Saturday, October 3rd, 2015
At the Jackson County Expo
Compton Expo Arena
1 Peninger Road
Central Point, OR 97502
Experience the most outrageous, All-“Redneck 5k” adventure and
Redneck Games in history. Once you survive a chase from Hillbilly
Hunters and navigate the challenging course, you will cross the finish
line and enter our insane Redneck Games arena where you can enjoy
Hubcap Hurling, Billy Bowlin’, White Trash Beer Pong, Pie Eatin’
Contests, Belly Flop Competitions, Bobbing for Pigs Feet, Redneck
Horseshoes (with toilet seats!), Mr. & Miss Redneck Contests, and
many more insane games and contests that will leave you wondering:
Throughout the day Redneck games of Oregon can rock away to AllAmerican DJ’s blastin’ Classic & Southern Rock, Country, Rowdy
Bluegrass and your favorite foot stompin’ Party Tunes. Get ready for
an insane, all day, All- Redneck hoedown full of delicious grub, rockin’
music, crazy games, wild shenanigans, hilarious emcee’s, countless kegs
of beer and more of everything than you can handle.
Everybody is welcome: fast, slow, runner, walker, young, old, hillbilly,
hipster…just come prepared to be hunted and chased in the race by
our Hillbilly Hunters!
For your protection the Hillbilly Hunters are not allowed to grab, hit,
tackle, push, attack, kiss, fondle or use any bodily contact or force
against you, HOWEVER, Hillbillies have only one goal: to chase you
and take your flags! And don’t forget, if the Hillbillies start doing
some crazy ass “Mountain Folk” dancin’, YOU BEST JOIN IN!
If you want to avoid being chased by the hilarious Hillbilly Hunters,
dress just like em’ to throw them off your scent!
Plus another reason to rock your best Hillbilly attire, the Grand Finale
of our event is the outrageous Mr. Redneck and Miss Redneck contests!
Don’t be surprised if the winners cruises away with a Redneck
Recliner tricked out with camo upholstery, a back massager, roll bar
speaker system with lights, truck bed, hot girl mud flaps, antlers, a
cooler, remote control holder and oh yeah….it could even be
motorized! * This could all be yours if you become the Redneck of
* Redneck games of Oregon reserves the right to change any prizes to
an empty can of PBR, tooth paste, a hubcap, old boot laces, season 3
& 7 VHS tapes of Beer Fest, a cabbage patch kid with no hair, a
really nice roll of balin’ twine, a mouse trap or some good ole AllAmerican truck nuts!
We have teamed up with an amazing national charity – WWR Project
(Wounded Warrior Project). We are very proud to be supporting WWR
and a portion of each 50/50 ticket sold will go to the foundation.
Get Involved
There are tons of opportunities to join the Redneck games of Oregon
fun, including being a race volunteer, vendor, sponsor or course
official. Interested in being a Hillbilly Hunter? Check out the Hillbilly
Hunter section.
Volunteers are super important to the success of our event; we
couldn’t do it without you! Being a volunteer is a great way to be
involved and do some redneck-watchin’ while you’re at it. It’s more
fun than people watching the Daytona 500!
Duties for volunteers range from manning check-in & waiver stations,
working water stations, handing out race medals and shirts, helping
at our Gear Check tent and more. We will assign volunteers a general
duty. For a four-hour shift, volunteers get free water, free parking,
free admittance to the all-day party, full redneck games pass and a
Badass Redneck t-shirt. Volunteers can also enter the 5k race for an
additional fee, please email us at roguepromotions541.com for
registration details.
REMINDER – hillbilly attire mandatory for volunteers too!
