The Grapevine May2015 May Events Mother’s Day May 10 Dr. Gary R. Glanville, Pastor Romeo United Methodist Church Church Office: 586-752-9132 Church Fax: 586-752-0593 Anne Wilber, Church Secretary Irene Phillips, Choir Director Linda Schenburn, Christian Education Kari Reid, Treasurer Ed LaLonde, Praise Band Danny and Erin Lane, Youth Directors Memorial Day May 25 The GRAPEVINE is published monthly. The intention is to communicate and promote the entire program of the Romeo United Methodist Church to members and friends. Your articles, comments and suggestions are welcome. The editor reserves the right to edit content and space as required. RHS Baccalaureate Linda Eastman, Editor Phone: 586 281-6956 Romeo United Methodist Church May 28 Page 1 Pastor’s Paragraphs Ever watch the Antiques Roadshow? I’m always amazed what people discover at garage sales, or have in their possession some item that was passed down from a parent that is simply collecting dust yet unknowingly, is worth quite a bit of money. One unnamed woman on the program, learned she had quite a find with her collection of 19th century baseball cards handed down from her great-great-grandfather. Along with the cards, she had an accompanying letter signed by the players on the cards. The value of these images was a cool $1 million. Appraiser Leila Dunbar, who follows all the sports paraphernalia that comes on the program said, "It is the greatest archive I have ever had at the Roadshow." I’m in the process of cleaning out my parent’s house so we can sell it. I don’t think I have any $1M dollar finds from my mother, father, or grandmother, but we did find some items, especially pictures, that dated back to the 1870s. It happened that I was looking through a small trunk my grandmother owned and I found this large, black photo album I did not know existed. It was quite the find. None of my cousins knew about it either. I was able to identify my greatgrandmother when she got married and we even found a tin photo of her when she was a baby. And though this large, black album is a really neat treasure and fun to look at, the problem is not all of the photos are named. We don’t know who all of the people are in the photos. If my grandmother could have told me this album existed, I could have interviewed her years ago regarding the names of the various people and any stories she might know about them. The upside to all of this, we found the pictures. The downside, we lost specific family history that can never be recaptured because it was never shared, which means future generations will never have the chance to benefit. And as I think about history in general, the gains and losses we might experience, I think how history can help us to learn valuable lessons about life so we don’t repeat past mistakes but rather be encouraged to capitalize Romeo United Methodist Church on the successes and strengths of what worked well. I think a prime example of all of this is the Biblical history we have in the Scripture. Can you imagine if we did not know some of the stories regarding Moses or David? We wouldn’t know about God leading Israel out of Egypt with a mighty hand or how David was forgiven as a king for his terrible decisions regarding Bathsheba and Uriah. How about the fact the nation of Israel continually drifted in their faith and it took spiritual leaders to call them back to God? Is it possible we could learn something from Israel’s spiritual mistakes? Does Israel’s history have any relevance for us living today in the United States which was founded on Christian principles, yet, scores of people who live here either doubt God exists or behave as if God does not exist? In some ways, America of today reminds me of Israel in the Bible, who forgot God and stepped outside the blessings and ways of God and had to learn the hard way that God expects us to follow Him – not do our own thing. What will it take for our nation to learn that we have drifted away from our historical Christian roots? In 2 Timothy 2:2 as Paul knows his life will be coming to end soon, sends these final instructions to Timothy so that the gospel will continue to be passed on to further