ROXWE LL RECORD ER March 2015 EASTER-TIDE SERVICES in CHURCH MOTHERING SUNDAY 10am 15th March PALM SUNDAY 10am 29th March MAUNDY THURSDAY AGAPE SUPPER 8pm 2nd April GOOD FRIDAY DEVOTIONS 2pm 3rd April EASTER DAY 10am 5th April St Michael and All Angels, Roxwell Parish Information For anything relating to Roxwell Church, including queries about Baptisms, Marriages, Funerals or the churchyard, please contact either ChurchWarden on 248 230 or 248 228 Church Wardens Mrs Marie Brookes Tel: 248 230 Mr Glynn Eastman Tel: 248228 Parochial Church Council Secretary :Mr. Andy Toft Tel:07970 211836. Treasurer: Mr Ken Smith Tel: 248 766 Flower Organiser Mrs M. Brookes Tel: 248 230 Wedding Administrator Mrs. Greta Cumbers Tel: 248 355 Reading Room Bookings Mrs. Greta Cumbers Tel: 248 355 Roxwell Recorder Editor Mr. Glynn Eastman tel 248 228 Cooksmill Green Congregational Church Mrs. Lydia Bridges - Secretary Tel: 248 208 Mr. Paul Aston - Treasurer` Tel: 248 685 Hannah Randell - Sunday’s Cool contact Tel 01245 422368. Roxwell Primary School Head: MS. V. Kendall Tel: 248 229 Caretaker: Mr Ed Murkin Tel: 248 603 Friends of Roxwell School Contact 01245 248229 Pre-school Group Ms. April Little Tel: 07970750484 Bowls Club Mrs. Margaret Chapman Tel: 248 772 Brownies Mrs Lynette Tomlinson Tel: 07500119774 Youth Club Ms L Spencer Tel 248 320 or 07941364611 Dance Club Mrs Helen Buckley Tel: 248 177 Wednesday Club Mrs Joan Bassington Tel: 248 551 Women's Institute Mrs Marie Brookes Tel: 248 230 Roxwell Arts Group Chris & Barry Dixon Tel: 248 026 Parish Council Chair: Mr C. Pavitt Clerk: Mrs L.Green Tel: 01206 384 159 Footpath rep: Mr M. Page Tel: 248 638 Allotment warden: Mr.F.Corkhill Chelmsford City Councillor Mrs. N. Chambers Tel: 456 719 Essex County Councillor Mr. J. Aldridge Tel: 421 524 Community Agent Mrs. Jo Pike Mob: 07540 720609 Office: 01376 574341 or Freephone 08009775858 Police Non-emergency number 101 Local Community Policing Team 101 ext 420381 Mob: 07817 454 525 (Mobile is not 24hr, carried by officer on duty) Memorial Hall Booking Secretary: Ms. Jenny Connor Tel: 359 241 E-mail Neighbourhood Watch Mr D. Revell Tel: 248 541 Roxwell Websites; Material for the Next edition of the Roxwell Recorder - which will be for April 2015 and will be published around 4th April should be sent, no later than Saturday 21st March, to the editor Glynn Eastman - at ‘Red Gables’, The Street, Roxwell, CM1 4PE - e-mail: - Tel: 01245 248 228 Roxwell Recorder is published by Roxwell Parochial Church Council. It is supported by village organisations and distributed free of charge to all homes in Roxwell. - A £1 donation per edition is requested of Non-residents/visitors. Opinions expressed in this magazine are personal opinions of the authors concerned and may not represent the policy of Roxwell PCC, the publishers of this magazine. All material is offered in good faith. Mistakes and errors are the editor’s responsibility for which sincere apologies are offered but for which no liability is accepted. Roxwell Recorder 2015 page2 Number 2 Volume XL March 2015 From the Churchwardens It’s still some 5 weeks until Easter but since Easter Day falls on the publication date of the April Recorder we bring you our Bishop’s Easter message early! The time between now and Easter is a glorious time for preparation of our souls and bodies and our gardens and houses for the coming year. There are many things happening in Roxwell Church and Parish - mostly included in this magazine - do join us as we go forward into the future. EASTER MESSAGE 2015 - from Bishop Stephen In the New Testament all the really important things seem to happen in the dark. Jesus is born in the night. When Judas betrays him and he is arrested, night has fallen. When he dies on the cross there is darkness over the land. And when Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb on Easter morning we are told it is still dark. This is no coincidence. Speaking of the coming of Christ, Isaiah says that the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. When Jesus is born, Simeon says he is the light for all people. And the death and resurrection of Jesus is best understood as a cosmic victory over the powers of sin and death and darkness. That’s why Christians all over the world celebrate Easter in the night by kindling a fire and lighting a candle and proclaiming Jesus as the light of the world. This is also why Christian people today find hope – light in their own personal darkness – through Jesus Christ. We do not find God absent or indifferent to our sufferings. We find he is there with us, a light in the darkness. We also believe that he is the hope of peace for the larger and seemingly intractable obscurities of the world: the darkness of hunger; the darkness of oppression; the darkness of war. All these can be overcome by the light of Christ. His light can penetrate the darkness, and following in his way the world can be changed. Mary Magdalen