Riverside REVIEW Vol. 17, Issue 4 Message from the General Manager pg 2 Alzheimer Society Pg 5 Welcome New Residents pg 3 Chaplain’s Corner pg 4 April 2015 Village Events pg 7 Join us for our annual PAL Program Pg 8,9 Volunteer Department Pg 10,11 Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 4th at 10am Mission Statement Our Mission is to provide holistic health care in a home environment located within an internal neighbourhood design that promotes a caring community, with emphasis on optimal health and life purpose for each resident. 60 Woodlawn Road East, Guelph, Ontario, N1H8M8 Phone: 519-822-5272 Fax: 519-822-5520 www.schlegelvillages.com Message from Bryce McBain Residents, Families, and Team Members, Our Recreation Team and others worked very hard to see many people in our village get into the spirit of things in March. Thank you to all those fans of the leprechaun who helped to make our village ‘green’ and organized festivities in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. We hope April marks the end of our flu season. In March, unfortunately we had an enteric outbreak in our Nichol LTC Neighbourhood. We thank everyone in the village for being diligent at proper hand washing, and taking extra care to clean/ sanitize. As a result, we were able to contain our outbreak to one neighbourhood; a noble feat. We are happy to report that we have recently made better progress on our Memory Care Retirement Neighbourhood renovation and our residents are back dining in their renewed open concept dining room. We had the first of our enhanced orientation for new team members. We are confident that our commitment to a greater investment in new team members will help us continue to provide the highest quality of care to our residents. We know that many of you were glad to see the last day of winter pass, look forward to the warmer weather, and to getting out walking in spring. We encourage everyone to make more time now to get out and walk for a healthier you! I hope that you enjoy this edition of our Village of Riverside Glen newsletter. Warmest regards, Bryce McBain Riverside Glen welcomes new residents to our community Bienvenue Welcome Witajcie Bem-Vindo Retirement Karibuni Margaret Brimblecombe Colleen Brix Angelo Dal Bello Joseph Shea Benvenuto Welkom E Komo Mai Long Term Care Gladys Balog Jacques Champoux Florence Malott Jewel McGaughey Chaplain’s Corner Residents, Families, and Team Members: March seems to be a long month and this one has seemed particularly long with such cold temperatures. In the same way, the season of Lent can seem long as we do a great deal of self-examination; maybe putting "to death" some habits that are not life-giving and planting seeds of new life. As we come into April we come immediately into Holy Week, remembering the last days of Jesus' life into His death and resurrection. To remember that time there will be a special Good Friday service on Friday, April 3 at 2:30 in the Town Hall. Easter Sunday service will be in Long Term Care at 10:30am, and there will be an Easter Communion Service on Wednesday, April 8 at 2:30 in the Town Hall. Please note that instead of the normal church service on Wednesday, April 15, there will be a grief workshop from 2-4 in the Town Hall. This is for residents, families, and staff. See the notice in this newsletter as well as posters throughout the village. Whether you have experienced a recent death of a family or friend, this workshop may help you understand and learn from the experiences of grief. A Blessed Easter Season to All, Rev. Brenda Woodall (Chaplain) In Memoriam The Board of Directors, Management, Team Members and Residents were saddened by the passing of Harold Muller Ruth Ellig Monika Von Holstein Edith McDougall Mary Ferguson George Jordan Dorothy Elmes Stuart Elgie Betty Boorse Riverside Review, Vol. 17, Issue 4 April 2015 For more information: Guelph Office: 207 – 255 Woodlawn Rd. West, Guelph, Ontario N1H 2Z7 Phone: (519) 836-7672 www.alzheimerww.ca Help for Today. Hope for Tomorrow…® Sun downing What is sundowning? Sundowning is a symptom that can show up in people who have dementia. When someone becomes confused, anxious, aggressive, agitated, or restless consistently later in the day (usually late afternoon or early evening), this is called sundowning. It is thought that sundowning can be a problem for as many as 66% of people with dementia. Sundowning often affects the person’s quality of life and it can be exhausting for the caregiver. Behaviours associated with sundowning Becoming demanding or aggressive Experiencing delusions and hallucinations. Pacing or wandering Doing