22 April 2015 - Rotary Club of Port Augusta

Weekly Bulletin:
15 April 2015
Dates of interest:
Club Anniversaries
30 April—John Moss snr
Chairman President Helen opened tonight’s meeting, welcoming Kirsten Stokes, her parents and a
6-member support crew; also 5 partners, Barb and John D.
- Thanks to the members who worked on the 3 BBQs for the Royal Commission into Child Abuse,
especially Colin Schwab who was there all three days and organized the trailer to be in place.
- She and Colin S. have interviewed Shaynee Ackland and Tyson Richards, both from Stirling North
and attending PASS, for next year’s Youth Exchange and also Peter Wallace-Beach who is keen to
attend the National Youth Science Forum in Canberra next January—they found all three to be good
candidates. (Note, the name in last week’s bulletin that should have been Tyson was one of Helen’s
Bottle Roster
Guest speaker, returning exchange student Kirsten Stokes.
This week: Colin & Helen
After selection and orientation in 2013, Kirsten left for Germany in January 2014. She was eager to
meet her first host family, but they ran a restaurant/hotel/party service, which left them little family
time, and were not the ideal placement. Kirsten realizes that she should have spoken earlier about
their lack of acceptance, but in retrospect says that sticking it out made her a stronger person.
9 May—NDMA show
16-17 May—Group 8 Muster
17 May—Undercover market
20 May—BBQ at Hospital
23-24 May—Rotary Leadership
Institute (Adelaide)
28 June—Pichi Richi Marathon
Next Week’s Program
29 April—mystery guest speaker
She had to start school on the first day she was there and it sounds like school was a positive—she
tried everything in spite of the fact that their standards were higher than here, and their expectations
of her were not great—although she didn’t get marked, her certificate of recognition was enough to
allow her to skip straight from year 10 before she left to year 12 when she got home.
She went to Rotary meetings weekly, and found them interesting—the Rotarians were accepting and
looked after her well for the year. She went on a 3-week tour of Germany with the other exchange
students during this time.
She was excited to meet her second family, and they were a happier match. A daughter was about
to go on exchange to Argentina. She had lots of good experiences with this family. During her
school holidays she was able to visit Erik and his family in Holland. Rotary district arranged for the
students to go to Octoberfest.
Her third family she already knew, and enjoyed her time with them. This included going to their cabin
in the alps when they had to carry everything on foot for about two hours to reach it in the snow. Her
oldest brother was about to become a ski instructor and he taught her to ski well enough to then attend a ski school on the Austrian border where she met lots more nice people. She then went on a
Berlin tour for the students.
Christmas was family oriented—a real tree was decorated, presents opened after tea on 24th, and
then a midnight church service. New Year was seen in with lots of fireworks.
In this issue:
1. Welcome
2. Youth Exchange
3. Reports
Packing her new life in a 30kg suitcase was too hard, and she sent about 20kg more home separately. She had a farewell party to say goodbye to everyone. Hardest was saying goodbye to her
last two host families at the airport.
Kirsten expressed her gratitude for all the support from her Rotary clubs at home and in Germany,
and her family, friends and hosts.
In question time, we found that she is continuing with German at school; the only beer she drank was
under supervision of Rotarians; she put on weight with her first family, but got back to normal later on
(and grew taller as well, we thought); and apart from there being more pork than sheep meat, the
food wasn’t that much different to home.
Community Director Colin
When offered a month at the Coles Undercover Market, doing the gate and BBQ, Colin found that it
was the same weekend as the Group 8 Muster at Spear Creek, but it would be unwise to turn the offer
down, so he is looking for 7 people to work on the Sunday morning.
Rotary Port Augusta
We have been asked for a quote to cater for a group of 150 at the Hospital on 20 May, doing just sausages, burgers and veggie burgers with bread and sauce—no salads.
PO Box 182
Port Augusta SA 5700
Along with Steve and Ron, Colin and Helen, he attended PETS last Sunday and actually enjoyed it! It
and relevant.
that Portand
is going
to trial
for the
Theall Raffle
won byNoted
four ofmeetings
winter period, when many members leave town.
0457 460 151
won the raffle
before a somewhat
unenthusiastic fines session—the silver bowls probably did
them instead
Next week’s meeting—As you will money
from the May program,
The Guiding Principles
Object of Rotary
The object of Rotary is to encourage and
foster the ideal of service as a basis of
worthy enterprise and in particular, to
encourage and foster:
1. The development of acquaintance as an
opportunity for service;
2. High ethical standards in business and
professions and the dignifying of each
Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity
to serve society;
3. The application of the ideal of service in
each Rotarian’s personal, business and
community life;
4. The advancement of international
understanding, goodwill and peace
through a world fellowship of business
and professional persons united in the
ideal of service.
The Four-way Test
Of the things we think, say and do:
Is it the Truth?
Is it fair to all concerned?
Will it build goodwill and better
Is it beneficial to all concerned?
Avenues of Service
We channel our commitment to service at
home and abroad through five Avenues of
Service, which are the foundation of club
 Club Service focuses on making clubs
strong. A thriving club is anchored by
strong relationships and an active
membership development plan.
 Vocational Service calls on every
Rotarian to work with integrity and
contribute their expertise to the
problems and needs of society.
 Community Service encourages every
Rotarian to find ways to improve the
quality of life for people in their
communities and to serve public
 International Service exemplifies our
global reach in promoting peace and
 Youth Service recognises the
importance of empowering youth and
young professionals through leadership
development programs.
jackpot was $548.75
next week
see the
Events Committee meeting, but the
meetings have been cancelled.
thanked Kirsten
for her presentation.
are required
a with
event at
that District Assembly
was a really
25 attendees.
the Golf Club. They know who they are—details of what is required
She did her “would you like to join Rotary?” spiel when she went to her physiotherapist in Quorn, and
will be sent
that she
been to
Science is
in 2000,
from Darwin.
meeting wasnote:
closed with
Four Way Test.
meeting (15th) will be 5.45
for 6pm start at the new Salvation Army complex in Carlton Parade,
followed by a fellowship evening at Paul and Viti Smith’s home—124
Flinders Tce.
- Saturday 15 June is the Roxby District Club’s changeover, celebrating 5 years—a good time is promised to anyone wishing to attend.
- Some great news: this year to date there have been 26 confirmed
cases of polio in the world against 44 to the same time last year.
Pakistan 6, Afghanistan 1, and Nigeria 19. Your monetary efforts are
contributing towards this goal and it is so achievable, so please remember the silver bowls on the tables at each meeting for the donation of coins towards End Polio Now.
- Bottle collectors should note that the recycling depot is closed on
Saturday mornings for the winter months, and the trailer should be
taken to Merv’s place at the end of each collection.
“If things stay the same, we are going backwards!”