RIVERSIDE REGIONAL JAIL AUTHORITY P. O. Box 1041, 500 FOLAR Trail North Prince George, VA 23860 Purchasing Department (804) 524-6600 ext. 6030 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SEALED Issue Date: April 20, 2015 RFP #862-15 Title: Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) The Riverside Regional Jail Authority (RRJA) solicits interested Offerors to submit proposals (RFP) to provide Enterprise Resource Planning System for RRJA. Closing Date and Time: May 22, 2015, 11:00:00 AM Issuing Authority: Period of Contract: Riverside Regional Jail Authority Purchasing Department, Attention Michelle Jackson P. O. Box 1041 500 FOLAR Trail North Prince George, VA 23860 Five years from date of award (Renewable) (Tentatively July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2020) Receipt of Proposals: Sealed proposals will be received until May 22, 2015, 11:00:00 AM, for furnishing the goods/services described herein. Please submit four (4) copies, marked RFP #862-15, “A Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) for Riverside Regional Jail Authority: If proposals are mailed or Hand Carried send directly to issuing authority above. Proposals will not be accepted via Fax machine. The RRJA has determined to issue a Request for Proposals for the enterprise resource system contract as opposed to an Invitation to Bid due to the fact that the Authority felt that it was not practicable or fiscally advantageous to the Authority to issue an Invitation to Bid, both due to the fact that this is a services contract, and therefore the quality of the services is the most important factor, and the fact that the proposers may propose different ways to provide the services requested. Information: All inquiries should be directed to Michelle Jackson, Purchasing Manager (804) 5246600 ext. 6030, FAX: (804) 524-6659. 1 PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS AND NON-COLLUSION STATEMENT Terms and Conditions: ALL enclosed General and Special Terms and Conditions shall apply to this Request for Proposal. Offerors are reminded to read and comply with all requirements of this solicitation. My signature certifies that the accompanying proposal is not the result of, or affected by, any unlawful act of collusion with another person or company engaged in the same line of business or commerce, or any act of fraud punishable under Title 18.2, Chapter 12, Article 1.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950 as amended. Furthermore, I understand that fraud and unlawful collusion are crimes under the Virginia Governmental Frauds Act, the Virginia Government Bid Rigging Act, and Virginia Antitrust Act, and Federal Law, and can result in fines, prison sentences, and civil damage awards. I hereby certify that I am authorized to sign, personally or as a Representative for the Firm: Name of Firm or Individual: _____________ Address: _________ ________ ____________ _________________________ Signature: ______ Name (type/print): Title: ______ ______ ________ ________ _____ ______________ Date: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ( ) ____ Fax #: ( ) ______________________ Email address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Federal ID #:_________________________________________________________________________________________________ VA State Corporation Commission ID #:__________________________________________________________________ Minority/Female [ ]yes [ ] no 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR RFP #862-15 Enterprise Resource Planning System for Riverside Regional Jail Authority PAGE I. RFP REQUIREMENTS AND INFORMATION 4-6 II. GENERAL INFORMATION 6-7 III. PROPOSAL FORMAT 7 - 10 IV. OFFEROR PARTICIPANT CONSIDERATION 10 - 11 V. SCOPE OF SERVICES 11 - 19 VI. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 20 - 26 VII. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 26 - 32 VIII. APPENDIX A - CLIENT REFERENCE 33 IX. APPENDIX B – NARRATIVE QUESTIONS 34 X. APPENDIX C – FUNCTIONAL AND TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 35 WORK BOOK 1 - 87 3 I. RFP REQUIREMENTS AND INFORMATION PROPOSALS MUST MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS TO BE CONSIDERED VALID. PROPOSALS WILL BE REJECTED IF NOT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THESE REQUIREMENTS. Proposals must be received in the Office of the Purchasing Manager, Riverside Regional Jail Authority, 500 FOLAR Trail, North Prince George Virginia 23860 by the date and time of proposal closing indicated above. NO late proposals will be accepted. NO faxed proposals will be accepted. Proposals must meet all specifications, terms and conditions of this Request for Proposal (RFP). Proposers need to submit their Federal Identification Number in the proposal, as well as the identification number issued to you by the Virginia State Corporation Commission, or a statement as to why such number is not required. The proposer’s proposal MUST be manually signed in ink and returned by the proposal closing date and time along with any other requirements as specified in the RFP in order to be considered for an award. Proposals must be in a sealed envelope and marked “RFP #862-15, “Enterprise Resource Planning System for RRJA” A proposal may not be altered after opening. The proposal must stay in effect for one hundred twenty (120) days after the closing. The contractor will be responsible for all requirements and successful performance of this contract. A. PURPOSE RRJA is hereby soliciting competitive sealed proposals from qualified firms to provide specific services described as Enterprise Resource Planning System for RRJA, (RRJA) located at 500 FOLAR Trail, North Prince George, VA 23860; including compliance with all terms and conditions described in this document. B. PERFORMANCE BOND The selected Offeror shall, after award but prior to start up, establish and maintain a Performance Bond in the amount of one hundred (100) percent of the first-year contract amount based on previous year sales for the duration of the contract. The bond will insure the faithful performance of the contract. The contractor will be required to submit the performance bond within twenty (20) calendar days after written notification of award. C. INQUIRIES Any explanation desired by a proposer regarding the meaning or interpretation of any Request for Proposal provision must be submitted in writing no later than 4:00 p.m., EST, May 1, 2015 to the RRJA Purchasing Manager listed below and clearly marked “Questions for Enterprise Resource Planning System for RRJA”. Questions may be sent via email or facsimile to: Michelle Jackson, Purchasing Manager, Riverside Regional Jail PO Box 1041, 500 FOLAR Trail, North Prince George, VA 23860 mjackson@rrjva.org Facsimile (804) 524-6659 4 Revisions to this RFP or answers to questions concerning this RFP will be issued as addendum. RFP addendum will be distributed to all contractors who were sent this RFP and posted on Virginia Business Opportunities’ and RRJA web sites as well as . Any addendum shall become part of this RFP and part of any contract resulting from this RFP. D. CONTRACT PERIOD This contract shall commence upon execution and continue through solution acceptance by RRJAA. The contract for software maintenance services shall be in effect for years two through five. At the end of this or any future contract term, RRJAA reserves the right to extend this contract for a period of up to sixty (60) days, for the purpose of establishing a new software maintenance contract. Maintenance specified in the resultant contract may be renewed by the mutual written agreement of both parties for an additional five (5) one-year terms, under the terms and conditions of the original contract except as noted herein. Price changes may be negotiated at time of renewal, however, in no case shall the maintenance costs for succeeding one-year period exceed the prior year’s contract price, increased by more than the percentage increase in the category of the CPI-W section of the US bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index, for the latest twelve months for which statistics are available, or 3%, whichever is less. For additional information on contract period terms please refer to page 45 Section W. If delays in the proposal process result in an adjustment of the anticipated contract starting date, the contractor agrees to accept a contract for the full term of the contract. E. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION The RRJA will administer the contract. The successful contractor will be required to bill RRJA directly. Any problems with delivery, payment, credit, etc. will be handled directly by RRJA. F. COMMUNICATION WITH STAFF From the date the RFP is issued until an Offeror has been selected and officially announced, all communication regarding this RFP by potential Offerors and employees of RRJA shall be in writing and addressed to the Purchasing Office. Once a contractor is preliminarily selected, that contractor is restricted from communicating with RRJA staff until a contract is signed. Violation of this condition may be considered sufficient cause to reject a contractor’s proposal and/or selection irrespective of any other condition. The following exceptions to these restrictions are permitted: 1. Written communication with the person(s) designated as the point(s) of contact for this RFP or procurement; 2. Contacts made pursuant to any pre-existing contracts or obligations; 3. RRJA staff and/or contractor staff present at the Pre-Proposal Conference when recognized by RRJA staff facilitating the meeting for the purpose of addressing questions 4. RRJA-requested presentations, key personnel interviews, and 5. Clarification sessions or discussions to finalize a contract. G. PRIME CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES The contractor will be required to assume responsibility for all contractual services offered in this proposal whether or not the contractor performs them. Further, RRJA will consider the contractor to be the sole point of contact with regard to contractual matters, including 5 payment of any and all charges resulting from the anticipated contract. If any part of the work is to be subcontracted, responses to this proposal shall include a list of subcontractors, including business name and address, telephone number, contact person and complete description of work to be subcontracted. RRJA reserves the right to approve or disapprove subcontractors at the time of award and throughout the contract period and to require the contractor to replace subcontracts found to be unacceptable. H. REJECTIONS OF PROPOSALS RRJA reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, wholly or in part. RRJA reserves the right to waive any deviations or errors that are not material, do not invalidate the legitimacy of the proposal and do not improve the proposer’s competitive position. All awards will be made in a manner deemed in the best interest of RRJA. I. J. SCHEDULE ACTIVITY 1. Release date for Request for Proposal 2. Last day to submit written questions 3. RRJA responds to written questions through RFP Addendum to be sent to all prospective proposers. 4. Proposal Due Date 5. Estimated date of interviews with top 2 Offerors 6. Contract start date DATE/TIME April 20, 2015 4:00 p.m., EST, May 1, 2015 May 5 , 2015 11:00 a.m., EST, May 22, 2015 June 8, 2015 September 1, 2015 PROPOSAL EVALUATION 1. RRJA will conduct a fair, impartial and comprehensive evaluation of all proposals in accordance with the criteria set forth below. 2. The extent to which the proposal meets the requirements of the RFP. 3. Cost of required software and services to RRJA. 4. The demonstrated ability of the proposer to provide the required software and services to RRJA. 5. The quality of performance of previous contracts. 6. The financial resources of the proposer to perform the contract services. II. GENERAL INFORMATION This request for proposal is designed to solicit proposals from qualified firms for providing software and professional services to implement an Enterprise Resource Planning software for RRJA, located at 500 FOLAR Trail, North Prince George, VA 23860. Firms responding to this RFP must have a proven and verifiable record of providing software and professional services to implement Enterprise Resource Planning software with a comparable size agency and scope of operations. Proposals shall conform to all instructions, conditions, and requirements included in the RFP. Contractors are expected to carefully examine all documentation, schedules and requirements stipulated in this RFP, and respond to each requirement in the format prescribed. Proposals that do not conform to the mandatory items as provided in the proposal instructions will not be considered. 6 A contract will be awarded to a single contractor as a result of this proposal. In addition to the provisions of this RFP and the awarded proposal, which shall be incorporated by reference in the contract, any additional clauses or provisions required by the terms and conditions will be included as an amendment to the contract. This RFP does not commit RRJA to award a contract. RRJA reserves the right to reject all proposals, and at its discretion, may withdraw or amend this RFP at any time. If, in the opinion of RRJA, revisions or amendments will require substantive changes in proposals, the due date may be extended. III. PROPOSAL FORMAT Proposals shall be in the format described below and must include the following: A. Section One - General Information about the Contractor Provide general information about the company including background, experience, organizational structure, general product descriptions, etc. At a minimum, Section One shall include: 1. Letter of Transmittal Prepare a brief letter which provides the following information: a) Name and address of the Offeror b) Name, title and telephone number of the contact person for the Offeror. c) A statement that the proposal is in response to the Enterprise Resource Planning System RFP. d) A statement acknowledging and accepting the terms and conditions of this Enterprise Resource Planning System RFP. e) The signature, typed name, and title of an individual who is authorized to commit the Offeror to this proposal. The contents of the successful proposal shall become a contractual obligation if a contract ensues. 2. Executive Summary Highlight the contents of the technical proposal and provide evaluators with a broad understanding of the Offeror’s technical approach and the Offeror’s ability to fulfill all requirements and comply with the terms and conditions of the RFP and ensuing contract. 3. Offeror’s Organization and Staffing This section shall include identification of the staff members of the project team, their duties and responsibilities and their background and experience. 4. Documented Experience The Offeror must describe the Offeror’s background and experience to demonstrate the Offeror’s ability to operate an inmate commissary service as described in the Enterprise Resource Planning System RFP. B. Section Two - Current and Previous Contracts Provide information about the company’s current and previous contracts or business, legal actions against the company, and audited financial statements. As a minimum, Section Two shall include: 7 1. Current Contracts or Business List facility name, city, and state where Offeror is providing Enterprise Resource Planning System and the length of time that each contract has been in effect. This information must be submitted on the Client Reference in Attachment A. 2. Previous Contracts or Business List facility name, city, and state where Offeror has terminated Enterprise Resource Planning System, or been out-bid in the past 24 months. For each contract specify the contract start date and reason for termination. 3. Legal Action Include disclosure of any legal action pending or settled against the company or corporate principals within the company within the past 48 months. 4. Audited Financial Statements Provide audited financial statements for the most recent fiscal year and previous year to support the Offeror’s financial capability to undertake and complete the performance of the contract. If the company is a subsidiary or division of a corporation, the relationship of the Offeror must be clearly delineated in the proposal. C. Section Three - Offeror’s Work Plan Describe in detail the Offeror’s work plan and proposal for satisfying all RFP requirements. At a minimum, Section Three shall include: 1. Offeror’s Work Plan Describe in detail: a) Actions the Offeror will take to start up and provide an Enterprise Resource Planning System for Riverside Regional Jail. The work plan shall include a detailed project schedule identifying all tasks to be accomplished, the Offeror’s approach to task accomplishment, and a timeline for completion of tasks and implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning System. b) This section should include a summary description of the capabilities for each functional area of the Functional and Technical Requirements contained in Attachment C in narrative format. The purpose of this summary is so that RRJA has a high-level understanding of the proposed solution. The narrative should be written for an audience of the end-user community. Descriptions should be included for any products proposed by third-parties to meet the capabilities described in the Functional and Technical Requirements in Attachment C. c) This section should include a comprehensive description of the proposed implementation methodology for the Project. The description should include how the Offeror has developed this methodology to both incorporate lessons learned from past experiences as well as to meet the needs described in Scope of Services – General Requirements of this RFP. RRJA reserves the right to require background checks be conducted on any individual conducting work as either an employee of the Contractor, or on the Contractor’s behalf. d) This section shall describe the development and provide a pre- and postimplementation support plan that describes the approach to software support during the implantation and after the implementation of the Enterprise Resource Planning software. 8 e) This section should include the proposed Data Conversion Plan that will ensure RRJA’s desired data is transferred to the new system. The Plan shall include estimated work levels as well as roles and responsibilities related to data conversion, for both RRJA and the Contractor, organized by module. f) This section shall describe the development, the provision of and management of a detailed training plan. g) This section shall describe the development and the provision of documentation that describe the features and functions of the proposed application software. h) This section should include the Offeror’s response to the narrative questions located in Attachment B D. Section Four - Offeror’s Products and Pricing The Offeror’s price proposal should be provided under separate cover form the Offeror’s technical proposal. The price proposal shall consist of two sections: 1. The completed Cost Proposal Worksheet as contained in Attachment C. Offerors shall not modify the worksheets in any way. 2. Offeror’s standard travel and expense policy. 3. The offeror shall provide a brief state of agreement with the payment and retainage terms identified in this RFP. If an offeror does not agree with all items, a description should be provided of those items for with is exception is taken. 4. Prices should be expressed in terms of dollars and cents, at which the Contractor agrees to, sell the items to Riverside Regional Jail. E. Section Five - Exceptions and Deviations Provide a statement expressing the Contractor’s understanding and willingness to comply with all provisions of the RFP. If there are provisions of the RFP that the Contractor is unwilling or unable to comply with, the Contractor shall identify the paragraph number, list the provision in its entirety and provide the reason for non compliance. If there are provisions of the RFP that the Contractor would like to propose an alternative solution, the Contractor shall identify the paragraph number, list the provision in its entirety and provide the alternative solution. F. Section Six - Technology Enhancements and Other Services Offeror may use this section to describe technology enhancements, software applications, other services, etc that are available through or recommended by the Offeror. G. Offeror Notification The successful Offeror submitting proposals shall be notified in writing within ninety (90) days or less after the date specified for receipt of proposals (Friday May 22, 2015). H. Evaluation and Selection Evaluation and selection of an Offeror will be based on the information submitted in the proposals plus any required oral presentations and demonstrations. Offerors may not submit alternate Proposals for evaluation. There may be further information required for clarification purposes after the proposals are submitted. A committee designated by Riverside Regional Jail will evaluate all proposals submitted in response to this RFP. 9 I. RRJA reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, or any part of any proposal, and to waive any defect or technicality, and to advertise for new proposals where the acceptance, rejection, waiver or advertisement would be in the best interest of RRJA. RRJA also reserves the right to award in whole or in part, by item, group of items, or by section where such action serves RRJA’s best interest. Proposal award will be based on compliance with mandatory items and evaluation of desirable items indicated throughout this specification. Complete and accurate responses to all items are necessary for fair evaluation of proposals. Delivery Bidder’s ability to meet delivery requirements and other criteria as it pertains to the specific RFP. RRJA will consider any other factors that are in RRJA’s best interest. IV. OFFEROR PARTICIPANT CONSIDERATIONS A. Contractor Qualifications To qualify for this contract, the Contractor should: 1. Demonstrate the Contractor understands of the scope of work and the quality and clarity of the Offeror’s written methodology and description of the proposed approach to accomplish the work. This criterion also considers the Offeror’s approach to training and support. Demonstrate financial stability. 2. The offeror has demonstrated experience in providing the services solicited in this RFP 3. Have operated under the same business name for the last three (3) years. B. Geographic Scope The Contractor must identify the geographic scope of the firm, whether local, within Virginia, regional, national or international. If the company is not local, it must identify the location of the closest office designated to provide project support, supervision and oversight. Contractor must provide details regarding off-site (from RRJA) resources dedicated to this contract. C. Client References Each submission must include a list of at least five client references providing information described in Appendix A – Client References. References must be from contracts with jails or RRJA/county government clients with whom the Offeror has worked during the past three (3) years that are of similar size and complexity to RRJA. References shall be from governmental entities that have been live with the proposed software for a minimum of two (2) years. If possible, RRJA requests that at least one reference is for a Sage conversion. In the event the Offeror cannot provide the required five references, Offeror may substitute other government entities who they have worked with in the past five (5) years to ensure five (5) total references are provided. Substitute references shall be from government entities that have been live with the proposed software for a minimum of two (2) years. Offerors shall indicate how these substitute references deviate from the requested characteristics. D. Software Interface Application Each submission must include a detailed list of software interfaces created that are currently in use. Contracts with reference jails must have been in effect for at least one year and at least five of the references must be from current contracts. This information must be provided or the submission may be disqualified. 10 V. SCOPE OF SERVICES - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Project Objectives RRJA is planning to replace its current financial, human resource, fixed asset and payroll systems with an ERP system that will be inclusive of additional complementary functional areas. In doing so, RRJA seeks to address several challenges in the current environment, including but not limited to: 1. 2. 3. 4. There is limited integration among existing enterprise applications. There is a reliance on manual and paper-based processes. There is limited query and reporting capabilities. Information is manually tracked external of the existing system. In addition to the challenges in the current environment, RRJA seeks to select and implement a system that will allow for strategic expansion of business processes as RRJA continues to grow. RRJA wishes to both promote an integrated systems environment in the future while ensuring the selected software will meet the Functional and Technical Requirements. While RRJA encourages a single, fully integrated software solution, Offerors of a sub-set of the functional areas listed in the table in Section II that provides a high level of functionality will be accepted for submission and eligible for award. In order to address these challenges and others, RRJA has initiated an enterprise-wide project to adequately plan for, select, and implement an ERP system. Offerors may not submit alternate Proposals for evaluation. B. Functional Areas The following list is of functional areas for the desired ERP system. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. General Ledger and Financial Reporting Budgeting Purchasing, and Contract Management Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Cash Receipts Fixed Assets Project Accounting Human Resources Payroll The List of Functional and Technical Requirements contained in Attachment C contains the detailed functionality RRJA desires within each functional area in a future system(s). C. RRJA and Project Staffing RRJA will have a dedicated Project Manager through implementation. Additional RRJA resource planning has not been completed and will be based on the resource estimates provided by the Contractor. 11 D. Current RRJA Application Environment 1. Financial Management Since 1997, RRJA has utilized a software application, Sage Pro Series 6.1, currently licensed through Foundation One to manage many of its mission-critical data and business processes, in particular those related to core financials. Sage Pro is run on a Windows Server 2012 based Dell Server. Sage Pro has been supplemented by various third-party systems, as well as numerous MS Excel Spreadsheets to track and manage RRJA data. 2. Number of Users The following user counts by module contained in the table below are estimates and are provided for planning purposes only. The below information includes current applications supporting each functional area and the total current system users by functional areas. The Sage System currently limits the number of concurrent users to 10. Functional Area General Ledger and Financial Reporting Budgeting Purchasing, Contract Management Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Cash Receipts Fixed Assets Human Resources Payroll Current System Sage Pro Series 6.1 Sage Pro Series 6.1 Sage Pro Series 6.1 Sage Pro Series 6.1 Sage Pro Series 6.1 Sage Pro Series 6.1 Sage Ascentis Corp Millennium/CBiz Number of Users 3 1 4 3 2 2 1 3 2 The estimated total users are not the sum of total users by functional area as it is anticipated multiple users will utilize several functional areas. There are currently10 unique RRJA users with access to Sage. 3. Functional Area Statistics The following information contains functional statistics for RRJA. These statistics are estimates and are provided for planning purposes only. Functional Area General Ledger and Financial Reporting Number of Funds Budgeting Operating Budget Capital Budget Purchasing and Contract Management Number of Purchase Orders Accounts Payable Number of Vendors Number of Invoices processed Accounts Receivable Number of Invoices sent Cash Receipts Number of Cash Collection Annual Statistics 40 $38 million $1 million 1,444 1,380 1528 235 197 12 Fixed Assets (does not include land and buildings) Amount of Fixed Assets Number of Fixed Assets Line Items Project Accounting Number of Active Projects Human Resources Number of Employees Number of Applicants Payroll Number of timesheets per payroll cycle Number of payroll checks issued Number of ACH direct deposits per payroll Number of W2’s $7.6 million 7054 15 396 7,300 396 20 376 441 E. Requested Phasing RRJA is requesting phasing and go-live date of October 1, 2015. The phases and target go-live date is an estimate based on timing of related annual processes, anticipated resource requirements, and dependencies between functional areas. RRJA operates on a July 1 – June 30 Fiscal Year. The requested phases are subject to negotiation. Offerors are encouraged to indicate the ability to meet these anticipated go-live date. If Offerors are not able to meet the anticipated go-live date, Offerors should discuss suggested implementation timelines. D. Implementation Project Plan As part of the Project Scope, the Contractor must develop and provide RRJA with a detailed Implementation Project Plan that, at a minimum, will include the components listed below. 1. Section #1 - Project Objectives: This section of the Implementation Project Plan should include overall Project objectives. 2. Section #2 - Project Deliverables and Milestones: This section of the Implementation Project Plan should include a list of deliverables and milestones of the Project, and with each deliverable or milestone, this section should describe exactly how and what will be provided to meet the needs of RRJA. 3. Section #3 - Project Schedule (Project Management Software): This section of the Implementation Project Plan should identify the dates associated with deliverables and milestones described in Section #2 of the Project Plan. In addition, this section should reflect Project predecessors, successors and dependencies. RRJA requires the use of Project management software (such as Microsoft Project) to develop and maintain the Project schedule, Resource Plan, and Gantt chart. 4. Section #4 - Project Management Processes: a) Resource Management: This section of the Implementation Project Plan should describe RRJA resources, Contractor resources, and the overall Project team structure, including an organizational chart. Roles identified for the Contractor, its subcontractors, and RRJA should also include a detailed description of the responsibilities related to the identified role as well as the communication process for each party. 13 b) Scope Management: This section of the Implementation Project Plan should describe the approach the Contractor will use in order to manage Project Scope and the process used to request changes to Project Scope. It is RRJA’s desire to use the proposed system “as is” and, as such, any changes must be reviewed and approved by RRJA’s Implementation Project Team. c) Schedule Management: This section of the Implementation Project Plan should describe the approach the Contractor will use in order to manage the Project schedule and the process used to submit requested changes to the schedule. The Contractor must ensure that the Project schedule is kept current and report any missed milestones to RRJA. d) Risk Management: This section of the Implementation Project Plan should describe the approach the Contractor will use to document existing Project risks, provide recommendations for mitigating the risk, and how this will be communicated to RRJA Implementation Team. e) Quality Management: This section of the Implementation Project Plan should describe the approach the Contractor will use to assure that all written deliverables have received appropriate reviews for quality before being submitted to RRJA. f) Communication Management: This section of the Implementation Project Plan should describe the approach the Contractor will use to provide a detailed communication plan that includes discussion of key implementation metrics that will be used to track progress; types of communication methods (i.e., memo, email, one-on-one meetings, Project team meetings, stakeholder group meetings, online web progress reporting tools, etc.) that the Contractor will use; frequency of these communications; and key Contractor points-of-contact with overall responsibility for ensuring these communications are provided as scheduled. RRJA also expects that the Contractor will make key personnel and staff available for certain meetings either on-site or via teleconference or web-conference that may be required should major issues arise during the implementation that significantly impact the schedule, or budget, of the ERP system. g) Business Process Change Management: This section of the Implementation Project Plan should describe the approach the Contractor will use to provide a plan which should include a list of the business processes the Contractor recommends changing and a detailed description and flowchart outlining the changes, the anticipated benefits to RRJA of these changes, and how the Contractor proposes to manage this change process. h) Organizational Change Management: This section of the Implementation Project Plan should describe the process, tools and techniques the Contractor will use to manage the people-side of change. 5. Section #5 - Bi-Weekly Status Reports: This section of the Implementation Project Plan should describe the approach the Contractor will use to provide bi-weekly status reports throughout the course of the Project. This section should include an example of the biweekly status report and identify the expected delivery mechanism that will be used to provide the report to RRJA. Offerors shall provide a preliminary Implementation Project Plan as part of responses in accordance with the Submittal Response Format described in Section II. 14 E. Contractor Project Team Resource Management Offerors shall provide a sample Resource Plan for the Proposed Contractor Project Team as part of responses in accordance with the Submittal Response Format described in Section II. F. RRJA Project Team Resource Management Offerors shall provide a sample Resource Plan for the individuals who will comprise RRJA Implementation Project Team as part of responses in accordance with the Submittal Response Format described in Section II. G. Software Customization Plan The Contractor will develop and provide a detailed Software Customization Plan that includes anticipated customizations and their impact to the overall Project schedule, budget, and final success. This Software Customization Plan should describe the process that RRJA and the Contractor will engage in for accepting the software modifications. While it is RRJA’s intent to utilize the Contractor system’s existing capabilities and embedded best-practice business processes, it recognizes that there may be some critical work processes that require software customization. H. System Interface Plan As part of the Project Scope, the Contractor shall develop and provide a detailed System Interface Plan that contains the proposed strategy for interfacing to all applications described in the Interfaces section of Attachment C, Functional and Technical Requirements. Attachment C contains a list of the potential interfaces at this time. Offerors shall provide a preliminary System Interface Plan as part of responses in accordance with the Submittal Response Format described in Section II I. J. Data Conversion Plan As part of the Project Scope, the Contractor shall develop and provide a detailed Data Conversion Plan that describes how files will be converted to the proposed system (e.g., through software conversion aids/utility programs or special programs that must be written, the actual conversion procedures, etc.). RRJA would like to understand how the Contractor will approach developing the data conversion plan, and what processes will be undertaken by the Contractor’s Project team to convert existing data as well as to interface with identified source systems. A conversion schedule should identify planned conversion steps, estimated hours, and what resources will be required (by RRJA or Contractor) for all pertinent legacy data. Data conversion shall occur when migrating to the new application. The Contractor is expected to assist RRJA in the conversion of both electronic and manual data to the new system. It is expected that RRJA will be responsible for data extraction from current systems and data scrubbing and that the Contractor shall be responsible for overall data conversion coordination, definition of file layouts, and data import and validation into the new system(s). Contractors should plan to have converted data ready for the User Acceptance Testing phase of the Project. Offerors shall provide a preliminary Data Conversion Plan as part of responses in accordance with the Submittal Response Format described in Section II. Testing and Quality Assurance Plan As part of the Project Scope, the Contractor shall develop and provide a Testing and Quality Assurance Plan that describes all phases of testing: unit, system, interface, integration, regression, parallel, and user acceptance testing. It is RRJA’s expectation that the Testing Plan govern all phases of the Project and that the Contractor shall also provide assistance during each testing phase involving RRJA users. The Contractor shall develop the initial User 15 Acceptance Testing (UAT) plan, provide templates and guidance for developing test scripts, and will provide onsite support during UAT. The Contractor shall also provide a plan for stress testing of the system that will occur during or after UAT. The Test and Quality Assurance Plan should also describe how the desired levels of quality will be achieved through implementation. The Plan should identify resources from both the Contractor and RRJA who will be involved in the processes of quality planning, quality assurance, and quality control. K. Pre- and Post-Implementation Support Plan As part of the Project Scope, the Contractor shall develop and provide a Pre- and Postimplementation Support Plan that describes the approach to software support during the implementation and after the implementation. Offerors should describe what level of support is available under the proposed fee structure. If varying levels of support are available, this section of the Offeror’s response should clarify these potential services and highlight the level of support that has been proposed. L. Training Plan As part of the Project Scope, the Contractor shall develop, provide, and manage a detailed Training Plan. This Training Plan must include the information described below. 1. The role and responsibility of the Contractor in the design and implementation of the training plan (e.g., development of customized training materials, delivering training to RRJA end users). 2. The role and responsibility of RRJA staff in the design and implementation of the training plan. 3. Overview of proposed training plan/strategy, including options for on-site or off-site training services, for the core Project team, end users, and technology personnel. 4. Proposed training schedule for RRJA personnel of various user and interaction levels. 5. Descriptions of classes/courses proposed in the training plan. (The Offeror should specify the unit of measure for its training, e.g., units, classes, days, etc., and define the hours associated with these units of measure.) The Offeror must be very clear about exactly what training courses are included in the cost of the Proposal. 6. The knowledge transfer strategy proposed by the software and/or implementation Contractor to prepare RRJA staff to maintain the system after it is placed into production. 7. Detailed description of system documentation and resources that will be included as part of the implementation by the Contractor including, but not limited to, detailed system user manuals, “Quick Reference” guides, online support, help desk support, user group community resources, and others as available. 8. It is RRJA’s intention that the Contractor will coordinate the training of RRJA personnel in the use of its application and that satisfactory implementation of an approved Training Plan will be a key component of this Project’s deliverables. Documentation, including training manuals and agendas, will be provided by the Contractor before each training session with RRJA staff. 16 M. System Documentation As part of the Project Scope, the Contractor shall develop and provide documentation that describes the features and functions of the proposed application software. The documentation shall be provided for both users and the technical personnel who will administer and maintain the system. It is desirable that differing levels of documentation (user documentation and technical documentation) exist. The Contractor shall provide documentation in web-based and PDF form for each application module. Specifically, system documentation must include a data dictionary. Offerors shall provide sample System Documentation as part of responses in accordance with the Submittal Response Format described in Section II. In addition, Offerors shall provide an overview of the system documentation that will be provided as part of system implementation. N. Risk Register As part of the Project Scope, the Contractor shall develop and maintain a documented Risk Register. Such Risk Register will be maintained in a centrally accessible location (i.e., Project portal) and be regularly updated. For each risk identified, the Contractor shall be responsible to develop an impact summary and a mitigation strategy in a timely fashion. O. Payment and Retainages RRJA understands that there will be potentially three types of costs that are associated with procuring a new system: software licensing, implementation services and annual maintenance costs. RRJA expects all payments and retainages to be a topic during contract negotiations. In the following sections, each type of cost is defined and RRJA’s expectations for payments and retainage associated with these costs are described. 