impulsive things Attempting to leave home Having difficulty understanding others Having difficulty doing tasks that were done without difficulty earlier in the day What causes sundowning? A variety of events or issues can trigger sundowning. These include: Being tired at the end of day (can lead to an inability to cope with stress) Low lighting and more shadows (can create confusion and hallucinations, especially with common objects that look different when it is darker) Disruption of the Circadian cycle (sleep/wake pattern) because of the dementia (the person cannot distinguish day from night) Not as much or no activity in the afternoon compared to the morning (can lead to restlessness later in the day) Responding to sundowning Finding a way to respond to sundowning may take some trial and error. Every person is different and may react differently. Some strategies to try are: See if the behaviour is being caused by discomfort (hunger, need to use the toilet, pain). Allow for rest and naps between activities. Avoid making appointments, bathing, or other potentially stressful activities in the late afternoon or evening. Prevent over-stimulation from the television or radio, which can lead to increased confusion. Provide adequate lighting to lessen shadows when it begins to get dark. A rocking chair can provide stimulation while having a calming effect. Brisk walks or other forms of physical activity throughout the day may reduce restlessness. Keep them active and distracted when sundowning may occur (for example, setting the table for dinner). Restrict the amount of caffeine and sugar they have in the morning. Maintain a regular eating and sleep schedule as much as possible. It may be helpful to keep a daily journal to pinpoint the causes of sundowning symptoms and see which strategies help. Familiar routines may help him feel more secure. They can include readying the home for evening (closing curtains, turning on lights) or bedtime routines that include warm milk and soft music. Change sleeping arrangements, for example, adding a night light to the room or leaving a door open. With information from http://www.alzheimer.ca/en/on/About-dementia/Understanding-behaviour/Sundowning. Riverside Review, Vol. 17, Issue 4 April 2015 Getting Acquainted Answers from March Newsletter April Question 2 Question 1: Heinz Krzyzik Question 2: Sonny Pfeiffer Question 3: Lucy Theoret Guess Who…? -was born June 20, 1920 in Brockville , ON -Came to Guelph when they were 6-7 years of age -Father worked for Biltmore Hats -went to the Guelph Collegiate Institute -loves to read and participate in Java Music Dining experience… “The food here is better. Ashley is the best server that anyone can ask for. She is just great! I don’t have Mara as a server but she is great too. I can tell!” - Betty Craine Is it…? Alice Willis Muriel Milson Pat Fysh Gladys Balog April Question 1 April Question 3 Guess Who...? -was born in Italy in 1918 and came to Canada in 1951 -had 20 siblings -was a cook at the Ignatius College -did a lot of volunteer work with Sister Christine at the Drop-In Centre in Guelph -was awarded a citizenship award by the Italian Consulate Guess Who…? Was born in the Bahamas on Sept 18, 1986 Sang at the Junos at age 13 Represented Canada at an Environmental Congress in Hawaii Was in the “Not the Cracker Suite” at the St. George’s Anglican Church Is it…? a. Margaret Rebellati b. Giovanna Russo c. Carmela Grobbo d. Giorgio Bubola Is it…? a. Stephanie Vansickle b. Kehinde Ayo-Obisesan c. Pam Mosser d. Sandra Adderley-Melbourne Long Term Care Family Council Next Meeting: Thursday, April 30th, 2015 6:30pm-8:00pm Long Term Care Fitness Room All Family Members Welcome! Music with Paul Schalm Thursday, April 2 at 2pm in LTC Good Friday Church Service Friday, April 3 at 230pm in RH Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 4th 10-12 Easter Tea Sunday, April 5th at 2pm both LTC & RH Shout Sister Choir Tuesday, April 7th at 7pm in RH Music with Keith Toby Thursday, April 9th at 2pm in LTC Music with Derek Byrne Monday, April 13th at 2pm in LTC Meet and Greet with Volunteer Appreciation Social Tuesday, April 14th from 2-4pm Music with the Village Brass Plus One Robert Munsch INDIA THEME DAY Thursday, April 16th Special Dinner Provided JBS Clothing Sale Saturday, April 18th from 10-3 in LTC EARTH DAY Wednesday, April 22nd Join us in cleaning up the Riverside property Team Trivia Night Thursday, April 30th at 7pm in RH Saturday, April 11th, 2015 Reading 2-3pm Greeting and Book Signing 3-4pm Treats from Sweet Temptations Cupcakery *Books for Sale* Hosted by the Long Term Care Residents Council 7 Riverside