Photos from the 6 April Events Above: Board Meeting Right: Monthly Meeting Terri Armstrong ACC show Frank Hummel Judging XK-150’s Above: First Judges School Right: Pat Grossmans event Above: Frank’s Shop Day Right: New Members Party The Rocky Mountain Jaguar Club - RMJC P.O. Box 2923 Denver, CO 80201-2923 Cat Tales is published monthly. Reproduction of articles is welcomed if proper credit is given. Editor: Gordon Kenney, 303-766-7826 Dues are $65.00/year which includes “Cat Tales”, membership in JCNA, the national “Jaguar Journal”, eligibility to enter JCNA sanctioned Concours d’Elegance and other national and regional events. Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Piccolo’s restaurant at 3563 S. Monaco Parkway, 0.2 mile east of I-25 at Hampden and 1 block south on Monaco. Meet at 6:30 pm for drinks and dinner; meeting starts at 7:15. Meeting are held every month except March, July and December when special meetings are arranged. Board meetings, open to all, are at a members house at 6:30 pm on the 1st Tuesday of every even numbered month. For new memberships there is a one-time $20 additional charge covering name tags, club patch, decal and membership cards. Use the form in this newsletter or printed from the web site or sign-up on-line. Non-members subscriptions are $30/year; Canadian and foreign are $36/year. Membership is open to owners of Jaguar automobiles and to others interested in furthering the enjoyment of them. Contents by page Officers of the RMJC 2015 Put title in front of 2 Club Information 3 Presidents Page 4 Coming Events 5 Membership 7 Concours d’Elegance 8 CCCC Report President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Newsletter: Webmaster: Past President: Chief Judge: 11 Meeting Minutes 12 Slaloms 14 Appraisals - Gary G. 15 Judges School 17 Oakleys Shop Day & New Members Steve Kennedy Deanie Kennedy Gordon Kenney Frank Sullivan Howard Mumm Gary George 970-460-0307 president@. 303-794-6443 vice_president@ 303-489-3955 secretary@ 303-489-3944 treasurer@ 303-766-7826 newsletter@ 970-460-0307 webmaster@ 303-805-1644 past_president@ 303-477-0189 chief_judge@ Board Members at Large Bill Beeson 303-699-8705 Frank Hummel 303-443-5465 Vince Lane 303-322-8998 Frank Oakley 720-851-5708 Jackie Redrupp 303-979-9261 9 Board Minutes 13 Pat Grossman Event Frank Sullivan Dwight Eisnach Concours Chairs: Frank Sullivan, and Cyndi and Howard Mumm Dust Off: Eisnachs and Fegleys Membership: Deanie Kennedy 303-489-3944, Form on page 18 Local Contact & Regalia: Steve Kennedy 303-489-3955 e-mail to board at: Jaguar Club Southern Colorado - JCSC 18 Membership form Don Yowell, President 719-641-3985 19 Classified Ads General Meeting on 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Jaguar/Land Rover dealership in Colorado Springs. See the web site for leadership and event information at Cat Tales May 2015 Volume 48 Issue 5 Page 2 Many RMJC members attended the memorial service for Pat Grossman at the Forney Museum on Sunday, March 19th. A large gathering of family and friends recalled past days with Pat. She was such a fun, energetic, witty, and intellectual person. People just gravitated to Pat. It was interesting that Pat’s daughter Shawn reported that Pat “collected people.” All of us who knew Pat were indeed lucky to be in her collection. We will miss her always. Thank you Bob, Shawn, and family for sharing Pat’s commemoration. The May 17th Dust-off drive planned by Dwight Eisnach and Harry Fegley promises to be one of the best. If you have not sent Dwight your check or registered online, please do so soon. Checks should go to Dwight Eisnach, 6337 S. Wolff Ct, Littleton, CO 80123. Please send your check now so it arrives before the May 8 deadline. It will be a fun time for all. Keep your fingers crossed for good weather. Cyndi Mumm needs your help with the Breckenridge Concours. Specifically, she needs resort room reservations made soon. We have a minimum guarantee on 30 rooms. The contract says we can reduce the number of rooms slightly so we need to know right away if you are coming to the concours June 26-28. But to do that she needs your Beaver Run reservations made soon so she can adjust the contract if needed. If we