BULLETIN of the ROTARY CLUB ofinstead WODONGA We will sit 3 people per side on 4 last year. St CENTRAL ABN: 67 268 576 362 Club No: 18300 President: Ian ELSTON Secretary: Shared position – TBA. iflmelston@gmail.com PO Box 138 WODONGA 3689 Website: http://rotarywodongacentral.org.au/ Bulletin No. 35 in the Rotary Year 2014-2015 Date: 24th. March, 2015 This Bulletin constitutes the Record of Proceedings of the club meeting held on Tuesday 24th. March, 2015. At the October meeting the Rotary International Board modified the Rotary International calendar of special observances to highlight the SIX areas of Focus. March – Area of Focus: Water and Sanitation. 31/3/15 7/4/15 14/4/15 Changeover Pres Ian to Pres John. TBA TBA For apologies, guests, partners, contact Wodonga Plant Farm on 6056 1561 before 10.00am on the day of the meeting March – Literacy Month. Combating illiteracy has been a focus of RI since 1986- and for good reason. UNESCO estimates there are 862 million illiterate adults in the world and about two thirds of them are women. Millions more are functionally illiterate, without the reading and writing skills necessary for everyday life. The UN has identified literacy as a major obstacle to economic, political and social development. How can you be involved? Be a part of the solution for this world wide problem. ROSTER Chairman Greeter Regalia Cashier Attendance 3 Min. Speaker Sgt. at Arms Photographer School Breakfast Wednesdays st Tuesday 31 . March John ROBERTS Glenn MACKINNON Henry BANNINGER Bev LODDING Matt FLAHERTY N/R Jurg von JENNER Geoff POLLARD Not required th Tuesday 7 April Geoff POLLARD Adrian CRISP John ROBERTS Marg CRISP Rob CURRIE N/R Jurg von JENNER Henry BANNINGER Not required. th Tuesday 14 . April Henry BANNINGER John WILLIAMS Ian ELSTON Russell ANDERSON Bev LODDING N/R Jurg von JENNER Geoff POLLARD Not required. Moved by Bev LODDING and seconded by Adrian CRISP that Bulletin No. 34 constituted the record of proceedings of the meeting held on 17/3/15. Carried. ATTENDANCE: Last week’s attendance of 60.00% improved to 75.00 % with make ups by Jade TAUBER – MDC Committee, Glenn MACKINNON – PETS, Jurg von JENNER (School Breakfast). Attendance for tonight 14/21 for 66.6%. Apologies: Sharon BELL, Les BOYES, Rob CURRIE, Matt FLAHERTY, John ROBERTS, Grant and Fiona TAYLOR. Visiting Rotarians: Club Guests – ROMAC. Peter Lee (Dist 9790 District Chair) and Paul Bell – RC Albury Hume. Birthdays: Anniversaries: Rotary Anniversary: PP Henry BANNINGER. 1/4/91 (*21 years total) On stage at District Conference in Wangaratta – the Rotakids from host club, the Rotary Club of Milawa Oxley. The kids (children and grand children of members) took an active part in the Conference. Looked great in their shirts. Thanks to Jade for forwarding the photo. Sgt Jurg called all to order, we drank a toast to the RC Istanbul Central, with Sgt Jurg having a secondary toast suggestion - the Sri Lankan Cricket Team ( staying at the Intercontinental in Sydney with Jurg and Trudy!). Sgt Jurg introduced Pres Ian, who commented on our “much travelled treasurer” hob nobbing it with the cricketing world cup players while away. The Bulletin was passed as reported on previous page - Pres Ian commenting again on Bill keeping us all in order last week, his first shot as chairman since joining our club. Pres Ian welcomed our two guests tonight – Rotarians Peter Lee (ROMAC Chair District 9790) and our guest speaker on ROMAC tonight Paul Bell – who has spoken to us previously on Interplast. Pres Ian also extended a special welcome to our new member Adrian(who seconded the acceptance of last week’s Bulletin) to his first official meeting as a member of our club. President’s Report: 1. Pres Ian spoke about the email the club has received re the cyclone in Vanuatu, and what District 9790 can do to assist in Cyclone Disaster Recovery. (email I forwarded to members on Wednesday). The Rotary Australia – Vanuatu Cyclone Recovery Disaster Recovery Project has now been registered as a national RAWCS Project (Rotary Australia World Community Service) with Project Number 55-2014-15 on the RAWCS Website. At Saturday’s BBQ at Aldi, we put out a donation tin and some $105 was donated by the public during the day. Our further involvement/donation will be considered by the Board. 2. An invitation has been received for members who would like to hear Gemma Sisia, Founder and Director of the School of St. Jude, now Tanzania’s largest charity funded school (1,900 th students) speak about the school. 5.30pm Sunday 29 March, St Mark’s Anglican Church, Gulpha Street, North Albury. Information from Leasa Brown, 0409 827 531 or leasabrown@gmx.com “Fighting poverty through education” www.schoolofstjude.org PP3 Marg wanted to know if Felix was also attending? Not clear from the flyer, but Susie caught up again with Felix in Wangaratta. (We wore our Sydney Convention shirts to help Felix remember). Felix is an inspiration and has done much for St. Jude. Susie and Felix had a good catch, which was great. (My photo above). 