generations. Paul says, “The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men (faithful Christians) who will be able to teach others also.” Christianity is always one generation away from extinction. Therefore it is imperative that we pass on the story of Christ, the history of what God has done in the past and promises to do in the future. We must share what we know with the faithful, who will carry it on when we are gone. If we don’t, the message will be lost and God’s story will be forgotten, and those who could have benefited will never get a chance to hear. Blessings, Dr. G Page 2 MAY VOLUNTEER SCHEDULE FELLOWSHIP TIME 3rd 10th 17th 24th 31st SOUND BOARD OPERATOR Cliff and Leah Gilbert, Pam Couture Odyssey Day Rich and Mary Jane Johnson, Mary Jo Hosler D.E.L.T.A. Paul and Ann Heller 3rd 10th 17th 24th 31st GREETERS Mike Kirtley Mischele Makhlouf Claudia Royal Laurie Bennett Mike Kirtley COMMUNION STEWARDS 9:00 Service 3rd 10th 17th 24th 31st May 3rd at Pews Naomi Stasak, Carol Wilson Claudia Royal, Denise Dillon Ned and Judy Howard Arvid and Lorraine Martin Diane and Scott Hodgin 9:00 a.m. Naomi Stasak Laurie Bennett 11:00 a.m. Marty & Karen Rastigue Jason & Jennifer Russell 11:00 Service rd 3 10th 17th 24th 31st NURSERY SCHEDULE Don and Lynda Adkin Open Stephanie Perrin Open Jacob Huxford 9:OO A.M. Service VOLUNTEER COORDINATORS th Seasonal 25 Flowers Jacob Baby Blanket Ministry College Ministry Fellowship Hour Greeters Nursery Sound Board Ushers Mary Jo Hosler Ilene Lock Mary McClay Becky Laseke Gayle Beitel Jen Lamb Dave Beskin Craig Engwall 586-337-2692 586-752-3952 586-336-0001 586-232-4997 586-232-3388 586-336-9118 586-781-8346 586-504-6655 3rd 10th 17th 24th 31st Faris family Mother’s Day Weeks family Kirtley family Joyce Benham & Haleigh Faris 11:OO A.M. Service 3rd 10th 17th th 24 31st Jennifer Russell Mother’s Day Louchrisa Smith Elizabeth Karpinsky Pam Couture USHERS SCHEDULE Traditional Service Contemporary Service 3rd Chris Bennett (Lead), Laurie Bennett, David Lee, Janet Bauer, Ed Buckner, Linda Eastman Jeff Groomes 10th and 17th David Krawchuk (Lead), Paul Heller, Anne Heller, David Zaiglin, Tom Kuzminski, Christian Goolsby Jacob Russell, Jennifer Russell 24th and 31st Don Sell (Lead), Dennis Lentz, Bobbie Lentz, Becky Laseke, Ron Sebastian, Patricia Sebastian Romeo United Methodist Church Curt Rienas Page 3 RUMC May 2015 Calendar 3rd Weekly Meetings Communion Sunday th His Table Community Meal ……………………. 5:30 p.m. 7th Family Project 7 & 8 ……............................. 7:00 p.m. th Parsonage Clean Up ……………………..…..…. 10:00 a.m. 5 9 3C’s Training ………………..……………….……… 10:00 a.m. 12th His Table Community Meal …………….………. 5:30 p.m. 14 th Family Project 9 & 10 ……........................... 7:00 p.m. 17 th Guest Speaker Steve Lambert 19th His Table Community Meal …………….………. 5:30 p.m. Family Project 11 & 12 …............................ 7:00 p.m. Rummage Sale Set Up ………………….…………. 7:00 p.m. 26 th His Table Community Meal ……………..………. 5:30 p.m. 28 th RHS Baccalaureate NOTICE TO THE CONGREGATION In keeping with the standards of pastoral conduct endorsed by our Bishop and Cabinet, Dr. Gary Glanville’s relationship to the Romeo United Methodist Church will terminate midnight on June 30, 2015. Dr. Glanville will decline requests for pastoral service on behalf of the Romeo United Methodist Church after that date; and all pastoral duties will become the sole responsibility of the new pastor, Dr. John Bailey, effective July 1, 2015. Symphonia Chorale Spring Concert/Dinner is Sunday, May 3 at Addison Oaks Banquet Hall. The Concert is at 4 p.m. followed by dinner at 5 p.m. Tickets are $30 for dinner and the concert. Please see Cynthia for tickets Romeo United Methodist Church Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. Sundays at 8:40 a.m. Young Adult Retreat Weekend! 3C’s Training ……………………………….……….... 