Volunteer registration closes one week prior to event date. This allows
time for us to delegate assistance to our areas of need. If you can no
longer volunteer after registering to do so, please email us ASAP at
We also need volunteers along our awesome 5k course. There will be
groups set up at stations along the run to help our redneck runners
avoid hillbilly kidnapping! (But are they really helping?!) These
volunteers will need to have lots of energy while making sure the
traffic flow around obstacles is moving smoothly and that both the
runners and our rednecks are behaving! These volunteers must be
18+. Any with law enforcement, military, EMS backgrounds are
encouraged for these stations. For a four-hour shift, volunteers get
free water, free parking, free admittance to the all-day party, full
redneck games pass and a Badass Redneck t-shirt. Course Officials
can also enter the 5k race for an additional fee, please email us at
roguepromotions541.com for registration details.
We will have a variety of vendors at Redneck games of Oregon –
ranging from food, beverages, arts, crafts, charities and merchandise
vendors, and we’re always open to more….especially All-American!
Please email us at roguepromotions541.com
Redneck games of Oregon offers a $&*TLOAD of unique and
customizable sponsorship opportunities. For more info on sponsorships
with Redneck games of Oregon email us at roguepromotions541.com.
Redneck Games of Oregon commits to charitable giving and we have
teamed up with an amazing national charity – WWP (Wounded
Warrior Project). We are very proud to be supporting WWP and a
portion of each 50/50 ticket sold will go to the foundation of
www.woundedwarriorproject.org. Should you or your cause have
interest in being a charitable partner with Redneck games of Oregon,
please email us at roguepromotions541.com
Everything….. Includes the kitchen sink!
As a Tier One sponsor, you will be part of everything that we do when it comes
to the marketing and promoting of this event. That will include, but not limited to
the items listed below:
1: Radio Blitz! Several hundred plus radio ads will run in a blitz starting the month
prior to the event on the following stations: The Rogue 96.9, the Drive 102.7, Fox Sports
AM 730, KRWQ 100.3, the Wolf 105.1 etc. Your company’s name will be included in
all the radio ads.
2. Banners! Your company logo will be on all our banners. 4-6 large banners will be
displayed around the valley several months before leading up to this event.
3. Posters! Your company logo will be on all our posters. 2,000 plus will be
displayed over the Southern Oregon, and parts of Northern California.
4. Fliers! Your company logo will be on all our fliers. 10,000 plus postcard size fliers
will be placed and handed throughout Southern Oregon, and parts of Northern California.
5. Billboards! Your company logo will be placed on our billboard ads.
2-4 billboards will be used 60 days leading up to the event.
6. Website! Your company logo, with a hyperlink to your website, will run on Rogue
Promotions website immediately through December 2015.
7. Booth at Event! A 10 X 30 booth space will be available for you to set up and
represent your company to promote, sell items, and/or advertising to the public.
8. Full Access! Free access to the venue and have the ability to display any signage,
banners, cars etc. that best represent your company in designated areas.
9. Vendor Packet! A vendor packet will be put together for additional advertising
and handed out to all vendors during the event. You can include any company marketing
items such as; coupons, business cards, promotional gear etc.
10. Sponsored by Announcement! Sponsor a Redneck Game and award the
winner a prize. (Example: “The Mattress Toss is sponsored by International Marketplace
located inside the Rogue Valley Mall”). As a Redneck game sponsor you will only be in
charge of providing a prize to the winner of a game. (Gift certificate, coupons, promo
item, etc).
The….Boss Hog Package
As a Tier Two sponsor, you will be part of everything listed below when it comes
to the marketing and promoting of this event.
1. Banners! Your company logo will be on all our banners. 4-6 large banners will
be displayed around the valley several months before the event.
2. Posters! Your company logo will be on all our posters. 2,000 plus will be
displayed over the Southern Oregon, and parts of Northern California.
3. Fliers! Your company logo will be on all our fliers. 10,000 plus postcard size fliers
will be placed and handed throughout Southern Oregon, and parts of Northern California.
4. Booth at Event! A 10 x 15 booth space will be available for you to set up and
represent your company to promote, sell items, and/or advertise to the public.
5. Advertise at Event! Have the ability to display any signage, banners, cars etc.
that best represents your company in designated areas.
