SOME ASPECTS OF IGNITION BY LOCALIZED SOURCES, AND OF CYLINDRICAL AND SPHERICAL FLAMES G. DIXON-LEWIS AND I. G. SHEPHERD Houldsworth School of Applied Science, The University, Letds~ England The time dependent conservation equations governing flame propagation in cylindrical and spherical systems have been set up and solved by finite difference methods for the case of a 60% hydrogen-air flame. By this means it is possible (a) numerically to follow the sequence of events Iollowing an "ignition" at the axis of a cylinder or the center of a sphere, or (h) to investigate the effect of flame curvature on burning velocity and other flame properti~. It was found that the minimum ignition energy depended on the form in which the energy wa~ supplied. For a constant total energy, ignition was facilitated by increasing the proportion supplied as H atoms rather than as thermal energy. The velocities of movement of the freely propagating flames from the ignitions were found to be slightly different from those of the inward propagating, cylindrical and spherical stationary flames. The velocities of the latter were independent of the flame diameter. The effect of curvature on the flame properties is shown to be an effect on reaction rate distribution, which also leads to differences in H atom concentration profiles. Unlike the situation in planar flames, the detailed structure of freely propagating curved flames may not be the same ms that of the corresponding stationary flames, a~d this may lead to the apparent differences in burning velocity. Introduction A local source of ignition, such as an electric spark, initiates chemical reaction by energizh~g a small volume of gas around itself. Energy is lost from this core by transport processes, aud the conversion of the chemJcM ettergy of the unreaeted mixture into thermal energy must take place at a sufficient rate for the core to be able to grow into a burnt gas kernel behind a steadily propagating flame. For constant conditions of energy supply this occurs only when the energy is above some critical value, the minimum ignition energy for the defined conditions. Amongst other factors, the minimum ignition energy may depend upon the form in which the energy is supplied--fur example, whether it is supplied principally as thcrmal energy to raise the temperature of the central core, or whcther it is supplied as chemical energy in the form of free radical dissociation products from the reactants, as from a photochemical source. The papcr investigates this problem by following theoretically the growth of several eylh~drical and spherical flame keniels in a 60~0 hydrogen-air mixture, to which energy has been added partly as lI atoms and partly as thermal energy to raise the temperature. For each fixed ratio of added chemical energy to added thermal energy, the minimum total ignition energy was found by trial and error, and these energies were then compared. During the course of the igatition investigation it soon became apparent that the outward radial velocities of propagation of the developing cylitldrical and spherical flames were not the same. A second part of the investigation has therefore been concerned with the properties of the steady state cylindrical and spherical flames, and their comparison with the planar flame properties. Continuity Equations and Method of Computation The development of the continuity equations for cylindrical and spherically symmetric systems is essentially similar to that recently described by Bledjian, ~ and represents a more general development of the equations governing the p/anar flame?