THE BULLETIN AIN: A0019343S Chartered 19 September 1979 ABN: 45 530 065 744 14 January 2015 Edition Rotary Club of Hoppers Crossing (District 9800) “BUILDING OUR COMMUNITY” 2014-15 Club President: Brian Ashworth 2014-15 Club Secretary: David Robson P O Box 1123 Hoppers Crossing 3029 HoppersCrossing Weekly Meetings Each Wednesday 6.30pm for 7.00pm Start DiCaprio Family Restaurant 78 Derrimut Road, Hoppers Crossing, 3029 From the President . . . Many thanks to be shared tonight, including: • Doug for organising the Christmas Function • Nik for Hosting the Barby • All those who ran the Bunning Barby at very short • notice the weekend following the party Members who helped with the parking at Werribee Mansion Next week is a Partner Night. We will be having a Guest Speaker, Robert Ronzio. Robert is from the Clydesdale Society. Please let me know if you will be bringing your partner or any other guest on the night. The week commencing of 26th January is a Scatter Meeting. This is when all members are asked to attend another club meeting instead of us having a meeting. So start considering where you may like to go to visit another club for their meeting. This means we will not be having a meeting on Wednesday 28th January. The incoming GSE team from Louisiana will be welcomed at a dinner on 24th February, which is being organised by Brighton Beach. It will cost $35 per person to attend. The Rotary Club of Wyndham is celebrating its 30th Birthday on 20th February. See you all next week, President Brian The 4 Way Test 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? COMMITTEE REPORTS Social / Fundraising – Doug Greig Social Blues Train Sat 28th March - Still 2 tickets to sell at $120 each. See Doug if interested. Fundraising The Cluster has agreed to raise funds for an International project for this Rotary year to raise the funds all clubs are assisting Wyndham RC with their car parking at Werribee Park. All proceeds go to the Uganda Water Project. The international Committee are organising a speaker early in the New Year to talk to us about this project. The dates / events are: • Sunday 22/2/15 - ' Live on the Lawn'. This does clash with the Clydesdale event, we will sort out in the New Year. • Friday 3/4/15 - ' Cadbury Easter Egg Hunt’. Details to be announced closer to the date. Fundraising for 2015 • Clydesdale Heavy Horse 21- 22 Feb - details TBA. • Bridal Expo; Sunday 3rd May - starting to plan, work, tasks. • Antiques Fair; 17 - 19th July - planning underway. Youth / Vocation – Des O’Shanassy Youth Wynspeak Trade Marking Process Thanks to the recent good work by Immediate past Wynspeak Chair, Linda, the trade marking of the Wynspeak name is now in its final stages. More information will be provided after the next Wynspeak committee meeting. Wynspeak 2015 Launch This will be held at Di Caprio on Wed April 8th – our club will be hosting this year, and, we will be visited by our co-organisers, Hoppers Crossing Apex – more information to be provided once plans are approved by Wynspeak committee. Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) Our Club’s candidate at the recent RYLA camp at Mount Evelyn, Zach Portelli, has kindly agreed to attend our club meeting of Wed 4th March when he will share his experiences and thoughts on the RYLA program. Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN) Our club will sponsor two students from the Grange P12 College to the March RYPEN camp at Camp Weekaway in Lancefield. This will be the second RYPEN camp this Rotary year that our Club has participated in. The students will be identified and selected when school resumes at the end of January. Interact Given that Baden Powell is a P-9 College we will be losing some of our year 9 Interactors from last year as they will be on to other colleges, however, we will receive an input of Early Act members from grade 6 who will be moving into year seven this year and will therefore qualify for Interact membership. A new committee will be elected soon after the commencement of the school year. Visit by School Principal Members may recall that we started a process last year where local school Principals are invited to our Club to provide an insight into the uniqueness and benefits of their school and also details of non-scholastic programs they run for their students. This year we have invited the new Islamic College of Melbourne which is located in Tarneit to present to us. We have also invited this college to enter students in this years Wynspeak competition. Vocational service Rotary Club of Hoppers Crossing Youth Citizenship Award President Brian and I attended the Annual Awards Night of the Hoppers Crossing Secondary College in December and presented a new perpetual shield award to the school and a certificate. We also present a $100 to year 7 student Max Blaik who was selected by the college to receive this annual award for 2014. Max and a representative of the college have been invited to attend our Club on Feb 18 where he will speak about his school and community activities that led to him being nominated by the school. Rotary Adventure in Citizenship This is a new initiative by our Club, where we have an opportunity of sending a year 11 student to Canberra for a week-long experience in May. This program assists students with a real interest in politics and the parliamentary process to gain a first hand understanding and experience of how Federal Government works. They will visit Parliament, meeting the President of the Senate, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and journalists from the Press gallery. They will also visit and be provided with historical details of the War Memorial and Institute of Sport. This program is designed to increase their understanding of Citizenship and the parliamentary system. With the support and assistance of Senior teaching staff at Thomas Carr College, our Club has selected Austin Deppeller to