashoggi’s killing exemplified precisely what that authority was created for – it is a calibrated tool intended to target specific individuals and entities without broader negative implications.2 However, the merits of GloMag should be considered far more broadly than in the shadow of the Khashoggi murder. GloMag has the potential to help raise the bar on global human rights and anti-corruption standards, provided it continues to be used effectively and is capitalised on appropriately. This sanctions authority has far-reaching implications for international businesses, as it warrants a paradigm shift in their risk calculations. GloMag sanctions create the need for businesses to shift to a proactive corporate risk and due diligence strategy that takes into account both human rights and corruption issues. For allies, partners, and the array of international human rights groups seeking to raise awareness of human rights violations and corruption, this sanctions authority creates an opportunity for partnership and multilateral sanctions actions. Rights Accountability Act to limited fanfare.3 This was the second law named for Russian whistleblower This sanctions authority has far-reaching implications for international businesses, as it warrants a paradigm shift in their risk calculations. Sergei Magnitsky, who died while in Russian prison after being tortured and denied medical care.4 The newer law builds upon the original Magnitsky Act (The Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act of 2012) by expanding the scope of the authority for economic sanctions and visa bans related to human rights abuse and corruption to global actors.5 This is a significant broadening, since the original Magnitsky Act was focused solely on Russia. The Global Magnitsky legislation was signed into law in 2016. However, it was not used until one year later when the Trump administration built on this legislation to launch a new sanctions regime targeting human rights abusers and corrupt actors globally through Executive Order (‘EO’) 13818, Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption.6 To improve upon Congress’ laudable intentions, the sanctions technocrats in the executive branch drafted EO 13818 to include broadened criteria for designation to more fully and flexibly target the human rights abuse and corruption policy concerns, and What is the Global Magnitsky Sanctions authority? In late December 2016, Congress passed the Global Magnitsky Human 25 WorldECR GloMag updated definitions beyond those used potential additional GloMag targets, by Congress in the legislation. Unlike the decision-making authority as it under most other economic sanctions pertains to any GloMag sanctions programmes, this new EO does not action rests with the executive – and require the declaration of a national not the legislative – branch.11 Since the emergency with respect to a specific technical sanctions expertise lies with country, thereby allowing for more OFAC, this structure is prudent. calibrated – and perhaps more politically palatable – sanctions. In Business implications: Shifting fact, it is due to the dynamic nature of the sanctions risk paradigm this EO that the US Treasury Given the broad designation criteria Department’s Office of Foreign Assets under GloMag, international Control (‘OFAC’) was able to designate more than 100 individuals and entities International businesses pursuant to the GloMag authority in would do well to adjust less than one year. While the malign activity of these targets was sufficiently their corporate risk and abhorrent to warrant targeted due diligence practices sanctions, in many cases the United States continues to maintain to take human rights diplomatic, economic, security, or and kleptocracy issues other relationships with the host nations where these targets are located. into account. The targeted nature of the GloMag sanctions authority renders it dynamic businesses would do well to adjust their enough to impact the individuals and corporate risk and due diligence entities involved in human rights abuse practices to take human rights and and corruption without disproportion- kleptocracy issues into account. ately impacting foreign governments, Businesses have historically taken a allies, or their domestic populations. reactive stance regarding individual, For example, given the need for list-based sanctions that are similar in continued cooperation with the Saudi structure to GloMag, as the regulatory government on counter-terrorism, oil requirements to freeze accounts and production, and a host of other cease business with sanctioned targets sensitive issues, GloMag was a strategic only take effect once a name is added tool to use as part of a response to the to a list. This approach is insufficient in Khashoggi murder.7 the GloMag context. Instead, Since the issuance of EO 13818, businesses should take a proactive Congress has increasingly called on the approach to avoid the risk of future Trump administration to use GloMag entanglements or violations. For sanctions. In response to the example, the inaugural GloMag Khashoggi murder, a bipartisan group sanctions included international of senators called on the Trump businessman and billionaire Dan administration to apply the GloMag Gertler for his corrupt business authority on the culprits.8 However, practices. Gertler amassed an extensive there is seemingly less support among Congress for halting the $110-billion fortune through corrupt mining and oil arms package to Saudi Arabia or the deals in the Democratic Republic of the suspension of negotiations with Saudi Congo (‘DRC’) worth hundreds of Arabia on a nuclear technology sharing agreement, neither of which President Trump has indicated any interest in stopping.9 Members of Congress have also called on the administration to use GloMag sanctions in response to atrocities in Nicaragua, Burma, and China, among others.10 While the Trump administration may take feedback from Congress into Sergei Magnitsky and Jamal Khashoggi account when considering 26 WorldECR GloMag millions of dollars, in large part due to his close friendship with DRC President Joseph Kabila.12 The people of the DRC lost more than $1.36 billion in revenue from the underpricing of mining assets that were sold to Gertler’s offshore companies.13 Those same deals contributed substantially to the International Monetary Fund’s decision to withhold a $225 million loan disbursement to the DRC government.14 They did not, however, dissuade companies such as US hedge fund Och-Ziff, Anglo-Swiss multinational commodity trader Glencore, or South African miner Randgold from doing business with Gertler.15 The December 2017 sanctions on Gertler put those business decisions in sharp contrast. By that point, Glencore owed Gertler nearly $200 million in royalties over the next two years, but GloMag sanctions on Gertler made such payments difficult to execute, and could put Glencore at risk of being sanctioned itself for its dealings with Gertler.16 Glencore has reportedly been cautiously seeking to make the