Resurrection Lutheran Risen Son May 2015 The Mission of Resurrection Lutheran Church is to promote Spiritual growth in Christ and service to all people. Pastor Sue’s Message INSIDE THIS ISSUE: One of my favorite programs on PBS was “Square One”—it was quirky and silly and fun, and completely devoted to the joy of numbers. It would share things like this: “The answer is 3.” What’s the question? Pick any number, add 5, multiply by 2, subtract 4, divide by 2, then subtract the first number you wrote down. The answer is 3. Always. Ministries & Education 2 Birthdays and Anniversaries 2 Our Book Club 2 Worship Assistants 3 F.A.M.I.L.Y . Groups 3 Food Pantry News 4 Churches often measure their success by numbers---how many gather for worship? How many new members were added? How many baptisms? How many kids in Sunday School? Did we meet our budget goals? Numbers do matter, but they rarely tell the whole story in the life and mission of a church. Person in the Pew Love INC 4 5 5 6 Here is a number that has come to mean RLC to me: 8-12. By and large, that’s how many people show up to most of the things we do, outside of worship. Popcorn in the Pews? 8-12 folk. Midweek Lent service? 8-12. Game Night? 812. Grown-Up Vacation Bible School? 8-12. A good day of quilting? 8-12. Bible Camp 6 Care Corner 7 Adult Bible School 8 Quilters’ Brunch 8 Out and About 8 What’s interesting is that it’s not the same 8-12 people who attend these things…we do mix it up! And 8-12 people is a good number to suggest that any given activity is meaningful and productive. It’s fun to watch a movie in a group. It’s interesting to hear different people’s thoughts and insights in Bible study. It’s exciting to have several tables playing a variety of games together. To walk and grow with others in worship matters. Our capacity to do more, together, grows. Depression QPR SPECIAL EVENTS Footloose and Fancy Free SOV Noon May 12th Adult VBS Saturday May 23, 1-5pm Pentecost May 24th—Wear Red May 31, 11 am: Semi-annual meeting of the congregation May 31, 6-8pm QPR Biblical numbers have a wonder to them, as well—7 means wholeness and perfection; 5 represents the hand of God, protection; 40 is used for times of trial, testing, and formation. I wonder what would happen if we became a 10–15 church? With joy, Pastor Sue 90th ANNIVERSARY Planning ahead: Next year will be Resurrection’s 90 anniversary! We’d like to have a planning committee to start...planning! Is this you? See Pastor Sue or congregation president Adam Garner! th RISEN SON May Ministries and Education Sunday—9:30 Worship with Communion Sunday school after worship Monday—Adult Bible Study, 5:30pm Tuesday—Al-Anon from noon-1pm Wednesday—Women’s Breakfast, 7am at the Sandpiper. All women are invited to join in the fellowship and Bible Study. Wednesday—Lutheran World Relief Quilters meet from 9-3 to tie quilts, visit and eat lunch. Thursday—Council, May 14, 6:30pm Thursday—Book Group, May 14, 2:00pm, in sun room Saturday—Al-Anon from 10:30-noon Third Sunday of the month is Food Pantry Sunday. Please bring food. Thank you for sharing! Fourth Sunday of the month Dan Kassner leads a worship service at the Pioneer Home at 6:00pm. The residents and Dan welcome your participation! Wednesday—Bell Choir Rehearsal, 6:30-8pm Our prayer partner this month is Petersburg Lutheran Church. Please keep them as well as our bishops, Elizabeth Eaton of the ELCA; Shelley Wickstrom of the Alaska Synod; and Terry Brandt of the Eastern North Dakota Synod in prayer. As always remember RLC members and friends in prayer on their special days. RLC May Birthdays and Anniversaries 1 JEFF WATTS 21 DAN AND LORINDA KASSNER 2 EVAN FRITZ 22 BRITTANY KUTERBACH 3 LUCAS MILLER 22 ROBERT AND KRISTIN WRIGHT 4 DAN KASSNER 23 MARY FURUNESS 7 KRISTIAN RITTER 24 KEN HIRSCH 8 ELAINE VUILLE 25 DALLAS AND SARAH HARGRAVE 11 DAN ABEL 25 SID AND KAREN MORGAN 11 KEN KOELSCH 26 ANGELA MICKLE 13 DAVID BRABAW 28 JULIE NEYHART 15 DALLAS HARGRAVE 29 CRAIG MCMULLEN 15 MIKE MCCLOONE 29 PER RASMUSSEN 17 MARRITT MILLER 30 MICHAEL AND MICHELLE WILSON 20 PARKER HAGAN May 31st, 11 am: Semi-annual meeting of the congregation Our Book Club FOOTLOOSE AND FANCY FREE On Thursday, May 14th at 2:00pm Our Book Club will meet to discuss Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. You’ve seen the movie— now check out the book and enter the conversation. Our Book Club is not exclusive. You are welcome to join. On Tuesday, May 12th, FOOTLOOSE will meet for a noon potluck at Shepherd of the Valley. All adults are welcome! 