Apr newsletter - Riverside Gun Club

Located in the densely wooded New England countryside with facilities to support our members whether your interests
are competitive shooting, breaking clays, fishing, plinking, sharpening your skills for hunting or just socializing.
Quarterly Newsletter
Year round programs for
both junior and adult
archers. USA Archery,
State Assoc., National
Assoc., and the Junior
Olympic Archery
Development (JOAD)
Pistol & Rifle
A variety of programs
for a range of shooting
interests including
participation in the
Highpower, CMP
Civilian Marksmanship
Program events and the
NRA Jr Rifle Program
April 2015
Skeet & Trap
Tuesday, Thursday and
Sunday Shoots every
week. Three fields are
configured to support
different shooting
programs including
skeet, trap and 5 stand
with lights
Banquet Facility
Large function hall,
dance floor, band stand
and attached kitchen
area with a separate
entrance area and full
function bar has a
capacity of 150. Rental
includes bartender and
cleanup. Caterer and DJ
available for functions.
Outdoor Patio, Horse
Shoes, Trout Pond,
Sports Bar Big Screen
in the Smoke free Club
House, Banquet Hall
dates available.
Fish & Game
The trout are jump’n in
our fully stocked trout
pond. Badges available
at the clubhouse.
Trout Pond Activity from the PRESIDENT’S DESK
This is a great opportunity to spend
quality time with your family. The
Trout Pond opening Day is always
a big event for both Adults and
Kids. Opening Day is Saturday,
May 9th. Get out the rod & reel
and bring the family. If you don’t
have fishing equipment there will
be some club provided equipment.
The concession stand will be open:
Breakfast is available at 7AM and
Lunch is available at 11:30 AM.
Fishing hours are from 7AM to 4PM.
The opening day derby will be open
to the to the public (derby day only)
for the price of $10 for adults and
$7 for kids. Members season pond
licenses are available for $15.00 and
kids licenses are included with their
jr. membership, which is $15.00.
Prizes will be awarded in two
categories both adults and youths.
There will be a raffle as well.
Sportsmen in this country have
always been among the most vocal
and active advocates for conservation
and wildlife management. American
pioneers were the first to recognize
the need for laws that would not
restrict their rights.
Thanks to President Theodore
Roosevelt who called for the first laws
that would restrict the commercial
slaughter of wildlife and created
hunting and fishing licenses. Those
laws were the foundation of a
conservation model that generated
a very successful conservation
program. In 2014 the US Congress
initiated and passed the Sportsmen’s
Enhancement Act, but unfortunately
it was defeated in the US Senate.
This bill would have removed
federal red tape that unnecessarily
block access to certain public lands
for hunting and fishing. Hopefully
congress will not continue making
life difficult for sportsmen.
gun laws and regulations hasn’t
been smooth sailing either. The
State of Massachusetts enacted
legislation in my view, imposing
unnecessary firearm regulations
that are cumbersome and difficult
to understand. Cutting through the
legal-ease was hard to do on our own.
We want to be law-abiding citizens
even though we face relentless cultural
and journalistic attacks in order for
them to remold the world to fit their
ideology. Going forward, Riverside
will continue to promote good
sportsmanship and conservation
programs. It is important for our
families to be able to hand down
from one generation to the next
the tradition of hunting, fishing or
participating in recreational shooting
sports. I will continue to advocate for
legislation that protect this right for
the next generation.
Mike Connelly
Riverside Gun Club 16 Wilkins Street, Hudson, MA 01749 (978) 562-2404 PO BOX 152
Pin Shoot
High Power Team
The pin shooting competition
is back up and running this
year…we will schedule one per
month to be conducted at the 25
yd. outdoor range as weekend
day, 10:00am to Noon. Prizes
are awarded—top shooter gets
511 Tactical Shirt. Shooters
should bring semi-auto center
fire—minor (up to 9mm)
and major (40 cal. and Up)
revolver—Minor (up to 38 Spl.)
and major (10mm & up.) We
will be shooting at 5 pins at 25
ft. within 30 seconds. The event
is open to the public---members
and non-members welcome.
