29.10.2013 ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT DECLARATION ISO 14025 ISO 21930 EN 15804 Owner of the declaration Program holder Publisher Declaration number Issue date Valid to PROTAN AS The Norwegian EPD Foundation The Norwegian EPD Foundation NEPD-00032E rev1 22.01.2013 22.01.2018 Protan SE 1.2 Roof Membrane Product General information Protan SE 1.2 Roof Membrane Product PROTAN AS Manufacturer Program holder: The Norwegian EPD Foundation Post Box 5250 Majorstuen, 0303 Oslo Phone: +4723088000 e-mail: post@epd-norge.no Owner of the declaration: PROTAN AS Contact person: Olav Haugerud Phone: 32 22 16 00 e-mail: olav.haugerud@protan.no Declaration number: NEPD-00032E rev1 Place of production: Post-box 420 Brakerøya N-3002, Drammen This declaration is based on Product Category Rules: Management system: ISO 9001 og ISO 14001 (NO 97-OSL-SYMI-8015) CEN Standard EN 15804 serve as core PCR Roof Waterproofing NPCR 22 Declared unit: Org. No: NO 91 569 809 MVA 2 Production of 1 m membrane Declared unit with option: Issue date: 22.01.2013 Functional unit: 1 m2 installed membrane with a life time of 30 years. Valid to: 22.01.2018 The environmental product declaration has been worked out by: Comparability: EPD of construction products may not be comparable if they not comply with EN 15804 Kari Sørnes SINTEF Byggforsk P.O.Box 124 Blindern, NO-0314, Oslo Year of study: 2011 - 2012 Norway Verification: Independent verification of data and other environmental information has been carried out in accordance with externally Approved according to ISO14025, 8.1.4 internally Catherine Grini, Entro (Independent verifier approved by EPD Norway) Dr. ing. Sverre Fossdal (Chairman of the Verification Group of EPD-Norway) Declared unit: Production of 1 m2 membrane Key environmental indicators Global warming Energy consumption Dangerous substances Unit kg CO2 -eqv MJ * Cradle to gate A1 - A3 3,9 107,9 Transport Production site central warehouse Norway 0,01 0,22 * The product contains no substanses from the REACH Candidate list or the Norwegian priority list NEPD 00032E rev1 Roof membrane SE Protan.xlsm 2/7 Product Product description: The intended use for the Protan Roof Membrane is pitched and flat roofs. Technical data: Weight: 1420 g/m2 Teknisk Godkjenning (Technical Approval) nr 2010 Product specification Protan SE 1,2 roofing membrane is made of plasticised PVC reinforced with a polyester textile. Market: Europe Reference service life: 30 years G = generic, S = Specific LCA: Calculation rules Functional unit: 1 m2 installed membrane with a life time of 50 years. System boundary: Modules A1-A5, C2 and C3 (see table under subtitle LCA: Results) are considered relevant and are included in the assessment. Flowsheet, A1-A3: Data quality: Generic data are collected from Ecoinvent. Input-data from producer represents mean production for 2011/2012. Declared product based on available data: 93.3% Cut-off criteria: Based on criteria from EN-15804 (6.3.5) (according to PCR) Allocation: Not relevant NEPD 00032E rev1 Roof membrane SE Protan.xlsm 3/7 LCA: Scenarios and additional technical information The following information describe the scenaries in the different modules of the EPD. Average transport distance from production site to building site is 400 km. Transport from prouction site to building site* (A4) Capacity utilisation Gross density of Type (incl. return) % products (kg/m3) 1,42 Truck Railway Boat Type of vehicle Trailer** Distance km 400 Fuel/Energy consumption 0,28 l/tkm kWh/tkm l/tkm Value (l/t) 112 **16-32ton, diesel, EURO 3. 50 km Additional information Transport from production site to central warehouse in Norway Installation in the building (A5) Auxiliary Water consumption Electricity consumption Other energy carriers Material loss Output materials from waste treatment Dust in the air Transport to waste processing (C2) Capacity utilisation Type (incl. return) % Truck Railway Boat End of Life (C1, C3, C4) Unit kg m3 kWh MJ kg kg kg Value 0,07 0,014 Unit kg kg kg kg kg kg Value Fuel/Energy consumption 0,28 l/tkm kWh/tkm 0,01 l/tkm Value (l/t) 110,6 Hazardous waste disposed Collected as mixed construction waste Reuse Recycling Energy recovery To landfill Gross density of Type of products (kg/m3) vehicle Distance km 400 750 1,42 7,5 The distances in C2 represents transport to a recycling station in Germany. Additional technical information The calculations on emissions are based on the method ReCiPe midpoint v1.6 and CML 2001 (baseline). The primary energy calculations are done using the method of Cumulative Energy Demand (CED). Background data is gathered from the database Ecoinvent v2.2 hosted by the Ecoinvent Centre. NEPD 00032E rev1 Roof membrane SE Protan.xlsm 4/7 LCA: Results System boudaries (X=included, MND=module not declared, MNR=module not relevant) Construction installation stage B3 B4 X X X X X MNR MNR Reuse-RecoveryRecycling-potential Replacement B2 Disposal