attend this program. Some members with good memories may recall Austin’s speech at last year’s Wynspeak competition, which has a political edge. He has a great interest in politics and is an ideal candidate. Austin will be invited to our Club on his return to detail his experiences. Youth Leadership and Philanthropy Recognition New member Khurram has proposed a series of recognition awards designed to motivate, support, promote and recognize both leadership and philanthropic activities pursued by Young people within the boundaries of the City of Wyndham at local and International levels. Categories include: • ‘Young Leader of the Year” for students aged 12-17 years attending colleges with our City Boundaries • “New Resident Leader of the Year” • “Young Indigenous Leader of the year” Khurram will now commence planning on an implementation package and timeline, and will present a final draft to the Youth committee in February after which the proposal will be put to the Board as it is intended to be ongoing. Significant Vocations Based Project At our last Youth Committee meeting in December, it was agreed that the Club would undertake a significant Vocations based project between now and the end of this Rotary year and several options were put to committee members. We are very grateful that Youth Committee member Greg Beirne has since presented a wonderful proposal to the committee regarding the clubs possible future involvement in a stroke victims support and mentoring program named “Life after Stroke” for stroke survivors. many years ago). Rotary has an obligation to maintain contact with sponsored clubs, so Bob will be attending an upcoming breakfast meeting at the Hoppers Club in order to ascertain the current status of this club regarding membership. Activities and any issues they Community / International – Louise Bugeja Christmas Spirit It was a proud moment being a Rotarian and seeing the pure gratitude of Lt Lance Jeffreys when we presented him with a cheque toward the Christmas Day lunch. Lance spoke to us about what a long way this money would go and how the increase of families needing help this year compared to the decrease in funding provided. Everyone (I think) present was moved by the enormity of the work the staff and volunteers at the Salvos do and the numbers of families needing help. He explained that in a two-week period prior to our Christmas Dinner there they had assisted 215 people, which covered over 700 family members. Members were very generous on the night. Not only did they donate non-perishable items, they sent the hat around the room (thanks to Eil for initiating this) and collected another $300 towards the Christmas day festivities at the centre, and, also where possible for members ad partners to do so, some have volunteered to go down there and help out on Christmas Day! Congratulations and thank you to everyone for supporting so many local residents of Wyndham. We all know how far what we contributed will go. The Community Committee will continue to build our relationship with the Salvos and meet early in the New Year, to discuss how we can continue to support and develop our positive working relationship. Greg has taken the initiative of contacting the organisers of this existing program started by the Rotary Club of Kew and will be meeting program representatives in coming weeks with a view to providing both personal and club support for this program. Our club may become involved in training for mentoring roles at a future date – well done Greg, who will be driving this project. Environmental Project For some time we have talked about having a hands on activity rather than just feeling like ‘we give out cheques’. Some work was done last year in trying to get a project up and running but we had little success. Alan has been in contact with Vic Road and it is looking positive for the club to do a project on the Federation Trail in approximately March next year. Probus Club of Hoppers Crossing The Youth committee members Greg and Bob will be making contact with the Probus Club of Hoppers Crossing (which our club sponsored Fight Against Ebola When the outbreak of Ebola occurred, as a club we agreed to make a donation to support the fight. (This was before the committees were reformed). We were making progress in coordinating overseas to send a donation but then communication ceased. During DG Verso’s visit he mentioned to us that several clubs had enquired about setting up a fund up to support the fight against Ebola. We are waiting to hear from District on this. Uganda Water Project (International Cluster Project) We recently received a proposal for a groundwater bore supply for a location in Western Uganda. This has been marked as a cluster international project. During a recent cluster meeting it was decided that all clubs within the cluster would assist with car parking marshalling at events at Werribee Park and that all funds raised by working in these events will be donated to this project. This relates to the announcement from Doug for volunteers for car parking shifts at the Park. Community Cluster Project The idea of a community cluster project was raised and a few ideas were discussed about locations where a community cluster project would be very beneficial. The committee will continue to research this area and may propose this for the 2015-2016 Rotary year. DATES TO REMEMBER Attendance 21st Jan 28th Jan 4th Feb Alan Makin No meeting Linda Scott Fellowship and Fines st 21 Jan 28th Jan 4th Feb Callum Scott and Des O’Shanassy No meeting Frances Farrugia and Trevor Jago Members Birthdays & Anniversaries th 19 Jan 22nd Jan Colin Styles Trevor Jago Rotary Anniversaries 31st Jan Colin Styles Diary Dates st 21 Jan 28th Jan 5th Feb Guest Speaker Robert Ronzio Scatter Meeting – No Club Meeting Wynspeak Committee Meeting 18th Feb 21st – 22nd Feb 22nd Feb 4th March 5th March 5th March 28th March 2nd April 3rd April 