saw this in the dawning brightness of the first Easter day. Christian people now bear this same light to the world, proclaiming the presence of Christ in the midst of the darkness and the promise of Christ that even death does not have the last word. This light can shine in every life and in every situation, helping us to bear the sufferings of the world and also pointing to a different reality. I wish you an illuminating Easter. May the light of Christ dispel the darkness of the world. + Stephen Chelmsford Roxwell Recorder 2015 page3 Gilbert Property Services is a company committed to giving excellent service and value for money. We work for both the commercial and domestic sectors. We have public liability insurance up to five million pounds. All work is guaranteed Our services include Carpentry; new work, repairs and maintenance. Glazing; PVC-U, timber, or aluminium. We are FENSA registered for installations of windows, doors and conservatories. All window repairs\adjustments\misted units undertaken Plumbing; repairs and maintenance Decorating; all internal and external decorating. We provide a very successful Handyman service catering for any job around the home or office. NO JOB TOO SMALL Please call 01245230909 or 07779710363 The No.1 Block Paving and Patio Company Free site survey with no obligation Genuine guarantee £5 million liability insurance Freephone 0800 4585190 Trading Standards Approved Roxwell Recorder 2015 page4 St. Michael & All Angels Services March 2015 1st March Lent 2 10.00am Holy Communion Officiant: Ven David Lowman Archdeacon of Chelmsford Readers: Liz Towns Robbie Richards Intercessor: Ruth Dibbens 8th March 10.00am Officiant: Readers: Intercessor: Lent 3 Holy Communion Rev Peter Mason Danny Lamb Suzanne Lamb Glen Meyer 15th March MOTHERING SUNDAY 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) Officiant: Canon Hugh Dibbens 10.00am All Angels for All Ages Lick ‘n stick Leaders: Jeannie Smith Intercessor: Tony Luxford 29th March PALM SUNDAY 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) Officiant: Canon Hugh Dibbens 10.00am Holy Communion Officiant: Canon Hugh Dibbens Readers: Glen Meyer Michael Roper Intercessor: Richard Woolley 6.30pm UNITED SERVICE @ Cooksmill Green Church Steve Randall Leader: 2nd April MAUNDY THURSDAY 8pm Officiant: Readers: Intercessor: 3rd April GOOD FRIDAY 2.00pm Leader: 22nd March 10.00am Officiant: Readers: Intercessor: Lent 5 Holy Communion Rev Susan Ives Angela Perry Suzanne Lamb Michael Roper Holy Communion with AGAPE Supper Rev Susan Ives Glynn Eastman Marie Brookes Devotions Canon Hugh Dibbens 5th April EASTER SUNDAY 10.00am Officiant: Readers: Holy Communion Rev Rob Cadman Tony Luxford Richard Woolley Intercessor: Angela Perry A Prayer service is held at 9.30 am on Thursdays, Please use the Prayer Board in church to let us know of your prayer needs. A WARM WELCOME AWAITS ALL COMING TO ANY OF OUR SERVICES! Roxwell Recorder 2015 page5 All aspects of Garden work undertaken ∙ Garden maintenance ∙ Clearance ∙ Grass cutting ∙ Design No job too small or too large 10 years+ experience of garden landscaping and maintenance. contacts for advice and free quote Tel: 07500205753 Mob: 01245 248363 E-mail: K BOND BUILDING DESIGN Architectural Services Residential Properties. Plans designed for Planning permission and Building Regulation approvals Call 07770 558622 e-mail: 8 Donald Way, Chelmsford, CM2 9JB MARK ONE EXCLUSIVE HAND WASH AT YOUR HOME Honest Reliable & Friendly Call Derek on 01245 248 817 or 07546 236 181 Roxwell Recorder 2015 page6 ELECTRICAL Four Winds, Writtle Road, Margaretting Essex CM4 0EH Tel: 01277 356119 Mob: 07881921155 Mark NICEIC REGISTERED All electrical work undertaken Over 30 years experience Cooksmill Green Congregational Church Forthcoming Services - March 2015 Date Time Ministers/Events Sunday 1st Mar 10.30 a.m. Visions Puppet Ministy Sunday 8th Mar 6.30 p.m. Peter Double Sunday 15th Mar 6.30 p.m. Michael Roper Sunday 22nd Mar 6.30 p.m. Rev. Guy Goodall - communion 6.30 p.m. Steve Randell- United Service Sunday 29th Mar Youngster? Join our Sunday’s Cool Sunday school. Contact Hannah Randell on 422 368 Want to contact us? LENT Join in a joint study course/discussion with Writtle and Highwood, is taking place at All Saints churh Writtle on Thursday evenings from 26th February to 26th March starting at 7.45pm. Each week will be a complete topic in itself so if you can’t make them all do come to the ones you can. The study uses St. Mark’s Gospel to help us reflect on our faith journey. It features visual images, quiet reflection, and meditation and prayer and discussion.. Do give it a try, speak to Marie or Glynn. Transport can be arranged Roxwell Recorder 2015 page7 CARPETS • UPHOLSTERY • CURTAINS • RUGS • LEATHER • & MORE Superb cleaning of carpets, curtains, upholstery • Carpet, upholstery and leather cleaning • Guardsman stain protection plans • Expert spot and stain removal Recommended by local