RURAL MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATORS’ ASSOCIATION OF SASKATCHEWAN NINETY FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION PROGRAM 2015 SASKATOON INN SASKATOON, SASKATCHEWAN MAY 11 - 14, 2015 2015 R.M.A.A. CONVENTION AGENDA: MONDAY, MAY 11 AM 10:00 11:00 PM Noon Bus Leaves Saskatoon Inn and Heritage Inn for Willows Golf and Country Club. (See golf brochure for more details) Bus Leaves Saskatoon Inn for “Women On The Go” Tour to Watrous & Manitou Lake Annual RMAA Golf Tournament - Willows Golf and Country Club (See Golf Brochure) - Sponsored by the ‘Gang of Three’ At approx. 5:30 pm a barbeque supper will be served at the Golf Course Club House and will be immediately followed by the presentation of golf awards and door prizes (non-golfers also eligible for door prizes). Non golfers are welcome to attend the free barbeque supper at the golf course, however you must register for the meal. Please look at the golf brochure for details and the registration form. 7:00 8:30 Bus Returns from the Willows Golf & C.C. to the Saskatoon Inn and the Heritage Inn. Bus Returns from Watrous & Manitou Lake 7:30 Registration – Mezzanine ABC - Carried out by Saskatchewan Municipal Hail Insurance Association 8:00 to ??? Saskatchewan “C” Room Wine & Cheese Reception and Social Evening TUESDAY, MAY 12 AM Starting at 8:30 Registration – Mezzanine ABC NOTE: THERE ARE THREE SEMINARS AVAILABLE THIS MORNING. YOU MAY ATTEND ANY TWO OF THE THREE 9:00 to 10:15 Saskatchewan ‘A’ Room Seminar: “First Nation Reserve Creation in Rural Municipalities” Saskatchewan ‘C’ Room Seminar: "Everything you didn't learn in LGA but were afraid to ask" Canadian Room Seminar: “OH&S and Everything you Didn't Learn” 10:00 to 10:30 Coffee 10:30 to 11:45 Above 3 seminars repeated. PLEASE NOTE: You will be required to change rooms for each seminar and the presenters will remain in their respective rooms. 11:45 Adjourn for Lunch. 11:50 Saskatchewan ‘B’ Room NOON LUNCHEON OFFICIAL OPENING OF CONVENTION: Call to Order: Tim Leurer, President, Rural Municipal Administrators’ Association ‘O Canada’ led by Glenda Giles, Administrator, R. M. of Kindersley No. 290 Blessing, followed by Meal Opening Address: Barb Griffin Retired Administrator, R.M. of McKillop No. 220 Greetings: Representative TBA Saskatchewan Ministry of Government Relations Greetings: Ray Orb President, Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities Greetings: Don Atchison, Mayor, City of Saskatoon Greetings: Representative TBA Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture Reply: Wendy Gowda Vice President, Rural Municipal Administrators’ Association INDUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS: President Tim Leurer, Vice Pres. Wendy Gowda and Ex-Dir. Kevin Ritchie TUESDAY, MAY 12 PM 2:00 ‘Sharp’ Saskatchewan ‘B’ Room 2:00 Kevin Ritchie, RMAA Executive-Director: - Executive Director Report: - Auditor’s Report. - Appointment of Returning Officer. - Outline of Election Procedures. - Convention Announcements. - RMAA Bylaw 4 Amendment 2:10 Tim Leurer, RMAA President & Administrator of R. M. of Kelvington No. 366: - Introduction of RMAA Executive - RMAA President’s Address 2:30 President Tim Leurer, Vice-Pres Wendy Gowda & Exec-Dir. Kevin Ritchie: - PRESENTATION OF 25 YEAR MEMBERSHIP PINS: 2:55 PRESENTATION OF ADVANCED CERTIFICATES BY RURAL BOARD of EXAMINERS: - Rural Board of Examiners Rep Wendy Gowda, President Tim Leurer & Board of Examiners Secretary Kevin Ritchie 3:00 ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION 4:00 “OFF THE CUFF” IMPROV COMEDY 5:00 Adjourn. “FREE EVENING FOR DELEGATES” WEDNESDAY, MAY 13 AM 8:30 Registration – Mezzanine ABC Early Morning Coffee Saskatchewan ‘B’ Room 9:00 PRESENTATION: Ministry of Government Relations 10:20 to 10:40 Coffee 10:40 to 11:45 PRESENTATION CONTINUED: Ministry of Government Relations 11:45 Adjourn for Lunch PM Saskatchewan ‘B’ Room 1:00 to 1:15 PRESENTATION: Sask Energy – Safety and Sask Energy 1:15 Ray Orb, President, S.A.R.M. Jay Meyer, Executive Director, S.A.R.M. ==================================================================== NOTE: Nominations for President of the Association will be received by the Secretary of the Convention (Kevin Ritchie) until 2:00 P.M. Nominations must be submitted on Nomination Forms available from the Secretary of the Convention. ==================================================================== 1:45 Rodney Schoettler, C.E.O. Saskatchewan Municipal Hail Insurance Association. - Updates from Saskatchewan Municipal Hail Insurance Association 2:00 Saskatchewan Municipal Hail Insurance Association Presents: ‘KEYNOTE PRESENTATION’ MICHELLE RAY NOTE: There will be no scheduled break this afternoon but coffee and juice will be available in the mezzanine area during this presentation. 