FR-RCW Flat Roofing Roof Coating - Elastomeric

Flat Roofing
Roof Coating - Elastomeric White
Roof Coating – Elastomeric White
FOR modified bitumen roofs, metal and EPDM – uncoated or previously coated white or colors
NOT for PVC or roofs previously coated with aluminum
Sweep all loose debris from roof and haul away
o Scrape and primer, if needed will be additional
Inspect roof and recommend any repair needed
Apply Elastomeric White roof coating
o Standard Application
§ Apply (Mule-Hide A300/A320) to entire roof - 86% reflectivity
§ Recoat recommended every 5-7 years, low areas may deteriorate faster
o Premium Application
§ Apply flashing grade sealant (Mule-Hide A200) to all flashing
§ Apply (Mule-Hide A300/A320) to entire roof - 86% reflectivity
§ Recoat recommended every 7-10 years, low areas may deteriorate faster
Date: 03-­‐05-­‐2015 Written by: RD Page: 1 of 1 Roof Solutions 2015 9325 Fraser Ave. Silver Spring, MD 20910 office 301-­‐565-­‐2600