3. PP/PE John ROBERTS is an apology tonight. Please refer to John’s email re helping the Lion’s Club with catering at the Ulysses Motorcycle AGM activity at the racecourse. (I forwarded email to all on Wednesday). 4. Saturday’s BBQ at Aldi. Thanks to Adrian, Bill, Bev, John and Sharon for assisting Pres Ian – great day, good weather. After expenses we cleared about $300 for the day. 5. Board Meeting last week. On roster for Aldi now until Christmas. Quote for teardrop banners from Sign-a-rama. Looking to purchase 3 signs to promote Rotary and our club at our events. Coin money spinners – looking to put into one of the fast food outlets on the border. We have to purchase a spinner to begin – with other clubs reporting that they are a good money raiser. 6. District Annual Police Service Awards. Our club looking to liaise with Wodonga Police with the object of a nomination for the 2015-16 if deemed applicable. 7. The Harvey Bay ANZAC biscuit proposal spoken about last week. Board decision that we not go ahead. 8. PP3 Marg will speak on TOA re 9. Treasurer Robert reported at Board that financially we “are doing OK”. 10. Senior Citizens Luncheon and Mother’s Day Classic (Jade later) – on going reports most weeks re progress. 11. Money raised by city2city has been paid to Albury Health. More money still coming. 12. Membership. Still working on – Ian has an appointment with NE Water to follow up. 13. Glenn’s board. Details have been forwarded to District. (Glenn tells me he is still after a PE – to follow Glenn’s year). th Glenn to speak about District Assembly in TOA – April 19 . 14. Stooge 2 ceases his reign next week. Mini Changeover to Stooge 3 PP John ROBERTS next week. 15. RYLA Driving Training – driver training, one day event, behaviour/safe driving habits etc. Glenn looking to co –ordinate – Jade might know of some prospective applicants. 16. Matt’s Eyecare in Bhutan –m similar to the programs to Nepal that Matt has taken part in previously. WE will hear more from Matt re future program. 17. At Peter McCROHAN’s funeral about $300 was donated through the envelopes available. Pres Ian has spoken to Eslers and they have expressed a wish to match that donation, as has Adrian (Peter and Helen’s eldest son) suggesting a similar sum being donated from Peter’s estate to establish a grant to support perhaps a Skiing, or maths (precursor to surveying) program at Catholic College Wodonga. Discussing presently with CCW a suitable award to remember Peter and his service to Eslers, CCW, Skiing and Rotarty. We will hear more. Pres Ian handed over to chairman Russell, who announced TOA while we waited for our meal. Time on air: Jade TAUBER. Jade first “Little Me” market in Albury this Sunday, from 10.00am to 2.00pm. She is hosting a BBQ for “Angels for the Forgotten” at the market. She has 2 volunteers so far for both the morning and the afternoon sessions of the BBQ, and would appreciate an extra 1 or 2 “experienced” volunteers for BBQ. See Jade if you can assist. Secondly, the MDC. Received the flyers this week. On Facebook – much happening. As of yesterday 45 people signed up already with some 6 weeks to go. Numbers looking pretty good. This Friday at 12 noon, a mini launch at the Brave Hearts Memorial Rose Garden at Sumsion Gardens for this year’s Mother’s Day Classic. Mayors (both cities) invited but both unavailable. All media invited also – papers, TV radio. Any Rotarians (in Rotary shirt if possible) invited also. Locally, other breast care support groups also invited, to add a personal touch. Carleen Wright (former teacher at Wodonga Primary School) and friend of Jade’s will be in attendance. Volunteer shirts from previous years will be worn, balloons, color display – professional photographer to record and promote. Only 10/15 minutes duration. All Rotarians invited to attend – come along and be part of the launch at Brave Hearts Rose Garden at Sumsion Gardens. Photos will be on Facebook and MDC site to promote. MDC Committee are looking for people who have a personal story to tell re breast cancer that they are willing to share. See Jade if you know of anyone who might be able to assist. “Bravehearts”, “McGrath Breast Care Nurses (out of Gateway), “Border Breast Friends” (young group) and “Border Breast Support Group” (older group) have all been invited to be involved in the MDC this year. Jade asked for any feedback from previous events that might help her in organising this year’s event. Jade hopes to further promote through the other Albury and Wodonga Rotary clubs th over the next 6 weeks. MDC is on Sunday 10 May. (Jade pictured above). PP3 Marg CRISP (pictured left) A few things. First, on April 26 – District Assembly, Marg will be in Turkey. Needs a volunteer to attend the secretaries session for her on that Sunday. See Marg if you can attend for her. It’s about an 7.30am leave and 1.30pm return. Secondly, next week Marg will give to everyone