-'~ For any quantity denoted by subscript i the generalized continuity equation 1483 1484 IGNITION may be written as Opl/Ot+(1/r~)(O/cgr)(r~F~)=qi (1) For a planar flame k = 0 ; for a cylindrical flame k = l , and for spherical symmetry k = 2 . Expressing the composition of the gas mixture at a n y point in the flame in terms of the weight fractions w , the species continuity equations become (Olcgt)(pwi)A- (1/r ~)(O/Or){r~(Fzcw~-~-jl)} = q, (2) Using the simple formulation (3) for the diffusional flux ji= -- pDi(cgwi/Oy) (3) then since by conthmity we have Opl'Ot+(1/r ~)(cg/'0r)(r~F~,) = o (4) equations (2) and (3) may be combined to give P(CgWl/O0"~FM(OWi/Or) = (1/r~)(O/Or)Er~pD~(OwjOr)]q-q~ (5) The energy equation may be similarly derived by considering the energy fluxes of the form F~=~'[,~(F.~"f-.i~)Hi--X(dT/Oy). The conservation of energy is then Developing for quiescent gas rrdxtures along similar lines to Dixon-Lewis 5 for plane onedimensional flames, we make the transformations du= prk dr (8) and then collsider equal intervals du in the integration instead of equal intervals dr. Since elements of equal mass are then always considered, the corrvective fluxes across clement boundaries always become equal to zero, regardless of effects of tcmperature rise and stoichiometry on the density. At the same time (a) neglecting energy transport associated with the diffusional fluxes in Eqs. (6) and (7), (b) assuming all the components of the mixture to have the same specific heat gp, which rermtios constant at its mean value between 7",, and Tb, i.e., ~iw,%~=cv, and (c) putting r=(T--T~)/ (T~--T~), the transformation (8) gives in the general case Species OwJcgtTr~FM(cgw~/cgu) = (O/Ou)[Dip2~rr~(cgw~/cgu)]+qjp (9) Energy &r/cgt'-}-~l,:,.z(cgr/Ou) = (cgtcgu)[l~pl~},,,,z,(o~/ou)] (O/O0{p~ (w,H0 } + O/rq (0/0~){r~EE ( ~ , + j , ) H , i --X(OrlOr)~}=fl The (~) cheruical rate of production of heat, - - ~ q~Itl, is included in the derivatives on the left of Eq. (6). The kinetic energ~ change involved in accelerating the gases through the flame is assumed small enough to be neglected, as also arc radiation fluxes. Since OHi/Or=O(cv~T)/Cgr, Eq. (6) may be re-arranged and expanded by use of (3), (4) and (5) to give Eq. (7) p E {w,(otcgO(c~,~)l+F~E {~,(OtOr)(e~,T)} i Further aesummg for convenience that (kp) is independent of temperature, and taking Dp~v/~= 1, we have, with the additional transformation ~= (cJo• Owi/cgt+[r~FM/ (Do2)lt~](Owjcg~) = (D,/D){r~(c92wj&~) -~-2Dll~kr~-~(Owjc9~.l')}-I-qJp (11) Or~c9t'4-[r~F,~l (DI~)1/2"](cgr/0~b) = r ~ (c9~r/0r~)+ 2D ~t2kr~-~(&/c~b) i =p ~.. Di(Owe/Or)(O/Or)(c~iT) +(1/r~')(O/cgr)[-h(cgT/Or)]--~ q~H, (7) i (12) For a fixed source strength M ( g e m -~ see-I for a planar flame, g e m -1 see-1 at the axis of a cylinder, or g see-x at the center of a sphere) the SOME ASPECTS OF IGNITION fluxes FM across element boundaries are given by FM= M (k= O; Cartesian co-ordinates) l,~=M/r(2r) ~ (k= 1, 2; Polar co-ordinates) 148,5 flames the analogous summations provide similar informatiou. In these cases the range of integration commences at r = 0, and we have (q'/p)Au~-" ~ qlr~ dr= (~f /2k~')(Wlb--Wiu) (13) For a quiescent gas mixture the source strength M is zero, leading to F M = 0 lit the equations. The study of the development of a flame is now essentially the solution of the appropriate set of simultaneous differential eqtmtions formed from (11), (12), and (13), subject to bomldary conditions fixed by the specific problem. These boundary conditions will be discussed later. The integrations in t were performed numerically using the explicit finite difference approach employed earlier by Adams and Cook, ~ Zeldovieh and Barrenblatt,a and Dixon-Lewis3 The space derivatives were replaced by a central difference approximation and the time derivatives b y a forward difference approximation. Although this approach restriet~ the size of the integration time step compatible with stability, s,~ tlm a W proaeh was considered to be adequate for the present objectives. In the treatment of planar flames, Dixon-Lewis~ followed the progress of the flame towards a steady state burning velocity by means of the space integral rates f2 qi dr, which for sufficiently small intervals At, may be replaced by the summation 05) where M is now the source strength (in g c m -~ see-~ or g see-t) to be associated with the stationary flame profiles which develop as the integration proceeds. The information derived directly from this summation is therefore information about the source strength. Reaction Mechanism and Rale Constants The reaction mechanism assumed for the 60v~vH~-air flame was the mechanism established by Day, Dixon-Lewis, and Thompson ~ from structure studies of lower temperature flames. It eon~prises the following steps OH+H2.