Riverview Corridor Pre-Project Development Study Policy Advisory Committee Meeting Thursday, 9 April 2015; 9:00- 10:30 AM Veterans Gallery, Union Depot, 214 E. Fourth Street, Saint Paul DRAFT AGENDA Discussion Leader Item Action Requested Chair Rafael Ortega 1. Welcome and Introductions Chair Rafael Ortega 2. Approval of the Agenda Chair Rafael Ortega 3. Approval of the 5 March 2015 PAC Meeting Summary April Manlapaz, AECOM 4. Update: 5 March PAC Meeting a. Approval of Draft Public Engagement Plan b. Approval of Fall Open House Summary #1 c. Request for Additional Public Engagement Activitiesupdated scope of work d. Working study milestone/decision-making timeline e. Draft Travel Market Analysis findings- update Information April Manlapaz 5. Draft Purpose and Need ‘Snapshot’ Information Joy Miciano, Zan Assoc. 6. Update: Public Engagement a. Update of Recent Activities b. Recap of Public Engagement Advisory Panel meeting c. Planning for Spring 2015 Open Houses Information Chair Rafael Ortega 7. Public Comment April Manlapaz 8. Next Steps Information April Manlapaz 9. Future Meetings a. PAC Meeting: 15 May 2015 Information Approval Approval Approval Approval Information Information *The Veterans Gallery is located on the second floor above the concourse. It can be reached from elevator #6 in the Kellogg Building. Riverview Corridor Public Engagement Activities April 1, 2015 Event Type of Activity Date/Time Completed Canadian Pacific Rail Yard Meeting Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce Public Affairs Series: The Future of Transportation Presentation August 12, 2014 Presentation August 20, 2014, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Sensible Land Use Coalition Presentation August 27, 2014 Highland Community Meeting Presentation September 9, 2014 ARISE (Alliance to Re-Industrialize for a Sustainable Economy) Presentation October 7, 2014 Lafayette Park Commuter Fair Community Event October 29, 2014, 11:00 AM -1:00 PM Ford Redevelopment Site Open House Community Event November 10, 2014, 6:30 -7:30 PM Downtown St. Paul Skyway Transit Tabling Pop-Up Table November 19, 2014, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM Highland Business Association Happy Hour Community Event December 11, 2014, 5:00 -8:00 PM Cooper's Grocery Tabling (Sibley Plaza) Pop-Up Table December 17, 2014, 3:00 - 5:30 PM D17: CapitolRiver Council Board Meeting Presentation January 21, 2015, 7:30 - 8:30 AM Mississippi Market Tabling (1500 W. 7th St.) Pop-Up Table January 28, 2015, 3:00 - 6:30 PM Highland District Council Board Meeting Presentation February 5, 2015, 7:00 -8:00 PM W. 7th Street/Fort Road Federation Board Meeting Presentation February 9, 2015, 7:00 - 8:00 PM Cooper's Grocery Tabling (633 W. 7th St.) Pop-Up Table February 25, 2015, 3:30 - 6:30 PM ARISE (Alliance to Re-Industrialize for a Sustainable Economy) Presentation February 26, 2015 Lund's Highland Tabling (2128 Ford Pkwy) Pop-Up Table March 4, 2015, 4:00 - 6:30 PM Highland District Council - Transportation Committee Brief Update March 10, 2015, 7:00 PM Downtown St. Paul YMCA Skyway Transit Tabling Pop-Up Table March 11, 2015, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM Neighborhood House-Francis Basket Food Shelf Pop-Up Table March 20, 2015, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Business and Community Poster/Display Distribution Material Distribution March 9 - Present Key stakeholder and community leader interviews (20 completed) Meeting Ongoing Highland District Council Home Improvement Fair Community Event April 11, 2015, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM, Cretin-Derham Hall High School Fort Road Federal Annual Meeting Community Event April 15, 2015 Highland District Council Annual Meeting Presentation April 22, 2015 Hwy 5/ Shepard Road Access Options Study Open House Community Event April 23, 2015 Highland Business Association Member Luncheon Ford Site Task Force Public Meeting focused on transit, bikes, and pedestrian elements Presentation April 30, 2015, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Community Event April 30, 2015 W. 7th Street Community Meeting Mini-open house April/May Union Depot Train Day Community Event May 9, 2015 Riverworks Exhibit: Great River Gathering Community Event May 14, 2015 Highland District Council - Transportation Committee Presentation May 19, 2015, 7:00 PM Neighborhood House-Francis Basket Food Shelf Distribution Event Pop Up Table May - TBD W. 7th Business Association Presentation