Review, Vol. 17, Issue 4 April 2015 A note from your Kinesiologists Step-Up to Active Living Program Purpose of the Program The Step-Up to Active Living Program is a workplace-pedometer based walking program. The purpose of this program is to encourage you to live an active lifestyle. The Step-Up to Active Living Program is designed to help you become an “Active Individual”. To be considered active, studies within the last decade have proposed that a minimum of 10,000 steps must be achieved per day. Epidemiological studies have shown that healthy, active adults have a lower prevalence of metabolic diseases (i.e. obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, etc.) and cardiovascular complications. By participating in this program, you equip yourself to become an ACTIVE individual! Introduction Recent studies have suggested 10,000 steps per day to be an appropriate target for healthy adults to obtain health benefits. Pedometer-based walking programs have been shown to help individuals achieve an appropriate level of physical activity for a number of reasons. First, ask yourself these four questions: (1) Why should I walk 10,000 steps everyday; (2) what if I do not walk 10,000 step per day; (3) What if I walk more than 10,000 steps per day; (4) Am I active? At the end of reading this section, try to answer those questions again. Activity Level Indices Table 1: Indices for working level of activity. This char t allows for you to identify yourself with one of the activity levels as determined by the total number of steps you take each day. For the purpose of this program, this identifies your activity level at work. Level of Number of Steps per day Activity Sedentary Low Active Less than 5000 5000 - 7499 Somewhat Active Active 7500 - 9999 Highly Active More than 12,500 10,000 - 12,500 Continued on next page Riverside Review, Vol. 17, Issue 4 April 2015 Health Benefits of 10,000 Steps In healthy adults, walking a minimum of 10,000 steps per day provides resistance and lower risk of developing obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease, adverse blood lipid profiles, some cancers (i.e. colon and breast), and hip fractures. Walking 10,000 steps may also help with weight maintenance, or in some cases promote weight loss. Improved mental health is another major component of wellness that everybody desires. Lower anxiety, fewer feelings of depression, and reductions in stress throughout the day, along with better quality of sleep, all can be achieved through “active” levels of physical activity. Generally, the more active you can be, the more protected you are against the development of injury, mental stress, and disease. Wellness is worth walking for. The fewer steps that you walk throughout the day, the more risk you put yourself at for disease and injury. Consider walking as a responsibility-an easy solution, yet a challenging activity to continually participate in. Join the Step-Up to Active Living Program for the month of April to take responsibility for your health. With other co-workers and an understanding of the benefits and risks associated with your “Level of Activity”, you can become ACTIVE! Why Track Your Steps With This Program? Tracking your steps is important for a number of reasons. By recording your steps, you are able to track your progress and identify your Level of Activity and any associated health risks and benefits. In addition, recording progress increases motivation. By recording your steps, you can dramatically boost intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to keep you going throughout April’s Program. Increase Your Step Count at work On break, take a walk between Long-Term Care (LTC) and Retirement Home (RH). For example, to-and-from RH-Gym and LTC-Gym is approximately 500-700 steps depending on your height. At lunch, go for a 15-minute walk on the treadmill in RH or LTC Gyms. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park your car further from the entrance of the building. Think of other creative ways to increase your step count and share! Written by: Bradley Rietze, UW Kin Student Riverside Review, Vol. 17, Issue 4 April 2015 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Looking for a Volunteer Opportunity? Let’s go Bowling! Mondays 3:00—4:30pm Volunteers are a part of the ripple effect… April 12th—18th is National Volunteer Appreciation Week! Through out this week and the whole year through we want to pay special recognition to the over 180 individuals and groups who give their time to our village! BINGO! Fridays 6:00—8:00pm JOIN us April 14th 2:00—4:00pm To celebrate our volunteers through a Volunteer