7:00 p.m. 21st Hand Bell Practice Harvest Fellowship Youth Group Choir Practice Praise Band Practice Prayer for Church So if you think all the fun camp stuff stops when you graduate high school – you are so wrong! We are so excited to announce the 1st ever Young Adults Retreat Weekend at Bay Shore Camp. Friday June 5th through Sunday June 7th we will be gathering with young adults (18-28, married couples welcome) from all around Michigan to have a fun filled weekend of activities and Jesus. We will have a great worship set each day from Modern Day Cure. Cost is $129 and more info will be out soon! Questions: Erin Lane ( High School and College Graduates Please let the church office know if you have an upcoming graduate in your family by emailing Our annual recognition of the graduates will take place on Sunday, June 14. Blue Water District - United Methodist Men Spring Rally on Sunday, May 3 at Lexington UMC with guest Speaker Frank Turner. Please contact the church office for more information. Page 4 Caring from Within The friends and family of RUMC pray God’s peace be with Rick Deming and family. Rick’s mother, Ann passed away April 21, 2015. You are in our prayers. To Everyone at RUMC Thank you all for your tremendous outpouring of love, concern, and Sympathy for our family. Your cards, kind words, flowers, presence and prayers have been a comfort. Sincerely, Jessica, Al, Claudia and Leonard Royal WOW!!! Cute "Easter Chicks"!!! Thanks to all who participated! Dear Kroger Community Rewards Groups, It is time for re-enrollment for Kroger Community Rewards Program. Here are a few things you will need to know. The organization does not need to re-enroll. All organizations will keep their NPO number that was assigned to them. st st st Your members do need to re-enroll between April 1 2015 and May 1 2015 for the May 1 start of the program. To re-enroll on-line they just simply go to click “sign in” enter their email and password click “enroll now” put in the NPO number or part of the organizations name check the correct group click “enroll” st th Once completed they are then enrolled for the charity earnings during May 1 2015 to April 30 2016. st th If someone re-enrolls after May 1 they will only earn from the day they enrolled until April 30 2016. If it is the first time a member is enrolling they will be prompted to register their Kroger card into the program. Anyone having an issue with their email address or password can call 1-800-KROGERS for customer service. Thank You Kroger Community Rewards Romeo United Methodist Church Page 5 1st 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th Sharon Smiles Sue Goodreau Joseph Zaiglin Pierrette Thelander Jack Smith Maddie Cornett Diane Smiles Jeff Groomes Ed Klusendorf Kari Reid Clifford Theisen Sharon Jenuwine Andy Balabuch Lanny Wiers Annette Perrin Drew Reid Gloria Laverdiere James Theisen Lauren Goodreau Audrey Rosso Donald Roberson George Jones Chase Russell Tim Brown Jon Corbin 15th 17th 18th 20th 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 31st Logan Jenuwine Payton Karpinsky Mayilyn Simpson Barbara Arendts Bill Jacobson Kathy Ullom Xander Russell Corinne Lamb Tom King Jordan Couture Mary Linn Hall Paul Dennis Joseph Weeks Ardith Becker Ned Grant Sarah Duggan Denise Dillon Andrea Hicks Helen Biggs Jay Hall Destinee Wood Richard Muir Jr. Hunter Rankin Madison Deming WHO ARE YOU?? We Want to Know!!! (and so will Pastor Bailey and his wife, Karen) Name tag campaign begins May 1st. Please be sure to wear your name tag on Sundays. Dear Church Family, Thank you all for the get well wishes and words of encouragement as I recover from knee surgery. All of your prayers and kind words brightened my days. I’m working on my physical therapy and can’t wait to get back on a bike. Sincerely, Kari Reid Romeo United Methodist Church Page 6 Mark Your Calendars! Friday June 19th!! 6 – 10 p.m. Open Mic Night at Simpson Park Camp. There will be snacks, bonfire, s’mores, worship music, and games. Bring a lawn chair if you would like and come out for a great evening of fellowship. We are looking for people to play instruments, sing, and do worship music. Please let Amanda Stork or Xandrea Kirtely know if you are interested. Summer is Coming! Don’t miss out on all the great opportunities this summer to connect with God and other Christians. There are multiple summer camps ranging from general camps, sports, music, motocross, horseback riding, and