~H20+H (i) H+(IN= Oli+O (ii) 0+H~---0H+H (iii) H+O2+M= HO2+M (iv) H+H0.2= OH+0H (vii) H + H ( h = H2+02 (xii) 0H+HO2= 0 + I t 0 2 = O1 I + 0 2 n ~ The steady value of this summation which is obtained as integration proceeds in time is related with the mmss burning velocity M of the stationary flame by f _ T q~dr= ~ (qd'p)Au = M(G~b--G~,,)= M (we~--w.,) H~O+02 (14) Since the diffusioual fluxes are zero at both the hot and cold boundaries, G,=w, at these boundaries. The sumnmtions of (qi/P)&u thus provide a good method of extracting burning velocity information from the calculation. In the cases of the cylindrical and spherical (xifi) (xiv) I : / + H + M = H2+M (xv) H'+0H'+M= H20+M (xvi) HWOWM= OH+M (xvii) Following the previous treatment of hydrogenrich flames, b~ which OH and O, once formed, were assumed to react immediately by reactions (i) and (iii), and HO~ was assumed to react immediately by (vii), (xii), (xiii), or (• the mechanism may be reduced effectively to a number of reaction cycles controlled by the rate constants k2, k4, kl~, k16, and k17, and the ratios kT/km, k~/km, and k14/k~. The appropriate cycles, IGNITION 1486 which involve only H atoms and the stable molecular species in their stoichiometry, become (iva) In computing the properties of the hydrogenrich flame, explicit conservation equations were set up only for the energy, :[t atoms and molecular oxygen. At the same time the weight fraction of nitrogen in the mixture was assumed to remain constant throughout, while the hydrogen and steam weight fractions were calculated by 0vc) wa,=w , , , ~ - (i/8) (wo~.~- wo~) (20) wn2o= (9/8)(wo,.=-wo2) (21) ~2 H--}-O~(-~-3H2)----*2H~O-~-3H (iia) H + O~-4-M (-4-H-4-2H~)--~2tI~O-4-2H-4- M HWCh+ M ( + H)--~H2-4-O~+M I-IA-0,z-4-M (h- O H + HA- H20 ) --.*H20+ Or4- OH-4- He+ M (ivd) tI+O~+M(+O+ll+OH) ---~OH-4-02+ O-f- H2-~ M (ive) HWH+M---~H2WM (xv) tI+OH-4-M (+H+H~O)--~H=O-4-M-4- OH+Hz (xvia) H + O + M ( + H + 0 H )-"-'~OH+M --}-O--}-H2 (xviia) The cycles (ivd), 0re), (xvia) and (xviia) all assume that the occurrence of the primary steps (xiii), (xiv), (xvi) a~ld (xvii), which remove OH and O, is immediately followed by reaction (-i) or (-hi) to restore the small quasi-steady state concentration of the appropriate radical. On this basis cycles (ive), (ivd), and (ive) are precisely equivalent in their effect, as also are reaction (xv) and the cycles (x-via) and (xviia). In the ease of reaction (iv), the effective rate constants for the chain propagating and breaking cycles become These additional simplifications ignore the effects of the rapid diffusional properties of molecular hydrogen on the concentrations in the hydrogen-rich system, but this is unlikely appreciably to affect the overall conclusions. However, in treating the one-dimensional lower temperature flames of Day et al., e the optimmn value of the ratio kT/k~. With these simplifications was slightly different from that found using a rigorous transport, property calculation. The rate parameters used in the present investigation were kt = 3.3X 10~3exp(-- 2700/T) K3= 0.21 exp(+7640/T) k~= 2.05X 1014exp(-- 8250/T) k3= 1.8X lfl~aexp(-- 4700/T) Ka= 2.27 exp(-- 938/T) 2k~/k4.n~= 0.091 exp(-- 90(0/T) k4,o2 = 0.35k4.n2, ~mp k4,~r = 0.44k4,u, 6.5k4.n~ k~k4/k: I.O+kT/k=+(k,3/k=)(EOH]/[H]) (16) "4- (k14/km) ([O]/[H]) kbreak: k4-- kprop kjz/kx~ = 0.3, (17) where [oH]_ k_~[H:01+2~[O~]+2~.~[C~][M] [H] kT/k~ = 6.7 k u / k ~ = 2.5 k~.~=4.5X101~ (M=H~, 02, N~, H=O) k~a,~= 2.0X 10x6 (M=H~, O~, N2) km~r~o= 2.4X 10t7 k~[H2] (18) [o]= k__,EOH]+k~[O~] [H] ksEH~] ktT.