6. Website! Your company logo, with a hyperlink to your website, will run on Rogue
Promotions website immediately through December 2015.
7. Vendor Packet! A vendor packet will be put together for additional advertising
and handed out to all vendors during the event. You can include any company marketing
items such as; coupons, business cards, promotional gear etc.
8. Sponsored by Announcement! Sponsor a Redneck Game and award the
winner a prize. (Example: “The Mattress Toss is sponsored by International Marketplace
located inside the Rogue Valley Mall”). As a Redneck game sponsor you will only be in
charge of providing a prize to the winner of a game. (Gift certificate, coupons, promo
item, etc).
The….Shotgun Package
As a Tier Three sponsor, you will have the ability to choose
advertisement options listed below that best suit your needs.
any three of the
1. Banners! Your company logo will be on all our banners. 4-6 large banners will
be displayed around the valley leading up to this event.
2. Posters! Your company logo will be on all our posters. 2,000 plus will be
displayed over the Southern Oregon, and parts of Northern California.
3. Fliers! Your company logo will be on all our fliers. 10,000 plus postcard size fliers
will be placed and handed throughout Southern Oregon, and parts of Northern California.
4. Booth at Event! A 10 x 10 booth space will be available for you to set up and
represent your company to promote, sell items, and/or advertise to the public.
5. Advertise at Event! Have the ability to display any signage, banners, cars etc.
that best represents your company in designated areas.
6. Website! Your company logo, with a hyperlink to your website, will run on Rogue
Promotions website immediately through December 2015.
7. Vendor Packet! A vendor packet will be put together for additional advertising
and handed out to all vendors during the event. You can include any company marketing
items such as; coupons, business cards, promotional gear etc.
8. Sponsored by Announcement! Sponsor a Redneck Game and award the
winner a prize. (Example: “The Mattress Toss is sponsored by International Marketplace
located inside the Rogue Valley Mall”). As a Redneck game sponsor you will only be in
charge of providing a prize to the winner of a game. (Gift certificate, coupons, promo
item, etc).
The….Road Kill Package
As a Tier Four sponsor, you’ll have the ability to pick out the option/options that
best suit your needs. Each item listed below is priced individually. Basically, what
you choose to hit is what you get. Road kill style! 
1. Banners! Your company logo will be on all our banners. 4-6 large banners will
be displayed around the valley leading up to this event. Cost = $125
2. Posters! Your company logo will be on all our posters. 2,000 plus will be
displayed over the Southern Oregon, and parts of Northern California.
Cost = $125
3. Fliers! Your company logo will be on all our fliers. 10,000 plus postcard size fliers
will be placed and handed throughout Southern Oregon, and parts of Northern California.
Cost = $125
4. Advertise at Event! Have the ability to display any signage, banners, cars etc.
that best represents your company in designated areas. Cost = $125
5. Website! Your company logo, with a hyperlink to your website, will run on Rogue
Promotions website through December 2015. Cost = $150
6. Vendor Packet! A vendor packet will be handed out to all vendors during the
event with your promotional items as an additional advertisement. Cost = $25 unless
you’re everything and the sink, The Boss or holding a shotgun?
7. Sponsored by Announcement! Sponsor of a specific event with prize to
winner Cost = $150.
8. Booth at Event! A booth space: 10 x 10 Cost = $100: 10 x 15 Cost = $130
10 x 20 Cost = $150: 10 x 30 Cost = $200
Everything.....Includes the kitchen sink!
Cost = $1,000
The….Boss Hog Package
Cost = $500
The….Shotgun Package
Cost = $250
Don’t forget “The….Road Kill Package”
Donate Coupons, Prizes ETC, to support our
WOUNDED WARRIOR project Fundraiser
with a 50/50 raffle.
255 Mt. Echo Drive
Medford OR, 97504
Mathew Phillips
(541) 292-7513
Douglas Pfaff
(541) 840-1244