2 MAY 2015 Worship Assistants Thank you to all who share their time and gifts to provide a rich worship service each Sunday. There are many members who assist! May 3 Worship Assistant: Karen Lawfer Reader of the Word: Lorrie Garner PLE Power Point: Julie Neyhart ASE FOR SIGN UP JUN E Altar Care: Kris Wright May 10 Worship Assistant: Delores Graver Reader of the Word: Curt Clough Power Point: Loretta Mosley Altar Care: Marian Koelsch May 17 MA GRO TTHEW UP I S IN FAMIL IN M CHAR Y GE AY Worship Assistant: Libby Clough Reader of the Word: Lucy Merrell Power Point: Connie Olson Altar Care: May 24 Worship Assistant: Curt Clough Reader of the Word: Delores Graver Email Power Point: Julie Neyhart Altar Care: May 31 net e@ak. rlcoffic Worship Assistant: Randy Sutak Reader of the Word: Delores Graver Power Point: Loretta Mosley Altar Care: Marian Koelsch May 24th Pentecost—wear red! The Worship and Music Committee is also planning a wind chime display---if you have a wind chime to contribute, bring it in. FAMILY AND MEMBERS INVOLVED LOVINGLY YEAR ROUND F.A.M.I.L.Y. GROUPS Matthew Family is in charge this month. Members and friends in Matthew Family are: Barbara Johnson, Finn & Willie Larsen, Dennis & Linda Mickle, Bette Olson, Jim & Dot Wilson, Dean & Joanne Griggs, Lorrie Garner, Sarah & Dallas Hargrave, Pastor Sue & Bill Bahleda. If you are not in a group and would be willing to serve, please put your name on the F.A.M.I.L.Y. Group list on the bulletin board by the coffee pot or let Pastor Sue know! Other group members will let you know what to do. 3 RISEN SON Food Pantry News: From March 31 through April 24, 237 families visited our food shelf, collecting food for 750 people. Thank you for your continued support! Your food donations help fill our shelves. Your monetary donations help RLC purchase food from the Southeast Alaska Food Bank at 14 cents a pound and from Costco. We thank God for his abundance! He has given us resources to help others put food on their tables. Change for Good NEW CHALLENGE—-FRUIT In recognition of her birthday, Julie Neyhart will match 76 cans of fruit. Check the directory board in the gathering area for a history of our Change for Good projects! PERSON IN THE PEW Greetings, My name is Scott Swanson. Some of you may remember my family from years ago. My mom and dad, Ken and Pearl Swanson, joined Resurrection Lutheran Church in the 1960’s and attended through the 1980’s. My dad had great respect for Pastor Glenn Sachs, considered him a good friend when he was our pastor during those years, and missed him after he retired. Both of my parents have passed away and are buried at Buffalo Lake Lutheran Church in Minnesota. Buffalo Lake is a beautiful old country church that my Mom's grandfather helped start, and where my parents were baptized, confirmed, and married. I, along with my older brother Keven and sister Debbie, went to Sunday School in the old church (RLC) before it burned down, and, if I remember right, I was confirmed there by Pastor Sachs. Doug Larsen and I were trying to remember some of the other people that were confirmed in our class, but almost all have moved away. It would be great to see them again! After a long absence I’ve decided to make more of an effort to become involved with the community of believers at RLC. I have done this for a number of reasons and in a larger sense because both of my sons found faith in Christ as their Redeemer which amazes me daily! As believers we are called to worship Him and to remember Him and keep His word. So in a round-a-bout way Derik and Orion’s new found faith got me thinking about the importance of worship service in our lives. When my Mom passed away a few years ago I contacted Pastor Sue about having a service at Resurrection Lutheran Church as we still had some family here and my mom had friends from her many years of living in Juneau. Even after a long time away from RLC I still felt like I was a part of this church and realized the importance of it