8th April 30th April 3rd May 5th May 12th May 19th May 21st May 26th May 3rd June 17 – 19 July Max Blaik - Youth Citizenship Awardee Clydesdale Competition Catering Parking Marshalls – Live on the Lawn RYLA Candidate - Zach Portelli International Women’s Day Breakfast Wynspeak Committee Meeting Blues Train Wynspeak Committee Meeting Parking Marshalls – Cadbury Easter Egg Hunt Wynspeak Launch – Di Caprio Wynspeak Committee Meeting Bridal Expo Wynspeak – Heat 1 Wynspeak – Heat 2 Wynspeak – Heat 3 Wynspeak – Heat 4 Wynspeak – Heat 5 Wynspeak Final Antique Fair Super Tuesday Commuter Bike Count 2015 (Alan Makin) Bicycle Network is conducting Super Tuesday, Australia's biggest annual bike count, on Tuesday 3 March 2015 from 7am to 9am. This program helps to build a case for developing better bike riding infrastructure. The link for the Bike Count 2015 is: al/better-conditions/459/ Registrations for Super Tuesday are open on Monday 19 January at 8am for previous counters, and on Tuesday 20 January at 8am for everyone else. Get ready to register next week to secure your favourite count site on the day. Please visit the Super Tuesday website to see if you can find a site in your municipality. It is an easy self-registration procedure and they will follow up with emailed maps of the location you select (first come-first served basis) and data recording sheet. There is even a free tee shirt for your efforts! Each person who successfully completes the count will receive a $50 donation as a reward for his or her work. After the count you send the info back electronically and by snail mail (as a back up). By nominating the "Rotary Club of Hoppers Crossing" as your not-for-profit organisation they will ask you for an e-invoice so they can give the $50 to the club. Forward this e-request to our illustrious Treasurer, Mick, who will take it from there. Western Emergency Relief $etwork (WERN) A Community Service Project of the Rotary Clubs of Bacchus Marsh, Melton Valley, Sunshine and Wyndham WER$ is a non-profit organization changing lives every day for those marginalized in our society or suffering trauma through emergency circumstances. We help trauma victims recovering from such devastating events as fire and flood. WER$ also assists in situations such as family violence, refugees and the homeless. WER$ is made up of people and organizations who care and want to make a difference. ! Do you want to make a difference to lives of others? ! Do you want to help people in crisis? ! Can you afford a few hours per month with like-minded people helping others? ! Can you assist our valuable program through financial or physical assistance? If you want to get involved, know someone who could help or you wish to donate furniture, bedding, electrical or whitegoods please contact below representatives. With grateful appreciation to Eastern Emergency Relief $etwork WER$ Manager, Boris Schwartz M. 0427 821 243. Program Chair: PDG Ross Butterworth P. 03 8742 5610 M. 0411 228311 8 Jamieson Ct. Eynesbury 3338 E. Western Emergency Relief Letwork (WERN) January 2015 Lewsletter A Community Service Project of the Rotary Clubs of Bacchus Marsh, Melton Valley, Sunshine and Wyndham WERL is a non-profit organization changing lives every day for those marginalized in our society or suffering trauma through emergency circumstances. We help trauma victims recovering from such devastating events as fire and flood. WERL also assists in situations such as family violence, refugees and the homeless. WERL is made up of people and organizations who care and want to make a difference. WERL is now up and running. We become incorporated as of January 2015 supported by a number of Rotary Clubs in the west of Melbourne and including local business, Councils and Trusts. The latest of these to come on board is the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Trust providing much needed funds to support the growth of the program. CMV Group and Volvo are preparing a furniture delivery van to donate to WERN in a four year deal. Benetas recently donated a large amount of ex-nursing home furniture to WERN to provide us with a great start up stock of chairs, tables, couches and other furniture. VicTrack have donated our Premises with a 12 month lease in West Footscray and this will be our base for the near future. The Committee wishes to thank all involved in preparing the venue, volunteering their time and assistance and sponsoring the Program. If not already involved, your help is also welcomed, if you are in a position to assist with volunteering once a week, once a month or whenever you have some spare time to assist we have light, easy duties to become involved with while helping others in need in our community. Our delivery van only requires a standard car licence to drive it for pick ups and deliveries, our donated furniture needs inspection, sometimes cleaning and occasionally minor repairs. The Before We also have a specific need for Licensed Electrical Testers to tag electrical equipment. So if you want to get involved, know someone who could help or you wish to donate furniture, bedding, electrical or whitegoods please contact PDG Ross Butterworth on the details below or our Program Manager. WERN’s Program Manager Boris has commenced and eager to welcome you to WERN in any way you can assist. Please contact him on 0427 821 243. Please note donations of goods must be by appointment only. & The After – a fabulous clean up job and the move in. A part of the WERN Team with our Manager Boris, second from left. P. 03 8742 5610 Clubs can also adopt the program to support their local community through WERN. If you want to know more about becoming involved or would like a speaker to address your Club or organization please contact us on the details below. Program Chair: PDG Ross Butterworth 8 Jamieson Ct. Eynesbury 3338 M. 0411 228311 E.
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