leave the contract as it stands and do not fill all the rooms, then the club will have to pay for them. Register for your room by going online to and click the Cat Tales May 2015 Volume 48 Issue 5 left tab for 2015 Concours, and within the concours text is a link that will take you to Beaver Run Resort reservations. Or, you may call Beaver Run Resort at 800-525-2253 and ask for the Rocky Mountain Jaguar Club special rate. You’ll probably want to ask for a room in either Building 2 or 3 as they are closest to our activities. A big “thank you” to Frank and Jean Oakley for hosting the annual garage day and new member orientation on Saturday, April 25. Thanks Frank for helping me with my windshield wipers! I didn’t realize that their house sits right underneath the Castle Rock. Looking from their back deck you just look up and there’s the big rock. Thanks also to Gordon Kenney for putting together an excellent and updated presentation about the club and all the activities. Everyone who attended had a good time and as always there was plenty of good food and drink. Remember that if you didn’t make the Judge’s School this month, you can still attend the May 9th Judge’s School at Club Auto, 11100 8th Ave. Please RSVP to Gary George and bring $5 for the new book and $5 for the pizza and beer. Starting time is noon. It’s hard to believe summer is upon us. On June 2nd the RMJC Board Meeting will be at our home in Windsor. We’d love to see more than board members so if you don’t mind the drive north please join us. For directions and RSVPs please send an email to me. Page 3 May 9th, Saturday, 2nd Judges School, Club Auto, 11100 8th Ave, 12:00, Bring $5.00 for Pizza & Beer Lunch - Gary George for details May 12th, Tuesday, General Meeting at Piccolo’s Terri Armstrong ACC Show, Frank Hummel - Judging XK-150’s May 17th, Sunday, The Annual Spring Dust-Off Note that Registration Closes on May 8th! Don’t forget to register for the Dust-Off on Sunday, May 17, which marks RMJC’s first driving event for the 2015 summer season, because the deadline to register is Friday, May 8. Due to space constraints at the Vehicle Vault where we will be having lunch it is necessary to also limit total registration to the first 40 registrants, so don’t be left out! We will meet at 8:30 a.m. in the parking lot of the Dazbog coffee shop at 7298 Lagae Rd. in Castle Pines (SE corner of Lagae Rd, and Castle Pines Pkwy.) If you intend to use I-25, take Exit 188 and drive west for 0.5 mile to Dazbog. At 9:00 a.m. we will have a driver’s meeting and depart shortly after. Don’t forget to bring sunscreen and a sunhat for those with roadsters, and water! Everything else you’ll need for the day will be provided with your $35 per person registration fee. Don’t forget, there are two ways to register, either online at the RMJC website using a PayPal or credit card, or you can mail a check to Dwight Eisnach, 6337 S. Wolff Ct., Littleton, CO 80123. If you’re still not sure about registration, or have other questions call Dwight at 303794-6443. For more detail see the April issue of Cat Tales. Then get ready for the June 7th Ability Connections Colorado (former CP) show Howard Mumm, our clubs representative to this group, reports that they expect even more cars this year. It’s always a big show for our club and a good turnout helps us to retain our prime spot under the big tree at the Arapahoe Community College Lot. We will do our group lunch as usual and will judge our own Jaguars for free. If you register to have your car “judged” they will do so but it will cost you an extra $25.00. Go to their website to register and pay. Cat Tales May 2015 Volume 48 Issue 5 Page 4 If you have questions about membership contact me at 303-489-3944 or e-mail to Snowmass Village to host Colorado Scottish Festival August 1-2 Note this event was previously held in Highlands Ranch for the last 25 years and several from the club have attended it. We are still welcome to this years event but it happens in Snowmass. See their webpage for more details. Chieftain of the Colorado St. Andrew Society, Don Lowe, said he is excited about the move to Snowmass as a way to further the Society’s mission of reaching out to promote the Celtic