outstanding payments in other currencies, but faces great risk even if it does.17 Because the US dollar is the main currency used in the DRC and in the global raw materials trade, the sanctions will likely add transactions costs as well as risks. Randgold has reportedly taken a more cautious approach than Glencore and is seeking to cut ties with Gertler.18 This will surely hurt Randgold’s investments in the projects and may dampen future revenues. There are a few key takeaways from the Gertler sanctions, and other designations made pursuant to the GloMag authority: First, international businesses need to proactively investigate their partners and clients, and can no longer assume that corrupt businessmen close to ruling governments can operate with impunity. Businesses should proactively adopt due diligence standards to better research how prospective partners or clients amassed their status and/or fortune, and in what type of business practices they previously engaged. Accusations of untoward behaviour cannot be discounted based on potential revenue or other benefits from a contract. GloMag GloMag Second, beyond the prospective direct partner, businesses should consider the partner’s network in any business calculation. Due to OFAC’s 50% rule, any company owned 50% or more by a designated individual or entity, such as Gertler, is also considered blocked irrespective of whether the company is specifically included on OFAC’s Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (‘SDN’) List.19 As such, a transparent understanding of a company’s ownership structure should be a requirement prior to any investment or purchase. Anyone who continues business with an SDN, like Gertler, despite sanctions risks being the subject of an OFAC enforcement investigation or sanctioned themselves. As the Gertler sanctions illustrate, the United States may use the GloMag sanctions tool at any time with immediate repercussions, including significant reputational risk. Finally, corruption internationally should concern reputable US and global businesses before it directly affects them. While sanctions on Dan Gertler, and now 33 companies and one associate, may seem entirely detached from the West, the cobalt, gold, iron ore, and copper that Gertler’s companies mine are not.20 For example, demand for cobalt is surging, due to growing global interest in electric vehicles and increasing government restrictions on pollution Businesses should proactively adopt due diligence standards to better research how prospective partners or clients amassed their status and/or fortune. and engine standards, particularly in Europe. To accommodate this growing demand, Gertler’s companies invested in the mining infrastructure in the DRC, which holds the world’s largest cobalt resources. The overwhelming reliance on the DRC exposes the entire cobalt supply chain to disruption, according to energy consultancy Wood Mackenzie.21 This disruption may EAR/OFAC EXPORT CONTROLS, ITAR DEFENSE TRADE CONTROLS AND General Awareness e-SEMINARS AVAILABLE Modules for US and Non-US Companies Now it is easier than ever to get the best training on complying with EAR, ITAR and OFAC regulations and sanctions without the time and travel cost of being out of the office. Train on YOUR computer at YOUR convenience! * Video Instruction * Key Concept Powerpoint Slides * Comprehensive & Searchable e-Manual * Optional ECoP® Certification Testing 27 WorldECR reverberate back across the Atlantic Ocean to impact the price of new electric vehicles and batteries in the United States. If the reputational risk of supporting corruption does not increase businesses’ attention to this issue, the potential financial costs and supply chain disruptions should. While reputable international companies were likely engaging in basic due diligence prior to the introduction of GloMag sanctions, this sanctions authority should prompt a significantly higher bar by which prospective business deals and client relationships are measured. The cost of such increased due diligence is certainly less than that of the economic and reputational impacts of GloMag sanctions. Expanding the impact It is ironic that an administration that chose to withdraw from the United Nations Human Rights Council (‘UNHRC’) and has sharply criticised the International Criminal Court (‘ICC’) is trumpeting human rights in the GloMag context.22 The Trump administration’s use of GloMag to advocate for human rights and the need to root out corruption, even if it is entirely on US terms, has made GloMag sanctions an increasingly attractive tool. In fact, some of the same human rights organisations that criticised the administration for its UNHRC withdrawal are advocating for the use of GloMag sanctions.23 On the diplomatic side, the GloMag authority presents an opportunity for allies to take bilateral actions against targets involved in human rights abuse or corruption. In fact, in February, the Canadian government followed the US lead and imposed sanctions on Burmese military leader Maung Maung Soe for his role in atrocities against the Rohingya in Burma.24 (Maung Maung Soe was designated by the United States in the inaugural GloMag designations in December 2017.25) The European Union followed suit in June and expanded the sanctions to include six additional targets, most of whom were also designated by the United States under the GloMag authority a few weeks later.26 These coordinated actions magnified the plight on the Rohingya far more effectively than a unilateral measure could. While a number of other OFACadministered sanctions programmes – such as the Iran and Russia GloMag GloMag Links and notes 1 Vick, Karl, ‘How the Murder of Jamal Khashoggi Could Upend the Middle East’, Time, 18 October 2018, 2 Press release: ‘Treasury Sanctions 17 Individuals for Their Roles in the Killing of Jamal Khashoggi’, US Treasury, 15 November 2018. 3 ‘National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017’ Public Law 114-328. 130 STAT. 2000 (2016). 4 Lally, Kathy, ‘U.N.-Appointed Human Rights Experts to Probe Death of Russian Lawyer Magnitsky’, Washington Post Foreign Service, 20 January 2011. ml?nav=emailpage 5 6 7 8 ‘Russia and Moldova Jackson-Vanik Repeal and Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act of 2012’, Public Law 112-208. 126 STAT. 1496 (2012). text?q=%257B%2522search%2522%253A% 255B%2522sergei+magnitsky+rule+of+law+accountabilit y+act%2522%255D%257D&r=3 Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, Public Law 114-328, Subtitle F) 130 Stat.2533 (2016). resourcecenter/sanctions/Programs/Documents/glomag_pl_114-3 28.pdf ; press release: ‘United States Sanctions Human Rights Abusers and Corrupt Actors Across the Globe’, US Treasury, 21 December 2017. news/press-releases/sm0243 ; Exec. Order No. 13818, 3 C.F.R. 1 (2017). Documents/glomag_eo.pdf Kheel, Rebecca, ‘US to Revoke Visas for Saudi Officials Over Khashoggi Killing’, The Hill, 23 October 2018. administration/412819us-to-revoke-visas-for-saudi-officials-over-khashoggi-killing Chairman’s Press, ‘Corker, Menendez, Graham, Leahy Letter Triggers Global Magitsky Act Investigation into Disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi’, United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, 10 October 2018. corker-menendez-graham-leahy-letter-triggers-globalmagnitsky-investigation-into-disappearance-of-jamal-khash oggi 9 Hayes, Christal, ‘Trump Doesn’t Want to Stop Arms Sales Deal with Saudi Arabia Over Missing Journalist’, USA Today, 13 October 2018. 