more! Stop by the church office for more info or visit Also, don’t forget that many of you qualify for the Fish Fry Scholarship ($250) and each camp normally has scholarship programs of their own. D.E.L.T.A. Lock-In Friday May 8th (drop off: 10 p.m., pick up 7 a.m.) Cost: $5 Invite your friends! We will have food (pizza around midnight and breakfast at 6am), will be showing movies, worship and mini lesson, video games, Grog, prize giveaways, and a special prize for the person that brings the most new friends with them. *All attendees need a medical/information release form to attend. See Erin Lane for one or they are also on the Romeo UMC Website under the DELTA page and then in the parent info section. S.I.G.M.A. May Calendar Sunday May 3rd S.I.G.M.A. Meeting 7 – 9 p.m. th Saturday May 9 Parsonage Clean Up Day (lunch provided) 10 a.m. - ?? Sunday May 10th Mother’s Day S.I.G.M.A. Meeting 7 – 9 p.m. th Sunday May 17 S.I.G.M.A. Meeting 7 – 9 p.m. Sunday May 24th S.I.G.M.A. Meeting 7 – 9 p.m. st Sunday May 31 S.I.G.M.A. Summer Kick-Off Party 7 – 10 p.m. Pop Bottle/Can Drive Thank you to everyone who has been dropping their pop bottles/cans off for the Haiti Mission Trip. We have raised $200 so far and will continue collecting through June. Also, thank you to everyone who took part in the Easter Cross Sale as we raised another $100 towards our trip. Thank You ~ S.I.G.M.A. Mission Team (Danny Lane, Haleigh Faris, Rachel Krawchuk, Steph Perrin, and Kyle Prall) Romeo United Methodist Church Page 7 D.E.L.T.A. May Calendar Sunday May 3rd Wednesday May 6th Saturday Sunday May 9th May 10th Wednesday May 13th Sunday May 17th Wednesday May 20th Sunday May 24th Wednesday May 27th Thursday May 28th Sunday May 31st Halftime 10:15 - 11 a.m. Family Project: Part 5 DELTA 6 – 8 p.m. Hot Topics: Drugs and Alcohol Service Project @ Romeo UMC 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Halftime 10:15 – 11 a.m. Family Project: Part 6 D.E.L.T.A. 6 - 8 p.m. Hot Topic: Gambling Halftime 10:15 – 11 a.m. Lesson: Leadership D.E.L.T.A. 6 - 8 p.m. Hot Topic: Homosexuality Halftime 10:15 – 11 a.m. Lesson: The Different Christian Denominations D.E.L.T.A. 6 - 8 p.m. Hot Topic: Video Games Romeo HS Baccalaureate 6 – 9 p.m. (Volunteers Needed) Halftime Close-Out 10:15 – 11 a.m. (Breakfast will be served) Congratulations Class of 2015 We are excited to welcome you to the S.I.G.M.A. family! As you graduate High School (and our college graduates returning home) and start this next chapter in your life we want to make sure that you have a group of other young adults to connect with, have somewhere to grow in your faith, and that you are well fed! We meet at the Methodist House (next to church) every Sunday evening (7-9pm, we normally are hanging around way past 9pm). There is tons of food (different dinner theme each week) and when the weather is nice we have a bonfire because we love being outside, making s’mores, and just hanging out listening to music. We hope to see you this Sunday! Romeo United Methodist Church Page 8 Caring fromWithin The friends and family of RUMC pray God’s peace be with Sharon Burnette and Family. Sharon’s mother, Ann Eastman, passed away April 18, 2015. You are in our prayers. Thank you for the 700 labels for education, 100 box tops for education, and 13 bonus box tops for the Red Bird Mission. They are greatly appreciated. Please keep saving and putting them in the basket in Fellowship Hall. Caring fromWithin The friends and family of RUMC pray Spring is here in Odyssey. Our new material begins March 2, 2015 through May 31. Unit 3: in the Spirit. May 3 Gifts of the Spirit May 10 Fruit of the Spirit May 17 Seven in the Spirit May 24 Pentecost May 31 Philip and the Ethiopian In this quarter we will be waving palm leaves, singing Hozanna, hatching eggs, discovering God's plan for seeds to grow in the greenhouse.We will be giving 3rd and 4th graders their Bibles. We will have a Youth Leadership Sunday to help in many ways to be part of our church service and develop our leadership skills. Puzzling Reveal Update $11,069 of the $35,000 mortgage campaign has been received. Additional pieces have been added to