arts and heritage. “In Snowmass, we have the opportunity to reach an entirely new group of people,” he said. “We hope all our traditional friends from the Front Range will come to the Festival, and even spend a few extra days in the Colorado mountains, enjoying one of the most beautiful places in the world. “ For more information, see Cat Tales May 2015 Volume 48 Issue 5 Page 5 Cat Tales May 2015 Volume 48 Issue 5 Page 6 Mark your Calendars Now! We had so much fun in Breckenridge before, we are going back! Plan to join us for a weekend Concours! Beaver Run Resort offers a picturesque setting at the base of Peak 9 with unique amenities of an indoor/outdoor pool, a state of the art work out facility, newly renovated rooms, hot tubs, and a world class spa. Beaver Run is also known for having top bars and restaurants in the area. This historic town of Breckenridge offers many recreational opportunities that can be enjoyed by the whole family. Consider coming up early or extend your mini vacation into the July 4th celebration. The Concours weekend fun starts on Friday, June 26, when you check in to your lovely room or suite at Beaver Run Resort and admire the beauty that surrounds you. Of importance to all Cat owners, everyone gets underground parking. You will then join us for registration, drinks, a light dinner, and music at Base Nine Bar and Restaurant. Saturday, June 27, we have planned a very relaxing Concours Day, as all activities and meals for the day are merely a few steps apart. On Saturday morning, we will drive our Jaguars literally across the street and into Spencer’s parking lot reserved exclusively for our club for the day. Shine up your cat and enjoy breakfast and lunch at your leisure. We will have a lovely patio replete with bar and meal service provided from Spencer’s all day! Plan to bring your “historic dress whites” for very competitive rounds of croquet on the grounds in the afternoon right next to the Concours and patio. As the day winds down, we will meet for cocktails and a great dinner together. On Sunday morning, June 28, we’ve planned a scrumptious brunch to set the stage for the Awards Presentation with beautiful views from the third floor in the Coppertop III Room. For those wishing to come early or stay late, the resort will honor our special discounted rates from June 24 – July 1! Book your Accommodations Now!! It’s already time to start making your vacation plans and the first step is securing your reservations by May 25! Beaver Run Reservations - Call Beaver Run on 1-800-525-2253, select Group Reservations and ask for Rocky Mountain Jaguar Club group rate. OR Book online: We highly recommend you request a room in Building 2 or 3 which is the most convenient to our weekend of events, the garage, the walkover bridge and the main lobby. There is designated parking for trailers as well. We recommend these rooms for the best rates and location: Standard Hotel Room - $115 Studio - $128 (Bldg 4) One Bedroom Suite/Full Kitchen - $133 2 Bedroom/2 Bath Suite w/ Full Kitchen - $210 (Two bedroom is on one level with 1 queen suite bedroom and an attached hotel room with 2 Queens) For more details and registration:, go to or contact your Concours Chair Cyndi Mumm 303.805.1644 -or- Frank Sullivan 970-460-0307 Cat Tales May 2015 Volume 48 Issue 5 Page 7 Collector Car Council of Colorado minutes of 4-1-2015 (summary from the secretary report of Dick Fritz) The meeting was held at the Police Station in Colorado Springs Legislative matters: Leo Boyle was unable to attend. Dick Thompson noted that bills we were watching (repeal of the late registration penalty, specifications for penalizing impeding traffic) have all failed to advance but the impeding traffic issue reminds us that on club-organized tours we should avoid causing traffic delays. A total of 34 clubs have renewed for 2015. Reminders will be sent out to clubs not yet renewed. Jaguar XJ. A modern flagship for a classic auto maker. Contact: Jack TerHar 303.469.1801 x. 6514 Cat Tales May 2015 Volume 48 Issue 5 Page 8 Ian Redding 303.469.1801 x. 769 The April 6th Board Meeting was called to order by President Frank Sullivan at 7:30 at the home of the Redrupps. In attendance were