1. Software Licensing Cost Software license costs include all costs related to licensing the software application and include third-party software license fees, where applicable. In presenting software license fees, the Offeror shall: a) Explain all factors that could affect licensing fees; b) Make clear what type of license is offered for each price (hosted subscription fee, named user, concurrent user, installed copies, processor-based, etc.); c) Indicate which product versions, operating platform(s), are included for each price; d) Indicate whether a product is for “server” or “client,” as applicable; and e) Make clear the extent of any implementation services that are included in the license fees (installation, configuration, training, etc.). To the extent possible, the Offeror shall show any applicable discounts separately from the prices for products and services. RRJA requests that the Offeror provide separate prices for each functional area/module in the proposed solution. In addition, RRJA expects software maintenance costs will not increase in the first five years starting from beneficial use of each module. RRJA will provide payments associated with software license fees on a milestone basis described in the following table. 17 Project Milestone for each phase of the implementation Project Kick-Off and Project Plan Approval License Payment Associated Test 20% Kick-Off Meeting has been completed and RRJA has signed off on the Project Plan deliverable. RRJA has provided formal acceptance that all data has been successfully converted. RRJA has provided formal acceptance that all business requirements have been successfully configured and end users can access the configured test environment. End users are fully trained to undertake UAT activities. RRJA has signed off on the UAT test results. RRJA has signed off on at least two months of successful system operations. (%of Total) Data Conversion Acceptance System Configuration Acceptance 20% Approval of Go-Live Acceptance of System 20% 20% 20% 2. Implementation Service Cost Implementation service costs include all costs related to implementation, configuration, data conversion, customization, and training. Typically, implementation service costs are provided as “not to exceed” estimates and RRJA will be charged for services as incurred. RRJA expects a payment schedule for implementation services costs on a monthly basis that does include a retained amount as a “hold-back.” RRJA expects to release this retained amount at the acceptance of each implementation phase. RRJA will pay eighty-five percent (85%) of the implementation service costs on a monthly basis as incurred on the Project. Fifteen percent (15%) of the implementation service costs will be retained (as a “hold-back”) until successful completion of the associated Project phase. The fifteen percent (15%) hold- back will be paid to the Contractor upon RRJA acceptance of the system (see above for associated test criteria) and sign-off at phase completion. System acceptance will be a determination made by RRJA. Costs for the proposed solution should be submitted on the Cost Worksheet (Attachment C). It is important to note the following: a) RRJA will not consider time and materials pricing. Offerors shall provide firm and fixed pricing based on the functionality described. For each item, indicate if the cost is one-time, annual, or other; b) The Offeror shall provide price information for each separate component of the proposed solution, as well as the costs of any modifications; c) In the event the product or service is provided at no additional cost, the item should be noted as "no charge;” d) In the event the product or service is not being included in the proposal, the item should be noted as "No Bid;” and, e) Offeror shall make clear the basis of calculation for all fees. 18 All travel expense costs must be included in the Offeror’s fixed price cost. RRJA will not make a separate payment for reimbursable expenses. RRJA shall not be liable for additional travel costs incurred due for any reason outside RRJA’s control. 3. Annual Maintenance Cost Annual maintenance costs include the annual maintenance and support fees for the application environment. For example, the annual maintenance fees associated with Purchasing module will be paid upon RRJA acceptance of the project phase associated with the Purchasing module. RRJA does not expect to pay maintenance fees on functional areas until RRJA sign-off has been provided. In addition, RRJA does not desire to pay maintenance operation fees for one year after accepted go live. RRJA desires software maintenance costs will not increase in the first five years upon live operation. Additionally, RRJA expects to have periods of pro-rated maintenance costs for certain phases in order to eventually reach a consistent payment schedule inclusive of all phases that are live. RRJA is interested in Offerors submitting a cost option based on a lump-sum payment for five years of maintenance. Offerors shall provide their typical payment schedule for annual maintenance costs including their willingness to meet RRJA’s expectations. P. Source Code The Contractor shall place source code for the software modules licensed by RRJA in escrow with an independent third-party (with whom a separate escrow agreement will be entered into by RRJA at no additional cost to RRJA). The source code shall be kept current with the releases / version of the software in live use at RRJA. The source code shall revert to RRJA for RRJA’s use if the Contractor files for bankruptcy or protection from creditors in a court of law. RRJA shall then have full rights to use source code for any purposes other than resale. Within thirty (30) calendar days of the Contractor going out of business or no longer supporting the software being licensed, the Contractor shall provide appropriate source code to RRJA. The same applies if the Contractor is merged or acquired and the software is no longer supported. Once RRJA obtains the source code, it shall be a perpetual license, and there shall not be any additional fees due, even if additional licenses are deployed. Q. Warranty of Software RRJA intends to negotiate for significant warranty provisions to be incorporated in the resultant contract. 19 VI. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: A. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: RRJA reserves the right to ask any Proposer to submit information missing from its proposal, to clarify the proposal or offer, and to submit additional information which RRJA deems desirable, and does not affect quality, quantity, price or delivery. B. ANTIDISCRIMINATION: By submitting their proposals, all Proposers certify to RRJA that they will conform to the provisions of the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, as well as the Virginia Fair Employment Contracting Act of 1975, as amended, where applicable, the Virginians With Disabilities Act, the Americans With Disabilities Act and Section 2.2-4311 of the Virginia Public Procurement Act. If the award is made to a faithbased organization, the organization shall not discriminate against any recipient of goods, services, or disbursements made pursuant to the contract on the basis of the recipient's religion, religious belief, refusal to participate in a religious practice, or on the basis of race, age, color, gender or national origin and shall be subject to the same rules as other organizations that contract with public bodies to account for the use of the funds provided; however, if the faith-based organization segregates public funds into separate accounts, only the accounts and programs funded with public funds shall be subject to audit by the public body. (Code of Virginia, § 2.2-4343.1E). In every contract over $10,000 the provisions in 1 and 2 below apply: 1. During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows: a) The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other basis prohibited by state law relating to discrimination b) In employment, except where there is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the normal operation of the contractor. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. c) The contractor, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor, will state that such contractor is an equal opportunity employer. d) Notices, advertisements and solicitations placed in accordance with federal law, rule or regulation shall be deemed sufficient for the purpose of meeting these requirements. 2. The contractor will include the provisions of a) Above in every subcontract or purchase order over $10,000, so that the provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or Offeror. C. ANTI-TRUST: By entering into a contract, the contractor conveys, sells, assigns, and transfers to RRJA all rights, title and interest in and to all causes of the action it may now or hereafter acquire under the antitrust laws of the United States, relating to the particular goods purchased or acquired by RRJA under the said contract. 20 D. APPLICABLE LAW AND COURTS: This solicitation and any resulting contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the Virginia Public Procurement Act and any litigation with respect thereto shall be brought in the courts of the Commonwealth. The contractor shall comply with applicable Federal, State and local laws and regulations. E. ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT: A contract shall not be assignable by the contractor in whole or in part without the written consent of RRJA. F. AWARD: Following the receipt of proposals, selection shall be made of two or more proposers deemed to be fully qualified and best suited among those submitting proposals, on the basis of the criteria mentioned herein. After negotiations have been conducted with each proposer so selected, the RRJA shall select the proposer which, in its opinion, has made the best proposal, and shall award the contract to that proposer. Should the RRJA determined in writing and in its sole discretion that only one proposer is fully qualified, or that one proposer is clearly more highly qualified than the others under consideration, a contract may be negotiated and awarded to that offeror. Award results will be posted for public inspection in a designated public area at RRJA located at 500 FOLAR Trail, PO Box 1041, North Prince George, VA 23860. Award results will be furnished if a SELFADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE is supplied with bid. G. CHANGES TO THE CONTRACT: Changes can be made to the contract in any one of the following ways: 1. The parties may agree in writing to modify the terms, conditions, or scope of contract. Any additional goods or services to be provided shall be of a sort that is ancillary to the contract goods or services, or within the same broad product or service categories as were included in the contract award. Any increase or decrease in the price of the contract resulting from such modification shall be agreed to by the parties as a part of t heir written agreement to modify the scope of the contract. 2. RRJA may order changes within the general scope, of the contract at any time by written notice to the contractor. Changes within the scope of the contract include, by are not limited to, things such as services to be performed, the method of packing or shipment, and the place of delivery or installation. The contractor shall comply with the notice upon receipt, unless the contractor intends to claim an adjustment to compensation, schedule, or other contractual impact that would be caused by complying with such notice, in which case the contractor shall, in writing, promptly notify RRJA of the adjustment to be sought, and before proceeding to comply with the notice, shall await RRJA's written decision affirming, modifying, or revoking the prior written notice. If RRJA decides to issue a notice that requires an adjustment to compensation, the contractor shall be compensated for any additional costs incurred as the result of such order and shall give RRJA a credit for any savings. Said compensation shall be determined by one of the following methods: a) By mutual agreement between the parties in writing; or b) By agreeing upon a unit price or using a unit price set forth in the contract, if the work to be done can be expressed in units, and the contractor accounts for the number of units of work performed, subject to RRJA’s right to audit the contractor’s records and/or to determine the correct number of units independently; or c) By ordering the contractor to proceed with the work and keep a record of all costs incurred and savings realized. A markup for overhead and profit may be allowed if 21 provided by the contract. The same markup shall be used for determining a decrease in price as the result of savings realized. The contractor shall present RRJA with all vouchers and records of expenses incurred and savings realized. RRJA shall have the right to audit the records of the contractor as it deems necessary to determine costs or savings. Any claim for an adjustment in price under this provision must be asserted by written notice to RRJA within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the written order from RRJA. If the parties fail to agree on an amount of adjustment, the question of an increase or decrease in the contract price or time for performance shall be resolved in accordance with the procedures for resolving disputes provided by the Disputes Clause of this contract or, if there is none, in accordance with the disputes provisions of the Commonwealth of Virginia Vendors Manual. Neither the existence of a claim nor a dispute resolution process, litigation or any other provision of this contract shall excuse the contractor from promptly complying with the changes ordered by RRJA or with the performance of the contract generally. H. CLARIFICATION OF TERMS: If any prospective Proposer has questions about the specifications or other proposal documents, the prospective Proposer should submit a written request to the purchasing agent whose name appears on the face of the invitation, no later than five (5) days before the due date. Any revisions to the invitation will be made only by addendum issued by the purchasing agent. I. J. COOPERATIVE PROCUREMENT: This procurement is being conducted by RRJA in accordance with the provisions of 2.2-4304 Code of Virginia. Except for contracts for architectural and engineering services or construction in excess of $200,000 by a local public body from the contract of another local public body that is more than a straight line distance of 75 miles from the territorial limits of the local public body procuring the construction, if agreed to by the Contractor, other public bodies may utilize this contract. The Contractor shall deal directly with any public body it authorizes to use the contract. RRJA, its officials and staff are not responsible for placement of orders, invoicing, payments, contractual disputes, or any other transactions between the Contractor and any other public bodies, and in no event shall RRJA, its officials or staff be responsible for any costs, damages or injury resulting to any party from use of a RRJA contract. RRJA assumes no responsibility for any notification of the availability of the contract for use by other public bodies, but the Contractor may conduct such notification. DEFAULT: In case of failure to deliver goods or services in accordance with the contract terms and conditions, RRJA, after due oral or written notice, may procure them from other sources and hold the contractor responsible for any resulting additional purchase and administrative costs. This remedy shall be in addition to any other remedies which RRJA may have. K. DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE: During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees to (I) provide a drug free workplace for the contractor's employees; (ii) post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance or marijuana is prohibited in the contractor's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition; (iii) state in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor that the contractor maintains a drug-free workplace; and (iv) 22 include the provisions of the foregoing clauses in every subcontract or purchase order of over $10,000, so that the provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or Offeror. For the purposes of this section, “drug-free workplace” means a site for the performance of work done in connection with a specific contract awarded to a contractor, the employees of whom are prohibited from engaging in the unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of any controlled substance or marijuana during the performance of the contract. L. ETHICS IN PUBLIC CONTRACTING: By submitting their proposals, Proposers certify their proposals are made without collusion or fraud and they have not offered or received any kickbacks or inducements from any other Proposer, supplier, manufacturer or subcontractor in connection with their proposal, and they have not conferred on any public employee having official responsibility for this procurement transaction any payment, loan, subscription, advance, deposit of money, services or anything of more than nominal value, present or promised, unless consideration of substantially equal or greater value was exchanged. M. IMMIGRATION REFORM AND CONTROL ACT OF 1986: By signing their proposals, the Proposers certify that they do not and will not during the performance of this contract employ illegal alien workers or otherwise violate the provisions of the Federal Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. N. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: By signing and submitting a bid or proposal under this solicitation, the bidder or offeror certifies that if awarded the contract, it will have the following insurance coverage at the time the contract is awarded. For construction contracts, if any subcontractors are involved, the subcontractor will have workers’ compensation insurance in accordance with §§ 2.2-4332 and 65.2-800 et seq. of the Code of Virginia. The bidder or offeror further certifies that the contractor and any subcontractors will maintain these insurance coverage during the entire term of the contract and that all insurance coverage will be provided by insurance companies authorized to sell insurance in Virginia by the Virginia State Corporation Commission. Minimum insurance coverage’s and limits required for most contracts: 1. Workers compensation – statutory requirements and benefits. Coverage is compulsory for employers of three or more employees, to include the employer. Contractors who fail to notify RRJA of increases in the number of employees that change their workers’ compensation requirements under the code of Virginia during the course of the contra t shall be in non compliance with the contract. 2. Employer’s Liability - $100,000 3. Commercial General Liability - $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in aggregate. Commercial General Liability is to include bodily injury and property damage, personal injury and advertisings injury, products and completed operations coverage,. RRJA must be named as an additional insured and so endorsed on the policy. 4. Automobile Liability - $1,000,000 combined single limit. Notice of cancellation of any required insurance policy must be submitted to RRJA when issued and a new coverage binder shall be submitted immediately to ensure no break in coverage. 23 O. MANDATORY USE OF RIVERSIDE REGIONAL JAIL AUTHORITY FORMS AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Failure to submit a proposal on the official RRJA form provided for that purpose may be a cause for rejection of the proposal. Modification of or additions to any portion of the Request for Proposals may be cause for rejection of the proposal; however, RRJA reserves the right to decide, on a case by case basis, in its sole discretion, whether or not to reject such a proposal as nonresponsive. As a precondition to its acceptance, RRJA may, in its sole discretion, request that the Proposer withdraw or modify nonresponsive portions to a proposal which do not affect quality, quantity, price or delivery. No modification of or addition to the provisions of the contract shall be effective unless reduced to writing and signed by the parties. Modification of or additions to the General Terms and Conditions of the solicitation may be cause for rejection of the proposal; however RRJA reserves the right to decide, on a case by case basis, in its sole discretion, whether to reject such a proposal. P. PAYMENT: 1. To Prime Contractor: a) Invoices for items ordered, delivered and accepted shall be submitted by the contractor directly to the payment address shown on the purchase order/contract. All invoices shall show the state contract number and/or purchase order number; social security number (for individual contractors) or the federal employer identification number (for proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations). b) Any payment terms requiring payment in less than 30 days will be regarded as requiring payment 30 days after invoice or delivery, whichever occurs last. This shall not affect offers of discounts for payment in less than 30 days, however. c) All goods or services provided under this contract or purchase order, that are to be paid for with public funds, shall be billed by the contractor at the contract price, regardless of which public agency is being billed. d) The following shall be deemed to be the date of payment: the date of postmark in all cases where payment is made by mail, or the date of offset when offset proceedings have been instituted as authorized under the Virginia Debt Collection Act. e) Unreasonable Charges. Under certain emergency procurements and for most time and material purchases, final job costs cannot be accurately determined at the time orders are placed. In such cases, contractors should be put on notice that final payment in full is contingent on a determination of reasonableness with respect to all invoiced charges. Charges which appear to be unreasonable will be researched and challenged, and that portion of the invoice held in abeyance until a settlement can be reached. Upon determining that invoiced charges are not reasonable, RRJA shall promptly notify the contractor, in writing, as to those charges which it considers unreasonable and the basis for the determination. A contractor may not institute legal action unless a settlement cannot be reached within thirty (30) days of notification. The provisions of this section do not relieve an agency of its prompt payment obligations with respect to those charges which are not in dispute (Code of Virginia, § 2.2-4363). 24 2. To Subcontractors: A contractor awarded a contract under this solicitation is hereby obligated: a) To pay the subcontractor(s) within seven (7) days of the contractor’s receipt of payment from RRJA for the proportionate share of the payment received for work performed by the subcontractor(s) under the contract; or b) To notify the agency and the subcontractor(s), in writing, of the contractor’s intention to withhold payment and the reason. c) The contractor is obligated to pay the subcontractor(s) interest at the rate of one percent per month (unless otherwise provided under the terms of the contract) on all amounts owed by the contractor that remain unpaid seven (7) days following receipt of payment from RRJA, except for amounts withheld as stated in (2) above. The date of mailing of any payment by U. S. Mail is deemed to be payment to the addressee. These provisions apply to each sub-tier contractor performing under the primary contract. A contractor’s obligation to pay an interest charge to a subcontractor may not be construed to be an obligation of RRJA. Q. PRECEDENCE OF TERMS: The following General Terms and Conditions, APPLICABLE LAWS AND COURTS, ANTI-DISCRIMINATION, ETHICS IN PUBLIC CONTRACTING, IMMIGRATION REFORM AND CONTROL ACT OF 1986, DEBARMENT STATUS, ANTITRUST, MANDATORY USE OF STATE FORM AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS, CLARIFICATION OF TERMS, PAYMENT shall apply in all instances. In the event there is a conflict between any of the other General Terms and Conditions and any Special Terms and Conditions in this solicitation, the Special Terms and Conditions shall apply. R. PROTEST OF AWARD: A Proposer wishing to protest an award or a decision to award a contract must submit a written protest to the Purchasing Agent no later than ten (10) days after either the award or the decision to award, whichever occurs first. The protest must include the basis for the protest and the relief sought. Within ten (10) days after receipt of the protest, the Purchasing Agent will issue a written decision stating the reasons for the action taken. This decision is final unless within ten (10) days after receipt of such decision, the Proposer institutes legal action as provided in the Code of Virginia. S. QUALIFICATIONS OF PROPOSERS: RRJA may make such reasonable investigations as deemed proper and necessary to determine the ability of the Proposer to perform the service/furnish the goods stated in the contract. The Proposer shall furnish to RRJA all such information and data for this purpose as may be requested. RRJA reserves the right to inspect Proposer’s physical plant prior to award to satisfy questions regarding the Proposer’s capabilities. Riverside Regional Jail further reserves the right to reject any proposal if the evidence submitted by, or investigations of, such Proposer fails to satisfy RRJA that such Proposer is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the contract and to complete the work/furnish the item(s) contemplated therein. T. STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION NUMBER: all Offeror’s organized or authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth pursuant to Title 13.1 or Title 50, as amended, shall include the identification number issued to it by the State Corporation Commission. Any bidder or offeror that is not required to be authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth as a foreign business entity under title 13.1 or Title 50, as amended, or as otherwise required by law shall include in its proposal a statement describing why the offeror is not required to be so authorized. 25 Any business entity that enter into a contract with a public body pursuant to this chapter shall not allow its existence to laps or its certificate of authority to registration to transact business in the Commonwealth, if so required under Title 13.1 or Title 50, as amended, to be revoked or cancelled at any time during the term of the contract. RRJA may void any contract with a business entity if the business entity fails to remain in compliance with the provisions of this section. U. TAXES: Sales to RRJA are normally exempt from State sales tax. State sales and use tax certificates of exemption, Form ST-12, will be issued upon request. Deliveries against this contract shall be free of Federal excise and transportation taxes. The RRJA’s tax exemption registration number is 54-1641109. V. TESTING AND INSPECTION: RRJA reserves the right to conduct any test/inspection it may deem advisable to assure supplies and services conform to the specifications. W. TRANSPORTATION AND PACKAGING: By submitting their proposals, all Proposers certify and warrant that the price offered for F.O.B. destination includes only the actual freight rate costs at the lowest and best rate and is based upon the actual weight of the goods to be shipped. Except as otherwise specified herein, standard commercial packaging and shipping containers shall be used. All shipping containers shall be legibly marked or labeled on the outside with the purchase order number or the contract number, commodity description, and quantity. X. USE OF BRAND NAMES: Unless otherwise provided in this solicitation, the name of a certain brand, make or manufacturer does not restrict Proposers to the specific brand, make or manufacturer named, but conveys the general style, type, character, and quality of the article desired. Any article which the public body in its sole discretion determines to be the equal of that specified, considering quality, workmanship, economy of operation, and suitability for the purpose intended, shall be accepted. The Proposer is responsible to clearly and specifically identify the product being offered and to provide sufficient descriptive literature, catalog cuts and technical detail to enable RRJA to determine if the product offered meets the requirements of the solicitation. This is required even if offering the exact brand, make or manufacturer specified. Normally in competitive sealed proposals only the information furnished with the proposal will be considered in the evaluation. Failure to furnish adequate data for evaluation purposes may result in declaring a proposal nonresponsive. Unless the Proposer clearly indicates in its proposal that the product offered is an “equal” product, such proposal will be considered to offer the brand name product referenced in the solicitation. VII. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. AUDIT: The contractor hereby agrees to retain all books, records and other documents relative to this contract for five (5) years after final payment, or until audited by RRJA, whichever is sooner. RRJA, its authorized agents, and/or State auditors shall have full access to and the right to examine any of said materials during said period. B. ACCEPTANCE OF SERVICES: Receipt of service shall not constitute acceptance. Final acceptance and authorization of payment shall be given only after a thorough inspection indicates that the performance meets specifications and or all conditions. Should the delivered service differ in any respect from specifications, payment will be withheld until such time as the supplier takes necessary corrective action. If the proposed corrective action is not acceptable to the Project Manager, the Project Manager may authorize refusal of final acceptance of the service. 26 C. AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS: It is understood and agreed between the parties herein that the authority shall be bound hereunder only to the extent of the funds available or which my hereafter become available for the purpose of this agreement. D. BEGINNING OF WORK: The contractor shall not commence any billable work until a valid contract has been fully executed by RRJA and the successful contractor. The contractor will be notified in writing when work may begin. E. CANCELLATION OF CONTRACT: RRJA reserves the right to cancel and terminate any resulting contract, in part or in whole and for any reason, without penalty, upon 90 days written notice to the contractor. Any contract cancellation notice shall not relieve the contractor of the obligation to deliver any outstanding orders issued prior to the effective date of cancellation. F. CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENT PRICE DETERMINATION: By submission of this proposal, the contractor certifies, that he or she is the party making the foregoing proposal that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the contractor has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other contractor to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any contractor or anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the contractor has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of the contractor or any other contractor, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal price, or of that of any other contractor, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the contract of anyone interested in the proposed contract; that all statements contained in the proposal are true; and further that the contractor has not paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham proposal. G. CERTIFICATION TESTING PERIOD - HARDWARE: Equipment ordered herein shall be subject to inspection and a 30-day testing period by the procuring agency. Contractor equipment which is found to not meet the specifications or other requirements of the purchase agreement may be rejected and returned to the vendor at no cost (including return transportation) by the procuring agency. Unless otherwise notified or mutually agreed, acceptance shall become effective at the end of the 30-day testing period. Such acceptance shall not be conclusive of complete conformance in all respects to the contract specifications and other requirements, or the nonexistence of potential latent defects. H. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: All proposers must disclose with their offer the name of any corporate officer, director, or agent who is also an officer or employee of the RRJA or Authority Member Community. Further, all proposers must disclose the name of any RRJA or Authority Member Community officer or employee who owns, directly or indirectly an interest of ten percent (10%) or more of the proposer's firm or any of its branches, subsidiaries or partnership. 27 I. J. CONFIDENTIALITY OF INMATES IFORMATION POLICY: 1) Inmate records are confidential. Materials from inmate records may not be copied or removed without authorization from the Record’s Supervisor. 2) Information concerning inmates will be exchanged on an as need to know basis only, within the facility. 3) Information concerning an inmate will not be disseminated outside the facility without the written consent of the concerned inmate except information that is public knowledge. Any and all information pertaining to RRJA, RRJA employees or RRJA inmates shall remain confidential. The Contractor agrees to obey all RRJA’s policies and procedures regarding Confidentiality of Inmates. Any contractor who fails to abide by the above confidentiality of inmates policy may be subject to suspension or termination. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY: The contractor is solely responsible for fulfilling the contract, with responsibility for all services offered as stated in the RFP, the contractor’s proposal, and the resulting contract. The contractor shall be the sole point of contact regarding all contractual matters. If the contractor intends to utilize any subcontractors' services, the subcontractors' level of effort, tasks and time allocation must be clearly defined in the contractor's proposal. The contractor shall agree that it will not utilize any subcontractors not specifically included in its proposal, in the performance of the contract, without the prior written authorization of RRJA. K. CONTRACTUAL DISPUTES: Contractual claims arising after final payment shall be governed by Section 11-69A of the Code of Virginia. This claim shall be submitted to the Purchasing Agent at RRJA who will render a decision within 30 days. Contractual claims, where for money or other relief, shall be submitted by the contractor in writing to the Purchasing Agent at RRJA no later than sixty days after final payment; however, written notice of the contractor’s intention to file such a claim shall have been given at the time of the occurrence or beginning of the work upon which the claim is based. The Purchasing Agent shall make a written determination as to the claim within forty-five days after receipt. Such decision shall be final and conclusive unless the contractor appeals within six months of the date of the final decision by instituting legal action as provided in Section 224364 of the Code of Virginia. L. DELAYS IN AWARD: Delays in award of a contract beyond the anticipated starting date may result in a change in the contract period indicated in the solicitation. If this situation occurs, RRJA reserves the right to award a contract covering the period equal to or less than the initial term indicated in the solicitation M. DELIVERY POINT: Except when otherwise specified herein, all items shall be F.O.B. delivered to any of the locations specified herein. N. DEMONSTRATIONS: By submitting a bid or proposal, the bidder or offeror certifies that the specified equipment is in productive use and capable of demonstration in the proposed configuration. RRJA reserves the right to require bidders or Offerors to demonstrate the functionality of proposed equipment to its satisfaction prior to making an award decision. Such demonstration is intended to show that a vendor’s products will perform in a completely satisfactory manner and that they will meet or exceed the performance specifications contained in the solicitation. Failure by a vendor to promptly comply with a request for demonstration could result in their bid being rejected. Failure to reject shall not relieve the vendor of its obligation to fully comply with all requirements of the contract. 28 O. DEVIATIONS FROM THE CONTRACT: The requirements contained in the RFP become a part of the terms and conditions of the contract resulting from this RFP. Any deviations from the RFP must be clearly defined by the contractor/Offeror in its proposal and, if accepted by RRJA, will become part of the contract. Any specifically defined deviations must not be in conflict with the basic nature of the RFP or mandatory requirements. RRJA discourages deviations and reserves the right to reject proposed deviations. P. EQUIPMENT ENVIRONMENT: Environmental specifications for any equipment to be delivered under the resulting contract shall be furnished in writing along with the vendor’s bid or proposal, should any such requirements be applicable. These specifications must be in sufficient detail to permit all installed equipment to function efficiently from an environmental perspective. Unless otherwise stated in the solicitation, it will be the procuring agency’s responsibility to prepare the site at its own expense to meet the environmental specifications provided. S. EXCESSIVE DOWNTIME: Equipment or software furnished under the contract shall be capable of continuous operation. Should the equipment or software become inoperable for a period of more than 24 hours, the contractor agrees to pro-rate maintenance charges to account for each full day of inoperability. The period of inoperability shall commence upon initial notification. In the event the equipment or software remains inoperable for more than __ consecutive calendar days, the contractor shall promptly replace the equipment or software at no charge upon request of the procuring agency. Such replacement shall be with new, unused product(s) of comparable quality, and must be installed and operational within days following the request for replacement. T. LATEST SOFTWARE VERSION: Any software product(s) provided under the contract shall be the latest version available to the general public as of the due date of this solicitation. U. LIMITATION OF USE: RRJA’s right to use computer software developed entirely at private expense may be limited by the contractor as stipulated in this contract. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary however, the RRJA shall have at a minimum: unlimited use of the software on the equipment for which it is purchased; use of the software on a secondary system for backup purposes should the primary system become unavailable, malfunction, or is otherwise rendered inoperable; use of the software at another RRJA site should the system be entirely transferred to that location; the right to make a backup copy for safekeeping; the right to modify or combine the software with other programs or materials at RRJA’s risk; and the right to reproduce any and all documentation provided such reproduction is for the sole use of RRJA. These rights are perpetual and irrevocable; in the event of any actual or alleged breach by RRJA, the contractor’s sole remedy shall be to pursue a monetary claim in accordance with § 2.2-4363 of the Code of Virginia V. INDEMNITY: The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the RRJA, its officers, agents and employees, from any and all claims, actions, lawsuits, damages, judgments, charges, expense or liabilities arising out of the performance of the Contract by Contractor, its subcontractors, agents or employees. The contractor expressly agrees to defend the Authority, its agents, officers and employees from any such claims brought or actions filed against the indemnified parties. 29 W. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: It is agreed that nothing contained herein is intended or should be construed in any manner as creating or establishing the relationship of partners between the parties hereto. The contractor represents that it has, or will secure at its own expense, all personnel required to perform the services under this agreement. The contractor’s employees and other persons engaged in work or services required by the contractor under this agreement shall have no contractual relationship with RRJA. They shall not be considered employees of RRJA. All claims on behalf of any person arising out of employment or alleged employment (including without limit claims of discrimination against the contractor, its officers or its agents) shall in no way be the responsibility of RRJA. The contractor will hold RRJA harmless from any and all such claims. Such personnel or other persons shall not require nor be entitled to any compensation, rights or benefits from RRJA including without limit, tenure rights, medical and hospital care, sick and vacation leave, severance pay or retirement benefits. X. LATE PROPOSALS: To be considered for selection, proposals must be received by the issuing authority by the designated date, hour and second. The official time used in the receipt of proposals is that time on the automatic time stamp machine in the issuing office, or the time recorded by an official from the issuing office. Proposals received in the issuing office after the date, hour and second designated are automatically disqualified and will not be considered. RRJA is not responsible for delays in the delivery of mail by the U. S. Postal Service, private couriers, or the facility mail system. It is the sole responsibility of the Proposer to ensure that its proposal reached the issuing authority’s office by the designated date and hour. Proposal receipts and openings or the receipt of proposals scheduled during a period of suspended business operations will be rescheduled for processing at the same time on the next regular business day. Please note that this solicitation closes at 11:00:00 AM promptly on May 22, 2015. Proposal received after the exact minute of 11:00:00 AM will be considered late. (For example, 11:00:05 is late for all purposes pertaining to this solicitation). Y. INVOICES: Invoices for items ordered, delivered and accepted by RRJA shall be submitted by the contractor directly to the payment address shown on the purchase orders or contracts. All invoices shall show the RRJA contract number and/or purchase order number; social security number (for individual contractors) or the federal employer identification number (for proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations). Z. NOTIFICATION: After the award of the contract, all notices under the contract shall be deemed duly given upon delivery to the person designated as the point of contact for this Request for Proposal, in person, or upon delivery by U.S. Mail, facsimile, or e-mail. Each proposer shall provide in its proposal the name, title and complete address of its designee to receive notices. Either party may change its address for notification purposes by giving notice of the change, and setting forth the new address and an effective date. AA. OPERATIONAL COMPONENTS: Unless otherwise requested in the solicitation, stated equipment prices shall include all cables, connectors, interfaces, documentation for all components, and any other items necessary for full systems operation at the user site. This does not include consumable supplies such as paper, tapes, disks, etc., unless such supplies are expressly identified in the pricing schedule. 