NO. 11 THURSDAY APRIL 30th, 2015 CALENDAR Friday Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1st May 4th May 6th May 7th May 8th May Sport – Rosanna vs St Martins (Home) Curriculum Day – Restorative Practices/First Aid 2016 Prep Parent Info Evening (7.15pm) School Photo Day Mothers’ Day Stall This Monday 4th May Curriculum Day – No Students What’s Inside: Principal’s Report Music News Assistant Principal’s Report Art Info Premiers Reading Challenge Uniform News – Special Uniform Offer Sports News Book Club Canteen FORPS New OSHClub Community News Book Fair 5/6C Maths Challenges Communication App CyberSmart Dear families and friends, GREAT NEWS!! Several years ago, we were lucky enough to receive a lovely new building which our year 3-6 students enjoy as learning spaces today. Although this was a wonderful addition to our school, the consequence was the loss of an important area of our playground. As a result of that additional new learning space, we were left with a very old building which was not required for classrooms, and has, quite rapidly, declined in condition over the years. The school community has been fighting hard to have that building removed. This has included discussion with the Department of Education, local politicians, and many other groups. Due to the hard work of the school council, Geoff Richardson and present and past staff, we are finally happy to say that the removal of our old building has been confirmed. Last week I met with Paul and Adrian from Shanley Management Services, project managers contracted by DET for the removal. The meeting was very positive and they indicated that it is very likely that the removal will occur during the next (June/July) school holidays, and for a short period into term three. I will keep you all informed of the process as more details are provided to me. I would like to thank all present and past school councillors and community members for their persistence in this task and look forward to the positive steps we will take to refurbish the area and reclaim some essential play space for our students. CURRICULUM DAY Next Monday, 4th May, is Curriculum Day and students are not required at school. The staff will be participating in professional learning in the Restorative Practices program which forms a part of Engagement and Wellbeing programs here at school. Restorative Practices allows members of our school community to communicate effectively, resolve differences and manage relationships in a positive way. We will also be participating in some First Aid training which is essential for the continued high level of care that we offer your children. Please ensure that you have made care arrangements for your children. OSHclub will be offering a program on the day. Please see details in Adam’s report in this newsletter and book in early for the program. ANZAC DAY Last Friday Mr Jackson and some of our senior students led an ANZAC ceremony here at school. Although I was very disappointed that I was unable to attend, I understand that the service was a wonderful chance to reflect on the important occasion of ANZAC Day and the centenary of the ANZAC landings at Gallipoli. I would like to thank Mr Jackson and the students for their great work and hope that both parents and students enjoyed the opportunity to mark this important day here at school. Make sure that you take a look at the powerful art display in the admin building. It is collection of work from students in the 1/2 and 4/5/6 areas around the theme of ANZAC Day. NAPLAN From 12th to 14th May, students in years 3 and 5 will take part in the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). This program occurs every year and is conducted nationwide. The tests form part of the ongoing assessment program at Rosanna Primary school and we encourage our students to participate in these tests in a supportive environment, with the aim for all students to show their abilities. The data from NAPLAN is included in the larger context of all school assessment data and results are distributed to families later in the year. If you would like any more detailed information about the NAPLAN tests, please see your class teacher, area coordinator or myself. RPS CROSS COUNTRY Congratulations to all those students who participated in the school cross country today. There were flashes of house colours, red faces and cheering teams. I saw many children giving their utmost effort in the run and was very proud of the persistence I saw. Good luck to those who are moving forward to the next level. ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Notifications and Website Take the time to download our new Tiqbiz App. It provides area specific updates as well as opportunities to send absentee notes ... and more! The instructions are included in today's newsletter. Each student will receive a note today with a code that will allow you to register for notifications relevant to your child and our school. If you need further help or support, speak with Matthew Buckley or myself. A team of expert senior students will also be able to help you after assembly on Monday! Keep your eye on our website from next Monday ... there are some changes you are sure to enjoy! Working Bee It has been great news to hear our old building has been scheduled for demolition but there is some work ahead. There are a number of items such as bat tennis nets, pavers and other bits and pieces that need to be moved. There are also the regular jobs that need to be completed around the school such as trimming of trees, clearing of gutters, painting and removal of branches. For these reasons, the Facilities Committee has scheduled a working bee for Saturday 30th May starting with a 1.00pm briefing in the staffroom. Please write it in your diary and keep an eye on the newsletter for upcoming preparations. You can register your attendance by calling the office or speaking with me. Online Publishing Permissions and ICT Student Agreement This week two very important permission forms went home. The Online Publishing Permission invites parents and students to consider granting permission for the publication of a student’s recognisable facial image online and/or the publication of students work online. The second paper invites students and parents to share the understanding and importance of appropriate use of technology. A great deal of discussion has taken place in the formation of these documents and parents are encouraged to discuss them with their children before returning them signed. They are part of an ongoing educational emphasis across school which ensures the teaching of cyber safety is embedded in classroom learning. Please ensure both these forms are returned by Friday 8th May. SCHOOL COUNCIL The following took place at this week’s meeting Acceptance of 2014 Annual Report Approval of year 5/6 camp arrangements Approval of new school App and website arrangements Approval of a range of financial management actions Acceptance of Instrumental music teacher agreement Acceptance of various sub-committee reports Discussion of Old Building Removal process Attitudes to School Survey This week, students in Years 5 and 6 have completed the annual Attitudes to School Survey. Students in other grades will also be completing similar surveys in the days to come. These surveys seek to gauge the wellbeing of students while offering insight into student perspectives on engagement. The results are used to inform teaching and learning within the school and ensure students are connected and engaged in their learning. 2016 PREP ENROLMENTS Just a reminder that we invite prospective parents to attend an evening information session and school tour at 7.15 p.m. on Wednesday 6th May. In addition, we are booking school tours during school time which gives families an opportunity to see the school ‘in action’. Please contact the office for more information about booking a tour. ACMA Follow Up Many found the recent parent presentation on Cybersafety insightful. One parent commented, ”For the first time I showed my kids a few things on computers that they didn't know!" Please take time to read the attached flyer on the use of Instagram. It will be part of a fortnightly resource that we hope will inform our families further to ensure all children are safe online. We have received many enrolments for prep in 2016 already and would encourage you to complete your enrolment forms and forward them to the school office as soon as possible. If you know any friends or neighbours who intend to enrol at Rosanna next year, please ask them to contact the school office. Heather McIntosh Principal Jeff Jackson Assistant Principal STUDENTS OF THE WEEK Congratulations: Abdullahi Jibril, Inuli Martino, Mikayla Wilson, Sumeyah Abdiraham, Harris Petsetas, Emma Hope, Ashlie Magro, Harry Barnes, Abbey Beard, Joyce Liu, Matthew Fife, Scott Gardner, Nardeen Barwary, Mia Stefani, Oisin Taifernopoulos, Abbey Hopkins, Alice Steele, Amelia Marsicovetere. ITALIAN: Elle Butcher HOUSE CUP Music news: In term 2, the grade 3 and 4 students will be learning recorder. Students are required to have their own instrument. I am purchasing a class set so if you need to purchase one, you can place your order at the school office. Cost $8.50. Jendi Bright Music Teacher PARENTS PLEASE ensue your child has their own ART SMOCK that is made of material which will allow paint etc. to penetrate. Many children still do not have their own art smock and new uniforms are expensive!! These can be ordered through the Office and delivered to your child in their classroom. Also, the art room is in need of newspapers. If you have some, could you please drop them off to the Art Room and they will be put to good use! A win to Golden Wattle for week 11. Yearly Totals: Blue Gum =1; Golden Wattle =2; Red Waratah =2; Green Grevillea=4. Thank you, Mrs Martinussen Uniform News Literacy News Premier’s Reading Challenge You still have time to place your special polar fleece order