Frank Sullivan, Gary George, Dwight & Linda Eisnach, Gordon & Shirley Kenney, Brian & Jackie Redrupps, Vince & Barbara Lane, Bill & Betsy Beeson, Frank & Jean Oakley, and Steve Kennedy. The first Judges Meeting will be April 18th at Club Auto. The second Judges Meeting will be May 9th, also at Club Auto. Both start at noon, $5 for a new rule book and $5 for pizza. Be sure to contact Gary George, 303477-0189. Treasurer's Report -Deanie was not in attendance but the report was handed out. There were no questions. Web Report -Frank is using Natalie only when he really needs her help for Paypal like stuff. Pat Grossman Recognition. In recognition of her many years of service to the club, RMJC will have a plaque made honoring Pat Grossman. A donation of $100 was approved for the Wildlife Sanctuary in Hudson. It is the one Frank Albert organized for RMJC which we enjoyed on very cold and rainly day. Concours Report -Cyndi is sick, but there is a great write up in the newsletter. Slalom -Bill Beeson checked on the Greyhound Park, they are not interested. Steve and Bob have not had any luck. The lot east of Club Auto may be available and Gary will check on it. Spring Drive -Dwight, registration is available on line, article in newsletter. Deanie will email registrations to Dwight as they come in. Garage Day and New Member Orientation at Frank Oakley's on April 25th. The board authorized Frank up to $100 club money to support party but board members should bring a dish. Thank you to the Redrupps for hosting. Adjourned 9 pm. Cat Tales May 2015 Volume 48 Issue 5 Page 9 Jaguar Sets Land Speed Record! In a multi-page article it was reported that Tom McMcCahill drove his stock Jaguar Mark VII on the Daytona Beach timed mile to a new world record for stock sedans. His Mark VII averaged 99.31 mph which was 2/3 of a mph faster than the Chrysler Saratoga and won the International Unlimited class for stock sedans. Read the whole story in the May, 1952 issue of Mechanics Illustrated. (Thanks to Don Leach for lending me his copy - editor) Cat Tales May 2015 Volume 48 Issue 5 Page 10 President Frank Sullivan welcomed new member Mark Hennecken (shown here with Steve) and his 2013 AWD XF. Frank received the shipment of JCNA awards and handed them out at the meeting. He also gave out monthly awards to members who handed out RMJC Invitation cards. The Mumms won wine for handing out the most (4) cards to potential Jaguar club members and he gave second place prizes to Bill Beeson and Gordon Kenney for handing out 2 cards. The ACC (Formerly the “CP Show) is scheduled for June 7th. Members should register online on the ACC website. We will judge our own cars so be sure NOT to check the registration box for Judging or they will charge you $25.00. Dwight, Vince and Frank O. will help with parking on Saturday. The April Judge’s School will be held at Club Auto on May 9th, beginning at noon, $5 for pizza and $5 the rule book. Please RSVP to Gary George, or 303-477-0189. Deanie gave the Treasurer's report; we are ahead about $400 from where we were last year. We have 110 members. Cyndi gave a concours report of the 2015 June 26-28 Concours at Beaver Run Resort in Breckenridge. Members should review the write-up in the newsletter and to register and pay on the web page. We will have our own parking lot and croquet area and the car wash station will be open every day. Friday is registration and dinner, Saturday Concours, Saturday night private room party and ending with the Sunday awards brunch. The JCSC concours will be at the Jaguar Colorado Springs Dealership on October 3rd. The Oakleys will host the April 25th “Your Jaguar on the Lift” event at 10:00 am and then at 3 pm the New Member Orientation Dinner. The address is 717 Anderson ST, Castle Rock, Cat Tales May 2015 Volume 48 Issue 5 The Spring Dust-Off is Sunday May 17th. See the details in this newsletter and register SOON. If you just want to meet everyone at the Vehicle Vault, be sure to let Dwight know so he can make arrangements. Gordon gave a report on the recent “Cars and Coffee” event in Parker that had a turnout of 6 Jaguars. He also gave a great presentation from various film clips he had collected that included films from