some “Membership update forms”. New secretaries manual out this year. We will update our forms to be in line with the new District forms. rd Thirdly. The approaching “International Night” on Saturday 23 May – thus no th meeting the following Tuesday, 26 May. The three clubs involved working together. More when Marg gets back from Turkey. Next, voting session at Conference. Changes accepted – short meeting, with Marg sitting with “the Lion Queen” Gillian ALLEN, the only rep from Euroa at Conference. On the Sunday, Holly Ranson’s session powerful. Youngest Rotary president Australia (John Colville’s year) – the WA club now has over 130 members. She has now moved to Melbourne – her on line and social media campaign interesting to hear. (PR th away next 2 weeks, then Marg away for the 3 weeks after that. Looking at “Conference Report” in May. At Conference, the family of Rotary “Rotakids” from Milawa Oxley were a feature – see photo page 1. A great promotion of the youth side of Rotary. The mental health hat day was also promoted. A “Blue Hat” day in October focusing on Mental Health approaching. Look to being involved. (PP3 Marg said that the RC Corryong did a great hat promotion day last year. Adrian might be able to fill us in. BE Peter ROGERS: I’m an apology for the next two weeks, so volunteer/s for Bulletin notes for those weeks, and also someone to deliver Bulletins to Les and Sharon while I’m away. (Thanks to PP Robert who has volunteered re notes. If anyone is giving a report over the next two weeks and is typing notes – copy to either Robert or me so that I can include in the Bulletin and not have to re type. Thanks. BE/PR. PP Henry BANNINGER: “Shelter Box” – Henry (left) has requested a “slide show” from them as he is putting together a package for the MDC. Has not heard back as yet. Thus will require power at the tent site on the day. PE Glenn MACKINNON: Glenn reported that after 14 years one of his hearing aids has given up the ghost so he’s down a bit tonight on hearing. New ones shortly hopefully – thus an improvement in hearing in a few weeks. Secondly an update on Jess. Still a battle, with Glenn detailing us on her situation over the last weeks. She is up and down and having difficulty coping. Glenn said they often feel helpless – driving from Orange and 3 hours away, received a phone call reporting that she was distressed and had the wobbles and had disappeared. Police out looking and found her – by ambulance to hospital. Later discharged to family again as no help available through the current mental health system. No appointments with a new psychiatrist until May – continues to be a nightmare for Glenn and Cathy. Busy year ahead with Glenn our PE and hoping to manage and juggle family, work and Rotary and keep head above water. Hang in there Glenn – we will all support you in your year as our president – lots of old heads here to help and guide you. Now, again with th his Rotary hat on, Glenn spoke about District Assembly. Sunday 26 April in Euroa. $25.00 pp for BBQ lunch etc. th Glenn detailed the positions we need to cover on that day. Numbers by 20 . online. All those on Glenn’s board invited. More later. Bev LODDING: Social night – “My Fair Lady” 7.30pm at the Albury Entertainment Centre. Thurs/Fri/Sat 14-16 May. Adult $39.90 concession $34.90. Show of hands indicated a goer. Discussion – Friday night the night th chosen, Friday 15 May. If you would like to attend, pay cashier next week School Breakfast: Change, now needed tomorrow (Jurg volunteered) and not required Wednesday week 31/3. Chairman Russell introduced Sgt. Jurg. Sgt at Arms: The Sgt was given the hurry up as time was getting away. The usual true story and then Jurg was after the “guest speakers” tonight – Jade and Marg after their TOA presentations! Then everyone was in trouble. The Sgt had read in the Bulletin that last week we gave the stand-in Sgt “a rousing welcome and a big applause” which made Jurg most upset. We all had to pay. PP3 Marg needs roller skates “so that she can get to the podium quicker than Jade for TOA”. PP2 Geoff - had to pay as Kay evidently completely ignored the Sgt going around the “round-a-bout” with “eyes only for Geoff”. PP Robert paid for his “rubbery figures” at the Board, and Peter and Paul our visiting Rotarians paid (club policy not to fine visiting Rotarians) - but not Jurg’s!!! Adrian paid for his first official meeting, Glenn for last at everything and John W – regalia tonight (which the Sgt did for him). Visitor Paul paid for the flash convertable in the car park, Jade for her mobile and ipad tonight, and Bill paid for his great chairman’s job last week. Cross fines – BE/PR from Conference. Next year’s DG made a statement at the closing of the Conference. “Essendon supporters, if you come to Shepparton next year, you will not be alone!!!” Gather he barracks for the Bombers, so Pres Ian paid – “he must be a fine fellow!!!” quipped the Pres. Glenn then suggested that the Sgt should