Appreciation Social. Music & Memory! Introduce residents to the power of music Days/Times Variable Location: Retirement Café Come for live entertainment and the chance to thank a Riverside volunteer! Church Services! Wednesdays 2:00—3:30pm OR Sundays 10:00—11:30am Love Reading? Visiting Library Volunteer Tuesdays 2:00—5:00pm Welcome! Riverside is pleased to welcome the following volunteers to the village: Kayla Contini Vivian Cao Selina Tian For more information on these opportunities or to apply to volunteer please contact: Erin Huber ext. 863 riverside.volunteers@schlegelvillages.com Riverside Review, Vol. 17, Issue 4 Thank you for your support! April 2015 March 18th, 2015 marked an exciting evening for five of Riverside’s volunteers! Each year the province of Ontario invites community organizations to put forth nominees for the Service Awards that recognize individual volunteer contributions for continuous service. This year Riverside Glen was pleased to nominate 8 of our own, 5 of whom were able to share an evening together to celebrate their dedication, compassion and heart to The Village of Riverside Glen! VOLUNTEER VIEW Congratulations to our Ontario Service Award Recipients! From left to front: Erin Huber (Volunteer Coordinator), Brenda Woodall (Chaplain), Joyce Paul, Marisa Comacchio, Shalina Amlani, Judy Kurtz & Gerard Luyckx, Absent: Charlotte Jones, Tom Jones, Bailey Robertson As a village we want to extend a huge congratulations and thank-you to these individuals! You are each valued and appreciated and we hope that you know how much your contribution means to the village. Congratulations! Interested in Volunteering at The Village of Riverside Glen? Contact the Volunteer Coordinator at (519) 822-5272 ext. 863 or email riverside.volunteers@schlegelvillages.com Apply online at: http://www.schlegelvillages.com/guelph1/volunteer-application-form @Riverside_Glen https://www.facebook.com/RiversideGlen Riverside Review, Vol. 17, Issue 4 April 2015 #MayHealth Watch for more information coming mid April. MayHealth.ca Pub Night with Music by Kim Atkins Wednesday, April 29th 6:30pm in Long Term Care Join us for our Earth Day Clean-up Easter Egg Hunt Residents, Team Members and Volunteers will help to clean up the Riverside Property. Tools provided at the Village. Saturday, April 4th 10-12 *Magic* *Face Painting* *Refreshments* *Easter Bunny* Wednesday, April 22nd Bring your Basket Grief Support Workshop For Residents, Staff & Family Wednesday April 15, 2015 2pm – 4pm Town Hall, The Village of Riverside Glen GriefShare is a Christian faith-based grief program. Come join us as we sing hymns, view a grief recovery video and hear personal grief stories from our leaders. Light refreshments will be served. For more information contact: Chaplain Brenda A dose of knowledge from the Nursing Team Hello Everyone I want to introduce you to the Behavioural Support Ontario (BSO) team at Riverside Glen. We recently changed the name of this to Personal Expression-Resource Team (PE-RT). Melanie Dow is an RPN and the team lead. She works with Mandi McEwan PSW and Jennifer Reed PSW. Their roles primarily are to offer support and advice in managing personal expressions - anxiety and agitation with residents. Believing that all behaviour, or expressions, has meaning our goals are to seek to understand what may be triggering the reactions and responses. The PE-RT team work out of the Wellness Center where they also are able to facilitate small group activities, 1:1 programs and enhanced learning for other team members. They follow residents for several weeks until concerns and challenges are resolved or manageable. They implement changes to routines and evaluate the outcomes and they liase with the Physicians to review medication usage. External resources are also available to the team for local support in the Guelph Community through Hospital, Homewood Health and Crisis Support. Ruth Auber Director of Care Attention all Artsy/Creative Types! T-Shirt Design Contest! The Village Advisory Team is looking to create new Aspiration T-Shirts and we are asking YOU to design a t-shirt that reflects our aspirations. Paper templates will be available at the Village Offices. Rules: Must include a spot for the "Village of Riverside Glen" logo Must include the aspirations of "Meaningful and Shared Activities", "Connect Research and Innovation into Village Life", and "Authentic Relationships" Please submit your designs by Sunday, April 26 at Midnight. Be as creative as you like! Please send digital submissions to riverside.recreation@schlegelvillages.com, and paper submissions to Tina in LTC or Emily in