TH 9 GRADE RECONFIGURATION SURVEY OF PARENTS & GUARDIANS IN COTTONWOOD HIGH SCHOOL NETWORK SURVEY METHODOLOGY Interviews of parents and guardians of K-10 students in Co!onwood network randomly selected from Granite District contact database. Each selected household could only take the survey once. Multimodal – 433 total interviews, 200 over landline/ cell phone and 233 online fielded April 11-20, 2015. Margin of error +-4.6 percentage points. Demographics (school type, student age, ethnicity, lunch status, etc.) balanced and representative of entire parent/guardian database (see topline). Compliance rate for phone interviews was 55%. Response rate for online survey was 18%. Both are high response rates compared to similar research (most survey research gets low single digit compliance rates). 5 1 2 3 4 5 Nearly two-thirds of parents and guardians of students from Co!onwood High School and its network support 9th grade reconfiguration. We find majority support along every demographic we measured. Support is highest among those who received and read the informational packet provided by Granite School District. Reasons for support differ among parents of students at elementary schools, junior high schools, and Co!onwood – however, many cite educational opportunity and accountability as their main reason for support. Opponents are largely concerned with the maturity levels and age difference between 9th graders and the current high school students. THINGS TO REMEMBER “ Granite School District is considering a proposal to have 9th grade students a!end school with the rest of the high school students at Co!onwood High School. This is referred to as 9th grade reconfiguration. The district will support the proposal if the local community desires to implement this model. ” INFORMATION FLOW RECEIPT OF DISTRICT DETAILS PACKET INFORMATION PACKET Half of parents & guardians remember receiving the packet, over 1/3 read it. Q Did you receive the information packet about 9th grade reconfiguration at Co!onwood High School? Have you had a chance to read it? 100 0 37 % OTHER REPUBLICANS 50 50 Yes, and I read it 11 Yes, and I have not yet read it 3 No DK / SKIPPED Combined QBALLOT1A & QBALLOT1B by strength LINGERING QUESTIONS No questions was most common, followed by when, how, and why. Q Do you have any questions about the proposal? IF TELEPHONE – Interviewer read answer from a FAQs script IF ONLINE – Many of your questions may be answered by the information packet, which you can find online here. 8 % Asked or wrote question 92 % Did not ask a question 2% When would this take place? 2% Will 6th graders move to middle school? 1% Why? 1% What are the benefits? 1% Are 9th graders old enough to go to high school? 1% Why is Co!onwood doing this first? 1% Will my junior high age student be safe at Co!onwood? 1% How much more traffic will be at the school? 1% Would this be a permanent change? <1% Is there enough room? <1% How many more students would go to Co!onwood? <1% What junior high programs would be cut? <1% What happens to the half-empty junior high schools? <1% Will the boundaries change? <1% What happens to gi%ed student programs? OVERALL SUPPORT/OPPOSITION A MAJORITY OF PARENTS SUPPORTS RECONFIGURATION RECONFIGURATION SUPPORT AMONG PARENTS The vast majority support adding 9th grade students to Co!onwood High School. Q Do you support or oppose the proposed 9th grade reconfiguration – meaning that 9th grade students would a!end school with the rest of the high school students at Co!onwood High School? 0% SUPPORT DK / SKIPPED OPPOSE 62 % 14 23 50% 100% RECONFIGURATION SUPPORT BY SCHOOL TYPE A majority of parents across all school communities is supportive. Q Do you support or oppose the proposed 9th grade reconfiguration – meaning that 9th grade students would a!end school with the rest of the high school students at Co!onwood High School? 100 68 57 % 61 20 23 DK OPPOSE 0 SUPPORT 50 High School Confidential – not for distribution QUESTION BREAKOUT: 29 17 22 3 Junior High Elementary Results by student school type – 8% HS, 23% Jr., 69% Elem. RECONFIGURATION SUPPORT BY INFORMATION Those who received and read the district information are the most supportive. Q Do you support or oppose the proposed 9th grade reconfiguration – meaning that 9th grade students would a!end school with the rest of the high school students at Co!onwood High School? 