N e w C o N s u...

N e w C o n s u lta n t G u i d e
Table of Contents
Important information and dates...........................4
Product incentives.....................................................5
F.R.A.N.K. List.............................................................6
Launch Party...............................................................8
Dreams...................................................................... 10
Success Tracking...................................................... 11
Party Prep................................................................. 12
Booking Seeds.......................................................... 13
Hostess Coaching................................................... 14
Recruiting.................................................................. 15
Recruiting Seeds...................................................... 15
Mission and Core Values........................................ 16
Welcome … to the
Norwex Family!
Congratulations on your decision to become part of the Norwex
team and commit yourself to creating a fresh start! As you are now
self-employed, you can experience the freedom to establish your goals,
set your own hours, define the scope of the business you wish to build
and pursue your dreams.
Although you are your own boss, you are not alone. Norwex believes
strongly in supporting our new consultants, offering a variety of training
resources. We want to partner with you as you expand your business.
One valuable resource is your upline, who is committed to your success.
Your upline is available to answer your questions and offer training and
support as you step out into this exciting venture.
At Norwex we always encourage open communication. You are
welcome to exchange ideas and offer comments about our products.
As a valued member of the Norwex team, your success is our success.
We believe in you, our products, and the satisfaction that awaits you.
With ownership of your business comes responsibility to uphold the
Norwex core values of Integrity, Trust and Respect.
Welcome to Norwex! We look forward to working with you!
Debbie Bolton,
Senior Vice President of Sales North America
Team work makes
the Norwex dream work.
Customer Care:
My Consultant ID #:
Recruiter’s Name:
Recruiter’s Phone #:
Leader’s Name:
Leader’s Phone #:
New Consultant Webinar:
Shadow a Party:
New Consultant Training:
Team Meeting:
Team Meeting:
Team Meeting:
Launch Party Date:
FreshSTART ending Date:
FreshSTART ending Date:
FreshSTART ending Date:
FreshSTART ending Date:
FreshSTART ending Date:
I love how our new FreshSTART
Program offers great incentives to get people
motivated! From the day you sign your
contract, Norwex rewards you for all the
effort you put in! Norwex knows that if our
recruits get off to a great start, they will create
a strong business for themselves. Thank you
for these tools which make giving the Gift of
a Norwex Business so easy!
Barbara Houser
Executive Sales Leader, Cambridge Ontario
… and receive FREE Product!
… with your F.R.A.N.K. List
Build your F.R.A.N.K. list, build your business and make your dreams come true! This activity will help you build your initial
contact list for potential bookings. Think of everyone you know. Once you have your list, pick up the phone and start sharing
the exciting opportunity to host a Norwex Party!
Contact Name
F riends
R elatives
A cquaintances
N eighbors
K ids friend’s parents
Phone NumberLaunch Party Guest
Booked Party Date
Your success starts with YOU!
Believe in yourself and make
your dreams come true!
… with your Launch
To get your business off to a strong start, hosting your own launch party is powerful! Your friends and
family get to see Norwex in action within a party setting. Once they experience a Norwex party, they’re likely to
host their own! Work closely with your recruiter as you plan your business launch, and focus on being the best
hostess ever!
Sonya Eckel – VP Sales Leader, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Launch Party Checklist:
q My Launch Party Date: _______________________________
qInvite Guests:
1. Call each guest and personally invite them to attend the launch of your Norwex business.
2. Think big, make it a goal to have 10-15 YES guests in attendance.
3. Encourage guests to bring a friend to your Launch Party celebration.
4. Create an enthusiastic booking script:
“Hi <insert guests name> Do you have a second? I’m calling today because I am launching my new business with Norwex and
I would love to get your opinion on our simple, easy and safe cleaning solutions. I will be holding my grand opening launch party
on <insert date> where I will be sharing some economical time saving solutions for your home. Can I reserve a seat for you?
Yes Response: Great, I will see you on Saturday at 2 pm. Don’t forget to bring a friend.
No Response: Can I count on your support to help me get my business started by being one of my first hostess? All you need
to do is introduce me to your friends and I’ll do the rest. I could really use the practice and you will earn free products and have
a great time. What do you think? Great, which is better for you, (next available date) or (alternate date)? Thanks, I really
appreciate your help!”
qDon’t be afraid to leave an invitation on their voice mail.
q Make reminder calls the day before your Launch Party.
q Book 3 or more parties to be held in your first 30 days to build your customer base and book additional parties during
your FreshSTART Program.
