R. J. FISHER MIDDLE SCHOOL May 13, 2015 Principalʼs Corner Dear Fisher Parents, Looking for a night out on the town with good music, good food, and the company of your favorite friends, in a fun-filled venue? Look no further. Simply put the upcoming Fisher Picnic and Pops Concert on your calendar now and bring both cash and your family at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 27th to the Fisher quad. The Fisher music program has been sizzling all year, dazzling crowds and bringing home accolades. At the most recent Music in the Parks and CMEA Music Festival competitions, our choral and instrumental music programs won multiple awards in all categories: Music in the Park Open Choir - Superior rating, first place in treble choir, and overall middle school choir! Open Strings - Superior rating, second place Open Band - Superior rating, third place Jazz Band - Superior rating, first place Outstanding soloists - Aidan Rhind, bass; Livvy Bahr, tenor sax CMEA Music Festivals Mixed Choir - Excellent rating Women's Choir - Superior rating Concert Band - Excellent rating in performance and sight reading Symphonic Band - Excellent rating, Superior rating in sight reading Intermediate and Advanced Orchestras, Excellent and Superior ratings in performance Don’t miss this final opportunity to hear our choirs, orchestras, and bands perform right in your own backyard. You won’t be disappointed. For the schedule of events, click here. Hope to see you there! Sincerely, Lisa Fraser Principal P.S. A huge thanks to Catherine Somers and Julie Micallef, our Open House committee chairs, and a whole host of volunteers, for the outstanding event last week. An additional shout-out to Erik Swanson of ES Orthodontics for sponsoring our Open House event. KEEP ME POSTED If you have concerns or questions, please contact Ms. Fraser at 335-2300 or email at lfraser@lgusd.k12.ca.us Visit the school website at www.rjfisher.lgusd.k12.ca.us Music parents - Picnic and Pops is just around the corner! Please sign up to volunteer for a shift during the evening, or to donate supplies: http://fisherhsc.ivolunteer.com/pops_2015 8th Grade Graduation Tickets Are In the Mail! Please check your mailboxes for your 8th Grade Graduation tickets and information letter. We were able to give at least one additional ticket to each family requesting more tickets. Those tickets are included in the mail. If you do not need your additional tickets, please return them to Jane Babb in the office and they will be distributed to other families. If additional tickets become available, you will be contacted. Please contact Donna Fox at graduation@fisherhsc.com if you have any questions. FISHER SCHOOL CALENDAR May 13! Journalism Club in RM R3 @ 3:00pm 13! Spanish Club in RM T205 @ 3:00pm 13! Music Boosters Meeting @ 6:00pm in Lib 13! ! Fisher Dance Class Performances @ 7:00pm in the LGHS Theater - Tickets are FREE 14! ! Leadership Student Recognition Celebration @ 6:30 in MPR 15! ! ! Free Jazz Concert! Fisher Middle School Jazz Band, LGHS Jazz Band and LGS Adult Big Band at 5:00pm on the “NEW” LGHS Front Lawn! 18! ! Fisher Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast @ 8:30am in MPR 18! Late Start Monday- 9:10am to 3:03pm 18! Fisher Coding Club in RM P7 @ 8:10am 18! Bridge Club 3:10 in RM T204 19! Creative Writing Club @ Lunch in R6 19! Builders Club Meeting @ Lunch in G5 20! ! School Advisory Council Meeting @ 7:00pm in Library 25! Memorial Day - No School 26! Creative Writing Club @ Lunch in R6 27! ! Picnic and Pops Concert from 5:00pm - 9:00pm in the Fisher Quad - All Music Groups perform 29! ! 8th Grade Dance 6:30pm - 9:30pm in the Fisher MPR FOR CURRENT AFTER SCHOOL SPORTS INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT THE SPORTS PAGE ON THE FISHER WEB-SITE! Questions? Please call or email Ms. Mitchell or Ms. Rynn Athletic Directors at 335-2368 or lmitchell@lgusd.k12.ca.us or nrynn@lguls.k12.ca.us For future sports tryouts, game schedules, or directions to offsite locations, visit the Fisher sports page at CLICK HERE!! Go Trojans! Hi Friends in LG We'll be hiking this Friday morning at our regular meeting spot - the Main Street bridge - near 20 East Main Street. We'll meet at 9am. I won't be there this Friday, but there are typically 15-20 of us that will be happy to hike with you! The hikes typically take 1.5 - 2 hours. If you'd like to join us next week (Thursday, May 21) we'll be carpooling from Fishers' front parking lot to a special hike in Saratoga at Fremont Older. We'll meet at 9am. Please e-mail me if interested so I can plan the carpool. Bring a sack lunch and we'll picnic on our hike. Plan to return by 1pm. Janet Stimson - jstimson68@gmail.com or text: 408-309-5844 June 01! Late Start Monday - 9:10am to 3:03pm 01! 7th and 8th Grade Speech Assembly for students 02! MINIMUM DAY BELL SCHEDULE 03! MINIMUM DAY BELL SCHEDULE 03! ! 6th and 7th Grade Carnival @ Fisher 10:00am 12:25pm 03! ! 