to me in ways that do not always seem important in the day to day life that we live. I needed to remember not to take the faith that was given to me for granted and to remember we still live in a place where we can live in our faith and attend our chosen church in peace. I am a person in the pew. Scott Swanson 4 MAY 2015 QPR: Ask a Question, Save a Life Sunday, May 31st, 6-8 pm QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) is intended to teach life-saving intervention fundamentals for those who are considering suicide, in the same style CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver is taught for physical emergencies. This workshop is appropriate for anyone in a position to recognize a crisis and warning signs that someone may be contemplating suicide. Join us for the QPR: Ask a Question, Save a Life workshop on Sunday the 31st, and bring a friend! DEPRESSION Depression is considered the most common mental illness in America. The recently crashed German airliner with a depression prone co-pilot underlines its seriousness. Symptoms may include little energy, lethargy, sleeplessness at night, crying, and an inner horizon with little or no light. Depression may be readily evident to or carefully masked from others. It is different than discouragement which tends to be a temporary "down" feeling, but with hope on the horizon. A few of depression's many known causes include: genetic; chemical imbalance; abuse by others (mental, sexual, physical or emotional) especially in childhood; post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); and seasonal affective disorder (SAD) which is common in Alaska. Even though our shortest days are in late December, this type of depression has a time lag and frequently shows up a few weeks later. It is important to address depression rather than seek to deny or try to run away from it. Counseling, prescribed medication, and special lighting can all help. THIS ARTICLE IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR YOUR PRESENT TREATMENT. These are additional steps which may help some people, but not all. These are not original with me. FIVE STEPS TO HELP OUR BODY REBALANCE FOR MENTAL HEALTH 1. PHYSICAL- Exercise 20 minutes daily walking briskly or working out. 2. SPIRITUAL- Spend 20 minutes daily in prayer and meditation. A depressed person when challenged in this way replied: "I am unable to focus". That's O.K., but go through the motions anyway. Psalm 23, 100, 146-150 may be helpful to some along with John 10:11-15, and Romans 8:31-39. Thumbing through a hymnbook and quietly reading the words or looking through an art book can also be meditative. For others Yoga will be helpful. 3. DIETARY-Cut out all junk food, sugar, and sweets. 4. SOCIAL-At least 3 times a week, do something socially with others, completely unrelated to work. 5. GIVE OF YOURSELF-Roll up your sleeves and help another person as a volunteer. The renowned and esteemed psychiatrist Karl Meninger was asked what would you do if you felt depression setting in. His reply: "I would roll up my sleeves and help the first person I came to down the street.". I commend these 5 steps, hoping that some will find them helpful. Paul D. Beran Table Talk Popcorn in the Pews! May 16th Children’s Feature at 4:30 Regular Feature at 6:30 A Conversational Gathering for Millennials food, fun, and chat Pastor Sue and Bill’s house 6:30pm May 1st 5 RISEN SON Mother’s Day Tea and Tips—Saturday May 9th Northern Light United Church, 400 West 11th Street - Juneau 10–11am Future Moms (and current moms too!) Is a baby in your life, or in your future? You are probably aware there is extremely limited child care for infants and toddlers in Juneau. Come learn and discuss how to plan ahead for balancing work, family, and creative options for child care. Free children’s books and resource guides. Guest speaker. 