Jaguars C and D’s at LeMans and running the Mille Miglia. The Raffle was held then adjournment at 8:30. Page 11 Don’t want to run your Jaguar on the slalom track? Then bring something else and run it. Any car is welcome - just come and run. Clara McNearny in their 56 XK 140 At right a Ford Escort runs the slalom course while an electric Chevy Volt waits at the starting gate. If it’s an automobile its egible to run the slalom. Non club members pay a 5$ additional fee. Cat Tales May 2015 Volume 48 Issue 5 Page 12 Pat Grossman’s family had a beautiful “Celebration of Life” in Pat’s honor on Sunday, April 19, 2015 at Forney’s Museum. It was the perfect setting; it would have made her very happy. Bob’s son-in-law Kurt MC’d the event and did a wonderful job. Bob, Pat’s daughter Shawn, son-in-law Bo, Bob’s daughter Caryl, and son Ben (through a letter read by Caryl) and Pat’s ex-husband John, all painted the picture of how very wonderful Pat was (we all already knew this) it was a wonderful tribute to Pat and her life. One of the most memorable tributes was that Pat was a collector of many things but her favorite was her collection of people. It is so true if you knew Pat you knew she loved people and she did collect an eclectic group of people. There were nearly 300 people in attendance at her Celebration of Life so that gives some insight as to the kind of person Pat was. Her children talked of her encouragement to follow their dreams. This was not only true of her family but also of her friends. She was such a kind person and she loved meeting new people and finding out about them. In Pat’s honor be sure that you love your family dearly, and make sure that you collect people into your lives and enjoy every day. Her life was too short but she lived her life fully. She loved doing unique and usual things; she loved her family and friends and she was loved very much in return. This is all any of us can ask for in our lives. Deanie K. Cat Tales May 2015 Volume 48 Issue 5 Page 13 People often try to tell me what their car is worth when I am doing an appraisal. "I saw one 'just like it' on TV and it sold for". Don't take the broadcast prices for real or even realistic. Yes they can give you an idea of trends in the marketplace but they are often not realistic. First they are often paid by people who deal in a marketplace that most of us only wish we could. A friend of mine who is a well known magazine writer and appraiser said he recently spent a harrowing week with a client in Arizona who was determined to buy a car. The man is not a car guy and knows next to nothing about cars. He kept trying to bid way over value on cars that just caught his attention. My friend didn't want him to get taken even if the money didn't mean much to him. They went out to dinner, the dinner not including the several hundred dollar bottles of wine was $700, I think for 2. I have watched really pedestrian cars go for huge bucks because someone wanted that car for whatever reason. They will probably never recover their investment but they are not spending the rent money. Cat Tales May 2015 Volume 48 Issue 5 Sometimes the auctions do tell us the trend in the marketplace other times they just tell us about what people spend their money on in the heat of the moment. I am frequently surprised about the value of cars that I appraise sometimes I'm high other times I am way low, that's why I research the cars that I appraise before I put my name on a paper or even venture an opinion. I am just finishing an appraisal on a Mustang Mach 1 that I initially thought would be about $70,000. in the current market. I nice chunk of change for a car that sold new for under $3500. I was wrong. The car appraised for $100,000. Only a small error. I have also seen many cars that I thought were worth a lot that had very small value. If you really want to know what your car is worth hire an unbiased third party to appraise it. Don't always look for the low bidder. Look for the most qualified, avoid the one who says "how much do you want it to be". They probably know less about the car and the market than you do. Page 14 The facility at Club Auto in NW Denver is a delightful place to visit any time but provides