08 April 2015 - Rotary Club of Port Augusta

Weekly Bulletin:
8 April 2015
Since the last bulletin, five members enjoyed an excellent District Conference in Port Lincoln, while
some of those left at home did a great job catering for the annual Polly Farmer event at the Golf Club,
in lieu of the regular meeting on 25 March. Last week saw committee meetings at Centrals.
Dates of interest:
Chairman President Helen
Opened tonight’s meeting, welcoming those present, and then mentioned that one thing she brought
away from the conference was the need to be less formal if we want new, younger members. If she
seemed less than formal tonight, then having had what little sleep she got over the Easter on the
floor of the office at Peggy’s Retreat might have been the reason! Steve won the annual golf at the
conference, but some creative scoring saw Graham with a trophy to bring home anyway.
12 April—Janice Miller
14 April—Viti Smith
Club Anniversaries
12 April—Gerald Duhring
30 April—John Moss snr
Bottle Roster
This week: Steve & Ron
An invitation from the Rotary club of Northern Yorke Peninsula to their change-over on 27
June encouraged Helen that the end is in sight.
Regarding Youth Exchange, Katrina is arriving from Germany on 20 July, and her first host
family in Quorn, and the school are OK. Shaynee Ackland from Stirling North is our outbound student, and Helen would like someone local to be her counsellor please.
The final presentation by the Occupational Therapy girls was yesterday—very well received.
They were self-funded; Council provided a $400 grant and Tony Mitchell matched that in kind
with printed magnets. They also prepared posters. Their subject was ‘people at risk of social
isolation’, and people will be assessed at discharge from hospital to address this.
Thanks to Colin, Merv and their helpers for doing the Polly Farmer catering, and to Ron for
looking after the Marathon advertising with Channel 4
The Motorcyclist raising money for the fight against malaria is a returned service-man, and
his hosting has been handed over to the RSL
18 April—PETS/District Assembly
at Caritas College
23-24 May—Rotary Leadership
Institute (Adelaide)
Next Week’s Program
15 April—Peter Nichols, RC
Whyalla Norrie talking about Driver
Reviver at the tanks.
22 April—Kirsten Stokes, talking
about her exchange to Germany
In this issue:
1. Welcome
2. Guest speakers
3. Rotary Information
Guest Speaker Madey, founder of the Ignite Cheer Group
This is a dance group for 3-24 year olds, teaching fun and safe dance disciplines as well as cheerleading. It is open to anyone who wants to give it a go and, in its third year now, has gone from 5 to
80 participants (but only 5 young boys so far) with multiple classes in each age group. They have
given demonstrations at numerous community events—and plan to be at the end of our marathon.
They are also competitive, and in Port Pirie last year the 5-7, 10-12 and seniors got great feedback
and won multiple awards. The seniors went to Adelaide for a state event, AusCheer, and were
placed in all events. They are now training and fund-raising for 14 members to attend an international event of cheer-leading in Queensland. This will be a great learning experience and confidence
builder for them. They are working hard at raising enough money to fund this trip. They are also
looking for a new ‘home’ where they can hold their many classes—and display their growing collection of trophies. Many suggestions were forth-coming.
Twelve girls then gave a demonstration of one of their hip-hop routines, coping with the limited space
available. I think it made us all a bit envious of their energetic performance, and it was great to see
that they were obviously enjoying themselves in doing it.
As a footnote, Madey was a former exchange student to Brazil.
Rotary Port Augusta
PO Box 182
Port Augusta SA 5700
0457 460 151
The Guiding Principles
Object of Rotary
The object of Rotary is to encourage and
foster the ideal of service as a basis of
worthy enterprise and in particular, to
encourage and foster:
1. The development of acquaintance as an
opportunity for service;
2. High ethical standards in business and
professions and the dignifying of each
Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity
to serve society;
3. The application of the ideal of service in
each Rotarian’s personal, business and
community life;
4. The advancement of international
understanding, goodwill and peace
through a world fellowship of business
and professional persons united in the
ideal of service.
The Four-way Test
Of the things we think, say and do:
Is it the Truth?
Is it fair to all concerned?
Will it build goodwill and better
Is it beneficial to all concerned?
Avenues of Service
We channel our commitment to service at
home and abroad through five Avenues of
Service, which are the foundation of club
 Club Service focuses on making clubs
strong. A thriving club is anchored by
strong relationships and an active
membership development plan.
 Vocational Service calls on every
Rotarian to work with integrity and
contribute their expertise to the
problems and needs of society.
 Community Service encourages every
Rotarian to find ways to improve the
quality of life for people in their
communities and to serve public
 International Service exemplifies our
global reach in promoting peace and
 Youth Service recognises the
importance of empowering youth and
young professionals through leadership
development programs.
Community—Colin S
Made approximately $1,000 on the Polly Farmer night
We are prepared to help with the RFDS film fund-raiser in June, except for selling tickets
BBQs coming up: 14 April, for 25 at Lake View (Colin & John snr); 15 April, for 25 at Davenport (Colin & Helen); 16 April, unknown number, at Bungala Aboriginal Corp. in Jervois St.
and Cynthia).
day 10.45—1.30.
They the
and we just cook
won by Each
and she drew
of spades—the
and serve—will
charge $500 for all three days.
was $548.75
Reminder of the Group 8 muster at Spear Creek—suggested that members could just go for
the day, not closing
stop the night. (See email from John Moss jnr sent this week)
Next week’s meeting—As you will have seen from the May program,
won the
but drew
of diamonds
so next Committee
week is a 1 in 3meeting,
chance at the
see the
the6 Special
the Club
Helen’s Closing
Remarks meetings have been cancelled. Some
and Community
a PollytoFarmer
past member
has nowfor
the Prospect
as anwho
the District Conference
taking part
Club. They
of what
is required
In free
was taken is
by the
exchange students. President Helen
by email as
given this
formally introduced him at the District Governor’s dinner on Saturday night, and handed him on to
Important note: the following week’s meeting (15th) will be 5.45 for
his new club. The President of the Prospect Club made him welcome and took him along to Sun6pm
start at the
in inCarlton
they wouldArmy
up his ideas
her club (good
luck with
lowed by a fellowship evening at Paul and Viti Smith’s home—124 Flinders Tce.
The meeting was closed in the usual way with the Four Way Test.
- Saturday 15 June is the Roxby District Club’s changeover, celebrating 5 years—a good time is promised to anyone wishing to attend.
- Some great news: this year to date there have been 26 confirmed
cases of polio in the world against 44 to the same time last year. Pakistan 6, Afghanistan 1, and Nigeria 19. Your monetary efforts are conCan you see Someone Else, ready and waiting for the next session to begin
tributing towards this goal and it is so achievable, so please remember
at the District Conference?
the silver bowls on the tables at each meeting for the donation of coins
towards End Polio Now.
- Bottle collectors should note that the recycling depot is closed on
Saturday mornings for the winter months, and the trailer should be
taken to Merv’s place at the end of each collection.
“If things stay the same, we are going backwards!”