ROTARY CLUB OF BATEMANS BAY INC (Far South Coast NSW) Chartered 10 June 1960 District 9710 International President: (Taipei,Taiwan) District Governor: District Governor Elect: Assistant Governor: District 9710 Website: Gary C.K Huang Rowley Tompsett (Denise) Monica Garrett Vere Gray THE BULLETIN – 2015 Thursday 23 April 2015 President: Secretary: Treasurer: Alan Russell Garry Gray Bruce Clarke Website: Meeting: 2732 BOARD 2014-5 President: Alan Russell President Elect: Vere Gray Immediate Past President David Ashford Secretary Garry Gray Treasurer: Bruce Clarke Club Administration Vere Gray Public Relations: John Harper Foundation & International: Peter Wood Community: Bruce Gruber Vocational: Hugh Scott Youth: Peter Richardson Membership: Neil Simpson Observers: Manning Jeff Thorpe/ Maureen -/-/-/-/-/-/- Club Welfare Officer: Trainer: Sergeant: Memorabilia: Public Officer: Joe Scorer Maureen Manning John Law Valerie Brandenburg Peter Kable -/-/-/-/-/-/- PORTFOLIO TEAMS Administration: Vere, Chris, Margaret, Ron Community Service: Bruce G, Jill, Val, Bruce C International/Foundation: Peter W, Jeff, Joe, David A, Heidi Membership: Neil, Michael, Robbie, Maureen M Public Relations: John Harper, John Haslem, Hardy, Garry Vocational: Hugh, David H, Maureen L, Peter K, Craig Youth: Peter R, Ivan, John L, Alison, Sue, Alan, Maureen Special Projects: David A, Robbie, Chris, Vere 2014-15 Community Project: Alan, Garry, John L, Val. *** SAVE THE DATE*** MEETINGS 1. 2. 3. ROTARY LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE BAY WATERS Continues May 17, June 14. COMMUNITY GRANTS Applications close 1 May RMC DUNTROON BAND SATURDAY MAY 2nd- BBHS How are the ticket sales going?? SPECIAL NOTE David Ashford has collected names for the Roster but if you missed the last meeting and can contribute time or food please let David know asap. Coordinator at the event will be Neil Simpson MC at the event will be David Harding. Please keep advertising this wonderful annual event. The Four Way Test This week – Thursday 30 April 2015 Function: Meeting: 2732 Partners welcomed Venue: Bay Waters Resort Time: 6 for 6.30pm Cost: $20pp Program: ANZAC Commemoration Guest Speaker: Rod McClure Toast & Grace: Frances Southon Introduction/Thanks: Joe Scorer Rotary 2 Minutes: NA Trainer: NA Next week – Thursday 7 May 2015 Function: Meeting: 2733 Partners welcomed for Mothers Day celebration Venue: Bay Waters Resort Time: 6 for 6.30pm Cost: $20pp Program: Club Fellowship in Pink Meet the new ladies of the Club Guest Speaker: TBC Toast & Grace: Alison Powell Introduction/Thanks: Val Brandenburg Rotary 2 Minutes: Maureen Manning Trainer: Maureen Manning 4. Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? DINNER APOLOGIES Apologies and guests are to be emailed or phoned to Alan Russell by 12 noon each Wednesday. 0468745751 ATTENDANCE LAST MEETING Present: 22 including one partner Apology: Vere & Garry, John & Mary H, Hardy, Peter K, Peter R, Neil, Jeff & Pam, John & Maureen L Rotary Club of Batemans Bay Mission Statement A community focused group of volunteers serving others Meeting 2731 Korners’ Park development plans From the President Remembering The Rotary Club of Batemans Bay already provides funding for a variety of smaller local community activities and initiatives. However, the Community Grants Scheme has been introduced to identify significant major projects in the Batemans Bay local area for possible financial support. We were very sad to see our Rotary Park on Beach Road taken over by the marina development. But the Board has been in discussion on the location of a new park. Warren kindly addressed our meeting on the plans for the redevelopment of Korners’ Park on the north side of the bridge and on how it is being funded. This is the gateway to Batemans Bay and the Council is very keen to have a very attractive park area matching the pleasant environment on the town’s foreshore. We are hoping that we can be part of this plan and have the