HIGH PERFORMANCE GUN DRILL OIL Trademark Oil is proud to have been involved with UNISIG in the development of this product. We worked closely with UNISIG to produce a high performance, quality product for use with their machines — giving manufacturers an advantage in their gun drilling capabilities; increasing productivity, quality and profit. UNISIG-approved DEEPCUT 2200 is a machining fluid that provides outstanding performance in Gun Drilling machine operations. It also performs very well as a cutting and grinding oil. DEEPCUT 2200 contains a selected balance of lubricity and EP additives providing excellent cutting capabilities on a wide variety of metals and alloys; especially in high speed machining of screw stocks. An anti-foam agent has been added to the UNISIG-approved DEEPCUT 2200 to eliminate problems with foaming and air entrainment. Plus a special anti-misting additive helps prevent an oily film buildup on shop equipment and fixtures. PERFORMANCE BENEFITS Tool life dramatically increased Demanding operations see higher stock removal Low viscosity leads to good wetting, cooling and flushing characteristics Higher operator acceptance due to light colour and low odour Typical Properties: Appearance ............. Clear, light amber API Gravity.................................... 29.5 Flash Point, °F.............................. > 300 Viscosity @ 100°F (38°C) SUS ..... 65-75 Sulphur Total, % wt ..................... < 7 % Chlorine, % wt ............................. < 7 % Fat, % wt...................................... < 7 % UNISIG-approved DEEPCUT 2200 is the choice product for improved productivity. Please contact our Customer Service Department at 519-737-9414 for more specific information about this product or any other Trademark Oil product. Disclaimer: All reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this publication is true and accurate. No warranty is expressed or implied regarding the accuracy of the data. Also, seller is not liable for any loss, damage or liability resulting from the use of the product in the buyer’s manufacturing processes or in combination with other substances. MSDS sheets are available for all products and should be consulted as needed. 1860 North Talbot Rd, Windsor, ON N9A 6J3 Ph: (519) 737-9414 Fax: (519) 737-9415 Website: www.trademarkoil.com
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