1:30-2:30 Above and Beyond Moms Are you caring for a friend, relative, or neighbor’s children, or thinking about it? Come meet some other “super moms” and learn and discuss ideas for safe, fun, learning activities in your home, as well as different financial supports available if you choose to grow in the future. Free safety kit and children book. Guest speaker. Come to either or both! Call 321-5887 or 586-1002 for more info. Free child care provided, with scones, fresh fruits, teas, and coffees. Sponsored by the Juneau Community of Christian Women of NLUC. THE CHILDREN WANT SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL Thanks to Karen Lawfer, they will have it!!! Remember: Bible Camp This Summer Glacier Bible Camp will take place from July 26–30 at the Juneau Boy Scout Camp out the road. Campers entering 5th–12th grade are welcome to attend. The early bird registration fee is $200; after June 1, registration is $225. We need counselors! We also need artists, musicians, and games people to help with the program. Camper registration forms are available at SOV and RLC. Please mark your calendars, and if you are able to help with camp, talk to Pastor Tari Stage-Harvey at 789-4093.. Love INC’s phone number: 780-4090 Our phone lines are open Mon. Wed. Fri. from 10am - 2pm and Tues. evening from 7pm – 8:30pm. We thank God for the way He meets the changing needs of this ministry through the hands, gifts, time and service of HIS People! Thank You! Cards: The clearing house could use some blank cards or thinking of you cards to send as follow up to a few of our clients. Do you have some you can donate? Garden: Want to work in the garden? It's time to prep and plant for the growing season! Let us know if you want to get your hands dirty! Clearing House: Do you have a few hours you can volunteer in the Clearing House M, W, F or Tuesday evenings? We will train you and work with your schedule - even once a month would be a great help. Call us for more information. We look forward to working with you! Furniture: couches, chairs, dressers, small kitchen tables/chairs, small book shelves, bunk beds and mattresses/frames sizes:Twin, Full & Queen. Sign-up to deliver furniture this summer! 6 MAY 2015 Tidbits of Religion By Jack Cadigan After the Resurrection, we all know the story of “Doubting Thomas.” But we should put that story in perspective. Luke 24:9-11 (. . . they announced these things to the eleven . . .but (it) seemed like nonsense and they did not believe.) None of the apostles “believed.” They didn’t “doubt” they just plain old didn’t believe. (Mark 16:14, Luke 24:36-43, John 20:19-23) These passages tell of Jesus’ appearance in the upper room, sharing a meal, including broiled fish with Jesus. The doors were shut (locked) “for fear of the Jews.” After all, they were correct to fear for their lives because if some of the factions of Jews could get Jesus executed by Rome for potentially leading a rebellion against Rome, why not His followers also? Indeed, Simon was – at least previously – a zealot. (Rome later executed over 3,000 zealots for seeking to overthrow the Roman rule). Now Thomas, who was AWOL for that event, now no longer simply thought it “nonsense and did not believe” but certainly now still had “doubt” and established what it would take for him to actually believe. We all know how that ended. Although now they all believed, they were still afraid of the Jews and it took (later) Pentecost until they were provided the courage needed. Then again on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-32) Cleopas and Simon believed after seeing Jesus eat bread, immediately followed in scriptures by (Luke 24:32-49) where in Jerusalem “they found the Eleven and those with them” were obviously doubting the story, telling them “It’s true!” When Jesus showed up they surmised it was a ghost – until He ate a piece of broiled fish in their presence. So when shadows of disbelief due to the wonder of it all cross your mind, you are in good company! At Pentecost (Greek – the 50th day), the same day as Jews celebrate Shavuot (50 days after Passover, giving the Law on Mt. Sinai) (Acts 2:1-6) is the same day chosen by God (Luke24:49) to have the Holy Spirit (in tongues of fire) envelop their souls and send them from hiding out to spread the Good News without fear in their hearts. According to tradition and the bible, eight of the eleven died as martyrs, including Peter and Andrew who were crucified. Peter was crucified about the same time as Paul, around 34 years following Christ’s death, by Nero. Nero didn’t persecute all Christians by crucifixion, but even refined upon that cruelty, and contrived