3:30 Adjourn. WEDNESDAY, MAY 13 PM 6:00 Saskatchewan ‘B’ Room (Doors open at 6:00, Dinner at 6:30) CONVENTION BANQUET Courtesy of Saskatchewan o o o o o 9:00 Municipal Hail Insurance Association Presentation of Service Awards to Retired Administrators by President Tim Leurer, Vice Pres. Wendy Gowda & Ex-Dir. Kevin Ritchie Introduction of Head Table Guests Introduction of David Marit, 2015 ‘Lou Jacobs Award’ winner Saskatchewan Municipal Hail Insurance Association: Presentations by SMHI President Wayne Black Prize draws courtesy of Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities will be made during the banquet. You must be present to win (for active members only) “FREE EVENING FOR DELEGATES” THURSDAY , MAY 14 AM Saskatchewan ‘B’ Room Early Morning Coffee 9:00 to 9:30 Election for President of the Association (if required) - carried out by Returning Officer Jay Meyer =================================================================== NOTE: Nominations for Vice President will be received by the Secretary of the Convention (Kevin Ritchie) during a stated 15 minute period immediately following the election for President. Nominations must be submitted on Nomination Forms available from the Secretary of the Convention. =================================================================== 9:00 RMAA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORTS: - by your RMAA Board Members Update on Committee Activities on your behalf over the Past Year! 10:15 DIVISIONAL MEETINGS: (NOTE: Elections will be held in Divisions 2, 4 & 6) Division 1 Ballroom C Division 2 Saskatoon Room Division 3 Manitoba Room Division 4 Brass Lantern Room Division 5 Canadian Room Division 6 Wig & Pen Room 11:15 Saskatchewan ‘B’ Room - Introduction of New Executive RESOLUTIONS S.A.R.M. Door Prize Draw – Meghan Dobranski, Manager, SARM Trading Dept. Any other Business. PRIZE DRAW - $750.00 Travel Voucher sponsored by CAA Travel to be presented by Cynthia Wong, CAA Travel, Saskatoon. (must be in attendance to win) - Adjourn. SPECIAL SPONSORSHIP: We would like to thank the Ministry of Government Relations for sponsoring the Audio Visual Equipment for the speakers and presenters at this years convention. Miscellaneous Convention Information: DRESS CODE: Business Attire Please! CELLULAR PHONES: Please turn off your cellular phones or switch to vibrate mode. In addition, all cellular phones must be answered outside the conference area. Please be considerate of your fellow attendees. During the convention, coffee, tea and juice will be served on a continual basis. Corsages for the ladies Wednesday evening are courtesy of Canada Culvert Note: Corsages will not be available until after the close of the convention on Wednesday afternoon. S.A.R.M. HOSPITALITY SUITE HOURS: The SARM Hospitality Suite will be open as follows: - Tuesday From Adjournment of the Convention until 10:00 pm. Golf Tournament Sponsors; ‘THE GANG OF THREE’: • Canada Culvert • Kramer Ltd. • Signal Industries 2014-2015 R.M.A.A.S. EXECUTIVE President ................................... Tim Leurer, Kelvington Vice-President........................... Wendy Gowda, Leroy Immediate Past President ........ Don McCallum, Cut Knife Director Ex Officio .................... Ray Orb, Cupar Executive Director .................... Kevin Ritchie, Wilcox Division Directors: Division 1 .................................. .Sheila Keisig, Balcarres Division 2 .................................. Tammy Franks, Limerick Division 3 .................................. Lori McDonald, Elrose Division 4 .................................. Edith Goddard, Leross Division 5 .................................. Gary Dziadyk, Aberdeen Division 6 .................................. Glenda Giles, Kindersley We would like to extend a sincere ‘Thank You’ to all of our corporate sponsors. Your continued support of our annual conference is greatly appreciated!
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