100 68 % 63 48 50 DK 5 26 26 16 OPPOSE 0 SUPPORT 27 Yes, read it Confidential – not for distribution QUESTION BREAKOUT: Yes, did not yet read 22 No Results by information receipt – 23% read, 27% unread, 17% no REASONS FOR POSITION OPPORTUNITY VS. MATURITY REASONS WHY SOME PARENTS SUPPORT Environment, accountability, and opportunity cited as top reasons for support. Q What is the biggest reason why you support having 9th grade students a!end school at Co!onwood High School? 17 % Be!er environment 14 9th grade counts 11 Educational opportunities 7 7 No reason More focused 6 Parent’s school 5 Other 4 Transition to high school 3 3 3 Other districts Be!er life preparation High school athletics More extracurriculars Be!er college preparation Ease transportation 2 2 2 37% who solely handle recognition programs in house COMMON SUPPORT VERBATIMS Some examples of common sentiments expressed in the open-ended question. “Educationally it makes more sense to have 9th graders, who are considered high school students at the high school.” “I want to keep as many AP and other programs flourishing at Co!onwood.” “It will help with the transition for 9th graders to start going to High school.” “It makes taking advanced math and other classes easier.” “I was in high school in 9th grade, and I can't imagine it any other way.” “To give them a be!er foundation for leading into college.” “I never understood why 9th graders were separated from the other high school grades.” “…my ninth-grade student would have be!er access to upper division classes.” REASONS FOR SUPPORT BY SCHOOL TYPE Parents with students in different stages see different benefits. ELEMENTARY JUNIOR HIGH 17 14 Be!er environment 9th grade counts 10 Educational opportunities 8 8 No reason Parent’s school Other More focused Other districts Be!er life preparation Transition to high school High school athletics Be!er college preparation Ease transportation More extracurriculars 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16 15 15 14 Educational opportunities Be!er environment More focused 9th grade counts 8 7 Transition to high school No reason High school athletics Ease transportation Be!er life preparation More extracurriculars Be!er college preparation Parent’s school Other Other districts HIGH SCHOOL 5 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 15 13 11 Be!er environment Other More focused 8 7 Parent’s school 9th grade counts 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 No reason Other districts High school athletics Ease transportation Educational opportunities Be!er life preparation Transition to high school More extracurriculars Be!er college preparation 0 REASONS WHY SOME PARENTS OPPOSE By far the largest reason to oppose was maturity issues due to age differences. Q What is the biggest reason why you oppose having 9th grade students a!end school at Co!onwood High School? 15 % Maturity issues 4 Bullying 3 Hurts junior high Other 2 No reason 1 Wants consistency 1 No need 1 Dating 1 High school overpopulation 1 37% who solely handle recognition programs in house COMMON OPPOSITION VERBATIMS Some examples of common sentiments expressed in the open-ended question. “I think 9th graders are too young for the high school environment.” “I have concerns about how it affects the junior high once a whole grade is gone.” “I believe 9th graders are too young and impressionable to go school with 18 year olds.” “Space issues-overcrowding.” “Age difference between 14 and 18 year old.” “The biggest reason I oppose the change is because the district will not take a stand for all schools district-wide. If GSD believes this change is the best educational decision for its students, then commit to the decision and enforce it in all high schools together.” “Ninth grade girls mingling with 12th grade boys.” “My daughter is not emotionally ready for high school. Three years in high school is enough.” REASONS FOR OPPOSITION BY SCHOOL TYPE Doubts about students’ maturity dominate across the board. ELEMENTARY JUNIOR HIGH 16 Maturity issues 5 Bullying 2 Hurts junior high HIGH SCHOOL 16 Maturity issues 3 Hurts junior high 9 Maturity issues 7 Hurts junior high Bullying 2 Wants consistency 2 High school overpopulation 5 4 Other 1 High school overpopulation No reason 1 Other 1 No need 2 Wants consistency 1 No reason 1 Dating 2 No need 0 Wants consistency 1 Bullying 0 Dating 0 No need 1 Other 0 High school overpopulation 0 No reason 0 0 37% who solely handle recognition programs in house Dating Sco! Riding & Quin Monson Ph.D. sco!
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