DAY 1 – 30
Goal: 3 or more Parties
DAY 31 – 60
Goal: Recruit 2 Consultants | Hold 4 Parties
DAY 61 – 90
Goal: Promote to Team Coordinator
… with Your Dreams
What’s your dream? It is to travel, renovate, buy a new vehicle, meet new people, save for a child’s education, plan for retirement,
or maybe it’s to take control of your time. Living your dreams is closer than you might think. You just have to identify them. Take
a few minutes now to clarify what it is that you want to achieve during the first 90 days of your Norwex business:
1. My DREAM is to _____________________________________
2.I plan to dedicate __________ hours to my business each week.
3.I plan to hold __________ number of parties in my first 30 days. My end date is _____________.
4.I plan to hold __________ number of parties in my first 60 days. My end date is _____________.
5.I plan to hold __________ number of parties in my first 90 days. My end date is _____________.
6.I plan to earn $ __________ in my first 90 days
7.I plan to become a Team Coordinator by: _____________
8.I plan to become a Sales Leader by: _____________
What is the key to success-Setting
Goals! Can you imagine trying to figure out
your path without a plan? Setting goals gives
you a plan, not only for personal reasons,
but also for having a clear vision for your
business. Weekly, monthly and yearly goals
will give you a vision for your future; they
will make you feel at ease knowing you have
a plan in place to move forward each day.
My eye is always on the prize! Keep your eye
on the prize, and I guarantee you will have
success beyond your expectations!
Maria Sharp
VP Sales Leader, Abbotsford, BC
… with Success Tracking
Once you have identified your dreams, you must take action. Using the FreshSTART Program as your guide, decide what you
want to earn by creating a business plan that inspires you. Tracking party activity is the key to understanding if the actions you
are taking are effectively helping you achieve your goals.
Launch PartyTotal Party
DateSalesEarnedLead NameLead NameLead NameLead Name
HostessTotal Party
NameSalesEarnedLead NameLead NameLead NameLead Name
… with Party Prep
We know you are excited about your upcoming parties! Here is a checklist to organize and familiarize yourself with the tools and
training available to ensure you are successful.
Complete the Direct Deposit Enrollment
qShadow a party with your recruiter or upline leader
Participate in the New Consultant Webinar
qAttend New Consultant Training
qAttend an upcoming Team Meeting
qWatch Product Information DVD
qWatch Complete Training DVD
Read your Norwex Consultant Manual
Check in with your recruiter or upline leader
qLogin to the CS website: www.norwexcs.com
Practice your presentations using the Party Cards
qAssemble Hostess and Recruit Packages
Familiarize yourself with the catalog and products
PARTY supplies:
Norwex Starter Kit
Party Cards
Raffle Tickets
Give Away Prizes (i.e. skin care samples,
travel cloths or one of your free products)
Hostess Package
Recruiting Package
qOrder Forms
Cash Float
Month At a Glance Calendar highlighted
with available booking dates.
Monthly Specials for Customers
and Hostesses
I truly love partying because I have
my “time” back! Now I get to volunteer
in my kids’ classrooms, help out at our
church and play in our new pool (thanks
to Norwex) with my kids all summer long.
I make way more money doing parties
then I ever made working full time! I have
complete control of my schedule and I never
have to ask for the day off to spend it with
my family – I get every day with them!
Kim Bristle
Executive Sales Leader from Raymond, MN
… with Booking Seeds
Booking Seeds are short, subtle phrases peppered throughout your Norwex presentation to encourage guests to host their own
party. Sprinkling in 3-5 seeds throughout your show will create a desire in your guests to book. The more you sow, the more your
bookings grow!
“I want to thank (Hostess) for inviting me into her home to share our amazing Norwex products with all of you.
(Hostess) loved them so much that she wanted to share them with you and because of her generosity and support,
(Hostess) is going to take advantage of a shopping spree for free with Norwex. I want to thank her for being my
business partner, and I can’t wait to offer each of you the same opportunity later tonight!”
