Issue 4 March 26, 2015 Rockingham Lakes Primary School Independent Public School Rockingham Lakes Primary School is an inclusive, community environment for students where values and the unique talents of each individual child are nurtured and where excellence is encouraged. Harmony Day in Pre Primary On Friday the Pre-Primary students explored the values behind Harmony Day. The students engaged in activities about inclusiveness, respect and developing a sense of belonging for everyone. It was a wonderful day spent celebrating the diversity in our school community. The students put together a brilliant display that was placed outside the Pre-Primary block after school to give the parents a glimpse of Harmony Day at Rockingham Lakes Primary School. The students and staff looked wonderful in their orange attire and really got into the spirit of Harmony Day. A Pre-Primary student summed the day up beautifully: “I feel like Harmony Day is about being a friend to any person and I will love them because they are different.” – Ruby, PP3. Paramedic and Police Visit to Pre Primary This term PP2 have been learning about Emergency Services. We have been very lucky to have a visit by Steve the Firefighter (Sasha's Dad), Hopper the Paramedic and Eric the Police Officer. They showed us their uniforms and equipment and taught us about how to stay safe. We got to try on the uniform and look at the things they use in an emergency. We have learnt who to call in an emergency! It is very important to remember your phone number and address in an emergency. In an emergency you call 000. By Archer and Shiloh Principal’s Pen P&C AGM On Monday evening the P&C held their AGM. It was a well attended event and I am pleased to say that all positions were filled. A big thank you to Kelly Daraz who was re-elected as president and to the rest of the committee: Vice President Treasurer Secretary Fundraising Uniform Shop Canteen Coordinator - Katie Hulin - Vanessa Baker - Julie Valentine - Lisa Russell - Carolann Lawrance - Sue Johnson Bullying We commonly hear in the media about bullying and the consequences of this insidious behaviour. With this level of publicity and awareness we can find the term over used at times. ‘Bullying’ itself is repeated verbal, physical, social behaviour that is harmful and involves the misuse of power by an individual or group towards one or more persons. Some conflicts between children are a normal part of growing up and are to be expected. These conflicts or fights between equals and single incidents are not considered bullying, even though they may be upsetting and need to be resolved. When we are aware of them, we will always respond to and deal with incidents at school. Our responses will be proportionate to the nature of the incident; we will react differently to a ‘one off’ incident from a true incident of bullying. It is important however that we do not label every incident of conflict as bullying as often this is not the case and can inflame the situation. As always, if you have concerns please discuss them initially with the classroom teacher. Further information can be found at the Australian Government site, Bullying No Way! and at the National Centre Against Bullying School Board On Thursday our School Board met for the first time this year. At this meeting the Board reviewed and ratified our 2014 Annual Report as well as our 2015 budget. Discussion also occurred around the development of our new three year Business Plan. The Board also heard from an Out of School Hours Care provider and discussed the possibility of offering on-site before and after school care. Our parent representatives of our Board are, Lisa Russell (Chair), Vicky Bartlett, Nat Lear, Serena Sargent and Janine Stevens. School Jumpers As the weather cools, more students wear jumpers to school. School jumpers can be purchased from the uniform store on Monday and Thursday mornings from 8.50am to 9.15am. Our year 6 students can purchase special ‘Leavers Jumpers’ from the office for $30. Jumpers are the most common form of lost property in schools; please ensure they are labelled with your child’s name. The second hand uniform store, open on Wednesday mornings, 8:50am – 9.20am (outside the Admin building) has a large range of jumpers available. Keep smiling, Tim Sewell Principal Quote of the Fortnight “Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy.” Saadi ANZAC CEREMONY This special service will take place on Friday, April 24 commencing at 1.45pm in the Undercover area. All parents and family are welcome to attend. Pre Primary’s