Repair B1 Waste processing Maintenance A5 Transport Use A4 De-construction demolition Construction installation stage A3 Operational water use Transport A2 Operational energy use Manufacturing A1 Beyond the system boundaries End of life stage Refurbishment Transport Use stage Raw materials Product stage B5 B6 B7 C1 C2 C3 C4 D MNR MNR MND X X MND MND MNR MNR MNR Environmental impact Parameter GWP ODP OFP EP AP ADPM ADPE A1 - A3 3,90 2,31*10-7 0,01 3,33*10-3 6,62*10-4 0,04 A4 0,11 1,67*10-8 5,12*10-4 1,33*10-4 1,60*10-5 7,44*10-4 A5 0,01 1,05*10-9 4,20*10-5 2,37*10-5 1,90*10-6 9,05*10-5 C2 0,15 2,13*10-8 8,40*10-4 2,17*10-4 2,24*10-5 1,01*10-3 C3 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 GWP Global warming potential (kg CO2-eqv.); ODP Depletion potential of the stratospheric ozone layer (kg CFC11-eqv.); POCP Formation potential of tropospheric photochemical oxidants (kg C 2H4-eqv.); AP Acidification potential of land and water (kg SO 2eqv.); EP Eutrophication potential (kg PO4-3-eqv.); ADPM Abiotic depletion potential for non fossil resources (kg Sb eqv.); ADPE Abiotic depletion potential for fossil resources (MJ) Resource use Parameter RPEE FPEM TPE NRPE NRPM TRPE SM RSF NRSF W A1 - A3 4,49 1,58 6,06 101,54 0,32 101,86 0,04 A4 0,02 A5 0,18 C2 0,03 C3 0,00 0,02 1,72 0,18 0,37 0,03 2,34 0,00 0,00 1,72 0,37 2,34 0,00 4,62 0,12 0,05 0,16 0,00 FPEE Renewable primary energy resources used as energy carrier (MJ); FPEM Renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials (MJ); TPE Total use of renewable primary energy resources (MJ); NRPE Non renewable primary energy resources used as energy carrier (MJ); NRPM Non renewable primary energy resources used as materials (MJ); TRPE Total use of non renewable primary energy resources (MJ); SM Use of secondary materials (kg); RSF Use of renewable secondary fuels (MJ); NRSF Use of non renewable secondary fuels (MJ); W Use of net fresh water (m 3) NEPD 00032E rev1 Roof membrane SE Protan.xlsm 5/7 End of life - Waste Parameter HW NHW RW A1 - A3 0,01 A4 A5 C2 C3 HW Hazardous waste disposed (kg); NHW Non hazardous waste disposed (kg), RW Radioactive waste disposed (kg) End of life - Output flow Parameter CR MR MER EEE ETE A1 - A3 0,04 A4 A5 0,14 C2 C3 1,42 CR Components for reuse (kg); RM Materials for recycling (kg); ERM Materials for energy recovery (kg); XEE Exported electric energy (MJ); XTE Exported thermal energy ( MJ) Specific Norwegian requirements Electricity Emissions connected to the electricity use at the production site in Norway is based on a mean value of the supply electricity mix for the years 2007-2011. Greenhouse gas emissions 0,013 kg CO2 eqv/MJ Dangerous substances None of the following substances have been added to the product: Substances on the REACH Candidate list of substances of very high concern (of 22.1.2013) substances on the Norwegian Priority list (pr.22.1.2013) and substances that lead to the product being classified as hazardous waste. The chemical content of the product complies with regulatory levels as given in the Norwegian Product Regulations. Transport Transport from production site to central warehouse in Norway is 50 km Indoor environment Not relevant Carbon footprint Carbon footprint has not been worked out for the product. NEPD 00032E rev1 Roof membrane SE Protan.xlsm 6/7 Bibliography ISO 14025:2006 ISO 14044:2006 EN 15804:2012 ISO 21930:2007 Environmental labels and declarations - Type III environmental declarations - Principles and procedures Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Requirements and guidelines Sustainability of construction works - Environmental product declaration - Core rules for the product category of construction products Sustainability in building construction - Environmental declaration of building products PCR:2012 Roof Waterproofing NPCR 22 CML 2001. Institute of Environmental Sciences, Leiden University, The Netherlands. CED. Jungbluth, N., Cumulative Energy Demand, in Implementation of Life Cycle Impact Assessment, Data v2.2 (2010), R. Hischier and B. Weidema, Editors. 2007, ecoinvent centre: St. Gallen. p. 33 Ecoinvent Centre is a competence Centre of ETH Zürich, EPF Lausanne, PSI, Empa, ART. (web: www.ecoinvent.com) Publisher The Norwegian EPD Foundation Post Box 5250 Majorstuen, 0303 Oslo Norway Program holder The Norwegian EPD Foundation Post Box 5250 Majorstuen, 0303 Oslo Norway Owner of the declaration PROTAN AS Post-box 420 Brakerøya N-3002, Drammen Norway Author of the Life Cycle Assessment Kari Sørnes P.O.Box 124 Blindern, NO-0314, Oslo Norway NEPD 00032E rev1 Roof membrane SE Protan.xlsm Phone: +4723088000 e-mail: post@epd-norge.no web www.epd-norge.no Phone: +4723088000 e-mail: web Phone: Fax e-mail: web Phone: Fax e-mail: web post@epd-norge.no www.epd-norge.no 32221600 32221700 protan@protan.no www.protan.no 22965555 22699438 kari.sornes@sintef.no www.sintef.no/byggforsk 7/7
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