During Presentation:
“When you have your own Norwex party, this incredible (Hostess Special) could be yours for only ($)!”
“If you have fallen in love with more than your budget or credit card will allow, hosting a party is an excellent way
to get Norwex product free! See me before you leave tonight so that we can schedule your shopping spree!”
“I am sure many of you here have friends who have never been to Norwex party – let’s introduce them to the products together.”
“Is the <insert item> the one thing you just can’t see yourself living without? Well, I know that (Hostess) is wanting
this <insert item> in her shopping spree – and you can earn it for free too, just ask me how!”
“On average, my hostess earns xxx amount of free product just by simply having me in to clean her house! Just think of how impressed
your friends will be.”
Wrap up/end:
“Ladies and Gentlemen, there are three ways to bring Norwex into your home tonight:
1. You can spend money: If you have fallen in love with a few items, I invite you to be part of the solution and treat yourself and your family
tonight. I will be taking orders individually and accepting cash, cheques, VISA and MasterCard.
2. You can save money: If you have fallen in love with many items, I encourage you to take advantage of our Hostess Benefits and Hostess
Specials by letting me treat you to a free shopping spree at your very own Norwex party.
3. You can earn money: If you have fallen in love with everything and want it all, ask me how to start your very own Norwex business.”
“Ladies and Gentlemen, there are three ways to bring Norwex into your home tonight:
1. Love a few; place an order.
2. Love a lot; book a party.
3. Love it all; start your own part-time Norwex business!”
Order Taking:
“So <insert name> let me ask you, what are the items you can’t imagine living without? I would love to offer you the opportunity to earn
these items free – if you were to book a party, does a weekend or weekday work best for you? Weekday, great! What day is the best –
Friday! I have the following 2 dates available, which one works best for you?”
It seems like you had an amazing time tonight, and your wish list has many items on it. Why don’t we turn those wish
list items into a free shopping spree? If you were to book a party, does a weekday or weekend work best for you?
“Is there any reason why you wouldn’t want to earn some of these products free? I would love to give you a shopping spree!”
… with Hostess Coaching
One of the secrets to success is partnering with your hostess. Together you will plan the perfect party experience for her and her
guests. It all begins with creating a Hostess Planning Package filled full of party organizing tips and tools.
Hostess Package Contents:
Hostess Planning Envelope
Norwex 4 Star Hosting Plan Brochure
2 – 3 Catalogues
10 – 12 Order Forms
qSuccess Builder Brochure with Norwex contract.
Monthly Host and Customer Specials
qThank you Note
Create extra Hostess Planning Packages to give to new hostesses upon
booking them at your parties. This will save time and inspire her to start
creating her guest list right away. It is a good idea to provide a Hostess
Planning Package to the guests that book but do not attend a party.
Don’t forget to provide your hostess with an extra Hostess Planning
package so she can encourage anyone not attending her party to
host their own!
In my experience, hostess coaching
really makes a difference in the host’s
excitement about her party — and that will
reflect in her enthusiasm prior to the party
date. She will encourage her guests to attend
and also to host parties themselves. I have
noticed that when I coach a host; party sales,
future party bookings and recruiting are
much higher than if I did little or no hostess
coaching. Plus, it’s nice to make that
connection and build a relationship with your
hostess. She becomes someone that trusts you
with her future purchases, recommends you to
her friends and helps you share your business
with others.
Kristina Kramer
Sr. Executive Sales Leader, Parkers Prairie, MN
Hostess coaching checklist:
1st Call
Review Packet and Build Excitement
qAsk “is this a good time to talk?”
qThank her for hosting!
q Confirm the party date / time
q Review the 4–Star Hosting
Plan Brochure
qDiscuss any monthly specials
qAssist with creating her wish list
q Help create her party guest list
• Teach her who and how to invite
• Remember phone invites are best
q Goal to have 10-15 YES guests in
attendance. Ask her to over invite
qSet the expectation for outside
orders and sales
qOutline the methods of payment
qEncourage guests who can not
attend to book a party
qSuggest she keep refreshments
simple. Coffee, tea & cookies
qLet her know you are building a team
qAsk if she has any questions
qSet up a time for your second call
2nd Call
Gear up Hostess’s Enthusiasm
qAsk “is this a good time to talk?”