and national retailers For your free non-obligational quotation call Robin Gale: 0800 585 390 Roxwell Recorder 2015 page8 Writtle Patients’ Group - Providing health care Writtle Patients’ Group gives patients a voice in their health care at the village doctors’ surgery and aims to be a key link between patients and the surgery and become a forum for feedback and consultation. The patients’ group is affiliated to the National Association for Patient Participation,, which promotes patient involvement in the health service. Patient groups are part of NHS reforms to involve and consult patients and the public in planning and development of services. The patients’ group is supported by doctors and staff at the Writtle Surgery which has nearly 8,000 patients covering Writtle, Roxwell, Good Easter, Highwood and part of west Chelmsford. Writtle Patients’ Group is led by a team of volunteers and is setting up an email group as part of the forum. Patients’ Group chair Dianne Collins said: “Any patient registered at Writtle Surgery, can become a member of the group. We want to help the surgery develop its services and for people to take more responsibility for the own health. We’re not, however, a forum for complaints or individual issues.” Starting an email group, she said, means that it will be easier and quicker for people to be consulted about health service developments. At its February meeting WPG were given an outline of Provide, a not-for-profit organisation, which undertakes health and social care services in mid Essex. Kerry Hooper, Provide’s assistant director clinical pathway lead, told the Group that services are free, paid for by the NHS, and that any surplus the company makes is reinvested or given to community projects. Before 2008, Provide’s predecessor was part of the then Mid Essex Primary Care Trust. Provide works from a variety of community settings, such as community hospitals, community clinics, schools, nursing homes as well as within peoples’ homes to provide more than 50 services from district nursing to health advice. For further information about WPG or to join the email group, contact Patients’ Group secretary Anne Copeland at or call 07813 359818. ROXWELL WEDNESDAY CLUB January 28th, This week we had a quiz afternoon, followed by a really nice surprise from Joan. As it had been Ken's birthday earlier in the month Joan had made lots of lovely cup cakes and tarts. There was enough for some of us to take a goodie bag home. So thanks a lot Joan! After tea we had our raffle, given this week by Lynda Terry and Daphne Edwards and the sweet jar was won by Pearl Atteridge. February 11th, was a social afternoon with a quiz and bingo, a few people were lucky enough to win some money. After tea and biscuits, we had our raffle, given this week by Pearl, who also won the sweet jar again and birthday cards were given to Chris Clark and Herbert Clemants. Chris Clark Roxwell Recorder 2015 page9 Roxwell Recorder 2015 page10 ROXWELL CARPET BOWLS CLUB January 25th saw a home game against Chelmer Village with a win for Roxwell, 7 points for us and 1 point for Chelmer Village, a good result. February 15th again saw a home game against Stock and another very good win for Roxwell, 8 points for us and 0 points for Stock. Both these results made our captain very happy and made us look a lot healthier in the league. February 18th and this time it was an away match at High Easter where we did not do so well, losing 6 points to High Easter with only 2 points to us. At the end of January we were 2nd over all in the league with 38 points, against the leaders who are Tipps Cross who have a total of 41 points. February 8th saw 8 players set out early morning to play in two teams of four, in the Essex County Fours at Braintree and left mid afternoon with only a small amount of success. We are still looking for more players to join our club so came and give Bowling a go, we meet Monday evening in the Memorial Hall at 7.30pm. Howard Chapman ROXWELL WI For our February meeting we were delighted to welcome Ailsa Wildig who gave a most interesting talk entitled ‘Miss Willmott’s Ghost’. For those of you who do not know (and I was certainly one), Ellen Ann Willmott (19 August 1858 – 27 September 1934) was an English horticulturist. She was an influential member of the Royal Horticultural Society, and a recipient of the first Victoria Medal of Honour in 1897, (and only one of two women) She cultivated more than 100,000 species of plants, and sponsored expeditions to discover new species. More than 60 plants have been named after her or her home, Warley Place. She was extravagant in her spending to gain specimens, which became her unfortunate downfall. Her gardens at Warley Place are in various stages of attempts at renovating – costly in money and time. The ghost? . One plant above all, more appropriately named than any, is the tall, elegant form of sea holly, with silvery-blue thistly heads, each with a