3/jamal-khashoggi-trump-saudi-arms-deal/1630693002/ and Mohsin, Saleha, ‘Trump Says He’s Forming ‘Very Strong Opinion’ on Khashoggi Death’ Bloomberg, 7 November 2018. articles/2018-11-07/trump-says-he-s-forming-very-strongopinion-on-khashoggi-death 10 Congress of the United States to the President of the United States, 24 August 2018. 20Magnitsky%20Letter%20to%20POTUS.PDF; Burma Unified through Rigorous Military Accountability Act of 2018, H.R. 5819, 115th Cong.(2018) ; Tiezzi, Shannon, ‘US Congress Members Want Sanctions on China Over Xinjiang Crackdown’ The Diplomat, 20 August 2018. https://thediplomat. com/2018/08/us-congress-members-want-sanctions-onchina-over-xinjiang-crackdown ; and press release: ‘Chairs Urge Robust Use of Global Magnitsky Tools to Punish programmes – carry significant political sensitivities with allies, combatting human rights abuse and corruption are two areas of general policy consensus. That consensus is even stronger when the focus is on 28 WorldECR 11 12 13 Human Rights Violators in China’, Congressional- Executive Commission on China, 29 November 2017. o-punish-human-rights 22 Owen Bowcott, Oliver Holmes, and Erin Durkin, ‘John Bolton Threatens War Crimes Court with Sanctions in Virulent Attack’, The Guardian, 10 September 2018. sep/10/john-bolton-castigate-icc-washington-speech Office of the Press Secretary, ‘Statement by the President on Signing the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017’, The White House of President Barack Obama, 23 December 2016. efense-authorization-act-fiscal 23 ‘NGOs Identify Human Rights Abusers, Corrupt Actors for Sanctions Under US Bill’, Human Rights First, 13 September 2017. https://www. 24 Sevunts, Levon, ‘Canada Imposes Sanctions on Myanmar General Over Rohinga Abuses’, CBC, 16 February 2018. politics/myanmar-generalsanctions-canada-1.4539003 25 ‘United States Sanctions Human Rights Abusers and Corrupt Actors Across the Globe’, US Treasury, 21 December 2017. 26 Press Office General Secretariat of the Council, ‘Myanmar/Burma: EU Sanctions 7 Senior Military, Border Guard and Police Officials Responsible For or Associated With Serious Human Rights Violations Against Rohingya Population’, Council of the EU, 25 June 2018. https:// nior-military-border-guard-and-policeofficials-responsiblefor-or-associated-with-serious-human-rights-violations-agai nst-rohingya-population/pdf; and ‘Treasury Sanctions Commanders and Units of the Burmese Security Forces for Serious Human Rights Abuses’, US Treasury, 17 August 2018. 27 ‘Canada Imposes Targeted Sanctions in Response to Human Rights Violations in Myanmar’, Global Affais Canada, 16 February 2018. targetedsanctionsinresponsetohumanrightsviolation.html 28 Alexandra Oliviera and Alison Spann, ‘Human Rights Groups Withdraw Government Complaint Against Ukrainian Oligarch After its Accuracy is Challenged’, The Hill, 21 December 2017. an-oligarch-after-its-accuracy 29 Lysove, Ekaterina, ‘Private Sector Participation in the Global Magnitsky Act’, Center for International Private Enterprise, 16 May 2018. https:// 30 United States Department of the Treasury, ‘Glossary’ Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. advisory/2018-07-03/PEP%2520Facilitator%2520 Advisory_FINAL%2520508%2520updated.pdf 31 National Archives, ‘Global Magnitsky Act Human Rights Accountability Act Report’, Federal Register, 20 June 2017. https://www. 06/20/2017-12791/global-magnitsky-human-rightsaccountability-act-report 32 United States Department of the Treasury, ‘Global Magnitsky Designations Removals’, Office of Foreign Assets Control, 2 November 2018. px and United States Department of the Treasury, ‘Treasury Sanctions Turkish Officials with Leading Roles in Unjust Detention of U.S. Pastor Andrew Brunson’ US Treasury, 1 August 2018. United States Department of the Treasury, ‘United States Sanctions Human Rights Abusers and Corrupt Actors Across the Globe’, 21 December 2017. Press release: ‘United States Sanctions Human Rights Abusers and Corrupt Actors Across the Globe’, US Treasury, 21 December 2017. 14 Wild, Fraz, Micheal Kavanagh, and Jonathan Ferziger, ‘Dan Gertler Earns Billions as Mine Deals Fail to Enrich Congo’, Washington Post, 29 December 2012. 27/ c37d0100-4e31-11e2-8b4964675006147f_story.html?utm_term=.817f46975ce7 15 ‘Gertler Received and Distributed Millions in Bribes in Connection to DRC Mining Deals, Court Papers Allege’, Global Witness, 10 August 2018. -court-papersallege/ and Doherty, Ben. ‘Everything You Need to Know About Glencore, Dan Gertler and Their Interest in DRC’, The Guardian, 5 November 2017. at-is-glencore-who-is-dan-gertler-drc-mining 16 17 18 19 20 21 ‘The Global Magnitsky Effect’, Resource Matters, February 2018. -Congo-Impact-of-Gertler-sanctions-16-Feb-2018-FINAL.pdf Lewis, Barbara, ‘Glencore Settles with Gertler Over Congo Royalties’, Reuters, 15 June 2018. alties-idUSKBN1JB0JM Wilson, Tom, ‘Randgold Moves to Cut Ties With Dan Gertler After U.S. Sanctions’, Bloomberg, 5 February 2018. com/news/articles/2018-0205/randgold-moves-to-cut-ties-with-dan-gertler-after-u-s-sa nctions ‘OFAC FAQ: Entities Owned by Persons Whose Property and Interest in Property are Blocked (50% Rule)’, US Treasury, Sanctions/Pages/faq_general.aspx#50_percent See Washington Post, 27/ c37d0100-4e31-11e2-8b4964675006147f_story.html?utm_term=.817f46975ce7; and United States Department of the Treasury, ‘Treasury Sanctions Fourteen Entities Affiliated with Corrupt Businessman Dan Gertler Under Global Magnitsky’ US Treasury, 15 June 2018. https:// Montgomery, Gavin, ‘The Rise of Electric Vehicles and the Cobalt Conundrum’, Wood Mackenzie, 25 September 2018. https://www. human rights abuse alone; this is one area of sanctions policy in which US allies and partners can generally identify shared objectives and agree on targets. It is ripe for replication in allies’ domestic legislation, particularly in countries like Australia, Japan, and New Zealand, as well as within the European Union and across Europe. (The Canadian government already has the Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act, which is a good GloMag GloMag first step.27) Creating a global human rights sanctions authority would allow for bilateral and multilateral sanctions actions that would strengthen the impact of any GloMag sanctions. International non-governmental organisations (‘NGOs’) and human rights groups are also helping to magnify the impact of GloMag sanctions. A group of more than 20 NGOs joined together to streamline submissions for consideration by OFAC under the GloMag authority.28 Additional NGOs continue to individually submit suggested names and supporting information.29 