~=0.25k~6.g (M=H~, O~, Ne, H20) The adiabatic flame temperature Ta= 1630~ The group DOz sontrolhng the transport properties was given 0 9) led to ~=0.564 cal enW3 ~ SOME ASPECTS OF IGNITION the value 1.525X 10-~ g c m ~ sec-L Individual D~ were assumed inversely proportional to square root of molecular weight. Results and Discussion 1487 i i 1200 (a) Ignition Studies For ignition studies, the sequence of events following an instantaneous supply of energy to a small central sphere or eyliader in a quiescent gas mixture was followed numerically. In Eqs. (11) and (12) the fluxes FM are zero, and the boundary condition becomes ~-[-~, I~--*0, wc-+w+~ (22) The conditions at the start of the integration and the size of the central core to which the energy is initially supplied may clearly be of considerable importance in the study of ignition energies. In order to provide computational smoothness in the degradation of the step temperature and H atom profiles initially introduced, several concentric shells should be included in the volume energized. On the other hand, if the shells are too small, stability limitations on the values of ht/A~ used in the integration begin to dictate prohibitively large computation times. The effect of this is cumulative as the flame moves outwards, since actual radial increments decrease as (l/r) ~. In a typical spherical ignition with an energy of 3.7 m J, the initial core of gas h a d a diameter of 2.4 mm when hot, and was divided into twenty concentric spheres representing equal intervals 89 where d4b is the normal reduced distance interval. Constant values of At~At,z were nmintalned throughout. Extremely short time intervals were used initially in the integration a.~seclated with the central region, and these were lengthened progressively by up to a factor of 64 as the ignition developed. A single time step involved starting at the eeoter of the sphere and moving outwards by successive intervals d~b (when outside the central core) until the reduced temperature r fell to some preset small value above the cold boundary condition. At the start of each time cycle the conditions within the innermost, spherical volume clement of radius d~b/2 were assumed to be uniformly those at its outer edge. Thus, a t this stage it was arranged t h a t the values of the dependent variables at ~b= 0 were set equal to those calculated a t the first mesh point in the previous time cycle. 400 0 I 5 -5 TIPIE ,t I 0 SEC I I0 Fro. l. Temperature histories at axis of cylinder following axial injection of ignition energy. Letters refer to conditions in Table I. Effect of Mode of Energy Supply was supplied to the small central core of unburnt gas, with different proportions entering as thermal energy a n d as energy in the form of H atoms. For a cylindrical system with a total energy of 7 mJ cm-1, flames A to E of Table I give a series of starting conditions with a number of different ratios of E~/Etot~l, and Fig. 1 shows the corresponding temperature histories at the cylinder axis. In all the relevant cases studied, the total time of transition from ignitiou conditions to those of a freely propagating flame was of the order of 0.2 in sec or less. It is also clear that energy supplied in the form of H atoms is a more efficient igniting agent than thermal energy. Similar results were found for the spherical flame. By considering different total energies in the above manner, it is possible to determine a range of minimum ignition energies, depending on the form of energy supply. Tables I and II give a selection of results obtained for the cylindrical and spherical flames respectively. In the cylindrical case it was found that above 8 mJ cm-1 all the systems studied ignited, but that below 5 mJ cm-1 all were extinguished. In the spherical case the upper and lower energy limits were 3.0 and 1.0 mJ respectively. Unfortunately ill both cases it was not possible to study situations where the whole of the ignition energy was supplied as H