translucent silver and exceedingly prickly ruff, Eryngium giganteum, unofficially known as `Miss Willmott's Ghost'. Miss Willmott would cast seeds wherever she visited and once grown it would be wondered from where they came! Other ghosts survive in the willmottiae and warleyensis hybrids of shrubs, narcissus, primula, roses and tulips that fill our gardens For our social time Pauline Spink had written a quiz, partly about identification of trees and partly general knowledge. The winner was Jo Smith and she received a prize of seeds to attract butterflies. We welcomed some visitors to our meeting this month, and we look forward to seeing them again in March. For that meeting our speaker will be Ernie Kentch who will be telling us about some of the less well known sites of London. Members have been asked to bring along a favourite photograph to describe during our social time. We meet a 2 pm until 4 pm in the Reading Room – all are welcome Marie Brookes, President Roxwell Recorder 2015 page11 Rowan Landscapes and Garden Maintenance Martin Jones All hard and soft landscaping Designs, Ponds, Paths, Patios, Driveways, Turfing, Fencing, Plants supplied and Planted, Hedging, Tree planting and Felling, Split logs, Pressure washing drives, paths and patios Garden Furniture restored Call: 01245248128 or 07974185623 All Is On Beauty Holistic Treatments ▪ Full Body Massage ▪ Indian Head Massage ▪ Hopi Ear Candling ▪ Thai Foot Massage ▪ Hot Stone Massage ▪ Ayurvedic Face Massage For details contact Allison 07729225351 Roxwell Recorder 2015 page12 Beauty Treatments ▪ Facials ▪ Manicure & Pedicure ▪ CND Shellac Gel Polish ▪ Spray Tan ▪ Waxing ▪ Eye Treatments Commemorating World War 1 Continuing our series remembering those from or linked to Roxwell involved in World War 1. This month thanks to the researches of Richard Monk we recall Ernest Bridge 1896- 1915 Ernest was the eldest son of F J Bridge who ran the successful village shop in Roxwell. When war broke out he was working in a bakers in Much Hadham some twenty miles from Roxwell and joined up with 7th Battalion Norfolk Regiment. He wrote postcards to his sister (my grandmother) from barracks at Shorncliffe near Folkestone, in 1914 and again from Wokingham in March 1915. The battalion left Folkestone on May 30th and landed at Boulogne before travelling through St Omer to join the 35th Brigade within 12th Division. In July they took over in trenches from the Royal West Kent Regiment in Plugstreet Woods. His mother and sister saw him in London at sometime that year when injured - then he returned to the front. By the end of September they were near Lille. The Battle of Loos began on 25th September. On 1st October the 7th Norfolks were in the trenches at Loos under bombardment all day and again on the 2nd and 3rd when German snipers were active. On the evening of 3rd at 7pm they were relieved as far as the communication trench but then on 4th they worked on the trench to create a fire-step before being relieved by the Cameron Highlanders. At that point they went to reserve trenches at Philosphe. Here despite being in billets they were subject to shelling. On 11th the officers attended a briefing on an attack. On 12th October in the afternoon they marched forward and moved into the front line taking over from the Coldstream Guards. Seven soldiers were wounded during this take over of the line including the Battalion Sergeant Major. By 1.30am on 13th they were in place and they waited. An allied bombardment of the German lines began at 12 midday, at 1pm this was to be enhanced by a smoke cloud prior to the attack commencing at 2pm. The bombardment intensified at 1.45 and mills bombers started moving up sap trenches dug into no-mans land to try to out-flank the Germans. At 2pm the 7th Norfolk’s launched their attack with Suffolk Regiment on one side and Buffs (Royal West Kents) on the other. Unfortunately the smoke cleared too quickly, although the battalion war diary hints that the Guards, who were creating the smoke, stopped producing it earlier than planned at 1.40pm. This mistake or mischance left the advancing infantry in plain sight of the Germans who could be seen manning their parapet with an estimated strength of one man per 1½ yards. The greatest danger was a German machine gunner that was supposed to have been neutralized by a trench mortar but this was not successful. Similarly the efforts to break through barricades and forge up German trenches was not a great success. About 50 men did get through advancing 200 yards but had to retreat when they ran out of mills bombs. The war diary states that the attack stalled “ It was seen to be useless to send any further reinforcements as they were mown down by the German M.G within 20 yards.” During the attack 66 other ranks were killed, 196 wounded and 160 were reported lost or missing with 3 officers killed and 7 wounded. At 3.30 am the battalion were relieved by 5th Royal Berks. Ernest must