The partnership with the NGOs, many of which are on the ground in places around the world that are ripe for a US Creating a global human rights sanctions authority would allow for bilateral and multilateral sanctions actions that would strengthen the impact of any GloMag sanctions. government response or engagement, provides the US government with an additional source of reporting on potentially sanctionable activity. Thus far, the administration appears to be using this information and its international partnerships to bolster the GloMag authority with consequential actions. Maintaining the meaningful balance GloMag sanctions stand to be a powerful sanctions tool, provided the tool continues to be wielded in a thoughtful and effective manner. A few considerations will help maintain the integrity and value of the GloMag authority, namely: l Maintain the global footprint The first tranche of GloMag sanctions reflected the global challenge of human rights abuse and corruption. The subsequent designations have generally maintained this global scope. A shift toward one country or region risks undermining the global nature of the authority and minimising the deterrent effect previous designations have had, particularly in any underrepresented regions. l Use as part of a broader policy strategy Sanctions are a favoured tool of the Trump administration, but they cannot be the only tool used. A broader, whole-of-government strategy that includes GloMag sanctions is most likely to achieve policy objectives. Relying on GloMag sanctions to deliver too much will render the tool more likely to achieve less. l Do not overuse the tool GloMag sanctions are not the only tool in the US government’s toolbox to combat human rights abuse and corruption, and are unlikely to be the most appropriate tool for every scenario.30 The thoughtful, calibrated application of GloMag sanctions will avoid overuse and mitigate against ineffective use. The bar for sanctions targets must continue to be held high with each target thoughtfully chosen to avoid perceived bias toward a specific group. l Support compliance Sanctions are only as effective as their implementation and compliance. Increasing efforts to ensure that both US and international companies respect the GloMag sanctions will make the tool that much more effective. l GloMag sanctions should not be a replacement for a targeted sanctions programme When the situation in a specific country warrants a targeted response, a country-specific sanctions programme should be considered. In addition to the GloMag authority, at least a dozen other OFAC sanctions programmes include designation criteria for human rights abuse, corruption, or both.31 These country-specific authorities are tailored to the situation in the country, both in policy messaging and in additional criteria for designation. The GloMag authority is robust, but its stature will decline if it becomes the default replacement for a thoughtful country-specific programme. l Stay responsive To its credit, following the release of US pastor Andrew Brunsun from detention in Turkey, OFAC delisted the two members of the Turkish cabinet who were sanctioned under GloMag authorities for their role in his detention.32 In order for GloMag sanctions to incentivise behavioural change, timely delistings must continue when appropriate. Conclusion The increased attention to the GloMag sanctions authority as a strategic tool for responding to the Khashoggi murder is timely. This targeted authority arms the Trump administration with a calibrated tool to respond to complex political situations, such as the current situation with Saudi Arabia, provided sufficient evidence is available. The evidentiary threshold for GloMag sanctions – as with all other OFAC-administered sanctions – demands that corroborated evidence be available to support any action. Fortunately, with increased coordination with allies, partners, and NGOs, there is increasing supplemental evidence available to support worthwhile GloMag actions. While the threat of GloMag sanctions exists, international businesses should adjust their risk calculus accordingly. As allies, partners, and NGOs increasingly draw on this authority, the tolerance for serious human rights abuse and corruption will hopefully decline in parallel. Samantha Sultoon is a visiting senior fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Global Business and Economics Program and the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security. WorldECR welcomes your contributions Email the editor: 29 WorldECR Darknet Darknet Strategic trade and the darknet markets Dr Grant Christopher looks at the potential for proliferation of controlled goods on the ‘darknet’ – and finds light at the end of the tunnel. But for whom? I f ecommerce enables new opportunities for illicit strategic trade, what risk is posed by the darknet markets? Analyses, such as a 2014 Financial Times article, have shown that strategic goods – those controlled by the multilateral export control regimes – are freely available on surface web ecommerce sites. The concern is that ecommerce provides new opportunities for proliferators to procure controlled items while obfuscating their identity. This article examines the potential role of darknet markets to facilitate trade in strategic goods, in particular for nuclear-related items. The darknet, in the common imagination, is a place where the unprepared user can stumble onto unspeakable criminal activity: assassination websites, child pornography and the drugs trade. The reality is more complex. The darknet is ‘dark’ not as a comment on the morality of the content that appears on it but because it demands its users be anonymous. This facilitates content and interactions that would not be possible on other parts of the Internet. On the darknet, webpages can be set up far from the reach of government. For better or for worse, the darknet is dualuse. It can be used in oppressive states to host criticism of government, but it can also facilitate crime. This freedom from the state comes at a price. The government cannot protect users from what they encounter. This leaves users of darknet markets without consumer protection or product quality assurance, a problem for any potential proliferator. friendly as those on surface web. On the surface web the name of a website typically appears in the URL, such as On the darknet, The darknet, in the common imagination, is a place where the unprepared user can stumble onto unspeakable criminal activity. the name of a website will appear, but the full IP address includes a random string of characters that do not convey information about the site and typically completed with the .onion suffix (e.g., DeepDotWeb35Wvey5.onion). Yet, the darknet markets are easy to find. They are well advertised on sites across the surface web. The popular markets even have their own section on Reddit, a community messageboard website, where users can discuss the quality of the service and the reliability of particular vendors. The website DeepDotWeb