Viewing the Florida Greenways and Trails System (FGTS) Opportunity Corridors in Map Direct 1. Copy and paste the URL (below) into your browser’s address bar, or click the link to navigate to the Florida Greenways and Trails focus in Map Direct: 2. By default, the Map Direct application starts up at the statewide extent, showing Land Trail Opportunities in mustard-brown, and Paddling Trail Opportunities in blue. 3. In order to assist in locating your area of interest, Map Direct provides tools which will zoom to a particular county or an opportunity corridor. a. To zoom to a given county: i. Click on the “Find Places” button on the left-hand side of your browser window. ii. Next, click on the plus sign beside “Find Address, County …” and select “Find County” iii. In the window that appears, choose the desired county from the drop-down menu, and click the “Find” button. Map Direct will zoom to the selected county. OR b. If you would like to review a particular Opportunity Corridor and you know its name: i. If the Find Places menu has not already been expanded, click on the “Find Places” button on the left-hand side of your browser window. ii. Next, click on “Find Land Trail Opportunities” iii. In the window that appears, choose the desired Corridor from the dropdown menu, and click the “Find” button. Map Direct will zoom to the selected corridor. 4. You may pan the map by holding down the left mouse button while dragging the map in the desired direction. You may zoom in/out by rolling your mouse wheel forward/back or by clicking on the blue “+” and “-” buttons in the bottom right-hand side of the map window. 5. To display the name of a given corridor, click on that feature with your mouse pointer. This action will activate the Results pop-up. a. The Results pop-up provides the name of the selected feature and the name of the layer to which that feature belongs. b. It is common for the pointer to detect more than one layer at any given location on the map. Information for the topmost layer is displayed by default. However, the results for underlying layers can be accessed by clicking on “More…” at the top of the Results pop-up. 6. Certain base layers, such as aerial imagery and roads, may be turned on and off in order to accommodate a less cluttered viewing experience. To turn off a layer, such as “Roads”: a. First, click on the plus sign at the bottom left-hand corner of your browser window. b. Then, click on the button labeled, “Roads”. This action will hide the “Roads” layer. A complete User’s guide to the Map Direct application may be found at:
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