have been one of the missing since his body was never found. He is remembered at the Loos Memorial along with over 20,000 other allied officers and men who died in the area and have no known grave. Ernest’s war records, like so many, were destroyed by an incendiary bomb at the War Office in 1940. One record which remains is his entry on the Medal Roll – this confirms his first entry into the French theatre of war as 30th May 1915. This entitled him to the 1915 Star as well as the Victory Medal and British War Medal. Richard Monk - ex Eleys Farm Roxwell Roxwell Recorder 2015 page13 PLEASE COME ALONG AND SUPPORT ROXWELL PRIMARY SCHOOL’S EASTER EGGSTRAVAGANZA THURSDAY 26TH MARCH FROM 3.10pm UNTIL 5.00pm Refreshments, stalls, a fabulous raffle games to play, prizes to win, meet the Easter Bunny! Admission free For further details please contact Mrs Sadie Haynes on 07843243907 or Mrs Carol Carter on 07922810521 An Invitation from Roxwell Church and the Parish Council - THE ROXWELL LITTER annual FUN PICK-UP SATURDAY 11TH APRIL Meet at the Church - 9.30am for 10am start. Conclude with refreshments – from 11am in Church. – Roxwell Recorder 2015 page14 ALL WELCOME -- Roxwell Revealed presents……. Roxwell’s Hidden Treasures In the READING ROOM starting 7.30pm on Thursday 26th March Come and enjoy an evening discovering several things you didn’t know about Roxwell The evening consists of brief illustrated talks by local people about icons or secrets of the village. Some you may know a bit about, such as history of the pub; others you may not even have any idea about - such as what is locked in the church safe - and reported to be famous! There will be maybe ten or more five minute insights of contemporary and historical facts that add to the richness of our village heritage - all delivered with veracity and verve! So do please come along -don’t miss it…. Be Amazed! - Be Surprised! - Be Happy - to live in such a great place as Roxwell! FREE ENTRY Stay and enjoy the sociable wine and cheese at the end - for which we hope for a donation. All proceeds will go to help realise our vision for a village heritage centre. Roxwell Recorder 2015 page15 WAWMAN SERVICES Oil fired Boiler & Aga Service / routine Maintenance / Breakdowns / Landlords Certifications / new Boiler Commissions. Tel: 01277 896767 Mob: 07946759021 e-mail: Registered Technician Fully Insured & OFTEC registered. DRISCOLL WINDOW CLEANER CLEANING SERVICES 01245 36054 Roxwell Recorder 2015 page16 Down on Boyton Hall Farm My thanks to Chris Philpot for another account of what is happening on his busy farm. You may have seen the recent article in the ‘Chronicle’ detailing the raw treatment Essex farmers are getting from importers of our potatoes in the Canary Isles…. I can feel the sun warming my back, phew, Spring must be just around the corner. It’s been a long winter with plenty of potato grading and maintenance jobs completed. We have had the worst year ever exporting potatoes to the Canaries. For some reason a new inspector in Tenerife has found fault with a number of consignments that Essex growers have sent. We have never had a rejection of ware (eating) potatoes before. This year I have had 5 containers rejected, the most recent I heard about today! We send about 200 containers per year from Boyton Hall. There are still 600 tonnes in our cold store looking for a home, we would normally be finished by now! I think this year we will still be trying to sell the potatoes after we have planted this year’s crop – an interesting position to be in….. Maintenance jobs on the farm have included winter hedge cutting and ditching. We endeavour to cut hedges every second year, rather than ever year as hedge species only bear fruit in the second year of fresh growth. This then provides much needed winter food for the animals, birds and other species which inhabit our hedgerows. We need to maintain the ditches so that the land can drain freely. A good soil will be 25% air, 25% water and 50% minerals and other organic matter. A poorly drained soil will result in the air being removed – leading to anaerobic conditions which are very bad for organisms living within it. In the past much money has been invested at Boyton Hall in land drains - laid in the ground to speed up the removal of excess water when it becomes saturated (too wet). Unfortunately, the ditches have silted up over the past 20 – 30 years and a number of the land drains are currently located below the bottom of the ditch. To rectify this and remove silt, the farm is currently in the third year of a ten year programme to dig / clean out all the ditches so the land drains can run freely again. By the time we finish I think we will need to start again! It will not be long now until the sun and wind dry out the fields and the spring crops can be planted. (another couple of months and we will be irrigating the crops as they have run out of water…. Who would be a farmer?) If you would like to