8th Grade Great America Trip leaving @ 10:00am (expected to return to Fisher @ 5:00pm) 04! ! ! MINIMUM DAY BELL SCHEDULE - Last Day of School - Graduation - 6:00pm @ Oak Meadow Park! Please let the attendance office know if your student will be out for any reason. Please call or email attendance every day that your student is out ill. Remember students need to be fever free without meds for 24 hours before returning to school. Attendance Line: 408-335-2385 or rjfattendance@lgusd.k12.ca.us 8th Graders - Community Service - Reminder All Community Service Hours need to be submitted by May 15 to get credit towards commendations. Make sure your organization qualifies! See the Eligibility Guidelines - www.rjfisher.lgusd.org (The community service program at RJ Fisher is a completely optional activity for our students.) Home & School Club Happenings for the week of May11, 2015 Stay Informed, Be Involved, Make A Difference! More H&SC info can be found at h4p://www.fisherhsc.com H&SC Mee(ng and Member Vote May 20th! H&SC Mee(ng and Member Vote on Wednesday, May 20th at 6:45 p.m. H&SC members please join us for our last mee(ng of the year. We will be vo(ng on the preliminary budget and the H&SC Board of Directors for the 2015-‐16 school year. The H&SC Mee(ng/vote will begin at 6:45 p.m. and will transi(on to the SAC Mee(ng at 7 p.m. 8th Grade Dance Volunteers We need your HELP! We are 2 weeks away from helping our 8th graders celebrate! Please check out the volunteer link: hAp:// fisherhsc.ivolunteer.com/graddance_015 Fisher VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION breakfast Fisher’s H&SC Board of Directors would like to thank all volunteers!! Please join us in the cafeteria at 8:30 am on Monday, May 18th for coffee and a con(nental breakfast. Please RSVP to: hMp://fisherhsc.ivolunteer.com/ volunteerapprecia(on2015hYp:// fisherhsc.ivolunteer.com/volunteerapprecia(on2015 8th Grade Dance & year end ac(vi(es Friday, May 29th from 6:30-‐9:30 p.m. on the Fisher Middle School Campus. More details about dance and year end ac(vi(es at: hMps://fisherhsc.wufoo.com/forms/8th-‐grade-‐ year-‐end-‐ac(vi(es/ VOLUNTEERS MONTH IN VIEW: hYp://fisherhsc.ivolunteer.com/ parentsoncampus_spring15 hYp://fisherhsc.ivolunteer.com/graddance_015 hYp://fisherhsc.ivolunteer.com/gradua(on_201415 H&SC Calendar Month in View May 18th – 8:30 a.m. H&SC VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION BREAKFAST (All volunteers invited!) May 20th – 6:45 HSC Member Vote 7-‐9:00 pm H&SC/Site Council Mtg. May 25th – Memorial Day -‐ No School May 26th – 8:30 a.m Gradua(on Ceremony mee(ng May 29th – 8th Grade Dance 6:30-‐9:30 June 2nd – 8th Grade Awards ceremony – LGHS June 3rd – 8th Grade trip to Great America June 3rd -‐ Carnival and Minimum Day for 7th and 8th graders June 4th – Last Day of school & 8th grade gradua(on The slate for the 2015-‐2016 H&SC Board of Directors will be voted on May 20th at the H&SC / Site Council mee(ng, President -‐ Tracey Calassa Vice President -‐ Kathy Granger Secretary -‐ Kathy Smedt Treasurer -‐ Kerry Lindholm Asst. Treasurer – Anna Leung Parliamentarian -‐ Kim Schenkel Director of Volunteers -‐ Allison Valen(ne Leadership Liaison -‐ Amy Cato Communica(ons – Cindy Walker 8TH GRADE DANCE Parent Volunteers Needed! 8th Grade Dance Tickets On Sale Get Your Tickets NOW! Deadline to Order is May 26th! Friday, May 29th We have planned an awesome celebration for our 8th Graders and need your help to make it happen! https://fisherhsc.wufoo.com/forms/ r15fur6w0nsrsre/ http://fisherhsc.ivolunteer.com/graddance_015 Two-Three Great Parent Volunteer Opportunities Next year’s 6th and 8th grade classes each need a parent volunteer (ideally two for 6th grade) to track community service hours monthly. This is a very @lexible opportunity as the work can be completed from home and whenever it’s convenient for the volunteer. Volunteers need to record community service submissions from students, track cumulative community service hours throughout the year and report back to students regularly via email with updated ytd community service hours. Requires 2-‐4 hours/month. Please contact Karen Boncher for more information: kboncher@comcast.net. Thank you! Yearbooks Sales Information! Yearbooks are still on sale. Please bring a cash or check (made out to Fisher Middle School for $60) in an envelop ℅ Mr. Fanderl. Last day to reserve will be May 22. See Mr. Fanderl's website to see if you purchased one. “3 Vital Gifts to Give Your Teen Before They Launch” CASA General Meeting Thursday, May 14th at 8:30am LGHS Dance Studio (Note new time and location!) Speaker: Steve Darrow, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and psychotherapist specializing in treating adolescents and adults who struggle with addiction associated with substance abuse. He operates Target Relapse Prevention Program and facilitates relapse prevention groups. He has been helping people in Santa Clara County since 1996 Book Fair Success!! Thanks to all who purchased books at the Fisher Book Fair last week. It was one of our best sales years ever. We especially appreciate those who volunteered to work at the fair. Thank you for your support of the Fisher Library. The Fisher music department welcomes 5th grade families and the entire Fisher community to Picnic and Pops on the Fisher Quad and in the Cafeteria and Library x Enjoy performances by all of our Fisher music groups AND (new this year) our Elementary Honor orchestra and band. x Get your t-shirt for the fall at reduced rates! x Find out more about our fun September 19 fundraising event. MAY 27, 2015 FISHER PICNIC & POPS Wednesday 5:00pm – 9:00 pm Performance Schedule 5:00-5:07- Elementary Honor Band 5:07-5:15- Elementary Honor Orchestra The Spotlight Showcase Dance Concert is on May 13, 2015! 