atoms, because the calculation becomes unstable. Both the energy ranges found compare favorably with the minimum ignition energy of 3 mJ measured by Lewis and von E l b d for this mixture, using a "spherical" spark source of diameter 2 mm. The indeterminancy found in the minimum ignition energies also reflects a situation observed experimentally. In a single series of runs to investigate the effect of mode of energy supply, a fixed energy with time were examined in two separate ways: (i) The velocity of advance of the position of The velocities of pragrcssion of the fiar~ fronts IGNITION 1488 TABLE I Initial core conditions used in simulation of cylindrical ignition in 60% hydrogen-air flame R,m Etot~l EH mJ cm -1 Etot~i Radius :/'/~ 10~Xn nml A B C D E 7.0 7. O 7.0 7.0 7.0 0.5 O. 4 0.3 0.2 O. 1 490 528 566 605 643 2.64 2.12 1.59 1,06 0.53 0.92 0.95 0.98 1.01 1.04 F G H I* J K L 5.25 6.72 8.14 8.0 24.5 4.0 2,0 0.26 9.42 0.11 9.1 O.O1 0.1 0.2 1363 831 698 692 1630 495 365 5.09 5.35 0.64 0.60 O. 12 0.30 0,45 0.71 0.77 1.09 1.08 1.6 0.93 O. 80 Max. axial temp. during simulation/~ Time to max, axial temp./ 10-~ sec 1725 1718 :>1708 > 1684 949 (No ignition) 1908 1845 1718 >147l 2518 No ignition No ignition 10.4 10.4 >13.0 > 13.0 7.8 0.8 2.6 19.5 >7.8 3.9 --- * Ignition devdops only with difficulty. TABLE II Initial core conditions used in simulation of spherical ignition in 60% hydrogen-air flame E~, Eu Radius Run mJ Etotal :/'/~ lO~Xa mm M N O P Q R 3.67 6.83 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.71 0.22 0.1 0.7 0.5 0.1 564 1630 971 447 547 746 8.9 5.1 1.0 4.8 3.4 0.69 1.19 1 . 68 i. 4 1.09 1.17 1.29 T U V W 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.3 0,1 0.4 0.1 560 634 447 522 1.5 0.52 1.4 O. 34 1.17 1.22 1.09 1.14 m a x i m u m heat release rate was measured directly from the gradient of the graph of radial distance vs time. This gives a value of Sb, the velocity of m o v e m e n t of the flame front relative to the burnt gas. I t was found t h a t the velocity of progression became uniform eve,, a t quite small flame radii of about 2 ram. Values of Sb equal to 1230 and 1120 cm sec -~ were fomld for the cylindrical and spherical cases respectively (Tb = 1630~ These are equivalent to S ~ = 246 a n d 205 e m sec- t a t 298~ Max. central temp. during sinmlation/~ Time to max. central temp./ 10 -~ sec 1962 2519 1802 1664 1650 1500 (Doubtful ignition) > 1213 866 993 697 2.5 1.8 4.0 4.0 4.4 11.4 Ignition No ignition No ignition No ignition (it) As the flames propagate outwards, the effective negative source strengths increase, and a t a n y t i m e these can be computed b y m e a n s of the space integral rate. Hence, from Eq. (15), if the graph of space integral rate vs (radius) ~ is a straight llue passiug through the origill (or in practice close to the origin because of the difficulty of defining tile flame radius), then the flame is m o v i n g uniformly outwards. The slope of the line is a measure of an effective mass burning velocity (per unit area), which in t u r n can be SOME ASPECTS OF IGNITION converted into an effective velocity of movement relative to either the unburat or the burnt gas. Figure 2 shows the variation of space integral rate with flame radius for several of the cylindrical conditions of Table I. A similar curve is shown in Fig. 3 for the spherical case, where space integral rate is plotted against (radius) 2. The results in Fig. 2 (inset) suggest that for a given initial core size and total energy supplied there is a common radius at which all successful ignitions converge to give a (negative) source strength corresponding ~ith a more or less uniform propagation. At lower kernel sizes than this, the ignitions having higher ratios EK//Et~tal give higher space integral rates of oxygen consumption, and this presumably accounts for the greater ease of ignition in such cases. The greater the energy supplied, and the larger the initial core size, the larger the radius at which the initial