30 BB. OWNERSHIP OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: All copyright and patent rights to all papers, reports, forms, materials, creations, or inventions created or developed in the performance of this contract shall become the sole property of RRJA. On request, the contractor shall promptly provide an acknowledgment or assignment in a tangible form satisfactory to RRJA to evidence RRJA’s sole ownership of specifically identified intellectual property created or developed in the performance of the contract. CC. PRISON RAPE ELIMINATION ACT (PREA): Contractors and Contractors’ staff who are providing services to RRJA, who having any level of interaction or potential for interaction with inmates shall review the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA). Contact and Contractor’s staff must receive training at RRJA on their responsibilities, under PREA including Riverside Regional Jail Authorities sexual abuse and sexual harassment prevention, detection and response policies and procedures, including reporting. Contractors and Contractors’ staff agrees to abide by the facilities zero tolerance policy regarding fraternization, sexual abuse and sexual harassment and the obligation to report incidents. DD. PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION: During the term of any contract resulting from this solicitation, the vendor is not authorized to substitute any item for that product and/or software identified in the solicitation without the prior written consent of the contracting officer whose name appears on the front of this solicitation, or their designee. EE. PROPOSAL ACCEPTANCE PERIOD: Any proposal in response to this solicitation shall be valid for 120 days. At the end of the 120 days the proposal may be withdrawn at the written request of the Proposer. If the proposal is not withdrawn at that time, it remains in effect until an award is made or the solicitation is canceled. FF. QUALIFIED REPAIR PERSONNEL: All warranty or maintenance services to be performed on the items specified in this solicitation as well as any associated hardware or software shall be performed by qualified technicians properly authorized by the manufacturer to perform such services. RRJA reserves the right to require proof of certification prior to award and at any time during the term of the contract. GG. RENEWAL OF CONTRACT: This contract may be renewed by RRJA for two successive one year periods under the terms and conditions of the original contract except as stated in a. And b. below. Price adjustment shall be based upon the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, for United States RRJA Average, as published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Increases shall not exceed two point five percent (2.5%) annually from one adjustment period to the next. Written notice of RRJA’s intention to renew shall be given approximately 90 days prior to the expiration date of each contract period. If RRJA elects to exercise the option to renew the contract for an additional one-year period, the contract price(s) for the additional one year shall not exceed the contract price(s) of the original contract increased/decreased by more than the percentage increase/decrease of the Other Services category of the CPI-U section of the Consumer Price Index of the United Bureau of Labor Statistics for the latest twelve months for which statistics are available. If during any subsequent renewal periods, RRJA elects to exercise the option to renew the contract, the contract prices(s) for the subsequent renewal period shall not exceed the contract price(s) of the previous renewal period increased /decreased by more than the percentage increase/decrease of the Other Services category of the CPI-U section of the 31 Consumer Price Index of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics for the latest twelve months for which statistics are available. HH. SITE RULES AND REGULATIONS: The contractor shall use its best efforts to ensure that its employees, agents and subcontractors comply with site rules and regulations while on RRJA premises. A copy of the RRJA administrative regulation is available upon request to the successful Proposer. II. TERM OF SOFTWARE LICENSE: Unless otherwise stated in the solicitation, the software license(s) identified in the pricing schedule shall be purchased on a perpetual basis and shall continue in perpetuity. However RRJA reserves the right to terminate the license at any time, although the mere expiration or termination of this contract shall not be construed as intent to terminate the license. All acquired license(s) shall be for use at any computing facilities, on any equipment, by any number of users, and for any purposes for which it is procured. RRJA further reserves the right to transfer all rights under the license to another state agency to which some or all of its functions are transferred. JJ. WARRANTY AGAINST SHUTDOWN DEVICES: The contractor warrants that the equipment and software provided under the contract shall not contain any lock, counter, CPU reference, virus, worm, or other device capable of halting operations or erasing or altering data or programs. Contractor further warrants that neither it, nor its agents, employees, or subcontractors shall insert any shutdown device following delivery of the equipment and software. 32 VIII. APPENDIX A – CLIENT REFERENCES List ten client references providing information described below. At least five references must be from current contracts with jails with average daily inmate population greater than 1000. Contracts with these jails must have been in effect for at least one year. Agency Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Agency Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person _________________________________ Contact Numbers _______________________________________ Number of Inmates ____________________________ Facility Type ____________Jail __________Locality Contract Start ____________________________________ Reason Contract Ended __________State __________Other Contract End _________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 33 IX. ATTACHMENT B – NARRATIVE QUESTIONS 1. 2. Based on information provided in this RFP and experience in working with other government entities, what is the Offeror’s perspective on the most significant risks to this Project and how do you plan to mitigate these risks? What is your process for monitoring, escalating, and resolving issues that will arise during the Project? 3. How do you propose to keep the Project on task? 5. What is the earliest you can begin implementation after contract signing? 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Provide a clear description of Project management responsibilities between RRJA and the Contractor. Please describe your experience converting data from Sage Software. How many organizations have you converted from Sage Software and what modules were converted? Please describe your organization’s recommended approach toward retention of legacy financial, budget, revenue, and payroll data. Please describe what options are available / supported within your proposed solution. Also, please provide any relevant references of organizations that have successfully addressed legacy data with your solution. Please describe the proposed system environments that will be provided for RRJA’s use (e.g., development, test, production, etc.). Is there a cost for additional environments? Please describe your standard support Service Level Agreement (SLA) and the options available to RRJA to purchase alternate levels of service in a tiered model. What other system modules or products would the Offeror recommend to be complementary to the Project Scope as described in Scope of Serviced – General Requirements? What strategic decisions or direction is your firm taking or making related to the product being proposed today? What is the name and current release number of the product being proposed? How frequently are releases provided and when will the next release be available? How long does the typical implementation of the product being proposed take for an organization of similar size to RRJA? Does your firm complete the implementations of the product being proposed or is this effort outsourced? What other applications will the product being proposed integrate with or have integrated with in the past? What sets your firm’s product being proposed apart from your firm’s competitors? 34 X. ATTACHMENT C – FUCTIONAL AND TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 35 RRJA ERP System RFP Table of Contents Functional Area Tab No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 28 Number of Requirements General and Technical General Ledger and Financial Reporting Budgeting Purchasing and Contract Management Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Cash Receipts Fixed Assets Project Accounting Human Resources Payroll Interfaces Total Functional Requirements: 191 142 167 175 176 114 108 199 111 516 507 3 2,409 When providing responses to the requirements in Attachment B, proposers shall use the response indicators contained in the table below. Requirements / Capabilities Response Indicators Definition Indicator Feature/Function is included in the current software release. S F Feature/Function will be available in a future software release. C Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this feature could be provided with custom modifications. T Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this feature could be provided with integration with a third-party system. N Feature/Function cannot be provided. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 1 of 88 RRJA ERP System RFP Response Indicators: When providing responses to the requirements in Attachment B, proposers shall use the following response indicators: S: Feature/Function is included in the current software release. T: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and F: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release. is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this C: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and is not planned to be a feature could be provided with integration with a third-party system. part of a future software release. However, this feature could be provided with custom modifications. N: Feature/Function cannot be provided. General and Technical Description of Requirement Req Criticality Technical Environment The system has the ability to import from standard file formats including but not limited to: .csv; GT.1 MS Access (version 2007 or later); GT.2 MS Excel (version 2007 or later); GT.3 MS Word (version 2007 or later); GT.4 MS SQL (2008 R2 or newer); GT.5 .gif; GT.6 .png; GT.7 .jpg; GT.8 .tiff; GT.9 .wav; GT.10 .mp3; GT.11 .pdf; and GT.12 .txt. GT.13 The system has the ability to export data to standard file formats including but not limited to: GT.14 GT.15 GT.16 GT.17 GT.18 GT.19 GT.20 GT.21 GT.22 GT.23 GT.24 GT.25 GT.26 GT.27 GT.28 GT.29 GT.30 GT.31 .csv; MS Excel (version 2007 or later); MS Word (version 2007 or later); MS SQL (2008 R2 or newer); .txt; and .pdf. The system has the ability to support API's (Application Programming Interface) for third-party system integration. The system has the ability to provide a toolkit to create and manage API's. The system has the ability to post data in real time. The system has the ability to provide a library of standard reports (i.e., "canned" reports). The system has the ability to provide an ad hoc reporting environment that is OLE-DB, ODBC, and SQL native compliant. The system has the ability to allow a user to copy and modify existing reports, with appropriate security permissions. The system has the ability to access data files at the same time without file/record/field locking problems. The system has the ability to provide a centralized data dictionary, that fully describes table structure (and relationships) and appropriate levels of metadata. The system has the ability to support internal electronic signatures. The system has the ability to support electronic signature capture. The system has the ability to support the purging of records in accordance with the RRJA's retention schedule with appropriate security permissions. The system has the ability to customize fields and sequence of fields on screen to facilitate ease of entry. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 2 of 88 Critical Desired Critical Desired Critical Desired Desired Critical Desired Desired Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP General and Technical Req Description of Requirement Criticality GT.32 The system has the ability to set data table value ranges to minimize entry errors. The system has the ability to import bulk/batch files after the conversion process (i.e., address updates). The system has the ability to be fully operational without an instance of an installed client on the desktop. The system has the ability to automatically apply a date, time, and user stamp to comments/notes entered into all system modules. The system has the ability to allow field printing. Security The system has the ability to utilize LDAP (Active Directory) for user validation. The system has the ability to inherit groups from Active Directory for application authentication. Desired GT.33 GT.34 GT.35 GT.36 GT.37 GT.38 The system has the ability to provide import and export capabilities with user-level security GT.39 options to control access to sensitive information. The system has the ability to provide security at the following levels: Department; GT.40 Role or group; GT.41 Screen; GT.42 Menu; GT.43 Report; GT.44 Element in chart of accounts; and GT.45 GT.46 The system has the ability to allow the RRJA to determine which fields are visible to roles. GT.47 The system has the ability to provide role-based security. The system has the ability to track audit changes throughout the system that creates a log of all records maintained and includes: GT.48 GT.49 GT.50 GT.51 GT.52 GT.53 GT.54 GT.55 GT.56 GT.57 GT.58 GT.59 GT.60 GT.61 GT.62 GT.63 Date; Time; User; Information prior to change; Machine name; Changed information; and Other administer-configurable information. The system has the ability to allow auditing within modules to be determined by the module, and configured by the administrator. The system has the ability to update all security roles automatically (user discretion) when a change in the "master" role is made. The system has the ability to provide functional security to control what processes can be performed by certain users (i.e. view vs. edit benefit information). The system has the ability to allow a RRJA administrator to configure the duration that time audit logs are retained. (i.e. 90 days) The system has the ability to archive audit logs. The system has the ability to provide access to audit trails for only the users with proper security based upon the user’s security profile. The system has the ability to allow the System Administrator to add and change permissions for system access. The system has the ability to log users off the system after an administrator-defined period of inactivity, based on user-defined roles. The system has the ability to allow a System Administrator to log out users. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 3 of 88 Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP General and Technical Description of Requirement Req GT.64 GT.65 Criticality The system has the ability to allow a System Administrator to log out users by module (i.e. purchasing). The system has the ability to allow authorized users to have access to a log of security activity to determine users that have signed on and off the system, as well as unsuccessful attempts to sign on to the system. The system has the ability to mask fields by user role including but not limited to: Tax numbers/ID; GT.66 Date of Birth; GT.67 Passwords; GT.68 Credit card numbers; GT.69 Checking and banking account numbers; GT.70 Social Security numbers; GT.71 Drivers License numbers; GT.72 Email addresses; GT.73 Pay rates; and GT.74 Other, user-defined fields. GT.75 GT.76 The system has the ability to mask a portion of any of the above fields. GT.77 The system has the ability to be operational on a 24 x 7 scheduled basis. The system has the ability to ensure that all cashiering modules are Payment Card Industry GT.78 (PCI) compliant. GT.79 GT.80 GT.81 GT.82 GT.83 GT.84 GT.85 GT.86 GT.87 GT.88 GT.89 GT.90 GT.91 GT.92 GT.93 GT.94 User Interface The system has the ability to provide drop down boxes or other pick list function for data selection. The system has the ability to provide configurable quick keys (i.e., function keys). The system has the ability to provide functionality or integrate with third-party products to enlarge the print on computer screens (i.e., screen magnification). The system has the ability to provide functional online help documentation for system end users. The system has the ability to provide technical online help documentation for system administrators. The system has the ability to provide integration with the Microsoft clipboard, with appropriate security permissions. The system has the ability to provide error messages that appear in a consistent format across all system modules. The system has the ability to provide error messages that are integrated with online help functionality. The system has the ability to create error logs with detail associated with the error. The system has the ability to provide configuration options with the level of detail that is logged in error logs. The system has the ability to integrate with the RRJA's help desk ticketing software to send error messages to create a new ticket. The system has the ability to provide administrator configurable error messages. The system has the ability to provide user-defined fields with appropriate security permissions. The system has the ability to allow the RRJA to determine which fields are required. The system has the ability to provide an administrative messaging system (e.g., a message to alert users of system maintenance activity). The system has the ability to provide customizable screens based on roles and permissions. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 4 of 88 Critical Desired Desired Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Desired Desired Desired Critical Desired Desired Critical Desired Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP General and Technical Description of Requirement Req GT.95 GT.96 GT.97 GT.98 GT.99 GT.100 GT.101 GT.102 GT.103 Criticality The system has the ability to provide contextual help (i.e., field descriptions that are displayed based on the location of the mouse or cursor). The system has the ability to provide contextual help with the ability to turn this feature off (i.e., field descriptions that are displayed based on the location of the mouse or cursor). The system has the ability to provide customizable help. The system has the ability to provide data validation on entry. The system has the ability to attach files to records in the system with the ability to restrict this functionality. The system has the ability to add a new value to a pick list table without having to navigate from the table, with appropriate security permissions. The system has the ability to provide drill down capability on all screens where applicable. The system has the ability to provide drill down capability to see attachments to records based on security permissions. The system has the ability to allow a user screen to have an option for the number of records that will be displayed (i.e., 25, 50, 100 search results with the option to choose how many). The system has the ability to provide the user with standard field editing capabilities including but GT.104 not limited to: navigation forward and backward to complete data entry and the ability to correct spelling mistakes without having to retype the entire word again. GT.105 GT.106 GT.107 GT.108 GT.109 GT.110 GT.111 GT.112 GT.113 GT.114 GT.115 The system has the ability to spell check on any field with the ability for a user to accept or ignore suggestion. The system has the ability to accommodate word-wrap in a data field without having to hit "return." The system has the ability to provide predictive text capability with the ability to turn this functionality on or off. The system has the ability to search by wild cards, based on security permissions. The system has the ability to support pre-filled fields in appropriately pre-formatted screens eliminating redundant data entry. The system has the ability to provide links to associated modules from any display screen to minimize backing out of one screen to access another, with appropriate security. The system has the ability to support access from mobile devices with appropriate security permissions. The system has the ability for multiple windows to be open at the same time. The system has the ability to warn a user that they are about to execute a process and ask if they want to proceed (i.e., to warn before posting a batch of changes, etc.). The system has the ability to allow an administrator to configure which business process are prompted with a warning to proceed, with appropriate security permissions. The system has the ability to allow the configuration of processes using either the keyboard only, the mouse only, or a combination of the two, depending on a user's preference. The system has the ability to provide the user with integrated application modules that offer a consistent user interface to minimize user training and administration of the system. GT.117 The system has the ability to allow the system administrator to rename field labels. The system has the ability to allow all end user customizations and configurations related directly GT.118 to the system to be stored in a central data base and not stored in files residing on user workstations. GT.116 The system has the ability to allow for reasonable windows modifications to screen resolution or GT.119 display font that does not result in screen images being truncated or unnecessary scrolling. Workflow Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 5 of 88 Desired Desired Desired Critical Critical Desired Critical Desired Desired Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP General and Technical Description of Requirement Req Criticality GT.120 The system has the ability to initiate and track the approval process. GT.121 The system has the ability to assign different levels of approval for the same user. The system has the ability to maintain separation of duties related to workflow approval GT.122 processes. GT.123 The system has the ability to provide workflow functionality in all system modules. The system has the ability to integrate workflow capability to all applications listed in the GT.124 Interfaces Tab that have a type of integration of "BOTH." Exceptions should be noted in the comment field. Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired The system has the ability to set workflow rules by: GT.125 User; Desired GT.126 Role; Critical GT.127 Department; Critical GT.128 Division; Desired GT.129 Account Number; Critical GT.130 Thresholds; Critical GT.131 Percentage argument; Critical GT.132 Numerical argument; and Critical GT.133 User-defined criteria. Critical The system has the ability to allow temporary status changes of users (e.g., unavailable due to GT.134 vacation time). The system has the ability to re-route workflow assignments based on availability triggered by GT.135 unavailable status. The system has the ability to re-route workflow assignments based on availability triggered by GT.136 RRJA-defined periods of no response. The system has the ability to notify a system administrator of unsuccessful workflow processes. GT.137 The system has the ability to provide escalation paths based on user-defined criteria (e.g., GT.138 minimum period of no response, etc.). The system has the ability to provide event-driven notifications by email that may be configured GT.139 at any step in any workflow routine. GT.140 The system has the ability to allow notifications to be configurable by the RRJA. The system has the ability to integrate with a digital signature software for workflow approvals. GT.141 GT.142 The system has the ability to capture and apply electronic approvals for approvals in workflow. GT.143 The system has the ability to allow graphical tools for documenting workflow. The system has the ability to provide flexible workflow configurations allowing the advancement GT.144 of a process with appropriate security permissions. Content Management The system has the ability to provide integrated content management functionality across all system modules. The system has the ability to link documents stored in the content manager to individual GT.146 transactions throughout the system. The system has the ability to allow configuration for the automatic production of content manager GT.147 documents (e.g., an electronic image of all invoices printed is generated and stored). GT.145 GT.148 The system has the ability to accommodate compliance with the RRJA's document retention policies throughout all system modules. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 6 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Desired Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP General and Technical Description of Requirement Req GT.149 GT.150 GT.151 GT.152 GT.153 GT.154 GT.155 GT.156 GT.157 Criticality The system has the ability for the content manager to store audit trail information of events associated with documents stored (i.e., user, date, time, etc.). The system has the ability to provide content management functionality that allows user-friendly searching of all documents stored. The system has the ability to allow access to all documents stored in the content manager when a user is remotely using the system through a web interface. The system has the ability to archive documents stored in the content manager based on userdefined conditions with appropriate permissions. The system has the ability to accommodate RRJA-defined restrictions as to type of file. Support and Documentation The system has the ability to allow properly authorized users to configure and maintain all system settings from any workstation on the local/wide area network. The system has the ability to allow centralized deployment of system updates and system maintenance. The system has the ability to allow remote deployment of system updates and system maintenance. The system has the ability to accommodate deployment of system updates and maintenance to all affected systems according to administrator-defined effective dates (e.g., calendar and fiscal year parameter changes). The system has the ability to provide a current list of certified/supported third-party applications. The vendor must proactively notify the System Administrator regarding which releases of thirdGT.158 party software (JAVA virtual machine, Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Safari, etc.) are known to create problems with the current version of the vendor software. The vendor, at a minimum must adhere to the following standards for issue resolution: Severity Level 1, system is down. Attention required immediately, maximum of 30 minute GT.159 response time. Severity Level 2, major functionality of the system is impacted or parts of the system are GT.160 down. Maximum of 1 hour response time. Severity Level 3, non-mission critical processes are impacted. Maximum of 8 hour GT.161 response time. The system has the ability to allow for outage times to be based on a 24x7 basis instead of GT.162 working hours. GT.163 The system has the ability to allow for severity levels for support as defined by the RRJA. GT.164 The vendor will provide support during standard RRJA business hours. The vendor will provide web-based support, with a searchable database of common problems, to GT.165 assist end users in researching error messages. The system has the ability to adhere to the RRJA's security policy, which requires vendors to GT.166 notify RRJA prior to access to the application for trouble shooting. The system has the ability to provide online software documentation for all software application GT.167 modules. The system has the ability to provide an online tutorial to assist users learning the software. GT.168 GT.169 GT.170 GT.171 GT.172 GT.173 The vendor offers software application support during planned upgrades, after typical operating hours. The vendor offers access to an online user group community. The vendor offers a suite of online training modules. The vendor offers periodic live webinar training sessions at no cost. The vendor offers recorded training sessions to be viewed at no cost. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 7 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Desired Desired Critical Desired Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP General and Technical Description of Requirement Req Criticality The vendor offers an implementation project management website, that includes secure FTP GT.174 process for file sharing between the vendor and client. Reporting and Dashboards The system has the ability to provide an Executive Information System (EIS) (i.e., a performance dashboard). The system has the ability to customize the information presented on the Executive Information GT.176 System by user. The system has the ability to customize the information presented on the Executive Information GT.177 System by group of users. The system has the ability to display information on the Executive Information System in realGT.178 time. The system has the ability to allow a user to manually refresh the Executive Information System. GT.179 GT.175 GT.180 The system has the ability to provide an integrated report writer. The system has the ability to provide an integrated report writer that has a consistent look and GT.181 feel across all system modules. The system has the ability to provide an integrated report writer that allows the creation of GT.182 reports comprised of any discrete data field throughout the system with proper security permissions. GT.183 GT.184 GT.185 GT.186 GT.187 GT.188 GT.189 GT.190 GT.191 The system has the ability to generate a report that can be saved as a data file (for future analysis). The system has the ability to allow generated reports to be viewed on screen prior to printing. The system has the ability to allow reports to be generated that are searchable. The system has the ability to schedule reports to run in the future. The system has the ability to schedule reports to be run on a recurring basis. The system has the ability to configure automatic distribution paths for generated reports (i.e., automatically send a report to a particular user). The system has the ability to display when a report is being run, or in process, so that a user does not run the report again. The system has the ability to configure the page breaks for any printed report. The system has the ability to allow reports to be generated that have "drill-down" capabilities. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 8 of 88 Desired Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Desired Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Response Indicators: When providing responses to the requirements in Attachment B, proposers shall use the following response indicators: S: Feature/Function is included in the current software release. T: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and F: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release. is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this C: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and is not planned to be a feature could be provided with integration with a third-party system. part of a future software release. However, this feature could be provided with custom modifications. N: Feature/Function cannot be provided. General Ledger and Financial Reporting Description of Requirement Req # Criticality GL.1 General Requirements The system has the ability to provide a General Ledger that is integrated with all other system applications so that reconciliation between applications is user friendly and efficient. Critical GL.2 The system has the ability to allow month end closings to occur in a new fiscal year without having to close the previous fiscal year, including producing all month end financial statements. Critical GL.3 GL.4 The system has the ability to note on the balance sheet financial statements that prior fiscal year has not been closed and balances are subject to change. The system has the ability to perform a soft year end close and lock balances in place for balance sheet balances as well as close the revenues and expenditures into the balance sheet zeroing them out for the new year. GL.10 The system has the ability to support multi-year funds. The system has the ability to automatically roll forward balances for balance sheet accounts at year end for a soft close. The system has the ability to automatically roll forward balances for balance sheet accounts at year end for a hard close. The system has the ability to store at least 20 years of transactional data with the ability for the RRJA to determine when data will be archived based on the number of years. The system has the ability to store at least 10 years of transactional data with the ability for the RRJA to determine when data will be archived based on the number of years. The system has the ability to allow archived data to be accessed by user based upon system permissions. GL.11 The system has the ability to restrict user inquiry access to a RRJA defined group of account numbers. GL.5 GL.6 GL.7 GL.8 GL.9 GL.12 GL.13 GL.14 GL.15 GL.16 GL.17 GL.18 GL.19 GL.20 The system has the ability to restrict user access to a RRJA defined group of account numbers when entering a journal entry. The system has the ability to restrict GL posting (i.e. live or batch) by account number. The system has the ability to flag an account as inactive. The system has the ability to flag an account as inactive based on a specified effective date. The system has the ability to carry the entire chart of accounts forward to eliminate the need to manually key these accounts into the system. The system has the ability to carry a range of chart of accounts forward to eliminate the need to manually key these accounts into the system. The system has the ability to provide users the option to select accounts with zero balances or accounts that have no activity when carrying forward the chart of accounts to eliminate the need to manually key these accounts into the system. The system has the ability to exclude a user defined segment of accounts when carrying forward the chart of accounts to eliminate the need to manually key these accounts into the system. The system has the ability to carry forward active and inactive accounts, even if they have zero balances. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 9 of 88 Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP General Ledger and Financial Reporting Description of Requirement Req # GL.21 GL.22 GL.23 GL.24 GL.25 GL.26 GL.27 GL.28 GL.29 GL.30 GL.31 GL.32 GL.33 GL.34 GL.35 GL.36 GL.37 GL.38 GL.39 GL.40 GL.41 GL.42 GL.43 GL.44 GL.45 GL.46 GL.47 Criticality The system has the ability to perform "soft closes" on periods so that a period may be opened again with proper permissions for the purposes of posting activity to that period. The system has the ability to record a journal entry type (Document Type) in the general ledger for reconciliation purposes. The system has the ability to restrict one-sided journal entries from being entered. The system has the ability to perform automatic posting of recurring journal entries. The system has the ability to flag a journal entry as a reversing journal entry and identify the new journal entry number and date. The system has the ability to perform automatic reversals of month-end accruals at the beginning of the next period. The system has the ability to drill down to see all account activities, to include the related accounts of the source journal. The system has the ability to allow users to retrieve GL related information that is more than one year old. The system has the ability to perform basic validation routines before data can be entered (e.g., data type checking, account validation, project numbers). The system provides fund accounting capability that complies with GAAP and GASB standards. The system has the ability to display user defined reasons for rejecting general ledger transactions. The system has the ability to provide at least 14 open periods, including one for entering annual closing entries which acts as a closing period and one for audit adjustments (per 14). The system has the ability to provide at least 24 open periods across multiple fiscal years. The system has the ability to move a division or project from one department to another and carry over all associated history. The system has the ability to allow selected accounts to be flagged in order to disallow any postings to occur to those accounts. The system has the ability to flag by account number to require a work order, project number, or grant number to be associated with the posting transaction. The system has the ability to provide attachment functionality to GL accounts in the Financial System. The system has the ability to enter comments on the account based on account access permissions. The system has the ability to add user date and time comments per GL account. The system has the ability to add user date and time comments per GL account transaction. The system has the ability to capture comments added for audit trail purposes. The system has the ability to allocate interest earnings, including negative interest, based on average balances calculated from user defined to/from dates. The system has the ability to allow RRJA to identify accounts/funds to be included or excluded from interest distributions. The system has the ability to auto-post interest distribution to the General Ledger module. The system has the ability to create a journal entry for interest distribution to the General Ledger module. Chart of Accounts The system has the ability to provide a single chart of accounts file that is referenced by all other system modules. The system has the ability to either automatically generate or copy chart of account records when creating new funds, departments, and any other reorganizations. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 10 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Desired Desired Critical Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP General Ledger and Financial Reporting Description of Requirement Req # GL.48 GL.49 GL.50 GL.51 GL.52 GL.53 GL.54 GL.55 GL.56 GL.57 Criticality The system has the ability to provide chart of account number "short cuts" for reducing the number of key strokes when entering or looking up chart of account numbers. The system has the ability to provide "short-cuts" that are alphanumeric. The system has the ability to provide a "suggested text" function for looking up and selecting account numbers, with the ability to turn this function on/off by user. The system has the ability to activate new accounts or specific accounts based on dates or date ranges. The system has the ability to inactivate new accounts or specific accounts based on dates or date ranges. The system has the ability to support at least 8 segments and up to 65 alphanumeric characters. The system has the ability to support at least 5 segments and up to 45 alphanumeric characters. The system has the ability to change the name of any segment of the account number while leaving the historic description the same. The system has the ability to provide security at a RRJA-determined level in the chart of accounts. The system has the ability to provide a flexible user defined chart of accounts which can be modified as needed by a system administrator with appropriate security permissions (e.g., segmented for fund, department/division, unit, sub-unit, object, and sub-object). The system has the ability to support alpha-numeric fields in the chart of accounts at any segment. GL.59 The system has the ability to set up a fund as non-interest bearing. GL.60 The system has the ability to track Monthly fund balances for distribution of interest. The system has the ability to support the following fields in the chart of accounts: "Fund" (at least 2 digits); GL.61 "Department and Division" (at least 2 digits each); GL.62 "Activity and Sub Activity" (at least 3 digits); GL.63 "Element and Object" (at least 2 digits each); GL.64 Other user defined fields. GL.65 GL.66 The system has the ability to not allow duplicate fund numbers. The system has the ability to support at least a 256-character Long description field for each of GL.67 the above fields. The system has the ability to support at least a 50-character Short description field for each of GL.68 the above fields. GL.58 GL.69 GL.70 GL.71 GL.72 GL.73 GL.74 Journal Entries The system has the ability to import journal entry transactions from other vendor-developed and in-house developed systems (i.e., journal import functionality). The system has the ability to edit journal entry data that was imported prior to posting to the GL with appropriate security and audit trail information. The system has the ability to use workflow technology to automatically route journal entries with attachments to approvers prior to posting. The system has the ability to provide standard, recurring, and reversing journal entry capabilities. The system has the ability to automatically populate fiscal year and period based on transaction type with the ability to override. The system has the ability to automatically populate fiscal year and period based on effective date with the ability to override. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 11 of 88 Critical Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Critical Desired Critical Critical Desired Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP General Ledger and Financial Reporting Req # Description of Requirement Criticality GL.75 The system has the ability to automatically transfer activity from one account to another account (i.e. due-to, due-from) with the ability to limit the setup of automatic transfers based on security permissions. Critical GL.76 GL.77 GL.78 GL.79 GL.80 GL.81 GL.82 GL.83 GL.84 GL.85 GL.86 GL.87 GL.88 GL.89 GL.90 GL.91 GL.92 GL.93 GL.94 GL.95 GL.96 GL.97 GL.98 GL.99 GL.100 GL.101 GL.102 GL.103 The system has the ability to disallow further posting to an account that is closed or inactive. The system has the ability to disallow further posting to an account that is in the processes of being closed or inactivated. The system has the ability to disallow posting to a closed period. The system has the ability to allow posting to a soft-closed period based on user-defined permissions. The system will not allow the ability to post a journal entry to a control account. The system will allow the ability to post a journal entry to a control account based on userdefined permissions. The system will not allow the ability to edit a sub-system batch prior to posting to the GL. The system has the ability to generate date-specific reversing entries. The system has the ability to accommodate free form text or attachments associated with a journal entry based on security permissions. The system has the ability to automatically assign sequential numbers to all journal entry transactions for audit trail purposes. Reporting The system has the ability to provide linkage between reportable sections of the CAFR (i.e., Exhibits, Management Discussion and Analysis, Notes to the Financial Statements and Statistics). The system has the ability to export to various formats to create a custom designed CAFR document. The system has the ability to query on all data fields in the general ledger module. The system has the ability to support user defined queries and allow these queries to create reports. The system has the ability to support user defined queries to be shared with other users. The system has the ability to provide all query and reporting capabilities by summary or detail. The system has the ability to provide an ad hoc report writing tool. The system has the ability to generate a report across any segment or group of segments in the chart of accounts. The system has the ability to schedule and to distribute reports via electronic workflow. The system has the ability to warn the user they are about to print a large report (displays number of pages) with option to proceed. The system has the ability to print reports in a "printer-friendly" mode. The system has the ability to schedule reports to be run during non-business hours on a user defined schedule. The system has the ability to display all reports to the screen with a user-defined option for printing, with the ability to turn this feature on or off. The system has the ability to provide comparison reports (e.g., between different periods, as user-defined). The system has the ability to print financial reports on closed periods. The system has the ability to select active and/or inactive accounts by year for reporting purposes for multiple user defined years. The system has the ability to view a General Ledger Audit Report based on permissions. The system has the ability to print graphs and charts for presentation style reports. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 12 of 88 Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Desired Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP General Ledger and Financial Reporting Description of Requirement Req # Criticality GL.104 The system has the ability to produce statements of revenue and expense at a user defined interval (i.e. daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually) in summary or detail and can be subtotaled at multiple levels in the chart of accounts. Critical GL.105 The system has the ability to produce statements at any user defined interval (i.e. daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually) in summary or detail and can be subtotaled at multiple levels in the chart of accounts. Critical GL.106 The system has the ability to provide a financial statement report writer to allow end users to create user-defined financial statement and statistical reports without users needing to know the table structure. Critical GL.107 GL.108 GL.109 GL.110 The system has the ability to provide a library of "canned" reports to be used by RRJA staff with limited parameter entry. The system has the ability to produce GASB 34, GASB 42, GASB 45, and other compliance reports. The system has the ability to allow the produced compliance reports to be editable by a user for formatting and final edits. The system has the ability to produce balance sheets and other financial reports from a prior closed year and period with an option to include inactive accounts with activity or a balance. Critical Desired Desired Critical The system, at a minimum, has the ability to produce the following reports (current and previous years and for multi-year funds where applicable): GL.111 GL.112 GL.113 GL.114 GL.115 GL.116 GL.117 GL.118 GL.119 GL.120 GL.121 GL.122 GL.123 GL.124 GL.125 GL.126 GL.127 GL.128 GL.129 GL.130 GL.131 GL.132 GL.133 GL.134 GL.135 GL.136 GL.137 GL.138 Available budget by expense and revenue code; Critical Inception to date, for total expenditures for all RRJA projects across multiple fiscal years; Expenditures relative to budget; Year-to-date expenditures; Month-to-date expenditures; Budget to actual by all budget line items; Open encumbrance report; Pre-encumbrance report; Comparison of expenditures by month; Income statement; Cash flow; Balance sheet; Statement of net positions; Schedule of expenditures and revenues based on type of revenue; Trial balance activity (debits and credits); Statement of revenues and expenditures; WIP construction; Capital projects; Comparison of revenues and expenditures by month; Comparison of revenues and expenditures by quarter; Summary and detail trial balance at any budget level; Detail and summary project report; Summary trial balance across multiple fund; Multi-year projects for revenues and expenses; Cash Balance by Fund; Cash Balance by Fund with associated detail; Detailed Transaction Listing by Vendor Number; Detailed Transaction Listing by Vendor Invoice Number; Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 13 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP General Ledger and Financial Reporting Description of Requirement Req # GL.139 GL.140 GL.141 GL.142 Criticality Detailed Transaction Listing by Vendor Name; Trend Analysis for Expenditures; General Fund Financial Statements; and Internal Service Fund Financial Statements. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Critical Desired Critical Critical Page 14 of 88 Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Response Indicators: When providing responses to the requirements in Attachment B, proposers shall use the following response indicators: S: Feature/Function is included in the current software release. T: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and F: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release. is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this C: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and is not planned to be a feature could be provided with integration with a third-party system. part of a future software release. However, this feature could be provided with custom modifications. N: Feature/Function cannot be provided. Budgeting Req # BD.1 BD.2 BD.3 BD.4 BD.5 BD.6 BD.7 BD.8 BD.9 BD.10 BD.11 BD.12 BD.13 BD.14 BD.15 Description of Requirement Criticality General Requirements The system has the ability for the Budgeting module to use the same chart of accounts as the rest of the system. The system has the ability to create all budgets by period. The system has the ability to allow departments to drill down to the RRJA's chart of accounts for detailed tracking purposes. The system has the ability to provide a framework or model for budgeting, so that once a budget model is built, changes to the budget only require entering variance amounts. The system is integrated with the RRJA's payroll application, enabling the inclusion of payroll and personnel information into the budget in real-time. The system is integrated with the RRJA's payroll application, enabling the inclusion of payroll and personnel information into the budget based on a snapshot of payroll and personnel information (i.e. as-of date projection). The system has the ability to provide payroll and benefit information by position, for budgeting purposes. The system has the ability to provide payroll and benefit information by employee, for budgeting purposes. The system has the ability to budget at the fund level. The system has the ability to enforce the budget at the fund level. The system has the ability to budget at the department level. The system has the ability to enforce the budget at the department level. The system has the ability to budget at any level in the RRJA's chart of accounts. The system has the ability to enforce the budget at any level in the RRJA's chart of accounts. The system has the ability to store a minimum of ten years budget-to-actual at any account level. Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Desired Critical Critical Critical BD.17 The system has the ability to provide online budget entry and reporting capabilities for individual departments with appropriate security permissions. The system has the ability to provide a long description field of a maximum of 250 characters to store notes for each budgeted account with the ability to roll over to the general ledger. Desired BD.18 The system has the ability to provide a short description field of a maximum of 50 characters to store notes for each budgeted account with the ability to roll over to the general ledger. Critical BD.16 BD.19 BD.20 BD.21 BD.22 The system has the ability to calculate a total for multiple sub-entries for each budgeted account line to identify the budget line detail. The system has the ability to display budget-to-actual with percentages of available budget for an account or group of accounts at any time. The system has the ability to provide budgetary control at the department level to control spending based on user-defined criteria. The system has the ability to "roll" the budget through at least five process levels (e.g., budget entry, Administration review, etc.). Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 15 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Budgeting Req # BD.23 BD.24 BD.25 BD.26 BD.27 Description of Requirement Criticality The system has the ability to add attachments at the detail level of the budget such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Adobe PDF documents. The system has the ability to support roll-up codes for grouping accounts together for budgeting. The operating budget preparation system should at a minimum, contain at least ten previous fiscal years, current fiscal year, and at least one future fiscal year. The capital budget preparation system should at a minimum, contain at least ten previous fiscal years, current fiscal year, and at least five future fiscal years. Budget Preparation The system has the ability to produce a unified, RRJA-wide budget and revenue estimate that are automatically consolidated from electronic inputs of different departments (i.e. debt service funds, CIP funds, all budget components such as statistical information.) The system has the ability to support at least 5 versions of a budget by year with versioning for each. BD.29 The system has the ability to store reasons (notes/comments) for each budget version. BD.30 The system has the ability to identify budget details that are one time and/or recurring. BD.31 The system has the ability to name budget versions. The system has the ability to prepare budgets that accommodate the following: Fund budget; BD.32 Internal service funds budget; BD.33 BD.28 Desired Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical BD.34 Department budget; Critical BD.35 Division budget; Critical BD.36 Object budget; Critical BD.37 Project (non-capital) budget; Critical BD.38 Program budget; Critical Capital project budget; and BD.39 Other, user-defined. BD.40 The system has the ability to load budget amounts based on one or more of the following ranges or subset of ranges: BD.41 BD.42 BD.43 BD.44 BD.45 BD.46 BD.47 BD.48 BD.49 BD.50 BD.51 BD.52 BD.53 BD.54 Critical Critical Zero balances in all accounts; Current year's original budget; Previous year's budget; Desired Critical Critical Previous year's actual (with the ability to select which year and period); Any previous year budget or actual with percentage increase; Any previous year budget or actual with percentage increase by department; Any previous year budget or actual with percentage increase by account; Any previous year budget or actual with percentage decrease; Any previous year budget or actual with percentage decrease by department; Any previous year budget or actual with percentage decrease by account; and For all requirements above, ability to distribute and budget by period (i.e. seasonal budget.) Critical Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired The system has the ability to load budget information from third party software (e.g., Excel). The system has the ability to validate budget loaded data. The system has the ability to allow administrators to pre-populate fields, allowing individual departments to fill in budget information, with an option by period, easily in a template format. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 16 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Budgeting Req # Description of Requirement Criticality BD.55 The system has the ability to identify and provide last fiscal year's outstanding encumbrances as adjustments to new fiscal year's adopted budget, and is able to be incorporated into the general ledger based on user-defined criteria. Critical BD.56 The system has the ability to allow the RRJA to determine which general ledger accounts to carry forward for budgeting purposes to eliminate the need to manually key these accounts into the system. Critical BD.57 BD.58 BD.59 BD.60 BD.61 BD.62 BD.63 BD.64 BD.65 BD.66 The system has the ability to view user defined budget detail through the entire process, utilizing multiple filtering capabilities (i.e. use of user defined queries). The system has the ability to support the workflow of the RRJA's budget process, with different phases and approval processes. The system has the ability to support electronic workflow of notifications for reviewing the budget. The system has the ability to provide user defined on-line budget review capabilities for individual departments. The system has the ability to prevent users from making changes to a proposed departmental budget without appropriate approval. Budget Maintenance The system has the ability to track the original budget, amendments made during the year, and distinguish between the two. The system has the ability to provide a department user interface to maintain, monitor, and manage detailed department level budgets with appropriate security permissions. The system has the ability to allow the budget to be amended during the year by authorized personnel and provides an audit trail of those amendments. The system has the ability to allow department users to submit budget supplemental requests. The system has the ability to identify the one-time and ongoing cost of the supplemental budget requests. The system has the ability to identify a supplemental budget request based on the following: Enhanced Level of Services; BD.67 New Program; BD.68 Minor Capital (less than $100,000); BD.69 Minor Asset Replacement (less than $100,000); BD.70 FTE to Maintain Level of Service; BD.71 Maintain Level of Service. BD.72 The system has the ability to capture at least 10 categories of supplemental budget requests BD.73 based on RRJA-defined categories. The system has the ability to support the following budget supplemental requests: Increased costs that could not be absorbed within the current base budget; BD.74 Additional operating costs of recently completed or acquired capital improvements projects; BD.75 and Any potential unfunded mandates or non-discretionary increases. BD.76 BD.77 The system has the ability to route supplemental budget requests for approval via workflow. BD.78 The system has the ability to require budget justification for supplemental budget requests. The system has the ability to track the status of the supplemental (i.e., submitted, under review, BD.79 approved/denied.) The system has the ability to query and run reports on supplemental requests to generate BD.80 reports based on supplemental request data (for a minimum of five years historical data.) The system has the ability to track modifications to the supplemental request made following BD.81 review. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 17 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Budgeting Req # BD.82 BD.83 Description of Requirement Criticality The system has the ability to add approved supplemental requests to the line item base budget. The system has the ability to allow amendment controls to vary based upon the level in the budget (i.e., more strict controls at higher levels). Critical Critical The system has the ability to store the following information when a budget adjustment/amendment is made: BD.84 BD.85 BD.86 BD.87 BD.88 BD.89 BD.90 BD.91 BD.92 BD.93 BD.94 BD.95 BD.96 BD.97 BD.98 BD.99 BD.100 BD.101 BD.102 BD.103 BD.104 BD.105 BD.106 Type of change; Reason for change; Original requestor of change; Approvers of change; Tracking of all historical changes; User making change; Date and time of change; Comments/notes; Scanned and attached documentation; and Other, user-defined. The system has the ability to lockout changes to the budget after user-defined dates and criteria. The system has the ability to provide internal controls for making budget adjustments. The system has the ability to reference and/or document RRJA record information related to budget adjustments/amendments. Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Multi-Year and Capital Improvement Budgeting The system has the ability to accommodate multi-year projects for budget purposes by year with appropriate detail, to include life-to-date appropriations, adopted budget new appropriations, and Critical be fully integrated with the financial system and other modules. The system has the ability to view the budget for a multi-year project excluding encumbrances and carry-forward amounts of budget balances. The system has the ability to view the budget for a multi-year project including encumbrances and carry-forward amounts of budget balances. The system has the ability to budget for capital projects beyond one year. The system has the ability to budget for revenue sources in the capital budget. The system has the ability to allow for multiple funding sources for multi-year funds. The system has the ability to track budget, expenditures, and funding sources for grants and multi-year funds. The system has the ability to export CIP and other project data to a project management tool (e.g., MS Project). The system has the ability to export CIP and other project data to MS Excel. Forecasting The system has the ability to provide a budget model or framework for forecasting purposes. The system has the ability to provide budget trending and forecasting capabilities including: Straight line projection; BD.107 Percentage based on last year actual; BD.108 Percentage based on last year budgeted; BD.109 Monthly budget based on last year actual for a particular month; and BD.110 Other, user defined. BD.111 The system has the ability to provide salary and benefit forecasting capabilities based on the import from the payroll application including: Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 18 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Budgeting Req # Description of Requirement Criticality Number of positions; Multiple types of pay as identified by the RRJA (e.g., skill pay, assignment pay); Current pay tables; Type of position; Position code; Employee ID; Other, user defined. The system has the ability to drill down to salary and benefit budget and actual details by BD.119 person/position based on permissions. The system has the ability to accommodate automated expenditure analysis of multiple budget elements including: BD.112 BD.113 BD.114 BD.115 BD.116 BD.117 BD.118 Expenditures and revenues to date; Pre-encumbrances; Encumbrances; Outstanding invoices; Outstanding payments; Balance available to spend; Estimate of expenditures to year end; Expected total expenditures for the year; Estimate of revenues to year end; Estimated total revenues for the year; Collected revenue; and Other, user defined. The system has the ability to create budget projections based on current actual - with or without BD.132 multipliers or seasonality. The system has the ability to allow multiple users to build and save budget forecasting BD.133 scenarios. The system has the ability to allow at least 99 budget forecasting models to be saved per year. BD.134 BD.120 BD.121 BD.122 BD.123 BD.124 BD.125 BD.126 BD.127 BD.128 BD.129 BD.130 BD.131 BD.135 BD.136 The system has the ability to enter and store notes and comments to each budget forecast model. The system has the ability to attach supporting documentation to each budget forecast model. BD.137 The system has the ability to allow budget forecasts/models to be named. The system has the ability to provide forecasting capabilities that use real-time data and BD.138 information. The system has the ability to provide long-term operating forecasting capabilities for a minimum BD.139 of five years in the future. The system has the ability to provide long-term capital forecasting capabilities for a minimum of BD.140 fifteen years in the future. BD.141 BD.142 BD.143 BD.144 BD.145 Reporting The system has the ability to query on all data fields in the budgeting module. The system has the ability to provide an ad hoc report writing tool. The system has the ability to export budget data to Microsoft Excel. The system has the ability to integrate with common desktop publishing applications for producing the final or "presentation" budget document. The system has the ability to track and report on adjustments made to the budget during the year. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 19 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Desired Desired Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Budgeting Req # BD.146 BD.147 BD.148 BD.149 BD.150 BD.151 BD.152 BD.153 BD.154 Description of Requirement Criticality The system has the ability to report on budgets at any level of the chart of account structure. The system has the ability to allow analysis of current year budget by providing reports that indicate budget-to-actual revisions. The system has the ability to allow analysis of current year budget by providing reports that indicate budget-to-actual invoices. The system has the ability to allow analysis of current year budget by providing reports that indicate budget-to-actual encumbrances. The system has the ability to allow analysis of current year budget by providing reports that indicate budget-to-actual requisitions. The system has the ability to allow analysis of current year budget by providing reports that indicate budget-to-actual available balance. The system has the ability to display budget-to-actual with percentages and actual dollars of available budget for an account or group of accounts at any time. The system has the ability to allow "wildcard" searches for a portion of a word. The system has the ability to allow "drill-down" from any line item in a system generated report. BD.155 The system has the ability to project and report on end of year accruals (e.g., payroll). The system has the ability to allow analysis of the current year budget by providing real-time BD.156 reports that indicate all or any combination of budget-to-actual revisions, invoices, encumbrances, requisitions, and available balance. The system has the ability to provide a user defined budget dashboard view of key indicators including but not limited to: Budget to actual; BD.157 Fund; BD.158 Department; BD.159 Activity; BD.160 Object; BD.161 Current year-to-date compared to previous year-to-date; BD.162 Current year-to-date compared to previous year-to-date with the ability to select by period BD.163 (i.e. do not want to only show YTD total amounts); Current year-to-date compared to multiple previous year-to-dates with the ability to select by BD.164 year and period; and BD.165 The system has the ability to generate a report to serve as the RRJA's "Budget Book." The system has the ability to provide real-time reporting on current balances on specified line BD.166 item accounts and line item account activity. The system has the ability to print original budget plus any changes/amendments to reach the BD.167 final budget from prior years (i.e., the full life-cycle of a prior year budget). Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 20 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Response Indicators: When providing responses to the requirements in Attachment B, proposers shall use the following response indicators: S: Feature/Function is included in the current software release. T: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and F: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release. is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this C: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and is not planned to be a feature could be provided with integration with a third-party system. part of a future software release. However, this feature could be provided with custom modifications. N: Feature/Function cannot be provided. Purchasing Description of Requirement Req # Criticality PU.2 General Requirements The system has the ability to provide a Purchasing module that is integrated with all other system modules including (but not limited to) general ledger, fixed assets, contracts, budgeting, accounts payable, bid management, projects, and grants. The system has the ability to accommodate a decentralized purchase requisition process that allows requisitions to be entered on-line by all RRJA departments. PU.3 The system has the ability to support electronic workflow to support a paperless requisition approval process of user-defined levels of approval and routing capabilities. PU.1 PU.4 PU.5 PU.6 PU.7 PU.8 PU.9 PU.10 PU.11 PU.12 PU.13 PU.14 PU.15 PU.16 PU.17 PU.18 PU.19 The system has the ability to allow an eight character amount for a purchase order (i.e. $99 million). The system has the ability to support the use of commodity codes (NIGP). The system has the ability to allow purchase requisitions to be entered without a commodity code. The system has the ability to allow users to view commodity codes and their respective descriptions via drop-down menus. The system will not require users or requisitioners to know commodity codes or sub-commodity codes. The system has the ability to drill-down to supporting documents or transactions throughout the purchasing module. The system has the ability to see all documentation associated with a transaction (i.e. PO, invoices, checks, bids, etc.). The system has the ability to give all system users visibility into the status of the procurement and where it is in the workflow and procurement stage at any point in the process. The system has the ability to establish emergency expenditure approval exceeding budget with appropriate permissions; including an audit trail of the emergency budget approval. The system provides authorized personnel with appropriate permissions the ability to bypass the requisition process and get a purchase order number in emergency situations with appropriate audit controls including an audit trail. The system has the ability to verify funding availability at the line item, category or group, department, object and fund level from a department's budget at the time of a requisition, purchase order, or modification. The system has the ability to provide electronic notification of needed approval actions. The system has the ability to provide multiple electronic notifications of needed approval actions. The system has the ability to route requisitions and purchase orders using workflow based on account number. The system has the ability to route requisitions and purchase orders using workflow based on a range of account numbers. The system has the ability to route requisitions and purchase orders using workflow based on dollar amount. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 21 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Purchasing Description of Requirement Req # PU.20 PU.21 PU.22 PU.23 PU.24 PU.25 PU.26 PU.27 PU.28 PU.29 PU.30 PU.31 Criticality The system has the ability to route requisitions and purchase orders using workflow based on other RRJA-defined fields or rules. The system has the ability to require electronic signatures through workflow for approval of purchase orders. The system has the ability to require electronic approvals through workflow for approval of requisitions. The system has the ability to upload transaction detail from purchasing card vendors' applications with detail applied to the general ledger appropriately. The system has the ability to print purchase orders in a configurable print-image format, not dependent on screen layouts. The system has the ability to support a "queue" in which multiple buyers can process from, with the ability to configure routing based on buyers' responsibility areas. The system has the ability to track expenditures against purchasing cards issued to employees. The system has the ability to flag requisitions as user defined types. (i.e. sole source or emergency purchases.) The system has the ability to allow buyers to override or modify the purchase type based on system permissions. The system has the ability to provide user defined purchase order types. Requisitions The system has the ability to accommodate recurring requisitions. The system has the ability to attach scanned documents to an electronic requisition, for viewing. The system has the ability to include the date, time and user that attached a document to an PU.32 electronic requisition. The system has the ability to provide auto-generated requisition numbers on an annual basis PU.33 with the ability to override. PU.34 The system has the ability to support at least a 5 character requisition number. The system has the ability to check available budget by line item and flag for warning if the PU.35 requisition is over total appropriation with the ability to override or stop the user. The system has the ability to check available budget by department and flag the requisition if PU.36 over total appropriation (flag for warning, override, or stop). PU.37 The system has the ability to copy an existing requisition to create a new one. PU.38 The system has the ability to auto-populate fields based on inventory item selected. The system has the ability to maintain the following data points in the requisition process: Origin of request (department); PU.39 Requestor; PU.40 PU.41 Date of request; Scheduled delivery date; PU.42 Shipping address; PU.43 Delivery instructions; PU.44 Delivery contact person (RRJA employee); PU.45 Delivery contact information; PU.46 Vendor name; PU.47 Vendor number; PU.48 Vendor contact person; PU.49 Vendor email address(s); PU.50 Comment; PU.51 Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 22 of 88 Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Desired Desired Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Purchasing Description of Requirement Req # PU.52 PU.53 PU.54 PU.55 PU.56 PU.57 PU.58 PU.60 PU.61 PU.62 PU.64 PU.65 PU.66 PU.67 PU.68 Criticality Quantity requested; Unit of measure; Unit price; Auto calculate extended price; Description (minimum of 250 characters); Multiple RRJA G/L account numbers; Project Number; Work Order Number; Contract Number; Bid Number; Freight/shipping charges; and Other, user-defined fields. The system has the ability to apply effective dates to requisitions (i.e., for planned requisitions close to year end to occur in the following year). The system has the ability to partially reject a requisition (i.e., reject some but not all line items). The system has the ability to provide a paperless requisition approval process using workflow with notifications for user-defined levels of approval and routing capabilities, to include routing to multiple departments. PU.76 The system has the ability to print the requisition(s) as needed. The system has the ability to indicate the status of a requisition, receipt status, purchase orders, and invoice/payable status at any time. The system has the ability to display the requisition and/or purchase order history in one screen (i.e. entered, approved, rejected, and/or modified). The system has the ability to enter requisitions for the next fiscal year with appropriate security permissions. The system has the ability to place a requisition on hold. The system has the ability to support entering negative requisition amounts for discounts and/or trade-in amounts. The system has the ability to allow approved requisitions to be modified by the Purchasing Department and to track any modifications made to the approved requisitions. Purchase Orders The system has the ability to convert requisitions to a purchase order. PU.77 The system has the ability for all attached documentation to carry forward when a requisition is converted to a purchase order, with the ability to turn this feature on or off at the system level. PU.69 PU.70 PU.71 PU.72 PU.73 PU.74 PU.75 PU.78 PU.79 PU.80 PU.81 PU.82 PU.83 PU.84 The system has the ability to not carry forward comments made on the requisition forward to the purchase order. The system has the ability to set up recurring purchase orders. The system has the ability to require that the vendor be completed before creating a purchase order. Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical The system has the ability to automatically assign a unique purchase number sequentially. The system has the ability to print purchase orders on a laser printer and on multiple printers. Critical The system has the ability to print purchase orders to a PDF. The system has the ability to print attachments with a purchase order and assemble as a PDF, with the ability to ask before doing so. Critical Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 23 of 88 Critical Desired Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Purchasing Description of Requirement Req # PU.85 PU.86 PU.87 PU.88 PU.89 PU.90 PU.91 PU.92 PU.93 PU.94 PU.95 PU.96 PU.97 PU.98 PU.99 PU.100 PU.101 PU.102 PU.103 PU.104 PU.105 PU.106 PU.107 PU.108 PU.109 PU.110 PU.111 Criticality The system has the ability to designate purchase order signature based on dollar amount with ability to turn on or off. The system has the ability to store electronic signatures. The system has the ability to electronically send purchase orders via email to the requestor and/or the vendor. The system has the ability to e-mail attachments with a purchase order, with the ability to ask before doing so. The system has the ability to change the account (GL) number that is assigned to a purchase, with appropriate security permissions. The system has the ability to notify the creator of a purchase when the account number has been changed. The system has the ability to check for or flag recurring purchase orders. The system has the ability to reprint duplicate Purchase Orders. The system has the ability to allow multiple GL numbers on one purchase order and/or on individual line items by percentage or dollar value. The system has the ability to match accounts payable invoices to purchase orders. The system has the ability to accommodate blanket purchase orders. The system has the ability to provide a full audit trail including dates, user names/IDs, and activity for purchase orders. The system has the ability for authorized users to modify the purchase order without having to void the purchase order. The system has the ability for authorized users to modify a purchase order with the option to reprint or re-e-mail. The system has the ability to automatically accommodate change orders or modifications to purchase orders and track the version number and changes with the date of changes. The system has the ability for users to see purchase order detail. The system has the ability to add or change commodity codes on purchase orders. The system has the ability to copy recurring purchase orders from a previous fiscal year without re-keying all the detail. The system has the ability to store electronically received or scanned documents with every purchase order. The system has the ability to allow users to select multiple "ship to" addresses for different facilities. The system has the ability to void or cancel purchase orders, with appropriate security permissions. The system has the ability to allow a minimum of 500 character description on purchase order. The system has the ability to handle description overflow on a purchase order. The system has the ability to change the vendor associated with a purchase order with appropriate security permissions. The system has the ability to place a purchase order on hold. The system has the ability to split code a purchase order by percentage or dollar value to multiple departments and accounts. The system has the ability to change the vendor on an existing purchase order without having to void or cancel the original purchase order with appropriate security permissions. Receiving The system has the ability to record the following receiving information: Receiving staff; PU.112 Date and time received; PU.113 Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Desired Critical Critical Desired Critical Desired Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Page 24 of 88 Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Purchasing Description of Requirement Req # PU.114 PU.115 PU.116 PU.117 PU.118 PU.119 PU.120 PU.121 PU.122 PU.123 PU.124 PU.125 PU.126 PU.127 PU.128 PU.129 PU.130 PU.131 PU.132 Criticality Quantity received; Complete or partial flag; Comments/notes; and Other, user-defined fields. The system has the ability to allow delivery information to be entered by requisitioners and shown on the purchase order. The system has the ability to require the commodity code on the purchase requisition and the receiving file to be the same. The system has the ability to allow RRJA staff to enter and access delivery validation information. The system has the ability to provide a web-based receiving process for all items received at decentralized receiving areas. The system has the ability to receive one item at a time. The system has the ability to "receive all" goods/services with a single key stroke and undo a single line item. The system has the ability to "receive all" goods/services with a single key stroke and prompt with a dialogue box to verify the action (i.e., "are you sure?"). The system has the ability to allow items to be marked as damaged or incorrect at the time of receiving. The system has the ability to provide workflow functionality related to processing damaged goods or incorrect received. The system has the ability to automatically send email notifications upon items received being marked damaged or incorrect. The system has the ability to electronically scan and attach packing slips and associated documentation to purchase orders. The system has the ability to attach the proof of receipt electronically to the receiving document in order to verify the 3-way match. Contract Management The system provides the ability to allow a user to establish RRJA-defined contract types. The system has the ability to support various contract periods, including multiple year contracts (i.e., those that span fiscal and/or calendar years). The system has the ability to generate a list of contracts available to departments that would allow the users to click on a vendor or commodity to see the associated contract and pricing. The system has the ability to use an online catalog, which would allow the user to place a purchase against the contract within the same application. The system has the ability to flag and/or suspend approval of change orders that require budget PU.134 changes (greater than a certain user-defined percentage and/or dollar amount change over original amount). PU.133 The system has the ability to automate the closing and encumbering of contracts from one fiscal year to the next. PU.136 The system has the ability to encumber only a portion of a contract. PU.137 The system has the ability to track certificate of insurance expiration dates. The system has the ability to generate notifications to vendors and user agencies (in a userPU.138 defined format), when milestones or thresholds are met (e.g., tax exempt certification, insurance expiration date). PU.135 PU.139 The system has the ability to notify internal staff and the vendor of the expired certificate of insurance. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 25 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Purchasing Description of Requirement Req # PU.140 PU.141 PU.142 PU.143 PU.144 PU.145 PU.146 PU.147 PU.148 PU.149 Criticality The system has the ability to automatically assign a unique identification number to a contract sequentially. The system has the ability to trigger alerts based on all user-defined thresholds when a certain dollar amount of the contract is used (e.g., 75%). The system has the ability to trigger alerts based on all user-defined thresholds prior to contract expiration (e.g., 30, 60, 90 days). The system has the ability to include or integrate with bid records (specifications, advertisements, bids/proposals, council resolution, etc.). The system has the ability to include a change-order function that allows the addition, listing, and tracking of change orders. The system has the ability to note contract revisions, including date and source. The system has the ability to provide vendor performance tracking by contract. The system has the ability to keep track of historical contract costs that may be used for creating budget requests for the new year. The system has the ability to track deliverables and invoice payments based on a contract or vendor. The system has the ability to search by contract number, project file number, CIP number, purchase order number, contract name, buyer and/or commodity. (and any other field, and location) The system has the ability to attach vendor contracts and agreements (e.g., leases, development agreements, and inter-governmental agreements). PU.151 The system has the ability to track the associated purchase orders. PU.152 The system has the ability to calculate and track liquidated damages. PU.153 The system has the ability to calculate and track incentives/retainages. The system has the ability to track spending based on user-defined criteria (including but not PU.154 limited to year-to-date, inception-to-date, and by department). PU.155 The system has the ability to track prime contractors and associated sub contractors. PU.156 The system has the ability to maintain a checklist for the contract approval process. The system has the ability to support the workflow process for change orders with digital PU.157 signature approval. The system has the ability to allow multiple contracts per vendor, multiple items per contract, and PU.158 multiple dates. PU.159 The system has the ability to attach many and/or large volume documents to a contract. The system has the ability to close and reopen contracts across fiscal years, based on PU.160 appropriate user permissions. The system has the ability to link single or multiple contract amounts to individual projects or PU.161 grants. The system has the ability to identify user defined contract amendments (i.e. quantity, rate, PU.162 schedule, extensions, or scope change). The system has the ability to track and report expenditures for each individual contract, including PU.163 budget to actual comparisons by user-defined period (i.e., monthly, quarterly, daily, contract year, fiscal year, contract term, etc.). PU.150 The system has the ability to track all requirements and compliance for Federally Funded projects. The system has the ability to allow contracts to integrate with accounts receivable module for PU.165 billing and collection purposes (e.g., rent to the RRJA for buildings, etc.). PU.166 The system has the ability to track performance bonds associated with contracts. Reporting PU.167 The system has the ability to query on all data fields in the purchasing module. PU.164 Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 26 of 88 Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Purchasing Description of Requirement Req # Criticality PU.168 The system has the ability to generate a report of all activity with a vendor. The system has the ability to generate a status report of all requisitions and purchase orders. PU.169 PU.170 PU.171 PU.172 PU.173 PU.174 PU.175 The system has the ability to generate a report of all vendors by status, active or inactive, certification, commodity code, etc. The system has the ability to generate a report of all open purchase orders with user-defined filter criteria. The system has the ability to generate all reports by user-defined date ranges that may occur over prior fiscal years. The system has the ability to track and report minority vendors (e.g. DBE/MBE) to satisfy state compliance requirements. The system has the ability to export RRJA-defined purchasing information to MS Excel. The system has the ability to track and report on user defined contract milestones. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 27 of 88 Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Desired Critical Desired Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Response Indicators: When providing responses to the requirements in Attachment B, proposers shall use the following response indicators: S: Feature/Function is included in the current software release. T: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and F: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release. is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this C: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and is not planned to be a feature could be provided with integration with a third-party system. part of a future software release. However, this feature could be provided with custom modifications. N: Feature/Function cannot be provided. Accounts Payable Req # AP.1 AP.2 AP.3 AP.4 AP.5 AP.6 AP.7 AP.8 AP.9 AP.10 AP.11 AP.12 AP.13 AP.14 AP.15 AP.16 AP.17 AP.18 AP.19 AP.20 AP.21 AP.22 AP.23 AP.24 AP.25 AP.26 Description of Requirement Criticality General Requirements The system has the ability to provide an Accounts Payable module that is integrated with all other system modules including (but not limited to) general ledger, fixed assets, contracts, budgeting, purchasing, bid management, projects, and grants. The system has the ability to view approval status of purchase orders and requisitions. The system has the ability to print 1099 forms on a laser printer. The system has the ability to transmit 1099 forms electronically, per Federal Government regulations. The system has the ability to accommodate 3-way matching of purchase order, receiving documents, and invoice. The system has the ability to set a tolerance at invoice level, which can limit the amount of override allowed on an invoice based on system permissions. The system has the ability to attach digital copies of receipts and other supporting documentation to invoice records. The system has the ability to automatically (proactively) notify end users of pending approval actions. The system has the ability to support electronic workflow for approvals by commodity code. The system has the ability to support electronic workflow for approvals by dollar amount. The system has the ability to support electronic workflow for approvals by general ledger account number. The system has the ability to "add back" percentages or amount discounts previously taken (i.e., returned items) with appropriate system permissions. The system has the ability to import purchasing card transaction detail. The system has the ability to support "positive pay." The system has the ability to send an electronic file of all checks, including system-driven manual checks, to the RRJA's bank for comparison with checks being cashed in order to help reduce opportunities for fraud. The system has the ability to accommodate interdepartmental transfers. The system has the ability to distribute journal entries from Accounts Payable to the General Ledger immediately (real-time) or in batch. Invoice Entry The system has the ability to split an invoice into a payment schedule with at least twelve different due dates and due amounts. The system has the ability to support decentralized invoice entry at the department level. The system has the ability to support batch or individual invoice entry. The system has the ability to allow for the electronic submission of invoice from vendors (e.g., ebills, etc.). The system has the ability to support at least a 25 character invoice number field. The system has the ability to accommodate partial payments. The system has the ability to support a minimum of a 50 character Short description field. The system has the ability to support a minimum of a 250 character Long description field. The system has the ability to support alpha numeric invoice numbers. The system has the ability to accept a dollar amount entry for payment against a contract. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 28 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Desired Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Accounts Payable Req # Description of Requirement Criticality AP.27 The system has the ability to have an applied date in a fiscal year based on the invoice date with the ability to override (i.e., when receiving an invoice in a new fiscal year dated for a previous fiscal year). Critical The system has the ability to support multiple status modes for invoices including but not limited to the following: AP.28 AP.29 AP.30 AP.31 AP.32 AP.33 AP.34 AP.35 AP.36 AP.37 AP.38 AP.39 AP.40 AP.41 AP.42 AP.43 AP.44 AP.45 AP.46 AP.47 AP.48 AP.49 AP.50 AP.51 AP.52 AP.53 AP.54 AP.55 AP.56 AP.57 AP.58 Pending; Approved; Held; Rejected; Cancelled; Deleted; and Other, user-defined. The system has the ability to copy existing invoices to new invoices. The system has the ability to accumulate multiple invoices into one vendor check with the ability to turn this function on and off. The system has the ability to electronically attach scanned invoices to the payable entry. The system has the ability to flag invoices as reimbursable expenses through the grant process. The system has the ability to allow for an invoice to be distributed to (at least) 30 different general ledger accounts. The system has the ability to allow for an invoice to be distributed to (at least) 99 different general ledger accounts. The system has the ability to automatically split invoices to different accounts based on userdefined rules. The system has the ability to enter invoices upon receipt and select future payment date. The system has the ability to support recurring invoices. The system has the ability to hold credit invoices and apply them to future invoices. The system has the ability to calculate interest for late payments with the ability turn the feature on and off. The system has the ability to calculate the appropriate sales or use tax with the ability to override. The system has the ability to allow RRJA staff to flag invoices for potential sales or use tax. The system has the ability to close out a PO if it is known that it is the final payment being made against a PO and release the encumbered balance. Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Desired Critical Desired Critical Critical Desired Desired Desired Desired Check Processing, Printing and Reconciliation Critical The system has the ability to interface with laser check printers. The system has the ability for RRJA to maintain a minimum of 20 bank accounts. Critical Critical The system has the ability to allow RRJA to modify the check format. The system has the ability to print a test check with a "void" watermark based on appropriate Critical security permissions. The system has the ability to import a file for bank reconciliation. Critical The system provides the user with reconciliation functions to compare imported data with system Critical data. The system has the ability to reprint checks. Critical The system has the ability to void and re-issue checks. Critical The system has the ability to update the general ledger to account for voided and re-issued Critical checks. The system has the ability to prohibit duplicate check numbers within the same checkbook. Critical Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 29 of 88 Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Accounts Payable Req # Description of Requirement Criticality AP.59 The system has the ability to provide a workflow approval process for manual checks that allows users to maintain a history of the process, including user-defined fields (e.g., signer, etc.). Critical AP.60 AP.61 AP.62 AP.63 AP.64 AP.65 AP.66 AP.67 AP.68 AP.69 AP.70 AP.71 AP.72 AP.73 AP.74 AP.75 AP.76 AP.77 AP.78 AP.79 The system has the ability to generate manual or off-cycle checks. The system has the ability to accommodate multiple check runs in a single day. The system has the ability to print checks in numerical order. The system has the ability to void a check and close the invoice completely. The system has the ability to void a check and allow the user to reopen the invoice and the associated purchase order. The system has the ability to pay a large number of invoices to one vendor with one check and have stub information printed on an overflow statement. The system has the ability to print the entire invoice number on the check. The system has the ability to produce digitized electronic signatures as part of the check printing process. The system has the ability to print a check register at pre-determined intervals and on demand. The system has the ability to print a check register that includes manual, cleared and voided checks. The system has the ability to print a check register showing individual check numbers and amounts, sorted by check number. The system has the ability to notify a user and supervisor if check numbers are missing in that time period (i.e., voided or destroyed checks). The system has the ability to process ACH payments, including addendum records. The system has the ability to support the bank draft process. The system has the ability to remit to both a checking and savings account. The system has the ability to lock the ACH file between processing and transmittal. The system has the ability to assign dates to ensure that the date is not a holiday or a weekend or other user-defined dates with the ability to override. The system has the ability to print check register which indicates cleared and/or outstanding checks. The system has the ability to generate a refund check for revenue refunds. The system provides the ability to drill back to the source module that created the original transaction (i.e. requisition, purchase order, contract and any other supporting documentation). The system has the ability to handle the conversion of outstanding checks to unclaimed property transactions. Vendor File The system has the ability to utilize the same vendor file for the purchasing module with the AP.81 ability to update the vendor file based upon the users' security permissions. The system has the ability to provide a vendor file that supports the following fields: A vendor number that is not the vendor's EIN, TIN or SSN; AP.82 At least 9 alpha-numeric characters for vendor numbers; AP.83 A minimum of 100 characters for vendor remit addresses; AP.84 A minimum of 50 characters for the vendor name; AP.85 Doing Business As (DBA) Name; AP.86 Legal Name; AP.87 Prior/Historical Name; AP.88 Misc. vendor indicator; AP.89 Type of vendor (i.e., corporation 1099, individual); AP.90 AP.80 Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 30 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Accounts Payable Req # AP.91 AP.92 AP.93 AP.94 AP.95 AP.96 AP.97 AP.98 AP.99 AP.100 AP.101 AP.102 AP.103 AP.104 AP.105 AP.106 AP.107 AP.108 AP.109 AP.110 AP.111 AP.112 AP.113 AP.114 AP.115 AP.116 AP.117 AP.118 AP.119 AP.120 AP.121 AP.122 Description of Requirement Criticality Parent/child relationship; Vendor tax ID; User-defined vendor fields (minimum of 5); Fields for multiple addresses; Fields for multiple email addresses (minimum of 5); Designated point of contact; Primary contact information (i.e. email address, phone, fax, etc. ) Comment or memo field; Record of vendor performance (performed through user defined drop down menu when receiving is done for vendor performance); Commodity code; Status (i.e. active or non active vendor, vendor under contract); Vendor certifications (i.e. MWMB, HUB, etc.); Flag vendors that are not in RRJA-defined compliance; User-defined special condition codes for vendor flags; Foreign addresses; User defined vendor withholding for taxes; Vendor retainage based on purchase order; ACH, routing, and bank information; Indicator for which 1099 form the vendor should receive; Indicator for international vendors; and Discount terms. The system has the ability to flag a vendor that has an outstanding bill or balance with RRJA. The system has the ability to configure multiple fields for recording compliance information (e.g., RRJA taxes, expired insurance, debarred). The system has the ability to allow searching the vendor file by any data field. The system has the ability to automatically assign a unique alpha-numeric identification number to a vendor sequentially. The system has the ability to merge duplicate vendors. The system has the ability to allow "one-time" vendors to be established with limited required data entry. The system has the ability to allow a system administrator to configure "required" fields in the vendor file. The system has the ability to produce mailing labels from the vendor file. The system has the ability to maintain a complete listing of historical vendors (i.e., including those no longer active). The system has the ability to allow a user to query the vendor file by date range to view vendors with no recent activity. The system has the ability to automatically notify RRJA staff when there is no activity (i.e. no purchase orders, invoices, checks, etc.) with a vendor after a user specified period of time. The system has the ability to notify vendor(s) of their current 1099 information (i.e., tax id number, address, name) for update when needed. The system has the ability to require all vendor changes to their file to be approved by AP.124 designated RRJA staff before taking effect. AP.125 The system has the ability to attach documents to the vendor file. The system has the ability to only allow changes to the vendor file based on security AP.126 permissions. AP.123 Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 31 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Desired Critical Desired Desired Desired Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Desired Desired Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Desired Desired Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Accounts Payable Req # Description of Requirement Criticality AP.127 The system has the ability to maintain an audit log of all changes to the vendor file. The system has the ability to allow the RRJA to identify fields that can be masked including but AP.128 not limited to Tax ID, checking/banking account numbers, credit card numbers, and social security numbers. AP.129 AP.130 AP.131 AP.132 AP.133 AP.134 Vendor Processing The system has the ability to automatically assign payment terms for vendors and provides the ability to override the payment terms at the vendor and/or invoice level. The system has the ability to produce 1099 Forms per federal standards. The system has the ability to correct errors made in 1099 boxes and recalculate at year end so the information on the final 1099 form is correct. The system has the ability to produce tentative 1099 lists for review before printing or transmitting final list to the IRS. The system has the ability to specify the box or line on the 1099 form that the dollar amount will be printed in or on. The system has the ability to calculate percentage and amount discounts (i.e., early payment). The system has the ability to flag invoices (or groups of invoices) so that more than one check AP.135 may be written to a vendor in any given check run for those transactions or vendors requiring separate checks. The system has the ability to calculate and track retainage for contractor or subcontractor invoices. The system has the ability to flag a vendor as being subject to backup withholding at appropriate AP.137 rates as established by IRS and provides the ability to calculate and report backup withholdings. AP.136 AP.138 AP.139 AP.140 AP.141 AP.142 AP.143 AP.144 AP.145 The system has the ability to flag a vendor as being a check vendor, an ACH vendor, bank draft vendor, or credit card vendor. The system has the ability to override a flag on a vendor to change the payment type. The system has the ability to track date of last activity for vendors. The system has the ability to track calendar year-to-date payments in addition to fiscal year-todate totals. The system has the ability to provide notification of duplicate invoice number entry of same vendor and provides for authorized user override. The system has the ability to show amount retained on each vendor/subcontractor check. The system has the ability to change vendor remit-to address with appropriate security permissions. The system has the ability to record with an audit trail when the remit-to address is changed. AP.146 The system has the ability to attach files to document the change of address in a vendor file. Reporting AP.147 The system has the ability to query on all data fields in the accounts payable module. The system has the ability to generate a report of anticipated cash requirement for AP.148 disbursements. AP.149 The system has the ability to generate a report of scheduled checks to be written. The system has the ability to generate a report of payments by payment type (ACH, paper AP.150 check, bank draft, etc.). AP.151 The system has the ability to generate a report of open invoices by date to tie to GL. AP.152 The system has the ability to generate a vendor master listing report. AP.153 The system has the ability to generate a summary payment report by vendor. AP.154 The system has the ability to generate a report of 1099 vendors by tax category. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 32 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Accounts Payable Req # Description of Requirement Criticality AP.155 The system has the ability to generate an Expenditure Approval List. The system has the ability to generate a report or allow on-screen inquiry of a variety of vendor information (outstanding checks, volume of checks, etc.): Payee; Check number; Any component of account structure; Purchase order number; Date or date range; Address; Invoice; Amount; and Other, user-defined (based on any element in the vendor file). The system has the ability to generate a report of checks paid by department. The system has the ability to generate a report of checks paid by fund. The system has the ability to generate a report of checks paid by grant. The system has the ability to generate a report of invoices outstanding by department. The system has the ability to generate a report of invoices outstanding by project. The system has the ability to generate a report of invoices outstanding by grant. The system has the ability to generate a report of invoices outstanding by contract. The system has the ability to generate a monthly expenditure report by fund. The system has the ability to generate an aging report by fund. The system has the ability to generate an aging report by department. The system has the ability to generate a monthly check reconciliation report of manual/off-cycle AP.175 checks. AP.156 AP.157 AP.158 AP.159 AP.160 AP.161 AP.162 AP.163 AP.164 AP.165 AP.166 AP.167 AP.168 AP.169 AP.170 AP.171 AP.172 AP.173 AP.174 AP.176 The system has the ability to provide a hyperlink to the image of the check that was issued. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 33 of 88 Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Desired Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Response Indicators: When providing responses to the requirements in Attachment B, proposers shall use the following response indicators: S: Feature/Function is included in the current software release. T: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and F: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release. is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this C: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and is not planned to be a feature could be provided with integration with a third-party system. part of a future software release. However, this feature could be provided with custom modifications. N: Feature/Function cannot be provided. Accounts Receivable Req # AR.1 AR.2 AR.3 AR.4 AR.5 AR.6 AR.7 AR.8 AR.9 AR.10 AR.11 AR.12 AR.13 AR.14 AR.15 AR.16 AR.17 AR.18 Description of Requirement Criticality General Requirements The system has the ability to provide an Accounts Receivable module that is integrated with all other system modules including (but not limited to) the general ledger, cash receipts, purchasing, accounts payable, payroll, planning, permitting, inspections, code enforcement, and business licensing. The system has the ability to identify each transaction by a reference number that is sequentially generated automatically. The system has the ability to allow direct entry of invoices, cash receipts, or adjustment transactions. The system has the ability to keep a user-defined number of years of historical data and the ability to archive data older than ten years. The system has the ability to provide an audit trail for changes made to account receivable records. The system has the ability to produce summary and detail general ledger and sub-ledger journals, one for every accounts receivable transaction. The system has the ability to provide for decentralized data entry of billing information and an electronic approval process for submission of bills. The system has the ability to handle NSF check processing and to add user defined fees to an account. The system has the ability to track revenue for charges generated between RRJA Departments. The system has the ability to provide workflow approval process to support interdepartmental billing. The system has the ability to provide user-defined payment terms such as net 30, net 45, and other user-defined due date payment terms. The system has the ability to provide user-defined customer statements. The system has the ability to provide recurring billing capabilities such as lease payments, rental payments, retiree health insurance premiums, and other miscellaneous recurring billing. The system has the ability to generate a reimbursement to the appropriate customer if there is a credit standing on the account. The system has the ability to allow approved refunds with workflow approval process. The system has the ability to allow authorized users to query and view receivable information and report by user-defined criteria. The system has the ability to view, track, and sort receivables by user-defined criteria, including but not limited to accounting codes, customers, and activities. Customer Management The system has the ability to automatically assign a number to a customer by user-defined rules. The system has the ability to allow a specific customer number, type, and/or category to be assigned to a new or existing customer. The system has the ability to maintain a customer file with the following information: Name; AR.20 AR.19 Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 34 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Accounts Receivable Req # Description of Requirement Criticality AR.21 AR.22 AR.23 AR.24 AR.25 AR.26 AR.27 AR.28 AR.29 AR.30 AR.31 AR.32 AR.33 AR.34 AR.35 AR.36 AR.37 AR.38 AR.39 AR.40 AR.41 AR.42 AR.43 AR.44 DBA (Doing Business As) Multiple Addresses (billing); Location (for a property/item billed against); Multiple phone; Multiple email; Multiple Fax number; Last account activity; Tax ID numbers; Current and unpaid late payment penalty and interest charges; Balance due; Last payment amount; Year-to-date payments; Highest past-due balance; Highest outstanding balance; Payment arrangements; Late payment penalty and interest charges, year-to-date; Late payment penalty and interest charges, total; Bad check status; ACH returns; Credit Card chargebacks; Statement cycle; Link to vendor file; Notes/comments; and Other, user-defined. The system has the ability to provide a single screen to view all information related to a customer with multiple tabs on the screen (i.e., not requiring the need to go to multiple screens for all information). Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical The system has the ability to maintain an audit log of all changes to the customer file. The system has the ability to provide a customer information field allowing entry and maintenance of narrative text that is viewable by all users with permissions. The system has the ability to deactivate a customer and warn if the customer has an outstanding balance, but keep the customer history and flag for continued notice and collections. Critical AR.45 AR.46 AR.47 AR.48 AR.49 AR.50 The system has the ability to track customers that have a prior NSF check (insufficient funds) and warn counter clerk at time of customer payments. The system has the ability to accept, track and store security deposit information by customer. Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical The system has the ability to maintain a contact log to record conversations and correspondence with customers and maintains, at a minimum, the following information: AR.51 AR.52 AR.53 AR.54 AR.55 AR.56 AR.57 AR.58 Contact person; Date and time of contact; Means of contact (e.g., phone, email, etc.); Nature of the contact; and Information collected as a result of contact. The system has the ability to flag customers that have filed bankruptcy. The system has the ability to flag customers with RRJA-defined codes (i.e., delinquency, property lien, etc.) The system has the ability to allow users to access and search for customer information easily. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 35 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Accounts Receivable Req # Description of Requirement Criticality The system has the ability to produce bills, statements, invoices, NSF notifications, and other AR.59 user-defined documents for corresponding (i.e. mailing and emailing) to customers. The system has the ability to allow for RRJA defined miscellaneous billings including but not limited to: Retiree Insurance Premium Billing; AR.60 Returned Checks/ACH/Credit Card Billing; AR.61 Multiple other user defined miscellaneous billings. AR.62 The system has the ability to support multiple methods for calculating invoice amounts including but not limited to: Flat fee; AR.63 Percentage; and AR.64 Table Based. AR.65 The system has the ability to allow RRJA staff to determine if invoices for the same customer AR.66 should be combined onto the same invoice or kept as separate invoices. AR.67 The system has the ability to allocate payments based upon a user-defined criteria. AR.68 AR.69 AR.70 AR.71 AR.72 AR.73 AR.74 AR.75 AR.76 AR.77 AR.78 AR.79 AR.80 AR.81 AR.82 AR.83 AR.84 AR.85 AR.86 AR.87 The system has the ability to prioritize allocation of payments based upon a user-defined criteria. The system has the ability to automatically bill recurring invoices based on user-defined billing schedules. The system has the ability to import invoices (and validate GL account numbers) produced by other billing systems to allow centralized collection and payment processing functions. The system has the ability to allow the viewing of all outstanding invoices when applying payments to a customer account. System provides ability to apply payments to a customer's balance forward or to specific open items (i.e., unpaid invoices). The system has the ability to accept unapplied payments. The system has the ability to use laser-printed or pre-printed forms for invoices. The system has the ability to produce PDF images of invoices automatically when printing as opposed to scanning the printed version of the invoice image. The system has the ability to allow batch entry of the same charge to multiple customers. The system has the ability to default RRJA-defined fields upon batch entry. (e.g., payment type code, customer type, cash account, etc.) The system has the ability to automatically assign sequential and unique numbers to invoices. The system has the ability to reprint bills, statements, and invoices at any point in time. The system has the ability support a workflow process, with user-defined approvals, for the reprinting of reprint bills, statements, and invoices. The system has the ability to monitor paid and outstanding invoices. The system has the ability to provide at least 500 characters for billing description for each item to be billed at time of billing entry. Delinquency Tracking The system has the ability to compute late charges for customers not paying within a designated period of time. The system has the ability to age the receivables according to user-definable time periods. The system has the ability to age receivables according to due date. The system has the ability to age receivables according to invoice date. The system has the ability to generate accounts receivable aging reports, showing a line item on the aging report for each invoice posted to the accounts receivable master file. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 36 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Accounts Receivable Req # AR.88 AR.89 AR.90 AR.91 AR.92 AR.93 AR.94 AR.95 Description of Requirement Criticality The system has the ability to generate accounts receivable aging reports for both summary by customer and detail within customer by invoice. The system has the ability to produce a listing of late customer accounts, where "late" can be user defined. The system has the ability to provide finance charge program (late fees) with user-defined late periods and percent of interest to be charged for late payment. The system has the ability to provide a table of penalty and/or interest calculations. The system has the ability to set finance charge rates dependent on type of service being billed for finance charges. The system has the ability to produce user-defined aging reports with at least six aging periods (e.g., current, 30, 60, 90, 120, over 120 days). The system has the ability to automatically compute and assess a user-defined late fee when the invoice is past due with the ability to turn this feature on or off based on security permissions. The system has the ability to send reminder notices (via mail and/or email) at user-defined intervals (e.g., 30, 60, and 90 days) when the invoice is past due. Reporting AR.96 The system has the ability to query on all data fields in the accounts receivable module. The system has the ability to print a batch listing showing every item in a particular batch upon AR.97 request. The system has the ability to produce an accounts receivable journal listing all activity posted to AR.98 the accounts receivable master file. The system has the ability to print an accounts receivable exception report listing all accounts AR.99 with credit balances. The system has the ability to provide a customer contact listing, showing name, phone number, AR.100 and other contact information by customer. The system has the ability to provide a management summary or key indicator report, indicating AR.101 a summary of accounts receivable activity for the period, including daily sales outstanding, bad debt ratio, and percent of current accounts. The system has the ability to allow user-defined queries such as by customer name, type, and by amount owed. The system has the ability to generate accounts receivable reports or allow on-screen inquiry by any field, including but not limited to: AR.102 AR.103 AR.104 AR.105 AR.106 AR.107 AR.108 AR.109 AR.110 AR.111 AR.112 AR.113 Name; Type of receivable; Tender type; Type of activity; Invoice number; Accounting code information; Amount owed; Outstanding receivables; Dates; and Other, user-defined. The system has the ability to print customer payment history based on user-defined criteria. AR.114 The system has the ability to produce transaction reports listing all recorded payments. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 37 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Response Indicators: When providing responses to the requirements in Attachment B, proposers shall use the following response indicators: S: Feature/Function is included in the current software release. T: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and F: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release. is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this C: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and is not planned to be a feature could be provided with integration with a third-party system. part of a future software release. However, this feature could be provided with custom modifications. N: Feature/Function cannot be provided. Cash Receipts Req # CR.1 CR.2 CR.3 CR.4 CR.5 CR.6 CR.7 CR.8 CR.9 CR.10 CR.11 CR.12 CR.13 CR.14 Description of Requirement Criticality General Requirements The system has the ability to provide a Cash Receipts module that is integrated with all other system modules including (but not limited to) the general ledger, accounts receivable, planning, permitting, inspections, code enforcement, utility billing, tax billing, business licensing, misc. taxes, personal property tax, business personal property tax, collections and all other system modules. The system has the ability to accept batch entry of invoices, cash receipts or adjustment transactions. The system has the ability to allow direct entry of invoices, cash receipts, or adjustment transactions. The system has the ability to keep a user-defined number of years of historical data and the ability to archive data older than ten years. The system has the ability to provide an audit trail for changes made to cash receipt records. The system has the ability to provide posting of partial payments. The system has the ability to accommodate deposit payments. The system has the ability to provide a minimum of 50 characters of billing short description for each item to be billed at time of billing entry and for this description to post to the General Ledger. The system has the ability to provide a minimum of 250 characters of billing long description for each item to be billed at time of billing entry and for this description to post to the General Ledger. The system has the ability to initiate the refund process if there is a credit standing on the account. The system has the ability to allow approved refunds with workflow approval process. The system has the ability to attach documents to cash receipts. Cash Receipts The system has the ability to include cash receipt functionality that is integrated with all other system modules. The system has the ability to accept cash for transactions with no corresponding accounts receivable or bill already entered in the system; cash is held as unapplied (i.e., prepayment held as unapplied). CR.15 The system has the ability to temporarily allow or disallow certain payment tender types. The system has the ability to accept the following types of transactions for payment: Electronic fund transfers (EFT); CR.16 Automated clearing house (ACH); CR.17 e-Check; CR.18 Lockbox; CR.19 Credit card; CR.20 Payments through RRJA website; CR.21 Direct debit; CR.22 Cash; CR.23 Check; CR.24 Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 38 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Cash Receipts Req # CR.25 CR.26 CR.28 CR.29 CR.30 CR.31 CR.32 CR.33 CR.34 CR.35 CR.36 CR.37 CR.38 Description of Requirement Criticality Money order; Deposit; Other electronic receipts. The system has the ability to accept, track and store security deposit information by customer. The system has the ability to automatically prepare general and sub-ledger journal entries by department for cash receipts with appropriate workflow approvals. The system has the ability to produce a cash receipt when bills are paid in person (at RRJA). The system has the ability to record type of payment(s) (e.g., check, money order, cash, credit card) and a unique reference number. The system has the ability to calculate the running total for multiple payment types. The system has the ability to produce a receipt when bills are paid (regardless of the payment method). The system has the ability to support online (web-based) payments. The system has the ability to maintain cash receipting transaction detail for a user-defined period of time. The system has the ability to mask credit card numbers on receipts. The system proposed is PCI compliant and will not store credit card numbers in the system. Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical The system has the ability to capture check and e-Check detail, including (but not limited to) the following: CR.39 CR.40 CR.41 CR.42 CR.43 CR.44 CR.45 CR.46 CR.47 CR.48 CR.49 CR.50 Check number; Customer Account number; Customer name; Bank account number; Routing number; Financial Institution name; Phone number; Address; Check date; Amount; and Other, user-defined. The system has the ability to alert the cashier of previous bad checks (NSFs), detected through a match on customer and/or account detail and require customer to be cash only. The system has the ability to import returned check detail from electronic bank files. CR.51 The system has the ability to maintain returned items detail, including (but not limited to) the following: CR.52 CR.53 CR.54 CR.55 CR.56 CR.57 CR.58 CR.59 CR.60 Check number; Bank account number; Routing number; Financial Institution name; Customer Account number; Payor Name; Address detail; Transaction number; Date of original transaction; Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Page 39 of 88 Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Cash Receipts Req # Description of Requirement Criticality CR.61 CR.62 CR.63 CR.64 CR.65 CR.66 CR.67 CR.68 CR.69 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical CR.78 Penalty and/or fee; Remittance amount; Remittance date; Original receipt number; Reason for return; Comment field; and Other, user-defined variables. The system has the ability to indicate whether transactions have been manually adjusted. The system has the ability to capture both amount due and amount received. The system has the ability to accept overpayments with warning message that user is about to accept an overpayment, with appropriate security permissions. The system has the ability to automatically calculate transaction total. The system has the ability to support a transaction with multiple checks tendered, and must record the transaction number on each check. The system has the ability to accommodate partial payments for a single bill. The system has the ability to accommodate multiple bills in a single transaction (support all bills being the same OR different types of bills). The system has the ability to void (back out) transaction prior to completion. The system has the ability to partially void after completion of transaction (with proper authorization). The system has the ability to support automatic incrementing of transaction number. The system has the ability to allow a cashier to process payments using either the keyboard only, the mouse only, or a combination of the two, depending on the cashier’s preference. CR.79 The system has the ability to support receipt printing at local and networked printers. CR.70 CR.71 CR.72 CR.73 CR.74 CR.75 CR.76 CR.77 Reconciliation The system has the ability to interface with banks to process bank drafting and ACH CR.80 transactions. CR.81 The system has the ability to reconcile with bank statements. The system has the ability to generate daily cash reports for balancing by payment and tender CR.82 type. The system has the ability to generate a daily report to reflect the current day’s financial activity both in detail and summary. The report must include (but not be limited to) the following: CR.83 CR.84 CR.85 CR.86 CR.87 CR.88 CR.89 CR.90 CR.91 CR.92 CR.93 Total cash; Total checks; Total revenue by account type (allocation code); Total credit card payments; Total deposits; Total ACH transactions; Total electronic transfers; Total adjustments; and Other, user-defined. The system has the ability to generate a daily exception report that reflects all payments reversed and any other condition considered outside normal processing. The system has the ability to generate a daily report that reflects all adjustment activity. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 40 of 88 Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Cash Receipts Req # CR.94 CR.95 CR.96 CR.97 CR.98 Description of Requirement Criticality The system has the ability to generate periodic reports of revenue distribution from external sources' file uploads (e.g., credit card company payments) to reflect batch date, batch total control records and dollar count (available to be run on a daily basis). The system has the ability to import credit/debit card transaction reconciliation files from credit card companies. The system has the ability to perform automatic reconciliation of transaction data with credit card company data. The system has the ability to import check reconciliation files from banks. The system has the ability to provide the user with reconciliation functions to compare imported data with system data. Reporting The system has the ability to query on all data fields in the cash receipts module. CR.99 CR.100 The system has the ability to provide ad-hoc reporting capabilities. The system has the ability to print a batch listing showing every item in a particular batch upon CR.101 request. The system has the ability to provide a complete listing of the customer master file, which shows CR.102 each data element in every record. The system has the ability to allow user-defined queries such as by customer name, and by CR.103 amount owed. The system has the ability to print customer payment history based on user-defined criteria. CR.104 CR.105 The system has the ability to allow queries against all receivable files. The system has the ability to display individual transactions and groups of transactions based on CR.106 the criteria entered by the user. CR.107 The system has the ability to produce transaction reports listing all recorded payments. CR.108 The system has the ability to perform wild card searches. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 41 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Response Indicators: When providing responses to the requirements in Attachment B, proposers shall use the following response indicators: S: Feature/Function is included in the current software release. T: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and F: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release. is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this C: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and is not planned to be a feature could be provided with integration with a third-party system. part of a future software release. However, this feature could be provided with custom modifications. N: Feature/Function cannot be provided. Fixed Assets Description of Requirement Req # FA.1 FA.2 FA.3 FA.4 FA.5 FA.6 FA.7 FA.8 FA.9 FA.10 Criticality General Requirements The system has the ability to provide a Fixed Assets module that is integrated with all other system modules including (but not limited to) general ledger, budgeting, purchasing, and accounts payable. The system has the ability to allow the user to select the general ledger account based on the type of asset created. The system has the ability to allow a review of asset journal entries prior to posting to the general ledger. The system has the ability to transfer the CIP cost in order to create a general ledger journal entry based on asset type. The system has the ability to track capitalized assets. The system has the ability to track non-capitalized assets. The system has the ability to track assets funded by grants. The system has the ability to modify valuation due to improvements or replacements to the asset. The system has the ability to automatically account for fixed assets at the time of purchasing or requisition based on account number selected. The system has the ability to allow a user to manually flag a fixed asset at the time of purchasing or requisition. Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical FA.11 The system has the ability to set a user-defined threshold dollar amount for a purchase to be considered a fixed asset. Critical FA.12 The system has the ability to transfer data from the purchase order to the fixed asset record. Critical FA.13 FA.14 FA.15 FA.16 FA.17 FA.18 FA.19 FA.20 FA.21 FA.22 FA.23 FA.24 The system has the ability to capitalize and depreciate assets according to user-defined rules. The system has the ability to record cost at acquisition. The system has the ability to calculate replacement costs of the fixed assets. The system has the ability to modify assets by user-defined criteria, with proper security permissions. The system has the ability to automatically update the fixed assets system from AP entry with appropriate review and approval. The system has the ability to allow authorized users read-only access to fixed asset information via a decentralized, online interface. The system has the ability to store original purchase order number, invoice number, original check number and original vendor information. The system has the ability to drill-down into linked POs, invoices, checks and vendor file information. Asset Entry and Tracking The system has the ability to allow for at least 10,000 different active parent assets. The system has the ability to allow for at least 20,000 different active child assets. The system has the ability to be in full compliance with GASB compliance requirements. The system has the ability to provide controls for maintaining unique RRJA generated fixed asset tag numbers. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 42 of 88 Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Fixed Assets Req # Description of Requirement Criticality The system has the ability to indicate a parent and/or child asset as "disposed." The system has the ability to link assets in parent-child relationships. The system has the ability to automatically expire all child related assets once the parent asset FA.27 has been expired. The system has the ability to accommodate the following asset disposal processes, with the ability to customize workflow routines for each process: FA.28 Public Auction; FA.29 Online sale; FA.30 Donate; FA.31 Junk process; FA.32 Transfer process; FA.33 Parts tear-down; FA.34 Trade-in; and FA.35 Other, user-defined. The system has the ability to automatically assign unique asset numbers with the ability to FA.36 override with appropriate security permissions. The system has the ability to copy an existing asset record as a starting point for the entry of a FA.37 new asset. The system has the ability to set department, division, fund and type classifications for each FA.38 asset (i.e., governmental, proprietary, etc.). The system has the ability to establish asset groups (i.e., Government Activities and BusinessFA.39 Type Activities). The system has the ability to accommodate user-defined classes within each asset category FA.40 (e.g., Vehicle - Police Cruiser). The system has the ability to accommodate at least 99 different asset classes within each FA.41 category. The system has the ability to allow an administrator to configure additional asset categories and FA.42 classes that allow the same functionality of other asset categories and classes. FA.25 FA.26 The system has the ability to maintain the following asset information: Asset number; FA.43 Property tag number; FA.44 Chart of accounts distribution; FA.45 Grant number; FA.46 Grant agency; FA.47 Grant year; FA.48 Type of grant; FA.49 Project number; FA.50 Asset ownership; FA.51 Responsible party; FA.52 Acquisition date; FA.53 In-service date; FA.54 Condition; FA.55 Status (e.g., inactive); FA.56 Unit cost/value; FA.57 Value basis; FA.58 Vendor Name; FA.59 Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Page 43 of 88 Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Fixed Assets Description of Requirement Req # FA.60 FA.61 FA.62 FA.63 FA.64 FA.65 FA.66 FA.67 FA.68 FA.69 FA.70 FA.71 FA.72 FA.73 FA.74 FA.75 FA.76 FA.77 FA.78 FA.79 FA.80 FA.81 FA.82 FA.83 FA.84 FA.85 FA.86 FA.87 FA.88 FA.89 FA.90 FA.91 FA.92 FA.93 FA.94 FA.95 Criticality Vendor number; Manufacturer name; Model year; Model; Serial number; Vehicle identification number (VIN); License plate number; Insurance; Warranty; Location; Parcel ID; GIS geocode; Retired information; Disposal information; Primary asset information (i.e., "parent" in parent-child); Source of funds, multiple (e.g., grant for half of purchase); Estimated useful life; Estimated replacement cost; Depreciation schedule; Depreciation convention; and Other, user-defined. The system has the ability to mass transfer assets from one organization/department code to another with appropriate security permissions. The system has the ability to allow the transfer of an asset from one department or fund to another. The system has the ability to capture depreciation balance at the date of transfer or disposal. The system has the ability to report depreciation, sortable by existing fields such as by asset, type, general ledger account code or any other field in the asset record. The system has the ability to default to straight line depreciation. The system has the ability to allow the reversal of changes made based on depreciation, with appropriate security permissions. The system has the ability to allow a user to configure the date of depreciation calculation (i.e., half year in the year of acquisition/disposal, etc.) The system has the ability to set standard and user-controlled depreciation methods. The system has the ability to update or change depreciation information for a group of assets with appropriate security permissions. The system has the ability to store the depreciation expense account. The system has the ability to provide depreciation calculation results for user defined periods of time. The system has the ability to provide an automatic calculation of depreciation changes at period end. The system has the ability to automatically archive sold and/or disposed assets on a scheduled or user-defined basis. The system has the ability to attach any document to an asset record. The system has the ability to attach a picture to an asset record. Inventory Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 44 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Fixed Assets Req # Description of Requirement Criticality FA.96 The system has the ability to accommodate at least 9,999 inventory item types. FA.97 The system has the ability to accommodate at least 99,999 inventory items. FA.98 The system has the ability to support the use of NIGP commodity codes. The system will perform the following functions to the inventory listing in real time, with appropriate permissions: Establish new items; FA.99 Maintain information related to existing item; FA.100 Adjust inventory counts; FA.101 Remove item types from active inventory; and FA.102 Remove item types permanently from inventory. FA.103 The system has the ability to convert purchasing units into inventory units (e.g., case of toner FA.104 drums versus toner drum). The system has the ability to limit which inventory item types will update to the general ledger FA.105 (i.e., Police track firearms and IT tracks computers). FA.106 The system has the ability to support bar coding of inventory items. FA.107 The system has the ability to sort and track inventory returns. FA.108 The system has the ability to associate an asset ID for detailed asset tracking. FA.109 The system has the ability to charge a single item to multiple account items. The system has the ability to support offline processing (field/remote data collection, syncing). FA.110 FA.111 The system has the ability to support alpha-numeric ID fields. FA.112 The system has the ability to support financial project codes. The system has the ability to maintain the following data points for all inventory items: Inventory ID; FA.113 Item name; FA.114 Item description (short); FA.115 Item description (long); FA.116 Non-stock item indicator; FA.117 Primary department; FA.118 Location (i.e., warehouse, isle, shelf, bin etc.); FA.119 Unit of measure for inventory; FA.120 Unit of measure for purchasing (i.e., case, etc.); FA.121 Unit cost; FA.122 Actual price; FA.123 Last purchased price; FA.124 Bulk cost; FA.125 Vendor number; FA.126 Primary vendor; FA.127 Minimum inventory points; FA.128 Maximum inventory points; FA.129 Quantity on hand; FA.130 Quantity on order; FA.131 Quantity received on order; FA.132 Quantity on back-order; FA.133 Quantity ordered year-to-date; FA.134 Commodity code; FA.135 Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 45 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Desired Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Fixed Assets Req # Description of Requirement Criticality Shelf life or expiration date; FA.136 Warranty item; FA.137 Component items list; FA.138 Text/comment field; FA.139 Latest Quantity Received; FA.140 Received By; FA.141 Received Date; FA.142 Warehouse Identifier; FA.143 Bin Number/Shelf number; FA.144 Date Item Entered Inventory; FA.145 Date Item Ordered; FA.146 Date Item was put into service; FA.147 Multiple Vendor Numbers and Manufacturer Number; FA.148 Economic Order Quantity; FA.149 Reorder Point (maximum/minimum) and Replenishment Quantity; FA.150 Date Issued; FA.151 Issued To; FA.152 Issued By; FA.153 Associated inventory account number/fund; and FA.154 Other, user-defined. FA.155 FA.156 The system has the ability to make adjustments and corrections to mis-issued items. FA.157 The system has the ability to validate the accounts at the time of transaction. The system has the ability to merge multiple inventory items to a new or existing inventory item. FA.158 FA.159 The system has the ability to support inventory templates (short cuts). FA.160 The system has the ability to automatically generate notifications of reorder points. The system has the ability to automatically generate notifications of upcoming warranty FA.161 expirations. FA.162 The system has the ability to electronically attach images of inventory items. The system has the ability to accommodate the following methods of inventory costing: Actual cost; FA.163 Moving average; FA.164 Last in first out (LIFO); FA.165 First in first out (FIFO); FA.166 Replacement; and FA.167 Other, user-defined. FA.168 The system has the ability to accommodate automatic reorder processes for particular items FA.169 based on any inventory data field (e.g., warranty or minimum quantity). The system has the ability to accommodate workflow processes for periodic inventory counts. FA.170 The system has the ability to support shift, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual inventory FA.171 counts by producing inventory worksheets of current inventory levels. The system has the ability to automatically generate the invoice and/or transactional charges to FA.172 departments for warehouse purchases. The system has the ability to remove materials or parts from inventory based on work order FA.173 requirements. System is updated automatically when completed work orders are entered online. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 46 of 88 Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Fixed Assets Description of Requirement Req # FA.174 Criticality The system has the ability to accommodate non-stock inventory items, for linking to an asset. The system has the ability to automatically show an inventory allocation requirement at the time a work order is assigned. The system has the ability to support a ship to location other than the warehouse location FA.176 (shipped to final destination). The system has the ability to interface with other applications including but not limited to: Work Order (i.e., for complete job costs, including materials cost and usage); FA.177 Purchasing (i.e., for replenishment & reordering); FA.178 General Ledger (i.e., for inventory transactions); FA.179 Utility Billing (i.e., for meter inventory); and FA.180 Misc. Billing module (i.e., allowing for the ability to generate a bill at time of service FA.181 (inventory sale to external customer)). FA.175 Reporting The system has the ability to query information or generate reports on fixed assets by userFA.182 defined criteria such as by general ledger account code, location, activity, and asset class. FA.183 FA.184 FA.185 FA.186 FA.187 FA.188 FA.189 FA.190 FA.191 FA.192 FA.193 FA.194 FA.195 FA.196 FA.197 FA.198 FA.199 The system has the ability to maintain and track non-depreciated assets (e.g., land and other non-capital). The system has the ability to report fixed asset expenditures against a capital budget. The system has the ability to monitor, or report on assets based on department, category code, or other descriptions such as serial number or replacement year. The system has the ability to report a disposal date and value. The system has the ability to output listings of assets by any system-defined field, such as location, category, department, and value. The system has the ability to report on assets based on funding source. The system has the ability to report transactions: period additions, transfers, disposals, and depreciation by asset, type, and general ledger account code. The system has the ability to create depreciation reports and other types, both canned and adhoc. The system has the ability to provide GASB compliance reports. The system has the ability to generate valuation report on all of RRJA's fixed assets. The system has the ability to generate a master inventory report. The system has the ability to generate a report of inventory by user-selected items or groups. The system has the ability to generate a report on a range of part numbers. The system has the ability to generate a report of inventory turnover. The system has the ability to generate inventory usage reports by date range. The system has the ability to generate inventory usage reports by department. The system has the ability to run reports on the value of inventory. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 47 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Response Indicators: When providing responses to the requirements in Attachment B, proposers shall use the following response indicators: S: Feature/Function is included in the current software release. T: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and F: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release. is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this C: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and is not planned to be a feature could be provided with integration with a third-party system. part of a future software release. However, this feature could be provided with custom modifications. N: Feature/Function cannot be provided. Project Accounting Description of Requirement Req # PA.1 PA.2 PA.3 PA.4 PA.5 PA.6 PA.7 PA.8 PA.10 PA.11 PA.12 PA.13 PA.14 PA.15 PA.16 PA.17 PA.18 Criticality General Requirements The system has the ability to provide a Project Accounting module that is integrated with all other system modules including (but not limited to) general ledger, budgeting, accounts receivable, accounts payable, purchasing, and payroll. The system has the ability to support multi-year parent projects, at least 10 years in length. The system has the ability to support parent/child relationships for projects and sub-projects. The system has the ability to allow multiple user defined project status codes (e.g., proposed, active, etc.). The system has the ability to accommodate user defined project types. The system has the ability to allow a user to establish project templates (i.e., "simple" templates to "complex" templates and for specific project types). The system has the ability to accommodate projects occurring across multiple funds and departments, down to a specific GL number. The system has the ability to associate different account numbers to different components of a project. The system has the ability to provide project forecasting capabilities, for a minimum of six years (i.e., current, plus five years). The system has the ability to provide free form notes or text for project descriptions. The system has the ability to assist in the annual process of determining fiscal year expenses for each project. The system has the ability to attach files to project descriptions. The system has the ability to have user-defined cost allocation codes. The system has the ability to export and import to/from third-party industry tool sets (e.g., MS Project). The system has the ability to export and import to/from third-party industry tool sets (e.g., MS Excel). The system has the ability to link projects to grants. The system has the ability to link projects to State and Federal project codes. Project Tracking and Closing The system has the ability to store general project information including: Original budgets; PA.19 Multiple funding sources i.e. bonds, or grants; PA.20 Current/amended budgets; PA.21 Project file number or CIP number; PA.22 Contract number (multiple); PA.23 Department; PA.24 Division; PA.25 Cost Center; PA.26 RRJA Project Manager(s); PA.27 RRJA staff performing work effort towards project (i.e., list of names); PA.28 Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 48 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Project Accounting Description of Requirement Req # Criticality Time spent by collective RRJA staff towards project in hours and cost (salaries and benefits PA.29 cost); Time spent by RRJA contractors towards project in hours and cost; PA.30 Time spent by RRJA staff person towards project in hours and cost (salaries and benefits PA.31 cost); Pre-encumbrances; PA.32 Encumbrances; PA.33 Expenditures; PA.34 Receivables; PA.35 Multiple revenues sources; PA.36 Retainage based on a user defined criteria; PA.37 Purchase orders including all open and closed PO's and whether they have a balance; PA.38 Vendor/Contractor; PA.39 Amendments/change orders; PA.40 Appropriations by year; and PA.41 Other user-defined information. PA.42 The system has the ability to control project budgets by project receivables and revenues from a PA.43 project. The system has the ability to track project dates including: Planned start date; PA.44 Actual start date; PA.45 Phase; PA.46 Milestone(s); PA.47 Current vs. planned percentage of completion (at any point); PA.48 Current vs. expiration of all funding deadlines; PA.49 Planned completion date; PA.50 Actual completion date; and PA.51 Other user-defined information. PA.52 The system has the ability to flag capital vs. non capital projects and all associated expenditures. PA.53 PA.54 PA.55 PA.56 PA.57 PA.58 PA.59 PA.60 PA.61 PA.62 The system has the ability to transfer funding sources from one project to another project if the project is complete and under budget pending council approval. The system has the ability to apply overhead to projects. The system has the ability to track the funding sources for each project, the amount of expenditures that have been charged to the project that are to be paid by multiple funding sources, and any budget transfers that have moved the funding sources from one project to another. The system has the ability to carry forward information at year-end for multi-year projects. The system has the ability to allow "default" values to be established for setting up new projects. The system has the ability to retain historical information for all projects for at least 10 years after the project close. The system has the ability to close projects either partially or completely without losing the reporting history. The system has the ability to allow the closing of multiple projects at the same time (i.e., related projects). The system has the ability to allow the closing of a "child" project without having to close the "parent" project, and vice versa. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 49 of 88 Desired Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Project Accounting Description of Requirement Req # PA.63 PA.64 Criticality The system has the ability to re-open a closed project, with appropriate security permissions. Reporting The system has the ability to produce reports to satisfy Local, State and Federal requirements. Critical Desired The system has the ability to generate reports from specific date ranges for information including: Project number and name; PA.65 Contract number (multiple); PA.66 Type; PA.68 Departments; PA.69 Division; PA.70 Multiple asset numbers; PA.71 Multiple funding source expiration dates; PA.72 Expenditure milestones; PA.73 Fund; PA.74 Year or user-defined date range; PA.75 Multiple funding sources; PA.76 User defined account numbers or account range; and PA.77 Other user-defined information. PA.78 The system has the ability to generate reports that list expenditures by: Multiple funding sources; PA.79 Project number and name; PA.80 Project Manager; PA.81 Department; PA.82 Division; PA.83 Unit (Cost Center); PA.84 Any account segment (or set of accounts) in the RRJA's COA; PA.85 Assigned employees; PA.86 Inventory (including bulk); PA.87 Type; PA.88 Vendor; PA.89 Purchase order number; PA.90 Invoice number; PA.91 Check number; and PA.92 Other user-defined information. PA.93 The system has the ability to generate expenditure reports on all of the above criteria by date PA.94 ranges. The system has the ability to generate revenue reports on all of the above criteria by date PA.95 ranges. The system has the ability to generate balance sheet account reports on all of the above criteria PA.96 by date ranges. The system has the ability to query on all data fields in the project accounting module including but not limited to: PA.97 PA.98 Project original budget; Project number and name; Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Desired Critical Desired Desired Desired Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Page 50 of 88 Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Project Accounting Req # Description of Requirement Criticality Location; PA.99 Pre-encumbrances; PA.100 Encumbrances; PA.101 Expenditures; PA.102 Retainage based on a user defined criteria; PA.103 Available funds; PA.104 Revenues; PA.105 Vendor; PA.106 Purchase order number; PA.107 Year or other user-defined date range; and PA.108 Other user-defined information. PA.109 PA.110 The system has the ability to report on resource time towards projects. The system has the ability to allow changes to the detail level of report parameters, with PA.111 appropriate security permissions. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 51 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Response Indicators: When providing responses to the requirements in Attachment B, proposers shall use the following response indicators: S: Feature/Function is included in the current software release. T: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and F: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release. is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this C: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and is not planned to be a feature could be provided with integration with a third-party system. part of a future software release. However, this feature could be provided with custom modifications. N: Feature/Function cannot be provided. Human Resources Req # HR.1 Description of Requirement Criticality General Requirements The system has the ability to provide a Human Resources module that is integrated with all other system modules including (but not limited to) General Ledger, Budget, Project Accounting, Grant Management, and Payroll. The system has the ability to provide an employee central/master file that is the single source of employee records in which all other system modules interact. HR.3 The system has the ability to maintain an audit log of all personnel changes. The system has the ability to process personnel transactions for multiple organizational units HR.4 (mass changes). The system has the ability to make mass changes on employee data based on reorganizations HR.5 (reassign departments or divisions.) The system has the ability to set up and establish rules, workflows, and track changes for the following Personnel Actions: New Hire; HR.6 Transfer; HR.7 Promotion; HR.8 Rehire; HR.9 Retirement; HR.10 Separation; HR.11 Probationary Period (Introductory Period); HR.12 Demotion; HR.13 Temporary acting assignments; and HR.14 Other. HR.15 The system has the ability to automatically initiate an onboarding notification and/or workflow HR.16 process for new hires (i.e. uniforms, tools, incidentals). HR.17 The system has the ability to transfer employees across departments. The system has the ability to accept electronic credit and background checks from outside HR.18 agencies. The system has the ability to initiate an automated notification to all necessary parties when an HR.19 employee is terminated, transferred, or reassigned. The system has the ability to assign a funding source and/or project number to each position. HR.20 HR.2 HR.21 HR.22 HR.23 HR.24 HR.25 HR.26 The system has the ability to record and search on alias/alternate names. The system has the ability to manually assign or automatically generate an employee number. The system has the ability to store employee images (photos). The system has the ability link to or upload different types of documents and associate them with an employee. The system has the ability to update salary grade ranges and step amounts by percentage or flat dollar amounts. The system has the ability to update employee pay rate by percentage or flat dollar amounts based on an effective date to include multiple change from COLA, merit, step increase, or promotions. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 52 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Human Resources Req # HR.27 HR.28 HR.29 HR.30 HR.31 HR.32 Description of Requirement Criticality The system has the ability to assign role-based security to a position and/or an individual user to control what employee information is accessible. The system has the ability to define workload restrictions for each employee. These could include number of hours between shifts, maximum hours worked per regular shift, maximum overtime hours per time period. The system has the ability to provide flag or notifications when workload restrictions have been exceeded through integration of payroll. The system has the ability to track and maintain single or multiple funding sources for each position. Employee Central/Master File Data The system has the ability to set up an employee master file for each employee. The system has the ability to maintain a unique employee number for each person regardless of their employment status within the system (i.e. termination, reinstatement, retirement). Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical The system has the ability to maintain and track at a minimum the following employee data, with effective dating, for each employee: HR.33 HR.34 HR.35 HR.36 HR.37 HR.38 HR.39 HR.40 HR.41 HR.42 HR.43 HR.44 HR.45 HR.46 HR.47 HR.48 HR.49 HR.50 HR.51 HR.52 HR.53 HR.54 HR.55 HR.56 HR.57 HR.58 HR.59 HR.61 HR.62 HR.63 HR.64 HR.65 Employee Number; Last Name; First Name; Middle Name; Name Suffix; Preferred First Name; Preferred Last Name; Maiden/Former Name/Aliases/Nicknames; Sex; Race/EthniRRJA; Social Security number; Date of Birth; Marital Status; If married, identify if spouse or domestic partner works for RRJA; If married, marriage date; Relationship with other RRJA employees; If relationship, employee name and position; Badge Number (i.e.: officer badge); Multiple Telephone Numbers; Work Phone; Multiple Addresses (including mailing address); Multiple E-Mail Addresses; Multiple Seniority Dates; Multiple RRJA-defined Service Dates; US Citizen; Veteran Status (user defined list of values); Retired (Y/N); Drivers License Expiration Date; Drivers License Issue Date; Drivers License Number; Drivers License Restrictions; Drivers License State; Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Page 53 of 88 Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Human Resources Req # HR.66 HR.69 HR.71 HR.72 HR.73 HR.74 HR.75 HR.76 HR.77 HR.78 HR.79 HR.80 HR.81 HR.82 HR.83 HR.84 HR.85 HR.86 HR.87 HR.88 HR.89 HR.90 HR.91 HR.92 HR.93 Description of Requirement Criticality Drivers License Type (Class A, B, C, Chauffeur, etc.); Multiple Emergency Contacts; Certifications and Licenses; Credential Information; Educational Degrees; College(s) attended; High school diploma; Highest level of education completed; Spouse and Dependent Information - Address (multiple - user definable); Spouse and Dependent Information - Dependent/Beneficiary Indicator (Dependent, Beneficiary, Both, etc.); Status (unclassified/classified, permanent/temporary); Supervisor; and Other User Defined. The system has the ability to allow at least 50 employee file user-defined fields. The system has the ability to provide checklists for employee hire and termination process to ensure all steps are completed (checklist should include policy and agreement documents). The system has the ability to maintain name change history. The system has the ability to provide a termination or other status change processes checklist. The system has the ability to transfer an employee to a different department/division or payroll group without re-entering the entire employee file. The system has the ability to track probationary period and performance review schedule separately by employee/position. The system has the ability to prevent a performance/step increase due to disciplinary action/performance rating. Benefits The system has the ability to provide for a Benefits-specific new employee orientation checklist that can be customized by and for each department, job class, and status (temporary or permanent) (all items assigned to employee). The system has the ability to establish multiple eligibility rules. The system has the ability to restrict enrollment in a specific plan. The system has the ability to establish benefit eligibility based on position. The system has the ability to start and stop any deductions at any given time. The system has the ability to suspend benefits and reinstate based upon user-defined criteria HR.94 (i.e. extended military leave). The system has the ability to restrict certain benefits-related entry based on user-defined HR.95 characteristics (e.g., deductions of part-time employees). HR.96 The system has the ability to track 30 hour employees due to ACA (Affordable Care Act). The system has the ability to capture and maintain Health, Dental, Vision, and other insurance HR.97 ID numbers. HR.98 The system has the ability to identify type of coverage (e.g., single, 2-person, family). HR.99 The system has the ability to track benefits eligibility. HR.100 The system has the ability to notify employees of benefit eligibility dates. HR.101 The system has the ability to maintain coverage and deduction detail by date. The system has the ability to track the following: Coverage effective dates; HR.102 Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 54 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Human Resources Req # Description of Requirement Criticality Coverage history; HR.103 Coverage at a point in time (i.e. three months for a specific year); HR.104 Name change history; HR.105 Dependent information; HR.106 Beneficiary information; and HR.107 Years of service. HR.108 The system has the ability to maintain premium and deduction amounts for multiple benefit plans including but not limited to: Health Insurance; HR.109 Dental Insurance; HR.110 Vision Insurance; HR.111 Life Insurance; HR.112 Deferred compensation plans, including retirement plans; HR.113 Flexible spending accounts for medical and child care reimbursement accounts; HR.114 Long term disability; and HR.115 Short term disability. HR.116 The system has the ability to produce benefits confirmation including plan, coverage, dependent HR.117 coverage, and SSN. The system has the ability to indicate a date stamp via workflow to HR for final approval on HR.118 requested changes. HR.119 The system has the ability to have two years open for benefits enrollments and closeouts. The system has the ability to track benefit allowance contributions to insurance other than health HR.120 insurance. HR.121 The system has the ability to manually adjust benefit withholdings. HR.122 The system has the ability to support pre and post tax payroll deductions and benefits. The system has the ability to automatically produce payroll deductions based on benefit plan HR.123 enrollments. Eligibility and Enrollment The system has the ability to maintain benefit eligibility data including: Length of service; HR.124 Age; HR.125 Marital status; HR.126 Dependent information for multiple dependents (including name, SSN, address, other HR.127 contact information); Employee status (active, retired, leave of absence, suspension, termination, FMLA, military HR.128 leave, etc.); Terminate benefits and associated deductions and reinstate upon return; HR.129 Hours worked by various search criteria (e.g., weekly, bi-weekly, pay period, annually); and HR.130 HR.131 Other user-defined. Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical The system has the ability to track rolling military leave based on a two year federal fiscal year HR.132 for the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Act (USERRA). HR.133 The system has the ability to require a SSN when adding benefit(s) for dependent(s). The system has the ability to provide tracking for death of employees, retirees, or dependents. HR.134 HR.135 The system has the ability to allow mass updates of employee plan designation. HR.136 The system has the ability to allow online update of benefits individually and as a group. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Page 55 of 88 Desired Critical Critical Critical Desired Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Human Resources Req # Description of Requirement Criticality HR.137 The system has the ability to generate summary statements by employee. The system has the ability to determine coverage and deduction amounts for the employee HR.138 using parameters stored in the benefit plan structure tables. The system has the ability to create a computer-generated application packet for mailing (e.g., HR.139 annual benefits enrollment). The system has the ability to produce letters, emails, and other notifications to employees HR.140 announcing open enrollment. The system has the ability to produce confirmation letters indicating the employee's current HR.141 participation levels in all benefit plans. The system has the ability to interface with the employee self-service module for benefit plan HR.142 open enrollment, benefits and other changes, etc., (with verification process). The system has the ability to accommodate participant and dependent benefit enrollment HR.143 processing for benefit options. The system has the ability to enter new enrollment data for a future date without changing the HR.144 current elections until the date of the new enrollment period begins. The system has the ability to compile, process, and electronically transfer enrollment information HR.145 to vendors according to 834 Carrier Guidelines HIPPA Compliance. Job Requisitions HR.146 The system has the ability to generate electronic requisitions to fill position vacancies. The system has the ability to generate electronic requisitions to fill vacancies, containing: Department Number; HR.147 Division; HR.148 Location; HR.149 Shift; HR.150 Job/Position title; HR.151 Job category (selected from drop down box); HR.152 Class code; HR.153 Status (unclassified/classified, permanent/temporary); HR.154 Position classification (selected from drop down box); HR.155 Reason for vacancy (e.g., promotion, transfer, termination, etc.); HR.156 Date vacancy created; HR.157 Date needed; HR.158 Closing date (date field); HR.159 Open until filled (Yes/No); HR.160 Pay Grade; HR.161 Salary range; HR.162 GL account codes; HR.163 Recruitment Type (general public, RRJA only, department only); HR.164 Exempt/non-exempt status; HR.165 User-defined special requirements for the position (e.g., CDL); HR.166 Contact name; HR.167 Contact phone; HR.168 Other user-defined fields. HR.169 The system has the ability to, upon creation of a job requisition, create a system-generated HR.170 requisition number and creation date based on the system date (real date). The system has the ability to support the following types of job openings: Promotions; HR.171 Internal Postings; HR.172 External Postings; and HR.173 Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 56 of 88 Critical Critical Desired Critical Desired Desired Desired Critical Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Human Resources Req # Description of Requirement Criticality Other user-defined. HR.174 The system has the ability to allow authorized users to view and sort all job requisitions on various fields, including (but not limited to): Requisition number/ID; HR.175 Requisition creation date; HR.176 Requisition status (open/closed); HR.177 Filled requisitions; and HR.178 Other user-defined. HR.179 The system has the ability to ensure appropriate approvals have been received on position HR.180 requests. HR.181 The system has the ability to set a user-defined job posting time period. The system has the ability to automatically close a requisition at user-defined time to reflect the HR.182 close of business for the requisition closing date. The system has the ability to automatically close the requisition when the hiring process has HR.183 been completed. The system has the ability to notify requestor when position has been approved and initiate other HR.184 related events (e.g., recruitment process). Application Data The system has the ability to maintain, at a minimum, the following applicant data: Date of application; HR.185 Time of application; HR.186 Applicant Name; HR.187 Driver's License Number; HR.188 Driver's License State Issued; HR.189 Driver's License Class; HR.190 Source of application information; HR.191 Relatives employed by RRJA; HR.192 Veteran Status or Military Service; HR.193 Address; HR.194 Phone number(s); HR.195 Email address(es); HR.196 Positions applied/referred for; HR.197 Ability to be legally employed in the USA (Y/N); HR.198 Reference detail; HR.199 Attached resume (Word or pdf); HR.200 Criminal background information; HR.201 Previous employment information; HR.202 Previously employed by the RRJA (Y/N); HR.203 Education; HR.204 Certificates/licensure; HR.205 Supplemental Questions (i.e. position specific); HR.206 Results of required tests; HR.207 Salary requirement; HR.208 Current salary; and HR.209 Other user-defined. HR.210 The system has the ability to track EEO data for use in statistical analysis and reporting, including but not limited to: Applicant name; HR.211 Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 57 of 88 Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Human Resources Req # Description of Requirement Criticality Applicant ID; HR.212 Applicant address; HR.213 Home phone; HR.214 Application received date; HR.215 Email address; HR.216 Race; HR.217 EthniRRJA; HR.218 Sex; HR.219 Date of Birth; HR.220 Department; HR.221 Highest grade completed; HR.222 GED; HR.223 GPA; HR.224 Post high school education; HR.225 Recruiting Source; HR.226 Years of work history; and HR.227 Other user-defined fields. HR.228 HR.229 The system has the ability to store EEO data separate from the applicant record. The system has the ability to restrict access to EEO data to authorized users as determined by HR.230 RRJA user profiles. The system has the ability to populate EEO data by electronic submissions from applicant record HR.231 and requisition data. HR.232 The system has the ability to track ADA accommodations with an applicant. The system has the ability to flag an employee record upon SSN validation, once terminated, as HR.233 unable to reapply. Online Employment Application The system has the ability to allow job posting web screens to be customized to match the RRJA HR.234 website in format, presentation, and other characteristics as defined by the RRJA. The system has the ability to promote the selected applicant to the vacant position, without HR.235 having to re-enter employee information or attach associated documentation such as resume or certifications. HR.236 The system has the ability to provide an online employment application interface. HR.237 The system has the ability to restrict user-access through use of user-ID and password. The system has the ability to provide online completion of application on any Internet enabled computer through a web browser. The system has the ability to administer password changes and revisions to support applicant HR.239 needs. The system has the ability to provide applicants with an interface with a variety of functions, including but not limited to: HR.238 Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired HR.240 Instructions for system use; Desired HR.241 Create new employment application; Desired HR.242 Print job posting; Desired HR.243 Print application; and Desired HR.244 Save application. Desired The system has the ability to allow applicants to save their own application data for future retrieval (using user-ID and password). The system has the ability to allow applicants to submit multiple applications without re-entering HR.246 information. HR.245 Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 58 of 88 Desired Desired Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Human Resources Req # Description of Requirement Criticality The system has the ability to flag modifications to applications for continuous or open HR.247 applications. The system has the ability to require that all applications correspond to an open requisition. HR.248 HR.249 HR.250 HR.251 HR.252 HR.253 HR.254 HR.255 The system has the ability to indicate job interest based upon skills with the ability to notify applicants of vacancies when they become available. The system has the ability to allow RRJA staff to define skill attributes for each position. The system has the ability to allow online applicants to define certain skill attributes providing for the ability to notify them for specific vacancies. The system has the ability to allow applicants to update previously created and saved applications. The system has the ability to allow customized supplemental questions/sections option as determined by the RRJA. The system has the ability to allow applicants to attach supplement documentation when applying for positions (via electronic files and/or scanned files). The system has the ability to track, maintain, and notify applicants of application status (e.g., application received, meets/does not meet qualifications, vacancy filled, referred for interview, vacancy cancelled). Applicant Screening The system has the ability to track applicant exams including but not limited to written, oral, performance, physical agility, training, and experience ratings. The system has the ability to allow examinations to consist of a combination of a variety of types HR.257 of tests (e.g., both written and oral needed). HR.256 The system has the ability to allow a user-defined overall passing score or separate passing scores for various parts of the examination. The system has the ability to ensure that candidates who are invited to test must pass each HR.259 portion of the exam process in order to move forward in the process. The system has the ability to provide the establishment of employment eligibility list in rank HR.260 order. The system has the ability to provide the establishment of promotion eligibility list in rank order. HR.261 HR.258 HR.262 HR.263 HR.264 HR.265 The system has the ability to place the names of eligible candidates on promotional lists and eligibility lists in the order of their grades. The system has the ability to perform on-line searches for qualified applicants and employees based on requirements. The system has the ability to capture job requirements, such as necessary skills and competencies, for use in recruiting, and analytics and reporting. The system has the ability to permit the creation of a pre-application questionnaire to be completed prior to completing application to advise applicant of qualifying for minimum requirements of the position. The system has the ability to generate an automatic response for applicants who do not meet the minimum requirements as defined in the pre-application questionnaire (i.e., advising that it HR.266 does not appear as if he/she meets minimum standards for the position, and providing an option to return to the job posting list or to continue with the completion of the application). The system has the ability to produce an report listing of applicants and their rankings, based on HR.267 data recorded in the screening data matrix (i.e. alphabetical, level of experience, certifications, education, licenses, etc.). Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 59 of 88 Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Human Resources Req # Description of Requirement Criticality The system has the ability to allow the user to select candidates based on multiple user-defined HR.268 criteria (e.g., top 6 candidates, Training and Experience score greater than 100, etc.). HR.269 The system has the ability to match competencies of internal candidates to job requirements. The system has the ability to support various workflow approval routing for departments with HR.270 openings to make them aware of qualified applicants. HR.271 The system has the ability to respond to applicants via email. Employment Application Tracking The system has the ability to store applicant records that are received in response to a specific HR.272 job requisition. HR.273 The system has the ability to perform application/resume routing via workflow. The system has the ability to schedule interviews with specified individuals, and notify hiring HR.274 manager of interview schedule when it is complete. HR.275 The system has the ability to track interview results. The system has the ability to allow inquiry on applicant records, where users can track a variety of functions, including but not limited to: Applications received to date; HR.276 Pre-employment testing; HR.277 Screening results; HR.278 Reason for screening failure (user-defined); HR.279 Applicants selected for interview; HR.280 Number of applications applied for position; HR.281 Background check date complete; HR.282 Background completed by: HR.283 Reference check date complete; HR.284 Reference results provided by third-party; HR.285 Position numbers; HR.286 Declined offer (reason for decline); HR.287 Selected for hire; HR.288 Number/types of positions applicant applied for; and HR.289 Other user-defined fields. HR.290 HR.291 The system has the ability to allow view of all records of a specific applicant. HR.292 The system has the ability to track multiple position opportunities for a single applicant. The system has the ability to track position offer detail in conjunction with the applicant record HR.293 (e.g., date of offer, amount, status, etc.). HR.294 The system has the ability to generate interview invitations. HR.295 The system has the ability to generate customizable offer (new hire) letters. The system has the ability to generate correspondence to user-defined group of candidates from HR.296 a menu of templates. HR.297 The system has the ability to archive applications for a user-specified period of time. The system has the ability to track cost of recruiting for specific job openings (i.e. newspaper HR.298 costs, RRJA staff time, temporary fill). The system has the ability to track advertising source, location, and organizations for HR.299 recruitment. The system has the ability to accommodate continuous recruitment (e.g., Police recruitment). HR.300 The system has the ability to interface with word processing applications (e.g., MS Word) for HR.301 customizing recruitment letters. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 60 of 88 Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Human Resources Req # Description of Requirement Criticality New Hire Tracking The system has the ability to establish and track multiple methods of hiring, including: Reinstatement; HR.302 HR.303 Rehire; HR.304 Transfer to a different department; HR.305 Promotion; Demotion; HR.306 HR.307 Grant related; Seasonal; HR.308 HR.309 Other, user-defined. The system has the ability to establish and track expiration dates and notifications related to job HR.310 status. HR.311 New Hire Processing The system has the ability to send a workflow notification and information to required departments for data transfer once hired (i.e. IT for computer account setup, etc.). The system has the ability to produce a user-defined pre-employment checklist of forms that must be completed electronically, etc. The system has the ability to identify training requirements based on multiple factors including HR.313 the position ID, job code, department, division/service area. The system has the ability to assign and track equipment provided to new employees, employee HR.314 changes or other criteria such as telecommuters enforced by each department (e.g. cell phone, laptop, tablet, and other equipment). The system has the ability to flag return of equipment from employee changes (e.g. employee HR.315 change requires cell phone return from previous position). The system has the ability to define a checklist for employees new to a position based upon: HR.316 Job class (i.e. FLSA status, part-time, full-time, volunteer, etc.); HR.317 Role (i.e. administrative, analyst, field operations, etc.); HR.318 Position control level; HR.319 Department; HR.320 Transfer from seasonal to full-time; HR.321 Division; and HR.322 Other, user-defined. Training and Certifications The system has the ability to provide an employee training and certification management module HR.323 that will integrate with all other Human Resource Management (HRM) modules. The system has the ability to provide an employee training and certification management module HR.324 that will utilize employee data record stored in the HRM. The system has the ability to track HR Department, vendor, and department delivered training. HR.325 HR.312 The system has the ability to track all training provided to employees allowing supervisors access to this information. The system has the ability to review current training and certifications of employees and HR.327 recommend employee training plans that relate to their specific position or job function. HR.328 The system has the ability to track training hours. The system has the ability to track training, including test scores and grades, by: Skills, including those identified by pre and post testing; HR.329 Certifications (including incentive certifications); HR.330 Licenses; HR.331 Internal; HR.332 HR.326 Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 61 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Human Resources Req # Description of Requirement Criticality External; Education; and Other, user-defined. The system has the ability to track individual training history by work unit, division, department, HR.336 role, and supervisor. The system has the ability to track training by CEU's (continuing education units), CPE HR.337 (continuing professional education), CLE (continuing legal education), etc. The system has the ability to provide automated notification of mandatory training, certifications and licenses that are set to expire within specified parameters established by the department HR.338 (i.e., notification of certification expiration 3 months in advance so time is available for recertification, etc.) HR.333 HR.334 HR.335 HR.339 HR.340 The system has the ability to track employees' annual acknowledgement of receipt/awareness of employee policy handbook. The system has the ability to attach training and certification documents to the employee file. HR.341 The system has the ability to track employee wellness program participation. The system has the ability to provide benefit premium discount based on wellness program HR.342 attendance. Performance Management The system has the ability to allow for the entry and maintenance of employee performance reviews (probationary and on-going) on the following schedules: Due date (i.e. date of hire, promotion date, date of skills proficiency achieved, service HR.343 anniversary date); End of probation; HR.344 Extended probation; and HR.345 Other user-defined event. HR.346 The system has the ability to provide multi-step approval/workflow for review and approval of HR.347 performance evaluations. HR.348 The system has the ability to provide self-, peer- or “360-“ evaluation functionality. The system has the ability to have finalization of performance review to automatically generate HR.349 an action to an employee record (i.e. change the next review date). The system has the ability to have finalization of performance review to automatically generate a HR.350 personal action request for a pay increase. The system has the ability to create a variety of electronic performance evaluation templates. HR.351 HR.352 HR.353 HR.354 HR.355 HR.356 HR.357 HR.358 HR.359 The system has the ability to generate a printable copy of employee performance reviews that are accessible to the employee. The system has the ability to accommodate review schedules and notify employees and supervisors of evaluation due dates. The system has the ability to allow authorized users to override performance review dates. The system has the ability to allow authorized users to prepare and submit a non-scheduled performance review. The system has the ability to accommodate multiple milestone dates in a performance review and development plan schedules (e.g. planning, quarterly, midterm, end-of-term). The system has the ability to trigger e-mail notification for an evaluation based on an userdefinable amount of time prior to due date. The system has the ability to track probation periods of differing lengths including initial, extended, department transfer, promotion, demotion and job code. The system has the ability to electronically notify supervisor that a review or other performance management milestone is due. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 62 of 88 Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Critical Critical Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Human Resources Req # Description of Requirement Criticality The system has the ability to provide email notification to departments for personnel evaluations HR.360 not received or past due. The system has the ability to provide supervisors with list of their employees and projected HR.361 review date. The system has the ability to provide for more than one supervisor to complete evaluation for HR.362 same time period when employee works in more than one position with multiple supervisors. HR.363 System has the ability to attached additional documents to an employee's record. Employee Discipline/Grievances The system has the ability to record and track various discipline types that are maintained by the HR.364 HR department. The system has the ability to record and track disciplinary actions (and maintain history) HR.365 including information on incidents causing the action, steps taken in resolution, and the personnel involved. The system has the ability to allow a supervisor to view prior discipline action, with appropriate security. The system has the ability to capture user-entered narrative for each step of disciplinary process HR.367 with appropriate security. The system has the ability to capture employee related matters such as: Incident date; HR.368 Status; HR.369 Date action taken; HR.370 Date RRJA Notified; HR.371 Date Employee Notified; HR.372 Department; HR.373 Supervisor; HR.374 Open comment field; HR.375 Ability to attach documents; HR.376 Action taken; HR.377 Close date; HR.378 Follow-up steps; HR.379 Discipline determination; HR.380 Whistle-blower comments; and HR.381 Other user-defined fields. HR.382 HR.383 The system has the ability to accommodate user-defined discipline steps/levels. The system has the ability to record and track a multi-step grievance process, including the following information through multiple iterations: Grievance number; HR.384 Grievance filed date; HR.385 Step 1 (2, 3, etc.) Scheduled Date; HR.386 Step 1 (2, 3, etc.) Decision Issued (e.g., denied, upheld, reduced, settled, reversed); HR.387 Date grievance closed; HR.388 Date declared inactive; HR.389 Hearing officer/Department Head; HR.390 Remedy; and HR.391 Unlimited notes and/or text entry. HR.392 The system has the ability to track all activities associated with the management of the HR.393 grievance. HR.366 Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 63 of 88 Desired Desired Desired Desired Critical Desired Critical Desired Critical Critical Desired Desired Critical Critical Critical Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Critical Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Desired Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Human Resources Req # HR.394 HR.395 HR.396 HR.397 HR.398 Description of Requirement Criticality The system has the ability to purge files of disciplinary actions and/or grievances after a userdefined period based on system security. The system has the ability to maintain historical disciplinary action detail, including (but not limited to): employee, date, type of incident, follow-up action. OSHA/Risk Management The system has the ability to maintain medical files for certain employees depending on system security permissions (e.g., public safety/police evaluations). The system has the ability to maintain records of physical exams, injuries, illnesses, audiometric test results, and other user defined. The system has the ability to accommodate all HIPAA compliance rules and regulations for maintaining health-related information. The system has the ability to maintain property and casualty insurance information. The system has the ability to maintain vehicle insurance information. The system has the ability to track accidents and injuries and follow-up for all employees. The system has the ability to assign a litigation hold to prevent the document's destruction. HR.399 HR.400 HR.401 HR.402 The system has the ability to track accidents and injuries by the following: Type; HR.403 Cause; HR.404 Third Party Administrator (TPA) claim number; HR.405 Department; HR.406 Division; HR.407 Individual; HR.408 Position control number; HR.409 Equipment unit number; HR.410 Equipment damage cost; HR.411 Date of incident; HR.412 Day of incident; HR.413 Time of incident; HR.414 Investigator's name; HR.415 Investigation type; HR.416 Injury type; HR.417 Estimated legal cost; HR.418 Actual legal cost; HR.419 Disposition; HR.420 Adjudication; and HR.421 Other User-defined. HR.422 HR.423 The system has the ability to allow text descriptions for accident and injury reporting. The system has the ability to attach associated documentation to accident or injury reports (e.g., HR.424 scanning and imaging). HR.425 The system has the ability to record physical restrictions. The system has the ability to track timelines and conditions related to incidents, injuries, and HR.426 restrictions. The system has the ability to track history of claims, lost time, medical only, totals, paid and HR.427 incurred claims. The system has the ability to track accidents on either employees or non-employees injured or HR.428 involved in an accident on RRJA property. The system has the ability to store and/or generate an employee statement and an employer HR.429 statement. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 64 of 88 Desired Desired Critical Critical Critical Desired Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Human Resources Req # HR.430 Description of Requirement Criticality The system has the ability to track timelines and conditions related to permitting return to work. The system has the ability to provide contact management and documentation capability to HR.431 capture information like phone calls from claimees, time for issue resolution, etc. The system has the ability to maintain and track information related to drug testing, including (but HR.432 not limited to): date of test; test outcome (P/F); date pass/fail; reason for test (e.g., reasonable suspicion, random selection, new employee). Critical Critical Critical Workers Compensation Claims Management The system has the ability to track the following Workers Compensation information: Date claimed filed; HR.433 Critical Employee Name, employee number, employment status, classification; HR.434 Critical The system has the ability to track lost time, dates, and amounts by individual and organizational HR.435 Critical unit. The system has the ability to allow authorized users to trigger FMLA tracking based on initiation HR.436 Critical of workers comp leave (for qualifying injury/illness). Employee Self-Service The system has the ability to provide an online, web-based interface for employee self-service that offers the following functionality: Time Reporting; Leave Requests (i.e. PTO, Floating Holiday, Military Leave); Payroll Reporting (including W2s, pay stubs, and pay history); Demographic Information Changes; Direct Deposit (set up and changes); Travel/Employee Expense Reimbursement; W-4 Tax withholdings; Benefits Management; and Deductions Management. The system has the ability to provide an employee self-service portal that does not require a full HR.446 user license, or require that an instance of the software be running. The system has the ability to provide an employee self-service portal that can be customized. HR.447 HR.437 HR.438 HR.439 HR.440 HR.441 HR.442 HR.443 HR.444 HR.445 The system has the ability to provide an employee self-service portal that is operational on a 24x7 basis. HR.449 The system has the ability to display notice of successful submission to a user. The system has the ability to allow "online form submission" whereby users can complete fillable HR.450 forms for electronic submission. The system has the ability to allow HIPPA Authorization form for release of information whereby HR.451 users can complete fillable forms for electronic submission. The system has the ability to configure certain fields as required fields within the online form HR.452 submission functionality. The system has the ability for user-defined routing of all employee self-service functionality to the following: Individual RRJA employee/user; HR.453 Group of at least 2 RRJA employees/users; HR.454 Individual RRJA user group; HR.455 Group of at least 2 RRJA user groups; HR.456 System administrator; and HR.457 Other, user-defined. HR.458 HR.448 Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 65 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Human Resources Req # Description of Requirement Criticality The system has the ability to provide self-service capabilities through kiosks, online forms, HR.459 P.C.s, mobile devices, tablets and/or the Internet. The system has the ability to support links to service providers and third party administrators HR.460 through self service. The system has the ability to capture record updates made by employees to their central/master HR.461 file for review and approval by designated approver. The system has the ability to provide a view to employee central/master file information for HR.462 review by employees, with appropriate security permissions. The system has the ability to provide a view to employee pay history for review by employees, HR.463 with appropriate security permissions. The system has the ability for employees to attach imaged required documentation to self HR.464 service transactions. The system has the ability to provide employee self service capabilities related to benefits management including but not limited to: Current benefits elections (with cost and effective dates); HR.465 Explanation of benefit options; HR.466 Enrollment for all benefits (including insurance, retirement (multiple plans), and other benefits) for both employees and dependents consistent with eligibility rules defined by the HR.467 RRJA; Maintenance of dependent information including spouse and children; Review benefits plan descriptions; Benefit package pricing worksheet for employee costs; Benefit eligibility checking at time of enrollment; Enrollment options (e.g., single vs. family coverage); Review of premiums paid; Track current and historical beneficiary information; Review of benefits and their costs associated to the employer paid and employee paid; Review of benefits for employees and dependents; Review or enroll in benefits for open enrollment period; Initiate a life event; and Review HR Policy Manual and Employee Handbook. The system should provide employees the ability to initiate requests and view the status of these HR.480 requests (e.g., leave requests). HR.481 The system has the ability to date and time stamp all requests for changes in schedules. Manager Self-Service The system has the ability to provide an online, web-based interface for manager self-service HR.482 that includes functionality consistent with the employee self-service interface. The system has the ability to allow managers to search for employees by name or employee HR.483 number using a web browser. The system has the ability to allow managers to view and/or modify the following information using a web browser: Performance reviews (view only); HR.484 Begin requisition process to create job openings with appropriate security; HR.485 Review and approve vacation time request with appropriate security; HR.486 Review and approve leave request with appropriate security; HR.487 Begin termination workflow process; HR.488 Assign online forms/checklists, etc.; and HR.489 Other user-defined. HR.490 Query and Reporting HR.468 HR.469 HR.470 HR.471 HR.472 HR.473 HR.474 HR.475 HR.476 HR.477 HR.478 HR.479 Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 66 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Human Resources Req # Description of Requirement Criticality The system has the ability to provide online view and reporting of employee's total compensation HR.491 package including but not limited to benefits, employee and employer contributions, base pay, add pay, accruals, FLSA status, and overtime. Critical The system has the ability to perform ad-hoc reporting on any field or feature for a user defined HR.492 point in time (i.e. salary as of a user defined date, health election as of a user defined prior date or year). Critical HR.493 The system has the ability to report on and project training costs. The system has the ability to record and report on employee skills and competencies, including HR.494 history. The system has the ability to provide online performance review reports, including percent HR.495 completions and past due reviews. HR.496 The system has the ability to report on employee performance review history. The system has the ability to provide FMLA reporting capabilities based on a rolling 12 weeks in HR.497 a rolling 12 month calendar. HR.498 The system has the ability to run reports based on position vacancies, time to hire, etc. The system has the ability to generate all benefits reporting necessary and required to meet HR.499 external mandates (for example State, Federal, etc.). HR.500 The system has the ability to perform ad-hoc reporting on any field or feature. The system has the ability to report current and historical employee information by user defined HR.501 criteria. HR.502 The system has the ability to report benefit trends and costs. The system has the ability to produce billing notice for retired employees and employees on HR.503 leave of absence. The system has the ability to generate a report of employees within a user-defined age group. HR.504 The system has the ability to provide all employees and retirees with annual benefit statements HR.505 (benefits statements shall provide designated beneficiary information and benefits that are available to beneficiaries). HR.506 HR.507 HR.508 HR.509 HR.510 HR.511 HR.512 HR.513 HR.514 HR.515 HR.516 The system has the ability to generate an employee turnover reports based on user-defined selection criteria. The system has the ability to generate a new hire report. The system has the ability to generate a termination report. The system has the ability to generate an EEO-4 report. The system has the ability to generate a tenure report. The system has the ability to generate headcount reports. The system has the ability to generate a variety of point-in-time reports (e.g., headcount as of a user-identified date). The system has the ability to generate a monthly performance review date report. The system has the ability to generate an annual benefit coverage report. The system has the ability to generate a demographics report (e.g., age, gender, ethniRRJA, etc.). The system has the ability to generate pay scale reports. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 67 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Response Indicators: When providing responses to the requirements in Attachment B, proposers shall use the following response indicators: S: Feature/Function is included in the current software release. T: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and F: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release. is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this C: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and is not planned to be a feature could be provided with integration with a third-party system. part of a future software release. However, this feature could be provided with custom modifications. N: Feature/Function cannot be provided. Payroll Req # PR.1 Description of Requirement Criticality General Requirements The system has the ability to provide a Payroll module that is integrated with all other system modules including (but not limited to) General Ledger, Budget, Project Accounting, Grant Management, and Human Resources. The system has the ability to maintain an unlimited amount of prior years’ payment related details and totals. PR.3 The system has the ability to track and report employees on “light duty.” The system has the ability to track and monitor part-time employees to maintain compliance with PR.4 Affordable Care Act regulations. The system has the ability to allow continuous updating of employee personnel and job records PR.5 in such a manner as not to interfere with payroll processing. The system has the ability to provide for complete security and restrictions to access all payroll PR.6 related data. Time Entry and Approval The system shall provide the ability to enter time in the following ways: Web-based, employee-self service; PR.7 Manual entry at a workstation; PR.8 Batch entry at a work station; and PR.9 Other user-defined. PR.10 The system has the ability to support the concurrent use of different types of devices for data PR.11 collection. The system has the ability to provide edits to ensure that timesheet entry is completed and PR.12 required approvals have been received before submitting to automated payroll processing. The system has the ability to display employee accrual balances on time entry screen to PR.13 consolidate and simplify time entry. PR.14 The system has the ability to record employee’s approval of a timesheet. The system has the ability to designate a back up for employees that are unable to enter or PR.15 approve their time (e.g. due to sick leave). The system has the ability to secure the timesheet data from any updates or changes after a PR.16 designated sign-off. The system has the ability for an employee to record time for multiple positions, whether for PR.17 concurrently held positions, or as a result of a mid-period transfer. The system has the ability to restrict time reporting codes entered by employees to those PR.18 selected for the employee’s group. PR.19 The system has the ability to require online approval of time by managers and supervisors. The system has the ability to process and approve time sheets and time reports in a PR.20 decentralized and electronic format. The system has the ability to route (through workflow) timecards to multiple PR.21 managers/supervisors for review, edit, and approval (i.e., in instances where employee has worked for multiple managers). PR.2 PR.22 PR.23 The system has the ability to notify employees and/or a supervisor of rejected timecard (via workflow). The system has the ability to allow employees to submit leave requests. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 68 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Payroll Req # Description of Requirement Criticality The system has the ability to validate leave requested or leave time entered by employees or PR.24 designated time reporter. The system has the ability to designate a back-up for timecard and leave requests approval PR.25 (e.g., when a typical approving manager/supervisor is not available). The system has the ability to allow managers/supervisors to edit employee timecards with PR.26 appropriate authorization and workflow. The system has the ability to allow managers to perform mass edits on employee timecards with PR.27 appropriate authorization and workflow. PR.28 The system has the ability to notify employees of any edits to their reported time. The system has the ability to process mass absences at the RRJA, Department, Division or userPR.29 defined level. The system has the ability to store time and attendance history data, including (but not limited to): PR.30 PR.31 PR.32 PR.33 PR.34 PR.35 PR.36 PR.37 PR.38 PR.39 Employee name; Employee ID number; Dates; Time/leave, including time and type (e.g. overtime, vacation, etc.); and Manager/Supervisor approval history. The system has the ability to store time and attendance history for indefinite amount of time, to be specified by the organization. The system has the ability to accommodate Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) laws based on the RRJA's current pay codes. The system has the ability to adhere to all current Local, State, and Federal laws. The system has the ability to adhere to all future State and Federal laws. The system has the ability to coordinate usage of RRJA specific absence types with regulated leave types when appropriate. (i.e. when sick time is taken that is also an FMLA event, eligibility for both is reduced either simultaneously or consecutively, as per RRJA policies.) The system has the ability to validate labor distribution field values through an integrated link to the source module/application. The system has the ability to support multiple time sheet layouts that including but not limited to the following: PR.40 PR.41 PR.42 PR.43 PR.44 PR.45 PR.46 Salaried view where only exception time (e.g. time off) is entered; Hourly view where all hours worked are reported, but where hours worked are reported in time in/out format; Hourly format where hours worked are reported in elapsed hours; and Salaried view where the predicted number of hours worked are pre-populated and displayed on the screen for the user to override. The system has the ability to notify employees or managers/supervisors when they have not submitted or approved time sheets. The system must be able to send additional e-mail alerts escalating the issue to higher level individuals or designated backup individuals. The system has the ability to generate an email alert that includes a custom subject line or body of the message, with links to the appropriate screen in the application or URLs to other systems where the user may have to take action. Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Leave Time Accrual and Use The system has the ability to capture and track leave for multiple leave types, including but not limited to: PR.47 PR.48 Vacation (used and unused); Sick leave with pay; Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Critical Critical Page 69 of 88 Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Payroll Req # Description of Requirement Criticality PR.49 PR.50 PR.51 PR.52 PR.53 PR.54 PR.55 PR.56 PR.57 PR.58 PR.59 PR.60 PR.61 PR.62 PR.63 PR.64 Sick leave without pay; Workers' Compensation; Holiday, not worked; Holiday, worked; Holiday, not scheduled; Compensatory (for both exempt and non-exempt); FMLA Leave; Military leave with pay; Military leave without pay (typically, active duty); Funeral/bereavement leave; Administrative leave; Sick bank leave; Civic duty leave (jury duty, witness duty); Short term disability (paid medical leave); Long term disability; and Other user-defined. The system has the ability to track and maintain shared leave detail including (but not limited to) donating employee, receiving employee, leave balances. The system has the ability to accommodate cumulative (rollover) and non-cumulative (use-it-orlose-it) leave accruals. The system has the ability to set a maximum for cumulative (rollover) leave accruals. The system has the ability to maintain leave accrual schedules, containing leave type and accrual rates. The system has the ability to temporarily suspend leave accrual (e.g., during unpaid leave). Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical PR.65 PR.66 PR.67 PR.68 PR.69 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical PR.70 The system has the ability to require accrual balances to automatically transfer between “current year” and “prior year” banks at designated transfer points, with the option for a maximum balance. Critical PR.71 The system has the ability to require accruals are able to be accrued on any frequency, including, but not limited to, daily, each holiday, weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually. Critical PR.72 PR.73 PR.74 PR.75 PR.76 PR.77 PR.78 The system has the ability to require that accrual balances for the future must be automatically computed for any future dates in real-time, enabling projected balances for a future date to be viewed. The system has the ability to allow a system generated flag to be configured for the expiration of a certain leave type. The system has the ability to provide separate user-defined accrual processes by leave type (such as vacation, comp, sick, and personal time). The system has the ability to define and enforce user-defined rules for holiday accrual for employee groups and types as defined by system administrator. The system has the ability to set and maintain leave and vacation accrual schedules by job class (or other user-defined classification). The system has the ability to deduct military, vacation, and/or personal leave time if not used by year end, with option to override with appropriate security. The system has the ability to define and enforce user-defined rules for leave usage in accordance with RRJA policy. Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Leave Requests PR.79 The system has the ability to provide a web-interface for leave request submittal by employees. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 70 of 88 Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Payroll Req # Description of Requirement Criticality The system has the ability to perform workflow functions for electronic approval to approve leave requests including but not limited to: PR.80 PR.81 PR.82 PR.83 PR.84 PR.85 PR.86 PR.87 PR.88 PR.89 PR.90 PR.91 PR.92 PR.93 PR.94 PR.95 PR.96 PR.97 PR.98 PR.99 Request submittal; Manager(s)/Supervisor(s) review/decisioning; Request status monitoring; Notification of request approval/decline; and Other user-defined. The system has the ability to allow letters, forms and other supporting documents to be uploaded into a workflow. The system has the ability to show the employee and supervisor whether the time off requested will actually be available at the future date, when considering all other approved time off and any other accrued time off in the meantime that is scheduled to occur. The system has the ability to notify user of attempt to submit leave request where accrued time is less than requested time. The system has the ability to restrict sick and vacation leave to be used only after it is earned. The system has the ability to send an alert/notification to employee and supervisor when accrual maximum/minimum for leave time(s) is approaching. The system has the ability to allow real-time access to accumulated sick and vacation time, based on access level of the user. The system has the ability to view leave request in a calendar view format. The system has the ability to interface with MS Exchange calendar. Attendance Tracking The system has the ability to compare absence time with scheduled work time to detect absence conditions. The system has the ability to track FMLA used and FMLA available (based on hire date, length of service, and hours of FMLA previously taken). The system has the ability to flag various attendance conditions, including in early, in late, out early, out late, and unexcused absences. The system has the ability to track FMLA for intermittent as well as non-intermittent FMLA cases. The system has the ability to track all FMLA and/or state leave absences that are open at once. The system has the ability to support the reclassification of prior period time off to FMLA , with a full audit trail and automatic update of all balances and applicable pay calculations. Position Control The system has the ability to have a position control file to ensure that new employees are linked to authorized pay and position and to ensure that employment does not exceed authorized levels and adopted budget funding. PR.100 The system has the ability to provide full position-based functionality. The system has the ability to establish and track information for each position including historical PR.101 data. PR.102 The system has the ability to maintain a minimum of 1,000 positions. The system has the ability to make mass changes on employee data based on reorganizations PR.103 (reassign departments or divisions.). The system has the ability to designate a specific salary structure (based on pay schedule PR.104 tables) for each position class including grade, step, and min/max range. The system has the ability to enter position start and end dates for each unique position ID, PR.105 retain historical data and reason for position begin/end. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 71 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Payroll Req # PR.106 Description of Requirement Criticality The system has the ability to define multiple working titles to a position with effective dating. The system has the ability to add new job codes, define and change job code titles with effective PR.107 dating. The system has the ability to define and track job codes that include, but are not limited to the following attributes by effective date: Status (Active/Inactive, etc.); PR.108 Job Title; PR.109 Standard Hours; PR.110 Standard Work Period (Weekly, Daily, Biweekly, etc.); PR.111 Manager Level (User Defined List); PR.112 Workers' Compensation Code; PR.113 Compensation Frequency (Hourly, Annual, Monthly, etc.); PR.114 Regular/Temporary/Part-Time Non-Benefits/Part-Time Benefits; PR.115 EEO Reporting Categories (EEO-4 Job Categories, EEP Job Group); PR.116 FLSA Status (Non-exempt, Management (Non-exempt), Professional (Non-exempt), PR.117 Exempt, etc.); Default Salary Plan, Grade and Step; PR.118 Exempt Code (Exempt comp, exempt non-comp, exempt, etc.); PR.119 Certification, Licensure, Training Requirements; and PR.120 Other user-defined. ACA Compliance PR.121 The system has the ability to associate funding with a position and not the employee holding the PR.122 position. PR.123 The system has the ability to designate positions as classified or unclassified. PR.124 The system has the ability to reclassify positions by exemption code. PR.125 The system has the ability to reclassify positions by title and grade. The system has the ability to maintain a chronological history of authorized positions and PR.126 incumbents by position. The system has the ability to provide for history (including audit trail) of all changes to positions. PR.127 PR.128 The system has the ability to track position history for each employee. The system has the ability to track the following position information: Pay grade and step (Police/Fire); PR.129 Pay schedule; PR.130 Position Number; PR.131 Position Type (classified, unclassified, reduced hours); PR.132 Job Classification Code; PR.133 Budgeted FTE; PR.134 Job Classification Title; PR.135 Date Filled; PR.136 Date Vacated; PR.137 Comments; PR.138 Subject to shift work; PR.139 Date established or approved; PR.140 Budgeted Cost; PR.141 Budgeted Salary Cost; PR.142 Budgeted Benefit Cost; PR.143 Budgeted Additional Pay; PR.144 Budgeted Hours; PR.145 Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Page 72 of 88 Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Payroll Req # PR.146 PR.147 PR.148 PR.149 PR.150 PR.151 PR.152 PR.153 PR.154 PR.155 PR.156 PR.157 PR.158 PR.159 PR.160 PR.161 PR.162 PR.163 PR.164 Description of Requirement Criticality Work Schedule; Retirement Class; Group Class for Benefits; Actual Cost; Actual Hours; Actual Salary Cost; Actual Benefit Cost; Actual Additional Pay; FLSA Status; EEO Function: EEO Category: Work Location (e.g., building, mail stop, cube and other locations); Supervisor(s); Funding Source Codes (minimum 6); End Date; Status (e.g., active, inactive, pending); Sworn/non-sworn; and Other User Defined (e.g. company property or unique company privileges. The system has the ability to track positions as contingent positions based on grant funding. The system has the ability to track grant start and end dates and tie the information into the PR.165 position funded status. The system has the ability to identify position status: Budgeted; PR.166 Allocated; PR.167 Unfunded; PR.168 Overhire; PR.169 Underhire; PR.170 Vacant; PR.171 Held; PR.172 Frozen; and PR.173 Other user-defined. PR.174 The system has the ability to approve actions related to a position through rule based security PR.175 and workflow. The system has the ability to track positions by FTE and by dollar level (i.e. budget by FTE or PR.176 budget by a maximum dollar level). PR.177 The system has the ability to track less than full FTE position control. The system has the ability to track temporary and seasonal positions (positions without benefits). PR.178 PR.179 PR.180 PR.181 PR.182 PR.183 PR.184 The system has the ability to assign multiple employees to a single position with warnings message. The system has the ability to assign employee to multiple positions including one primary and one or more secondary jobs. The system has the ability to allow employees to be assigned to and paid from multiple positions in different funds, organizational units, classes, statuses, etc. The system has the ability to drill-down from a filled position to the employee detail. The system has the ability to identify background check requirements at the position level. The system has the ability to identify drug test and other test requirements at the position level. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 73 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Payroll Req # Description of Requirement Criticality Position Budgeting PR.185 The system has the ability to provide tools to budget for workforce by position. The system has the ability to provide tools to budget for workforce by position related, but not limited, to the following: Budgeted beginning/end dates; PR.186 Budgeted/un-budgeted status; PR.187 Date created; PR.188 Employee group (user-defined); PR.189 Expiration date; PR.190 Fund source; PR.191 Funding status; PR.192 Job classification; PR.193 Location; PR.194 Number of employees in same position; PR.195 Number of hours per position; PR.196 Organizational codes; and PR.197 Pay grade assignment; PR.198 Other user-defined criteria. PR.199 The system has the ability to project position budgets for a minimum of five years or other user PR.200 defined parameters. The system has the ability to forecast payroll costs over various "what if" scenarios by applying PR.201 individual percentage increases to multiple earnings and benefits categories as defined by the user. The system has the ability to forecast payroll costs over various "what if" scenarios by applying PR.202 individual dollar increases to multiple earnings and benefits categories as defined by the user. The system has the ability to show the total number of FTE’s approved by the RRJA within userdefined periods across: Department; PR.203 Division; PR.204 Program; PR.205 Project; PR.206 Grant; PR.207 Fund; PR.208 Location; PR.209 Any combination of above; and PR.210 Other user-defined. PR.211 The system has the ability to include future pay and benefit increases/decreases (i.e., position PR.212 step increases, contract provisions, etc.) in budget projections based on effective dates. PR.213 The system has the ability to budget premium earnings and other pays (i.e., overtime, shift differential, longevity, hazardous duty, etc.) for each position control number. They system has the ability to budget for vacant positions, including premium earnings, benefits, PR.214 and other pay. The system has the ability to track actual vs. budget cost differences by position and/or job PR.215 classification by user defined periods (e.g. fiscal year and calendar year). Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Pay Calendars and Groups PR.216 The system has the ability to maintain a payroll calendar. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Critical Page 74 of 88 Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Payroll Req # Description of Requirement Criticality The system has the ability to accommodate pay period end date in one calendar year and pay PR.217 check date in another calendar year. The system has the ability to process payroll on optional user-selected frequencies, for example: Weekly; Bi-weekly; On-demand (i.e., terminations, vacation advance, court order, ratification); and Other, user-defined. The system has the ability to produce a salaried payroll. The system has the ability to produce a supplemental payroll. The system has the ability to accommodate multiple payroll schedules. The system has the ability to process multiple pay groups per cycle period. The system has the ability to accommodate various pay statuses (e.g., biweekly, hourly, fee, PR.226 salaried, uncompensated, etc.). PR.218 PR.219 PR.220 PR.221 PR.222 PR.223 PR.224 PR.225 PR.227 PR.228 PR.229 PR.230 PR.231 PR.232 PR.233 PR.234 PR.235 PR.236 PR.237 PR.238 PR.239 PR.240 PR.241 PR.242 PR.243 PR.244 PR.245 Salary and Compensation The system has the ability to automate compensation and benefits information updates with automated workflow approvals. The system has the ability to change the compensation table and have the change impact employee records. The system has the ability to provide a mass pay increase function based on user defined criteria (e.g., by union or department, by temp or regular employee, etc.). The system has the ability to provide a mass pay increase function by percentage amount or dollars. The system has the ability to process multiple additional pay types in one pay period. The system has the ability to make mass additional payments. The system has the ability to input and track all additional payments (e.g., fringe benefits). The system has the ability to identify, calculate, and pay lump sum payments by job class, employee base rate, hours of service, benefit eligible, and other user defined. The system has the ability to support equalized pay periods for employees that do not work the same amount of hours week to week (e.g., some employees work 120, 96, 96 and should get paid the same amount each period). The system has the ability to track advance FLSA payments for employee groups that have this condition and would have to repay the FLSA upon termination. The system has the ability to create checks which are not regular payroll but which will be added to the regular payroll run (i.e. longevity, retro). The system has the ability to support multiple date ranges for retroactive pay. Garnishments The system has the ability to withhold garnishments from employee paychecks. The system has the ability to withhold IRS tax levies from employee checks. The system has the ability to define custom disposable earnings definitions for garnishment purposes. The system has the ability to define custom garnishment rules including exemptions variables and frequency. The system has the ability to provide pay period calculation of garnishment and support amounts each period based on employee disposable earnings and garnishment rules (priority, proration %, etc.). The system has the ability to flag garnishments nearing end of collection based on user defined end date or dollar threshold. The system has the ability to input, deduct and track unlimited garnishments per employee. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 75 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Payroll Req # Description of Requirement Criticality The system has the ability to track, calculate and deduct employee garnishments, including but not limited to, the following: Bankruptcies; PR.246 Fixed amounts; PR.247 IRS levies; and PR.248 Multiple child support orders. PR.249 The system has the ability to integration with the Accounts Payable module to issue garnishment PR.250 checks and reconcile between the Payroll and financial modules. PR.251 The system has the ability to provide a history of employee garnishments. The system has the ability to enforce a minimum payment amount after all garnishments have PR.252 been taken. The system has the ability to establish caps for garnishments and voluntary deductions so that a PR.253 certain total amount is not exceeded. The system has the ability to process multiple garnishments per employee and assign user PR.254 defined priorities. The system has the ability to accommodate unlimited garnishments and automatically calculate PR.255 so that maximum percentage of total pay is not exceeded. The system has the ability to configure the prioritization of garnishments and support orders PR.256 based on legal requirements. Pay Codes PR.257 The system has the ability to include retirement eligible earnings flagged by pay type. The system has the ability to separately identify retirement eligible earnings from non-retirement PR.258 eligible earnings by pay type. The system has the ability to establish various pay codes and special pay codes including but not limited to: PR.259 PR.260 PR.261 PR.262 PR.263 PR.264 PR.265 PR.266 PR.267 PR.268 PR.269 PR.270 PR.271 PR.272 PR.273 PR.274 PR.275 PR.276 PR.277 PR.278 PR.279 PR.280 PR.281 Administrative leave; Bereavement; Longevity Awards; On call; Comp-time, holiday and other leave earned; Direct deposit reversal for a portion of the paid amount (i.e., when an employee has multiple direct deposits the system should allow only one of the group to be reversed); Shift Differential; Discretionary leave; Expense reimbursement including travel expenses; Holiday & Floating Holiday; Incentive Pay; Leave Adjustments; Longevity Pay; Mileage reimbursement; Military Leave (multiple types) Multiple Comp time accruals and payouts; Other Allowances (e.g. Tool Allowance); Other Differentials (e.g. Driver); Other Expenses (e.g. Conferences and Parking); Overtime (straight and time & half); Regular; Severance/termination pay/payouts of leave; Shift differentials (e.g., second shift, third shift, etc.); Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 76 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Payroll Req # Description of Requirement Criticality Training; Tuition reimbursement; Uniform and clothing allowance; Wellness; Leave Donation Program; and Car allowance Other user defined. The system has the ability to pay non-payroll items (e.g., boot allowance) on payroll checks via PR.289 earnings codes. The system has the ability to define earnings pay frequencies, including weekly, bi-weekly, semiPR.290 monthly and monthly. The system has the ability to establish employee eligibility controls for pay codes and special pay codes including but not limited to: Position; PR.291 Department; PR.292 Fund; PR.293 Exempt; PR.294 Non-exempt; PR.295 Management group; PR.296 Job class; PR.297 By employee (including multiple jobs); and PR.298 Other user defined rules and controls. PR.299 The system has the ability to define earnings that are contributable to retirement or other PR.300 accumulators. The system has the ability to limit chargeability to FMLA, if an employee has not worked enough PR.301 hours for eligibility. The system has the ability to accommodate logic for pay code setup to ensure pay codes are PR.302 appropriate for the employee group and that each pay group has an associated GL account. PR.282 PR.283 PR.284 PR.285 PR.286 PR.287 PR.288 The system has the ability to ensure pay code expense and liability accounts are in the same fund with a warning to the user if this condition is not met. The system has the ability to accumulate, store, and maintain creditable service by employee in PR.304 order to calculate the amount of an annual longevity/stability payment. PR.303 Deductions The system has the ability to support an unlimited number of general deduction codes for items such as insurance, retirement, child support, etc. The system has the ability to support predefined deductions for a designated group of PR.306 employees. The system has the ability to identify employees who have changed department, division, PR.307 position, etc. and adjust deduction rules and payment rules based upon the new role or RRJA rules. PR.305 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical PR.308 The system has the ability to define deduction limits and maximum amounts. PR.309 The system has the ability to specify the deduction end date or end amount. The system has the ability to specify the number of pay periods for a deduction to be taken. PR.310 Critical Critical PR.311 The system has the ability to accommodate both pre- and post-tax deductions. The system has the ability to provide automatic tracking and collection of general deduction arrears amounts distributed over specified period of time. Critical PR.312 Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 77 of 88 Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Payroll Req # PR.313 PR.314 PR.315 PR.316 PR.317 Description of Requirement Criticality The system has the ability to calculate and store tax withholdings and retirement earnings for non-cash benefits (i.e., excess life insurance, etc.). The system has the ability to calculate and deduct retirement contributions for multiple retirement plans. The system has the ability to manage a cap of cumulative tax deferral plan deductions. The system has the ability to provide and assign an unlimited number of deduction codes to each employee. The system has the ability to stop and start a deduction on an employee-by-employee basis. Year-to-date totals should be maintained. Tax Administration The system has the ability to allow for an extra withholding tax deduction in any amount at the option of the employee. The system has the ability to provide options to prevent Federal Tax, FICA Tax, and/or Medicare PR.319 Tax from being withheld on an employee-by-employee basis. The system has the ability to allow the option to manually adjust taxable earnings for W-2 PR.320 processing based on system permissions. The system has the ability to withhold tax for a particular pay check using one-time override, flat PR.321 rate, federal tax tables or any combination of these. The system has the ability to calculate and store employee and employer contributions to PR.322 Medicare, Social Security, and retirement. The system has the ability to maintain separate taxable wages for the following: Federal Income; PR.323 State Income; PR.324 FICA; PR.325 Social Security; PR.326 Earned Income Tax Credit; and PR.327 Medicare. PR.328 The vendor will ensure software is always updated to be compliant with all Federal taxing PR.329 requirements. The vendor will ensure software is always updated to be compliant with all State taxing PR.330 requirements. The system has the ability to support separate tax tables for special pay calculations (e.g., flat PR.331 tax). The system has the ability to adjust calendar YTD FICA Taxes withheld based on Calendar YTD PR.332 Wages paid in regard to current FICA rate less FICA Tax previously withheld if applicable based on system permissions. PR.318 Payment Edit and Processing The system has the ability to edit and verify the labor distribution prior to the actual payroll check production with appropriate authorization. The system has the ability to validate payroll run against: Deductions; PR.334 Tax information; PR.335 Accruals; PR.336 Earnings code; PR.337 Input for new employees; PR.338 Changes for current employees; PR.339 Balance of total rate, hours, over-time hours, exception hours; PR.340 Department; PR.341 Division; and PR.342 PR.333 Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 78 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Payroll Req # Description of Requirement Criticality Other user defined data. PR.343 The system has the ability to process multiple payroll runs by type, including but not limited to: Regular Run; Supplemental Run; Other user defined; The system has the ability to process multiple payroll runs for verification prior to posting, for PR.347 each payroll run type. The system has the ability to process fiscal year end when date falls mid payroll period, with PR.348 accrual to prior year/new year. The system has the ability to process payroll accruals based on a user defined effective date. PR.349 PR.344 PR.345 PR.346 The system has the ability to run pay, deduction, withheld taxes, and net pay calculations as a "proof" run for review prior to final pay run. The system has the ability to validate beginning balances against ending balances from last run, PR.351 prior to payroll processing. The system has the ability to produce accounting transactions as a result of all payroll activity. PR.352 PR.350 The system has the ability to provide audit trail report of all data entries, changes and deletions by user, date, time and workstation. The system has the ability to generate the following pre-payroll proof reports: Hours Proof Report; PR.354 Accrual Exception Report; PR.355 Accrual Audit Report; PR.356 Calculations Error Listing; and PR.357 Preliminary Payroll Register. PR.358 The system has the ability to generate the following post-payroll proof reports: Add Pay Register; PR.359 Tax Register; PR.360 Deduction Register; and PR.361 Grand Totals Report. PR.362 Benefit PR.363 Adjustment before tax PR.364 Payment Calculations The system has the ability to calculate salary employee effective date step increases, as a result PR.365 of actions changes (e.g., promotions, demotions, acting appointments, and other actions). PR.353 PR.366 The system has the ability for one employee to be paid by more than one position. The system has the ability to calculate pay for multiple positions for one employee that transfers PR.367 during a pay period. The system has the ability to calculate benefit deductions for an employee in more than one PR.368 position. The system has the ability to calculate leave accruals on employees in more than one position. PR.369 The system has the ability to automatically calculate gross pay from multiple user defined components such as base pay, longevity, educational incentive pay, shift differential, etc. The system has the ability to re-calculate payroll for changed hours, rates, earnings codes, onePR.371 time overrides, etc. PR.370 Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 79 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Payroll Req # Description of Requirement Criticality The system has the ability to calculate/verify overtime and shift differential consistent with FLSA rules, including but not limited to: Overtime calculations for employees in more than one position; PR.372 Overtime across multiple cost centers; and PR.373 Overtime calculations for other user defined rules. PR.374 The system has the ability to calculate overtime on hours worked when employee has worked PR.375 hours in multiple job classes and/or departments. The system has the ability to provide for multiple methods of calculating overtime pay, such as PR.376 time-and-a-half, double-time, and premium pay. These calculations are user defined and maintained. The system has the ability to process partial deductions (if an employee's pay is insufficient) and track arrears. PR.378 The system has the ability to calculate deductions based on net pay. PR.379 The system has the ability to calculate and track RRJA paid benefits. The system has the ability to update all employee and employer accumulations automatically. PR.380 PR.377 PR.381 The system has the ability for leave to accrue automatically based on defined business rules. Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical The system has the ability to calculate holiday benefit for part time employees by different PR.382 Critical methods depending on bargain unit. The system has the ability to run initial payroll for review prior to the final pay run including but not limited to the following: Adjustments; Critical PR.383 Recalculation; PR.384 Critical Exceptions; PR.385 Critical Hours by type; PR.386 Critical Earnings by type; PR.387 Critical Employee tax liabilities; Critical PR.388 Employee deduction amount; Critical PR.389 Employer contribution amount; PR.390 Critical Deductions not taken and set-up in arrears; PR.391 Desired Employer portion of all taxes; PR.392 Critical Any user specified chart of account field or combination of fields; and PR.393 Critical Totals by employee, project, division, department, total RRJA. PR.394 Critical Pay Distribution and Direct Deposit PR.395 The system has the ability to check for minimum check amounts to avoid zero payments. Critical PR.396 The system has the ability to print checks from system without use of additional software. Critical The system has the ability to print a check on a blank sheet so that print includes watermarks, PR.397 Critical security features, and signatures. The system has the ability to provide check reprint features (with indication that check is a reprint PR.398 Critical and/or as a reissue). The system has the ability to reissue a new check number while maintaining details of the old PR.399 Critical check number. The system has the ability to print employee payment checks including bank MICR line and PR.400 Critical address bar codes. The system has the ability to support on-demand check writing at local printers to accommodate PR.401 Critical manual check writing. The system has the ability to run test prints with an indication that they are test prints (i.e., PR.402 Critical printing "void" on all printed test checks). Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 80 of 88 Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Payroll Req # Description of Requirement Criticality The system has the ability to sort checks by user-defined criteria and print the checks by the PR.403 same criteria, and then Print by varied criteria. The system has the ability to provide a Pay Check Stub, including but not limited to the following information: User selected pay code; PR.404 Calculation of current pay; PR.405 Deferred compensation; PR.406 Direct deposit (multiple accounts); PR.407 Group insurance; PR.408 Medicare; PR.409 Hourly rate; PR.410 Imputed income; PR.411 Net pay; PR.412 Other benefits; PR.413 Other deductions and amounts; PR.414 Other leave hours balances (multiple categories); PR.415 Sick leave balance; PR.416 Taxable/non-taxable earnings; PR.417 Total deductions; PR.418 Annual leave balance; PR.419 Comp balance; PR.420 Workers’ comp (injury leave); PR.421 YTD Pay; and PR.422 Other user defined. PR.423 PR.424 The system has the ability to print unlimited pay codes on the paper check stub or advice. The system has the ability to print leave accrual rate, leave taken in hours or days and leave PR.425 remaining on paychecks and advices for all leave categories. The system has the ability to reverse all or a portion of a direct deposit entry in the event of an PR.426 error, within the federally allowed time period. PR.427 The system has the ability to generate and track stop payments and reversal requests. PR.428 The system has the ability to provide the capability for automated check reconciliation. The system has the ability to print user-defined information on employee's pay stub, including PR.429 free form text messages with defined capaRRJA. PR.430 The system has the ability to define multiple direct deposit accounts for each employee. PR.431 The system has the ability to calculate a "net pay" deduction for direct deposit. PR.432 The system has the ability to set a defined amount for direct deposit. The system has the ability to turn off direct deposit for certain employee payroll checks where PR.433 the employee usually has direct deposit. The system has the ability to create multiple direct deposit files (e.g., ACH and prepaid debit PR.434 card). Tax Filing, Querying & Reporting PR.435 The system has the ability to comply with Federal payroll tax reporting requirements. PR.436 The system has the ability to produce W-2 forms in electronic and paper form. The system has the ability to print W-2s via Web Portal by a user with proper security access. PR.437 PR.438 The system has the ability to provide history of tax status and W-4 information. The system has the ability to provide what-if reporting to calculate take home pay based on PR.439 changes to deduction and W-4 information. Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 81 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Payroll Req # Description of Requirement Criticality PR.440 The system has the ability to track reportable earnings and deductions for W-2s. The system has the ability to manually adjust taxable earnings for W-2 processing based on PR.441 system permissions. The system has the ability to provide the W-2 file print sorted by department and employee PR.442 number. PR.443 The system has the ability to generate Audit Reports of W-2 Data. PR.444 The system has the ability to generate Audit Report of W-2 Transmission File. PR.445 The system has the ability to generate W-2c File for Transmission to IRS. PR.446 The system has the ability to print W-2 on blank paper. PR.447 The system has the ability to provide reprint of W-2 by individual employee. PR.448 The system has the ability to produce amended W-2 for multiple years. PR.449 The system has the ability to store W-2 information for a minimum of (5) five years. PR.450 The system has the ability to generate Federal Tax Summary Report by Pay Period. PR.451 The system has the ability to track taxable earnings annually. PR.452 The system has the ability to track taxable earnings quarterly. PR.453 The system has the ability to generate Quarterly Federal Tax Summary Reports. PR.454 The system has the ability to generate Quarterly State Tax Summary Reports. PR.455 The system has the ability to generate Quarterly Worker's Compensation Reports. PR.456 The system has the ability to generate Quarterly Unemployment Reports. The system has the ability to produce a report showing FICA wages, by individual and in total. PR.457 The system has the ability to generate a report with a user-defined look back date/time for such PR.458 purposes as average hours per week, benefit eligibility, etc. PR.459 The system has the ability to schedule reports at a user-defined date/time and frequency. The system has the ability to produce earnings and withholding earnings, Medicare, and FICA total reports, including associated taxes, for the following periods: Fiscal Year; PR.460 Calendar Year; PR.461 Policy Year (e.g., Worker's Compensation); and PR.462 User-defined. PR.463 The system has the ability to produce the following standard reports: Annual, Compensatory, Sick Leave Accrual Report for CAFR; PR.464 Annual/Sick Leave Report; PR.465 Arrears report; PR.466 Census Report/File; PR.467 Check Register; PR.468 Current, quarterly, & year-to-date balancing reports; PR.469 Deduction Registers by Deduction Code; PR.470 Department Earnings Report by Calendar Year, Month, Fiscal Year, Quarterly; PR.471 Department Earnings/Benefit Report by Calendar Year, Month, Fiscal Year, Quarterly; PR.472 Disability (Short/Long Term); PR.473 Employee History; PR.474 Employee Pay Stub reprint; PR.475 Federal 941 report; PR.476 FEMA Emergency Time/Benefits Report; PR.477 Leave balance reports; PR.478 Leave Usage Reports; PR.479 Longevity/stability report; PR.480 Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 82 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Desired Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Payroll Req # Description of Requirement Criticality Manual issue check; PR.481 Mid-pay period changes report; PR.482 Net deposit financial institutions; PR.483 Overtime Liability Reports; PR.484 Payroll adjustment register showing all changes to employee payroll record; PR.485 Payroll costs (including RRJA and employee contribution); PR.486 Payroll register; PR.487 Quarterly and annual payroll control register; PR.488 Quarterly withholding summary; PR.489 Retirement report (State retirement benefits); PR.490 Retroactive pay ; PR.491 Salary changes; PR.492 Leave Liability Reports; PR.493 Termination Reports; PR.494 Turnover Reports; PR.495 Vacancy Reports; PR.496 Workers Compensation Report; PR.497 Unemployment; and PR.498 Other user defined; PR.499 PR.500 The system shall provide a user-friendly reporting tool natively in the system. The system has the ability to integrate with third-party report applications (i.e., MS SQL PR.501 Reporting). The system has the ability to generate "canned" reports that users may run with limited options PR.502 of input values. PR.503 The system shall provide an ad-hoc reporting tool. PR.504 The system shall provide role-based security on running and viewing reports. The system shall provide the ability to generate a report of all Payroll system activity (i.e., a PR.505 complete audit trail). PR.506 The system has the ability to generate state child support file(s) and required reporting. The system has the ability to generate employee benefit letters including total annual PR.507 compensation. (including wages paid and all benefits) Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements Page 83 of 88 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Response Comments RRJA ERP System RFP Response Indicators: When providing responses to the requirements in Attachment B, proposers shall use the following response indicators: S: Feature/Function is included in the current software release. F: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release. T: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and is not planned to be a part of a future software C: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and is not planned to release. However, this feature could be provided with integration with a third-party system. be a part of a future software release. However, this feature could be provided with custom modifications. N: Feature/Function cannot be provided. Interfaces Potential Interfaces The RRJA has developed a list of potential interfaces for the future Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System. For the purpose of this procurement, a "system interface" involves the exchange of data, in real-time or batch mode to and/or from the external system and the ERP System. In special cases, where technically feasible, an interface may involve real time interaction with external system software to invoke processing on that external system for real-time viewing in the ERP System. In several instances, interfaces in this list may not be required if the future ERP System can provide needed functionality. Conversely intended replacements of existing third-party systems may be adjusted if functionality in the future ERP System is not adequate. As a result, the RRJA has developed a list of potential interfaces for vendors to respond to so that the RRJA may consider its future applications environment. The types of integration are: SEND: The ERP system will only need to SEND data to the third party application. RECEIVE: The ERP system will only need to RECEIVE date from the third party application. BOTH: The ERP system will need to both SEND and RECEIVE information to/from the third party application. Req # System/ Interface Vendor Version Database Platform Type of Integration Reason for Integration Criticality The system will access and view selected MS Word and Excel files, generating or exporting data to Word or Excel and supporting routine office document functions. Critical INT.1 MS Office Microsoft 2010 Exchange BOTH INT.2 SMTP Microsoft 2010 SMTP SEND INT.3 Labor Management Sys Gatekeeper 8 Wingold Both Attachment C - Functional and Technical Requirements The system send email notifications and meeting information via smtp (gmail/TLS). Time and Attendance Page 84 of 88 Critical Desired Vendor Response Comments Cost to Develop RRJA ERP RFP RRJA-Hosted Cost RRJA-Hosted Cost Worksheet Instructions: Provide a cost response for each cost area, based upon system modules for a RRJA-hosted application. The pricing should be based on the detailed functionality that the RRJA requires for each functional area. When a single price may be provided for a group of modules, please provide that cost with a notation. All additional costs should be captured in the respective areas. Cost Area (Tab No. from Attachment B - Functional and Technical Requirements) #2 General Ledger and Financial Reporting #4 Purchasing, and Contract Management #3 Budgeting #5 Accounts Payable #6 Accounts Receivable #7 Cash Receipts #9 Project Accounting #8 Fixed Assets #10 Human Resources #11 Payroll Total One-Time Costs: Software License Costs Software Customization Costs Interfaces/Integration Costs Data Conversion Costs Professional Service Costs (not including integration and interfaces) Training Costs Server Hardware Costs Expenses (miscellaneous) Total One-Time Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 Recurring Maintenance Costs: Custom Modification Maintenance (if applicable) Additional Maintenance Fees Total Recurring Maintenance Costs Maintenance Schedule: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Year 1 0 Year 2 0 Year 3 0 Year 4 0 Year 5 Rate of Increase over Prior Year (as a percentage) Maintenance Costs (as a dollar amount) Additional Costs: Hourly Rate for Professional Services Hourly Rate for Custom Programming Other Costs (if applicable; please specify the nature of these costs) Attachment C - Cost Worksheet 0 0 0 0 0 Page 85 of 88 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RRJA ERP RFP Contractor-Hosted Cost Vendor-Hosted Cost Worksheet Instructions: Provide a cost response for each cost area, based upon system modules for a vendor-hosted application. The pricing should be based on the detailed functionality that the RRJA requires for each functional area. When a single price may be provided for a group of modules, please provide that cost with a notation. All additional costs should be captured in the respective areas. Cost Area (Tab No. from Attachment B - Functional and Technical Requirements) #2 General Ledger and Financial Reporting #4 Purchasing, and Contract Management #3 Budgeting #5 Accounts Payable #6 Accounts Receivable #7 Cash Receipts #9 Project Accounting #8 Fixed Assets #10 Human Resources #11 Payroll Total One-Time Costs: Software License Costs Software Customization Costs Interfaces/Integration Costs Data Conversion Costs Professional Service Costs (not including integration and interfaces) Training Costs Server Hardware Costs Expenses (miscellaneous) Total One-Time Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 Recurring Maintenance Costs: Custom Modification Maintenance (if applicable) Additional Maintenance Fees Total Recurring Maintenance Costs Maintenance Schedule: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Year 1 0 Year 2 0 Year 3 0 Year 4 0 Year 5 Rate of Increase over Prior Year (as a percentage) Maintenance Costs (as a dollar amount) Additional Costs: Hourly Rate for Professional Services Hourly Rate for Custom Programming Other Costs (if applicable; please specify the nature of these costs) Attachment C - Cost Worksheet 0 0 0 0 0 Page 86 of 88 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RRJA ERP RFP RRJA Project Team Instructions: The vendor is asked to provide the amount of resources that will be required from the RRJA, in terms of number of hours. These amounts should be based on the functionality the RRJA desires, included in the detailed Functional and Technical Requirements. Functional Area General Ledger and Financial Reporting Budgeting Purchasing, Bids, and Contract Management Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Cash Receipts Fixed Assets Project Accounting Grant Management Human Resources Payroll Utility Billing Planning and Zoning Permitting Inspections Code Enforcement Citizen and Contractor Web Access Work Orders Business Licensing Miscellaneous Taxes Real Estate Personal Property Business Personal Property Tax Billing Collections Customer Management Total Hours By Project Phase: Attachment C - Resource Hours Requirements and Design Data Conversion Configuration and Setup Implementation Testing Training 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 87 of 88 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RRJA ERP RFP Contractor Project Team Instructions: The offeror is asked to provide the amount of resources that will be committed to the project in terms of number of hours. These amounts should be based on the functionality the RRJA desires, included in the detailed Functional and Technical Requirements. Functional Area General Ledger and Financial Reporting Budgeting Purchasing and Contract Management Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Cash Receipts Fixed Assets Project Accounting Human Resources Payroll Total Hours By Project Phase: Attachment C - Resource Hours Requirements and Design Data Conversion Configuration and Setup Implementation Testing Training 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 88 of 88 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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