Vegetable Garden PP 4 have been planting our vegetable garden with lots of different vegetables this term. The corn has grown amazingly and will be ready to harvest and eat early in term 2. We also planted sunflower seeds to observe and record them growing from seed. Next term we will be growing potatoes. School News What’s on for the next few weeks? Friday March 27 Jnr Assembly PP2 Friday April 3 Good Friday Start of school Holidays Tuesday April 21 School Returns Honour Certificate Winners Congratulations to the following students: Clara - PP2 Cooper - PP2 Zyphveronee - 1.2 Brooke - PP4 Soni - D1 Caitlyn - D1 Kasey - 1.1 Charley - 2.2 Brayden - 2.4 Jade - 4.3 Shayanna - 3.6 Ruby - D7 Crystal - 3.1 Dillon - 3.1 Dylan - D6 Sarah - D5 Siobhan - 4.4 Jayden - PP2 Deegan - PP3 Alina - 1.6 Leah - 2.3 Jacob - 1.5 Rowan - 4.3 Mercedes - 3.5 Pheniks - 3.2 Robert - 4.2 Alicia - PP2 Tayla - PP1 TJ - 1.6 Ryder - 2.3 Sharleiss - 1.5 Rochelle - 3.6 Haylie - 3.5 Ashton - 3.2 Deklan - D4 The next assembly will be held on Friday, March 27 the assembly item will be presented by PP2. Second Hand Uniforms The second hand uniform stall operates every Wednesday at the front of the Admin building from 8.50 am to 9.20am. There are a variety of items for sale with prices ranging from $3. All donations of unwanted clean uniforms are gratefully accepted. Donations can be left at the front office. Be Proud Be Proud certificates were awarded to the following students: Sharleaha - 3.6 Nikalah - 3.6 Chris - 3.5 Aiden - D6 Cameron - 3.1 Clifford - 3.2 Bayley - 4.1 Jamie - 4.2 Zoe - 4.2 Hailee - D4 Caleb - 4.4 Ryles - 4.3 Kyan - 1.6 Adam - 1.5 Matthew - 1.2 Ebony - D1 Molly - 2.4 Shayley - 2.3 Heather - PP2 Acacia - PP1 Jorja - PP4 Cassandra - D6 Shannell - 4.1 Oakley - D4 Ewan - 4.3 Layla - 2.2 Lily - PP3 Rockingham City Council Awards The City of Rockingham provide all local schools with two awards for academic performance. Both Jordan and Abigail proudly accepted the 2014 awards from Rockingham Lakes Primary School and now enjoying their high school experience attending the GATE program. Easter Egg Raffle Tickets will be on sale from Monday, March 23. Tickets are 50 cents each or 3 for $1. Ticket sales will be outside the Library and Resource room before school. Money raised will go towards Year 6 Camp and Graduation. Please send all Easter donations to the front office by March 27. Thankyou for your support. Dockers Visit On Thursday, March 19 the Fremantle Dockers came to Rockingham Lakes. Mr MacBride and Miss Janin came out with us. Four players from the team came out onto the oval. They were Hayden Ballantyne, Anthony Morabito, Craig Moller and Tom Sheridan. We were divided into four groups and we worked on some drills. Tom Sheridan was in my group. He kicked to us and we kicked back. Then we worked on bouncing the ball going around him. After a short while, the drills ended and we got some autographs. There were pieces of paper, blown up hands and hats signed. We then had a question session. All sorts of questions were raised like their positions and lots more! We gave Hayden, Anthony, Craig and Tom our thanks and so did the teachers. We are so lucky at Rockingham Lakes Primary School! Community News The school does not necessarily endorse Community Group events publicised through our school’s community channels Port Kennedy Junior Football Club Wish to INVITE YOU to our FAMILY FUN DAY When: SATURDAY 28th MARCH Time: 9am – 11am Where: Port Kennedy Primary School Oval What: sausage sizzle, meet your coaches & teammates, fun & games, Registrations for new and existing members For enquiries please ring: Nicola 0413 584 977 or Shannon 0438 379 849 Grasshopper Soccer Free Fun Days Grasshopper Soccer Programs at Halls Head, Comet Bay, Safety Bay, Settlers Hill, Kwinana & Mandurah Grasshopper Soccer is fun-filled, non-competitive soccer program for boys and girls from 2 years – 12 years. Free fun days will be conducted on 2nd may - Comet Bay, Safety Bay 3rd May Settlers & Halls Head Primary school 6th May -Mandurah- Meadow Springs Primary School and lastly 7th May in Kwinana - Bertram Primary School. Come along and have some fun for the day, visit or call 1300 984 587 for more info. Grandparents raising Grandchildren Are you aware that Centrelink offers support for grandparents with full time caring responsibility for their grandchildren? Contact Centrelink and speak to a 'grandparent adviser'. LaGuardia Loop, Port Kennedy, 6172 Email: Ph: (08) 9593 9000 Fax: (08) 9593 9022 Website Address:
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