BULLETIN of the ROTARY CLUB ofinstead WODONGA We will sit 3 people per side on 4 last year. St CENTRAL ABN: 67 268 576 362 Club No: 18300 President: Ian ELSTON Secretary: Shared position – TBA. iflmelston@gmail.com PO Box 138 WODONGA 3689 Website: http://rotarywodongacentral.org.au/ Bulletin No. 37 in the Rotary Year 2014-2015 Date: 7th April, 2015 This Bulletin constitutes the Record of Proceedings of the club meeting held on Tuesday 7th. April, 2015. At the October meeting the Rotary International Board modified the Rotary International calendar of special observances to highlight the SIX areas of Focus. April: Maternal and Child Health. April – Magazine Month. Have you explored the rich world of Rotary Media? April is magazine month and may be just the time to find on the RI web site links to “The Rotarian”, “Rotary World” and details of the 27 regional magazines published for Rotarians all around the world. ROSTER Chairman Greeter Regalia Cashier Attendance 3 Min. Speaker Sgt. at Arms Photographer School Breakfast Wednesdays th Tuesday 14 . April Henry BANNINGER John WILLIAMS Peter ROGERS Russell ANDERSON Bev LODDING N/R Glenn MACKINNON Geoff POLLARD Not required. 14/4/15 21/4/15 26/4/15 28/4/15 23/5/15 26/5/15 30/6/15 TBA TBA District Assembly. TBA International Night – Raiders Football Club. No meeting. Changeover Dinner. Pres John to PE Glenn For apologies, guests, partners, contact Wodonga Plant Farm on 6056 1561 before 10.00am on the day of the meeting st Tuesday 21 . April Sharon BELL Bill REYNOLDSON Glenn MACKINNON Adrian CRISP Rob CURRIE N/R Jurg von JENNER Henry BANNINGER TBA. th Tuesday 28 . April John WILLIAMS Ian ELSTON Geoff POLLARD Jade TAUBER Peter ROGERS Rob CURRIE Jurg von JENNER Henry BANNINGER TBA Moved by Jurg von JENNEER and seconded by Bev LODDING that Bulletin No. 36 constituted the record of proceedings of the meeting held on 31/3/15. Carried. ATTENDANCE: Last week’s attendance of 76.19% improved to 80.95 % with make up by Peter ROGERS. Attendance for tonight 8/20 for 40.00% Apologies: Sharon BELL, Adrian CRISP, Rob CURRIE, Matt FLAHERTY, Geoff POLLARD, Bill REYNOLDSON, John ROBERTS, Peter ROGERS, Jade TAUBER, Grant and Fiona TAYLOR and John WILLIAMS. Birthdays: Anniversaries: Ian and Loretta ELSTON (20/4) Rotary Anniversary: Sgt-at-arms - Sgt Jurg sounded thetime. go On Tuesday only 1 table of 8 – has to be one of the lowest attendance numbers for some PP Henry BANNINGER’S photo of our 8 attendees. No visitors, no guest speaker. Hopefully Invocation back to some normal numbers this week. Thanks Henry and Jade for the photos in this Bulletin. Toast to Australia International Toast – Proposed by PP Marg to the Rotary Club of Yildiz, Anchora, Turkey Chairman for the night - Acting President Ian continued as chairman for the evening Time on Air - No Time on Air matters tonight Hand over to Acting President Ian Welcomed all Rotarians present Bulletin Accepted from last week Lodding. Jurg von Jenner/Bev. Duty Roster (Next Meeting) As per last week’s Bulletin with the Sargeant being Glenn Mackinnon in place of Jurg. Fine Session held by Sgt Jurg who, after his usual “quality” story imposed fines on all present on the basis of “one in all in”. The reasons for fines were “rubbery” to say the least, but on the basis of how quickly members paid their fines there must have been a “slice” of truth in some of the reasons used. Likewise with “crossfines” these had the usual football basis and other various reasons, however a notable fine to mention was that on PP3 Marg Crisp who is about to head off on a 3 week sojourn through Turkey with a group of Rotarians. Best wishes from all present to Marg, we trust you have a great trip. The session was closed by the Sargeant with another challenging story. “Presidental” matters reported by President Ian (pictured above, and again below – looks a bit like “we did nothing!!!!!” sermon from the Mayor of Essendon). - - PP’s Ian and Marg attended a meeting with Craig Heiner and Ann Telford of North East Water to propose consideration be given to involvement by that organization in activities of our Rotary Club and also specific staff involvement Arnolds BBQ held last Saturday, thank you to all who assisted. Takings were down due to Easter Holiday weekend, but a net result in the order of $220 was obtained which was considered satisfactory. - Next BBQ will be at Aldi on Saturday 18th April, Roster to be filled at next meeting - Last call for members to attend “My Fair Lady” on 15th May; final numbers to be in by next week. Well done Jurg As there was no guest speaker for the evening, and all members present enjoyed a further time of fellowship with a number of matters discussed which Guest speakers, Vocational Visits, Mothers Day Classic event , and a number of “non Rotary” topics. Raffle was drawn, the winning ticket being held by Jurg von Jenner. President John then closed the meeting, thanking all Rotarians for their attendance. Pictured below Arnold and Ina and Vicky (guest of Vicky and Henry) RC Voitsberg – Koeflach, District 1910 Austria, at Horn Lookout, Mt Buffalo. Future dates for the Saints Footy Gates @ Martin Park below. (Aldi BBQ’s every third Saturday of Month – 18/4, 16/5, 20/6, 18/7, 15/8, 19/9, 17/10, 21/11 and 19/12). Football Gates: Round 3 2 May Round 6 30 May (At Bethanga). Round 8 13 June Round 9 20 June (Aldi BBQ also this day). Round 11 4 July Round 12 11 July Round 15 1 August Round 16 8 August Round 18 22 August PP Henry BANNINGER’S “Thought for the week” Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson - 1803-1882, Essayist, Lecturer, and Poet CLUB VENUE TIME DAY Albury Albury/ Hume Albury North Albury West Albury Wodonga Sunrise Belvoir Wodonga Bellbridge/Lake Hume Corowa Holbrook Lavington Rutherglen Tallangatta Wodonga West Albury Golf Club, Albury. Albury Club, Albury Albury North Sports Club, Albury North Albury Club, Albury La Maison Café, Lincoln Causeway Café Grove, High St, Wodonga Thurgoona Golf Club, Thurgoona Corowa RSL Club Holbrook RSL Club Albury North Sports Club, Albury North Victoria Hotel, Rutherglen Victoria Hotel, Tallangatta Café Grove, High St. Wodonga. 5.30 for 6.15pm 12.45pm 5.30 for 6.00pm 6.00pm 6.45am 6.00 for 6.30pm 6.30 for 7.00pm 6.30 for 7.00pm 6.30 for 7.00pm 12.30pm 6.30pm 6.30 for 7.00pm 6.00 for 6.30pm Monday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Wednesday Monday Thursday Bulletin No. 37 constitutes the Record of Proceedings of the club meeting held 7th April 2015. Moved: ....................... Seconded: ....................... Signed: ........................ Signed: ....................... Attempting to set some sort of record for number of photos in one Bulletin, here again is PP2 Ian ELSTON pictured with the Mayor Rodney Wangman and Anne Speedie – from the “City Life” council newsletter. The total is 4 Sgt Glenn, and an anniversary to boot!!! Thanks Jade for the photo.
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