contact me on anything agricultural, or contribute an article, my email address is or landline 01245 248425. Ralph Metson 100 CLUB The lucky winner of the February 100 club is No 61 You too could be a lucky winner and build funds to maintain the Reading Room - just by joining the 100 Club! As little as £1 per month - call Greta on 248 355 Roxwell Recorder 2015 page17 OIL APPLIANCE SPECIALIST Off on holiday? Or out all day at work? OFTEC Registered Conversant with ALL systems Keep your pets happy by letting them stay in the comfort of their own home while you’re away. including combination, condensing, underfloor etc. A reputation built on 40 years service experience. Locally based, I can provide complete, personal care for all your pets, from hamsters to horses! Fully insured References available 25 years experience. Regular dog walking also undertaken. So for complete peace of mind, please call Tina on 07717 455047 For all heating, plumbing, & boiler problems Free phone: 0800 8600 127 Mobile: 07957308179 24 hour service ROSEN REMEDIAL GENTLE YOGA CLASSES NEED HELP WITH ACCOUNTS AND BOOKKEEPING? Make time to unwind, relax your body and calm your mind with Yoga. Classes are suitable for all ages and abilities. British Wheel Of Yoga Teacher Tuesday evenings in Roxwell Village Memorial Hall - 7.45pm - 9.15pm For further details and to book yourself a place please call Kim Brunning: 01245 477136 or 07773 155027 e-mail Douglas V Kingsley MFPWS SMALL BUSINESSES INDIVIDUALS ALL ASPECTS OF ACCOUNTANCY TAX RETURNS BOOKKEEPING SELF ASSESSMENTS COMPETITIVE RATES CALL CAROL on 01245248156 or 07922810521 Thinking of having a Meeting or a Party?? Then think Party Wall Surveyor Boundary Dispute Mediator Honalee, 28 St Anne’s Court, Riverside Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 6NE Tel: 01245 409542 Mobile: 0777 550 4648 Email: Roxwell Recorder 2015 page18 READING ROOM Excellent facilities Ideal for Children’s Parties To book call 01245248355 Lark’s Scribblings - Roxwell Springs I’m writing this note on Roxwell Springs, rather appropriately, on a very spring like day in mid February- in fact the BBC weather report tonight said it was the sunniest day since September. On a walk to Skreens lake, fluffy grey pussy willow catkins are just beginning to peep out of their shiny brown protective winter coats. The male birds are singing their mating songs and a couple of fallow deer are also seen a few yards away. Now it seems the deer in this area are frequently seen in small groups, not the large herds of around thirty to forty which were seen a few years ago. In Essex, SPRINGS refer to woodland copses, not springs of water. These Springs are usually quite small and often would have been coppiced. Traditional coppicing, when the trees are cut to the ground on a cycle of around ten years, rejuvenates the trees and provides a crop of wood. Trees most often coppiced were hazel, which provided material for thatching and hornbeam for fuel. Other trees found in coppices are likely to be field maple, ash and elm. This traditional management lets the light into the woodland floor and results in an increase in the flowering of spring plants such as wood anemones, primroses and in woods in North Essex the oxlip. Look at a current OS map of the parish and you will see Ashwood Spring straddling the Willingale parish boundary, Newland Spring just to the east of Quarles, Cooley Spring north of Roxwell, Chalk End Spring and the tiny Lords Cross Spring just east of Chalk End. Does anyone know the derivation of the name Lords Cross Spring or any other Spring? Engine Spring near the exit of Skreens lake may refer to there once being an engine there. Hopgarden Spring near Tye Hall is where hops were once known to be grown. Adjacent to the Roxwell parish boundary there is also Hangman’s Spring, BusheyHays Spring and Roots Spring in Willingale parish and Wares Spring in Good Easter parish. I would be surprised if many other Essex parishes have so many woodland Springs. One of the main reasons there are so many Springs is the traditional importance of shooting on the Skreens Estate. In 1911/12 the game bag included 456 partridges, 4,528 pheasants, 265 wild duck, and 259 hare. Four gamekeepers were regularly employed. The 1914 Skreens sale catalogue notes the “woods and plantations are conveniently placed and warm and capable of holding a good head of pheasants”. Now some game shooting continues but it is on nothing like the grandiose scale of an earlier era. These Springs and other small copses still provide cover for pheasants as well as food, shelter and suitable breeding sites for many other birds and animals. Ailsa Wildig BOYTON CROSS BUS SHELTERThe Roxwell Parish Council apologise to those who use this shelter. We are at present working with our Insurers and Essex County Council Highways with the view of having an up to date shelter similar to those that can be seen close by Lordship Corner. We at present