TBD Bloomington City Council/Port Authority Joint Meeting Presentation TBD Mall of America - Employee Outreach Focus Group TBD Mall of America - Transit Center Outreach Surveys and Info Distribution TBD Airport - Transit Center Outreach Metropolitan Airport Commission - CSAC (Customer Service Action Council) Meeting Surveys and Info Distribution TBD Presentation July 9, 2015, 10:00 - 11:00 AM Highland Festival Pop Up Table July 17 - 19, 2015 Upcoming Riverview Corridor Pre-Project Development Study Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting Summary – 05 March 2015 Participants See attached sign-in for attendees. Summary Meeting handouts included: 1. Agenda Public Engagement Activities List Travel Market Analysis Handout PowerPoint Presentation Welcome and Introductions Chair Ortega welcomed the committee and other attendees and stated the purpose of the meeting, as summarized below. 2. Approval of the Agenda The PAC committee approved the agenda with Councilmember Jon Commers making the motion, seconded by Peter Wagenius. 3. Approval of the 11 December 2014 PAC Meeting Summary The PAC committee approved the meeting summary, with Councilmember Chris Tolbert making the motion, seconded by Councilmember Commers. 4. Recap of Previous Month’s Activities April Manlapaz provided a recap of the previous month’s activities, including continued stakeholder and community engagement, Developer Roundtable discussions, and initial findings of the Travel Market Analysis. Request for Additional Public Engagement Activities Mike Rogers presented a revised scope of services for public engagement activities in response to requests made by PAC members at the December 2014 meeting. Highlights of the proposal include additional open houses and outreach, such as walking tours and mini open houses. Public Engagement efforts would be expanded to include Minneapolis and increased activity in Bloomington. The proposed scope would add six months to the project schedule and an additional $500,000 to the project budget. Discussion focused around future open house locations and concern over extending the project schedule. Chair Ortega asked if the original scope included community meetings in Highland Park. Mr. Rogers explained that the original scope calls for two open house meetings per open house round. The study has currently held one of its four rounds of open houses. Future rounds of open houses are anticipated to move throughout the corridor so that a meeting in Highland Park could be included. The schedule extension would be due to work involved with scheduling and logistics of holding additional open houses, and for developing, completing, and reporting of summary materials. Riverview Corridor Pre-Project Development Study Chair Ortega requested a milestone/decision-making timeline with an accompanying engagement schedule; he also requested that the team perform increased and broader outreach as more technical work is completed. Councilmember Commers suggested layering additional outreach on top of already existing efforts to fit the schedule within the existing timeframe. The group briefly discussed the advantages, efficacy, and tradeoffs between public meetings, smaller pop-up events in the community, and focused workshops. Ms. Manlapaz noted the positive outcomes of the recent Developer Roundtables, to be discussed later in the meeting. Tim Mayasich stated the project team will revise the proposed scope of work, and the project will seek to broaden outreach as the study progresses. Tech Memo #1 – Previous Plans and Work-in-Progress The PAC committee approved Technical Memorandum #1, with Councilmember Chris Tolbert making the motion, seconded by Councilmember Commers. The approved document will be posted on the project website. 5. February 2015 Developer Roundtables Bob Kost provided an overview of the Developer Roundtables, including a list of attendees, the questions posed, and a summary of the discussions. Mr. Kost emphasized the qualitative nature of the sessions and explained that the alignment and station location conversation was kept at a high-level, with participants gravitating toward specific alignments and mode preferences, independently. Discussion highlights included: th W. 7 area was seen as a strong mixed-use corridor, with ability to attract more housing and commerce. CP Rail Spur was seen as a “jobs corridor”, with a solid industrial base and room for light industrial and selected office growth (such as medical). Shepard Road