q Be enthusiastic, encouraging and
q Review guest list / RSVP’s
q Review outside orders
qAsk if any guest not attending is
interested in booking
qDiscuss your demonstration needs
q Request private “check out” space
qAsk if she has any questions
qOvercome any objections
q Reminder her that you are building
a team
qSet up a time for your third call
3rd Call
Guest Confirmation and Directions
qAsk “is this a good time to talk?”
qExpress your appreciation
q Confirm party start time
q Review guest list / RSVP’s
q Review outside orders
qAsk if any guest not attending is
interested in booking
qEmphasize the importance of
reminder calls to guests
q Remind her to serve simple
refreshments. Coffee, tea & cookies
qInvite her to take a look at the
business opportunity
q Get directions and confirm your
arrival time
q Convey your confidence that the
party will be a huge success!
… with Recruiting
What makes the Norwex business opportunity unique? It all starts with a superior product that is grounded by our core values,
ideology and mission. It is our mission
“to improve the quality of life by radically reducing
the use of chemicals in personal care and cleaning.”
We accomplish this with the assistance of our Consultants inspiring, educating, and inviting others to become part of our Norwex
family. We are building a legacy at Norwex one party at a time, one home at a time. You can lead the way by recruiting other like
yourself. Assist us with our mission while helping other independent business owners fulfill their purpose and dreams.
Who do you know that would benefit by becoming a Norwex Consultant? Take a minute to review your F.R.A.N.K. list and
highlight the men and women you know that would make excellent ambassadors of our product and mission. Norwex might be a
perfect fit for them
• Do they love or hate to clean?
• Do they feel passionate about people or the environment?
• Are they looking for a home based business opportunity or way to make some extra
money to help with household bills, pay for renovations or save for vacation or retirement?
Your first recruits may be on your F.R.A.N.K. list or be one of your hosts or customers. Never prejudge, offer everyone the gift of
Norwex, like you have been given. Begin sharing the Norwex business opportunity by building a team and move yourself along the
Norwex career path towards greater rewards.
Goal today:
become a Team Coordinator in your first 90 days!
… with Recruiting Seeds
Recruiting Seeds are short one liners that extend an invitation to
examine the Norwex business opportunity. Sprinkling in 3-5 seeds
throughout your presentation will create a desire to join Norwex.
Here are a couple of examples of phrases that you can say during
your party:
“One Norwex party a week can pay off your credit card or cover a payment
for a new car”
“Did you know that Norwex Consultants can sell part-time,
full-time or big-time?”
“What would you do with an extra $400 or more a month?”
“I love making an average $100 per party!”
“I love having my own business. I always wanted to be the boss and set
my own hours.”
“I sell Norwex part-time and I make full-time pay!”
“I party for a living!”
“Sometimes I wonder if everyone loves their job as much as I do!”
“I renovated a room with my Norwex earnings”
“I get paid to have fun and socialize. What could be better than that?”
The benefits of recruiting for your
Norwex business just can’t be measured.
Your new team will have you looking at
your business from angles you may never
have considered. In addition, consistent
recruiting practice increases your income.
Their questions (and the answers you
learn as you go) will be the best possible
Norwex education you could have. And
the amazing part is that you’ll be forging
new friendships and relationships that
will last a lifetime.
Carolynn Wain
Sr Executive Sales Leader, Niagara Falls, ON
… with the Norwex Core Values
At Norwex, our Core Values are as important as our company mission and are based upon the highest moral standard. Although
values are often unwritten rules about how people should interact, we take great care in defining and upholding these standards:
Integrity – the quality of being honest and morally upright
• Walk the talk
• Be sensitive to moral issues
• Act ethically
Trust – the expectation or belief that one can rely upon another person’s actions or words
• Invest in your Norwex business
• Take on new responsibility
• Fulfill commitments
Respect – implies you hold the person in high regard
• Speak highly of and give credit to others
• Include people
• Treat all fairly
All human beings deserve respect just because they are human beings.
With these Core Values as your foundation, you will have complete confidence to share Norwex with everyone on your
F.R.A.N.K. List.
P.O. Box 714
Dauphin, Manitoba, R7N 3B3, Canada
Toll Free: 1-877-766-7939
Fax: 1-877-622-3620
Email: customerservice@norwex.com
Printed in Canada