the board (from $10-$100) for your selection. Please include your puzzle piece with your contribution. This campaign runs through May 24. Thank you for your participation! Financial Snapshot of the Operating Fund as of 3/31/15 Income Expenses Deficit $110,403 120,366 - 9,963 God’s peace be with Dr. Gary Glanville and Family. Dr. Glanville’s grandmother, Oliva Green, passed away April 9, 2015. You are in our prayers. Romeo United Methodist Church Finance Committee Page 9 MEET DR. BAILEY BACC is back! Baccalaureate for Romeo High School will be on Thursday, May 28 at 7:00 p.m. As part of the baccalaureate, we provide a reception for the graduating seniors and their parents and guests. “One tidbit at a time” He and his wife Karen enjoy biking and hiking when he goes “up north”. Once again, we are calling all bakers to "Bake for Bacc". If you would like to donate cookies for the reception please drop them off at the church on Wednesday, May 27 or Thursday, May 28. Please mark "Bacc reception" on the cookies. If you have any questions, or would like to help at the reception, please call Becky Laseke at 586-232-4997 or Bob Stoner at 586-255-6143. Mark Your Calendars Anne Wilber has arranged for Billy Owens from Branson, Missouri to come and teach two oak basket classes on Sunday, October 11 and Monday, October 12 at our church. The same basket (Large Market) will be made on each day. Billy harvests his own oak trees, prepares the materials, and provides the mold and most tools to complete the baskets. Billy is an excellent basketmaker and teacher and the baskets are very durable and functional. All weaving levels are welcome but there are limited openings in each class. Please contact Anne Wilber ( for more information. Debbie Macomber is going to be in Traverse City on May 7 at 7 p.m. at the City Opera House for 'An Evening with Debbie'. Romeo United Methodist Church Dear Congregation, Thank you for your support to me and our family in the passing of my grandmother. As the first and oldest grandchild she helped to raise me and I became Grandma Green’s legal guardian and took care of all the necessary appointments over the years. For Lisa, she came to know Grandma Green probably better than her own grandparents because she stayed with us two weeks every year during our marriage. I was very honored that so many stopped by at the funeral home and attended the service for Grandma Green. The cards and memorial gifts have been a blessing and I thank you for honoring our family in this way. Sincerely, Dr. G Have a safe and happy Memorial Day Page 10 Compassion CHILDREN Dear Romeo United Methodist Church, Much greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. I’m hoping that you are fine with your family. Thank you for your last letter that I received. I was very pleased with it. I’m doing well in school although I a problem of cold weather in the morning as I go to school. I would like to remind you that in our family we are well and they are very much happy about your massive support. I’m much fully impressed with your support you offer me and I’m now working hard to achieve and fulfill my dreams. Read Romans 10:17 Be Blessed, Joel Otieno Dear Romeo United Methodist Church, Hello, how are you? My family and I are fine. At this moment we are in school, the third level of secondary school. It is my pleasure to inform you about my Christmas holiday. It was well in the name of my Lord be Glorified. At school we are to attend to school drama program in February, so take us in prayer that we may be in good health and up to national level. I am working hard to achieve my dreams. In Kenya the weather is hot and dry but people are working on their gardens for preparation of next planting of crops. Have a blessed day. Read Proverbs 17:18-19 Your Faithful Daughter, Susan Ochiel Dear Taylor Wallace, How are you? I hope you are fine. I am also fine too. Right now we are going to school and I want to inform you that I am working hard in class. Thank you very much for letters and support. I want us to continue talking to one another through letters. What kind of climate do you experience? We are happy because there is