monitors all aspects of the markets, aggregates news on the darknet, and provides service updates to inform users of any disruption to websites’ service. To access darknet sites with the .onion extension, a suitable browser must be used. This browser will anonymise the user with respect to the site, breaking the usual rules that govern Internet communications. The most popular for this is the Tor (The Onion Router) browser, initially developed by the United States Office of Naval Research. Tor does not provide sufficient operational security for those wanting to remain truly anonymous, as law enforcement can monitor those who use it carelessly. With these tools in place, a user can go to their market of choice. A unique username and password followed by a Captcha is often enough to gain access to a site. This won’t allow you to buy Navigating the darknet The darknet has a reputation as an intimidating place. The first thing a new user will notice is that even the URLs on the darknet are not as user- 30 WorldECR Darknet anything or communicate with the vendors. A cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin, is required to make purchases, while an encrypted messaging application known as PGP (pretty good privacy) is required to chat with vendors across most markets. But what to buy? The markets are a digital Wild West. If you give over your money and don’t get what you want, what protection is there for the consumer? How do you know the person you are buying from is legit? Buying and selling Darknet markets, a priori, may seem like a good place for selling strategic trade goods. But industrial goods are quite different to artisanally produced illegal drugs and other products found on the darknet markets. The manufacturing base for nuclear-grade products is limited to a small number of advanced manufacturing centres. If particular brands were available through the darknet markets they would be easy to trace back to the original manufacturer. What would a legitimate business be doing on a darknet market? Via a legitimate ecommerce portal or their own website, an unscrupulous vendor can maintain that they are only seeking legitimate customers. This is a harder claim to make if your product appeared on the darknet markets. How items are bought and delivered will help us understand how darknet markets differ from surface web ecommerce. As both the buyer and vendor are anonymous, and the buyer lacks basic assurances on product quality and that law enforcement is not on the other end of the transaction. How does this affect interactions? Scams can also occur in surface web ecommerce. In one instance, a man from Nottingham bought an Xbox on eBay for £450 to only receive a photograph through the mail. The vendor in question had positive reviews, which is the best protection against fraud. In this instance, eBay’s customer protection policy protected the unfortunate user and he got his refund. Buyers on the darknet have no such protections. The buyer must trust the vendor. On the surface web, even when buying a branded product that should retain its quality independent of the vendor, the vendor must be trusted to deliver an undamaged, functional good. On the darknet markets, credibility is 31 WorldECR Darknet established through vendor reviews. To become established, a vendor must have a track-record of selling and shipping expected quality goods. There must also be trust in financial transactions. Beyond the use of a cryptocurrency, surface-web ecommerce sites use an escrow system, with payment on delivery. Both the vendor and the buyer must trust the ecommerce site itself, which acts as the third party in the escrow system. For surface-web ecommerce, this is as simple as trusting the website will transfer the funds to the vendor after the transaction is complete and settle any disputes that arise between buyer and vendor. On the darknet, the equivalent transactions are more complicated. After a buyer pays the site, the vendor will be notified and ship the good. During this time, the site holds the cryptocurrency until the buyer notifies the site that they have their item. On darknet markets, the site facilitates disputes between vendors and buyers. A vendor could lie about delivery of goods, demand payment, then take all money from pending transactions and run. However, it is an acknowledged risk that some shipments, especially of drugs, will be intercepted for reasons outside of the vendor’s control. Equally, a buyer could lie about having received the item. The site must decide to trust the vendor or the buyer in these instances. The darknet also exposes users to a new risk: it is also possible for entire sites to disappear, taking all money from pending transactions. Newer markets have added ‘multisig’ escrow, where the cryptocurrency is placed in a virtual wallet not hosted by the market. The funds are only realised The manufacturing base for nuclear-grade products is limited to a small number of advanced manufacturing centres. if two of the vendor, buyer and market agree, protecting both the vendor and the buyer from each other and the market. What is on the markets Typical darknet market studies use a single data-gathering period to conduct their analysis. We have the luxury of Law enforcement Law enforcement has not been idle in confronting this threat. A series of takedowns and arrests have taken place since the shutdown of Silk Road in 2013. In 2016, Operation Hyperion resulted in coordinated arrests from the law enforcement of the Fives Eyes (USA, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia). WMD-related arrests in Liverpool and New York caught buyers attempting to buy ricin from the FBI. Successful takedowns have also been performed on the two biggest markets to appear after Silk Road: Hansa and Alpha Bay. In a clever move, in 2017, Dutch police took over both Alpha Bay and Hansa, the largest darknet markets by volume of sales at the time. When users found Alpha Bay had been closed, they flocked to Hansa only to be caught there. Despite these high-profile successes, the police are still playing a game of whack-a-mole in darknet trade. Mass arrests and site takedowns have not caused users to continue to run the risks associated with buying and selling from the markets. four separate periods of data collection from 2015-2018 to analyse how the darknet markets have evolved over time. Our study accessed all available markets and assesed each market for types and relative quantities of products available. It is the only publicly known study specifically targeted to seek items relevant to manufacturing or acquisition of WMD. Since the beginning of the Silk Road, which began in 2011 but closed in 2013, drugs have taken up the vast majority of goods traded on the darknet markets. Roughly nine in ten listings on any given market will be drugs. The types of drugs sold have changed considerably, with sales of the opioid Fentanyl increasing in recent years. Weapons have only ever been a niche item on the markets. Indeed, an arms-focused spinout from the original Silk Road, called ‘The Armory’, closed down due to lack of business. Little has changed since these early days in terms of demand for small arms. Our data indicates that while small arms are available, they do not appear to have been traded in large quantities. This concurs with a Rand study conducted into the sale of small arms in 2017. How-to guides on making weapons, homebrewing chemicals and explosives are available in limited quantities from Darknet some sites. Some guides are more dangerous than others and have been corroborated by law enforcement as credible. Not every how-to guide on the darknet is illegal. The Anarchist’s Cookbook, which includes guides on making bombs, is available on Amazon. Police attempted to use possession of the guide as evidence in a failed attempt to prosecute Joshua Walker using terrorism legislation in 2017. Shipping Items sold on the darknet markets – credit card details, hacked database information, how-to guides – can all be traded digitally. However, physical items such as drugs and counterfeit goods must be shipped. Darknet market shipments use postal services, so the buyer must use an address. Much trade is intra-state, particularly in the US, but a significant portion of trade on the darknet markets crosses state borders. How and why these items evade detection by export control offices is multicausal. The most common shipped items, small quantities of drugs, are hidden from the authorities with ‘stealth’. This can be unusual packaging or air-tight packing to confuse sniffer dogs. No bills of lading or export control compliance is submitted for these items. This is in contrast to tactics used when evading export controls for industrial goods. In these cases, common methods are to mislabel the end-user for dual-use items, mislabel the item so that it no longer requires export control and to transship through weak enforcement areas. Outright smuggling, where commercial shipping networks are bypassed, standard in the drugs trade, is not reported as occurring in darknet markets. The key to the growth in darknet markets is a steady demand. This demand has not been interrupted by law enforcement action, including closing down the markets, disrupting cryptocurrency, disrupting the darknet itself, or intercepting shipping. Why no WMD on the darknet markets? In summary, there are three reasons why we don’t see trade in nuclear strategic goods on the darknet markets. First, the markets evolved to trade in illegal goods free from government interference, so we do not observe 32 WorldECR Darknet Links and notes Financial Times: Weapons of mass ecommerce FBI Primer on Darknet Marketplaces and Operation Hyperion RAND report: International arms trade on the dark web nternational-arms-trade-on-the-hidden-web.html BBC News: Anarchist Cookbook trial ‘waste of time and money’ trade in legitimate advanced manufactured goods. Our study of the markets shows that trade on the markets is dominated by drugs, how-to guides for fraud, counterfeit items, and only small quantities of weapons. Moreover, if an opportunist had a large quantity of nuclear-grade pressure sensors, a flow forming machine, or other such item to sell, surface web ecommerce would be a less risky option than the darknet markets to evade suspicion. Moreover, a vendor must build up a track record to be trusted on darknet markets. It would be difficult for a vendor of dual-use items to operate without interference from law enforcement while building up their track record. Second, nuclear fuel cycle facilities require large quantities of goods, but darknet markets deal with only small quantities of items. This restriction comes from difficulties in successful undetected shipping. A very large item could be listed and sold on the darknet and then delivered without the use of postal services. However, this would go against the current shipping practices of the market and would require the same evasion tactics as traditional illicit exports when crossing state borders. Third, ecommerce through business to business (B2B), business to consumer (B2C), or consumer to consumer (C2C) surface web sites markets items which are, at worst, dual-use. Straight-up illegal goods are hard to find on surface web ecommerce platforms – Amazon does not sell guns for instance. Ecommerce sites flourish in trade of dual-use items because they have legitimate uses. Nuclear-grade manufacturing is distinctive and provides a link back to the manufacturer. What manufacturer would advertise that they were prepared to operate outside of the law by displaying their goods on the darknet? Remaining questions The darknet markets specialise in connecting buyers and sellers of small quantities of illegal goods. From a strategic trade perspective, there are still some items of interest: particularly for development of chemical, biological and radiological devices in smaller quantities. Our dataset contains instances of sub-kg quantities of natural uranium (that can also be bought legitimately on Amazon), and radioactive sources of polonium-210 and cobalt-60 designed for experimental laboratory use, as well as (unconfirmed) recipes available for some chemical weapons. At least for the former, it is probable that these listings were placed by law enforcement designed to entice malicious actors. An opportunist, or insider, who gained access to strategic trade goods would not evade detection by selling through the darknet markets. The markets are actively tracked by law enforcement. As discussed in the previous section, industrial goods can be traced back to the original manufacturer. Given the reputational damage to a company that was identified with goods on the darknet, a company would have a strong incentive to avoid darknet markets in the first place. Given how unusual a strategic good would be if listed on the darknet markets, it would be quickly picked up by law enforcement and traced back to the manufacturer. The manufacturer would be expected to identify the source of the item and identify the vendor. The darknet markets are not needed to perform illicit trade. Encrypted communication, transfer of cryptocurrency and shipping can be Darknet Darknet performed independently of the markets. End-to-end encrypted communications are available to anybody with a smartphone. Cryptocurrencies can be used outside the markets if they are thought to be less risky than bank transfers. The only unique service the darknet markets provide is connecting buyers and sellers. However, distributors and manufacturers of strategic goods can be contacted directly or through legitimate ecommerce portals. Nuclear materials, radioisotopes, and chemicals should be considered distinctly from other forms of strategic trade items, and should be monitored appropriately. However, a vendor of these items may hold only a limited quantity of material so may have difficulty establishing credibility. In later periods of data collection, Fentanyl, an opioid that has caused a public health crisis in the United States, became more prevalent on the markets. Fentanyl derivatives can be used