transient conditions die out. (b) Studies of A pproximately Statio~ary Flames In these studies a gas flow into which the flame propagates was simulated by supplying non-zero values of the source strengths M in Eqs. (11), (12), and (13). The integration was then allowed to proceed into the steady state, entry into which was shown by the development of a constant value of the space integral rate. Because of problems of flame stability towards small disturbances, it is only possible to study inward propagating flames in this manner, i.e., only positive source strengths M will lead to stable stationary flames. The boundary conditions then become r--*~ r----~l w,--~,b (23) 1489 T N -~r..~ ee~176 ~z 5 H x2.5 o r <be~ 3 ~ oO _ _ - oO - 0 1.3 2,3 0.5 RADIUS / CPI 1.0 FIG. 2. Space integral rates for consumption of oxygen in some cylindrical flames. Line S refem to inward propagating stationary flame. Points series F, H, and J refer to ignitions of Table I, and have values on both axes multiplied by 2.5. Space integral rates multiplied by v. i i o~ ,d ~~176 o :- o % ~J Q o O ~ o 9 O I I I.O RADIUS2/CH 2 The position of maximum heat release rate was again taken as defining the flame radius. The lines S in Figs. 2 and 3 shows the space integral rates of the cylindrical a~ld spherical flames, the actual calculations having been performed for radii of approximately 1.5 ram, 5 mm, and 10 mm. At radii above one or two millimeters the space integral rates are directly proportional to rk, indicating little or no effect of curvature on the flame velocity. In agreement with this, the temperature and composition profiles of the 5 and 10 mm radius flames are virtually indistinguishable in each geometry. By measuring the gradients of the lines S the cylindrical and spherical flame velocities at the larger radii were found to be 234 and 220 cm see-~ respectively. These figut~es amy be compared with a planar Fro. 3. Space integral rates for consumption of oxygen in some spherical flames. Line $ refem to inward propagating stationary flazne. Points series M, Q, and R refer to ignitions in Table II, and have values on both axes multiplied by 10. Space integral rates multiplied by 2~. flame burning velocity of 226 cm sec-~ computed by Dixon-Lewis and Thompson8 using the same kinetic and diffusion constants. At radii above one or two millimeters there is clearly little effect of curvature on the linear burning velocity of this flame~ and even at smaller radii the effect does not appear large in the stationary flames. The first result is in agreement with observation. Burning velocities measured by the soap bubble 14917 IGNITION ~" " TEMP ~ I 2001 .-,P__ I0 I I 12 "I0 DISTANCE ] I~M Fro. 4. Temperature and 1t atom profiles for three inward propagating stationa~- flames. A, cylindrical flame, 10.2 mm radius; B~ spherical flamo, 10.2 m m radius; C, cylindrical flame, 1.4 mm radiuu (flame C has radial distances increased by 9.0 ram). i ~ 9 tY/ ~ profilee very close to those of the larger spherical flame, except for the tT a t o m maximum. Figure 5 shows the heat release rates in all the cyli,tdrieal flame~, and J.n the 10 rmn radius spherical flame, plotted a~ainst msidenc~ titn~s in the flames (starting at arbitrary zeros). F r o m t h e ~ results, it, is clear thai the adjust,ment~ ,~tl~in the tiame to take aet:nu~tt, of eha~tgia~g curvature take place by way of modifications in the distribution of reaction rate, aml it ks tails which lea(l~ to the increasexl 1-1 atom concentratiuns izt the large cylindrical flazae. \\~- (c) Comparison of Sfalior~rg at~l Freshly Propagating Flamc~ Unlike the situation in planar flame theory, it has been found t h a t the detaih'd ~ r u e t u r e of a cylimtrical or spherical tlame is not independent (if the Ittmle positi~m. This impli,s that a freely propagating flame, as from an ig.ition, may have It co,ltinulmsly P.hall~ing Stl'l.lP'iure ',vheo the rndith~ is ~mall, even though the flame is sufficiently renmte from it~ source for the igqtition transients to have died out. The radius at which the latter occurs is not eertaia, but it is likely to coincide approxin~tely with the positions of eonflueztee of the i~lition curves in Figs. 2 and 3. Event after this the liaear bm~it~g velocity does not attain precisely tlm ~tatioztary flame value. For flame F of Fig. 2, the temperature, II a t o m and heat relr~so rate profiles at a radius of 3.7 m m are compared ill Fig. 6 with the "in- 1800 %u r , .S O / IO TIME / IO-5SEC Fzc-. 