peace. I am praying for you and I know God will bless you. May God Bless your family members. Your Loving Son, Apollo Vincent Romeo United Methodist Church Page 11 Unity Christian Music Festival, Muskegon MI – This event is open to anyone in the congregation that is interested!! We want this to be a family event! Will be attending August 5 - 9. This music festival is similar to ICHTHUS, Big Ticket, and Alive that we have participated in the past. Selected this event this year as it is close to home and offers us other things to do in the area (Michigan’s Adventure and Lake Michigan beaches). The cost will be $250 for the trip which includes 4 day event ticket, transportation, hotel, breakfast each day, and park ticket to Michigan’s Adventure for Sunday. There is a $50 deposit due April 27th which locks in the $250 price, after that it will go up to $275 until July 1st, and $300 until July 29th. Reserved seating is available for an additional charge of $30 per person. Please contact Erin Lane for more information. Ninth Annual High Beam Car Show Saturday June 6th 2015 Dear Dr. Glanville, Thank you for the lovely service you provided for our mom and grandma. She would have been pleased. It felt very powerful and comforting. And a special thank you to the church community for providing a wonderful luncheon. Their time and effort was very much appreciated. And please pass onto your organist, one sincere thanks for the beautiful music she provided. Thank you again, The family of Jean Sawdey Utica United Methodist Church 8650 Canal Road Sterling Heights 48314 The Utica United Methodist Men is sponsoring the Judson Center focused on Autism in Michigan among other mission projects and the Society of St. Andrew providing food for the hungry throughout the United States. Interested in Showing your Car, Truck, or Motorcycle as a participant? Please contact Jim Buckley or 586-247-0256 for Registration information and fees. Romeo United Methodist Church Join Jeff and Cindy Parsons and Bay Shore Camp on a Journey to the Holy Land January 26 – February 4, 2016 For more information contact Bay Shore Camp at (989) 883-2501 or Email Jeff Parsons at Page 12 Michigan Area exceeds $1.5 million for Imagine No Malaria Juice Snacks Fruit Cereal Oatmeal Rice Pork and Beans Spaghetti Noodles Soups Sloppy Joe Sauce/Mix Cooking Oil Sugar Dry Milk Jelly Jam Laundry Soap Dish Soap Toothpaste Shampoo Deodorant (men’s & women’s) Nearly two years after the Michigan Area committed to raise $1.5 million for Imagine No Malaria, we are pleased to announce that we have exceeded our goal! The year-end total for the Michigan Area stands at $1,542,269. Congratulations, Michigan Area Churches, on your faithful witness for the people of Sub Saharan, Africa. Together with others, we are in the process of ending suffering and death from malaria. With $10 representing an amount which can save a life - we have saved 154,227 lives! Needs for our Diabetic Clients: Jello - Sugar Free Splenda Pancake Syrup – Sugar Free No Sugar Added Fruit Samaritan House is always in need of gluten free, sugar free and low sodium items. Did you know that a Bridge Card (Food Stamps) will not buy personal care items (bath soap, toilet paper, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, etc.) Any non-perishable food items and toiletries that you can donate are appreciated. Please bring your donations to Samaritan House, 62324 Van Dyke (between 28 & 29 Mile Roads) in Washington Twp. on Tuesday and Wednesday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. or Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. You can contact Samaritan House at (586) 336-9956. Drop Off Locations Samaritan House still accepts non-perishable food donations even when we are closed! Canned goods can be dropped off at Bruce Township Offices, Fifth Third Bank in Romeo and the Romeo Libraries! Romeo United Methodist Church RUMC Service Opportunities! We could really use your help! Saturday, May 9 at 10 a.m. for inside work at the parsonage in preparation of Pastor Bailey’s arrival! Working with your church family can be fun! Page 13
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