The event costs Members: $8:00
and Non-Members $10:00. For
information concerning the
event check the club calendar
on line or contact Eric Larson:
The Civilian Marksmanship
Program known as the CMP
is an opportunity to shoot the
WWII vintage infantry rifle,
“M1 Garand.” The program is
also open to Non-Members…
You have the opportunity for
instructional shooting club
provided M1’s with 60 rounds
(only the cost of Ammo) $75.00
per shooter. There is a half hour
of instructions and supervised
shooting in the standing, sitting
and prone position. The course
is approximately 3 hours and
you will receive a certificate
that authorizes you to buy
government surplus M1s when
available through military
You can sign up for
the course by contacting John
McGrath, email: jjmcgrath99@
comcast.net or call 508-3539316. Course dates are: Apr 12,
July 12, Aug 09 & Oct 11.
It’s cool—It’s fun! After last
years winning season, the
team is gearing up for a new
season that begins with a
home match on April 19th
hosting the Northeast High
Power Rifle League (NEHPRL).
Introduction to the rifle team
for those interested members
will be April 12th at the CMP
We are looking for
new members---come out for
an exploratory visit…Contact
Team Captain, Paul White,
Event Dates:
May: 16th
June 21st
July 19th
Aug: 16th
Sep: 19th
Oct: 18th
Riverside Gun Club white95@earthlink.net.
Pistol Team
Arny Buckman, Team Coach
awarded trophies during the
Time for Spring Cleaning. We annual pistol team banquet
are planning an outdoor range culminating a 20 week shooting
season. Receiving honors, is
cleanup April 11th at 9:00am.
John Reilly (L) for the highest
average for the season and Joe
Romard (R) for the seasons
most improved shooter.
Range Cleanup
http://www.facebook.com/riversidegc.org http://riversidegc.org/
Education & Training
2015 is a great year for education & training at Riverside
On February 21st the Utah
Concealed Carry course was held
and the successful graduates
are now eligible to apply for
the concealed carry permit in
Utah which has reciprocity in
more than 30 states. As an aside
– Massachusetts, of course, has
reciprocity with no (zero, nil,
nada, zippo) other states and
recognizes the carry permits
of the exact same number of
states. Given the position of
Massachusetts, it is surprising
that 21 states actually honor,
license to carry.
for a Firearm Identification
(FID) card or a License To Carry
(LTC) in Massachusetts. Many
other states require completion
of and NRA course for licensing.
Be aware that some states
require a recent completion
of an NRA course in order to
apply for a concealed carry
permit. One such state is Maine
where the requirement is to
demonstrate that the applicant
has knowledge of handgun
safety by having completed an
We will be conducting the NRA approved safety course within
Basic Pistol course three times the last 5 years.
this year with the first session Firearm accidents are, and
starting on Tuesday, May 12th continue to be, at an all time
On March 31st, Jon Green, and finishing on Saturday, low. This is primarily due to
the director for education and May 15th. The other dates the great increase in firearm
training for the Gun Owners are available on the Riverside education
Action League (GOAL) gave website.
Knowledge and always acting
a tremendously informative As a public service the NRA with safety in mind is keeping
seminar entitled Mass Gun Home Firearm Safety course us all safe.
Laws for Citizens. There and the NRA Basic Pistol course
were more than 50 members are open to the public. Both
and guests in attendance. courses award NRA certificates
The subject matter, being of completion to the graduates Contact Bill McDonough –
extremely important to all of us along with the Massachusetts bmcdonough@riversidegc.org .
sparked quite a few questions State Police Basic Firearms
and was eye opening to many Safety certificate which is
of our members.
required with the application
Riverside Gun Club Our
successful. We held a NRA
Home Firearm Safety course
with and optional live-fire
session on February 28th and
had 10 students complete the
course. This course will be
offered four more times during
the remainder of the year with
the next session being held
on Saturday, April 25th. See
the Riverside website for
additional dates.
http://www.facebook.com/riversidegc.org http://riversidegc.org/
Range Officer Committee
Range officers are on the ranges
to assist members who are
having difficulties, to provide
instruction on rules and
procedures and to correct unsafe
conditions. Range officers can
be identified by their white
button with green lettering.