a great backdrop for our annual Judges School. The main showroom is filled with interesting and valuable cars parked on the carpet and the variety is truly impressive. No matter what your interest in cars might be there is probably an excellent example on display. They provide us free use of the facility and we set up at two tables in a lounging area. The adjacent kitchen was useful as we ordered in Pizza and Gary had provided beer for the group. The schools this year are especially important as there have been many changes in the JCNA rule book and Steve K. had been a part of that updating process at the recent AGM. One change that affects several of our members is that some of the classes for judging that usually had very few or no entries have been combined. Now when Frank S. Shows his “S” type he will be in contest with various other models and will have to work harder for the coveted “first place” in class. The changes were so numerous that Gary and Steve had printed up totally new judging books and the previous copies were discarded. As usual, Gary led us through the judging manuals and elaborated on some of the points that were often poorly understood. Several discussions arose in how to judge various details on the Jaguars. Another change in the JCNA judging standards is that all JCNA sanctioned Concours must use “certified judges”. Attending the classes, passing the examinations and judging Jaguars at least once every three years are the steps to be certified. The next judging school is May 9th at noon and again its at the Club Auto. It will finish up going through the rule book but will mostly be the taking of the exam. The test is multiple choice and written; it’s an open book test so a participant learns a lot just by going through the testing procedure. Be sure and attend the 2nd school if you missed the first and if you need to renew your testing. As always, contact Chief Judge Gary George if you have questions. Photos by Mel, text by Gordon Cat Tales May 2015 Volume 48 Issue 5 Page 15 Cat Tales May 2015 Volume 48 Issue 5 Page 16 Saturday, April 25th was Frank Oakley’s “Jaguar Tune-Up” session at his garage in Castle Rock. It was scheduled to start at 10 am and the group slowly gathered. Dave Reed came first then Gordon in his E-Type. Gordon checked the operation of its air conditioning system and found that all the parts operated but the air flow wasn’t very cold; he will add refrigerant to see it that makes it work OK. Then Jonathan and Sara Galassini arrived in their very black XKR coupe and he proceeded newer BMW’s have no oil dipstick but a dashboard information system can be used to determine oil level. A long Subway sandwich was picked up and we had a light lunch around 1:30. After lunch the event shifted to become the New Members Party. By 3 pm several others had arrived including Dave’s wife Patti and Rene Schaer came in his 90 XJ6 Majestic. Long time members Jackie and Brain Redrupp, Vince Lane, Dwight Eisnach, Deanie and Steve Kennedy and our President, Frank Sullivan all arrived. This second group also brought food and drink and more eating was done throughout the afternoon. to remove both front seats to make repairs on the seat control module mounting brackets. Around noon Alex Rubin drove up in his new BMW series 4 sedan/coupe and he and Frank did a 1,000 mile oil change using Franks lift. These Around 3:30 Gordon set up the projector in the living room and presented a 70 photo Power Point show detailing the organization of the RMJC, its officers and its relationship to JCNA. Other slides illustrated the many events the club conducts. Afterward Frank Oakley helped Frank Sullivan put new windshield wiper blades on his S-type. By 4:30 the weather was deteriorating and the group slowly disbanded. A special thanks to Jean and Frank for hosting TWO events in the same day! Cat Tales May 2015 Volume 48 Issue 5 Page 17 Annual Fees RMJC Membership Form ____________________________________ Name (as you want it on your name tag) ____________________________________ Current Membership Renewal fee OR New Membership Fee* Optional Business Card Ad in Newsletter Optional Business Card Ad on the web site BOTH Newsletter & web site ad $65 $85 $25 $25 $45 Spouse’s Name (as you want it on the name tag) ___________________________________________ Street Address Amount enclosed = $_______ Make check payable to “Rocky Mountain Jaguar Club” ___________________________________________ City/Town/Zip Code 1st Jaguar __________ __________ ___________________________________________ e-mail address 1 2nd Jaguar __________ __________ ___________________________________________ e-mail address 2 3rd Jaguar __________ __________ ___________________________________________ Home Phone *New Membership Fees includes membership card(s), JCNA Decal, name tag(s), subscription to Cat Tales and Jaguar Journal. Members joining after Sept.1st pay one years fee and are members throughout the following year. ___________________________________________ Other Phones year year year model model model __________ body style __________ body style __________ body style Mail this form (or copy) and payment (RMJC) to Deanie Kennedy, Membership Chair 8137 Zang St Arvada, CO 80005 Cat Tales May 2015 Volume 48 Issue 5 Page 18 Classified Advertising: Members may place ads for their own personal use at no cost; they will be removed after 3 months unless other arrangements are made. Non-members Classified Advertising is $25/month (newsletter and website) Contact for details Parts - Parts - Parts I am a former member of the RMJC and I'm trying to clean out my garage of all the parts I have remaining from my father's 1969 Jag E-type 2+2. No offer will be refused as I need to clean out the garage to make room for other projects as soon as possible. The list is too long to print here so please contact me if interested for the full list of what is available. Glenn Whiteside, Monument, CO 719-963-2166 Jaguar Parts for Sale: At the April meeting at Piccolos we were joined by Steve Pike who had some parts for sale. He has sold his XK-8 and replaced it with a XKR. Hopefully he will join the club and we will see him on a regular basis; One new throttle body for a 1998 XK-8 or XJ-8, $300 Radio for a XK-8, good price Contact Steve at 303-264-7118 FOR SALE: Carburetors and Intake Manifold from 1967 4.2 Liter Series I XKE Triple S.U. H D.8 type carburetors on original manifold with all linkage in place, petrol pipe (fuel rail), float chamber drain pipes, carb return springs and brackets, complete choke mechanism between carbs, suction pipe, factory velocity trumpets with K & N filters. Same owner since 1968 detached everything as a unit from cylinder head and replaced with Weber setup. Approximately 42,000 miles. Dry inside storage. Spare petrol pipe included and some gaskets. Asking $3,900. Contact PLGMILLER@MSN.COM for pictures and questions. Cat Tales May 2015 Volume 48 Issue 5 Page 19 MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW! From: Rocky Mountain Jaguar Club PO Box 2923 Denver, CO 80201-2923 For the May 17th - Dust OffSee page 4 For the June 7th ACC Show See page 4 To: For the June 26-28 Concours See page 7 EVENTS 2015 March (No Meeting at Piccolo’s) 20-21 Annual General Meeting (AGM), Phily. 28 Presidents Banquet at Landry’s July (No Meeting at Piccolo’s) 11 Summer Party at Redrupps TBD Slalom April 6 Board Meeting at Redrupps - MONDAY 14 General Meeting at Piccolo’s Frank Oakley - Tune Up Day Invite 18 First Judges School - Club Auto 19 Pat Grossmans Celebration 25 Oakleys Tune-Up & New Member Party August 4 Board Meeting at Mumm’s 11 General Meeting at Piccolo’s Ray Horrall judging XJS May 9 12 Second Judges School - Club Auto General Meeting at Piccolo’s Terri Armstrong - ACC show Frank Hummel - Judging XK-150’s 15-17 Hagerty Silver Summit 17 Dust Off, by Eisnachs & Fegleys June 2 Board Meeting at Sullivans 7 Ability Connection Co Show (CP) 9 General Meeting at Piccolo’s Cruise with a Vet 26-28 RMJC Concours d’Elegance September 8 General Meeting at Piccolo’s 12 Ride the Rockies 13 British Car Conclave 16-20 Challenge Championship, Wis. October 3 JCSC Concours 6 Board Meeting at Lane’s 9 Children Hospital Sports Program 13 General Meeting at Piccolos November 10 General Meeting at Piccolo’s December (No Meeting at Piccolo’s) 1 Board Meeting at Kennedy’s 5 Holiday Party
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