all manner of punishments that the most infernal imagination could design. In particular, he had some sewed up in skins of wild beasts, and then harassed by dogs until they expired and others dressed in shirts made stiff with wax, fixed to underside of wagons and set on fire in his gardens, in order to illuminate them. Although this persecution was general throughout the Roman Empire it rather increased rather than diminished the Christian Faith. It is a good time to pray for any surviving members of the Faith in the middle east to hold fast to the Faith while facing horrid martyrdom at the hands of Islamist terrorists. CARE CORNER Stay in Touch Nancy and Mike McMullen, P.O. Box 240587, Douglas, AK 99824. Janet Routsala, Wildflower Court, 2000 Salmon Creek Lane, Juneau AK 99801 Ed Nygard and Emma Houston, Juneau Pioneers’ Home, 4675 Glacier Highway, Juneau AK 99801 Ted Merrell,3240 Fritz Cove Road, Juneau AK 99801 Elaine Vuille, PO Box 20345, Juneau AK 99802-0345 Mike McLoone #498215, Lemon Creek Correctional Center, 2000 Lemon Creek Rd, Juneau AK 99801 7 RISEN SON OUT AND ABOUT IN GOD’S WORLD A couple of our younger members really “dazzled” the audience at JDHS “Showtime” dancing on the 14-girl team “TAFY Dazzlers” recently. Isabella Cadigan McAdoo (7) and Sophia Owen (9) were (of course!) the two best performers. A week earlier in March they performed for Gold Medal. They make a great pair of acolytes, too. Also, Isabella won her first ribbon doing the 50 yard Butterfly (10 and under age group) earning 6th place in a recent Ketchikan meet. Adele Hagevig (11-14) won a bunch of ribbons in that same meet. Both Sophia and Isabella will be performing on 6 June for the “Spring Showcase” at TMHS. Summer Tourist Season is almost here, and Randy (Sutak)’s “Randy’s Rib Shack” is now diagonally across the street from Liv (Cadigan)’s “House of Russia” and daughter Tanja’s Caribou Crossing. “Randy’s Rib Shack” is now rated on Trip Advisor as #5 (of 112) restaurants in Juneau. Randy and the family make a great culinary team. They have other good stuff besides his great ribs. Try them out and comment on The latest Bloomberg’s Business Week has a cover story predicting the rise of Pastor Sue’s beloved Cubs under new and VERY innovative ownership. Their goal this year is a division championship. They still have work to do before realistically hoping for a World Series. (They have not won a World Series since 1908 and have not played in a World Series since 1945. Definitely “ripe” to win!) Please send “stuff” to Jack Cadigan at HELP NEEDED! MEMBERS AND FRIENDS OF RLC ARE AWESOME!!! To serve on council and committees! If you would like to serve or think a friend would be perfect for the task, pass the names on to the nominating committee—Lucy Merrell, Lois Wetherall, or Angela Owen. Altar care needs more volunteers! Contact Kristin Wright, Marian Koelsch or Mary Lou Peterson for more information. Many helped the quilters with the brunch on Sunday, April 19. Some donated food; some donated items for the silent auction. As the event wound down there were table folders, chair stackers and dishwashers. And they gave generously! Payments for the $35 sanctuary quilts and the things on the silent auction plus monetary donations for the brunch amounted to $2,759. Thank you! The quilters will use the funds to buy more quilt batting and to make donations to LWR each time they ship to offset the costs of distributing quilts and kits to places they are needed around the world. GROWN-UP BIBLE SCHOOL Saturday, May 23rd 1-5 pm Noah: arks and rainbows, or the giants and magic trees of recent movies? We’ll look at the full story of Noah, in the Bible, in tradition, and in popular culture. 8 Resurrection Lutheran Church 740 West 10th Street Juneau, AK 99801 Non Profit Organization Us Postage Paid Juneau, AK 99801 PERMIT NO 5 Office Phone: (907)586-2380 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED We’re on the Web Pastor: Pastor Suellen Bahleda M-W 9-12, Th 1-5, Sat 9-12 Worship: Sunday 9:30 with Communion Secretary: Penny Stevens M-F 1-5 y a M Food Pantry M,W,F 1:30-3:30 T &Th 1:30-3 Risen Son e-mail: Resurrection Lutheran Church 740 West 10th Street Juneau, AK 99801 9
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