was seen as a fast route between MSP and downtown Saint Paul, providing access to the River Bend Business Center/Upper Landing area and Shepard/Davern. Ford Plant was seen as a regionally significant development opportunity that should be served by high-quality transit. Discussion following the summary noted two competing goals that surfaced during the sessions: on one hand, there is a desire to provide rapid, high-quality service between downtown Saint Paul and MSP Airport, and on the other, there is a desire to provide frequent service and close station spacing to support economic development along corridor neighborhoods. Mr. Wagenius stated that these dual visions may suggest that two solutions may be necessary. Mr. Kost stated that there was a discussion at the roundtables about METRO Green Line LRT; “lessons learned”, mitigation of business impacts, station spacing, and the importance of connecting the corridor to Union Depot and the regional transit system. Councilmember David Thune asked if the participants at the roundtables were familiar with the city’s Comprehensive Plan and expressed concern about potential conformance issues with existing plans. Laurel Severson expressed a concern about loss of parking th along W. 7 Street, noting that an aging population would not be willing to walk further to support existing businesses. Pat Harris stated the need for coordination regarding planned development at MSP Airport, including large quantities of additional parking. The study team will arrange a meeting with MAC representatives to discuss the topic further. Riverview Corridor Pre-Project Development Study Ms. Manlapaz addressed questions about the timeframe for performing additional technical analysis, including identifying potential impacts on traffic, utilities, and parking. She stated that a higher level of traffic analysis will be performed after the alternatives are narrowed down. Chair Ortega requested a timeline clarifying the task durations, project milestones, technical findings, and decision points. 6. Update: Communications Activities Letter from Community Reporter Editor Mr. Rogers stated that the team has updated the project website to make PAC meeting announcements easier to find and created a GovDelivery account to transmit meeting announcements and electronic calendar invitations. Update of Recent Activities th Joy Miciano provided an overview of recent outreach efforts in areas on W. 7 Street and Highland Park, including community group presentations, pop-up tables, community events, and stakeholder interviews. An online community engagement tool, MindMixer, was launched to solicit community feedback, which will link to the project website. Ms. Miciano asked that members of the PAC help promote the online engagement site. Business posters have been created and will be distributed to businesses and community locations along the corridor. Ms. Miciano distributed the Public Engagement Activity Summary and described upcoming events, including presentations, community events pop-up tables, and employee outreach at MSP and the Mall of America. Ms. Miciano detailed a summary of comments heard from outreach thus far: General Corridor Need for transit improvement Improved transit will help make regional connections Need for all day transit service Confusion about other studies and connection to current study Bus Route 54 is overcrowded th W. 7 Street Gateway from airport to Saint Paul: needs improved/unique sense of place Important to improve livability and walkability of street; unify small neighborhoods Business concerns about impacts to parking, tax assessments, snow removal Minneapolis residents commuting using Blue Line and transferring to Route 54 at MSP Airport New residents choosing car “lite” lifestyle Highland Park Pedestrian and bicycle safety a priority Connection to the Mississippi River is important Important to coordinate with Ford site redevelopment Shepard/Davern Coordinate with Hwy 5/Sibley Plaza redevelopment Riverview Corridor Pre-Project Development Study Mode BRT preference/Rail preference People need more/better information about modern streetcar Public Engagement Develop clear messages Corridor is “studied out” and people are skeptical about another study Planning for Spring 2015 Open Houses Ms. Miciano presented an overview of the second round of public open houses. Content that will be covered includes: Developer Roundtable summary, draft Purpose & Need Statement, draft project goals and objectives, existing conditions, draft Universe of Alternatives, Travel Market Analysis findings, and the summary of previous plans. 