Retirement. A FEW words from your Village Advisory Team A HUGE thank you to everyone who participated in our spaghetti lunch fundraiser. We appreciate your patience while we get the kinks in our selling system worked out – we’ve learned from our mistakes and hope to be more streamlined next time! Thank you to Margaret R who donated her time (lots of it!) and the ingredients. Together we raised over $450 for Riverside’s 2015 Pioneer Network Ambassador! In March the VAT decided that while they are not goals that will ever be completed, the Riverside community made sufficient inroads into achieving Cross-functional Teams and Flexible Dining such that it is an appropriate time to change gears and shift our focus onto furthering and promoting a slightly different set of aspirations. Riverside’s new set of Aspirations are as follows: Authentic Relationships: “At our villages, authentic relationships begin by knowing each other personally and are fostered through mutual respect. Authentic relationships occur when Village members are present with each other, and they flourish when we honour the unique personalities, contributions and life stories of every Village member.” Meaningful and Shared Activities: “Life purpose is achieved in each of our Villages through daily life filled with meaningful and shared activities. Our residents, family members, team members, volunteers and community partners engage in a vibrant Village life through mutual experiences and learning. We recognize that the most natural activity can provide fulfillment and growth. We create opportunities for meaningful and shared activities by giving permission to each other to explore new activities with our residents. We also educate everyone on the importance of community living and support residents in defining what activities are meaningful to them.” Connect Research & Innovation to Village Life: “At our Villages, we effectively communicate with all Village stakeholders (residents, families, team members and policy makers) the results and implications of research on aging through various channels including weekly communiqués to Village team members on topics affecting our residents, face-to-face presentations and electronic and digital resources. Our research communication plan engages the Villages in the research process by integrating research results into Village policies and practices. At the same time, it integrates research results into professional development programs for staff and into College and University curricula. This research communication plan increases the profile of the Villages to government, LHINs, prospective residents, the research community and the general public. As a result, residents, families and team members are informed, involved in, and excited about the culture of innovation within the villages.” We are excited for this shift in focus and hope you will be too! If you have any ideas as to how we can promote and facilitate the achievement of these goals, please consider joining our team – we would love to hear from you! See Tricia or Caroline from Rec for more information if you are interested. Please mark Friday, May 22 at 6:45pm down on your calendar! The VAT will be hosting an Ice Cream Sundae Speed Meet n’ Greet in Retirement to help achieve our Authentic Relationships aspiration. Residents, Family, Volunteers and Team Members all welcome! Personal Support Worker students graduate at the end of the month...congratulations students! Look out for the upcoming invitation to the Personal Support Worker Pining Ceremony that will take place at the end of this month. All are welcome and encouraged to come out and support the students as they journey from Personal Support Worker student to professional Personal Support Worker! Practical Nursing students continue their acute care hospital placements this month and prepare for final exams. Thank you to ALL residents, team members, students and faculty to assisted with the video production which took placement here at The Village of Riverside Glen in the Retirement area. There will be a screening of the video soon!! Date and Time TBA Thoughts about Living In My Today From a Family Member My name is Monica Krone and my uncle, Willy Krone, has lived at Riverside Glen since October 2010. He suffers from dementia and has been living on the Memory Care floor since December 2012. I have POA for my uncle and look after his affairs. First I wish to convey my sincere thanks and congratulations to all staff at Riverside Glen. Uncle Willy's care has been outstanding and I am so glad I was able to get him a spot there. He is very happy there. Unfortunately