till the end of this week. A reminder to all parents what the expected uniform dress code requirements are for school photos taking place next week Thursday 7th May Book of the Year is a major literacy event at RPS and, as such, the decision has been made not to participate as a school in the 2015 Premier’s Reading Challenge. We feel that by also making the Premier’s Reading Challenge a biennial event (alternating with Book of the Year), we will be able to better focus our resources and efforts to make both of these events exciting, interesting and meaningful to student learning. We encourage students, with the support of their families, to participate in the 2015 Premier’s Reading Challenge as home-based readers. Follow the link to find out more information and the forms to register: s/childregister.aspx The Premier’s Reading Challenge will be back, bigger and better than ever, as a whole-school event in 2016! Students are required to be in Rosanna School Uniform which consists of:- Yellow Rosanna polo shirt - Red Rosanna bomber jacket or red Rosanna windcheater - Plain black track pants / bootleg pants - If girls wear the school dress with tights, we require they wear black tights. Rosanna Primary strongly encourage students to take pride in their personal grooming and presentation. If you require any uniform supplies, you can submit your order to the front office. Orders will usually come home via your child(ren). If you are likely to experience a significant delay in receiving your order, I will contact you personally. Angela Romas Uniform Shop Co-ordinator 0417 030 112 SPORTS NEWS This week we are playing against St Martins at home. All teams will be playing at Rosanna Primary except our football team which will be playing at Macleod Park. Games beginning at 9.45am are football, netball A and girls soccer. Netball B and boys soccer commence at 10.30am All children not involved in a sporting team will participate in a sporting program at Macleod College. No money is required for this program. Good luck to all teams. Kelli Lambert Sports Coordinator Book Club – Term 2 FORPS NEWS Friends of Rosanna Primary School FORPS VOLUNTEER ROSTER SCHOOL PHOTO DAY – Thursday 7th May SESSION TIME Session 1 9am – 11am (4 helpers required) Session 2 11.30am – 1.30pm (4 helpers required) Reminder Book club orders are due back by this Friday 1st May. If you have ordered via the LOOP online system nothing needs to be returned to school and you can also order up until 4th May. Jackie Donohue Book Club Co-ordinator CANTEEN This weeks grade 6 helpers are Kyden Hurst and Gareth Nugent, thank you boys for all your enthusiastic assistance. Many thanks also to the terrific team of parent helpers. Next week, your child/ren will receive a form inviting them to participate in a special morning tea on Wednesday,20th of May. Your child will have a choice of a choc-chip cookie, an M&M cookie or an Anzac cookie with either apple juice or water. The cost is $5.50. Please note: these cookies are a larger cafe style of cookie and will be quite substantial for morning tea. Don't forget that the canteen is closed on Monday during terms two and three! Roster Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1/5 5/5 6/5 7/5 8/5 - Sindia Sette – Geraldine Camilleri – Lorraine Ellingham - Sharon Hunter CANTEEN MANAGER VOLUNTEERS Pam Petsetas Carla D'Artista Yoko Takahashi Kellie Crapper Carla D'Artista Yoko Takahashi Amanda Steele Jenny Nickless MOTHER’S DAY STALL SET UP Thursday 7th May SESSION TIME Thurs 7th May 2.30 – 3.30pm VOLUNTEERS Clare Jones Carla D'Artista Pam Petsetas MOTHER’S DAY STALL – Friday 8th May SESSION TIME Session 1 9.15am – 11am 5 helpers required Session 2 11.30am – 1.30pm (5 helpers required) VOLUNTEERS Clare Jones Kellie Crapper Linda Mileshkin Pam Petsetas Carla D'Artista Carla D'Artista Deb Colosimo Amanada Steele Sayuri Onaka Yoko Takahashi FAIR NEWS – MEETING WEDNESDAY 6th MAY 9am It is Fair this year, so a big year for the FORPS committee who are looking forward to working with all our school community to make 2015 a great success The FORPS committee is looking forward to working with all our school community to make the 2015 fair a great success. This is our major fundraiser for the year so EVERYONE’S input is valued. Please come along to the meeting next week and be a part of this great event. FORPS PARENT CLASS REPS What does it involve?? This year we would like to trial FORPS PARENT CLASS REPS. On this day, we will only be providing breakfast from 7am – 8:30am. WE DO NOT PROVIDE LUNCH, OR MORNING OR AFTERNOON TEA ON THIS DAY. Could parents please ensure they provide lunch, morning and afternoon tea for their child/ren. And as always, no food containing nuts, in line with our Nut Free policy. These volunteers will be the point of contact for all parents within a class group and will be a liaison between FORPS and the parents. Please note that children with existing bookings for after care and before care on this day have been