7. Update: Travel Market Analysis Ms. Manlapaz provided an overview of study milestones and presented initial findings from the draft Travel Market Analysis. She provided an overview of the projected population and employment growth in the corridor and identification of major markets, which had been broken into four key travel market districts. Analysis of the existing transit system shows high transfers between transit routes serving areas th north of downtown Saint Paul and the W. 7 Street corridor. In the near-term, Metro Transit will extend Route 54 to Maplewood Mall (implementation is anticipated for March 2016). Chair Ortega asked where the highest growth is anticipated to occur along the corridor. Ms. Manlapaz th explained population growth is projected along W. 7 and in downtown Saint Paul. Mr. Rogers added that the population is projected to increase throughout the entire corridor, and employment is projected to grow dramatically at the northern and southern ends. Ms. Manlapaz stated the initial findings indicate strong opportunity to increase the transit mode share in the corridor. The draft summary of findings was shared with members of the PAC: The corridor is forecast to experience significant population and employment growth by 2040. MOA and MSP attract long and short trips; each is a distinct travel market. th The W. 7 Street market shows population growth throughout the corridor; and the strongest growth in trips within and to/from downtown Saint Paul. Trips to/from downtown Saint Paul have a strong transit share Opportunity to increase the transit share of trips for both long and short trips in all major corridor markets. In 2040, Route 54 is nearing capacity with the existing bus volume and service frequency. These initial findings support the first step in identifying opportunities to increase transit ridership for both long and short trips. Ms. Manlapaz also noted that the Travel Market Analysis is one component of the Purpose and Need Statement. 8. None. Public Comment Riverview Corridor Pre-Project Development Study 9. Next Steps/Future Meetings Near-term schedule and activities Ms. Manlapaz provided an overview of draft products in development, including Summary of Corridor Vision Outreach Activities, Public Communications Plan, Travel and Development Market Analysis, Draft Purpose and Need with supporting draft goals and objectives and evaluation criteria. An overview was provided of upcoming scheduled meetings for the project PAC, TAC and PEAP groups. Next PAC meeting scheduled 9 April 2015 Chair Ortega thanked everyone for attending and announced the next PAC meeting will be held on 9 April 2015 from 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Meeting adjourned at 10:36 a.m. Policy Advisory Committee Meeting 05 March 2015 Riverview Corridor Pre Project Development Study Initial X X X X X X X First Name Rafael Kristin Tim Jon Pat Matt Pat Scott Laurel David Chris Peter Surname Ortega Beckman Busse Commers Harris Kramer Mancini McBride Severson Thune Tolbert Wagenius X Staff and Consultants Tim Mayasich Mike Rogers Kevin Roggenbuck April Manlapaz Ted Axt Angie Christo Dan Meyers Joy Miciano Ted Davis Mike Zipko Sara Allen X X X X Other Attendees Joseph Scala Jane McClure Kent Petterson Heidi Schallberg X X X X X Title Commissioner Deputy Mayor Councilmember Councilmember Commissioner President Owner, Mancini's Char House Metro District Engineer Citizen Councilmember Ward 2 Councilmember Ward 3 Policy Director Representing Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority City of St. Paul City of Bloomington Metropolitan Council Metropolitan Airport Commission St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce Riverview Corridor Business Representative Minnesota Department of Transportation Riverview Corridor Citizen Representative City of St. Paul City of St. Paul City of Minneapolis Director Project Manager Deputy Project Manager Project Manager Task Lead Deputy Project Manager Task Lead Task Lead Strategic Communications Strategic Communications Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority AECOM Team AECOM Team AECOM Team AECOM Team AECOM Team Davis Communications Davis Team AECOM Team Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority Villager Community Reporter Metropolitan Council Contact Information
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