If you are unsure of anything
concerning the ranges, please
ask. If a Range officer is not
available, there is a copy of the
new range rules and procedures
at each range. In addition, a
copy can be downloaded from
the Riverside website, even
while on the range if you have
a smart phone.
We hold informal range officers
meetings generally on the
first Monday of the month to
discuss issues and observations
and identify ways to improve
the things that we are doing.
Everyone is welcome at our
meetings and new range
officers are always encouraged.
Our next three informal
meetings are scheduled for
May 4th, June 1st and July 6th.
The meeting will start at 7:00
PM and we will meet in the
members’ lounge.
If you have any questions or
comments or want to volunteer to
be a range officer, please call me
at: (781) 314-6330 or email me at:
bmcdonough@riversidegc.org .
Riverside Gun Club G U N
Range Safety, et al
The Riverside Gun Club has
released the 2015 Edition of the
Range Rules and Procedures –
all ranges; indoor, outdoor, rifle/
pistol, skeet & trap and archery,
all in one stand alone booklet.
The new rules and procedures
are divided into logical sections
and allow the reader to quickly
find the rule or procedures
desired. One new section is on
emergency procedures. Many
of the rules and procedures
remain unchanged, however
many rules have been modified
clarification. In addition, there
are some new rules.
Firing Positions
Change in firing line positions
on the 25 yard range - One new
rule changes the acceptable
shooting positions on the 25
yard range. It is now a violation
of the rules to shoot between
the benches and the low fence
at the front of the shelter on the
25 yard range. Shooting from
this position provides little
advantage over shooting from
the official firing line which
is behind the benches. The
physical distance gained is only
1-2 yards. The reason for the
shooting position prohibition is
safety and confusion. It is very
common for shooters to load
their firearms behind the bench
and walk to the area in front of
the benches to the low fence
to shoot. Upon running out of
ammunition, the shooters turn
around and reload magazines/
cylinders from the front side of
the bench. Their guns are then
reloaded and they turn around
to face downrange for shooting.
http://www.facebook.com/riversidegc.org The action of turning around
violates all rules of muzzle
discipline. Those muzzles are
pointed in unsafe directions
while turning around, once
while unloaded and once
while reloaded. During these
movements the muzzles are
pointed at the parking lot, other
shooters on all ranges and often
at the shooters themselves.
Firing Line ReLocation
Clarification of relocating the
firing line on the 25 and yard
ranges – It is quite common,
with agreement by all shooters,
that the firing line on the 25 or
60 yard range is moved forward
to a location nearer the targets,
such as 8 yards or 10 yards
or something else. This is in
accordance with the range rules.
Once the firing line is relocated,
all shooters, who are on the
range or arriving at the range,
have added responsibility to
ensure safety on the range.
Should the firing line become
staggered; one or more shooters
moving even slightly forward
of or behind the relocated firing
line, a cease fire MUST be
called. Even a slight change in
the alignment of shooters will
put one or more shooters in
front of another live shooter so
a cease fire is mandatory.
No shooter may move away
from the firing line unless
his/her gun is unloaded and
Meaning that a
shooter who does not have a
holster and carries his/her gun
to/from the benches in his/her
hand cannot move from the
firing line until all shooters are
done shooting and everyone
returns to the benches to reload.