removed. They will be responsible for organizing any social events for the parents within the class or liaising between the year level(s) to involve the broader school community. These can be coffee dates, play dates, parent dinners and be the point of contact for volunteers for any FORPS events that require parent help. Therefore, if you wish to book your children for this day, you will need to go online under After Care at If you would like to be the FORPS champion for your child’s class, please fill out the form below and return to the office. Goodbye to Victoria:Victoria will be finishing her time at Rosanna Oshclub this week. We would like to thank her for all the great work she has done, and we hope to see her back soon! FORPS PARENT CLASS REP SHEET NAME: __________________________________________ MOBILE: ____________________________________ EMAIL: ___________________________________________ CHILD NAME : ___________________________________________ CHILD GRADE: ___________________________________________ (The grade you wish to be class rep for) FORPS COMMITTE CONTACT Nicole Maslin – 0403 230 412 OSHClub News Hi everyone, Last week, we finished with our fun and exciting Hawaii and ANZAC themes. Children made poppies, hand fun making grass skirts and doing the Limbo. They continued to enjoy playing football, bat tennis, skipping and various forms of ball games. PARENT REMINDER: TH NEXT MONDAY, 4 May is a CURRICULUM DAY, SO NO STUDENTS AT SCHOOL! OSHClub is offering a whole day service from 7am – 6pm. For this day to happen, we need at least 15 children enrolled. So please, if you are requiring your child to attend, book online now, they will have a ball with many fun activities planned! PARENTS WILL BE NOTIFIED VIA EMAIL IF THIS DAY IS OR NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! TERM 2 – Week 4: Mother’s Day week. Mon.4th Tue. 5th Wed. 6th Proposed Curriculum Day Craft – Beautiful bath salts and may other fun activities! Art & Craft: I love my mum flower cards Art & Craft: Tissue Flower bouquets Game: Simpsons Thurs. 7th Fri. 8th Before Care Activities Game: Ball Tiggy Finish up Friday After Care Activities Art & craft: Beautiful Bath salts Finish up Friday MAY Before Care Activities After Care Activities Game: Dodge ball OSHC program phone: 0427 966 146 Co-ordinator: Adam Assistant: Fariba OSHClub Head Office: (03) 85649000 All families must be enrolled to attend the program, remember this is free! Please create an account online at All bookings and cancellations can also be managed via your online account. For on the day bookings, please contact the Coordinator direct at the program. COMMUNITY NEWS Special Uniform Offer The fleece jacket is offered once each year as a special order item only. Red Polar Fleece Jacket including yellow embroided school logo Price $43.00 If you wish to make a purchase please return the slip below including your payment, by Friday 30th April. If you would like to view the jacket a sample will be on display at the front office. Angela Romas – Uniform Shop Coordinator (0417 030 112) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Return by Friday 30th April I wish to order …………………………… (Quantity) Red Fleece Jacket(s) for my child(ren) …………………………………….…………………………………………………………………… (Insert name/s and classes) Size 4 (please circle) 6 8 10 12 14 16 NB. Only even sizes are offered Enclosed is my payment of $……………………………………………. Signed……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Parent/Guardian Name………………………………………………………………………………. ROSANNA BOOK FAIR Dear Parents and Families: Reading is the most important skill you can teach a child. Of all the skills children learn, it is the one you can influence the most. We invite you to visit our Scholastic Book Fair and experience a celebration of reading that provides families the opportunity to get involved in a universal mission: encouraging kids to open a world of possible. Our Scholastic Book Fair theme – Kings, Queens and Castles: Enter the Kingdom of Books! – surrounds students in the celebration of reading with hundreds of fun, engaging, affordable books for them to discover. Giving kids access to good books and the opportunity to choose their own books will motivate them to read more, and like most acquired skills, the more children practice reading, the better they’ll achieve. Reading is vital to every child’s success, and raising children as readers means getting involved while they’re young. Now is the time. Since there will never be a substitute for a parent’s direct involvement in his/her child’s education, please make plans to visit our Book Fair. Hope to see you there! Book Fair Dates: Shopping Hours: From Wednesday 27th May to Friday 29th May 2015 Wed 3:30 to 4:30pm Thursday/Friday 8:30 till 9:00am – 3:30 till 4:30pm WIN!! WIN!! WIN!! : During the book fair we have three $20 vouchers to give away! Keep a look newsletter for details on how to win. Michelle & Rhonda out in the
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