have no idea of when a new shelter will be available. Chris Pavitt, Chairman-Roxwell Parish Council Roxwell Recorder 2015 page19 Roxwell Recorder 2015 page20 ROXWELL PRIMARY SCHOOL Hi there! I want to introduce myself. I’m Ms Vicky Kendall and I’m the new Headteacher of Roxwell School It was a privilege to join the school, in January of this year, after being appointed in July 2014. I was previously the Deputy Head then Acting Headteacher of another local school. Prior to this, I worked in two other Essex Schools. During my school career, I have taught across the Primary Phases, from Reception to Year 6 and have specialised in the teaching of Literacy. I have also especially enjoyed providing opportunities for the children to express themselves creatively such as through art, music and drama. On a personal level, I enjoy reading, singing, meeting friends and going to the cinema. Since taking up my appointment at Roxwell C of E Primary School, I have felt thoroughly welcome and would like to thank everyone who has presented me with smiles and hellos in these first few weeks. I am very much looking forward to building on existing relationships – including those with the church - as well as meet those of you that I haven’t had the pleasure to do so already. As a school, we always welcome visitors so feel free to pop in. Appointments can be made via the School Office. Whilst being in post at Roxwell, I look forward to continuing the good work undertaken already by past and present staff, much of which was recognised by OFSTED in October 2014. It is very much an exciting place to be and has the potential, in so many ways, to move forward and become an even better provider of education for our children. Many thanks again, to all of you who have made me feel so welcome and have answered my many questions, whilst I become familiar with the village. I feel very proud to be a part of the community and look forward to attending the service, led by the Archdeacon on 1st March to officially introduce myself to and meet the local congregation too. Kindest of regards to you all, Vicky Kendell Headteacher Roxwell C of E Primary School Roxwell Recorder 2015 page21 C . H . E . Q . U . E .R . S THE STREET, ROXWELL. TELEPHONE 01245 248240 A traditional village local serving an extensive selection of real ales and lagers Your hosts David and Carol Lake MONDAY - FRIDAY CLOSED LUNCHTIME SATURDAY 12.00 - 2.30 SUNDAY 12.00 - 3.30 Roxwell Recorder 2015 page22 5.00 - 11.00 6.00 - f11.00 yo l 7.00 - 10.30 Roxwell Neighbourhood Watch Bogus emails from BT There is currently a spate of ever more sophisticated bogus emails that have cloned the look and feel of real ones from BT. Listed below are the “From” and “Subject” of known current examples. DO NOT OPEN ANY OF THESE - DELETE IMMEDIATELY. - From “BT” - Your BT Account Has Been Suspended - IMPORTANT - Important Notice - An important update for you - Notification Update - Payment for your BT bill is due - Warning Notification - From “BT SERVICE” - Important Notice: Verify Your Account - Your account is about to expire The scammers and phishers are getting ever more sophisticated. Their emails look identical to real emails from BT, including the overall layout and signatory of Libby Barr, BT Director. Hyperlinks in their emails appear to point to the proper BT website, including such links as ? But this is actually rerouted by them to their cloned BT website lookalike. If you have any queries regarding your BT service, account details or bill payments contact BT directly by phone or log on to My BT and NOT from any link in the suspect email. Theft from outbuildings and garages etc This has increased and the Police are asking for help to locate a silver Toyota Avensis FN53Z--. A pattern has emerged where the occupants of this vehicle drive onto your driveway and park then claim they want directions. If they can’t find anyone around, they wander about the garden or grounds and help themselves, either then or later. If you see the above vehicle please call 101. Dennis Revell Roxwell - NHW COMMUNITY COFFEE MORNING Please come to our next coffee morning On Friday 13 March at the Reading Room from 10am to noon. when our profits will go to the charity that funds the Essex Air Ambulance. If you haven't been before please do come along and join us – All are very Welcome Greta, Angela, Eileen and Robbie Roxwell Recorder 2015 page23 Worried about your property? For a free, no–obligation security survey of your property please call us 01245 807 620 and ask for Ben or Rob Intruder alarm, CCTV and AV specialists – Roxwell based ADAM GREENWOOD FUNERAL HOME Your local funeral director with Own Private Woodland Cemetery BURIALS * CREMATION * GREEN BURIAL MONUMENTAL MASONS PRE-PAYMENT FUNERAL PLANS FOR ALL ENQUIRIES, 24 HOURS A DAY, CALL 01245 496620 73 RAINSFORD LANE, CHELMSFORD, CM1 2QS Roxwell Recorder 2015 page24 From our County Councillor Essex Energy Switch - In Essex this