park renamed to highlight Rotary. Warren addressed what would be required for this to happen. The plans for Korners’ Park and Old Punt Reserve will see a new pathway, retaining walls along the river front, upgraded boat ramp, a new playground and new covered seating and BBQ facilities. An additional aspect could be a quiet area for reflection and contemplation which Warren highlighted as a possible project for us to adopt. The Board will now look at this idea but I did gather from the meeting that there was an acceptance of this possible project and a definite desire for the park to be known as Korners’ Rotary Park. This would fit with our Rotary Trail idea which would link places of interest or beauty, for visitors to our area-Holmes Lookout, Korners’ Park, Corrigans Reserve (especially the Disabled recreational facilities), Observation Point and Caseys Beach would create a great trail to follow. This is a significant Rotary community project to gradually work on over the next few years. DOING OUR BIT!!! COMMUNITY GRANTS Applications close 1 May Thank you to David Ashford for his work with the Shire Council through Warren Sharpe (Director of Infrastructure) over the location of a new Rotary Park. This weekend is very important in the history of Australia and New Zealand. Many tales of what happened on the various war fronts will be recalled but what does stand out is the number of lives lost for freedom. Thank you to our representatives at this year’s ANZAC Day service in Batemans Bay. Tomorrow the world will carry on but I hope that by the size of the crowds at the various services, at home and abroad, that some of the lessons from the tales told will be remembered. I hope that people will be positive in their service towards their fellow man and the creation of a more accepting and peaceful world will result. Let us continue to Light Up Rotary with service before self as often as possible. ROSTERS REMINDER Under this scheme organisations or groups are able to apply for significant funding to develop community infrastructure, implement community service programs or purchase major items of equipment that are of direct benefit to the local Batemans Bay community. As a guide, suitable projects under this scheme would seek funding from $2000 to $25000 and would involve funding from a variety of other sources in addition to Rotary Club funding. Please remind groups in the community that applications close on 1 May. Further Grant scheme details from Neil Simpson DOOR TEAMS THIS MONTH - April- M Manning, R Law, J Scorer, B Gruber (Backup Director) NEXT MONTH -May- R Sydenham, M Oglivy, J Haslem, (P Wood (Backup Director) June- I Ryrie, H Pohlsen, C Watson N Simpson (Backup Director) ROTARY VAN ROSTER CORRIGANS BEACH MARKETS * means getting the ice and milk 17th May 21st June 19th July M Manning*, J Harper, B. Gruber*, G. Gray H. Pohlsen*, I. Ryrie V. Brandenburg, Tow D Ashford V. Gray, Tow B. Gruber Robbie Law, Tow N. Simpson BBPS BREAKFAST CLUB Tuesday 28 April-Joe, Heidi Wednesday 29 April- Maureen M, Chris away help Thursday 30 April- Maureen L + friends Tuesday 5 May- Alan, Densie Wednesday 6 May - Maureen L, Irene Friday 8 May – D Ashford is away for please Any others able to assist please let Maureen Law know. Another way to Light Up Rotary in our community YOUTH EXCHANGE INBOUND Magnus Zarling from Denmark who will be 16 when he arrives in July will need accommodation...any ideas! Task list progress Paper work completed. School acceptance completed. Hosting programme needs our attention! MUNA-we will again be represented BUNNINGS SAUSAGE SIZZLE POSSIBLY MAY 7th (5-7pm) MOTHERS’ DAY PROMOTION June- Saturday 19th August- Saturday 8th WE WILL ALSO BE AT ONE OF THE OPENING EVENTS AT THE NEW STORE THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE FOR OUR CLUB… Every individual here has a role to play. We all give what we can and what you give is greatly appreciated.
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