Range Safety, et al
Please enter this phone number
into your cell phone: (978) 5627122. It is the direct phone
Note that no gun may be hand number for the Hudson Police
carried unless it is unloaded Department which should be
with the action open. Again used in case of an emergency. Yes
if the gun is unloaded and you can call 911, however from
holstered, the shooter my leave a cell phone, 911 is answered
the firing line and return to the by the state police who must
bench area.
contact the Hudson police of
When anyone is forward fire, potentially resulting in
of the benches for any reason, a delay in the dispatching of
handling of firearms is strictly emergency services.
prohibited. Any firearms which Should an accidental gun shot
are resting on the benches wound happen, a cease fire must
MUST be unloaded and made be called on all ranges and all
safe; completely unloaded and firearms, have to be unloaded,
magazines (even if empty) made safe and, except for those
removed and actions open laid involved in the accident, put
down with the chamber port away in their cases. Emergency
facing up so as to visible by responders should not have
everyone in the area. Revolvers to be concerned about loaded
must have all cylinders empty firearms being nearby while
and laid down so as to keep the they are doing their jobs.
cylinder in the open position.
If someone accidentally suffers
If members arrive at the a gun shot wounded, call (978)
benches while the firing line 562-7122 for the Hudson Police
is moved forward, or if any department and explain that
person is downrange for any there has been an accidental
purpose the new arrivals are gun shot wound and medical
prohibited from handling or assistance is required. Do not
touching a firearm for any say “There has been a shooting
purpose, even to remove said at the Riverside Gun Club” as
firearm from its case.
that statement will result in
If the firing line is moved or SWAT being dispatched and
if anyone is downrange for any EMS services waiting until
purpose, people at the benches SWAT gives the all clear before
may reload magazines which entering the property resulting
are separate from the firearms in delays in medical treatment.
so long as it does not require If emergency services are
handling a firearm.
summoned, someone needs
Riverside Gun Club to go to the club entrance at
Wilkins Street to direct the first
responders to the injury site. It
is advisable to have multiple
people positioned at several
locations along the route to the
injury site to further direct the
first responders.
http://www.facebook.com/riversidegc.org Additional thoughts
Eye and ear protection are
mandatory on the ranges. A
brimmed hat, like a baseball
cap is highly recommended
as well. The Smith & Wesson
range, when it was open to the
public, required baseball caps
or equivalents on their range.
The brim on the cap provides
additional protection against
spend brass from getting
behind your shooting glasses.
Remember that, when driving
to and from the range, handguns
and large capacity firearms,
as defined by Massachusetts
law, must be in locked cases.
The exception being for those
who have unrestricted LTCs,
the pistol can be loaded and
uncased if it is in your direct
control. This does not mean in
the glove compartment.
When driving with rifles and
shotguns, the firearms must
be enclosed in a case. Yes, the
trunk of your car is considered
a case for this purpose, however
if you get a flat tire, and your
guns are not in cases in your
trunk, you are in violation of
the law as soon as you open
your trunk so it is wise to put
the guns in cases then into the
trunk. In the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts, it is a good
idea for us, gun owners, to be a
bit paranoid and make sure we
plan for all contingencies.
RGC Skeet & Trap News
What a winter for outside shooting
sports. Way too much snow and
constant cold. It seemed like we did
more shoveling than shooting out
there this winter. I would like to
thank all who helped shovel off our
fields and plowed the parking areas.
We have continued to shoot skeet
and 5-stand throughout the winter.
Who knew 32 degrees could feel so
Fortunately, we have scheduled
5 outings so far this year. Some
of them are getting to be repeat
customers. These outings are for
corporate, birthday or bachelor
parties where most shooters are new
to the sport. We supply everything
and have NRA Certified instructors
run the outings.
The Maynard Club contacted us
recently to plan a fun shoot of Skeet,
Trap and 5-Stand at their club. After
the shoot, they are planning a nice
pig roast. Later in the year we plan
to have them over for a fun shoot at
our club.
We had the Berlin Boyscouts here
recently and as usual this winter it
snowed the whole time they shot
Now that it is warming up a bit we trap. They did very well and had Chairman
can plan for our spring clean up and fun. It is always nice to see them
get ready for a trailer load of clay hit there first targets. We have two
targets coming next month.
more scout troops scheduled for
this spring.
Riverside Gun Club http://www.facebook.com/riversidegc.org Frank Harrington