initiative has been hugely successful after attracting just shy of 9,000 households over the past 12 months, with an average saving of over £200 per household. Essex as a county has gained the highest collective sign-up across the UK. All tariffs being offered to residents through the Essex Energy Switch are bespoke and according to IChoosr UK (UK expert in collective energy switching) initial indications are that, based on average usage, these are the best deals obtainable anywhere in the UK. Sounds good? Unfortunately the latest auction has now closed, but be ready for the next one by getting further information from County Council Budget 2015/16 The proposed Essex County Council budget will freeze Council Tax for the fifth successive year. Some of the key elements of the budget include: ● ● ● ● ● ● £131 million in the County’s highways and transportation network. £79 million to provide 3,000 additional primary school places £32 million for transport services including community transport. Starting a five-year programme to develop flood defences. Ensuring there is superfast broadband for our communities Supporting vulnerable people to live as independently as possible. If you have any problems concerning County Council matters please let me know on 01245 421524 or email John Aldridge CC DON’T FORGET! Be part of the new PARISH COUNCIL! Parish Council Elections will be taking place in May of this year on the same day as the General Election on May 7th 2015. Being a Parish Councillor gives an opportunity to enhance the local services for all Parishioners. Help decide on matters about Planninng proposals, local rates we pay, the Recreation field and children’s play areas, bus shelters, road improvements, the village environment generally – and it doesn’t take up too much of your time! Get involved, take the plunge - it’s only a 4 year appointment! If you still feel a bit unsure, register your interest to the Parish Clerk Mrs.Lorraine Green by phone on 01206 384159 or by e-mail to She will take your details to ensure that you receive an application form once they are available. These opportunities only come round once every 4 years! Roxwell Recorder 2015 page25 Pop in to HOT TUB BARN for Hot Tubs, Swim Spas, Spa and Pool Chemicals and Accessories Proud sponsors of Writtle Minors Girls 41 R O BJ O H N S R OAD, C H E LM S FO R D C M1 3AG 01245 265 03 6 Roxwell Recorder 2015 page26 What’s on in Roxwell Date Event Group Venue Fri 13th. Mar 10am-noon Coffee Morning Community Group Reading Room Wed 11th. Mar 8.55pm Sun 15th Mar 10am Parish Council Annual Meeting Parish council School Hall Mothers Day Service Easter Eggstrvaganza Roxwell Church Church Roxwell School School Roxwell Hidden Treasures Roxwell Revealed Reading Room Annual Litter Pick Parish Council & Church Church Church/Village Thurs 26th Mar 3.10 - 5.00pm Thurs 26th Mar 7.30pm Sat 11th April 9.30am-11am Sun 12th April Vestry & Parish Church AGM Church Dear Sir, Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on such an informative magazine! More importantly, I’d like to stress how many Clubs, meetings, events etc that you report upon that have disappointing attendances. Almost 2 years ago I joined the Wednesday Club having worked full time for 38 years as a Nursery Nurse life became a little “empty” - I value the day I did! I have formed great friendships and found new interests. I’m now thinking of joining the WI since they have changed their times form evenings. There is no need to be lonely / fed-up! With all that’s available (it takes just one brave step to join) I’m saddened people become isolated and out of touch when so much is available and often leads to long-term friendships and help. I hope this letter will be encouragement to those who are maybe feeling lonely, or need an “outside the house” few hours. Most Clubs canprovide help with transport and are so welcoming. Thank you yours Mrs Lynda Terry , Chalk End, Roxwell Roxwell Recorder 2015 page27 PLEASE COME ALONG AND SUPPORT ROXWELL PRIMARY SCHOOL’S EASTER EGGSTRAVAGANZA THURSDAY 26TH MARCH FROM 3.10PM UNTIL 5.00PM Refreshments available along with an exciting array of stalls, games to play, prizes to win, a fabulous raffle and a chance to meet the Easter Bunny! Admission free For further details please contact Mrs Sadie Haynes on 07843243907 or Mrs Carol Carter on 07922810521 An Invitation from Roxwell Church and the Parish Council - LET’S TACKLE THE ROXWELL LITTER SCOURGE together at the annual FUN PICK-UP SATURDAY 11TH APRIL Meet at the Church - 9.30am for 10am start. Conclude with refreshments – from 11am in Church. – ALL WELCOME -Some high visibility jackets, litter pickers, gloves and black sacks will be available, courtesy of Chelmsford City Council God has entrusted us with a beautiful village and delightful countryside. LET’S WORK TOGETHER TO LOOK AFTER IT and CLEAR UP ALL THE ROADS AND LANES IN ROXWELL
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