ACLU Steve Barger Pn~sident January 23, 2015 Mr. Steven H. Rosenbaum, Chief U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Housing and Civil Enforcement Section, NWB Washington, D.C. 20530 Rita Sklar ExecuUve Director Holly Dickson Legal Directo1· Dir fts Crys Swindle Office Manager Re: Follow-up on Request for Department of Justice to Investigate Anti-Islamic Discrimination at the Gun Cave shooting range in Hot Springs, Arkansas Dear Chief Rosenbaum: The purpose of this correspondence is to follow up with your office regarding the discriminatory practices and policies of The Gun Cave, a shooting range and gun store in Hot Springs, Arkansas, and to repeat our request that the U.S. Department of Justice investigate this matter. Further information has become available since our correspondence of October 8, 2014. As a recent news article shows, Jan Morgan, owner of The Gun Cave Indoor Firing Range, appears to have refused service to a father and son because of their skin color. Please see the articles "Father and Son Turned Away from "Muslim-free" Hot Springs Gun Range for Being Brown," published at the Arkansas Times blog on January 13, 2015, at http://www. a rktimes. com/ArkansasBiog/arch ives/20 15/01 /13/father-and-son-turned-away-frommuslim-free-hot-springs-gun-range-for-being-brown and "Hindu Man, Father 'Kicked Out' of Muslim-Free Gun Range" at: Bh6UCXfFzba8JAmg Such conduct, if true, would be a clear violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 because Ms. Morgan denied two people service based solely on their perceived ethnicity and religious affiliation at the gun range, a place of public accommodation covered by the Civil Rights Act. Members of the public, including those who have been unlawfully excluded, are understandably fearful of publicly challenging the illegality of exclusion of perceived Muslims from this facility. With this additional information, we respectfully renew our request that your office investigate this matter and take all appropriate action. We are including our previous letter and its enclosure for your convenience. Sincerely, Encl. 904 West Second, Suite One • Little Rock, AR 7zzor • T: 5oi/374·Z66o • F: 501/374·Z84z •
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