NEWSLETTER 33 - Rowe Clark Math & Science Academy

April 27- May 1, 2015
Promotional information
Parents there are approximately six weeks left for the remainder of the
2014-2015 school year. Please take a moment to review the promotional
requirements for your scholar’s grade level.
Detention: Scholars who earn 13 to 24 detentions are required to take
a $140 discipline course. Scholars who earn 25 to 36 detentions will be
required to complete a second $140 discipline course.
Attendance: Excellent attendance is essential for success at RCMSA
and beyond. If a scholar accumulates more than 20 absences (excused or
unexcused), he/she will be required to take a $25 summer school class to
be promoted.
Academics: Scholars at RCMSA must pass all of their classes every
semester to move on to the next grade. Failures will result in a $140 summer school class. Registration begins June 17th.
Enrichment: Due July 23rd for grades 9th-11th.
Grade Level requirements:
9th – no requirement
10th – 0.50 credits (50 hours)
11th – 0.75 credits (75 hours)
12th – 1.0 credits (100 hours)
Students who do not complete their enrichment requirement will repeat.
Community Service: Due May 27th at 5 p.m.
Grade Level Requirements:
9th – 10 hours
10th – 20 hours
11th – 30 hours
12th – 40 hours
If a student fails to complete their grade level
benchmark they will be required to take a $70 summer school class.
“With Great power comes great responsibility”
- Uncle Ben
Academic Approach
As you know, Academic Approach is deeply committed to student
achievement. This summer, Academic Approach is looking to expand on
that commitment by launching AA Academy - a summer opportunity. Ahead
Academic Approach Details:
Dates: 2 weeks, Monday-Friday, July 20-24 and July 27-31
Time: 9:30 am - 1:00 PM Location: Roosevelt University, 430 S Michigan Apr. 30- B Day
Ave, Chicago, IL 60605 Perks: All participants will receive breakfast,
May 1- A Day/
lunch, CTA cards,T-shirts, and other fun prizes! All students will also be
entered into a drawing to win one of three new laptops or scholarships! National College
Cost: $0 Students may apply online or on paper. The application deadline Decision Day
is May 15th. Students may scan and email or mail the application back to May 4- B Day Boys
Academic Approach. They can also fill the PDF form out on a computer
Rugby vs. Pritzker
and email back to . Students 6 p.m. at Altgeld
will be notified by June 1st if they have been accepted into the program. Park 515 S. WashtACT preparation designed for rising seniors who would like to test in Sep- enaw
tember or October. Includes our state-of-the-art curriculum, instruction,
and practice tests.Leadership skills and team-building designed to help May 5- A Day
student master those soft skills that they will carry with them throughout May 6- B Day
their senior year and college careers.
Freshmen will be finishing up PARCC testing on Friday May 1st, and
Friday May 8th. AP Testing begins May 4th and runs through May 14th.
The testing begins at 8am. Students taking the test should arrive prior to
8am, and the rest of the student body must be silent upon entering the
building those days.There will be no changes in dismissal times.
GPA 9th: 2.71 10th: 2.75 11th: 2.77 12th: 2.81
School 2.76 School Goal 3.0
Last week: 11th : 2.85 12th: 2.80 10th: 2.74 9th : 2.64
School: 2.75 School Goal: 3.0
NEWSLETTER 33 April 27-May 1 2015 Funds for this provided by NLCB Title 1
Parent Name ___________________ Student Name _________________
Parent Signature _________________
Advisor ________________
Cool Facts
Just like fingerprints, everyone’s tongue is
Each of the main
Characters in
Squarepants was
inspired by one of the
seven deadly sins.
Each king in a deck of
playing cards represents a great king
from history: Spades
- King David, Hearts Charlemagne,
Clubs -Alexander the
Diamonds - Julius
The longest time between two twins being born is
87 days.
The bat is the only mammal
that can fly. Flying squirrels
can only glide (fall slowly).
It is impossible to sneeze
with your eyes open. We
dare you, give it a try!
Albert Einstein never
learned how to drive.
February is the only
month that can pass without a single Full Moon.
While quarterbacks and
running backs get most of
the glory, NFL kickers almost always score more
points than any other
players on their teams.
Canada has more lakes than
all the other countries combined.