5:15-5:30- Open Band 5:30-5:45- Open Strings 5:45-6:00- Percussion 6:00-6:15- AWARDS 6:15-6:45- Jazz Band 6:45-7:00- Open Choir 7:00-7:15- Concert Band 7:15-7:30- Women’s Choir 7:30-7:45- Symphonic Band 7:45-8:00- Orchestra 8:00-8:15- Raffle Winners announced 8:15-8:30- Sing! (A cappella vocal group) 8:30-8:45- Mixed Choir Purchase hot pizza and fresh salad from Pizza My Heart, cupcakes from Shuly's bakery, and ice cream from Baskin Robbins (proceeds benefit Fisher Music) NO PRE-ORDERS; Bring cash and your family for an evening of music, food & fun! Contact Margaret Kvamme at musicboosters1@fisherhsc. com or (408)472-0087 with any questions. “2016” 7th & 8th Grade East Coast Trip Join friends on a 6-day adventure to DC, Philadelphia, Charlottesville & NY! Explore Luray Caverns, Newseum, Smithsonian, White House, Arlington National Cemetery, Liberty Bell, Broadway, Times Square, Statue of Liberty and so much more! We will have a Q&A on 5/14, Thursday at 6:30PM at Starbucks (between Oak Rim Way & Los Gatos Blvd). For additional information, call Eliza Chang at (408) 307-9493 or email katlyn32@yahoo.com. To view 6-day itinerary, click here. Fisher’s Dance Students will have their Spotlight Showcase Dance Concert! The Concert will be held at The LOS GATOS High School Theater @ 7:00pm and tickets are FREE! (Dress Rehearsal starts at 4:30 pm. Don’t miss this great performance!! Calling Parents and 7th Grade Students! We need YOU to volunteer to be ushers at this year's 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony to be held at Oak Meadow Park on Thursday, June 4th at 6:00 p.m. Join the fun and get an early peek at what your child's graduation ceremony will be like next year. 7th grade students will also earn community service hours by being the ushers at the graduation. Interested? Please sign up at http://fisherhsc.ivolunteer.com/ graduation_201415 Questions? Please contact gradushers@fisherhsc.co m *Parents are asked to sign up with their 7th grade students. Parents of 6th grade students: Important information from the school nurse! Assembly Bill 354 requires all students entering the 7th grade have a Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) booster after the age of 7. In March 2015, parents were sent a letter if the Tdap immunization booster for their child was not on file in the health office. Thank you to those parents who have submitted that required immunization. We now have documentation for approximately one-third of the incoming 7th grade students for 2015-16. Please bring, mail or email documentation of the Tdap immunization to the health office immediately. Students without that on file will not receive their schedule on the first day of school. Maureen O’Hara RN MS District Nurse 335-2074 Student volunteers needed for Daves Avenue Carnival! Please volunteer your time at the annual Daves Avenue Carnival on Friday May 15th. We have 2 hour shifts available to you. You will get volunteer credit for the hours spent at the carnival based on your conduct and participation. We will not be accepting any additional volunteers that show up the day of the carnival, so please make sure you are signed up for a spot on Volunteer Spot. If you have any questions, please contact: Leah Williams at 206-226-4130 or davesaveschoolhsc@gmail.com. 1) Click this link to see our Sign-Up on VolunteerSpot: http://vols.pt/912tX8 2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like Attention Fisher Friends and Families The Fisher Leadership Class is hosting their annual 6th and 7th grade Carnival on June 3rd and we need your help! We have expanded this event to make it as much fun as possible for 800+ kids! We need over 60 volunteers to help make this event safe and fun. We have a variety of jobs like running fun old-fashioned carnival games, face painting, general supervision or selling concessions. Please follow the link below to sign-up. http://fisherhsc.ivolunteer.com/carnival15 Please also consider donating a small commercially prepared cake or other dessert for our cakewalk. Cakes can be donated on June 3rd outside the main office before school – or brought directly to the cakewalk booth if you are also volunteering to help.
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