pay for staying at the Intercontinental and owning up to it. Jurg disagreed, said it cost him too much to stay there already. Well done Sgt. Guest Speaker: Addressed tonight was on ROMAC (Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children). District 9790 ROMAC Chair Rtn. Peter Lee had accompanied Rtn. Paul Bell, RC Albury Hume, who was tonight giving his first talk on ROMAC. Members will remember Paul (pictured left) who has previously spoken to us on Interplast – a program he had previously been involved with through his dentistry profession. Some of the main points of Paul’s address follow; Servicing areas close to Australia. ROMAC believes that every child’s life is priceless. Objectives: Provide hope and restore dignity to transform a child’s life. Provide the best possible surgical and medical expertise. Engage Rotary and the community at all levels to fund and support the ROMAC cause. To maintain and improve the quality of management process and ensure high quality governance of the ROMAC program. For as little as $5.00 a month together we will continue changing and saving lives. ROMAC has operated for 27 years. Started in 1985. Mission: To provide specialist treatment for children, from developing countries, in the form of life saving and/or dignity restoring surgery not accessible in their home country. ROMAC is supported by compassionate surgeons and their teams who often donate their time and expertise. They also learn amazing, new techniques that have benefited our children. This compassion coupled with minimal overheads – no office, no paid staff – ensures that every donated dollar is worth many many times more. Numbers of children (usually under 15) treated average out at about 1 a week. Children mostly from Timor Leste, PNG, Cambodia, Vanuatu, Nauru. Often if the kids with born with problems – the parents are blamed, witch craft etc. Paul took us through a power point program detailing some of the children who have been treated over the years, with, in many cases before and after treatment. Unbelievable transformations in many cases. Over the years ROMAC has proudly changed and saved the lives of close to 400 children, one child and one family at a time. ROMAC looking at the possibility of some of the children here for treatment being hosted in regional or country areas. Often they are in Australia for an extended time – usually between ongoing treatments. What can we do to help? Remember ROMAC when allocating club funds at the end of each year. Consider a club fund raiser to raise funds for the ROMAC program. 10 out of the 64 clubs in District 9790 have donated to ROMAC over the last year – none from Wodonga! Latest Rotary Down Under – attached sheet/envelope to donate to ROMAC. Average cost of treatment of children about $40,000. www.romac.org.au At the completion of Paul’s talk he took questions from the floor. Chairman Russell thanked Paul, and Peter also for their presentation tonight. Peter drew the raffle, and you guessed it, A Blue 58, his ticket!!! (The Sgt. thought it was a bit fishy!!!) Tabes 1 and 2 at Tuesday’s meeting. Thanks to PP Henry for the photos of our meeting, and Jade for forwarding the Rotakids photo. I took the photo of Susie and Felix. Future dates for the Saints Footy Gates @ Martin Park below. (Aldi BBQ’s every third Saturday of Month – 18/4, 16/5, 20/6, 18/7, 15/8, 19/9, 17/10, 21/11 and 19/12). Football Gates: Round 3 2 May Round 6 30 May (At Bethanga). Round 8 13 June Round 9 20 June (Aldi BBQ also this day). Round 11 4 July Round 12 11 July Round 15 1 August Round 16 8 August Round 18 22 August PP Henry BANNINGER’S “Thought for the week” I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that’s how you grow. When there’s that moment of ‘Wow, I’m not really sure I can do this,’ and you push through those moments, that’s when you have a breakthrough. -- Marissa Mayer - President and CEO of Yahoo! CLUB VENUE TIME DAY Albury Albury/ Hume Albury North Albury West Albury Wodonga Sunrise Belvoir Wodonga Bellbridge/Lake Hume Corowa Holbrook Lavington Rutherglen Tallangatta Wodonga West Albury Golf Club, Albury. Albury Club, Albury Albury North Sports Club, Albury North Albury Club, Albury La Maison Café, Lincoln Causeway Café Grove, High St, Wodonga Thurgoona Golf Club, Thurgoona Corowa RSL Club Holbrook RSL Club Albury North Sports Club, Albury North Victoria Hotel, Rutherglen Victoria Hotel, Tallangatta Café Grove, High St. Wodonga. 5.30 for 6.15pm 12.45pm 5.30 for 6.00pm 6.00pm 6.45am 6.00 for 6.30pm 6.30 for 7.00pm 6.30 for 7.00pm 6.30 for 7.00pm 12.30pm 6.30pm 6.30 for 7.00pm 6.00 for 6.30pm Monday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Wednesday Monday Thursday Bulletin No. 35 constitutes the Record of Proceedings of the club meeting held 24th. March 2015. Moved: ....................... Seconded: ....................... Signed: ........................ Signed: .......................
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