to make chemical weapons. In 2002, 40 Chechen separatists took 912 hostages in a Moscow theatre. The hostage crisis was tackled by Russian special forces by pumping a suspected Fentanyl derivative into the theatre. Throughout our monitoring of the darknet markets no strategic industrial goods were identified. This gas was suspected to have caused the deaths of 130 hostages. Conclusion We have offered an explanation for the lack of strategic trade goods on the darknet markets. We note an absence of goods on the market due to a lack of existing trade in industrial goods, a lack of trade in large quantities of material, and a lack of appetite for legitimate companies to use the darknet. Any opportunist or insider that obtained access to strategic trade goods could use the darknet markets to sell them. However, the darknet markets only connect vendors and buyers. The infrastructure that keeps the transaction anonymous – encrypted communications, cryptocurrency and clandestine shipping – can be used without the markets. A proliferator can also simply contact a supplier directly or through a legitimate ecommerce site. Throughout our monitoring of the darknet markets no strategic industrial goods were identified. Notable items identified over the period of our study – radioisotope sources for laboratory work and sub-kg quantities of natural uranium – are not indicators of significant activity but any future listings of such items should be monitored by security services. Dr. Grant Christopher is Programme director for Nonproliferation at Ridgeway Information in London, UK. / / '/ / ǧ . ))*/ / Ǻ ǩ # ǩ ǻ # *)' 4 ))*/ / 1. $ *) *! / # )/)/ $ *)' Ƣ $ ) (. 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Typically, the first step is to enter the name of a person or entity into whichever your company has chosen to purchase/do business with and to proceed from there. Pascal Ditté’s platform is rather different: its starting point is that the gathering of meta data – the list characteristics – is interesting of itself. What is available in terms of published sanctions lists? Where and how can they be accessed? What do the lists contain and how are the entries structured? When did the lists last change? Are there strategic trends in terms of listing? What are the available data formats? Which of the lists are online searchable? Which relevant tools or services are available to help? Data-driven Ditté is not new to digital resources. Between 2008 and 2011 he was responsible for the German Business Intelligence practice of Deloitte’s Forensic & Dispute Services team, a role, which, he says, entailed a lot of background research. ‘It is always a challenge working out beneficial ownership,’ he says, ‘but if you understood public registries it was much easier.’ This realisation led him to the idea of the Global Compliance Records Directory (‘GCRD’), which he describes as ‘a country-by-country overview on where to find relevant 34 WorldECR Overview table: Shows sanctions programmes with basic information about entry volume, country affiliations, data formats, search options and date of last change/update. By clicking on a list entry, a detailed sanctions profile opens, with further in-depth information. The classification of entries is based on the methodology of the releasing authorities. For example, on the EU list, there are the categories ‘enterprise’ and ‘person’, although it also includes vessels which are filed under ‘enterprise’ as well. The number of primary names and additional identities of a sanctioned party (‘AKAs’) can be important for the assessment of high-volume transaction-monitoring operations. Country affiliations of listed parties can be important in order to conduct risk assessments. The information provided here is based on address information in the respective datasets. More analysis can be found in the single sanctions profiles Daily List Updates: The user can see at a glance, which lists have changed and which regimes/programmes are affected. The user can open source documents such as press releases, open the sanctions list directly from the regulator website and search online for a name (where the regulator offers an online search option). When an entry has been amended, the user can also check what has changed in detail. Solutions information in the local public records or other open sources,’ containing data ‘from corporate register information to bankruptcy information and publicly available court records,’ – i.e., the kind of information essential in due diligence under compliance regulations. ‘ emerged out of that,’ he explains. ‘The idea was to provide an overview of the sanctions lists that are out there, their characteristics, accessibility and trends. And where to find help if needed. Of course, it sounds easy [to gather that information and keep it up to date] but it isn’t. For one thing, the content frequently changes. And for another, the characteristics are very different. Each list has its own structure, format and means of accessing the content…’ includes all the ‘obvious’ lists: United Nations Consolidated, OFAC SDN, UK Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (‘OFSI’), EU External Action Service, which are automatically analysed on a daily basis. At a glance, subscribers can see the number of entries each has, the focus of its programmes (e.g., what country it targets), whether there have been recent additions or removals, with breakdown on sanctions regime/ programme level. But there are also other list profiles, such as that compiled by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, Canada’s Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Japan’s Ministry of is a freemium model. Selected parts of the database are accessible without login. Full access requires a subscription. Solutions Economy, Trade and Industry and others. Indeed, at the moment there are around 130 list profiles. Further lists, which are already included in the GCRD will be added in the future. Ditté explains the thinking: ‘Imagine, for example, a company or bank that needs to make sure that all its sanctions lists are on focus and source/sanctions list for names. But it is not intended to be a “screening software” tool. Nor is a list vendor. It delivers background info and the “how-to”, and shows where to find help in dealing with this complex issue if required .’ According to Ditté, the tool also provides a means by which you can ‘The idea was to provide an overview of the sanctions lists that are out there, their characteristics, accessibility and trends. And where to find help if needed.’ Pascal Ditté implemented internally. Have they got all the relevant lists covered? Are they up to date? Where can they access the remaining lists? ‘Or you need information on strategic trends in listing for your risk assessment. Or, you’re tracking a particular sanctions programme, and need to keep track of when it changes. Or perhaps you’ve introduced a new screening tool, but need a means by which you can differentiate between certain products. These are all sanctionsscenarios where can help.’ One of the most obviously noticeable aspects about is that the site links to an A-Z of commercial list vendors, software solutions and advisory services. The competition, potentially? Not so, says Ditté: ‘Mine is a completely different business model. It is an additional tool that offers information about lists, changes and trends. And yes, it also enables users for example to search directly in the primary read the temperature of international compliance lists and spot trends. So, for example, in 2018, the volume of the OFAC SDN List grew by 1,405 entries, which is an increase of more than 23%. In comparison, the EU Consolidated List grew by 102 entries – a comparatively mere 5%. ‘Currently, the OFAC SDN List is three times the size of the EU list,’ says Ditté. ‘And in the last 18 months this has grown considerably. The OFAC list alone contains seven times more entries than the United Nations consolidated list…’ So, what’s next for the platform? Ditté says he has a lot of plans for the coming months, among them, the integration of further list profiles (many of which are already included in the ‘legacy format’, the GCRD database) and improvements in usability, for example for the mobile version of the website. In an increasingly watchful space of trade compliance, it would seem only the intelligent thing to do. The WorldECR Archive at includes all past journal and website news PLUS every article that has ever appeared in WorldECR. If you would like to find out more about Archive Access, contact Mark Cusick, WorldECR’s publisher at 35 WorldECR THE DIRECTORy TM Inadvertent commercial exposure to networks and jurisdictions targeted by sanctions can create risk for your enterprise. Kharon provides the assurance you require. Find out more about our sanctions-related risk® solutions at Exceptional legal and operational advice on q EU and US Export Controls q EU and US Sanctions q Internal Compliance Programs q Risk Assessments q Transaction Compliance Analyses Finland's Leading Export Compliance Law Firm The Directory at WorldECR For details on how to include your company in The Directory, please contact 36 WorldECR THE DIRECTORy A Canadian Law Firm with Expertise in Canada’s Export Controls, Economic Sanctions & Trade Restrictions Contact: Cyndee Todgham Cherniak Phone: 416-389-8999 Email: The Gooderham “Flatiron” Building 49 Wellington Street East Suite 501 Toronto, Ontario M5E 1C9 Cyndee is a regular contributor to WorldECR and speaker at its Forum 37 WorldECR THE DIRECTORy Jacobson Burton Kelley PLLC is an international trade law firm with offices in Washington DC and New York, focused on economic sanctions (OFAC), export controls (EAR & ITAR), anti-corruption (FCPA), customs and trade remedies, foreign investment in the US (CFIUS), international trade policy, and anti-money laundering law. Jacobson Burton Kelley comprises: Douglas N. Jacobson, Michael L. Burton, Glen N. Kelley, David J. Brummond, and Heather Sears. Our attorneys collectively have practiced trade law for more than a century, with experience as both outside and in-house counsel as well as government service. We guide our clients through strategy, licensing, compliance, and enforcement issues that arise in their business operations, exports and imports, and cross-border transactions. Through our close working relationships with co-counsel around the world, Jacobson Burton Kelley strives to resolve complex multinational trade law matters with boutique service and expertise. 1725 I STREET NW SUITE 300 WASHINGTON, DC 20006 WWW.JBKTRADELAW.COM TEL: 202.580.8911 EMAIL: INFO@JACOBSONBURTON.COM 43 WEST 43RD STREET SUITE 27 NEW YORK, NY 10036 Having more than a few of the proverbial “balls in the air” (regardless of how much they shine) can lead to increased exposure to risk. If that exposure leads to unfavorable circumstances, you may seek creative options from experienced problem solvers to help limit the impact. Or, in the brave new world of international trade, you may choose to conduct a “self-assessment” to mitigate the risk before it becomes an unfavorable situation. Either way, we are here to help. Our menu of services includes: Import Process & Customs Matters • Export Process, Licensing & Agreements Deemed Exports & Technology Transfers • Duty Drawback Recovery Foreign-Trade Zones • International Trade & Market Access Mexican Trade Law • Domestic & International Corporate Transactions NAFTA & Other Free Trade Agreements • Staffing 38 WorldECR WorldECR The journal of export controls and sanctions Contributors in this issue WorldECR Editorial Board Fabian A. Jahn Michael Burton, Jacobson Burton Kelley PLLC Ronald A Oleynik, Andres Fernandez, Jonathan M Epstein, Aymee D Valdivia Granda and Barbara Efraim, Holland & Knight Jay Nash, Nash Global Trade Services Rosa Rosanelli, Belgium Engine Center George Tan, Global Trade Security Consulting, Singapore Samantha Sultoon, Atlantic Council Richard Tauwhare, Dechert Dr. Grant Christopher, Ridgeway Information Stacey Winters, Deloitte, London Dr. Bärbel Sachs, Noerr, Berlin bä General enquiries, advertising enquiries, press releases, subscriptions: Contact the editor, Tom Blass: tel +44 (0)7930405003 Contact the publisher, Mark Cusick: tel: +44 (0)7702289830 WorldECR is published by D.C. Houghton Ltd. Information in WorldECR is not to be considered legal advice. Opinions expressed within WorldECR are not to be considered official expressions of the publisher. The publisher assumes no responsibility for errors and omissions appearing within. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject all editorial and advertising matter. The publisher does not assume any liability for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs, or artwork. *Single or multi-site: Do you have the correct subscription? A single-site subscription provides WorldECR to employees of the subscribing organisation within one geographic location or office. A multi-site subscription provides WorldECR to employees of the subscribing organisation within more than one geographic location or office. Please note: both subscription options provide multiple copies of WorldECR for employees of the subscriber organisation (in one or more office as appropriate) but do not permit copying or distribution of the publication to non-employees of the subscribing organisation without the permission of the publisher. For full subscription terms and conditions, visit For further information or to change your subscription type, please contact Mark Cusick - © D.C. Houghton Ltd 2019. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photograph, or illustration without express written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. ISSN 2046-4797. Refer to this issue as: WorldECR [0080] Correspondence address: D.C. Houghton Ltd, Suite 17271, 20-22 Wenlock Road, London N1 7GU, England D.C. Houghton Ltd is registered in England and Wales (registered number 7490482) with its registered office at 20-22 Wenlock Road, London, UK ISSUE 80. JUNE 2019
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