5. Relative beat, release ra~ -- TEMP A HE TI ~.~ a fnn~tion of r e , deuce Iinle ill three inward propagating stationary flames (arbitrary. time zeros). A, cylindrical flame, 10.2 mm radius; B, spherical flame, 113.2mm radius; C, cyliadrical flame, 1.4 m m radiu~. method conform with those dotcrmim~d by other nleaUS. 9 Curves A, B, at~(l C in Fig. 4 show the temperature and II agora profiles for the 10 m m rs.dius cyliudrieM a~d sgheriea[ flames, and the 1.5 m m radius cylindrical flame respectively. The major observable differcaee here is in the II atom concentration profiles. "the 1 0 m m spherical flame has X H . ~ = 0 . 0 1 7 6 , whereas the eorrespoudiag cylindrical flame has I~.,~.~=0.0199. The small, 1.5 m m radius, eyliadrical flame has IOOC 20 2.5 2~ 3.5 O DISTANCE /MH Fro. 6. Comparison of " i n v e r ~ l " temperature pmfiles, I! amm profiles and beat release rate profiles nf inward propagating cylindrical ~taiiou~y /lame S of radius 52. mm with profiles of freely outward propagating flame F of radius .q.7 mm (arbitrary d~tance zen~, and temperature profiles moved to left by 4.0 nun compared with o~,hers). SOME ASPECTS OF IGNITION verted" stationary flame profile for a radius of 5 nun. The differences are apparent. Parallel behavior was observed in the spherical ease M. Further investigation, including that of free "inward" propagation, is in progress. A final point of interest is that in bnrderline ignitions such as F in Fig. 2 or Q and R in Fig. 3, the space integral rate during the ignition transient may drop considerably below its "steady" rate of increase. In flame F, the minimum velocity of flame movement, corresponding with the tangent from the origin to curve F, is about i75 cm sac-~. In this ignition also, the temperature history at the axis is slightly more complex than normal. After the maxhrmm at 1908~ given in Table I, the temperature at the axis decreases to a minimum of 1562~ at a time of 0.i7 msec, and then rises slowly again, due to residual recombhmtion of H atoms still present there. Nomenclature c~ tYv D specific heat of i at constant pressure average specific heat at constant pressure diffusion coefficient of major component of mixture D~ diffusion coefilcicnt of i Fi radial flux of i FE radial energy flux FM radial flux of overall mass G, mass ffilX fraction of i H~ enthalpy per gram of i j~ diffusional flux of i k integer which takes values 0, 1, and 2 for planar, cylindricM and spherical flames respectively M ql r l T Tb Tu u w, X p 1491 SOllrce strength chemicM rate of fnrmatlon/g cm-a see-1 radius time temperature burnt gag temperature unburnt gas temperature transformed radial co-ordinate weight fraction of i thermal conductivity density t~duced temperature transformed radial co-ordinate REFERENCES 1. BL:~DJIAN, L.: CorniEst. Flame 20~ 5 (1973). 2. SPALD1NO, D. B.: Philos. Trans. E. See. Lend. A2~9, 1 (1956). 3. ZELDOVICH, Y. S. AND BARRENELA~I~, G. I.: Combust. Flame 3, 61 (1959). 4. ADAMS,G. K. AND COON., a . B.: Combnst. Flame 4, 9 (1960). 5. DIXON-LEwis, G.: Prec. R. Soc. Lend. A~98, 495 (1967). 6. DAY, M. J., DtXoN-LEwIS~G.~ AND THOMI'SON~ K.: Prec. R. Soc. Lend. A330, 199 (1972). 7. LEwis, B. ANDYON ELBE, G.: Combustion, Flames and Explosions of Gases, p. 335, Academic Press, 1961. 8. DIXON-LEwiS, G. AND T[~OMPSON, K.: TO be published. 9. I,~NNET'r, J. W.: Fourth Symposium (International) on Combustion, p. 20. Williams and Wilkins, 1953.
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