ROTARY CLUB OF BATEMANS BAY INC (Far South Coast NSW) Chartered 10 June 1960 District 9710 President: Alan Russell International President: Gary C.K Huang Secretary: Garry Gray (Taipei,Taiwan) Treasurer: Bruce Clarke District Governor: Rowley Tompsett (Denise) Thursday 23 April 2015 District Governor Elect: Monica Garrett Website: Meeting: 2733 Assistant Governor: Vere Gray District 9710 Website: BOARD 2014-5 MEETINGS *** SAVE THE DATE*** The Four Way Test President: Alan Russell 1. Is it the TRUTH? President Elect: Vere Gray ROTARY LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? Immediate Past President David Ashford BAY WATERS 3. Will it build GOODWILL and Secretary Garry Gray Continues May 17, June 14. BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Treasurer: Bruce Clarke This week – Thursday 7 May 2015 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all THANK YOU Club Administration Vere Gray Function: Meeting: 2733 concerned? To all who assisted this year for a Public Relations: John Harper Partners welcomed- wear Pink successful Foundation & International: Peter Wood Venue: Bay Waters Resort RMC DUNTROON BAND Community: Bruce Gruber DINNER APOLOGIES Time: 6 for 6.30pm concert on Saturday at BBHS Vocational: Hugh Scott Apologies and guests are to be emailed or Cost: $20pp Some vital statistics are: Youth: Peter Richardson phoned to Alan Russell by 12 noon each Program: Women in Rotary and our Audience -‐ 240 Membership: Neil Simpson Wednesday. Mothers’ Day celebration Observers: Jeff Thorpe/ Maureen Manning Band and crew -‐ 47 0468745751 Guest Speakers: Mary, Frances, -/-/-/-/-/-/Rotarians and Partners -‐17 Margaret, Sue Club Welfare Officer: Joe Scorer Profit -‐ approx. $3000.00 Toast & Grace: Alison Powell Next week this task will return to Vere. Trainer: Maureen Manning Introduction/Thanks: Val Brandenburg ATTENDANCE LAST MEETING Sergeant: John Law This week Rotary material will be delivered to Rotary 2 Minutes: Maureen Manning Present: 21 including Derek Anderson from Memorabilia: Valerie Brandenburg The first drink for all females attending Moruya Club and RYDA Coordinator medical waiting rooms and brochures put Public Officer: Peter Kable will be paid for by the Club! around giving information on Membership-‐let us -/-/-/-/-/-/Apology: Vere & Garry, Margaret, Sue, Bruce PORTFOLIO TEAMS ask people to join us for we have a great Club. C, Valerie, John H,, Chris, Frances, Hardy, Next week – Thursday 14 May 2015 David H, Peter W, Jeff & Pam, Function: Meeting: 2734 THE BULLETIN – 2015 Administration: Vere, Chris, Margaret, Ron Community Service: Bruce G, Jill, Val, Bruce C International/Foundation: Peter W, Jeff, Joe, David A, Heidi Membership: Neil, Michael, Robbie, Maureen M Public Relations: John Harper, John Haslem, Hardy, Garry Vocational: Hugh, David H, Maureen L, Peter K, Craig Youth: Peter R, Ivan, John L, Alison, Sue, Alan, Maureen Special Projects: David A, Robbie, Chris, Vere 2014-15 Community Project: Alan, Garry, John L, Val. Thank you to the Club from RYDA Coordinator Derek Anderson Venue: Bay Waters Resort Time: 6 for 6.30pm Cost: $20pp Program: Club Assembly- Rotary 2015-2016 Guest Speaker: President Elect Toast & Grace: Joe Scorer Introduction/Thanks: Bruce Gruber Rotary 2 Minutes: Peter Wood Trainer: Maureen Manning COMING UP 21 May- Mayors Writing Competition winners ‘14 28 May-Vocation visit- hopefully to the Oncology Unit at Moruya Hospital WANTED URGENTLY A SEWING TEAM TASK- TO SEW ALL BANNERS WE HAVE BEEN GIVEN ONTO A BACKING. KNOWLEDGE OF SEWING WOULD BE AN ADVANTAGE AND SOME SPARE TIME ON THESE WINTER DAYS AND NIGHTS…PLEASE DO NOT BE SHY IN OFFERING. I SHALL COORDINATE DATES ETC BUT I HAVE LITTLE SEWING SKILL TO OFFER! Meeting 2732 ANZACs Remembered Rod McClure gave a most powerful address to the Club. This historian and guide at the War Memorial in Canberra brought alive the experience of visiting Turkey and in particular ANZAC Cove and the surrounding battle fields. The address brought the ANAZC tale alive and no members could have left the meeting unmoved by the passion and knowledge of Rod and of his experiences amongst the graves, amongst the visitors to the site and from his contact with the Turkish people who were genuine in their admiration for the ANZAC men. Thanks to David Ashford for bringing Rod to us. DOOR TEAMS May- R Sydenham, M Oglivy, J Haslem, (P Wood (Backup Director) This was an emotional week for our nation as ANZAC Day was celebrated. Our Club had a series of events which highlighted our thanks for those who served our nation so well so many years ago. Peter Wood laid the wreath at the ANZAC Day parade in Batemans Bay. This was reported as the best parade and service held in the area. The Club was most fortunate to have Rod address us and to tell the tales from the Battlefield. These tales were new and brought home even more the sacrifice made by so many. ROSTERS From the President Linking things together This week Rod McClure gave a most interesting address for 75 minutes on his experiences at ANZAC Cove. To conclude the week the RMC Duntroon Band gave a most amazing concert at Batemans Bay High School. All reports I have had indicated that this was an emotional concert for many but one of the best that has been delivered. My thanks to all who paid a part in linking the ANZAC Theme through this week so that we could remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice- the giving of their life. Lest we forget John Haslem will need cover either from 20 May please or for all of May. He will do another month when he returns. June- I Ryrie, H Pohlsen, C Watson N Simpson (Backup Director) ROTARY VAN ROSTER CORRIGANS BEACH MARKETS What a day! Thank you to all those who helped a little and a lot today for the Duntroon Band concert. It all went very well and many commented that the combination of song selection and the projected images behind made this the best concert ever! A HUGE thanks to David and Mi Ashford who are now relaxing on Green Island after organising all tickets and publicity and all bought food and drinks. A huge thank you also to the many Rotarians and partners who contributed a salad or dessert and who helped on the day. We can only do it so well with team work. Neil Simpson I know who deserves a HUGE thank you. It is Neil Simpson!!! First to arrive and last to leave. And perpetual motion all day. Problem solving, big or small, an eye for detail. Thanks Neil. Bruce Gruber * means getting the ice and milk 17th May st 21 June 19th July M Manning*, J Harper, B. Gruber*, G. Gray H. Pohlsen*, I. Ryrie V. Brandenburg, Tow D Ashford V. Gray, Tow B. Gruber Robbie Law, Tow N. Simpson BBPS BREAKFAST CLUB Tuesday 5 May- Alan, Denise Wednesday 6 May - Maureen L, Irene Friday 8 May – D Ashford is away for please Tuesday 12-Vere, Margaret Wednesday 13 May- Maureen M, Chris away help Thursday 14 May- Maureen L + friends Any others able to assist please let Maureen Law know. BUNNINGS SAUSAGE SIZZLE June- Saturday 19th August- Saturday 8th WE WILL ALSO BE AT ONE OF THE OPENING EVENTS AT THE NEW STORE THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE FOR OUR CLUB… Every individual here has a role to play. We all give what we can and what you give is greatly appreciated.
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