his dementia continues to progress and since he is the first person I have had experience with that has dementia, I have been trying to "learn as I go" to assist as best I can. I learned about the Living In My Today course/ models and was thrilled to learn it was being offered for family members. I have completed all but one module (could not attend it due to illness). The course has been invaluable for me and has provided me with much information, therefore making caring for my uncle much easier and has provided me with a sense of peace knowing I am not alone. Michelle and Trish did an absolutely amazing job presenting the course. They show a genuine interest and concern for those dealing with dementia and were committed to providing those attending the course with valuable information and answers to their questions. Please pass on my thoughts and congratulations to Michelle, Trish and anyone involved in the course. I also encourage any family member that has the opportunity to take the course to do so. Happy Birthday VILLAGE VOICE NEWSLETTER A bittersweet goodbye to beloved resident—March 24 Technology spreads at Tansley Woods—March 19 Physical progress through functional fitness assessmentsMarch 17 Laughter and Music at the core of Drum Aerobics—March 12 The benefits beyond the paycheck—March 10 The revival of Sharon Thomas— March 5 Read these stories and more on the Schlegel Village website. Sign up online to receive the newsletter by email. Team Member Birthdays Colleen Hindy Elaine Borbon Marivel Molina Apr 2 Apr 3 Apr 3 Milyn Calicdan-Kalaquian Apr 4 Tara Seifried Apr 4 Charito Caupanan Apr 5 Nancy Marshall Apr 5 Bernadette Gray Apr 6 Melvina Hanson Apr 6 Leanne Gear Apr 8 Paula Trento Apr 8 Tim Hutten Apr 9 Cresentina Estavillo Apr 12 Chantal Fraser Apr 12 Amanda Hanley Apr 12 Sarah Kennedy Apr 16 Sybil Phaneuf Apr 17 Haydee Faustino Apr 19 Hazel Faustino Apr 22 Sam Fuda Apr 22 Carrie McGlone Apr 22 Andrea Pompa Apr 22 Deborah Foote Apr 23 Samantha Hirst Apr 23 Jayne McDaniel Apr 24 Evelyn Mertes Apr 24 Russell Kelly Apr 25 Lynn Robertson Apr 26 Nicole Burnie Apr 28 Marian Knight Apr 28 Samantha Greenwood Apr 29 Ashleigh Rice Apr 30 Resident Birthdays Marilyn Park Barbara Durham Mary Ferguson Merilyn Prout Thomas Crawford Doug Daymond Heinz Krzyzik Isabel Garcia Jacqueline Fletcher Joan Vanderkamp Dolly Piovesan Anne Marie Quesnelle Bill Forsythe Joan Henry Margaret King Valerie Graham Nan Cuthbert Jim Laird Erika Peuker Frank Tantardini Joseph Baert Doreen Muller Maria Maggiolo Grace Townsend Anne Vernon Jim Grasley Betty Craine Vallente Croce Joe Hasson April 1 April 4 April 5 April 5 April 6 April 10 April 10 April 12 April 15 April 15 April 16 April 16 April 17 April 18 April 21 April 21 April 22 April 22 April 22 April 22 April 23 April 23 April 24 April 24 April 24 April 25 April 26 April 27 April 29 www. schlegelvillages.com If you have a story to share, please contact Kristian at pwritingstudios@gmail.com. Birthday Celebrations www.facebook.com /RiversideGlen @Riverside_Glen google.com/ +VillageOfRiversideGlenGuelph Riverside Review, Vol. 17, Issue 4 Long Term Care Birthday Lunch Wednesday, April 8th at 12:00pm Family Invited but must purchase a meal ticket x858 Retirement Birthday Lunch Saturday, April 18th at 11am in the Retirement Hobby Room Village Team Contact List RETIREMENT TEAM 519.822.5272 Bryce McBain General Manager 815 Debra Kuipers Assistant General Manager 761 Luisa McKenzie Wellness Coordinator 812 Chris Pimentel Memory Care Coordinator 807 Michelle Mayhew Assisted Care Coordinator 836 Tania Anderl Recreation Supervisor 620 Aaron Orrell Director of Environmental Services 804 Rebecca Snider Director of Food Services 840 Melanie Veldman Hospitality Supervisor 747 Laura Kratz Kinesiologist 821 Emily Wildeboer Administrative Assistant 800 Gillian James/Megan Schmidt Marketing Coordinators 865 LONG TERM CARE TEAM 519.822.5272 Michael Schmidt Assistant General Manager 841 Ruth Auber Director of Nursing 848 Hubrecht Quist Assistant Director of Nursing 801 Lynn Lake Neighbourhood Coordinator – Puslinch/Eramosa 834 Karen Norris Neighbourhood Coordinator- Mapleton/Nichol 298 Heath Preston Neighbourhood Coordinator- Erin/Arthur 794 Cheryl Ridler RAI/QI Nurse – Eramosa/Puslinch 798 Andrea Feys RAI/QI Nurse – Arthur/Erin 796 Joanne Malubay RAI/QI Nurse – Nichol/Mapleton 797 Ted Mahy Director of Recreation 811 Meredith Mcdonough Assistant Director of Food Services 873 Christine Hames Kinesiologist 835 Tina Bertrand Administration Assistant 858 All Email addresses are (FirstName).(LastName)@Schlegelvillages.com
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